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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Israeli foreign minister says decision on all-out war against Hezbollah is near
Katz said in an X post, following threats by the Hezbollah chief, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, to damage Haifa’s ports that are operated by Chinese and Indian companies, “we are getting very close to the moment of deciding on changing the rules of the game against Hezbollah and Lebanon”. “In an all-out war, Hezbollah will be destroyed and Lebanon will be severely beaten,” he added.

Turkish fighter jets bomb Binarê Qendîl
According to reports from the ground, warplanes of the occupying Turkish state bombarded Berê Qepan forest near the village of Endze in Sengeser and Derbî Mountain in Wert district around 15.00 local time Tuesday.

Houthis believed to have sunk second ship in the Red Sea, UKMTO says
The Houthis and other sources previously identified the imperilled ship as the Greek-owned Tutor. It was struck by missiles and an explosive-laden remote-controlled boat on June 12 and had been taking on water.

Dockworkers in Greece refused to load arms shipment destined for Israel, forced cargo ship to change route
“We, the Piraeus' dockworkers declare that we will not accept whatsoever to unload the ship”, they said in a statement, adding: “We won't participate in the slaughter of innocent people for the profits of the few. We are raising our children with humanity and through our struggles we have taught them the lesson of solidarity, resistance and pride”.

LSE becomes first university to evict students from pro-Palestine camp following court order
ACTIVISTS at a pro-Palestine encampment at the London School of Economics (LSE) have accused security staff of groping and throttling them while they were evicted on Monday. The university is the first in Britain to evict students from a pro-Palestine encampment.

Egypt deports more Sudanese, as bureaucracy makes asylum ‘nearly impossible’
Authorities in Aswan, Egypt, have deported hundreds of Sudanese people last Wednesday, sending them back to the Argeen border crossing with Sudan. Entering Egypt legally has proven to be marred by several bureaucratic challenges, seen by some as a deliberate attempt to limit the influx of Sudanese refugees into Egypt.

VP’s father survives gun attack in southwest Colombia
According to authorities, the car of Sigifredo Marquez was attacked while he and the VP’s six-year-old nephew were passing through Jamundi, a town in the Valle del Cauca province. Authorities did not immediately suggest who could have been behind the attack and nobody claimed resopnsibility.

Brazil's Lula demands faster action against organized crime in the Amazon
Lula complained that it had taken a year for a security plan for the Amazon, known as AMAS, to get off the ground, and said there was still much to be done to set up an international police center in Manaus. "We need to speed up the process, because my term is only four years. If we cannot execute this plan, someone else will come along and do nothing," he said at an event sealing the transfer of 318 million reais ($58.6 million) to fund the security plan.

Czech Republic sends Indian suspect in plot to kill Sikh separatist to US
Gupta is accused by US federal prosecutors of plotting with intelligence and security officials to kill Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a US and Canadian citizen who advocated for a sovereign Sikh state in northern India.

Chavit renews offer of affordable e-jeeps
Built at a cost of P2.2 million, Singson vowed to give half the price or P1.2 million under a rent-to-own repayment system, without any down payment. “The drivers will just pay half of their daily earning to their drivers’ group which in turn remits to our company,” he explained.


>Dockworkers in Greece refused to load arms shipment destined for Israel, forced cargo ship to change route
“We, the Piraeus' dockworkers declare that we will not accept whatsoever to unload the ship”, they said in a statement, adding: “We won't participate in the slaughter of innocent people for the profits of the few. We are raising our children with humanity and through our struggles we have taught them the lesson of solidarity, resistance and pride”.

Lol, big if true


Biden offers path to citizenship to spouses of US citizens
The new Biden program will be open to an estimated 500,000 spouses who have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years as of June 17, officials said on Tuesday. Some 50,000 children under age 21 with a U.S.-citizen parent also will be eligible.

California prosecutors used anti-gay slurs to refer to prospective jurors
In a note from a 2010 case, a prosecutor remarked that a potential juror who worked for Shell oil was a “dyke”. In notes from a 1995 case, a prosecutor wrote that a prospective juror was a cashier and a “possible fagot [sic]”. Neither were selected for the juries. The files are coming to light two months after US judge Vince Chhabria said evidence suggested Alameda prosecutors have systematically excluded Black and Jewish jurors over the years and ordered the DA’s office to review all implicated death penalty cases.

Thousands flee New Mexico wildfires that have damaged 500 structures; governor declares emergency
The magnitude of the fires is beyond local control and requires immediate state intervention to protect public health, safety and welfare, Lujan Grisham said in a statement Tuesday afternoon. She said more than 500 structures had been damaged and the entire village of Ruidoso, population 7,000, had been evacuated. It is unclear how many homes were engulfed by the fast-moving flames.

Richmond could vote to tax Chevron refinery this November
he ongoing struggle between the city of Richmond and Chevron could take another step forward this week. The city's council is set to vote on an oil refining tax, a move that would put the measure on the ballot for local voters to consider in the fall. The push is being spearheaded by several local environmental groups including the Asian Pacific Environmental Network.

Electric carmaker Fisker files for US bankruptcy protection
Alongside focusing on green manufacturing methods, Fisker also used an unusual “asset-light” production model. This relied on contract manufacturers to assemble its cars, avoiding the huge investments required to build factories. The company blamed supplier delays for missed production targets and struggled to hit ambitious sales forecasts after complaints of mechanical issues with the few thousand cars it sold.

Uber driver made just $80 one week: 'Uncertainty eats away at you'
In his new book, “Drive: Scraping By in Uber’s America, One Ride at a Time,” Jonathan Rigsby takes the reader into the driver’s seat of ride-sharing work. “You’re forced to work long hours at odd times and to rely on bonuses and tips and surge payments to earn a decent hourly wage,” Rigsby told CNBC. “The uncertainty eats away at you.”


Tudeh Party of Iran, The death of Raisi, the Iranian president, chaos in a "homogeneous regime", and the need to organise for maximum pressure on the ruling dictatorship!(Extracts from the Editorial of Nameh Mardom, issue no. 1209, published Monday 3 June 2024)
With the death of Ebrahim Raisi, the criminal servant of the ruling dictatorship, the "homogeneous regime" project favoured by ["Supreme Leader"] Khamenei has suffered another blow. This project, centred around Raisi's administration, hadalready overseen major failures in both domestic and foreign policy over the past three years. On one front, the widespread boycotting of a succession of sham elections over the past three years, marked by the people's resounding "NO!",have dealt a significant blow to this project and the credibility of Khamenei and his appointed president. On the other, the widespread protests of the people under the slogan "Woman, Life, Freedom" have placed the entire ruling dictatorship in an unstable and irreversible situation and now in perpetual fear of the people. As our Party has repeatedly emphasised, a deep, wide, and unbridgeable chasm has emerged between the people and the entirety of the ruling despotic regime. Despite the government's false propaganda and an array of elaborate shows at Raisi's funeral ceremonies, where he was glorified with false titles such as "Servant of Imam Reza" [Eighth Imam of the Shi'a Muslims] and "Servant of the Iranian Nation", the majority of society was indifferent to these grand ceremonies and theatrical mourning displays. Many people even welcomed and expressed joy over the death of one of the dictatorial regime's criminal servants.

Voices of Scotland The fight to save Glasgow Trade Union Education Centre needs the support of the entire movement
LAST MONTH’s figures showing Scotland’s trade union membership is up by 30,000 should be a cause of celebration after years of gloomy headlines about declining union membership. Let’s hope that this trend continues as workers understand the importance of collective organising to improve pay and conditions and defend jobs and services. Rising numbers of trade unionists should result in a growing demand for trade union education, shop steward and rep training. However, in Glasgow, a city with a long and proud history of trade union activism, the City of Glasgow College, instead of grasping this opportunity to attract new business to the college, want to close down the Trade Union Education Centre which has been in existence since the early 1990s. A centre that has trained thousands of union members and workplace reps.

Crushing of the Kronstadt Rebellion: a tragic necessity
On 2 March 1921, sailors in Kronstadt took up arms against the young Soviet government. The rebellion was short-lived and crushed by 18 March. But its tale has survived much longer and has been told and retold with very little concern for facts and serious analysis. The present work will not rehash chronological details of the rebellion in depth, which readers can find in great detail in many other works. Instead, it will outline the underlying processes that gave rise to the rebellion, looking beyond mere appearances to its real character, and explain the actions taken by the Bolsheviks against it. Liberals, ultralefts and anarchists alike have hailed the rebellion, with the latter calling it a third Russian Revolution, “the Second Paris Commune”, the last revolt of the proletariat against the Bolshevik usurpers. Its eventual suppression has been touted as proof of the ruthlessness of the Bolshevik dictatorship: the seed of Stalinism that is always sure to grow from Marxism. Yet, a closer and more sober reflection can only bring us to the conclusion that the Kronstadt Rebellion was merely a manifestation of an exhausted revolution, ravaged by a civil war and isolated in its own economic backwardness. It was one episode in a chain of events that highlighted the impossibility of building socialism in one country, particularly one largely populated by poor peasants. Any worker who has ever been on a strike and stood on a picket line can appreciate this event much better than petty-bourgeois philistines. A strike that has gone on for too long, under constant siege from all sides, is bound to provoke an internal crisis and bitter splits amongst the striking workers. That was precisely what was unfolding in the Kronstadt Rebellion, and the many peasant rebellions that exploded onto the scene at the end of a long and brutal civil war. The conflict between the cities and the villages, between the proletariat and the peasantry, was being strained to an unbearable point by the harsh measures of War Communism. In revisiting this important event, we will mainly use materials furnished by the anarchist historian Paul Avrich in his book Kronstadt 1921. That way, we won’t be accused of conjuring facts to suit our narrative. If anything, we will see here how facts put forward by Avrich inadvertently support the Bolsheviks’ position.


and what makes you think it's not true?

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