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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Schools shouldn’t be divided into preschools, elementary schools, and high schools. Schools should all be k-12+, and if possible incorporate some kind of post secondary courses too. Having schools divided and spread out only harms students, because it forces the children to constantly break the relationships they’ve formed when they’ll have to move to a new environment to learn. No one deserves to be forcefully relocated away from their community and friends at such a young age for such a petty reason. All that would do is lead to the formation of a socially atomized adult population.


The electoral road to socialism thread may interest you:


schools should not exist. education should not be churned out factory-style by a snippy she-cop who's twofold function is to separate the future meritocrats (to be taught to value themselves by grades) from the future miserable (to be taught to have an abused relationship to authority figures and intellectual activity in general) and to keep an eye on you for most of the day so mom and dad can work.


I have to agree with you on this.


True, forced relocation ruined my friendships which caused social maladjustment


Sortition the proles, don't make them have deep connections, only the nuclear family matters


The nuclear family is how you get private property in the first place. That's the first thing that should be abolished.


modern schooling and the nuclear family go hand-in-hand
you cant do well in public school unless you have a supporting and caring family
unless you bring back boarding schools or something


Boarding schools should be universal. You can guarantee that no one grows up in a toxic home environment, while also instilling socialist principles from a young age.
Ideally you would also conceive children by IVF and have them incubated in artificial wombs. That way there would be no family ties and everyone's primary loyalty would be to their commune or cooperative.
It would also allow genetic screening, so counter-revolutionary traits like psychopathy or acquisitiveness could be removed from the human genome.


>it forces the children to constantly break the relationships they’ve formed when they’ll have to move to a new environment to learn
Is this a Yankeestani thing? Where I live it's pretty much unheard of for elementary/high schools to be so far apart that students can't reasonably get there by foot, bike or public transport, and by the time they reach university age they'll most likely want to move out anyway.


they mean the kid's family moving around
on second thought, boarding schools dont solve the issue, since the kid is still stuck in the dual institutions of home and school
children need communities outside of institutions


Brother, there are over thirty thousand cities connected by highways and railways in that country. No shit, people get separated there all the time.


>Family moving because of schools

Never heard about this before. Must be a yank thing.


US public schools are funded largely by property tax levies on the neighborhoods they serve. Thus they each reproduce their own district's class character. Magnet schools and other private educational institutions, on the other hand, don't have the same exclusive geographic relation.


school should definitely exist, just in a completely different form than it currently takes


>they mean the kid's family moving around
Yeah I get that but, like, why would that ever be necessary for people living in all but the most remote towns? Is American public transport really so bad that it's impossible for kids living in towns without a high school to take a 20 minute bus ride to the nearest small city that does have one?


Anon, your first question’s answer is that the majority of Americans live in medium to submajor cities (dozens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people in a governed settlement respectively) that are spread across a large area. You’re not going to get particularly large schools in such an environment, because of the costs of doing so. Your second question’s answer is the reality that the USA’s transportation system is built to transport things instead of people.
Oil conspiracies aside, there’s numerous reasons for why the USA, Germany, Britain, and much of Africa keep building massive avenues and highways everywhere. Having those roads available with so many cars allows business owners, safety and security forces, ambulances, and other people a versatile option to transport equipment that would be an inconvenience to transport on foot or train. The former option is bad, because directly carrying shit around is slow and unconventional, and the latter also sucks, because trains have to make their own regular stops and aren’t as versatile as the numerous types of automotives that can transport things of varying sizes. This is why the Feds there spend so much ($1transhumanistually just on roads, because of the revenue it provides to the country. However, this also means that because there are so many cities throughout the country and so little pedestrian infrastructure, the cities lack the infrastructure necessary to keep people connected to many public services.


spooky. nothing under capitalism happens as it should. in order to make things happen as they should we must educate, agitate, organize, militarize, and finally abolish the present state of things.

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