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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Whats up with that proselytizing narrative i always see swinged on left coded enviroments of "ohhhh yesss humanity sucks because the enviroment and we kill so many animals or something"
Like what the fuck is that bourgeois schikt? No bitch humanity doesn't sucks, is the bourgeois parasites that own the factories, i work 9 hours shifts and have 3 pairs of shoes, i didn't "destroyed the planet".
Can we countersignal these guilt tripper retards trying to shift blame onto the proles out for once?


christian guilt pride


Its environmentalist brainrot. Communists want to preserve nature because it benefits humanity.


Christians are famously "humanity-first" to the point where they use the Bible to justify eating anything they want in comparison to Jews who are restricted by kosher diets, and also to support natural resource extraction such as oil and gas, so it's actually not their fault.


I'm going to agree with >>1898002 and say it's christcuckery


Some kind of protestant mentality


It's just a combination of two kinds of bourg shit.
1. Pretending that society is homogenous and we are all responsible for what happens, that's how they justify bombing civillians.
2. Bourgeois moralism, dumping shit into the ocean is bad because of abstract "moral" reasons and not because it in practice pollutes our food and water supplies with chemicals and microplastics.


I don't really get how this is a rebuttal.
The christian believes that humanity is sinful inherently and prone to evil. When evil happens it is not considered an aberration but a confirmation of our esssence. The despiritualised christianity of liberalism still sees humans as essentially sinful, they just tell everyone that humans are selfish. The word changes but the meaning is the same.

The liberal (and honestly, a lot of communists believe this too) despairs of the human condition because it excuses them of ever actually changing the way life is lived. It excuses them of changing the system because they believe that humans beings have an essential sinful selfish nature that precludes anything so collectivistic as communism.

The liberal pats themselves on the back for being the "realist" in the room. Not knowing what that word means and taking it to mean seeing human beings for the fallen beings that christianity taught them they were. They pat themselves on the back for knowing how fallen they are and acknowledging it as if acknowledging their crimes were enough to gain any moral high ground. Unfortunately, within liberal and christian circles it is good enough to just acknowledge your fallenness and ask for forgiveness to have done something moral.

The ecofash argument of "humans are the virus, humanity sucks" finds its root in christian guilt pride. Abrahamism is a crime against nature and must be expunged.


Its called eco-fascism
Same reason why the west is allowed industry but africa cant


The positing of universal sinfulness also acts as a sort of justification too, like "we are all evil, so fuck it". Its like how people say "we are all sinners" and "only god can forgive" after a crime.
Criminals in particular carry this christian ethos of the irredeemability of man.


I work 10 hours shift and i have 2 pair of shoes.
I destroyed the f*cking planet.


Inherent selfishness is a more non-Christian behaviour and looked down upon In the christian society, is a honor culture thing, this is the reason western liberals are easily guilt tripped into handing stuff to people that would not reciprocate and consrrvatives tend to take defensive, not offensive, stances, making excuses about why werent they nice instead of simply pressing it as a "no reciprocity here".
Conservatives take the approach of:
>Oh but you settled the land of the natives
<uhh but the natives were doing it too sooooo

Otherwise it would be:
>oh but you settled the land of the natives
>and? They did nothing for us. We owe them nothing.


Time to pay your penance taxes!


Humanity sucks and the dream of a workers democracy is impossible because even the smallest organisations get corrupted by opportunistic sociopaths.

After all I have seen in my time in politics and real life I am convinced that we need to wage a eugenicist war against sociopaths and narcissistic to achieve an actual utopia. That way we also get all the bourgoiesie in the process.

10% of humanity is irredeemable scum that needs to be cleansed from the world, the other 90% is fundamentally good.


Sounds like jesus talking about the good flock vs the evil goats
All western thought is just neo-christianity


Was gonna reply but yeah.
This (the elite are evil) is an idea exclusive to people that have not seen the abyss.


>All western thought is just neo-christianity
Okay so what are you gonna do? Carry the Confucian flag and convert us all


>Sounds like jesus talking about the good flock vs the evil goats
The communist movement is equally filled with these kinds of people, which is what I was referring to. The biggest problem of the marxist movement is its inability to prevent sociopathic opportunists from gaining power even in small organisations, let alone large ones.
The elite and leadership is evil because evil people fuck over everyone who has principles and tries to do the right thing with lies and plots to come out on top, sacrificing good people left and right for their own gain.


From my perspective the sheep are evil
There is many approaches to psychological issues. How would you talk to a Jihadist?


if only we have Bordiga to guide us through this….



80% of people are psychosexual perverts always trying to assert themselves and take advantage of wealness.
Kids bully other kids to prove themselves stronger and more attractive.
Christians are quite right about lust, envy, pride and anger taking put the worst out of everyone.
Guys will kill each other, mistreat people that is hospitalable, try to make of others fools and take advantage to score some pussy


No i think its fine since christianity is just logos worship and the logos is a western invention.
Im just saying that our thought is still captured by the necessity of "The tradition of all dead generations weighing like a nightmare on the brains of the living."
Dont you think it should be reversed though? That the class relation makes people evil rather than evil people just somehow succeed? There are plenty of evil people on the bottom too dont forget.
Think of it like the one ring; it possesses people in the alure of its power. You see this with any sort of position of power too, where people fall in line and start "following orders". Alienation and so on.


And Jesus' answer is to die and hope for heavenly reward.
Unfortunately we are the living dead who have no such promise til the judgement


>There is many approaches to psychological issues. How would you talk to a Jihadist?
People are usually guerillas because their communities are being victimized in some way and what little jobs are available for young men are dead end and fleeting. Also depends highly on the context, am I talking to a Hamas fighter? The ISIS chapter in Mozambique? Malay people in the borders of Thailand?


>Dont you think it should be reversed though? That the class relation makes people evil rather than evil people just somehow succeed?
Given that I just saw people creating a massive plot to destroy the repution of the other national chairman candidate just so they can be chairman of a small org dispite having no clear ideological differences, no. Its not class that makes people evil.
I think after all that happened in the past year I've genuinly lost faith in the marxist ideal, if even at the smallest scale the same corruption and backstabbing happens as at the top. Maybe the anarchists were right in a sense after all.
Maybe in a year I will have been through an ideological re-alligning.

>80% of people are psychosexual perverts always trying to assert themselves and take advantage of wealness.
Maybe we should kill that 80% then.


And think of the old adage of "One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist."
Let me explain it with a song.
Point is, I've walked among you a long time and the one thing that can be said is you are pliable.


Im not saying people become evil because they lose themselves, but that we use mediums of power which express our inner evil - like how a cop will use the law to break the (moral) law, or how a soldier will exterminate POWs for his nation.
But, also at the top, as marx says, the capitalist's soul has become capital. His humanity wrung out.
But youre right that people will destroy each other for a small grain of power.
>ideological realignment
Well, dont forget that "marxism" isnt just about opinions, but looking at the world objectively. I personally am not a marxist, but still dont relegate it just being an "ideology".


It's a shame good answers aren't getting the (You)s they deserve

>and honestly, a lot of communists believe this too
Honestly, a lot of "communists" these days are PMC (capitalist priestoids) who came from the New Left and are now in hard denial about their intellectual heritage.

Confucius is the same shit. Nobody really wants "truth"; they only seek universal validity. Abolishing Plato, and the 2500 years of "footnotes" to him, is a necessary but perhaps not sufficient condition of the abolition of class, money, and the state.


Thucydides or Heraclitus have already abolished Plato before Plato. The question then becomes why is it dominant still?


It would be a miracle if kids today read plato. Instead they read (watch youtube videos on) sartre and foucault.


I'm watching the three hour video essay on Twilight by Contrapoints.
I got a couple chapters into the Republic, then I dropped it.


Not enough pop culture references ig
Hollywood should make a plato movie with chris pratt, maybe that would help


It's called eco-fascism. They use people's inability to understand capitalism's involvement in the destruction of the environment to do regular nazi shit by only applying degrowth rhetoric to the 3rd world / immediate enemies.
And like, the tactic has been around a while. The Matrix tried to satirize it but people were too dumb and started agreeing with the cartoon bad guy.
Ecofash and environmentalists are enemies.
Also no, communists preserve the environment, including humanity, because it benifits the logistics chain


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Sure, yea

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