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<Why do Americans choose to move to Russia? To find the answer, independent journalist Tofurious Maximus Crane meets with three emigrant families to get a glimpse into their new lives. Jay Close was born in New York, grew up in California, and has lived in France, Australia, and even Papua New Guinea. He worked as a chef for the Rolling Stones and later managed several restaurants in Moscow. Now, Jay raises goats and makes cheese in the countryside near Moscow, where he has built his home for over 30 years. Another emigrant is Chad Hower, who was granted political asylum in Russia after being persecuted by the CIA in his home country. Finally, Tofurious meets Jozef and Ann, who recently moved to Russia with their six children. Tune in to our premiere to discover the various reasons why some Americans seek a new beginning in Russia. Have these families found a sense of home far from their native land?


We have already had threads about this but be careful about going there. It wouldnt be the first time when a tourists or an emigrant has been forced to the front to die.


Oh wow, one guy moved to a country, let's make a film about it, doesn't play into any supremacist ideas about how the west is inherently better whatsoever


How wonderful! Bunch of reactionary retards coming to russia to live their fantasy yeoman farmer lifestyle! Looks like liebensraum will happen after all!!



I like how she has a very smug face in her videos.


that's ukraine


The family leaving the US because of "transgenderism" in schools is the most soy conservative thing i ever heard. Their just using russia as a glorified safe space.



The most disturbing thing is they'll be exposed to Russian culture which somehow appears totally gay to everyone else but not gay to Russians.



because they're reactionaries and think russia is le savior of the white race and cuckstianity. what else


>Tofurious Maximus Crane
What a retarded name


He just really likes tofu, what can i say


Nothing wrong with living according to your principles, I left the USA because I didn't want my tax money funding genocide, I am in China now. Where the red flag flies high and the communist party is in power.


how did you mov to china?


I think "not wanting to fund genocide with my tax" is a better motivation than "transhumanists in schools"


>When Mohammed Asfan from India's Hyderabad city travelled to Russia to work as a "helper" in the army, his family never imagined he would end up fighting in the Ukraine war, much less die there.
Asfan is among several Indian men who, their relatives say, were lured to Russia with the temptation of lucrative job opportunities, only to be forced to fight at the front against their will.
India's foreign ministry has said that every such case brought to its attention has been "strongly taken up".
Reuters always disconnects the headline from the content


Get a TEFL certificate, lie on your resumé about having teaching experience.

You can also apply to universities, if you have the savings, you can pay tuition and dorm fees. It is very cheap. But paying will likely not be necessary. The universities will be glad to have and even give students full ride scholarships. As long as they are not from Africa, Pakistan, ASEAN countries. Not a racist thing but because those are 95% of foreign students here, and students from elsewhere will boost the international score that goes into ranking universities.

Get on wechat.
Choose a university, and try to contact their international student office. If you want to do a master's or Phd, first apply, then they assign you an advisor. Emailing Chinese professors is a waste of time. It is like literally no one here uses email. They are not ignoring you. They literally just don't use email despite having emails.

Almost all universities even the small one have departments of Marxism Studies. They usually have very few students and almost no foreign students, they will trip over themselves to help you get in. Foreign on-Pakistani-African-ASEAN are like a sign that department deserves morr attention so you will not be ignored. Also they care about the passport, if your ethnicity is one of the above but your passport is not, it is the passport that counts.

Just be a good dedicated student, don't worry of you come from a crappy college.

If you have the funds I recommend visiting first.

If you come from a decently ranked university and are a decent student do not be afraid to apply to the top universities in China. University admissions in China are very competitive but not for foreigners. In fact they are very uncompetitive.

I highly recommend coming, it will be a breath of fresh air, as someone who has applied for a master's in The US and China, the differences are night and day. If you really have money apply to cheap language courses to get your feet wet. here is an example https://www.gzu.edu.cn/en/11043/list.htm official government website https://www.campuschina.org/


You make it sound so easy lol. What if I was interested in doing PhD in earth science faculty? But I also got legitimate experience and degree, is it easy? Can I get away with not having my Chinese quiet at the academic level yet?


Dude what? It’s a fluff piece about how great Russia is lol. Get over your victim complex slavshitter


>quiet at the academic level yet
I'd be more worried about your English at this point tbh famalam


You don't need to know Chinese.

As to your other questions only you can do the research into it. First step if you need some unnecessary but helpful guidance is have a friend in a Chinese university. Do you have any former classmates who are Chinese? Maybe they know some colleagues in China.

It is definitely doable, probably easier than getting an entry level job without experience.


>Nothing wrong with living according to your principles
Yah but their principles suck. These people left not to flee genuine persecution but because the social values of the people around them were not 100% aligned with theirs.
RT and the russian gov could promote immigration to people who are threatened by US empire but instead it's trying to court conservative burgers and white south africans with high incomes and a collective persecution complex.

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