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"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Armenia recognises Palestinian statehood, says Armenian foreign ministry
Armenia supports a United Nations resolution on an immediate ceasefire in Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza and is in favour of a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, a ministry statement said.

Workers at a Levi's supplier factory in Turkey subjected to ‘violence, mass sackings and blacklisting’
The report accuses Ozak Global, the provincial security forces and the company’s favoured union, of having been complicit in “violence, arrests and retaliatory mass firings against roughly 400 workers, after the majority of the facility’s workforce chose to join an independent union” since last November.

Third consecutive day | Turkish forces continue to reinforce contact lines with regime forces within “Putin-Erdogan” area
Yesterday, Turkish forces brought military reinforcements for the second consecutive day to “Putin-Erdogan” area, where a military convoy comprising 22 military machineries including tanks and armoured vehicles entered and headed to Turkish positions in Al-Zawiyah Mountain.

Le Pen’s Party Gains Support in Poll; Macron Approval Drops
A poll by Ifop-Fiducial for Sud Radio found that 38% of those interviewed want the National Rally to win, and increase of two points from June 10, the day after Macron announced a snap vote. An alliance of left parties, the New Popular Front, was in second place with 29% backing, unchanged. Support for Macron’s party and its allies rose to 22% from 18%.

Tata Steel workers call first strikes in 40 years to halt devastating job losses
Some 1,500 of its members based in Port Talbot and Llanwern, south Wales, will walk out on July 8 in the first British steelworkers strike in more than 40 years. The Indian conglomerate announced the job cuts alongside plans to close blast furnaces to switch to a greener form of production earlier this year. Britain’s largest steelworks’ furnaces are due to be switched off by September to be replaced with cleaner electric arc technology.

South Africa’s Democratic Alliance suspends MP for racist comments
A clip of Renaldo Gouws saying “Kill all the kaffirs” – a racial slur for black people – and then repeating the phrase using a swear word and the N-word, has gone viral online.

Niger revokes French nuclear group’s licence at major uranium mine
Niger’s military government has revoked the operating licence of French nuclear fuel producer Orano at one of the world’s biggest uranium mines, as it continues to cut ties with former colonial power France.

Argentina’s president promises to quash corruption then shocks with his Supreme Court pick
Since its formation in 1999, the magistrates council, Argentina’s top judicial watchdog, has encountered just two Buenos Aires federal judges dogged by more complaints of misconduct than Lijo, who has faced 32 formal denunciations in his 20-year career, Argentina’s Civic Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ) found. In the past year, Lijo has faced five impeachment requests, unrivaled in his court.

Built as ‘temporary’ wartime huts, owners are being forced to preserve these crumbling Brisbane homes
He’d nearly finished replacing the modern vinyl cladding of his house – added by a previous owner – changing it back to weatherboard. But the temporary heritage order by Brisbane city council meant he was forced to down tools. The better part of two years later, part of the old wall – and the old asbestos – is still there.

India's Modi criticised for exam irregularities amid lack of jobs
India's opposition parties and the country's students on Thursday hit out at the new government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi for irregularities in recent government-run tests for college admissions and government teaching jobs.

Sri Lanka loses 10 percent of its doctors amid exodus after economic crisis
The effects on the country’s already fragile healthcare system are visible. In April last year, all emergency surgeries were suspended for several weeks in the District General Hospital in Embilipitiya, about 200km (120 miles) south of Colombo, after two anaesthesiologists there left the country. As a temporary measure, another anaesthesiologist from a nearby hospital was moved there, but she has since also left for overseas training.


Trump announces Teamsters union chief to speak at Republican convention
Sean O’Brien, the president of the Teamsters union, will speak at the Republican national convention in Milwaukee next month, a move that could spell trouble for Joe Biden’s support among blue-collar workers ahead of the November election.

TikTok confirms it offered US government a 'kill switch'
TikTok says it offered the US government the power to shut the platform down in an attempt to address lawmakers' data protection and national security concerns. It disclosed the "kill switch" offer, which it made in 2022, as it began its legal fight against legislation that will ban the app in America unless Chinese parent company ByteDance sells it.

Race to unseat New York progressive ‘most expensive House primary ever’
A Guardian analysis of campaign finance records has found that three Super Pacs have spent nearly $18m to unseat Bowman. United Democracy Project (UDP), an Aipac-affiliated Super Pac, has spent more than $14.5m backing Latimer – the most the group has spent on any single race in its history. Latimer has also benefited from $1m from the group Democratic Majority for Israel and $2m from the crypto-backed group FairShake, according to Federal Election Commission records. Meanwhile, a coalition of 10 progressive outside groups have spent about $3m in support of Bowman.

Boeing expected to escape charges for violating 2021 crash settlement – report
The department plans to offer Boeing a deferred prosecution agreement, which requires the company to install a federal monitor to oversee safety improvements, the Times reported, citing people familiar with the situation. The US government is expected to extend its settlement offer to the planemaker before the end of the month, the report said. Boeing was not immediately available for comment, and a spokesperson for the justice department declined to comment.

Feds to Vote on CP2 Project as Climate Campaigners Protest LNG Buildout
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will formally consider issuing a permit for the Calcasieu Pass 2 export terminal, a major fossil fuel infrastructure project in Louisiana that environmental campaigners oppose, according to a notice the agency released Thursday.

Cruz offers bill to exempt tips from taxation, an idea touted by Trump
The proposal would exempt tips provided in the forms of cash, credit and debit card charges and checks from federal income tax by allowing taxpayers to claim a 100-percent above-the-line deduction for tipped wages.

EPA to review Texas oversight of oil, gas wastewater disposal wells
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will review Texas' oversight of wells used for injecting oil drilling wastewater and carbon dioxide into the ground after "substantial concerns" from environmental groups that the operations are behind a spate of well blowouts, sinkholes and seismic activity.

Kyle Rittenhouse's Family Plead for Money as They Face Eviction
Kyle Rittenhouse's sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her "brother's unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family."


>Sean O’Brien, the president of the Teamsters union, will speak at the Republican national convention in Milwaukee next month
it's over


>Sean O’Brien, the president of the Teamsters union, will speak at the Republican national convention in Milwaukee next month, a move that could spell trouble for Joe Biden’s support among blue-collar workers ahead of the November election.
MAGAcom bros, I kneel


A Jailed Socialist in Turkey Calls for Solidarity With Gaza By Alp Altınörs
ISIS, who committed genocide against the Yezidis in Shingal on August 3, 2014, and before that had carried out a genocide against the Turkmen of Tel Afar, could not do the same in Kobani. It did not let itself be written into history as a city that suffered the pain of genocide — and instead became known as the city that stopped ISIS. Today, the world is witnessing another genocide: the one perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza. The Israelis want to annex Gaza and expel its Palestinian population (just as they did in the Nakba of 1948). Let us recall what Naomi Klein wrote about disaster capitalism. Once again, a part of the Palestinian homeland will be filled with settlements by the occupation forces. The pain and suffering of the Palestinians will be transformed into profits for Israeli monopolies. Those who upheld the democratic protests against the ISIS genocide in Kobani yesterday, today come out against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The universities of the United States are raising their voices against this barbarism. When there is a genocide ongoing, to watch in silence is also a crime. We who ten years ago tried to prevent a genocide unfolding before our eyes, are today punished with prison sentences in this political trial.

The New Popular Front in France and the balance of class forces
FRANCE is in a deep systemic crisis of the kind that has punctuated its history with violent eruptions. We index them by the years in which they took place from 1789 onwards. The panicked election for the National Assembly called by President Emmanuel Macron following his party’s humiliation in the European elections, means France in three weeks could have: a fascist prime minister, or a prime minister on a left programme that bosses are screaming is “anti-capitalist,” or no prime minister plus chaos in the government. All with eruptions on the street bigger than those already taking place. Hundreds of thousands protested at the weekend against Marine Le Pen and her far-right National Rally (RN) that topped the European election. Polling for the legislative election is volatile. The RN is at about 32 per cent. Macron’s liberal-centrist party on 18 per cent. The main opposition to the right is from an alliance of left and centre-left parties, the Popular Front, drawn up last week. It has 28 per cent. The two-round system means it is very difficult to predict the final outcome of the 577 constituencies on July 7. At the moment the Popular Front bloc is likely to be in the run-offs that day in over 500 seats. A great fear is descending upon the capitalist class in France. Just a week into the election campaign it is a crushing blow to Macron.

"Popular Front" in France: An old, bankrupt story
"The multi-party cooperation established in France under the title “Popular Front” (Front Populaire) in order- as they say- to put obstacles to the election of a far-right Prime Minister, is presented as an example to follow in our country as well. This is an electoral scheme that was announced, shortly after the call for snap elections, by political forces that have led the promotion of ferocious anti-popular policies from governmental positions, such as the Socialist Party (Parti Socialiste-PS), or have been tested in the entrapment, disorientation and defusing of popular discontent, such as Melenchon's La France Insoumise (LFI) and the mutant Communist Party (Parti Comuniste Francais- PCF). Their collaboration isn't something new. The “anti-right” and “anti-far right” fronts have a long history in local, parliamentary and presidential elections in France, with the latest example being the 2022 parliamentary elections when these forces formed NUPES (Nouvelle Union Populaire Ecologique et Sociale). Nonetheless, as confirmed in the European elections and throughout the last years, they haven't “blocked the way to the strengthening of the far-right”, despite their claims that they are capable to do.


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Thanks News Anon



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