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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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A new poll in Spain shows declining acceptance for LGBTQ+ people among Gen Z with the change being entirely driven by young men.

Yellow = Men Purple = Women
* Should there be a straight pride day?
* I feel uncomfortable when I see a gay couple
* Sexual diversity is going to end our traditions and values that have always been

I had heard of this kind of polarization happening in South Korea years ago but it seems to be spreading elsewhere now, specially in continental Europe. Anglo countries and Latin America are yet to be hit, I think.


This shit doesn't matter, sexual minorities survive no matter what the cultural attitudes are


I would say this is due to the spread of Andrew Tate type manfluencers



No amount of technology is going to stop straight people from birthing gay kids


We have already discovered the fraternal birth order effect. It's only a matter of time until we discover that it's a rhesus-like antigen/epigenetic condition.


Did they randomly select the responses throughout the country, or did the researchers more likely just pick a bunch of candidates in popular urban areas in a study with zero controls against manipulated responses? Really OP, you should source both the original study, and the methods and limitations used to gather information like this if you’re going to post any censuses gathered about society. I doubt any random ass Spanish zoomer gives a flying shit about LGBTQ2S+ people in comparison to finding a job that doesn’t require them to have connections to corrupt officials.


You realize youth in urban a centers tend to be less homophobic so a a bias would skew the other direction.


The medical community had spent around a hundred years trying to medicate homosexuality away, there's no cure and if there was they would have found it already. Every rich asshole (who rightoids work for) are okay with homophobia up until the exact moment it effects them or their kids, which is part of why they allowed gay marriage in the first place.


And you think most ruralites and people in smaller urban settlements in every fucking country are ignorant dumbass xenophobics with that dumbass belief? Even without your stupid claim, Spain is a majority urban country anyways. Additionally, most Spaniards live in cities with populations in the 6 digits.

Don’t make shit up about other people based off badly sourced studies. This shit leads to mass online hysteria over nothing and makes the international scientific (especially psychological) community look bad because of it.


>that it's a rhesus-like antigen/epigenetic condition.
what's that? pls explain to a retard like me


I don't think the study is available but it was commissioned by El Pais among others and it says it had 2,000 respondents and it was conducted online:


Not always the case. See Elon Musk and his trans daughter
Not that anon. Stop foaming at the mouth at the mention something everyone knows


This is a big part of it. You got middle schoolers learning how to be a man with Andrew Tate and the algorithm tunnel it send you into. The poll does match the trend that is going on worldwide. Male and female zoomers are dividing politically and the gender culture war is not helping matters. Just have any discussion about sex and dating and see how fast that turns toxic no matter what political ideology you are.


I said it once and I'll say again. No one hates male gays more than women. Trans rights and women's right contradict each other.


>Trans rights and women's right contradict each other.
Then why are women far more likely to support trans rights than men are? Are they duped and propagandized against their own interests?


>No one hates male gays more than women.


That other mf in question spends a little too much time on American centric Internet forums, and his views on other people have been damaged permanently.


Modern iteration of muh gay gene.


Young women don't want to be under the control of men like the previous generation of women were and are very vocal about it. Ergo they're more likely to support the more emancipatory options to lots of issues.

Young men want to come back to the time when women were more submissive. So they are more likely to oppose anything perveived as challenging to the perceived traditional order.

Simple as.




>The fraternal birth order effect (FBOE) is the finding that older brothers increase the probability of homosexuality in later-born males, and the female fecundity effect (FFE) is the finding that the mothers of homosexual males produce more offspring than the mothers of heterosexual males

>Rhesus-like antigen theory

Homosexuality is a condition like Rhesus disease, a condition where antibodies in a pregnant woman's blood destroy her baby's blood cells. It's also known as haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn. This disease develops because after a first pregnancy a woman develops these antibodies only after a first Rh-incompatible child which is affecting any subsequent child with an Rh-incompatible blood-time.

>Epigenic theory

It is theorized that similar to the Grandmother Theory concerning the menopause in women at a certain point when women have several children it is more beneficial to overall fitness when there are additional males who help relative's offspring rather than have offspring themselves.


why bother asking this. nobody is going to do anything. people have been posting these statistics for years. has anybody on the left produced anything of value to change this situation? no. just shaming to accelarate the divide even more. quit talking abt these things.


File: 1719880214377.jpg (148.88 KB, 1064x500, Capture.JPG)

FBOE is only thought to account for 20% of male homosexuality, majority of gay men can't be identified with a biomarker yet

>LPA defined four profiles of men based on these biomarkers: 1) A subgroup who did not have these biomarkers, 2) fraternal birth order, 3) handedness, and 4) familiality.

>While the majority of both heterosexual and nonheterosexual men were grouped in the profile that did not have any biomarker, the three profiles associated with a biomarker were composed primarily of nonheterosexual men.


controversial and devilish question:
could we take advantage of this? (not increasing homophobia among zoomzoomz but gender polarization)


Idk, how? Socialism with woman characteristics?


>The mechanism of homosexuality gets discovered

broke: cure homosexuality
joke: allow people to choose
woke: force everyone to be homosex


Well, the recent fights over abortion rights in South America had huge popular and radicalizing momentum.


Bespoke: Mandatory bioengineered transition to futanari


take this shit to siberia


Based off the responses in this thread, get armed, slaughter incels, prepare for a general war against most young men, including faggots that pretend to be socialists but still secretly identify with the incel movement, misogyny, and downplay the lurch of stupid little teenaged early 20s incel dipshit fascoids


>get armed
Burgers you must immediately buy a few guns and as much ammunition and bottled water as you can afford.


Women are proletarian, men are petty bourgeois.


>look Dr. Peterson, I posted the hypergamy meme again. That'll get me laid for sure


>The status of women in patriarchal societies was one where the means of reproduction get collectivized and redistributed accordingly 1-1
That's not collectivization, that's turning everyone into a petty bourg.

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