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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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No ironically I am waiting for the contradictions of capitalism to reach a point where there is a thermonuclear war and capitalist society collapses, many people will die? yeah, but the majority will be from the northern hemisphere so…

In a radioactive wasteland only anarcho-communist societies will exist


>the majority will be from the northern hemisphere
oh sweet summer child, the deaths in the northern hemisphere will be quick, from the bombings, and the cancer.
The deaths everywhere else will be from the long hard nuclear winter.


least bloodthirsty anarchoid


Nuclear war is probably the most feasible route towards communism but I honestly think nukes don't exist, at least in the world shattering capacity that they're said to be. The stuff we're told by the media about fallout is also 150% wrong, according to actual experts. Chernobyl is a biodiversity hotspot. with the vast majority of deaths/health issues being attributed to alcoholism. Slightly elevated thyroid levels is not a world ending issue.


The positive side of a nuclear war is that it would stop CO2 emissions by the fossil fuel industry. The only problem is the nuclear winter which may or may not exist. If it exists the global south is fucked since infrastructure is not built for low temperatures


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Was he right bros?


What people dont understand is that the deeper capitalism entrenches within its contradictions the more fascist it becomes. A nuclear wasteland will be a nightmare for all people who dont become inhuman murderers.


Critical support for bunker communism.


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Here u go lil uygha, now just sit and wait for happenings


Why tf wont the book cover show UYGHA FUCKING RETARDED SHIT


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Here take a look at the cover its the best thing you'll ever see
cause site is ass and retarded it did not want to embed the PDF book cover so I'm sending it many times FUCK YOU


>fascism is when things are bad
fascinating analysis


"It is the chilling example of a people that is willing to immolate itself atomicly so that its ashes can serve as a foundation for new societies and that when a pact is made, without consulting it, by which the atomic rockets are withdrawn, it does not sigh with relief, it does not give thanks for the truce; He comes to the fore to give his own and unique voice, his own and unique combatant position, and further, his decision to fight even if it were alone."

Ernesto Che Guevara


I've never been more relieved to be Australian. We may be able to dodge all this.


well you'll still be australians though


So it seems.

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