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Iranian Kurdish parties firmly reject Kurdistan Regional Government's pressure to disarm and relocate
"The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) security agencies have notified Komala (the Kurdish branch of the Communist Party of Iran), the Komala of Revolutionary Toilers of Iranian Kurdistan (Shorshger), and the Komala of the Toilers of Kurdistan (Zahmatkeshan) to evacuate their bases in Zirgwez, Zirgwezala, and Bana Gawra villages to Arbat refugee camps and a newly established camp in Surdash."

Israeli forces arrest 28 Palestinians in raids in occupied West Bank
The overnight raids, part of Israel’s increasingly violent assault on the occupied territories, targeted the governorates of Jenin, Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah and el-Bireh, Nablus and Jerusalem, said the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society on Thursday.

FARC dissidents order former guerrillas to leave southern Colombia
In a letter, the EMC’s Ivan Diaz Front said that fighters of rival guerrilla group Segunda Marquetalia were “hiding” in Miravalle, a hamlet that was founded to reintegrate the FARC. The EMC and Segunda Marquetalia oppose the peace deal that was signed by their former comrades and the national government in 2016. Both FARC dissident groups are vying for control over the area around Miravalle that lies in what used to be FARC heartland.

Toronto residents flood city lotteries amid ‘impossibly unaffordable’ housing
A new analysis by the Toronto Star has shown that demand far outstripped supply for six lotteries to allocate lower-cost rentals in six new developments since the start of 2023, part of a city scheme offering developers incentives in return for including moderately affordable units in their plans. One development’s lottery gave applicants a 4% chance of winning, while the odds of success in another ballot were just 0.4%.

Civil court in Italy rules the detention of a refugee rescue ship in March was unlawful
On Wednesday, the judge issued a final judgement in the case, confirming the earlier ruling. “The Crotone decision finally corrects the debate,” SOS Humanity lawyer Cristina Laura Cecchini said. “For years, we have seen a continuous criminalisation of the activities of non-governmental search-and-rescue organisations and a profound manipulation of the facts.

A Greek police officer guarding a top judge’s house is injured in a predawn gasoline bomb attack
Police said gasoline bombs were thrown at the officer by unknown people who escaped. The officer, who suffered face and arm injuries, was stationed outside the house of Supreme Court President Ioanna Klapa, which was not damaged. A nearby police car was severely damaged.

German chemical giant pulls out of major nickel project in Indonesia following pressure from human rights campaigners
The project, known as Sonic Bay, intended to refine nickel and cobalt mined at Weda Bay Nickel (WBN), the world’s biggest nickel mine, which campaigners have accused of destroying the rainforest homes of hundreds of indigenous people.

Ex-Kadokawa chairman files lawsuit over 'hostage justice' system
The former chairman of major publisher Kadokawa on Thursday filed a lawsuit against the state for rejecting bail for suspects or defendants who refuse to plead guilty, saying the system represents “hostage justice.” Tsuguhiko Kadokawa, 80, is seeking ¥220 million ($1.37 million) in damages in the civil lawsuit, saying the practice is unconstitutional.

Sudan Communist Party condemns ‘arbitrary detention’ of member by Military Intelligence
Military Intelligence continues to detain Amal El Zein, a member of the Central Committee of the Sudanese Communist Party, for the third consecutive day without providing any reasons. El Zein is the latest to be hit in a series of arbitrary detentions by Military Intelligence targeting critical voices across Sudan.

Kenya protesters call for President Ruto’s removal after tax bill dropped
As protesters headed to Nairobi’s central business district, soldiers were deployed and police in anti-riot gear blocked access along roads leading to Ruto’s office at State House and Parliament of Kenya. Turnout by demonstrators was lower than in previous days after mass protests turned violent, killing more than 20 people, according to human rights groups.


Supreme Court's Right-Wing Majority Delivers Gift to Corporate Criminals
In the 6-3 decision, the high court's conservative supermajority deemed the SEC's in-house proceedings unconstitutional, siding with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other big business-aligned organizations that weighed in on the side of the plaintiff—conservative radio host and hedge fund manager George Jarkesy, who was accused by the SEC of defrauding investors and ordered to pay a $300,000 civil penalty.

Supreme Court Rejects Liability Shield at Center of Purdue Pharma Settlement
In a 5-to-4 decision, written by Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, a majority of the justices held that the federal bankruptcy code does not authorize a liability shield for third parties in bankruptcy agreements. Justice Gorsuch was joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr., Amy Coney Barrett and Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Supreme Court Blocks EPA’s ‘Good Neighbor’ Ozone Emissions Rule
The US Supreme Court blocked a Biden administration rule that would mean stringent new emissions requirements on power plants and pipelines in parts of the country to stem ozone pollution that wanders into downwind states. The justices, voting 5-4, put the Environmental Protection Agency’s “good neighbor” rule on hold while courts consider challenges pressed by upwind states, industry groups and companies led by Kinder Morgan Inc.

Baltimore police employees face punishment over 2023 mass shooting response
The employees facing discipline include eight sworn officers and four civilian staff members, officials said in a news release on Thursday. One officer and one civilian employee face termination. The others face suspension without pay, loss of leave and counseling. Officials said they violated the following department policies: making false statements, neglect of duty, conduct unbecoming an officer and body-camera violations.

Vermont to pay $175,000 after man charged for raising middle finger at state trooper
The state of Vermont agreed to pay $175,000 to settle a lawsuit filed after a man was charged with a crime for raising his middle finger at a state trooper, the American Civil Liberties Union said.

Report details increasing gap between Ohio’s rent prices and income
According to the report, of the 10 jobs with the most employees in Ohio, only two earn enough to afford that rent price — general operations managers and registered nurses. The report is released annually. Last year, the report noted that the wage to afford a modest two-bedroom apartment was $19.09 an hour.

Freight train derails in Chicago suburb, triggering evacuations over suspected leak
Canadian National Railway said in a statement that the derailment involved about 25 cars “carrying various substances.” There were no fires or reports of injuries, a spokesperson said.




“Pro-worker and pro-business”: The failures of class collaboration
If you were worried about what Labour will be like in government, worry no longer. According to Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves, speaking to an audience of capitalists at the start of the party’s election campaign, her plan is for Labour to be both “pro-business and pro-worker”. The Marxist term for this is ‘class collaboration’. By asking both the bosses and the workers to be ‘reasonable’ in their demands, say the reformists, we can get to the best of all possible worlds, and sand off capitalism’s rough edges. There’s just one small problem: whenever anyone’s asked lions to lie down with lambs in the past, it generally hasn’t ended well.

Julian Assange Is Free, but Justice Has Not Been Served
On June 24, 2024, Julian Assange left Belmarsh Prison in London and boarded a plane for Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. Upon reaching the US territory the next day, the journalist was taken to a federal courthouse. Inside, Assange pled guilty to conspiracy to violate the Espionage Act. When asked to explain his crime, Assange told the judge, “Working as a journalist I encouraged my source to provide information that was said to be classified in order to publish that information. I believe that the First Amendment protected that activity. I believe the First Amendment and the Espionage Act are in contradiction with each other, but I accept that it would be difficult to win such a case given all these circumstances.” As part of the plea deal, Assange was sentenced to time served. During the sentencing, Chief US District Judge Ramona V. Manglona said, “The government has indicated there is no personal victim here. That tells me the dissemination of this information did not result in any known physical injury.” After setting the journalist free, the judge noted that the following week was Assange’s birthday, saying, “It’s apparently an early happy birthday to you.” Assange entered the courthouse one of the most visible political prisoners in the world. He left a free man for the first time in over a decade. There is zero question that Assange going free is cause for celebration. Assange is a journalist who exposed US war crimes. As a result of this work, he has suffered vicious and relentless persecution at the hands of the US government. Yet Assange’s freedom was attained in a bittersweet victory. Until the very end, the US government refused to drop its claim that basic journalism can constitute a violation of the Espionage Act. A plea deal does not set a legal precedent, but the steep price extracted from Assange will undeniably have a chilling effect on journalism.

Peter Kropotkin: Syndicalism and Anarchism
From all sides, people are always asking us, “What is Syndicalism and what is its relationship to Anarchism?”. Here we will do our best to answer these questions. Syndicalism is only a new name for an old tactic in which the workers of Great Britain have taken successful refuge for a long time: the tactic of Direct Action, and the fight against Capital in the economic sphere. This tactic, in fact, was their favorite weapon. Not possessing the right to vote, British workers in the first half of the nineteenth century won important economic gains and created a strong trade union organization through use of this weapon alone, and even forced the ruling classes to acknowledge their demands with legislation (including an extension of the franchise). Direct Action has proved itself, both in achieving economic results and in extracting political concessions, to be a significant weapon in the economic arena. In Britain, the influence of this idea was so strong that in the years 1830 to 1831 Robert Owen attempted to found one big national union, and an international workers organization, which using direct action would struggle against Capital. Early fears of persecution by the British government forced him to abandon this idea. This was followed by the Chartist movement, which used the powerful, widespread and partly secret worker's organizations of the time in order to gain considerable political concessions. At this point British workers received their first lesson in politics: very soon they realized that although they backed political agitation with all means at their disposal, this agitation won them no economic advantages other than those they themselves forced the employers and lawgivers to concede through strikes and revolts. They realized how pointless it was to expect serious improvements to their conditions of life to come from parliament.


Kurds should resist the shithole theocracy in Iran instead of fleeing to Iraq


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Thanks News Anon


When Rojava ends Turkey and Iraq

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