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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Paging Anne Marie Slaughter and Amy Kloubuchar.

I was listening to this EXCELLENT "video essay" by the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin, and considering qualifying his interesting analysis of the pharmaceutical industry's effects on the treatment of mental issues, and was about to make a comment noting that even if ultimately with people the issue is with us, that we live in capitalism, not FULL COMMUNISM. When he mentioned you two, small world isn't it.

The Biden administration could bring Israel to heel in an instant. Genocide Joe, sorry I meant President Biden could with a short simple phone call to Netanyahu two sentences "Time to recognize Palestine or no more weapons for the GENOCIDE, he's still got it in him. Although he may not in a few years. Time will tell. At this rate the best chance for Biden to win this is to prove he can still be presidential.


The answer is simple. President Biden forces a ceasefire on Israel NOW. He forces a real settlement and Israeli recognition and withdrawal from the internationally, look it up stupid see how many members of the United Nations recognize Palestine. That's a lot of free positive press and social media activity for Biden especially on TikTok is it etc whatever? He could really do with that right now

I'm deciding whether I should consult for the Trump campaign however much it would make my skin crawl to have ever worked for the Republican party. This happens I will not and will never work for the Republicans, everybody wins.
We've worked together, you know what I can do. I could do with the money given this ECONOMY very important this election

This doesn't happen soon, and this can't be an October surprize the sooner the better. YOU are losing the grassroots activist party base, and you need them to get out the vote STUPID. I may throw the election for the money. Maybe I won't I'm still considering my options, and I'd really rather not.

If I'm thinking this other people are. Lots of very pissed off people who know how this works.

I'd ask for peace in the Ukraine as well, but that's not going anywhere. President Biden certainly can't be seen to be a loser this October and win. The last debate was bad enough.

Don't let America die on the Israel hill with a second term of President Trump. Choose peace.


Please keep posting

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