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I have feelings that border disputes would break the minds of Anti-Imperialist autists between Russia and China, since they’re both based anti-imperialist squads


>russia and china are anti-imperialist
>thinks imperialism is a "choice" at this stage of capitalism


Dengoids liked to bully Vietnam, the true socialists. How is that based and anti-imperialist?


Probably did in the late 60s but I read they settled the border beef awhile ago.


I don't think so. Border disputes are a thing of the past. If anything, I can see a weird ass trade war emerging between the two.


That's what happens when one thinks in terms of "good" vs "bad".
Like, every single fucking time


Bait used to be believable… Every border dispute has been settled almost twenty years ago.

The only ones engaging in trade wars - and wars in general - are amerikkka and its lapdogs. I don't see why and how China and Russia could start a trade war between them.


How are they doing that right now?



venezuela was just starting shit about essequibo and ethiopia's been talking about getting sea access again. azerbaijan ethnically cleansed armenians over a border dispute like a year ago. isnt turkey biting off parts of northern syria? border disputes arent going anywhere, if anything theyll keep increasing


>Dengoids liked to bully Vietnam
>Before Deng was in power


Mindbroken by western propaganda Youtube videos about how China and Russia are gonna go to war anytime bro 2 more weeks.


It's literal American propaganda to make Russia turn against China to ensure their hegemony. That's why there are so many info graphic videos of the Chinese invading Siberia and the reasons they give contradict. One example is that China has a large population that dwarfs Siberia and the Chinese are going to send people to settle Siberia. But the same Western outlets will say the Chinese population is aging and China can't expand anymore and is years away from collapse. It makes no sense for China to invade Russia for Outer Manchuria when it is settled and China is fine with trading with Russia.


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They also say that China wants open access to the sea outside the First island chain even though Japan and Russia entirely wrap around any other exit given by Primorye.


yeah they have been bff, look at how happy they are in this picture, they would never break up


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>even though Japan and Russia entirely wrap around any other exit given by Primorye.
Russians know how to draw borders on maps.


>venezuela was just starting shit about essequibo
Yeah but that goes back a long time. They never settled it.

>It's literal American propaganda to make Russia turn against China to ensure their hegemony.
It's Tom Clancy-tier fanfiction but gets repeated a lot by internet commentators.


Literally it's a Tom Clancy novel. It was called "The Bear and the Dragon." Which is a REALLY bad novel. It's when America and Russia (freed from gommunism) team up to gangbang China. This "China is going to invade Siberia" stuff is on par with Z-gang stuff you see about how Texas is going to secede. I think there are some people in those countries who think that's real and they make fan fiction with the Texas People's Republic fighting with Wagner Group guys parachuting in to help save the day.


no foreskin, no right to breathe


Imperialism is not two countries having a border dispute.


The issue of Outer Manchuria is from two centuries ago, and both the Qing Dynasty and the Tsarist Russia no longer exist.
This region is not a core Han Chinese population area.
China's core territorial issue now is Taiwan.
If Chinese diplomacy abandons an important ally over events from over a hundred years ago during the feudal period, it is clearly a failure.
The present determines the historical issues. The territorial dispute on the China-India border is much smaller in area than Outer Manchuria, yet it causes disputes among billions. This is actually a specific projection of the power struggle between two neighboring rising Asian powers. If China and India have a more pressing common enemy to deal with, then the China-India border issue will become much less significant.



The chinese invasion of vietnam was a Deng project lol, he was in power by then and it was a key part of his pivot that followed Mao's death and the purging of the gang of four.


It's funny to hallucinate this break between Mao and what happened after


The Deng is Eternal.

Lenin was a Dengist. Consult the scroll.

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