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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Ah, I randomly stumbled upon a proof that in 1933, there was no drop in fertility rates in USSR

Taken from this https://istmat.org/files/uploads/40054/rgae_1562.41.65_statisticheskie_dinamicheskie_ryady_1913-1951.pdf page 237 (213) for RSFSR. Ukraine has the same dynamics This is how many schools there were in RSFSP at this or that year, second row how many kids were in schools at this or that year total. Third row is kids at 5-10th grades.

So, in 1932-33 there supposed to be a big hunger that killed a lot of people and dropped fertility rates, but in 1940 we can see that there's no real drop in the number of schoolchildren (at 7-8 years old they go to school). Meanwhile, the fertility rate drop during the war RESULTED in the drop of the number of schoolkids (1940 + 7-8 - we can see low numbers of schoolkids). Second pic is fertility rates, the country with the highest drop is USSR, obviously

As we can see, secret documents from the archives DO NOT SUPPORT the reconstructions of fertility rates that show a sharp drop in fertility rates in 1932-33, meaning there was no noticeable hunger in 1932-1933


the Soviets obviously falsified attendance records and/or forced millions of Soviet children back several grades


Yeah anyone that actually knows their shit knows the origin of that myth was from some actual nazi trying to sell a story. There's nothing proving its real besides random claims, which exposed me to the anarchkiddy (relevant because this is one of their prime arguments against "tankies") tendency to just believe feels over reals.

The soviets kept records of everything and people… visited Ukraine during the time it allegedly happened and didn't notice anything. The story only came out decades later.

Not going to find the timestamp but this podcast goes over it for a while. Remember, trying to centrist it and say "it did happen, but it wasn't on purpose" is still playing into liberal hands.


I accidentally timestamped it in the middle but I noticed there's chapters with one on the """famine""" so you can just skip there.


Don't care. Neither does literally any other normal or mentally well human.
Don't you get bored of these little history based hyper-fixations?


>noooooooo stop debunking anti-communist myths

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