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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Iran's Oil and Gas Workers' Strike Grows: 20,000 Workers, 110 Companies
Launched by the unofficial Council for Organizing Oil Contract-Workers' Protests, the strike began on June 19. The workers are demanding the removal of intermediary contractors, wage increases, a 14-days-on, 14-days-off work schedule, improved dormitory conditions, and enhanced safety measures. The Council has warned that the strikes will intensify if these demands are not met.

Israel frees hospital chief with prisons ‘full’ of Gaza captives
Israel released 55 prisoners on Monday to free up space in its jails, unconfirmed reports claimed. Speaking shortly after his return to Gaza, al-Shifa Hospital Director Muhammad Abu Salmiya asserted that Palestinian prisoners in Israel’s prisons were facing daily abuse.

Turkish airstrike starts a fire on Mount Metina in South Kurdistan
While the occupying Turkish state has increased its attacks on Mount Metîna in recent days, it deployed a large number of troops, heavy weapons and armoured vehicles to the villages in the region. Many villages were evacuated due to the attacks. Baghdad and Hewlêr (Erbil) remain silent in the face of Turkish occupation.

Rift between Bolivia's left widens as Morales joins accusation that Arce faked last week's coup attempt
Mr Arce retorted that his former boss should not “make another mistake. “Clearly what happened was a failed military coup. Do not side with fascism and those who deny what happened. Those responsible … will be prosecuted, as was the case with the conspirators of the 2019 coup.” Minister for the Presidency Maria Nela Prada added that Mr Morales should not become a “puppet of imperialism, that intends to plunder our country.”

Peru's ex-presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori begins trial for money laundering
According to prosecutors, Popular Force was used to irregularly receive some $17 million from various contributors, such as Brazilian construction conglomerate Odebrecht (renamed Novonor in 2020) and Peruvian financial holding company Credicorp (BAP.LM).

Police use digger to remove Palestine Action activist from weapons company building
POLICE used a JCB digger to remove a Palestine activist from a building when a company supplying an Israeli-owned British arms manufacturer with equipment was occupied and blockaded today.

The reality of living in Ibiza: Workers sleeping in vans due to high cost of rent
On this popular Spanish Mediterranean island, growing numbers of wealthy tourists in combination with real estate speculation (which corrodes everything from luxury developments to the dingiest rental rooms) have made the price of housing soar, making it unaffordable for a good portion of the army of workers who make sure that the machinery that sustains this summer paradise remains well oiled.

France's far-right makes gains in southeast, fails to make a breakthrough in Paris
The party of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella topped the poll with 33.15 percent of the votes cast for members of the National Assembly, according to preliminary results published by the interior ministry. The leftwing New Popular Front alliance was in second place with 28.14 percent, ahead of President Emmanuel Macron's centrists on 20.76 percent.

SADTU objects to Gwarube heading Ministry of Basic Education
“They’ve always made statements that SADTU- for all the problems that are there in the education sector, they always put them on SADTU’s doorstep. They always accuse us of opposing the education in this country, of being in charge of education, and of controlling the department of education and the ministers and all,” added Cembi.

Looting and fighting reported in a central Sudan city as paramilitary group attacks military troops
The paramilitary Rapid Support Forces began its offensive against Sudan’s military in Sennar province earlier this week, attacking the village of Jebal Moya before moving to the provincial capital of Singa, where fresh battles have erupted. The fighting forced about 57,000 people to flee their homes, according to the United Nations.


Outrage as Reports Suggest DOJ to Offer Boeing 'Sweetheart Deal' Over Fatal Crashes
The agreement, which has been denounced as a "sweetheart deal" by family members and their attorneys, reportedly includes a requirement that Boeing plead guilty to conspiring to defraud the FAA in connection with the crashes, as well as a $487.2 million financial penalty. The company board would be required to meet with the victims' families and appoint an independent monitor to oversee Boeing's safety practices.

Biden’s family reportedly tell him to stay in presidential race as blame shifts to advisers
While his family was reportedly aware of how poorly he performed, they also continue to think he’s the best person to beat Donald Trump. The Associated Press reported that the strongest voices imploring Biden to resist pressure to drop out were his wife, Jill, and his son Hunter.

Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for "official acts"
The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that presidents have immunity for "official acts," but punted to the trial court the question of whether former President Trump's alleged conduct in his Jan. 6 case was protected.

Detroit changes rules for police use of facial recognition after wrongful arrest of Black man
The agreement with Williams says Detroit police will go back and look at cases from 2017 to 2023 in which facial recognition was used. A prosecutor will be notified if police learn that an arrest was made without independent evidence.

Police officer fatally shoots man at homeless shelter in northwest Minnesota city of Crookston
“Less lethal means were deployed before an officer fired their department handgun, striking the suspect,” Selzer said. “Officers provided life-saving care, but the man was pronounced deceased at the scene.”

Citizens come forward with police abuse claims against Lakeland Police Department
The gathering comes after several controversial arrests, as well as videos of some of the encounters circulation on social media. The families gathered in a local church to show what they’re calling a pattern of abuse from the Lakeland Police Department.

Lawsuit says Pennsylvania county deliberately hid decisions to invalidate some mail-in ballots
Seven disqualified primary voters, the local NAACP branch and the Center for Coalfield Justice sued Washington County’s election board over what they called “systematic and deliberate efforts” to conceal the policy by directing elections office staff not to tell voters who called that they had made errors that prevented their votes from being counted.


Steelworks strike called off: Stop this betrayal – Workers can only trust themselves!
Shamefully, on Monday 1 July, Unite the Union – without any warning or consultation with the workers – cancelled the planned strike action at the Port Talbot and Llanwern steelworks. This strike was supposed to be the battle to save the steelworks and the thousands of jobs under threat. It was supposed to be a battle to save the town from extinction. This retreat – as this is what it is – follows promises by the Tata bosses to resume “talks” if the union were to call off the strike. Without any actual guarantees in place, the union has placed its trust in Tata to reach a resolution around the negotiating table, hoping that their hand will be strengthened when Labour comes to power on Friday 5 July. The trade union bureaucracy is well-versed in these kinds of ‘tactics’ – those of prevarication and retreat – which only serve to de-escalate the struggle and disorient the workers. It is a well-known ploy by the bosses to deceive the unions with empty promises, to trick them into cancelling strikes. The union leaders then welcome such moves as a ‘victory’. Just like the Grand Old Duke of York, the union leaders are marching the men up to the top of the hill and back down again. They were never interested in a real fight. Such a retreat can only lead to despondency and demoralisation. Let us be clear: there can be no trust in the bosses, nor in backroom negotiations. These same bosses have not budged an inch in the last seven months, so why would they budge now? The time for talking is over. We need to hit them where it hurts!

Why Egypt's 'New Republic' is increasingly vulnerable to implosion
Ten years have passed since Abdel Fattah el-Sisi assumed the presidency of the Arab world’s most populous country. Riding a wave of mass fear in Egypt’s turbulent society, and playing on the yearning for stability among the middle and upper classes, Sisi staged a coup in the fateful summer of 2013 against the country’s first democratically elected president. He promised Egyptians security and economic prosperity - a New Republic. He failed. Successful only in squashing the revolution and all forms of dissent, the New Republic has had serious ramifications countrywide. In 2023, Egypt’s external debt reached a record $165bn, up from around $42bn when Sisi assumed office in 2014. During that decade, Egypt was required to pay more than $132bn in external debt service. The value of its currency plunged. Since 2016, the US dollar has appreciated against the Egyptian pound by approximately 462 percent, while urban inflation has soared to a staggering 35.7 percent, according to government data. The quality of life for a large section of Egyptian society has degraded severely. The government stopped publishing stats on the poverty rate in December 2020. The inflation rate for food prices reached 72 percent last year, with catastrophic implications for Egyptian households, including many who are unable to afford fresh vegetables and meat. National power cuts have become a daily reality, described by Reuters as a “symbol of malaise a decade after Sisi’s rise”. Government spending on health, already as low as 1.7 percent of GDP in 2014/15, fell to 1.4 percent in 2023/24. Shortages in essential medicines and medical supplies have become chronic. Social media platforms are flooded with posts from desperate users searching for medicines they cannot find in pharmacies.

E. V. Debs: Revolutionary Unionism
The unity of labor, economic and political, upon the basis of the class struggle, is at this time the supreme need of the working class. The prevailing lack of unity implies lack of class consciousness; that is to say, enlightened self-interest; and this can, must and will be overcome by revolutionary education and organization. Experience, long, painful and dearly bought, has taught some of us that craft division is fatal to class unity. To accomplish its mission the working class must be united. They must act together; they must assert their combined power, and when they do this upon the basis of the class struggle, then and then only will they break the fetters of wage slavery. We are engaged today in a class war; and why? For the simple reason that in the evolution of the capitalist system in which we live, society has been mainly divided into two economic classes—a small class of capitalists who own the tools with which work is done and wealth is produced, and a great mass of workers who are compelled to use those tools. Between these two classes there is an irrepressible economic conflict. Unfortunately for himself, the workingman does not yet understand the nature of the conflict, and for this reason has hitherto failed to accomplish any effective unity of his class.


Fuck you, bad news anon! You suck!


That is what your father said last night


Very cool news


Said noone ever




basado agrettattore anonymica


>An eye-witness to the JCB incident said: “Firefighters’ union policy is that firefighters should refuse to get involved in such incidents so police brought in a JCB digger and driver to get her down.
Firefighters being based is one constant in everything anons! :)


File: 1719884826443.jpg (230.99 KB, 1280x960, 1702874088772888.jpg)

Thanks News Anon

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