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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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In Africa, Latin America, and much of SEA, many people can be expected to voice their opinion and actively participate in organized movements or programs aimed at acknowledging and removing the damages that were brought about from colonialism. Many domestic Indians contrast this, because the level of elitism, self hatred, colourism, and infighting there is so strong to the point where there are cases of minority groups with a millennia-old history within the country facing systemic prejudice and risks of deportation or persecution. Parts of these problems trace back to the caste system, but many were the result of British colonialism’s violent promotion of elitism and division between peoples throughout the country. With the current elections coming up in the same period where many candidates (like Modi)—much like in Nigeria and Pakistan—are relying on hubris, jailing opposition, chauvinism, and ethnonationalism, the future of that country’s federal-level plans are bleak to any citizen of India today. It’s understandable as to why so many are fleeing to any country willing to accept them.

What can be done to promote a sense of cohesion, patriotism, and understanding between everyone there?


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