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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What’s your opinion on? Mao Zedong Do you think he was a great leader or not?


He might be Trotsky


File: 1719883237629.mp4 (2.97 MB, 496x360, red-cavalry.mp4)

Some people say he was a great military man and revolutionary but a less than great statesman, but I don’t know. I recently read Report from Xunwu and found it very interesting, full of autistic attention to fine detail. He was a very analytically minded person, deeply thoughtful, at least that is the impression I get from reading him.


Can't just decide you like Nixon because corn boy is a fuck up.


I would prefer for the responses to this thread to be walls of text. This subject is complete alien to me, and i would like a cool summary or introduction the the subject of Mao Zedong. I am sure many leftypolers will have the expertise to do it, if they so want to.


as far as individuals go, no one else has done more for china


what are some good books to read about daddy mao and the cpc


>What’s your opinion on?
My opinion on what?
>Mao Zedong Do you think he was a great leader or not?
I'm not Mao Zedong and who are you asking about?


Another day, another shitty interview thread.


Warrior and a poet, the 21st century's Simon Bolivar, if he rode a horse he would've also been called Iron Ass

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