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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1719125528028-0.mp4 (395.21 KB, 1280x720, oooooooooooooooooooooo.mp4)

File: 1719125528028-1.png (153.49 KB, 952x1144, leftbing.png)


It's once again time to play /leftypol/ bingo. Because we're collectivists, we all play on one card, so just cite a post number as evidence: >>18##### , add a mark to our card and repost it. Yes, even (((phoneposters))) can edit pictures, it doesn't count until you attach an image on this imageboard.

HARD MODE: no using posts made before this one. rigging is for porkies!
HET MODE: take a shot for every square someone else finds
CIA MODE: have no sense of humor and cry over a thread


File: 1719125772975.jpg (28.47 KB, 400x230, mpv-shot0013.jpg)

>old skool edition
hell yeah!

let's start with SPOOKS! square, should be pretty easy even these days. two confirmed stirnerposters are still postin'.


>[anything involving a /pol/ opinion and not getting deleted immediately by fragile jannies who think education is for fags]
In this economy!?!


Is that the one with the trash can?


File: 1719127422170.png (6.28 KB, 192x192, ClipboardImage.png)

It's 2024 and this ones is still relevant
I'll try and find a post, maybe the PRC thread still has one?


Oh, and remember to all reply "BINGO" to scoring posts in their thread!


gambling is bourgeois decadence


what good are labor vouchers if I dont have the L I B E R T Y
to gamble them??


that leftypol bingo image is incredible man, fucking saved


I found it on our booru and slightly edited it, more like it here: https://lefty.pictures/post/list/bingo/1



bottom middle would basically be a free space if British SocDem was still here :(


>the booru has a new URL
neato. I guess it's self-hosted now?


>>the booru
Isn't that site just for the getchan neets to share their aime porn or did I misunderstand the concept all these years?


stalin's strongest soldier gonna raid the nursing home to gulag all the old folks playing bingo to pass the time


Yep, it's self-hosted on my server now. booru.org is outdated and dying, details in >>>/meta/33218

Most of it is /leftypol/ stuff, the anime porn is pretty rare these days and easily avoided using tags.


>"Read Zizek/Stirner/Adorno/Rousseau/Nietzche/Foucault/Dr. Seuss/[some other obscure writer no one has ever heard of]"
One day I intend to write a book. I will then do this with my own book. Instead of answering people I will tell them to read my book.

Unique IPs: 9

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