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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Is this to prevent Evo getting reelected?


When will South American leftist's learn at this point? Purge the fuckers before they purge you.


The military of any given country seems to have always been the biggest enemy of all leftist movements
>B-but the Bolshevik Red Army was composed of many ex-Tsarist men!
At this point seems to be the only exception rather than the norm.


Holy shit, not again…


They really can't find a single guy in the whole country who isn't a closeted fash?


welp guess it's time for some fascist brutality


Tldr on Bolivia? Is there actual socialism?


we should make this a banner


https://www.telesurenglish.net/ has a live translation of the spanish livestream. Unions calling for an immediate national strike and everybody out this minute.


any anons interested in a cytube stream?


AMLO and Sheinbaum already condemning and supporting Arce. Miguel Canal too. Not waiting around. That's notable. Could even be noticable.


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Gee, I wonder who could be behind this…


>coup in bolivia just after BYD utterly btfod tesla on a global stage
getting desperate


You forgot Venezuela and the German Imperial Navy


yes, please lol



>One of the first international reactions has been that of the EU's high foreign minister, Josep Borrell, who says that "the European Union condemns any attempt to break the constitutional order in Bolivia and overthrow democratically elected governments, and expresses its solidarity with the Bolivian government and people."

a lil insane that the eu is going against the coup that quickly


Someone make a cytube plz.


Reported for Russian/Chinese disinformation. There is no CIA involvement and there is NO COUP in Bolivia.


inb4 ebic "anti-authoritarian" posts defending the coup



Listening to the teleSUR livestream I think I can hear gunshots in the background?


also heard it, sounded kinda like teargas canisters being fired


There was a military official talking to the press, talking about "liberating the political prisoners", it seems they want to end the imprisonment of people involved in the previous coup?


I'm guessing this coup is more of a burger/angloshpere thing than general west


>"we want to establish true democracy"
wat. they think they're serious so they must think they have US backing. Is there something big happening with Israel that they want to distract from?


There was a military official talking to the press, talking about "liberating the political prisoners", it seems they want to end the imprisonment of people involved in the previous coup?


Thanks anon.
Saying they're going to free Luis Camacho probably Anez too.
I seen with the last attempt Morales said he wanted to go to the Jungle to fight but didjn't and trusted the youth masses to remove the fascists.
It's over. He should have gone to the junge to fight… :(



I'm guessing this coup is more of a burger/angloshpere thing than general west


>I'm guessing this coup is more of a burger/angloshpere thing than general west
Always a possibility it's just reactionary officers. You don't even have to the ask the americans anymore i think, you know they will agree in post as long as you're giving them %%%%.


these the soldiers we're constantly told we need if any revolution is going to succeed


According to teleSUR Acre is trying to negotiate with the military leaders within the Presidential palace.


usapol is down the hall and to the left


IIRC there were some leftists who defended the coup and accused others of being tankies for condemning it lol. I think it was on environmental grounds. Anyway it was mostly insignificant twitter shit. Most of the left including socdems and progressives were against it


>You will sell the lithium where we tell you at the price we tell you
>China is not an option


There was quite a lot of "UGH, YOU ARE DEFENDING A DICTATOR TANKIE!" on reddit during that time. Ironically it's the exact events that made me a Marxist Leninist, it made me realise how false the "anti imperialists" really are.


Another one???


>Reddit coloured my politics
That's not politics you have, it's an area of interest, a hobby.




Yes learning new information influenced my politics. That is not something particularly unique even if it was reddit.


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It can't be him, he's busy unbanning people who post photos of violent child rape


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Añez has condemned the coup.



The coup must be rather desperate if even previous coup leaders aren't supporting it.




In a video of Arce surrounded by ministers in the palace, he said: “The country is facing an attempted coup d’état. Here we are, firm in Casa Grande, to confront any coup attempt. We need the Bolivian people to organize.”

Zúñiga declared that "there will be a new cabinet and that the country can no longer continue like this, doing whatever they want." When asked if he will replace the ministers with soldiers, he responded: “Yes, we have to take our country back.”


Oh nononononononononono!
Porky can't keep getting awa with it!

When will our South American comrades learn from Chile's 9/11 and fucking PURGE the fascists in the military??? For fuck's sake!
It's over! T_T


I wonder if this will start a porky/reactionary purge if these news get big enough.


Not again!
We are so fucked!
=It's overo!==


Coup averted.
It's over.
Plans were leaked and so the coupists rushed it out, fumbling it.


Guess why the tsarist military was undone and built from the ground up out of worker units, with commissars overseeing what tsarist officers are doing, and eventually with Trotsky getting the boot after all the fiascos involving tsarist officers, lmao


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God fucking dammit


My thoughts exactly. If Porky gets through with it in Bolivia, Lula is utterly fucked too.


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It's only allegedly a coup. Let's not get ahead of our selves mkaay?


>Purge the fuckers before they purge you.
it's hard to do that when all the guns are flowing from burgerland straight into the right's hands.


Really? Id love so gut link pls


fizzlechads winning



Let me guess spanish petit porky officers grab power with the help of yankees.



>When will South American leftist's learn at this point?
where are they bro? there's no leftist government here save for venezuela
t. anon from hellzil


Spoiler that porn




It's easy to do when you are willing to arm the workers and build the new army out of workers. IIRC either Morales or someone else on that godforsaken continent tried to encourage leftist and worker youth to enlist to decrease the percentage of coup-capable soldiers in the military






Kill all the fascist traitors!
Slaughter them all!
Lynch them!
Publically hang their corpses upside down!
Does anybody still have Leninhat's "Think of the children" copypasta video?


Or, as worker parties of the late 19th and early 20th centuries said, abolish the army of the bourgeois state and implement a workers militia.


I need to know the infra-cel hazite opinion, since they seem to always support bosonaro, milei, against Lula, eve, and Chavez.


Learn to Read.
It's over. The army leaders was replaced and they told the soldiers to go home and they are currently going home.


I wish we had great purges in this quality. But instead we will have to listen to radio silence of fascists stomping on citizens in latin america. They dont televise it.


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Well at least some of that CIA money can go towards a flight out.


ok but why did you quote my post that had nothing to do with this, retard?


Why is it that South American governments are so prone to military coups rather than political coups? How much power is given to their militaries? I imagine their constitutions are similar to the US and we haven’t had a general outright couping a President.


Proles, proles, I call upon all the proles to pick up whatever you can on the streets, throw what you can at the troops. Fellow proles, you cannot let the armed few control the many.


>I imagine their constitutions are similar to the US and we haven’t had a general outright couping a President
probably has something to do with the fact that AMERICA is the one behind these coups



Hearing now that the coup attempt failed?


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Bookin' a flight to Bolivia right now, to defend our comrades against the fascists.
Does the legitimate government still hold the airport?
It's time for unlimited RED TERROR!!! Let's make the Cheka look like anarshits!


Lots of Jungles to hide weapon caches presumably.


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Acre managed to quite literally stare down an attempted coup. The people united can never be defeated!




fizzlecucks have won today
but they have only won the battle, not the war………….


Thank you, very based


ChatGPT, make a pretty infographic about how quickly US vassals condemn this coup attempt, if at all.Integrate data on the volume of their trade with China.


Don't make me tap the sign.


link now


I have the impression Democrats actually prefer Lula over Bolsonaro because of his proximity with MAGA Republicans

If orange man gets in he'll 100% attempt a coup though



When u get fired so u coup and it goes so well that the guy ur couping takes time to formally swear in ur replacement complete with ceremony and then you catch fail AIDS and act like a pussy-ass bitch who refuses to get out the fucking car

Juan José Zúñiga is making Juan Guaidó look like a master planner here.


>If orange man gets in he'll 100% attempt a coup though
Key word is attempt


>coup attempt
<eats shit in one day



are there any other news outlets covering it?


???? Probably, idk.
Why don't you go and have a look and see?



okay faggot i was just asking a question but sure i will "go and have a look"


As communist we must show critical support for this revolution


…by vigorously licking femboy bussy.


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Liberal on liberal violence. Why is this on here?


wooah damn, can i suck your dick or something?


>Liberal on liberal violence. Why is this on here?
It's better than 99.99% of the autistic nothings you people consider OP's actually, so shut the fuck up and go back to reddit if you want to talk about your precious dead russians or your faggot culture war issues instead, faggot.


please kill yourself, in the most painful way possible


>already failed
We Latin Americans finally evolved from wanting military coups, now we need to find a way to skip the liberal phase.


America is the only country with a US-style constitution that hasn't had a coup. US style separation of powers invites coups to deal with deadlock, since there are competing claims for democratic legitimacy between the executive and the legislature, which tend to be broken by the military intervening on one side. (though that doesn't seem to be the cause in this case.)


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zogged out of his mind


The biggest problem of the left is faggots like you who are completely divorced from all political reality.


>America is the only country with a US-style constitution that hasn't had a coup.
I was going to say, yea. USA is absolutetely the acception for the stabiliy USA like political set-up.


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>America is the only country with a US-style constitution that hasn't had a coup


did he get hit with some kind of soy twitter guy mindbreaking beam? dude's typing like he's got a stroke exclusively to bootlick for us foreign policy


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Is Maduro going to say anything?


This poster should be banned for his idiocy


wrong thread idiot


They also fucked up in the Congo recently.



holy fuck this is some liberal ass shit

constitutions are pieces of paper dude, they don't mean anything if your whole continent is ruled by like sixty families in Yankeeland


>woooo it's america i told you guys eheh… now if you let me i'll go back in my diplomatic isolationist corner and cry




>Why is it that South American governments are so prone to military coups rather than political coups?
There hasn't been a succesful military coups in South America for more than 25 years. It's all been political coups.


Probably under one of those non-disparagement clauses US states have been signing with Israel totally not quid pro quo, promise for access to financing and foreign investment etc. One of those little constitutional violations that gets overlooked selectively.


>America is the only country with a US-style constitution that hasn't had a coup.
because it's the hegemon. It enables coups in smaller countries. There's no larger country enabling coups in the US.


>America is the only country with a US-style constitution that hasn't had a coup.
<Lincoln abolishes slavery in the 1860s
<gets assassinated
<replaced with a fat southern drunk moron named Johnson
<JFK threatens to abolish the CIA in the 1960s
<gets assassinated
<replaced with a fat southern drunk moron named Johnson
<President Mr. Beast tries to turn America into the world's largest game show in the 2060s
<gets assassinated
<replaced with a fat southern drunk moron named Johnson


Bush Junior becoming president was a coup. Gore won the vote which was later confirmed.


multipolaristas continue to be vindicated as the golpista vulture empire continues to decay. may zhong guo coup the USA


The bourgeois imperialist state apparatus of the USA would potentially launch a coup if a socialist was elected, they just haven't had to. There was a failed coup against FDR though, and maybe the CIA or military assassinated Kenedy.


if stolen elections are coups then the US has probably had hundreds of coups, not just presidential, but senatorial, and congressional


They were covert coups. Godammit mang.


Lincoln assassination wasn't a coup attempt, but there were coups d'etat all throughout the South in the 1870s and in the 1890s

Historically there's never really been much of a need for a coup in the US because social struggle has been totally defanged by the ruling class playing on race hatred or something to defeat it before it got to the point where they'd need to get rid of the outward appearance of bourgeois democracy



where are the peoples militias?


>When will South American leftist's learn at this point?
at this point Im convinced south america can very much become communist, but will happen due some world historical accident or externality. leftists here are toothless gutless doormats.


>JFK threatens to abolish the CIA in the 1960s
Not even you believes he'd do that shit. JFK was using the CIA to invade Cuba just 2 years prior to him getting killed.


Mobilizooing I presume.


Yeah, and then he got spooked when said CIA almost caused a nuclear war, which motivated him to abolish that institution.
JFK was an imperialist, just not as insane as the CIA scumbags



Looks like the civil government seems to have been victorious? For now at least.

>Now: President @NicolasMaduro celebrates a 'defeat of the fascist coup' by the Bolivian people in the streets, saying he just spoke with Bolivian president @LuchoXBolivia.
>"Who is behind the coup d'état in Bolivia? The same ones who would like to carry out a coup in Venezuela."


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<Vuvuzuela coup attempt
>Gets BTFO by fishermen
<Bolivia coup attempt
>Gets told "no" by president
>Gets bullied to leave by random bystanders joining the counterprotests
The CIA has lost its edge, huh

I won't celebrate just yet, but maybe things aren't overo yet. Come on, comrades! You can win!
Give your supporters weapons now! Empty the still loyal police and military depots and give them to the people's militias NOW!


Successful coups happen through lawfare nowm


the new disinfo line from Zuniga supporters seems to be "the coup was faked by the president to make himself seem more popular". if true why would you agree to do a popularity stunt for your opps that gets you purged and makes you look like an absolute clown? I'd love to see that meeting.


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Newfag to leftypol so idk how to upload a twitter file here but

>General Juan José Zúñiga, former commander of the Bolivian Army, accuses President Luís Arce of planning the attempted coup d'état to boost his own popularity.



This was a psy-op, not an actual coup attempt. The ultimate goal: prevent an Evo candidacy. Glowies knew the coup would fail, they let the military run into a wall but what they have achieved is raise Acre's profile before the primaries and ultimately lower Evo's comeback chances. This was the real coup.


>Ehm… uh… ackshually, the commies did a falseflag to boost their own popularity!
Is this guy retarded? If the coup failed, the last thing you want is to put that kind of unnecessary attention on yourself. Heads will roll.

This makes no sense. Shitbrained reactoid mental acrobatics.


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elmo is coming for that lithium


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21st century international brigades when?
Diamond Dogs but red when?


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<Whoa, now hold on man. This whole coup idea wasn't really my idea. It was part of this secret plan I agreed to with Putin to gain popularity for the war. I had it all worked out. I was going to mutiny and surrender in the middle as a joke, so, y'know, nobody else would think of doing it. The Ukrops would totally let their guard down in shock. Isn't that right Mr. Putin? Come on man, I did everything right. We're cool, right?


it's grover


There is a difference between being a co-conspirator and a patsy.


he removed the director and was spooked enough to at least allude about wanting to limit their power, its deluded to think he'd abolish them but theres plenty reason to believe there was a serious split


If true, kind of a cool move. I'd try to coup myself.



So Zuniga genuinely believed he was doing a coup to win but he only really did it because Lucho was subtly mind-controlling and manipulating him into it as part of his master plan? But he also knew it was all a plot? Or was he in a hypnotic fugue state that expired right when they were arresting him, when he suddenly remembered the secret meetings? Or maybe he was blackmailed with enough severity to scare him into doing an elaborate coup plan but he wasn't scared enough to not spill the beans?

Or maybe he's just an idiot who thought he could get lucky and made up a dumb lie to try to save face when it went to shit.


Did they arrest military leaders?


They detained the general and told the soldiers to go back to their barracks (El País).


I could see Zuniga hoping to leverage Arche-Morales division as part of the coup somehow in order to create an opening for the far right and desperately reaching for this story as he fails, but if anything this kind of coup is likely to resolidify MAS unity against violent threats on the right more than anything. Maybe they unify around Lucho as a safer incumbent but that's a steep price for the right just to get a slightly different MAS leader. But he's certainly right that his failure is going to make Lucho more popular. Only people who were far right schizos anyways are buying this conspiracy theory. If I'm Lucho I'm laughing my ass off right now.


The only place where military coups work anymore is Francophone Africa


which is based though


Didn't Erdogan do this in 2016


Evo, please kill the Romanovs


I will drink my own piss if he initiates pink terror.


hey lula kinda did


Seems kind of necessary at this point. I mean 2 coups in 5 years warrants something like a MAS militia


So this basically just ensures Evo wins next year right? The only region in Bolivia that doesn't seem to react against the coup at all is Santa Cruz but that's to be expected at this point


>fascists try to throw a coup in bolivia
<instant defeat


1971. 2019. 2024.
This is the THIRD time the USA has used fascist militias to attempt a coup against a democratically elected government in Bolivia.
Why can't they just leave other countries alone :(


So, what you're saying is, the fasciods played themselves?

>Be Lucho

>Say "no" into coupists faces

Maybe libs were right that you can defeat chinlets without resorting to violence /j


Unlimited PINK TERROR!!!
Send the fascists into the Lulag!

Ready your glass


Be prepared for a lot of "I'm from Bolivia, and it was actually an autogolpe by the socialist dictator Luis Arche" coming from northern Virginia IPs.


>still no statement from the White House
Why were they so fast with Brazil but completely ignore Bolivia?


Indio % to responde time facture.


presidential debate is tomorrow, jojo don't give a fuck about bolivia tonight



Technically the fourth time if you count this. Thankfully it also failed


The Brazilian coup attempt was a January 6 copycat, so it made sense for the Biden administration to condemn it quickly.

This one was more of a generic Latin America military coup and in a much less populous country.


>the people were about to revolt, but after this commie false-flag the people suddenly support the government!
smartest gusano


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>Why can't they just leave other countries alone :(


Bolivian liberal rightoids are seething a heckin general tried to break democracy© and not them
What a bunch of retards, them and their goons


Also since the MAS is disunited this will amount to nothing inside the party

Nothing ever happens!!!


There's a good chunk of Chileans that think Pinochet was the good guy, I'm telling you this as a Chilean myself. There's very very little class consciousness in south america, people are profoundly brainwashed and getting swayed by reactionary or memertarian shit more and more.


Lula's government peaked at the very beginning

When he started imprisoning Bolsonaro supporters and purging the military I was so hopeful but now he just governs like a milquetoast socdem


The paradox of decrying the military as a haven of reaction ensuring only reactionaries end up there


More like the bonehead move of not purging the reactionaries and organizing a people's militia. You're not going to reform an institution that's rotten from top to bottom.


As Costa Rican I can assure you Costa Rica is the most brainwashed country in Latin America. There is strong hatred towards socialism, and class consciousness is almost non-existent. Politics are limited to voting every 4 years for the new savior


Ignore the CPUSAshioo, he'll start ranting about how everyone should join the wholesome catholic patriotic American army.


oh lol I didn't notice the flag my bad


It was me Barry


Maybe the real coup was the friends we made along the way.


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>nooo not the heckin wholesome foot soldiers of yankee imperialism!
Thats it, I've changed the meme!


>rotten from top to bottom
You see rotten apples, they see a cider barrel

Unfortunately, it was a short ban. Great work btw


deliberately ignoring monroe doctrine, CIA, and long history of people paid to be terrorists


another bourgeois president asking for the proles to die for them lol


Calling Evo Morales a bourgeois leader is a take


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if your “communist” movement gets brutally suppressed and eradicated that’s mostly a skill issue tbh


lol are you saying bolivia is a dictatorship of the proletariat or something? fucking clown

>welfare state, europe

< :|
>welfare state, latam


What if it gets brutally oppressed by the US and all its allies?


>the trade union leader from Bolivia's indigenous population is ackshually LE BOURGEOIS because… he just is, okay?


Anon he's being an edgy fag to bait you.


it never ends


>>welfare state, europe
>< :|
>>welfare state, latam
not pictured: the european welfare state financing coups in latin america, africa and asia to maintain their power


i thought imperialism was the only way social democracy could work? what makes indigenous social democracy so hecking special?


No, dude, you see it's actually the same thing because both give free stuff to people. It's just an insignificant detail that one does it by exploiting undeveloped countries and the other by nationalizing their own natural resources.


>westoid welfare states exploit the third world because they're le hecking evil and not because it's an economic necessity
i bet you consider yourself a marxist


so you agree they're different since latam socdems aren't doing that


>because it's an economic necessity

nobody but the europeans could ever consider something this moronic to be an actual answer holy shit


they will if given the chance, just like any other capitalist state

we are one step from calling marx a le huwhite male


>they will if given the chance, just like any other capitalist state

if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike. thats not an argument shithead the material reality is the west does bad things and the south doesnt thats it


>they're le hecking evil
Yep, they are.

You could get all materialist, but the post relates to the liberal political theater, in it's portrayal of welfare, which is decidedly not materialist. They go out of their way to be idealistic and infantile and reject materialism explicitly. So yeah, in their worldview… that's literally it. Except they portray themselves on the side of "good" of that dichotomy.

Imagine seeing the world through that lens and then told that history has resumed. What a step back that is!


What are you retard faggots talking about? Special education children go back to class.
Looks like coupists arested:


>they will if given the chance, just like any other capitalist state
no no no no no bitch
you were just talking about how socdems NEED to be doing imperialism or else it won't work


that's correct
no latin american country has a welfare state compared to europe


Ally difference.


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Jesus that idiot looks like a chinletjak. No chin and glasses.


based retard






Hearing some shit about the Evo faction accusing Arce of staging the coup for clout, or some shit?


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it sounds like a massive cope because the theory came out of zuniga's claims after he skedaddled from the presidential palace. you have to be willing to jump over a lot of hoops to reach the conspiratorial conclusion that somehow the president is just playing coup for popularity and the organizers of the coup were willing to get arrested over it.

there's zero evidence for these claims, therefore the coup attempt everyone witnessed, was in fact, probably a coup attempt


Leftists stop infighting challenge: Impossible


evo morales bros, did we fly to close to the sun?


Do you think this will deepen the rift between Evo and Arce or uniting them against Santa Cruz?


The reply to this tweet is:

>Evo Morales is already declared as the presidential candidate of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS-IPSP) at their party congress in Cochabamba a few months ago. The congress has also voted to expel President Luis Arce.


based bump. The whole thing was extremely sus because of how weak it was. Generalissimo went from live interviews saying
>we will remake democracy, a new democracy!
>the new minister says back to barracks boys
within an hour.
Evo is the most radical and closest to China candidate. Would the Arce faction stoop to faking coups to keep him out and why?


>and why?

My theory is that Evo morales is the Roza luxembourg of our times, and his party will betray him at the end


Bros should use that energy to reach that socialist ideal instead of shitflinging. Do they want Ameriturd capitalists to fuck their country and people


I'm the bumper and what I'm wondering is, is it even true that the Evo faction and MAS national committee has accused Arce? I tried to find corroborating sources but couldn't find it. Only "redstream". If anybody knows spanish maybe they could help.


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Evo Morales isn't internationalist or militant enough to be the Rosa of our times. Hit me up when Evo starts talking about, idk, Paraguay, the way Rosa talked about Ukraine


i can't believe rosa luxemburg was a ruZZio-polish-jewish-bolshevik agent sent to prevent ukraine from exercising its historical will to power and rightful domination over the world


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yeah, they said it quite directly. regardless, i don't think it's true


Evo accusing Arce of faking the coup. Lmao, here's your united left bro…


One splits into two etc etc


bolivians deserve this after betraying el che


Che went into Bolivia knowing absolutely nothing about the national revolution in the 50s and how it transformed the relationship of the Native peasantry to the state


still deserve it and will likely remain peasants indefinitely.

Guevara wrote in his diary: "Talking to these peasants is like talking to statues. They do not give us any help. Worse still, many of them are turning into informants."

in summary, they can get fucked


Maybe if he had bothered to learn Quecha and Aymara he could actually have gotten through to these people, or if he had shown up any time before 1952


>The Bolivian communist party failed to support him
>gave medical aid in the countryside
>spared the rank and file of captured national troops, killing corrupt officers
>workers strike results in massacre
>peasants continue to peasant
honestly, they deserve whatever they have coming


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The entire "coup" looked like a not so subtle way of saying "if you run for president again, look how easy it would be for us to just stroll up and remove you and your entire cabinet."


Bitch you wishe you had a president half as good as Evo, shut up


That's be a great threat if the strength of the social movements hadn't already been revealed to be stronger and more durable than that of the Bolivian state


Lel, I hope that someone at least translates the Prigozhim memes to Spanish.
Looks like the evoite fraction is brain rotten at this point, sad.


>he had bothered to learn Quecha and Aymara
its important but not necessary tbh
lmao, i cant understand peasant. try harder


>you wishe you had a president half as good
pure pleb cope. what cunts


Tell me about a leader in your country who has accomplishments close to Evo's during his tenure, I'll wait


File: 1719796211068.png (395.39 KB, 620x489, santalittledeathstick.png)

Real Germany 1919 social fascist hours. First as tragedy then as farce.


>cheerleading booj douche
plebs never fail
always has been


fake and forced country. bismark was a larper


>Talking to these peasants is like talking to statues.
this goes hard


no there can't be a materialist explanation rooted in the base. it has to be an idealist explanation rooted in the superstructure. Colonial countries don't coup periphery countries because they have natural reosurces, they just do it because they're racist, and racism is hard coded into their white genes.


try talking to Panamanians


of course leftypol instantly adopts the schizo angle despite no evidence


What ever even happened with this? The trial was going on forever last I seen. Any updates if you followed this case?




Succ on succ violence


<shitty bait posts
every time


>twitter, search "I'm [gusano of the week]"
fucking kek


Why are peasants always so reactionary


Damn. Is it true to say that Evo was making many more moves towards China and BRICS than Arce ever made? Don't @ me, It's a metric.


Falseflag status: Unlikely


still a mystery how far others are willing to betray those willing to sacrifice everything on their behalf


most have petit bourgeois mentality due to owning their land and tools


>Posting genuine history about actual communism
<thats bait
every time


>actual communism is a story about great men


thats bait


Milei 🤝 Evo
Milei calls Bolivian coup a farce

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