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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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How long do you guys think it’s going to take these losers to completely run the French government and its economy into the ground? I’m betting a couple months, because it’s obvious that these cunts are going to do nothing to address landlordism, high taxation, government mismanagement, costs of living, the country’s destroyed reputation in the Sahel, and any other problems, but they will blame every failure they are about to inflict on that imperialist country on immigrants.


They'll keep being in power regardless because the far-right has a total dictatorship of meme culture.


“They’ll keep being in power because of their monopoly over meme culture.” You know, for a country that’s dealing with total deportation and open sanctions from the African continent, and is in a debt and power crisis over its horrendous policies any unproductiveness, you would think that the candidates and the voting population of that place would at least pretend to notice and give a shit about imperialism, corruption, and the country’s bleak future, but no…


Le Pen is a putinist so shes technically anti-imperialist.


She literally whines in public about refugees while advocating for the same policies that cause people to become displaced out of their countries by force. I don’t care what term any political candidate decides they want to align with, I care about their actions and promises. She might be a putifuckalist whatever, but she’s still functionally the same North Atlantic imperialist shithead everyone in the global south is tired of putting up with.


>being pro one imperialist bloc over another makes you anti-imperialist


I lowkey think its not that bad if they endorse putin, as maybe in a order of priotities voting for a lefty party that will just worsen the pensionary system ponzi scheme and some trans-reactionarism is just not really useful, nothing will change, neo-colonies held by france wont be retreated anyway, so maybe it stops a war that is killing people with no necessity


Dude, French government officials have zero military or economic influence in the Sahel right now, because they got forced out by mass public protests and juntas. Additionally, it’s been reported that members of the AES have been looking towards deporting the remaining companies in operation of the region, to remove even more imperialist influence. I don’t know about the rest of that country’s political influence worldwide, but if the Sahel is any indication of anything, then France is headed for a future of complete neglect by the world outside of Europe and remaining settler colonies of the now deceased British empire.


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Shame the Left can’t compete with them. Is what it is though. In everything I’ve seen about the National Rally, I get the impression they’re at least semi-competent politicos, so they can probably hold onto power once they seize it. Don’t imagine much looking good for Melenchon and the Left though.


This is not holding power until the presidentials.
Macron can veto and cockblock any Policy they push.

If they win these is a good thing, as their political capital will start maiming by the presidentials.
Real power in france is presidential power.


I am pretty sure it is Zionist who have faked the election to get zionist parties in power that have the appearance of a social mandate due to anti-immigrant platforms.

If the elections weren't fake Melencheon would have one.

Any French anons here can comment.


My favorite hobby is observing "leftists" having a liberal meltdown on le """rise of fascism"""

Thanks OP


>"""rise of fascism"""
why the scare quotes


I’m guessing that they still believe that North Atlantic countries are actually as democratic as they advertise themselves to be, even though their history and current domestic and foreign policies would suggest otherwise.
Examples of North Atlantic countries not really being free democracies is how they openly support anti democratic/one party states like the UAE, Israel, and South Korea; how they openly support civil wars in MENA and sub Saharan Africa (that recent Congo coup attempt is a shockingly good example); how their politicians regularly gaslight their voters to discourage people of different age groups and religions from voting or participating in politics regularly in their media; the mass and regularly celebrated wealth inequality that’s constantly pushed as a positive in their media (inequality causes political marginalization and fuels corruption if this escalates like what happens in India, Nigeria, and America); how countries like the USA, UK, France, and Germany are still dealing with cases of open slavery, voter fraud, arbitrary arrests, martial law, and mass surveillance against innocents over those that actually want those countries destroyed. I’m going to stop there, because there are way too many examples of this obnoxious fascistic garbage to list.


>how they openly support civil wars in MENA and sub Saharan Africa (that recent Congo coup attempt is a shockingly good example)
Dog no one in the US government wants Felix gone, if they did those dumb college kids from Utah wouldn't be there. The regime in Congo is a reliable US partner and the actual attempt was laughable. It was such a nothing burger that concerts in Kinshasa weren't even canceled.


I’m pretty sure Felix himself stated that he wanted to nationalize cobalt production, and that he is moving away from the USA similar to what other leaders in the continent are doing for the sake of keeping the region safe.


Rightoids can't meme lol. Have you seen 4chan or twitter in the past 6 years? They got trapped thinking of memes as brands, virtue signals and SEO boosters rather than a tool of expression and went all in on visual whedonisms while actual meme culture advanced onward without them.


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Yeah just pretend that Macron didn't totally enable this by acting like a nazi during Covid. It's just those hecking internet nazis and memes, not him being a complete maniac who time and time again assaulted the people, directly.
>y-you're a nazi
No, french leftists had a PERFECT opportunity to sweep up the rage against the liberal fascist leader, but instead they just succdem'd up to *all* of his policies and actions. You blew it and it was all your fault and it's so frustrating because it was primed to raise class consciousness with all the protests and crackdowns.


Omg guys we need to vote harder against the Bad guys


Because fascism hasn't been a thing in a century. This is all liberalism, baby, unless you're one of those radlibs who deep down believe capitalism has been tainted and needs to be protected.


>open sanctions from the African continent
How does this matter?



>Russia is le imperialist!!!
Tell the class what you think “imperialism” is


France is in a power crisis over sanctions just from Niger, and has reported outages in recent months. This is going to continue and worsen as the country deindustrializes and fails to improve its reputation in even more countries.


Successful political parties have a lot of walking-around money to hand out, and some of that surely goes to online canvassers.


I suggest you read what the kind Vladimir Ilyich has to say on the matter, as well as to the social chauvinists of the Second (Yellow) International:


Russia is clearly in the periphery. Read World Systems Theory you ignoramus. Even the Trotsykists at WSWS don't consider Russia imperialist and they would sooner shoot Putin than ever shill for him.


>Russia is clearly in the periphery
so? that doesn't mean the war in Ukraine isn't about divvying up the land


Unrelated, but do you think that Russia has a chance of seeing societal recovery and progress this century?


It’s not a war and it’s not about “divvying land”, they’re cleaning up a rogue Nazi government operating within Russian soil that has been collaborating with the United States to genocide Russians. But you knew that


Another succdem tears about rightoid wins. You allowed this, you fucking dumb ass soc fash neolib cocksuckers. Hope you all get the wall from new black shirts.


>actually believing the Russian armed forces are in Donbass to denazify it


>It’s not a war


>How long do you guys think it’s going to take these losers to completely run the French government and its economy into the ground?
As far as I can tell Le Pen is running on a Keynesian platform. They basically took over socdem economics with a right wing paintjob. IMO they will have some genuinely popular policies.


Are you denying the overwhelming nazi influence in Ukraine or that it is in the Russians interest to denazify?


>Are you denying the overwhelming nazi influence in Ukraine
>that it is in the Russians interest to denazify?
the Russian bourgeoisie doesn't give a shit whether there are nazis in Ukraine or not


>the Russian bourgeoisie doesn't give a shit whether there are nazis in Ukraine or not
the porkies that don't align with Putin get regularly sleepy pilled


>right wing populist makes vague comments about not wanting to do nuclear war with russia

i remember hearing meloni say the same shit and she still walked back her statements and kept funding the fuck out of ukraine


true. but why do they get sleepy pilled?


>the Russian bourgeoisie doesn't give a shit whether there are nazis in Ukraine or not
Bourgeoisie in any country dgaf about anything except power and money. The Russian people very much care about Russian people in Ukraine getting bombed by a CIA installed nazi led government.


So was Salvini. Imperialists love imperialists



Rooting for anyone as long they aren't remotely leftists, I see.



Are you guys fucking serious? Rooting for the good billionares now!?


>The Russian people very much care about Russian people in Ukraine getting bombed by a CIA installed nazi led government


>milquetoast centrist technocrat gets elected
>fails to address crises
>fails to solve equality issues
>runs country into the ground
>far-right party usually named something like National [noun] steps up
>we can fix everything by killing all black people
>99% vote share
>fails to fix anything
>runs country into the ground
>milquetoast centrist technocrat gets elected

and fucking repeat


Not him but oppression of the bourgeoise is good.


First, are you asking that in seriousness?


Newfriend, if /leftypol/ had a proper archive not limited by waybacks dogshit archiving, I'd show you wonders you have never seen before from a year ago almost where people unironically stated that any corporation that pissed off fascists with diversity and any bourgeoisie funding it was based actually, shit straight out of /r/gamingcircljerk.
I don't even know what you're on about here, just that yes.


Truly you are onto something big here. I wonder what the intervention is that is missing here.


>Le Pen is a putinist
Nope, she's an angloid zionist like Meloni.


>It’s not a war
holy glow batman


socialism baby!!!


it doesn't matter what the Russian people "want". Porky controls the shots. no bourgeois state goes to war without its bourgeoisie's say-so


fascism always exists where capitalism destabilizes, /pol/shitter


Yes, you are basically an inverse communist.
That's why you people seem familiar.


>>the Russian bourgeoisie doesn't give a shit whether there are austro-hungarians in Serbia or not
>Bourgeoisie in any country dgaf about anything except power and money. The Russian people very much care about Slavic people in Serbia getting bombed by a austro-hungarian installed hapsburg led government.


it doesn't matter what the Russian people "want". Porky controls the shots. no bourgeois state goes to war without its bourgeoisie's say-so


Do you have any link? Maybe someone archive the threads with the wayback machine


That was already happening due to the US forcing them to sanction Russia. It's happening to all countries in the EU with industries that rely on high energy usage.


Technically correct, the worst form of correct. All I know is I have been running around on the internet and all I have seen is people trying to scam each other.


>>Le Pen is a putinist
>Nope, she's an angloid zionist like Meloni.
these positions are not exclusive


Shut up zigga


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Average Westoid mindset
>Voot reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid


Yeah that’s what you get when you have a population that thinks voting for endless autarkyism and austerity will save them from an unproductive economy. At least generation z is turning more towards jobs that involves directly producing things again; contrast to their dumbass grandparents…



I mean the thing is Right Wingers appeal to an actual constituency within a nation. "The Proletariat" isn't a national constituency in a meaningful sense. Basing electoral campaigns on appealing to a "proletariat" doesn't really work in the age of globalized capitalism. Native workers can rightfully recognize that an influx of immigration will expand the supply of labor and lower wages, the Right can appeal to that nativism and the Left just plays defensively.

Seriously, what's the argument the Left has? "You're going to just have to accept it. This is Capitalism's fault." Who, in the world, does that appeal to? The Right acknowledges an idea that resources are limited and so we "can't afford to share them with just anyone" and the Left just plays defensively on mostly moral grounds: "it isn't right." While the Right appeals to native workers material interests. I don't think most people can say anyone is voting Left these days in the hopes of improving their situation in life, it's all defensive: stop the right from getting in and making things worse. It's a permanent siege mentality.

I was reading a few articles on the leadup to France's new election, and it had quite a few folks who were voting for National Rally. One said: "Yeah they're racists, but I'm hoping they'll do something on rent." That was a running theme with a few of them: "Yeah shit's bad, the center can't hold, we need change." And they aren't looking to the Left for that change, they're looking Right, because anyone can do napkin math and realize "more people = more competition for resources." The idea of a "unified proletariat" is illusory against the reality of a global, nomadic workforce. If you lose your well-paying factory job to a sweatshop in Malaysia are you going to write a letter to some person you don't know, who doesn't speak your language, "Congratulations, Comrade! Glad to see you've got new employment!" If you're looking for work to survive and you're up against a newly arrived immigrant promising to work for less, are you gonna smile and say: "Well may the best man win?"

You'll hear this frequent refrain: "Oh, Capitalism is international so Socialism has to be international, too!" But does any working class in any nation on earth actually think globally? The fact is most think of their immediate surroundings first, and maybe their nation after that, but globally? I doubt it. They don't see workers in Bangladesh as an "us", they just see them as foreigners.

I mean you only have to see the fact that National Rally has overtaken quite a few old Communist strongholds to see how meaningful the "international proletariat" is to the local proletariat. Rather than achieving real solidarity, it can only create an imagined solidarity of narrow sectional interests united more by fear of the Right than a sense of shared struggle or international destiny: you've got socially conservative minorities side-by-side with liberal minorities (the LGBT community, for example) and that coalition lasts up until you write some bill to, say, ban pride parades: then the coalition breaks down as people from socially conservative backgrounds vote in favor of it and sexual minorities vote against it. Shit, even among immigrants themselves you'll see plenty who'll say "Well, sure, we came here but we're one of the good ones. We've got too many people coming here now, and they aren't as good as US." It's only an appearance of internationalism, not real international solidarity. You'll get people from all over the world, forming the most diverse coalition ever, but none of them can rise above their narrow interests: the LGBT won't set their interests aside in the name of the ethnic minorities, who in turn won't set their interests aside in the name of the LGBT, all the while nativist workers are voting for their own narrow interests. Appeals to an "international proletariat" don't really work when you're expected to set aside or even harm your own narrow interests in the name of some category you may even have some hesitance to belonging to.

To this day, there's been no successful challenge to globalist Capitalism from the Left. As soon as Capitalists import foreign workers, all the Left can do is appeal to an imagined solidarity that quickly breaks down as the realities of market-based competition disrupt solidarity. If someone can point to an example where this wasn't the case and the division of workers among national lines didn't occur, I'll happily change my tune, but as of now this is all we get time and again: a slow defeat.


the true division lies in skilled labor and unskilled labor. the latter is what people refer to as an 'immigrant' if it's foreign but they take up jobs ala construction; which is what we're gonna need if we want to take seriously the idea of rebuilding our aging infrastructure. what we need to stop are visas for skilled labor whom we import from all across the globe ala doctors and nurses, whom the domestic workers here don't consider 'immnigrants' but fellow doctors and nurses, a class distinction.


Immigrant, immigrant, immigrant. You and that other guy are whining endlessly about them and your dumbass first world job markets, but you are both failing to realize that even without foreign migrants, you would both still be competing for shit jobs regardless. The reasons for this competition are resource dependence, arbitrary restrictions on economic opportunities, and domestic rural to urban migration.
The first reason is obvious. For as many banana republics that exist in the global south, the “first world” is shockingly not any less reliant on foreign labour and resources. I would know, I’m from fucking Canada and over half this dumbass country’s exports are just oil and refined petroleum products. Same goes for the Nordic states. Most of Australia's economy is literally just minerals; a lesser extent goes for Britain in its current dumbass state; and even parts of France are looking like they’re headed for resource dependency in the coming years. The only exceptions are Germany, South Korea, and Japan. The former for government subsidation and immigration policies, and the latter two for geographical limitations. It’s no wonder that most of the ‘first world’ is stuck in housing crises. Not enough people are willing to work in jobs that matter.
The latter two reasons are easier to understand. Discrimination and systemic barriers to opportunities for many just leave people that otherwise would’ve been useful to stay stuck unemployed. The last reason is simpler to understand, because most of a country’s industry is in large urban settlements, and most people that move to them aren’t foreign migrants but domestic ones, because they simply outnumber them.
Ignoring these three facts and blaming every competition-related hardship gets nothing done. Nothing will be resolved in the short term or in the long term.

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