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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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> be me
> be an anti zionist communist in israel
> bored since it's summer break
> want to piss off some people
> decide to post an anti-idf slideshow on tiktok, just a couple pictures of text describing some of the idf's most famous horrible cases, nothing graphic in the tiktok itself
> it gets 5k views in less than a couple hours
> get a bunch of hate comments, only 3 people actually agreed with me in the comments
> my irl friend see the post since they follow me on tiktok, they're liberal
> they say the video is inappropriate on whatsapp
> i respond with "there are children dying in gaza and this is your problem with the post?"
> they respond "they're defending you and this is YOUR thanks to them??"
> i respond with the "the wehrmact also defended germany, what's your point"
> they say it's an inappropriate comparison
> i say that its appropriate
> they use the "you know they want to kill you and all jews right?????" *they're not talking about hamas, but the palestinian people as a whole*
> i say that it's hitler level racism
> they say that the children in gaza will grow up to be hamas terrorists and therefor bombing gaza is justified
> they were right folks, liberals really are nazis
> they didn't write anything ever since, i haven't replied
> fellas, should i escape this shithole to czechia or something when i have the chance, or should i stay here in a fascist society with fascist friends until something good happens here


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> fellas, should i escape this shithole to czechia or something when i have the chance, or should i stay here in a fascist society with fascist friends until something good happens here
I'd get out if I were you.


anon if this isn't a bit I would get fuck out of dodge while you can easily


Get recrooted by IDF and send intel to Hamas.


idf torture prison jewish edition any%


i also forgot to mention that when the idf looks at my online records i'm not gonna be the first one on their war criminal prodigy list


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And that's the "liberal" ones too. Meanwhile your country as a whole is only shifting further to the right. There is no hope for Israel.


gtfo to another country, when they lose the war they're gonna look for scapegoats who "undermined the war effort" and you're giving them ammo with your online posts


> they say that the children in gaza will grow up to be hamas terrorists and therefor bombing gaza is justified
Answer him the Jewish children in Warsaw would have grown up to be German killers therefore the holocaust was justified.


every time i walk around in my neighborhood not only it is so hot that i look like a dog after a shower after 10 minutes of outside time i also see the common folk passing by armed, armed with IDF m16 and sometimes modded m16, my country is a weird mix of shitty social services, libertarianism, illegal and legal gay people because clergy, fascism, apartheid and terrorism god i want an eu citizenship so i can run somewhere


dude i'm giving them ammo with my bare existence


am i fucking retarded that i don't understand this, seems like the state didn't do their job by educating on the holocaust, great another reason to hate my fucking country


It's another fascist shithole, not on the levels of the zionist regime of course

I'd unironically seek refugee in America, zionists are so unhinged and barbaric they might even incarcerate and torture jews who don't think you should blow the brains of palestinian babies


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>> they say that the children in gaza will grow up to be hamas terrorists and therefor bombing gaza is justified
Show him this video, and ask him what he thinks of it


My dude, you better get out either way.
>look at it this way:
>You are a Soviet Jew in Berlin in April 1941
>You are an anti-nazi German in Berlin in April 1945
You better bail out before it's too late


This is reference to Warsaw ghetto .

I'm not really surpised Israeli education is more focused on Auschiwtz than Warsaw because while the former paint Jewish people as special victims who are entitled to do whatever the fuck they want, the latter would draw uncomfortable similarities between the Jews back then and the Palestinians right now.


the education of the holocaust in israel is so bad that you deep dive into it if your parents decide to pay a good amount of money to send you and the other kids in the class to warsaw, which is funny because warsaw is a neo nazi city and poland is a neo nazi state at least in some parts of it anyway.
it's also so bad that i didn't even know that hungaria, romania and poland were axis until like last year, and i didn't learn on how widespread pogroms were across the axis countries and the tsar's rule


"warsaw uprising warsaw uprising warsaw uprising warsaw uprising" at every fucking holocaust memorial day in israel and idk what about you but don't you usually gotta know how the like entire ghetto was before learning about the UPRISING??????


it was actually so bad that I, someone that his family was in the holocaust, didn't even take the memorial day seriously because of how bad it was, it was just a big day to justify the genocide in gaza this year,and you know because of how zionists use the holocaust as a political tool maybe not taking their approach of remembering the holocaust which is like "the holocaust happen so we must do something similar to a nearby ethnic group to maintain our safety" was probably the better choice on my end and not buying to their a genocide justifies another bs


is there a place in europe where genocide isn't accepted or cuba is the final straw here


You have like 1-2 months before Israel opens up a second front, seems like a great time to leave


>> fellas, should i escape this shithole to czechia or something when i have the chance, or should i stay here in a fascist society with fascist friends until something good happens here
As far as I know, pussy is amazing there, but some people tend to be real cunts with foreigners and outsiders in general. Also, I don't know if the political establishment is zionist-friendly there. Anyway, quality of life seems to be quite reasonable.
Don't come to Italy, everything is shitty here and shilling for zionism is almost compulsory at this point, with actual fascists in government doing it harder, just to give you an idea.

Ireland seems to have some semblance of sympathy for Palestine for historical reasons. But it's bloody expensive, has a shitty climate, awful public transportation and outside Dublin it's just a huge backwater.


why 1-2 months in specific?
>As far as I know, pussy is amazing there


Bro imagine dropping the ball on holocaust education when you are Israel.


What fucking ball dude i didn't even get to the court


Honestly I would be careful. Like, your friends might snitch on you, and you'd get a visit by Shin Bet or Mossad or just the police in general. Reminds me of that teacher who was like "pray for Gaza" and was arrested for weeks, released and now is regularly harassed by students


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"Waow! Fascist pussy!!"


I doubt my friends will they've known my political views since i know them but my teachers will snitch in some way or another


Alright good night comrades i will go to sleep with my bashar al assad plush now thank you


I was referring to Bohemian pussy and in the end it depends on the head connected to that pussy if it's fascist or not. I hope I've been clear this time.

Good night to you.

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