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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I thought 420chan.org was back.

Srsly thouhh I forgot you existed I remember sometimes browsing you while waiting for my hypno porn to download back on the 8chan days..

Fuck you all though


By hypno porn do you mean sissy porn or mind control porn


Never liked the sissy stuff but mp3s where they hypnotise u into Cummins and shit. So it's prolly more like the sissy hypno in ur mind. It wasn't porn of hypnosis occurring


<hello strangers let me tell you about my sexual fetishes.
You people need to be re-educated and re-socialised.


>Never liked the sissy
Hit too close to home huh


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What's urs? You know you want to tell me


>I thought 420chan.org was back.

It's gone?


Hey it's like staying at a friend's house until you can get a more stable living situation. Eventually another 420 will pop up. Until then /siberia/ and /hobby/ should be sufficient.


It's a 15+ year old project and most everyone who used to use it moved on or died.
Why not just accept it's over?


The guy who made 420 redirected here as a joke. It's not our fault lol


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Sadly he will actually fit in here.


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