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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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There's not a literature board here so I will post this here - How would have Lovecraft's political views advanced if he lived through world war 2 up until about Vietnam or so?
He's known for being a nazi but towards the end of his life he did a political 180 and switched to being a social democrat when his aunt's money ran out and he couldn't find a job, he also started tettering towards communist ideas in general.


Lovecraft was clearly a smart and well-read person who was held back by his sheltered upbringing that stunted his development as a person, which tends to cause someone to have cringe reactionary biases since the right is all feels>reals. I think if he had lived a full life he would have almost certainly ended up becoming a full-fledged Marxist of some sort since his late letters indicate that he was reading Marx. It's really a damn shame that he's essentially remembered for having a chvd phase that he had started to get out of. People forget that he had a tragically short life.


there is literally a lovecraft thread on /hobby/


Last century, the people of Asia, Africa, and Latin America generally differed greatly from those in Europe and North America; they were often illiterate, malnourished, and had many children, with families having five or six kids and knew nothing about modern science. Even Einstein had a negative opinion of the Chinese. I think that many modern people, if they were to travel back in time, might not have a better view of the people of Asia, Africa, and Latin America than those of the last century did. They might even think that white people and darker-skinned people are like two different species, similar to Homo sapiens and Neanderthals.



I want to read whatever kino he would have written as a response to the horrors of fascism, the holocaust, the destruction of europe in ww2, and the threat of nuclear apocalypse during the cold war


he would have just become a more casual racist, and maybe a mild supporter of fdr and the civil rights era democratic party

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