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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Why is the DPRK the only country westerners will believe literally anything about?

If the NY Times reported Kim Jong-Un was a shape-shifting alien people would believe it. Why?

Also, can we get a thread on the most outrageous things said about this defiant nation?




>Why is the DPRK the only country westerners will believe literally anything about?
It isn't, it just the country we know the least about on average, so it's a blank canvas for warmongering mythos. It's just debate glorification / essenialisn primes people in the west to just accept any statement about the unknown as true to fulfill the urge to have an opinion you can debate for on the milisecond. Because not having an opinion is rude



What >>1899779 said + North Korea is, for various reasons, very closed off from the rest of the world. Few North Koreans travel to the west and few westerners travel to North Korea. You can easily get a ticket and see China with your own eyes, but it's a lot more difficult to do the same for North Korea. (And tbh North Korea is a little goofy sometimes so people just go "yeah that checks out".)


>Why is the DPRK the only country westerners will believe literally anything about?

The same way westerners will believe anything negative about other socialist experiments/ states/ communes etc, propaganda, manufactured consent, and of course a general lack of nuance in handling difficult topics surrounding what's actually true about the DPRK. What we also need to take into consideration is that due to Korea's isolationist policies, however understandable it may be, they don't have the global reach and/or access to wider social media that a lot of other western countries do- combine that with a language barrier and a constant blockade kept against them, they've little to any chance of accessing a wider internationalist platform in which they can hold genuine sway. The fact that the DPRK keeps such a closed hand and has policies that usually keep them isolated from the rest of the "international community" means that they can't necessarily "refute" any of the propaganda that's thrown their way. And rather than take time to actually understand why the DPRK is the way that it is- Western media just see military parades, grey skies and intense nationalism.

In short: the propaganda against the DPRK is pure aesthetics.

Is this to suggest that the DPRK isn't committing genuine crimes against its people? It's hard to say as there is hardly any counter evidence in forms of records, documentation, statements from officials that challenge these claims, but simultaneously- how is one supposed to trust the western media when they say "uh do you know the people of the DPRK believes in unicorns and that the Kims don't shit, whatsoever?"
It's in the interest of the west to spread disinformation and overexaggerate, but at the same time how does one actually refute said reports of the united nations without any actual counter evidence out side of shrill screams of "propaganda"!

In other words: with an overall lack of counter evidence or counter argument in the proof of documents, receipts, records, announcements etc- westerners will fall hook line and sinker for anti-DPRK propaganda.

They're viewed as an odd little entity with an odd little man running an odd little country, and any questioning of such an idea leads to the same responses- "what you don't believe in freedom and democracy? Are you insane for showing sympathy to these people?"

>If the NY Times reported Kim Jong-Un was a shape-shifting alien people would believe it. Why?

A sick part of me wants to believe. That combined with Juche Necromancy would probs set off a new golden age of shitposting on leftypol. Im all for Posadist shapeshifters spreading the wisdom of Juche Necromancy.

>Also, can we get a thread on the most outrageous things said about this defiant nation?



>Why is the DPRK the only country westerners will believe literally anything about?
That's not true, they believe anything about any country. Sweden is socialist, Ukraine hasn't been openly employing genocidal measures for a decade, California is a communist hellhole, Russia is literally a mongol horde, and so on. People in general just seem to know little about other places.


idk americans largely believe everything they hear about any 'enemy' country. maybe the gubmint just wants to piss on the population's head a little bit by telling them the most retarded obviously fake shit ever and having them so blinded they believe it.


It's not the only one. Westoids are starting to believe millions large concentrations camps in China as well as tens of millions large dead cities after Covid, despite the ability of Westoids to travel to China. Cambodia was the biggest victim of this before DPRK


>People start believing that everyone in China is in concentration camps or dead
>You can literally go there and see for yourself with your own eyes and ears that they aren't
>No! China bad stinky ew gross sad face billions must die!!! :(


Excuse me sir you are wrong
>Saddams incubator babies
>Milosevic's death camps
>Ghadaffis handing out viagra to soldiers to rape (lol, why?)
> Assad gas attacks his own people when USA says this is a redline and the Syria and Russian army were winning the war conventionally


Because there is no objective news reporting, so you either have official state sanctioned news outlets or western news outlets, its basically futile shit flinging and posing.


>Ghadaffis handing out viagra to soldiers to rape (lol, why?)
How old are these soldiers!?!??!

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