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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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It saddens me every time I see [supposedly] dirtbag left spaces so either irony-poisoned or simply reactionary-filled that many users just abandon class analysis and become chauvinist proletariat-blaming idiots, and are celebrated for this.

Complete the sentence: Workers of the ___ !
Yes, that's right! The correct answer was "Workers of the West, die ! "
I thought pic2rel was a joke when I first saw it, but no, I'm seeing scores of these idiots nested up in their nominally-Marxist circlejerk, yelling about how school shootings are BASED because Burgerreich children die and how random French citizens deserve their shit government.
There's a difference between edgy joking and parody, and moderation who are dumb enough to say racism and nationalism is aktchually leftist when it's not against a designated minority, left nazism is based.

It's the shit I expect from grifters, not left-wing communities. My only hope is that these people are eternally online and don't bother trying to join the struggle on the ground until they figure this shit out.




Well that's the thing: if you inform your worldview based on actual material analysis, that doesn't really give much room to be whedonistic, and without whedonisms you have to actually put effort into jokes and opinions rather than riding off pavlovian responses.

Like what would "dirtbag left" that doesn't fall into the pits you described even look like? The occasional edgy joke?


>My only hope is that these people are eternally online and don't bother trying to join the struggle on the ground until they figure this shit out.
Then fulfilled your hope shall be, sister. I have not once met one of these persons (?) in meatspace, meanwhile certain places (hrm, hrm) on the internet is teeming with them.

I think the real question is whether online spaces attract idiots, breed idiocy, or both.


>online spaces attract idiots, breed idiocy, or both.
centralized online spaces, and attention markets do this by wearing down people's attention spans while making them addicted to news and debate since both are more tantalizing than substantial discussion / analysis.
We're gonna see things improve now that blogs and federation are slowly but surely taking people out of such environments.


According to nu-leftypol proletarian is when "non-white" and/or from a low GDP country.


The proles are the only ones who have the power to prevent our descent into barbarism and the ones in the West, you know, the place Marx thought would be the most revolutionary, are living in the belly of the beast that is highest stage of Capitalism. Now that doesn't mean they all need to die or whatever strawman you've conjured up but if you think they are blameless then you're just infantalizing them. How many hundreds of years of no revolution do you need before you stop doing so?
>IDK anyone who says this irl
The odds that you know any commies period are tiny. In another thread someone said that I was dumb for not thinking a revolution is imminent because the movement is bigger than its been in 30 years. That's like saying a homeless dude is well on his way to becoming a billionaire because he got a job at McDonald's recently


Lmao what… there's nothing inherent to decentralization that would make it any less leftoid. Just look at this fucking shithole or your average leftoid fedi instance rofl.

What's the hard-on some of you fucks have for Mastodon? Even most blogposts are fucking awful too.


>stages of capitalism are different from country to country in 2024
You're incredibly stupid.


I mean this is even arguable when Lenin fucking introduced the concept, who also spoke of stages as a global phenomenon.


You can be all of dirtbag, vulgar, offensive, populist and much more without misdirecting it completely. I'm not really familiar with Whedon so I don't get where the contradiction is.

wow i hav been on left/pol/ and this is tru e

I also have a hunch that, just like computer nerds of yore, the Internet houses many of those shunned by society, and the more shunned you are, the more time you have to spend online. Double over-representation.

Funnily enough, the straw that made me finally post OP was a federated community. Federation isn't a magic bullet, and removing the profit motive isn't a magic bullet. They're progress, but not sufficient.

>but if you think they are blameless
I don't.
Hope that helps.

>The odds that you know any commies period are tiny.
This is a global forum, comrade! Cultures change within a few kilometres, let alone between cities. Where I grew up, I wouldn't know where to find a socialist. Where I am, I can show up to any weekend rally and there are at least four different communist orgs with tables set up.


I've had it with people saying 'Whedonist', nobody other than image boarders even know what that means, even I barely know what it means, it's just a thought terminating cliche


You're an asshole.


The trick is to not know what it means at all. Then it doesn't work on you.


Quite right but that doesn't mean the post you replied to is wrong


It's not the devil that you're facing
It's just your shadow on the floor

The theme of today is forgiveness.
I'm watching/listening to a video of Abby Martin talking about Gaza, more specifically Israeli society's fascism.
I just wanna tell her it's alright and stuff. Now, I looked her up and her spouse is Mike Prysner, an Iraq veteran.


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Whatever is in in Amereican cultural discourse (aka Dem party sponsored) is truely progressive, and whoever strays from true progession is a reactionary chauvinist.

Get in the boat, latinx

But what has that to do with an anti-idpol website as leftypol?!
As far I am concerned, in DDR there were lesbians and gays. Mayve even one or two ecrossdressers in Berlin. But no LQBTQ2S+, no latinx, no weirdly Western-German guilt-pride-selfhate and no "shitting and taking drugs on the Thälmann Street is fine actually"

Imho, I agree with you on that Maoist kinda edge part. Maybe youre not so wrong. Not I ranted myself into agreement, well.


feminism is regressive and reactionary in nature, patriarchy is progressive


>erm its not REAL liberalism because erm surveillance and shit
holy shit are you kidding me. this place truly is unsalvageable


That's your reading but that isn't what the post is saying


>the west is far from liberal
are you retarded. the post is being explicit about it lmfao. this shithole has a dogshit understanding of literally anything, especially what the fuck capitalism and communism are. indistinguishable from ancaps (if the state does literally anything then its less capitalist, ignore that the state is a vital component of keeping the bourgeois in line for the sake of capital)


calling capitalism a "regime" (ergo le bad) is also another telltale sign of terminal libshittery and not reading marx


Alright, lad, take a deep breath


>in this bourgeois nation-state in a specific time period there werent people that didnt exist until decades later
amazing insight brah

the reason the queer or feminist movement have nothing to do with communism is simply because theyre interclassist and seek bourgeois reform that benefits groups other than the proletarian and do nothing to further proletarian organization against capital, none of your moralist shit


>get called out
<u mad?
lol this isnt reddit


That seems to be a fixed idea of yours
I don't feel called out. It's more like you aren't listening and trying to run over people with aggressive loudness




>erm thats not what i meant
>erm you are angry
>erm thats not what i meant part deux
can you only make non-responses


This isn't a contest. Because you aren't listening, I won't waste my breath.


>corporate surveillance
>capitalist feudalism
and this other retard >>1889873 was saying you werent an utter retarded liberal LMAO. completely child-like understanding of the world


Who hurt you?


oh and the cherry on top: "late stage"
american leftoid internet spaces have been a blight on discussing communism holy fuck!



Oh no no no sweety
It's ok


lmao why do you keep making the same posts


You are acting like a polyp so I'm projecting the mirror image


"polyp" is when reading marx?


>feudalism is when owning and renting land
lollllllllllllllllllllllllllll this is hilarious


"late stage" is a completely arbitrary invention that implies capitalism is about to end based on literally vibes fucktard


My dude, it's about behavior, not what is in your "identity" or brain ("I read Marx")
Well, as far as I can see, you aren't a reader. The sad truth, not brought up a lot, is that it's perfectly possible to read without understanding.


>spout dumb liberal bullshit
>get called out for a stupid understanding of the world
<erm youre being like /pol/ right now dude
is this bait or are you actually this braindead


Trust me, I read more than you


Very cool astroturfing.


its capitalism retard


is that why you refuse to address literally anything?


Look up Idee fixe which is french for fixed idea
You cannot address that because it'd require some level of cooperation. It's like addiction.


ok pseud


anyone still bothering to visit this shithole should do themselves a favor and leave and never come back tbh. save your brain cells


you cant go back to a previous mode of production retard


So now we both look down on the other and what good is that. You went in without a plan and this is the result.


evolving into a previous mode is even more nonsensical

chatgpt post


You sound insane right now


<implying monopolies aren't literally what capitalism are about
Are you a lolbert pretending to be a communist?


how bored are u with ur life rn


I'm bored with you but soon I'll go do something else
at the same time I am already doing something else


'Late stage capitalism' has lasted over a hundred years now.


is that why youve made 20 posts already


Mirror stage
We going back to basics


freud is trash and phil is useless for communism :)


youre making shit up rn




Third world countries are also on the highest stage of capitalism. Capitalism doesn't exist isolated in nations, not even in "non-free market" ones. Those third world countries are part of a global system.


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Terrifically trivial


>dirtbag left
Is that even a relevant term anymore? I thought that grew out of podcasts like Chapo and Red Scare. That is to say, pretentious city dwellers who have never worked an honest job in their lives and secretly hold deep-seated racist beliefs.


This is a chan and its part of chan culture to be an edgy misanthrope.


I wasn't even talking about chan boards. Rare voice of reason.


didn't read


>"our ruling class are fucking jews that hate us and endorse israel"
american rightoids love israel, though


Worldview Marxism is dead, dude. Just move on.


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workers of the west, die in a proletarian revolution or live as slaves!


>american rightoids love israel, though
American rightoids come in several flavors


Didn't read. Go outside.


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Sure, but it's fancier, faster and funnier to call thought terminating cliches whedonisms. Like the absurdity of attributing the concept of a thought terminating cliche to American screenwriter and founder of Mutant Enemy Productions Joss Whedon is funny to me.


It's also ascetic and therefore anti-Marx. Let the ascetics be whipped and starved insensible, but by no means let them direct anyone else in any matter whatsoever.


Well that's the thing tho, above being thought terminating, whedonisms are sincerity terminating. Someone being whedonistic would tie their digity to their ability to withold any consideration for both worldly and intellectual comforts. Any moment of sincere comfort must be punctuated with a "well that just happened 😜."


Virtue signaling you like, eh. How about nah, start punching people for making ethical statements in public.


someone skipped marxism 101


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"regime" has an actual definition used fairly regularly in theoretical literature. do you think an "exercise regime" is a term made up by liberals to talk about authoritarian workouts?

i like it here


>do you think an "exercise regime"
It's a misusage of "regimen"


ah im retarded. same root though isnt it? just referring to an organized implementation of something?


Don't sweat it. That particular confusion is becoming more common even among native speakers.

So, doublets come to a language via different routes and develop distinct meaning along each of their own ways. Roughly speaking, these both relate to forms of practice. Regimens specify them, while regimes realize them.


>which is allienated from material analysis
Word salad, /isg/


All of this will stop the moment a communist revolution takes place and/or succeeds in the West.


nick fuentes isn't even mainstreal alt right, though


>The new flavour of american rightoid is a strange amalgam of anti-capitalist anti-imperialist white nationalist jew hater
That's just the new /pol/, I like it tbh
They're still incurable retards who say shit like "don't do my boy Goebbels dirty", but the board is actually usable now and even has some interesting memes.


much of it comes down to the ideal society on the chvd meta being something aproximated to the amish: collectivized land and means of production responding to a communal autority and pragmatic materialism mixed with ethno-nationalism which is supported by a society of voluntary and enforced traditionalism where value is derived from work and self-sufficient subsistence
their current obsession is more about autonomy from the financial world and the state, with the implied centralized authorities, than anything


I call it "skill issue".


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source on cute rigby image OP?

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