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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I think I solved poverty

If you put only $20k into Apple or Microsoft and nothing more you would make the federal minimum wage every single year doing absolutely nothing.

Put $40k and you get $15 an hour minimum wage. For doing absolutely nothing

And it continues to grow more. By doing absolutely nothing. That $15 an hour become $20 an hour on it's own. Without adding anymore.

Pretty soon you will be making $30 an hour. Doing absolutely nothing..

Now think about doing this while you are already working a job making $15 an hour. Now you're making six figures working at a McDonalds.

Why isn't everyone doing this? Skip out on that Starbucks coffee. Cancel the Netflix subscription and you could have this


ONLY $20k!!!!!!
ohhhhhhh, duh! why didn't i think of that!? lol
ur so right OP


It's factual. AAPL gives 330% over 5 years divided by 5 = 66%. 66% of 20k is = 13200. Include compounding and you get over $15k from $20k in one year. Federal minimum wage each year building on it's self with no work until you are making six figures


that's what i'm saying dawg you figured it out you deciphered it you saw through it man


Apples ytd price change is currently 14%.

14% of $20k is $2,940.

The federal minimum wage is $7.25

That's $15,080 annually.

Don't quit your day job op **when you get to $20k in savings


AAPL is stale because of this AI craze but it's growing now. YTD is only 6 months. MSFT is at 22%. GOOGL is 33%. At 6 months.

Don't try to act smug when your a retard


>if you're making below the national median salary you can just eventually afford to randomly drop 20k by skipping out on starbucks and netflix


The median salary is 60k. If you're making 50k a year you should be a millionaire by now. Unless you have six kids (why?). there is no reason someone who makes 50k shouldn't be able to easily save 20k.


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>MSFT is at 22%. GOOGL is 33%.
If 14% nets you $2,940, how much do you reckon 22% nets you.

I'll just solve the question for you.

To get $15k in returns on $20k, you would need 75% return snually. Now find me the stock giving you 75% anually consistently(because even a dingle down year would destroy your scheme) and you have a genius idea.

Op really just heard of the concept of badic investing and he thinks he got the key to the money printer lol.


>To get $15k in returns on $20k, you would need 75% return snually

No you don't. It's called continuous compounding. You would only need around 55% a year. AAPL did 330% over 5 years which comes out to 66% a year. If you put $20k in AAPL 5 years ago you would have $110k. No one who invests looks at returns in 6 months random chunks that would be retarded


There is just the small problem that stocks don't earn interest. They pay out dividends and fir example on $20K worth of shares apple pays only $93 a year in dividends. You would only be able to buy 1 share every 2-3 years if you want to compound.


>I don't know how bad cost of living is outside my rich bubble


Ip just look up how much do I need to retire. This is a basic bitch question. If your exspenses are $15 k a year, you need way more than $20k in investments to live off passive income. Google it for target numbers.


Cost of living is only a problem when you have 5 kids and there is no one to blame but yourself if you're in that situation.


are you actually retarded?


>anon solved capitalism by dividing stocks between workers collectively


I don't have to explain this to you. Go to testfol(.io) and add $20k to AAPL from 5 years ago. It will show you everything exactly as it happened.


The median income is $60k. Living on your own with $60k a year is basically rich unless you live like a retard eating out every night


What do you think a 401k is? Employers give you free money to match you. Socialism is literally in capitalism it's just majority of people never learned financial literacy


Clueless lol


Employers make their pet slaves do fucking circus tricks for money. This changes when the slaves own the company.


Have you ever made a budget before? What city do you live in? Are you in NYC making $60k a year? Where does your money go?


I think most companies including places like Walmart have 401k matching. No tricks. Literally just free money


Having looked at his posts, yes, yes he is


How far back do my posts go? I think my IP changed by accident. I was even more retarded before then


I dont live in live in the US, but even i know you guys have like, extreme taxes and have to pay for student and medical debt and other types of shit, and everything is extremely expensive. 100 dollars in the US have a different practical value in, lets say, brazil


Account value $86k after 5 years to today. 86-20 = 46 / 5 = 9.2.

$9.2k a year is not bad at all but $9.k =/= $15k


It's a myth that people make up. You don't pay much in taxes unless you make a lot of money and even then you only get taxed on a small percentage of that. Almost no one has medical debt because most people have insurance. Student debt is a problem but that's literally their own fault. You can go to community college and state school and get a 4 year degree with no debt. People with student debt willingly sign up to an expensive school to pay $50k a year for a meaningless degree. They don't have to do that


Op you are acting as if what literally everyone who is not retarded in America is already doing like a revelation. It's good you are on the path to fincancial literacy. Sadly it's not that shrimple or everyone would retire at 30.

>According to ICI's 2023 research, 42.2% of US households, or 55.5 million households, owned individual retirement accounts (IRAs) in mid-2023


Oh yeah my bad. I was starting at 1/1/2019. Also remember this is adding literally no money. Most people add a certain percentage of their income each month which is where you really get the $$$%%%


Most people just put money in retirement funds which is literal pennies. You only become rich by buying single stocks like AAPL which most people don't do


Op you were talking about retiring originally. This is just basic financial literacy. Everyone in America is already putting money into stocks and other financial instruments to prepare for retirement. It just takes a lot of money before you can make enough passive income to live a comfortable lifestyle.


i sincerely cant believe this thread is the most active right now, schizopost at best bait at worst


I am just trying to help people make some money


The scary part is he only seems slightly more financially literate than the average leftypoler. Makes sense since leftypol skews young and they don't teach you anything about finance in school. That's why maybe it's good to correct his misconceptions but maybe it should be nerged into the stonks thread.


Maybe you should find a better come-up than bet it all on aapl and msft.


Stick to what works my man. Guess what phone I will be buying in 10 years. Guess what phone your kids will be buying


You found the secret anon, just buy aapl and msft. Anon the market is musical chairs. You need to find undervalued assets before everyone else. If you are hearing about shot in the msm you are too laye. You meed to be a finsncial hipster, you need to invest before it's cool.


Or reslly just basic gambling, if you want to make money, you need long odds bets.


>I figured out how to make money, just take on a large amount of financial risk


Uhm if you dont have money, why not take your money and invest it??

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