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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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A lot of people have the mistaken notion that all police personnel or civil servants are in some kind of big joint conspiracy, that they 'deceive' the other sections of the population or that they are 'fake' protectors of order, etc.

In a society based on capital, 'order' by default means nothing but the smooth running of business and the safety of property to ensure accumulation and investments proceed as is desired, which appears masked as being in the interests of the entire population. The function of law is guaranteeing the inviolability of this system, to aid the reproduction of existing social relations and ensure a stable atmosphere such that 'business as usual' can proceed 'peacefully'. This is what the police and civil service enforces.

The existence of 'unruly' elements, from criminals to beggars to striking proletarians, is a disruption of this same order, their subsequent repression being a restoration of the same. The policeman who beats a worker to drive him back to work does so not out of special malice or greed, but because they genuinely view it as their task to fend off such 'disruptive' acts, to restore 'order' and the 'rule of law'. The problem isn't them being 'fake' protectors of order, but the fact that this order is nothing but an order for capitalism.

As long as private property exists this will necessarily be the case, the police and civil services cannot be 'reformed' but only directly abolished because their very nature corresponds to the needs of capital. To say police brutality is 'undemocratic' etc is plainly wrong.


This goes for groups like the bourgeoisie as well.
>have the mistaken notion
Most of the time, they pretty much haven't. You can see the point where it switches modes if you watch closely.


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