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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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I know /leftypol/ has historically disdained and liberal identity politics in general, but is there an actual materialist explanation of why men who embody (or more likely, want to embody) hypermasculinity and masculine-coded hobbies like weightlifting, MMA, motorcycles, etc. end up on the political right?


The self-esteem trap - being above others feels amazing, so in chasing that feeling, they engage in "self-improvement"/"others-sabotage" and become hierarchy-brained, which is, by default, politically right.


bourgeois individualism teaches you to have main character syndrome and think of yourself as a character who must be statsmaxxed in order to win the boss fight with the big bad. in real life though you lose all your stats as you get old and playership is passed to your offspring


alpha-male-coded things are a honey trap baiting people with improved self esteem, but it really just makes you more insecure since you become paranoid of losing the status


If by "materialist" you mean historical materialist, well, it's passed down from ancient times and given an edgy renewal in the European Renaissance. The aesthetic celebrates heroes and distinction, therefore reproduces the aristocratic order and the old contest system.
(1) A central, culturally approved value of Greek life, embedded in and influencing its system of stratification, is an emphasis on individual fame and honor. The ultimate hope is for a “fame undying.” Heraclitus, for example, insists, “The best men choose one thing rather than all else: everlasting fame.” Wealth, of course, is commonly associated with the attainment of fame and came, especially with the rise of urban mercantilism, to be seen as a distinct and creditable aim rather than as an enjoyable byproduct of fame-bringing deeds. Thus Solon’s elegy beseeches, “Grant me prosperity at the hands of the blessed gods, and good fame ever at the hands of men.” 7 Wealth itself, however, is often felt to contain an inherent taint. If the pursuit of fame brought an ennobling danger, especially the “envy of the gods,” the pursuit of wealth was distinctly fraught with the threat of a cheapening but no less dangerous dishonor. In this vein Solon’s elegy continues: “Wealth, I desire to possess, but would not have it unrighteously; retribution comes afterwards always.” Honor is often counterposed to wealth: In his funeral oration, Pericles makes plain that it is “not riches, as some say, but honor that is the delight of men when they are old and useless.” 8
(2) The fame which is best is that which is earned through one’s own active efforts. It is not simply that derived through the inheritance of a good name or wealth. These are by all means pleasant and to be enjoyed to the fullest, as much as a beautiful and a healthy body; but the fame that makes a man memorable is that won by his own achievements. “It is the most experienced and the most capable,” says Isocrates, “who in any field of action deserve to be honoured.”
Above all, a man is made legendary by his readiness to risk what is precious in continuing strife or competition against others. “Who acts, shall endure,” said Aeschylus.1° A man must continue to strive against the odds; for even when he is fated to failure by the gods his efforts—all the more ennobled because they are foredoomed—may yet bring immortal fame. “You will die when the moirai spin death for you,” says Callinus, “but a man should march straight forward brandishing his spear.” 11 A man must never withdraw from the contest.
(3) It is a commonplace to Greeks that fame won in contest brings envy, and vigorous in so many ways, they are also lusty in their envy. Of all the sentiments that moderns may discern in the Greeks, perhaps the most seemingly alien is their unabashed envy; an envy all the more notable to us because it betrays our expectations of a people of a “noble” character, and because envy in our own culture tends to be repressed. To the Greeks, however, envy is a sentiment natural to men; if they have reservations about it, it is not on moral grounds but simply because envy made a man unhappy. Envy, however, signified that a man is successful. Epicharmus says, “It is obvious that a man who is not envied is of no account.” Envy is the expected portion of the famous and, indeed, so pervasive is envy felt to be that the gods themselves are given to it and might envy a mortal’s earthly successes.
(4) Discrepant though it may seem for so earthy and active a people, Greek lustiness is never far removed from an underlying pessimism; the Greeks, says W. C. Grene, were “constantly visited by melancholy.” ** They seem to feel that the best has already been and that the future will bring only pain. Their proverb says: Count no man fortunate until he is dead. Indeed, one of their greatest and most distinctive cultural innovations, the tragic drama, is characterized by its ending, which is commonly, though not always, an “unhappy” one. While a feeling for the “tragic” is by no means synonymous with pessimism, a sense of the tragic is a way of binding the fears underlying pessimism, of coming to terms with and controlling them; it is a defense against the paralysis of action—the apathy or panic—that can result from pessimism.}%
The Greeks believe that the human lot is vulnerable to sudden and smashing disaster, and that the more successful a man, the more certain his destruction. The very gods are seen as thwarting men’s hopes. Zeus is said in the Iliad to resent men’s belief that the gods cause their misery, and well he might; for in the Odyssey Penelope laments, “It is the gods who give us sorrow. . . .” The Greeks often feel the very universe is inimical to men and, like the King in Aeschylus’ The Suppliant Maidens who sees his sudden entrapment by circumstances, they sometimes groan, “I see and shudder.”
(5) Counterbalancing an activistic, Promethean striving and the zest for contest is their equally insistent taboo against excess.1* Man, the Greeks feel, should control and limit both his hopes and his ambitions, neither expecting nor attempting too much, lest the gods regard him as guilty of hybris—of arrogance or insolence—and exact retribution. This, of course, is implicated in Olympian religion, one of whose central tenets holds that there is an impassable chasm between men and the gods, between mortals and immortals, which men must not seek to surmount. If in their pride they forget this difference, men are doomed. They must think, therefore, only human thoughts; they must remember that they are only human and, as Zeus remarks in the Iliad, of all things living, “there is nothing more piteous than a man.”
(6) Still another pattern that arouses curiosity in examining Greek culture is that which, for want of a better term, I will characterize provisionally as its “rationalism.” Certainly it would be naive to assume that the intellectualism of the philosophers is shared by the peasant in the countryside, or even by the average urbanite. Yet certain aspects of Greek history dispose us to doubt that the growth of philosophical rationalism in the fifth century was completely unheralded or discontinuous with the main drift of Greek culture.
Look, for instance, at the bold pragmatic manner in which constitutions are sometimes established for new colonies, or at the calculating way the older tribal structures are deliberately manipulated with a view to strengthening the unity of the polis. Similarly, there is the masterful manner in which Solon went about mending the rift in the Athenian class system; he clearly knows what he is about. In Hesiod, one finds a commendation of the man who practices foresight and takes good advice. In Homer there is the fascinating figure of the wily Odysseus, the man who is never at a loss. The Greeks seem to have a curious ability to turn their back upon their own past and, within surprisingly broad limits, to do what they think their new situation requires, even if this disposes them to behave in a manner at variance with tradition.
There is a long intellectual tradition in Greece, as E. R. Dodds indicates, in which a man’s character is habitually discussed in terms of what he knows. Achilles’ ferocious bravery, for example, is spoken of as a kind of knowing; he “knows wild things, like a lion.” 1° There is a linguistic tendency to subsume a man’s character under what he knows. Just as terms of commendation reveal a group’s values, so too does the vocabulary of derogation, and “the derogatory epithets employed by Athenian writers often imply intellectual rather than moral failing.” 16 That the deviant Greek is frequently reproached as in some manner ignorant, as knowing no better, or as lacking in insight, indicates the strong value placed upon effective cognition. Also implicit in the basic injunction of the Delphic oracle is the intimate fusion of knowing and of doing right: Man, know thyself. And it is surely related to the Socratic paradox that no one does evil voluntarily. It is also clear from Greek tragedy that a change from ignorance to knowledge, especially knowledge of the identity of the protagonists—the anagnorisis, or recognition 17—is viewed as a major dramatic hinge, consequential for all that follows. “When you know me, rebuke me,” says Oedipus.1®
(7) Finally, I must take note of another pattern long associated with Greek antiquity, male homosexuality or, more strictly speaking, bisexuality. Greek homosexuality is not, as it is in most industrialized societies, a deviant and surreptitious pattern nor is it by any means viewed by the Greeks as unmanly. Although its origins in Greek society are obscure, it seems to be of long standing (deriving in one tradition from the Cretans) and is rather widely accepted, if not equally practiced, throughout Greek society. To an unfortunate extent this pattern has been systematically neglected by many classical scholars, some of whom seem to take the attitude that if the reader is interested “in that sort of thing” he must look elsewhere.!® Yet it is difficult to escape the suspicion that so distinctive and common a pattern of intimate behavior is linked to or expressive of other basic elements in the culture. Common decency may dispose us to a tactful silence on the question; but common scholarly scrupulousness, not to mention perplexity, will not let us off so easily.


>men who embody (or more likely, want to embody) hypermasculinity and masculine-coded hobbies like weightlifting, MMA, motorcycles, etc. end up on the political right?
do you have a single fact to back that up? i do all that except cars instead of bikes and ended up as a leftist


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>why men who embody (or more likely, want to embody) hypermasculinity and masculine-coded hobbies like weightlifting, MMA, motorcycles, etc. end up on the political right?

They don't. Absolute majority of far right are mom's basement dwellers who would like to be big, muscular and hypermasculine, so they just assume that their side attracts those kinds of guys


Oh, and also, self-help artists and pickup gurus and those kinds of scammers have to have a hypermasculine image to attract their victims, so to say


They appear overrepresented on the right because that's the kind of power fantasy that appeals to right wingers, and so you get plenty of grifters eager to sell that persona to the kind of losers that think the only way they can get and keep women's loyalty is by being an "alpha male" dickhead.


They don't. The overwhelming majority of people are apolitical (or would like to think themselves as such). You are being trapped in a simulacra



It's a societal problem, though. You know the inceldom stats, and it's true for both genders. Capitalism has siphoned out fertility rates to feed it's growth. And losers are getting grifted, they are vulnerable people of the same category who get recruited in religious cults all the time


Such hobbies are exclusively petite-bourgeois under capitalism. Gym memberships are only affordable to the bourgeois. MMA is mostly lumpen.


>muh fertility cult is a state of nature


>crisis of masculinity
>men are getting effeminate

That's because instead of pursuing muscular and sturdy Hilda that can wrestle a bear, cut down a tree and plough the fields men now breed with the softest, plushiest, boobiest females instead. Of course boys will be more and more effeminate as a result


You need cash to have these hobbies, people with cash tend to gravitate to reactionary ideas.


>Gym memberships are only affordable to the bourgeois. MMA is mostly lumpen.
Would love to analyse the mind of the mentally ill dunce which believes this.


How expensive is Gym membership on average?


>but is there an actual materialist explanation of why men who embody (or more likely, want to embody) hypermasculinity and masculine-coded hobbies like weightlifting, MMA, motorcycles, etc. end up on the political right?
They don't. Simple as.


Depends. The "professional gyms" like Equinox or LA Fitness tend to start at 75 to 100 dollars a month, and that's before you factor in other fees, and I'm probably underestimating the cost. But if you're talking Planet Fitness that's only got a monthly payment of 10 dollars a month for basic membership, which is really cheap compared to every other mainstream gym


You can get a weight set off craigslist for under $100 and just run, bike, or hike for cardio. Gym memberships are entirely unnecessary.


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lack of gommies getting into those hobbies, and radlibs ragging on masculine traits
a friend of mine is fascinated by me being, in his words, "a PC person who is into guns"
I label myself as a communist these days, not a feminist


No idea. I can tell you in my city per month about 15-30 euros and about 4-5 for a day pass. Dollars are close to equivalent.


>You can get a weight set off craigslist for under $100 and just run, bike, or hike for cardio. Gym memberships are entirely unnecessary.
Sure. You can just cook every day and just eat beans instead of chicken but people don't. It doesn't make it only affordable to the bourgeoisie it is well within the spending range of your average worker or even person on social security in the west, i am very sure.


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> But is there an actual materialist explanation of why men who embody (or more likely, want to incorporate) hypermasculinity and masculine-coded hobbies like weightlifting, MMA, motorcycles, etc. end up on the political right?

Well, its hard to do all that if you have to work for a living. All of these things require luxury amounts of time and money, things your average worker does not really have in abundance. So the hyper-masculine folks tend MUST at the very least be position of economic privilege to do these things without putting an active strain on their economic situation. These people are what we typically think as the bourgeoisie, who already have a tendency to be traditionalists and would already want to adhere to those ideals of traditional hyper-masculinity. its kinda like a peacock in a way.


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>This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak proletarianism looks like


I suspect this might be related to porky promoting kautskyite-cuck positions on the left resulting in aggressive personalities being pushed away.


They don't. Or at least, they don't end up on that right. The people who actually have time and money for these hobbies are more likely to be bourgeois/labor aristocrats, and so they are more likely to be right-wing than the average person. Especially the people who end up famous because of it.


i dont care about this issue, but why the orc question?? Orcs are proletarian heroes.


It's actually the microplastics


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so alex jones was right?


Culture comes from the top down. 21st century man feels insecure. I.E our ruling class and they project it downward. It's called the culture industry for a reason. But crisis of masculinity aren't anything new. And what gender is and there roles vary widely from culture to culture and time period from time period. These people hawking brain force and the like will be remembered as the 21st century equivalent of those quacks that stuffed goat testicle into people's ball sacks. Don't overthink culture. It's a snap shot in time..


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"Masculinity crisis" is something you can find in literature throughout history and there's a very simple reason for it. Masculinity is defined as aspirational. To be a man, you are supposed to obtain and embody all these manly qualities. But that's pretty unrealistic. Men look around at themselves and their peers and see that nobody really lives up to the expectations. Then they look back at history (which for a long time was really just myth) and see all these examples of Great Men who do (appear to) live up to the standard. That's because the historical perspective for the average person is the highlight reel, and is further embellished. It's sort of like how today people compare themselves to each other on social media, but they only the the best the other people have to offer while seeing their own life in full.


I don't know, I've never listened to him, but there are studies coming out now that micro plastics are getting into everything, disrupting the ecosystem, and in humans it's making males smaller, more effeminate, with smaller penises, and creating a host of fertility problems.

So glorious fembiy future, here we come.


that video is mocking the machismo culture.
You are being serious?
Yet another fan theory about "masculinity decline"


Im not sure thats how femboys work.
Also, the microplastics isnt making us "feminine". Its disrupting testosterone levels but its not mean its makimg more estrogen.

Watch "The Male Disease" by George Carlin.
It talks about masculinity being a suicide cult.

But its not masculinity its machismo.
Men are very sentimental beungs. more so than women.
Men are born with a demigod complex and poison women into being stuck up goddesses via chivalry.

Then these men will complain about feminism.

Men are more dangerous than women not because of testosterone but because men are more idealistic.

Women are often prised for their emotional intelligemce but thats because men groom them into being pet dolls.
Men are the ones with appreciation for all sprts of things. Women are fawned over for their docility and looks from day one.

However, chivalry fucks up both sexes.
Men always wanna find new dragons to slay.
They find having wives and children boring/draining. Yet they actively seek family programs to feel complete.
They look down on thise who dont have spouses and children.

Machismo reduces men to being eternal movie actors. Men dont want self-value.
They want external value from playing a character.

And its sad because its not even conscious.


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A succinct description of the dynamic. Full marks for brevity.
What you write isn't wrong but trivial. I don't know how Kipling's poem fits in but I find it very amusing. It is to me just a description of people that have reached a certain level of personality development. Nothing except the last line is specific to masculinity. It sounds more like ancient Indian/Chinese wisdom than an instruction manual.
Now, looking this fellow up (on wikipedia) I stumbled upon this bit of imperialist-to-imperialist communication. I can't help but agree with Orwell's premise here. The man had a world-view (and grip on reality), it just happened to be wrong.


>I don't know how Kipling's poem fits in but I find it very amusing.
It's an example of the kind of expectations for what it takes to be a "real man."
>Nothing except the last line is specific to masculinity.
The entire rest of the poem is a series of subordinate clauses establishing the supposed requirements for that last line.


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I get that but aren't you reading it far too straight?
It's like "Tread lightly and carry a big stick".


Fuck that heroic cringe shit. What the left needs are people willing to efficiently destroy the extensive enterprises of others, and ideally grind their personal will into dust so that they can't act any further.

Story mode should be banned irl


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Because they understand self-improvement through the lens of self-commodification and selling one’s image on the market. Many of these people looksmax on the basis of dating as a marketplace, explicitly. They aren’t getting in shape because a partner wanted them to or for health, but to fit a Hollywood constructed ideal of the ideal human male commodity.


>and in humans it's making males smaller, more effeminate, with smaller penises
do share the studies, sweetheart. because if anything penises are larger than ever
and THAT is likely an actual side-effect of microplastics but i guess reactionaries like to the think men 100 years ago all had 9in penises


wtf i love microplastics now how could this happen?!?!?


>making males more effeminate
<penises are larger than ever
so cyberpunk 2077 had it right


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Big balls small peepee is where it's at.


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I mean it's not like ideas or psychology "doesn't matter" in materialism, that's pure vulgar materialism.

The fact of the matter is that there exists some psychological differences between genders and the Left in the West is "feminine" coded. It's not presented to people as "your boss is fucking you over and you've got to beat the hell out of him for your liberty" it's "We have to CARE for all these POOR smol beans that are being HURT by the mean ol' capitalists!" Who's the smallest, most inconsequential, or otherwise "hurt" demographic and how can you "care" for them the most.

And so MMA, weightlifting, all that stuff, it gets coded as "right wing" because of a disconnect in "care for others" versus "care for yourself". There's also the fact that frequent exercising and weightlifting can boost your testosterone which again can make for more aggressive and right wing sentiments.

Like it ain't that fucking hard to imagine. Y'know I got a lot of shit before when I said "Well if Sakai is right, shouldn't White people just go fash?" and every time I've brought that up it's "NOOO! NO ONE IS SAYING THAT! HOW CAN YOU EVEN THINK THAT?!" Well, I'm wondering how you can think otherwise. If you're going to say I'm a piece of shit scumbag because of who I am, why the hell would I want to associate with you unless I've got some weird self-hatred thing going on? I've got no obligation to help you or "like" you.

And that's kind of where the Left stumbles and the Right picks up the pace, especially under neoliberalism. Y'know the argument presented by both sides in the West is that the Left wants to help "other people" (usually foreigners/migrants/minorities) while you're struggling while the Right is saying "we need to help ourselves."


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I get what you're saying but framing the problem in terms of help yourself would alienate the broader left from socialists (although that could be good) and a thousand neoliberal radlibs would show up to declare your movement chauvinistic, toxicly masculine, "brocialist", etc. just like happened with sanders class focused socdem.

And that might even be true, if the movement isn't focused enough with marxist theory and ends up being tucker carlson styled. Right wing populism is the socdem of fools and all.


why would being more aggressive make your a right winger?


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>stand up for what we believe
>river of truth


In regards to alienating the broader Left, I think one of the greatest gifts that Nietzsche (or rather an understanding of nihilism in general) can give you is a willingness to break taboos and try to look at things “as they are” without the emotional weight of your social circle dragging you down. The closest analogy would be like being the scapegoat of a toxic family, and then realizing one day: “Wait a second, I’m an adult, I can make my own decisions. I don’t have to give a fuck about these assholes just cause they’re family!” And sure some idiotic onlookers will wonder how could you cut your family out of your life, but you’re making a good decision for you. I think the Left has broadly confused the willingness to break nominal taboos of the mainstream into a willingness to break taboos in general, which is ridiculous. The Left has its own set of taboos it feels uncomfortable pushing against.

Let me provide an example. Years ago AOC did an ad for her green new deal proposal. One part of the ad had her saying “well when we were replanting or reforesting areas, there were gaps in our knowledge, so we had to rely on indigenous tribes to help us understand what to do.” And to me that seems wholly artificial. While I don’t doubt that natives may possess some inherited knowledge that goes unnoticed by the scientific community, this isn’t the 1800s—we aren’t seeing white doctors inject people with Mercury in an attempt to “balance their humors” and Natives using actually useful naturally derived medicine. Indigenous people, strictly speaking, aren’t necessary for a national level project. That doesn’t mean exclude them or hate them or ignore them, but it does mean that things won’t fall apart unless we get the natives on our side.

I’m sure that pisses a lot of people off, but that’s just the data: you can have every single Native American in America go Communist, and they’ll still be unable to do anything if the rest of the country is 100% anti communist. And I’m sure that angers people. No one wants to hear “this group of people are useless”, but for a supposedly materialist ideology a lot of people have trouble accepting there’s no god thumbing the moral scales of the universe towards cosmic justice. But it’s just the cold, uncaring reality we live in.

And when confronted with that reality, I notice people don’t make a material arguments, instead they spout truisms or make claims that don’t reflect data, but rather just reinforce something deeply emotionally significant to them. Yknow you’ve got the phrase “no one country can oppose Capitalism” to which I can say: if America alone went Communist tomorrow, who would or could stop us? Some African states? Weak old Europe? The only one that’s theoretically willing and able to oppose us would have to be Russia! Even then, that’s just a theory. People contend that, in fact, it’s ethnic minorities “most amenable to Socialism” so they should be our “focus” (really it’s used to justify pissing on the majority imo) but how do you measure “amenability to Socialism”? Or are we just presuming because they trend poorer they’re more willing to fight and die for the cause? Well, how poor is “poor enough”? And even presuming that’s true—are they offering something the majority can’t?

I think a lot of Socialism has become a kind of fantasy. It’s working not towards the establishment of socialism per se, but some inversion of western chauvinism where it turns out it’s actually the lowest of the low, the meekest, the smallest, that take history by the reins—blessed are the meek and all that. This isn’t an argument you find reflected in history, however.

Talking with enough third worldists, I hear a kind of implication in their statements—that “when” the great third world proletariat invades America, white Third Worldists will be telling their neighbors “no no, it’s okay, they’re here to help us” or some other nonsense. Well the awful truth is that almost no one, even among Marxists, will willingly accept their perceived agency being stripped from them by a bunch of foreigners waving guns around.

I believe an honest appraisal of the facts, stripped of any anti imperialist revenge fantasy, will show that the only path forward is a revolution from the masses—the majority of the masses.


>And so MMA, weightlifting, all that stuff, it gets coded as "right wing" because of a disconnect in "care for others" versus "care for yourself".
That stuff is coded as "right wing" mostly because right wingers are thought of as gangsters who spend their time getting better at being strong and violent. There's also a lot of overlap with those types of hobbies since people involved in them are often channeling some kind of misplaced anger or some insecurity. It's really not "care for yourself" so much as "DEFEND EVROPA AGAINST THE BARBAROUS HORDES WHO WANT TO FVCK YOUR WOMEN."


Civic republican = retard. Mods seriously get rid of this guy forever



I agree with you and I screen-capped your posts, CPUSA Anon. Western/Imperial Core Maoist-Third-Worldists really are just the doing a inversion of the same Western Chauvinism that white supremacists and neo-nazis love to use.


>supposedly materialist ideology a lot of people have trouble accepting there’s no god thumbing the moral scales of the universe towards cosmic justice
this is a surprisingly common metaphysical belief among liberals. its right in the name: progressive. MLK arc of the moral universe bending towards justice and all. And to be fair it was kind of true in the mid 20th century, though not now


>> embody (or more likely, want to embody) hypermasculinity and masculine-coded hobbies

Hobbies are manchild bullshit. MMA is wrestling for retards. Motorcycles in the west are literally built to wastr more energy making noise than going fast. Socialist countries dominate weightlifting. The only thing evident in your prenise is that rightwingers love cooming.


Actually, that's whig history, and it's baked into Marxism (not Marx).

>Hobbies are manchild bullshit
So's your mom


>weightlifting isn't a hobby



It is for most people.


Yes that's my point


>the majority of the masses.
and how does the FACT that whites will soon be the minority of people in america and already are among young people fit into your worldview?


> Socialist countries dominate weightlifting.
what socialist countries are we talking about here?


Thing is MLK, for example, was a Christian and it could be argued that he did believe in, for example, moral good and moral evil with some ultimate victory for good set in stone. What gets me is that Marxism is broadly an “atheistic” ideology, which makes the residual Christianism a bit silly.

Yknow I’ve argued with conservative Catholics before on the need for Communism. One of the things I’d brought up was climate change, and that while Catholicism is good, Capitalism would fundamentally need to be challenged to preserve the environment—we couldn’t expect God himself to come down and undo climate change just because of the piety of any one society. The response? “You don’t know he won’t!”

To me personally, the merger of politics and morality seems incredibly silly at best, and downright self-defeating at worst. Yes I’d love to see people practice some Catholic ethics a little more, but I consequently see politics as a realm that’s amoral and revolving around power. My personal ethos is that you should be interpersonally kind and forgiving, and politically tolerate a degree of Machiavellianism as long as it’s in pursuit of the greater good. I think trying to seek a kind of vague absolution through politics isn’t the way, like at that point just join a religion with a redemptive or forgiveness aspect.

I mean chances are we’ll just relabel Hispanic Americans as a kind of White. Besides it isn’t like going from 60% or so of the population to 49% is all that significant.

Sides my extended family is pretty mixed. The idea that race mixing will make the anti imperial revenge fantasy possible is silly.


That's just retardation, nobody is advocating for appealing to the minorities of the nation because they are merely minorities - porkies are themselves a minority but they receive no such protection, after all. Even if you want to get more granular about "measuring privilege" and selecting different minority groups based on some kind of ultra-liberal methodology, that is divorced from the actual communist reason which was how the position was arrived at. Ethnic minorities often comprise the lower castes of capitalism because of the ease of using them as a social and material underclass to buoy some degree of "working class" support among more majority-conforming people through unequal distribution of the minuscule societal wealth allowed to the proles. Thus, these minorities are disproportionately exposed to the exploitation from capitalism, and have the least reason to proliferate it.


>nobody is advocating for appealing to the minorities of the nation because they are merely minorities
This is the strategy of democrats


does the C in DNC stand for communism?


I don't know, but the strategy seems to work for the democrats.


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>My personal ethos is that you should be interpersonally kind and forgiving, and politically tolerate a degree of Machiavellianism as long as it’s in pursuit of the greater good.

Politics makes for strange bed fellows. Despite being an anti theist you're one of my favorite posters on here.


> Talking with enough third worldists
Found your problem


in the short run that decreases support for social programs not increases it as older voters don't want to support a younger generation that doesn't look like them i.e. "the gray and the brown divide"


It's protest masculinity and body image issues due to childhood relational trauma. Read David Duriesmith "Masculinity and New War." Also Bernadetta Izydorczyk's "Body Image in Eating Disorders: Clinical Diagnosis and Integrative Approach to Psychological Treatment". Maybe look into Lynne Luciano's "Looking Good: Male Body Image in Modern America" and Klaus Theweleit's "Male Fantasies".


Also forgot to mention Eugen Sandow's (famous bodybuilder) popularization of eugenics.


They don't. The internet is not real life, and the far-right propaganda shills are auditioned and cast just like Hollywood. That's just how the USA does propaganda.


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Don't know what you are trying to say
but to get back to Kipling, I've found this appraisal by sheer accident.


I had no clue that eugen sandow was a eugenicist. I just thought he was a famous bodybuilder or something. Seriously, he literally renamed himself after eugenicism. What in the world is wrong with this guy?


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You have no idea what those words mean.


How much money does a proletarian have?


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>if you can afford anything but the bare necessities then you are petty bourgeois


Anything short of being able to live off capital incomes I think so anything short of 250k-350k a year or whatever the top 3% of incomes is because after that you have no choice but to invest your surplus income into a circuit of capital at which point you’re a capitalist.


I think rightiods are like orcs, in the sense that most of them are weaklings but a few of them are pretty strong. Like in Tolkein's stories where a bunch of midgets manages to slaughter them. Hell they are even cunning like orcs and tend to have decent skills in tech.


>and tend to have decent skills in tech.
Lolwhat? They're always tech illiterates!


i get the impression that they are decent coders, like isn't the guy behind zig a massive rightiod?


i think the type mentioned by OP is more the bro rogan meathead or biker type than reactionary/libertarian tech nerd blogging about thomas carlyle or whatever


This is wrong, you can find affordable gyms almost everywhere, if you are in the US you can get a Planet Fitness membership for like 10 dollars a month.


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Being right-wing is entirely based in phallic heterosexual masculinity

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