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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Istfg Fine Gael supporters are thick fucking skulled, it doesnt matter what you say to them or show them- they will repeatedly say that the Republican movement is inherently anti-immigration. Like for christs sake no it is NOT its Anti-Imperialist, its against the economic occupation of our land in the south and the military, administrative and economic occupation by Britain of the north of our land.

It also seems that much of this "Ireland is for the Irish!" crowd online comes from Irish Diaspora in AMERICA rather than from people actually on the fucking island - what could this mean?


Another liberal on liberal violence


Dont see how this is liberal on liberal violence? The "Republican movement" im referring to is that of the IRA and INLA, the IRA originally being a merger of the ICA (marxists) and the Anti-Treaty IRA's (Bourgeois republicans) forces, the (official) IRA later adopting the Marxist theories of James Connolly and after the Provisional IRA splitting from the Official the adoption of Revisionist Communist principles to gain support from the Revisionist USSR which then lead to the INLA who were Marxist-Leninist splitting from the OIRA and forming an alliance with the petit-bourgeois PIRA to combat British Imperialism in the North


>fighting over if the party line should be "anti-imperialist" radlib buzzword or classic pro/anti-immigration libshit


irish republican understander has logged on


Fine Gael are not apart of the Republican movement, they are a Bourgeois fascist party (that sided with the Spanish nationalists by sending volunteers in their civil war). They utilise hatred towards the immigrants to turn the Irish Proletariat away from the fight against Landlordism, Capitalism and Imperialism. And the Marxist Parties have long decided that the National Liberation of Ireland in the North will come before the Revolution in the rest of isle.


So instead of uniting the Irish proletariat through class struggle we start a civil war?


northern ireland is occupied by the british, the british always seeked to divide the irish proletariat, kicking out the british colonizers would be a part of the class struggle


>>1894030 The National Liberation war comes first it will likely be coupled with Proletarian struggle in the south the same way it did during the Troubles however i fear they'll be weaker than what they were in those times due to Fine Gael mobilising much of the Proletariat and Agrarian towards the migrant worker rather than to the landlord and other individualists. Which is why combatting the racism perpetuated by the irish rightwing is important


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im unironically convinced leftcoms are a CIA psyop to destroy any anti-imperialist conversation with "BUT WHAT ABOUT DA CLASS STRUGGLE DOE?!"
anti-imperialism is class struggle, read mao.


>>1894037 Hell even reading Lenins analysis of Imperialism could reveal that lmfao


So true king.

Fuck class struggle, more bourgeois wars and dead proletarians please.


>>1894040 Anti-imperialist wars are not purely bourgeois you fuckwit


holy fuck kill yourself please


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Try posting this dreck in the Palestine thread, agent. See how long you will last.



I already do, tankiddy.



The documented history of trotskyists becoming neocons is noted


Fine Gael arent anti-imperialist to any measure dumbass, they complain about immigrants but the second the topic of British Imperialism in the North arises they SUPPORT the Imperialists


Pansy-ass passive aggressive whining about "multipolaristas" doesn't count, little bitch uygha.


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back to /pol/ with you uygha


The amazing thing about the Irish republican struggle is the way that instead of freshly radicalised Gen Z communists joining already existing republican organisations, this disorganised shitshow sprang up out of nowhere.

Tinfoil hat, but given the incompetence of James Connolly House and the RHL fiascos in general, would our MLM comrades not question their dear leader?

>Turns out having an alcoholic sociopath as the leader of your organisation is a bad idea.


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are you really surprised? reactionaries are to fucking stupid to comprehend that their problems are all caused by the system we have, not by those "evil brown people"
yea, i can understand their anger if they did lose their job to a immigrant, if it ever happened
not to mention that marx reported on the divide between irish and english workers and how it was mostly just driven by the english bourgeoisie, people talking about immigrants as the downfall of "europa!!!!" or whatever just make spectacle for the sake of spectacle (good summary of right wing politics in general, to be fair.)
not really educated on AIA but i do see why irish gen z communists would make their own org, as the old ones could be seen as outdated and revisionist, just my thoughts.


>supporting a smaller bourgeois state against a bigger one in 2024
You guys never lean, do you?


I read all of this thread with an overexaggerated Irish accent in my head


For some fucking reason today's MLs are moronic enough to these days just reproduce the anarchist idea of anti-imperialism (that anarchists themselves took from marxism but without the actual analysis that led to the idea in the first place so they always come to the most pants-on-head retarded conclusions like supporting the fucking Israel government. None of this has anything to do with communism whatsoever, especially not in a world that is fully capitalist. Actually fucking read Lenin if you're going to brainlessly spout his ideas and not just quote-mine without any context.


>anarchists took the idea of antiimperialism
>it was also a marxist idea
>ignores the fact the world has changed at all since marx wrote his works


also we dont support the irish bourgeois collaborationist state lmao, we support the irish republicans, not the irish divisionist government.

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