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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Was he unironically a leftist anti-imperialist? He was turning Egypt into a modern, industrialized powerhouse, he seized the power from the parasitic nobility and clergy and was on the verge of destroying the backwards Ottomans, literally at the gates of Constantinople until European imperialists such as UK, France and Russia, afraid of a united Middle Eastern industrialized nation intervened in favor of the Turks, whom they used as a puppet.


Didn't he view Egyptians as subhuman serfs? I heard this before but it could be wrong.


Ottoman propaganda


Egypt and to lesser extent Iraq, had GDP per capita comparable to that of France before Ottomans invaded both with the help of bongs to enforce trade capitulations for western companies that bankrupted and de-industrialzed both.


The reason MENA is poor, divided and de-industrialized is because of euroaches 100%


The Egyptian-Ottoman war was the biggest humilliating defeat the Ottomans ever endured, worse than WWI, worse than Vienna and other Euroach victories chvds like the brag about, the Ottomans were on the verge of collapse at the hands of a subject alone.



Why do you come here to make these trash OPs?
What do you think your achieving here?


He was albanian jsyk


Applying labels like leftist to a guy like Muhammad Ali Pasha is retarded. What a shit thread. I bet OP think Julius Caesar was a socdem.

>he seized the power from the parasitic nobility and clergy and was on the verge of destroying the backwards Ottomans,

The Ottomans didn't have a nobility or a clergy. This is basic history.

Deindustrialization didn't set in until after the Treaty of Balta Liman.

Historically speaking, at the beginning of the 1800s there wasn't a huge difference between Western Europe and the Ottomans, India or China, except in weapons and that's because Europe had been in constant war since the French rev.


They had a clergy bro, all premodern islamic states had an ulama. It didnt work like western clergy but it was still a collegiate body that was an authority on islamic practice and jurisprudence. They also didn't have an outright nobility but locally entrenched dynasties and landlords that acted as de facto closed nobilities, we just refer to them in the scholarship as “local notables” ofc their power wasnt exactly legally enshrined


>I bet OP think Julius Caesar was a socdem


the Ottoman Empire, Qajar Iran, Safavids, and Mamelukes was socialist


trying to convince us that islam somehow isnt an enemy to class consciousness.

not the first and wont be the last


stop playing eu iv

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