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Gaza fighting continues despite Israeli ‘pauses’ announcement: UNRWA
“There has been information that such a decision has been taken, but the political level says none of this decision has been taken,” Lazzarini told a press conference on Monday. “So for the time being, I can tell you that hostilities continue in Rafah and in the south of Gaza. And that operationally, nothing has changed yet.”

Israeli settlers in brutal attack on Palestinian shepherds in occupied West Bank
The gang of youths from the nearby settlement of Shadmot Mehola also smashed up a car belonging to an Israeli activist assisting the injured Palestinian with windows smashed and the chassis damaged.

ISIS-linked militants who took prison guards hostage in Russia killed
Russian special forces freed two prison guards and shot dead six inmates linked to the Islamic State militant group who had taken them hostage at a detention centre in the southern city of Rostov on Sunday, Russian media said.

Greek coastguard threw migrants overboard to their deaths, witnesses say
The Greek coastguard has caused the deaths of dozens of migrants in the Mediterranean over a three-year period, witnesses say, including nine who were deliberately thrown into the water. The nine are among more than 40 people alleged to have died as a result of being forced out of Greek territorial waters, or taken back out to sea after reaching Greek islands, BBC analysis has found.

Germany’s biggest industrial union seeks a 7% raise for millions of workers
The IG Metall union’s leadership said it was recommending a hefty raise demand for 3.9 million workers in view of “a persistently high price level.” It said that companies have well-filled order books and that, even though prices are no longer accelerating as quickly as they were, one-time payments agreed in the last settlement have been eaten up by inflation.

Thousands in Brazil protest against bill equating abortion after 22 weeks with homicide
Protests began on Thursday in Brazil's largest cities after the lower chamber of Congress voted to put the bill on a fast track for approval, which curtails debate on the proposal. Faced with criticism that rape victims seeking abortions could face worse punishment than rapists, the bill's author Sostenes Cavalcante said he will propose harsher sentences for rape, currently up to a maximum of 10 years in jail.

Financial alliances build as Citgo share auction enters last mile
"We reject the robbery of Citgo … Venezuela will not recognize any fraudulent transaction," Venezuela's Vice President Delcy Rodriguez said on X on Monday. On Friday, Venezuelan Oil Minister Pedro Tellechea called on the U.S. court to halt the auction. The sale has attracted big name investors and energy and trading firms including Vitol (VITOLV.UL), ConocoPhillips (COP.N) tab and Koch Industries.

Modi 3.0 Govt Deals a Blow to Workers' Hard-Earned PF/Pension Money: CITU
The Narendra Modi government’s decision to “drastically reduce” the penalty charges on employers' default in depositing EPF, EPS and EDLI contributions to EPFO, amounts to playing around with workers’ hard-earned life savings, the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU said in a statement.

Philippine military chief urges fishermen to ignore China's new coastguard rules
"We have the right to exploit the resources in the area so our fishermen have no reason to be afraid," he added. The new rules, which allows China's coastguard to detain suspected trespassers without trial for 60 days, have sparked international concerns, with the Philippines describing them as "worrisome" and a "provocation".

Hong Kong homes remain most unaffordable in world for 14th year: research
To be exact, the average family would have to bank its entire income for 16.7 years to amass the average selling price of a home in the city. The span is down from last year’s 18.8 years and represents a further improvement from 20.8 years in pre-pandemic 2019, as home prices have declined and incomes have risen, the report said.


'UAW All the Way': Ohio EV Plant Workers Hail Historic Contract Victory
UAW Local 1112 members at Ultium Cells' Lordstown, Ohio facility approved their new local contract by 98% on Sunday. Under the contract, production workers will be paid $35 an hour by October 2027. Sunday's vote came after the workers at the plant—a joint venture between GM and South Korea-based LG Energy Solution—voted in December to unionize.

Disney's feud with DeSantis is over — and it's donating to Republicans again
Since ending its feud with Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis, Disney has wasted no time donating to Republicans again. The Walt Disney Comany gave more than $87,000 worth of in-kind, or nonmonetary, donations to political committees, including Republican lawmakers, in the months of April and May, the Orlando Sentinel reported. That's an about-face for the House of Mouse, which had paused political donations as it brawled with DeSantis.

Judge orders railway to pay Washington tribe nearly $400 million for trespassing with oil trains
U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik initially ruled last year that the railway deliberately violated the terms of a 1991 easement with the Swinomish Tribe north of Seattle that allows trains to carry no more than 25 cars per day. The judge held a trial earlier this month to determine how much in profits BNSF made through trespassing from 2012 to 2021 and how much it should be required to disgorge.

Two key Democrats in US Congress approve major arms sale to Israel, Washington Post reports
Representative Gregory Meeks and Senator Ben Cardin have signed off on the deal under heavy pressure from the Biden administration after the two lawmakers had for months held up the sale, the Post reported.

Michigan, CUNY didn’t suitably assess if Israel-Hamas war protests made environment hostile, US says
In one instance, when a Jewish student reported being called out for viewing a graduate student instructor’s social media post about pro-Palestinian topics, the university told the student that “formal conflict resolution is not a path forward at this time,” because the incident occurred on social media. In another instance, when a student who participated in a pro-Palestinian protest was called a “terrorist,” the university said it held “restorative circles” to address the incident but did not take further action.

Megachurch pastor and former Trump spiritual adviser admits sexual abuse
Other churches where Morris has ministered, such as Shady Grove church in Grand Prairie, were allegedly aware of his abusive history, but Morris told the Christian Post he received counseling and had since “walked in purity and accountability in this area”.


To the Workers of Turkey-Northern Kurdistan! We Respectfully Commemorate the 17’s Who Raised the Flag with the Call for Revolution. We Salute Them with Devotion!
(Editorial note: The 17’s refer to the leadership of the organization who were massacred by the Turkish state on June 16-17, 2005.) Friends, comrades; On June 16, the Munzur mountains woke up to an unfortunate day when they were under fascist siege! In the fierceness of the incalculable fight, the 17’s were falling! Our party leadership was writing the victory of strategic invincibility with the resistance of will in the trenches of war! A historical epic was being written, rising in the spirit of the Red Resistance against the brutal massacre; with the legacy left to the revolutionary generations. . . As we bow respectfully to the immortal memories of the 17’s, whose epic resistance was written in golden letters in revolutionary history, we declare once again that we will definitely and defiantly ask for an account of the barbaric massacre engraved in our memory!

Nepal’s Hindutva Moment
A little over a decade after Nepal declared itself a secular republic, religious identity threatens to emerge as a new axis of polarization in the politics of the former Hindu kingdom. A string of incidents that transpired over the past year have rudely awakened many in Nepal — including its complacent public sphere — of the inroads made by activist networks of militant Hindu nationalists, particularly in towns close to Nepal’s long border with India. In August of last year, clips of a group publicly feasting on beef in Dharan, a city in eastern Nepal, gathered much national outrage, as eating bovine meat is largely taboo in the country and oxen slaughter remains illegal. This rabble-rousing tactic of activists, who were opposed to this law, triggered swift street mobilization by several Hindu groups in protest, who linked this incident to an already existing controversy in the city involving the setting up of a church opposite a Hindu temple. However, the potentially violent confrontation was foiled after the local administration temporarily restrained the protesters’ movement. Dharan remained on edge for weeks, with its diverse political and social landscape suddenly recast as a religious battlefield.

Lucy E. Parsons: The Ballot Humbug
Whatever we hear from all quarters we are very apt to believe, whether it requires some effort to believe, whether it is true or not, especially if it requires some effort to examine it. Of all the modern delusions, the ballot has certainly been the greatest. Yet most of the people believe in it. In the first place, it is founded on the principle that the majority shall lead and the minority must follow (no matter whether it will be any advantage to the majority to have the minority follow them or not). Let us take a body of legislators, absolutely honest, and see what they can do. A, B and C have each a distinct principle to carry out, and there is no good reason why each one should not carry out his principle to a certain extent without interfering with the other two. Politics steps in and says: let us decide this matter by the ballot, for that is fair. What is the result? A and C finally reach a compromise and unite by giving up a portion of their ideas. A and C are then the majority and B’s principles get no further consideration, but are simply ruled out of existence. This is majority rule. Notice the result. Instead of three well-defined principles that might have been continued, developed and enjoyed, we have lost one altogether, and corrupted the other two. This is the inevitable result of majority rule in a legislative body which attempts to manufacture laws to enforce upon people of large communities who have all kinds of conflicting interests.


Thanks News Anon


>The nine are among more than 40 people alleged to have died as a result of being forced out of Greek territorial waters
40 people that we can guess, chances are the Greek coast guard has been mass murdering hundreds and hundreds, it's not like people are likely to survive long in the middle of the sea after their boat was destroyed or they were thrown off and tell tales about it

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