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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Detention of Imran Khan violates international law, UN working group says
The U.N. working group said Khan's legal woes were part of a "much larger campaign of repression" against him and his Pakistan Tehree-e-Insaf (PTI) party. It said that in the lead up to the 2024 elections, members of Khan's party were arrested and tortured and their rallies were disrupted. It also alleged "widespread fraud on election day, stealing dozens of parliamentary seats."

Cambodian court jails ten environmental activists
Cambodian human rights group Licadho said: “It is astounding that Cambodian authorities are convicting youth activities advocating for clean water in Phnom Penh, protecting mangrove forests in Koh Kong and warning against the privatisation of land in protected areas and presenting it as an attack against the state.”

Students block Shahbagh, highway as quota protests intensify
Students of the University of Dhaka and Jahangirnagar university on Tuesday blocked the Shahbagh intersection and Dhaka-Aricha highway as protests demanding cancellation of the High Court order for the restoration of 30 per cent quota for freedom fighters’ children and grandchildren in government jobs intensified. Students of other public universities, including Rajshahi University and Chittagong University also held rallies and human chains to press home the same demand on the day.

==Israel to reserve notorious administrative detention for non-Jewish suspects00
The Ministerial Committee for Legislation gave a green light on Sunday to amendments to the Emergency Defense Regulation, which goes further and allows non-Israeli individuals to be detained even if they do not belong to a terrorist organisation but there are reasonable grounds they could threaten "national security or the public's safety".

UAE-linked company in Serbia supplying weapons to Israel amid war on Gaza
According to a report by Balkan Insight, in 2024 Serbia’s main state-owned arms trader, Yugoimport-SDPR, exported at least $17.1m worth of weapons to Israel via Israeli military planes as well as civilian aircraft.

Scottish council workers ready to strike for fair pay
A total of 23 of Scotland’s 32 councils have seen either GMB or Unite, or both unions win mandates for strike action as thousands of workers in waste services rejected a subinflation pay offer from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (Cosla) of 2.2 per cent from April 1 to September 30 followed by 2 per cent in the following year.

Greece introduces ‘growth-oriented’ six-day working week
In a country with almost no tradition of inspections in the workplace, critics contend the reform ultimately sounds the death knell of the five-day working week, not least because it enables employers to dictate whether a sixth day of labour is required. For opponents, who have already taken to the streets in protest, the reform erodes legal protections and rolls back long-established workers’ rights in the name of flexibility.

Colombia arrests two Tren de Aragua bosses
Last week, police arrested Salomon Fernandez, the alleged boss of Tren de Aragua in the capital Bogota and the neighboring town of Soacha, in a town in the eastern Casanare province. On Monday, the National Police announced the arrest of Larry Changa, one of the three alleged founders of the Venezuelan group.

Adoptee stolen at birth sues Chile over thousands of dictatorship-era thefts
A Chilean-American man raised in the United States has filed a criminal complaint against the Chilean state, alleging that it engaged in a systematic plan to steal thousands of babies from perceived enemies of the state in the 1970s and 1980s.

Ahead of election, Venezuela’s Maduro says he has agreed to resume negotiations with United States
“I have received the proposal during two continuous months from the United States government to reestablish talks and direct dialogue,” Maduro said. “After thinking about it for two months, I have accepted, and next Wednesday, talks will restart with the United States government to comply with the agreements signed in Qatar and to reestablish the terms of the urgent dialogue.”


Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier, convicted over 1975 FBI killings, denied parole
Peltier has maintained his innocence since he was arrested in connection with the deaths that occurred at the Pine Ridge Indian reservation in South Dakota. For decades, advocates such as Coretta Scott King, Nelson Mandela, Pope Francis and James H Reynolds, the US attorney who handled the prosecution and appeal of Peltier’s case, have fought for his release.

San Diego County to pay nearly $15M to family of pregnant woman who died in jail 5 years ago
“The dollar amount doesn’t matter,” said Elisa’s mother, Paloma Serna, who plans to continue to advocate for other men and women in sheriff’s custody. “These things do not change the fact that Elisa is never coming back.”

Tempur Sealy's $4 billion purchase of Mattress Firm challenged by FTC
The FTC unanimously voted to go to federal court to stop the country's biggest mattress maker from merging with the largest bedding retailer, saying the combined company would have "the ability and incentive to suppress competition and raise prices for mattresses for millions of consumers."

Florida prosecutors knew Jeffrey Epstein assaulted young girls years before plea deal
Florida prosecutors knew the late millionaire and financier Jeffrey Epstein sexually assaulted teenage girls two years before they cut a plea deal that has long been criticized as too lenient and a missed opportunity to imprison him a decade earlier, according to transcripts released on Monday.

Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI
Rather than declining, its emissions grew 13% in 2023 over the year before. Compared to its baseline year of 2019, emissions have soared 48%. Google cited artificial intelligence and the demand it puts on data centers, which require massive amounts of electricity, for last year’s growth.


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The Democrat Banished For Warning Us About Biden
How is it that the Democrats’ main bulwark between America and a Trump regime is an impaired president whose White House reportedly tried to hide his decline? On this episode of Lever Time, we talk to the Democratic operative whose presidential candidate first tried to sound the alarm to avert this disaster — and whose candidate then faced a “quiet throat slitting” by party bosses.We also explore how Democrats are trying to blackmail voters with an impossible choice: Vote for a struggling Biden or get Trump and the potential end of democracy. Democratic strategist Jeff Weaver was senior adviser to U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips — the only elected Democrat who tried to challenge Joe Biden for the party’s 2024 presidential nomination. Weaver also served as campaign manager for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign and senior advisor for Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign. On this episode, Weaver details Phillips’ experience when the Democratic lawmaker tried to ensure voters knew about Biden’s decline. Weaver also explains exactly how the party could select a new nominee if Biden decides to halt his campaign — and how Democratic powerbrokers might try to tilt the process at the Democratic convention.
[Audio] https://share.transistor.fm/s/33dbaf25

Generation Z Is at the Forefront of a Powerful Uprising in Kenya
Youth in Kenya are rising up in the face of extreme repression. Mass protests began spreading rapidly in response to President William Ruto’s attempt to pass a tax bill. The bill would have raised taxes on household essentials including sugar and cooking oil in compliance with austerity measures that the government is trying to implement in order to receive a loan from the predatory International Monetary Fund (IMF). In response, young Kenyans, proudly identifying as “Generation Z,” have organized a mass movement online. For now, this uprising is developing independently of Kenya’s traditional parties and institutions which would benefit from co-opting the movement out of the streets. While Ruto’s tax bill incited the current uprising, the situation has escalated quickly due to the misery that youth in Kenya have been experiencing for years. According to the Federation of Kenya Employers, youth (classified by FKE as ages 15-34 years old) make up 35 percent of the country’s total population but 67 percent of the country’s unemployed. Exacerbating the economic situation, Kenya’s foreign and domestic debt make up 70 percent of the country’s gross domestic product. This has all contributed to a feeling among the large youth population that there are few prospects for their futures, and many struggle day to day.

CP of Pakistan, The statement of the Communist Party of Pakistan on the current situation in Pakistan
Comrade Qazi further elaborated that despite numerous operations against the Taliban, a segment of the ruling class is building up a narrative on that current an impression of necessity for yet another operation. During past operations, civilians were forcibly displaced, their properties and lives were jeopardized, and promised compensation remained unpaid. Individuals who disappeared under suspicion have not been presented in court of law. He questioned why ISI Chief Faiz Hameed reintroduced the Taliban into Pakistan during Imran Khan's government, celebrating the Taliban's conquest of Afghanistan as a triumph. Today, these figures must explain why the TTP is launching attacks on Pakistan from Afghan soil and why the Afghan Taliban are not intervening. It is a well-documented fact that from General Hameed Gul to Faiz Hameed, the ISI has persistently organized and armed the Taliban. The fundamental duty of the military is to safeguard the country's borders, not to create proxies and militant groups for the so-called jihad business. Post previous operations, who authorized the entry and settlement of militants to regroup in Pakistan? Accountability for these criminal actions is imperative. Why are ordinary citizens consistently subjected to hardship and losses, both financial and human? Why do military operations inevitably target civilians and political activists?

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