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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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The purpose of this thread:
This thread is exclusively for the discussion, analysis and news about weapons of mass destruction and nuclear war. It does not endorse or promote them, but rather serves to bring people to study their effects and consequences.
Some notes:
1. The cost of the Manhattan Project (through August 1945) was an estimated $20,000,000,000 .
2. The total number of nuclear missiles built, 1951-present is estimated to be 67,500 .
3. A nuclear holocaust is more probable to occur than a “global killer” meteor hitting the planet.
In the case of nuclear war, or an announced doomsday - what will YOU do? Will you have sex? Cry and hide? Or do something interesting? Have sex and go BERSERK? Or will you figure out a way to outwit everyone and survive?
Recommended books:
Nuclear War Survival Skills - Cresson H. Kearny
I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs and Apocalypse Communism - A.M. Gittlitz
Doomsday Bunker Book: Your Complete Guide to Designing Surviving and Living in an Underground Concrete Bunker - Ben Jakob
Endgame, Vol. 1: The Problem of Civilization - Derrick Jensen
Endgame, Vol. 2: Resistance - Derrick Jensen
Nihilist Communism - Monsieur Dupont
Alas, Babylon - Pat Frank
Podcasts / Radio / Broadcast:
https://revolutionaryleftradio.libsyn.com/posadism (podcast episode on Posadism)
https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/prepper-talk-radio--2209431 (funny conservatives)
https://www.infowars.com/show/ (the funniest, craziest conservatives of the internetz)
Threads 1984
The Road 2009
When the Wind Blows 1986
The Day After 1983
Countdown to Looking Glass 1984


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>thread already exists read the catalogue
Yeah, but this one is BETTER. The OP who made the last one was a COCKMONGLER.

Anyway, opinions?
Could Israel lose its nuclear weapons? Could Netanyahu go wild with them? What if the PFLP got to them and exploded the US's ass?


>United States military leaders have admitted to losing six nuclear weapons since 1950. Unsealed documents show one is in the Mediterranean Sea, two are in the Pacific Ocean, two in the Atlantic Ocean and one is in Eastern North Carolina.
Anyone wanna go scuba diving?


nukes are so cool I wish they were real


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tangentially related to nukes but stars are pretty fuckin' scary huh


they are hot



it takes a million years for a photon to leave the core of the sun to the outermost layer of the solar atmosphere.
From.there, it takes eight minutes to reach earth.


god I just wanna fucking die in a nuclear war bros


According to my incredibly loose calculations the radius of the sun is 215 times smaller then the distance between the sun and us.
Yet it takes 65700000000 times longer
(525600000000÷8) million years in minutes


I've got a really bad nose that's clogged all the time and allergies, I just wish a nuclear holocaust can fix it. Spent all my life at doctors and using bullshit nasal sprays for nothing.


More likely your boring life will just continue, you won't die or anything cool, even if a nuke goes off you'll still have to go to work. Eternal fizzle


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>all those people in hiroshima and nagasaki were just crisis actors bro


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i was born in 91 the year the cold war "ended", for some reason this made me obsessed with nuclear war. watched all the movies, threads, the day after, there is this really great depressing british cartoon called when the wind blows, i suggest it

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