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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1718778668269.png (961.01 KB, 1920x1080, Hegel_Confucius.png)


Why do Rightoids hate Confucianism but worship Hegel when their philosophies are the exact same in practice?
> The state must enforce a strict moral code or else society will collapse
> True freedom and happiness is achieved through serving society with an ethical lifestyle.
> The human spirit is developed through strict adherence to social virtues
> The world is connected as one greater spiritual existence therefore happiness is achieved through social harmony
> Traditional family values are the foundation of society
> Moral education must be enforced on the people to develop a functioning of mutual respect
> Passive Dialectical Rectification of traditions is the only way to advance society

Is it really just Orientalism or is something greater at play here?


>worship Hegel
They really don't man lmao


I just see too many of them meming about le traditions and even some of the /pol/yp tourists here bring him up. Of course most them are actually just hedonist-nihilists.


only liberals hate confucius, as for hegel, the whole politcal spectrum claims him.


Was Mao a liberal?


The number of “rightoids” I’ve seen on the internet who “worship Hegel” I can count on one hand. The number of them that I have seen that worship Confucius is innumerable for all practical purposes. This is the most ass-backwards post I’ve ever seen on this website


Why did you think this trash would make a good OP?


You're right, OP. Anyone who celebrates any Legalist ideology should be cut up for meat.


Only liberals hate confucius on the right, obviously the whole left hates him.


Rightoids don't even know who Hegel is. This is just your tendency to call everyone smarter than you a "fascist"


Rightoids are just mad Confucius was doing it over 2000 years earlier.


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I don't think I've ever seen right-wingers online ever talk in depth about Confucius. In fact, the only time I've seen him explicitly mentioned by a right-wing eceleb was a video Keith Woods made about top 25 right-wing thinkers, where he included Confucius.

And for Hegel, yes he is right-wing but he isn't super right-wing either. Online rightists will pick countless other right-wing intellectuals before choosing Hegel. I think part of the reason for this is that Hegel got coopted by the left and part of why that was easy for leftists to do is that both them and Hegel subscribe to Whig history. To them society is still reaching its ultimate stage (Marxists' end of class struggle as the driving force of human history aka communism) but Hegel believed in a form of Whig history too. For Hegel, society was crappy and kept improving until reaching the apex of civilization which for him was 19th century Germany. And that civilization is not bad by any stretch at all, I'll take that over 21st century anywhere but it's still progressive and influenced heavily by the Enlightenment. To me human civilization peaked in 13th century France or Western Europe if I'm being more generous.


Progress to hegel is more ambiguous. To hegel history is contingency until the enlightenment/modernity, where Reason gives meaning to history in the same instance that it reaches its end. Reason is the secret to History that succeeds by accident, but now that it has come alive, it seeks self-consciousness.
Here Reason to marx and engels is the characreristic motif of the bourgeois revolution, which is paired with capitalist production.
So Reason is Capital in its ability to reproduce its conditions of civilisation.
The limit of hegel is not being able to peer beyond the bourgeois veil, where to him the leaders of the world are an enlightened elite, while to marx it is the "real movement" of the majority which comes into self-consciousness.
progress to hegel is progress toward the same dialectical structure of the Absolute Idea by sublation. History is the repetition of ignorance until the world-spirit arrives - which marx also identifies with the global character of capital, beginning in the british and dutch mercantile empires that eventually developed into liberalism. So hegel's limit is his own historicity, since he could not see another possibility


Hey anon my cock is getting all floppy without that stimulation you promised


I would never promise anything good

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