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Colombia lawmakers approve pension reform in victory for Petro
Colombia's lower house on Friday approved a pension reform proposed by President Gustavo Petro, marking a victory for the leftist, who has struggled to get lawmaker approval for several of his cornerstone promises. The government says the reform will strengthen state pension fund Colpensiones, reduce subsidies and increase coverage for those without sufficient savings.

Venezuela: Prisoners End Five-Day Hunger Strike as Maduro Orders Action Against Judicial Delays and Overcrowding
The actions inside penitentiary institutions were accompanied by demonstrations from relatives in several cities, including outside the main court complex in Caracas. Protesters demanded a “quick response” from the Venezuelan state to improve incarceration conditions and tend to convicts suffering from chronic health issues.

Bolivia Deploys Military to Gas Stations Amid Fuel Shortage
Soldiers will make sure that only vehicles registered in a digital system are allowed to fill up their tanks, Deputy Civil Defense Juan Carlos Calvimontes said on Wednesday. Protests against fuel as well as dollar shortages have been growing louder in the Andean nation, with trucker unions threatening road blockades if the situation persists.

Constitutional Court of Ecuador Annuls Again State of Emergency Decreed by President Daniel Noboa
The latter state of emergency was intended to replace an earlier state of emergency that covered five provinces and had also been overturned by the Constitutional Court. The new declaration suspended the right to inviolability of the home in the provinces of Guayas, Santa Elena, El Oro, Manabí, Sucumbíos, Orellana and Los Ríos, and in the municipality of Camilo Ponce Enríquez, in the province of Azuay.

8 Israeli soldiers killed in southern Gaza ambush; deadliest day in months
Hamas fighters killed eight Israeli soldiers traveling in military vehicles in Rafah after firing rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and then ambushing a support force deployed to the scene. The attacks on Saturday marked one of the deadliest days for Israeli soldiers in Gaza in months as its ground invasion of the southern region continues to ramp up.

Houthi attack forces crew to abandon coal carrier in Red Sea
The crew of a Greek-owned vessel damaged in an attack by Yemen’s Houthi militants has been evacuated and the abandoned ship is drifting in the Red Sea, according to the UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO).

Two ISIS members captured in Til Hemis
The SDF statement said: “These terrorists were involved in killings, kidnappings, and bombings in the area. Our forces successfully captured them after imposing a tight siege on their hiding place and confiscated the following: 2 AK-47 rifles, 80 rounds of AK-47 ammunition, 6 AK-47 magazines, 4 smartphones, 2 cell phones, 2 tablets.”

32 Ukrainians reportedly detained in Hungary after illegal border crossing
The confirmation came after reports that a Gaz-66 truck broke through the border at the Kosyno and Velyka Byihan section on June 9 and entered Hungary.Ukrainian border guards spotted the movement of the vehicle near the border with technical means and subsequently found tracks in the direction of the Hungarian border, Demchenko said.

Jeremy Corbyn warns against Labour’s plans to ‘hollow out our NHS’
The former Labour leader will join healthcare workers and campaigners outside Archway Tube station in his Islington North constituency, warning that “more austerity and privatisation is not the answer” to the NHS crisis. His intervention comes two days after the launch of the Labour manifesto, which failed to rule out cuts to the health service and dropped the party’s previous promise that the “NHS is not for sale.”

BBC uncovers 6,000 possible illegal sewage spills in one year
BBC News has analysed spills data from nine firms, which suggests sewage may have been discharged nearly 6,000 times when it had not been raining in 2022 - including during the country’s record heatwave. Water companies can release untreated sewage into rivers and seas when it rains to prevent it flooding homes, but such spills are illegal when it’s dry.

India: author Arundhati Roy to be prosecuted over 2010 Kashmir remarks
Friday’s development follows the news that Saxena had last October given approval for the case to proceed before the courts – more than a decade on from when a criminal complaint against Roy and several others was originally filed. The complaint concerned Roy’s comment that the disputed territory of Kashmir was not an “integral” part of India, and accused her and others of giving speeches advocating the secession of Kashmir from India.

Working in ‘hellfire’: Gig workers bear the brunt of India’s heatwave
According to a recent report by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), the rising temperatures in India will reduce daily working hours 5.8 percent by 2030. With 90 percent of workers in the country employed in the informal sector, the loss of labour hours brings significant challenges.


Tyson Foods Suspends CFO After Second Arrest
John R. Tyson, 34, was arrested by University of Arkansas police on charges of driving while intoxicated, careless driving and improper turn/u-turn, according to Washington County Sheriff's Office records. He was later released on a $1,105 bond

Wisconsin Republicans block PFAS cleanup until polluters are granted immunity
“People really feel like they’re being held hostage,” said Lee Donahue, mayor of Campbell, which is part of the La Crosse metropolitan area and has drinking water contaminated with astronomical levels of PFAS. “It’s ridiculous, and some would argue that it’s criminal, that they are withholding money from communities in dire need of clean drinking water.”

Biden, Obama headline $28 million Los Angeles fundraiser with George Clooney, Julia Roberts
Late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel will interview Biden and Obama and Hollywood celebrities George Clooney and Julia Roberts are guests, in the latest star-studded event Biden's campaign hopes shows strength and momentum despite Biden's low approval ratings and concerns about his age. Biden landed in Los Angeles on Saturday morning after attending a meeting of world leaders in Italy on Friday.

DACA at 12 is on life support and already leaving out many young immigrants
By 2025, no undocumented high school graduates will qualify for DACA because they will have entered the U.S. after the required arrival to the U.S. of June 15, 2007, according to FWD.US, a progressive group that focuses on immigration and criminal justice.

California’s Democratic leaders clash with businesses over curbing retail theft. Here’s what to know
The two most likely paths under consideration this year are a ballot initiative to create harsher penalties for repeat offenders, and a legislative package aimed at making it easier to go after professional crime rings. Leaders behind the two efforts have accused one another of misleading voters and being unwilling to work toward a compromise.

Tesla Shareholders Approve $45 Billion Pay Package for Musk, Reject Pro-Union ​Measure​
The unsuccessful pro-union proposal, which would have required the company to respect workers' right to assemble, had been brought by Scandinavian investors acting in solidarity with Tesla mechanics in Sweden who've been on strike since October.


The NBA Is Monetizing A Public Health Crisis
The National Basketball Association wants you to gamble. Since 2014, the league has championed the legalization of sports betting nationwide, partially due to its own business interests in gambling. But the emergence of online gambling has coincided with a rise in troubling health outcomes like increased rates of depression and substance abuse. Today on Lever Time, we explore the recent growth of online gambling, sitting down with sports writers and an addiction expert to learn how it’s impacted society and changed the very nature of sports and fandom.

Rebellious neighborhood of Kharkov: mass disruption of deforestation
For stable and high-quality work on translations into English and resuming offline activity, even minimal but regular donations are very important to us. To support the Assembly regularly, you can subscribe to our fundraising or send the selected amount one-time. Thanks everybody! All over the world, grassroots activist communities stand in the way of the robbery and devastation of living space by wild predatory capitalism. Sometimes victoriously, sometimes not so much. Despite the atmosphere of fatigue and demoralization that has covered Ukraine since last year, even in a front-line city it is possible join this global confrontation. And not without results! The problem of illegal sand mining near the Zhykhar (other spellings – Zhikhar, Zhykhor) neighborhood on the southern outskirts of Kharkov started back in the 2000s. Sometime in 2008, it was stopped due to spontaneous rallies of the population and the presence of journalists, later other gangs started it again. Around 2014, it was stopped for the same reasons after a year or a year and a half of struggle. Lake of Osnova, also called the Komsomol quarry, is known for the last pine forest remaining in this second largest city of Ukraine after it massively died on Saltovka due to climate warming, and the Grigorovsky pine forest became practically mixed. This summer began with another attempt to destroy it. On June 1st, photos of the loggers’ work in the Shcherbachevsky pine forest spread across city social networks.

Rosa Luxemburg: The Junius Pamphlet Chapter 2
“We are now facing the irrevocable fact of war. We are threatened by the horrors of invasion. The decision, today, is not for or against war; for us there can be but one question: by what means is this war to be conducted? Much, aye everything, is at stake for our people and its future, if Russian despotism, stained with the blood of its own people, should be the victor. This danger must be averted, the civilisation and the independence of our people must be safeguarded. Therefore we will carry out what we have always promised: in the hour of danger we will not desert our fatherland. In this we feel that we stand in harmony with the International, which has always recognised the right of every people to its national independence, as we stand in agreement with the International in emphatically denouncing every war of conquest. Actuated by these motives, we vote in favour of the war credits demanded by the Government.” … If the stand taken by the German Reichstag group on the fourth of August was correct, then the death sentence of the proletarian International has been spoken, not only for this war, but forever. For the first time since the modern labour movement exists there yawns an abyss between the commandments of international solidarity of the proletariat of the world and the interests of freedom and nationalist existence of the people; for the first time we discover that the independence and liberty of the nations command that working men kill and destroy each other. Up to this time we have cherished the belief that the interests of the peoples of all nations, that the class interests of the proletariat are a harmonious unit, that they are identical, that they cannot possibly come into conflict with one another. That was the basis of our theory and practice, the soul of our agitation. Were we mistaken in the cardinal point of our whole world philosophy? We are holding an inquest over international socialism.

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