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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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I am very tired today so this post came out as a massive ramble. Still made a it since I saw a user complain about the lack of original threads over /meta/

I managed to catch midway a RAI (italian national TV broadcaster) documentary on the recent history of the south tirol, starting off with italian oppression of the austrians in south tirol during the fascist regime.
And here is the juice: after the war (you know the one), the south tirolean antifascist resistence (which did not collaborate with the italian resistence) funded a party with the approval of the americans, the Südtiroler Volkspartei (SVP)

With the germans gone, they integrated pro-german sud tirolears under their declared aim of indipendence for the now italian province. They had an immediate boost after the war since they didn't get to vote on the constitution.

The documentary interviewed the current head of the SVP, which didn't waste yime to declare that nazi collaborators were a tiny minority, and the heads of the SVP were not nazis. Curiously, a few minutes later, as the documentary recaps the acts of armed resistence/terror attacks in the 60's, they also mention that one of their heads in the afterwar was a war veteran, who lost a leg in russia while in the wehrmacht.

With that said, apparently the indipendence movement died down after the 80's, in part due to the local autonomy conceeded to them by the italian state, in part (the bigger one in my opinion) is due to the state showering them with bags of cash, something that continues to this day.

To be honest, given how german nationalism is intermingled with fascism and nazism I am not too sure about these guys

Oh and nowdays the area is extremely racist. More racist than the venitians somehow. According to my now dead grandpa, it's mostly because immigrants from africa come to work in the farms over there, and since italian is a much simpler language, they learn that instead of sud-tirolean german.

Does anyone here happen to know anything about these guys? Should they be supported on the basis of national determination? Does it even count? Are they austrian dixiebolshevists?


Here is the thing, by now quite a few of Europe's local autonomist movements have acquired so much autonomy that they would rather be a special province in a 'foreign' state than just another generic region in their 'motherland'.


>autonomist movements
What's that?


regional parties seeking independence/autonomy


They are a shitty neoliberal "centrist" bunch of Krauts who have always supported "technocratic", eu-mandated, genocidal governments with their one or two guaranteed MPs in Rome, while enjoying a degree of self-government in their valleys basically no other subnational division in any other w*stoid country has.
Aside from that, most of those people were volunteers with a certain German organisation during ww2 and a few of them were meritoriously liquidated in Rome in 1944 through the clever use of explosive, which prompted them to round up and summarily execute more than 300 civilians.
For decades they have been dominant in their mountains, always having majorities in every level of local government, yet in recent years their grip on the electorate has not been as strong as it used to be and more explicitly rightwing and separatist - and nazi-apologist - parties have emerged, yet they have not yet taken over.
Btw, I guess you've noticed my basically non-existent sympathy towards that particular people and region…


I mean, I've been a bit vitriolic - but not even much, tbh - and the issue is obviously larger than that. I also think this thing should be considered in the wider landscape of similar autonomist/separatist movements and parties elsewere in w*stern europe. Basically, right now, the powers that be cannot accept any change to existing borders in nato-land and eu-land, so no land swaps between countries and no new independent states - basically Ireland and Iceland were the last two countries allowed to become independent and all other "new countries" were born from the disintegration of Eastern European states shortly after the fall of the iron curtain and rapidly annexed to the neoliberal and atlanticist bloc.
Another thing, a terminologic one if you will: "People's Party" in continental european discourse generally means a centrist or centre right party, generally inspired by the catholic social doctrine. Nowadays they have all shifted to the right and in fact they are neoliberal parties, just as nominally "liberal", "socialist", "labour" or "green" parties basically everywhere in Europe. So, no relation to "People's Republic" or "People's war".


> a few of them were meritoriously liquidated in Rome in 1944 through the clever use of explosive, which prompted them to round up and summarily execute more than 300 civilians.
Ohi spit some names. This argument alone is a niche already as far as I know


Not Autonomous Marxism?


Look for Via Rasella - the daring armed action that put to sleep around 30 "South Tyrolean" volunteers of the "SS Police Regiment Bozen" - and the Fosse Ardeatine massacre - the retaliation ordered by the notorious Austrian wannabe-painter himself - where 325 civilians were summarily executed.

Nope. The autonomi - literally, "the autonomous ones" - were one of the countless flavours of ultraleftism in the 1970s. I don't really know why they were called like that and how they were different from the other movements going around back then.
"Autonomy" in current political parlance and in respectable society refers to a subnational entity having relatively more powers and prerogatives compared to similar entities in the same country. Basically it's what they have had for decades and they also had an effective monopoly as a party on that.


Thank you, but what abput the rome deal you cited above?


Critical support for balkanising Western Euroshit nations


>italian oppression of the austrians in south tirol during the fascist regime
never happened but it should have


In Italy we hardly talk about Alto Adige for some reason. I'm not sure how many people even know that we basically had Northern Ireland-like situation with germanophone fascist terrorists (backed by Gladio) vs italophone fascist terrorists (backed by Italian secret service, so…Gladio). Probably the most obscure bit of the years of lead.
Another thing that it's not talked about is how many germanophone terrorists found refuge in Austria and Germany. Italy was always bad at choosing friends.


It was a thing during fascism. Forced italianization


According to my grandparents Sud-Tiroleans are basically german terroni, with weird accent included. I am not sure that returning to austria would be a good deal for them


they are more like veneti for obvious reasons


They would suddenly lose all their privileges in taxes, education and public employment. So, no, they wouldn't like it.
I've never been in Alto Adige, but I doubt they have the same petite bourg mentality as veneti.




what do they get in powers of autonomy?

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