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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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As a communist What is your stance on immunization are you pro or anti-vax and what would Mao say about it?


We support the cuban, russian, chinese vaccines but not the western ones.


We vaxxmaxx


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I am a big fan of the VAX line of computers from Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). The VAX family was a huge success for DEC, with the last members arriving in the early 1990s. The name VAX refers to its Virtual Address eXtension concept that allowed programs to make use of this newly available memory while still being compatible with unmodified user mode PDP-11 code. The name "VAX-11", used on early models, was chosen to highlight this capability. DEC quickly dropped the −11 branding as PDP-11 compatibility was no longer a major concern. The line expanded to both high-end mainframes like the VAX 9000 as well as to the workstation-scale systems like the VAXstation series. The VAX family ultimately contained ten distinct designs and over 100 individual models in total. All of them were compatible with each other and normally ran the VAX/VMS operating system.


chinese vaxx is cool.

nontheless i think the pandemics quarantine were a meme the US and western governments pushed to propell social media


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>what would Mao say about it?
Pasteur discovered the existence of viruses which made it possible for him to develop the first vaccine. Similarly, it's because Mao discovered the laws operating within socialist society that give rise to the bourgeois line in the party that he was able to develop the policies, the strategy and tactics, to defeat the bourgeois line and various bourgeois headquarters, not once but repeatedly.


Basically think of Maoism as a vaccine against revisionism. It works on the herd immunity principle. You need to inoculate everyone against it because even a few capitalist-roaders can cause an outbreak. People can disagree privately but laws should compel them to conform with the science here.

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