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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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There is an enduring myth that the USSR "occupied" or "annexed" the states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, when what really happened was no different to 1917 in Russia: the workers and peasants overthrew the power of capitalists. Soviet power was already established there in 1917-1919 before being temporarily defeated by the intervention of German and British capitalists. In the interwar period, the bourgeoisie failed to develop industry in those countries, unemployment was rife, and the states were all fascist dictatorships. In 1940, they crumbled under the combined pressure of the working class internally and the presence of the USSR.




The Soviet Union invented the concept of color revolutions and successfully applied these methods in Latvija. The people of Latvija cannot and must not suffer under Soviet social-imperialism. Long live the Latvijan's people's protected war against the bourgeoisie, the fascist bourgeois and the imperialist bourgeoisie!


Damn, color revolution sounds awesome then


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Third link comments are really depressing. I hate baltoids so fucking bad because they are such dumbasses.

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