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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What does /leftypol/ think of the recent decrease in support for pro-independence parties in Catalonia and Scotland? The decrease has largely benefited the mainstream left parties like the PSOE in Spain and Labour in the UK.

Any anons from there can comment on why this is happening and the implications?


Integrated into controlled opposition


Former UK diplomat and Assange associate Craig Murray talks about the inner working and politics of the SNP on his blog from time to time.


in a broad sense my GUESS is that rising global tensions and decline in standard of living make the idea of such a major political change scarier or at least feels less realistic than it was a decade ago, when it seemed like an exciting prospect in a relatively stable world. scots and catalonians arent really repressed or occupied as nations except in the very technical sense (still arguable), and it seems likely that the sentimentalism about cultural identity feels much lower priority when the future feels more uncertain. i think it would take very serious decline in the UK or Spain for that to circle back around to broad support for independence reframed as wanting to jump ship


any interesting things he says?


I don't know off the top of my head. Scottish Nationalism isn't a major concern for me.


He's running for the WPB in the upcoming election

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