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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Georgism, ordoliberalism, neoliberalism, yaddayaddayadda yup yup trash. Why tf do libshit countries need so many dumbass big government programs, systems, and isms to fix their dumbass housing crisis anyways? Just remove zoning laws, and end discrimination on a social, economic, and environmental level. Fuckers will just build houses immediately wherever they want in that kind of environment, because they can and there isn’t anything stopping them from doing so. All that yapping and theorizing about a solution to fix housing is just that; senseless yapping.


>the REAL solution is to just build more houses
You sound like the lib here


>Just remove zoning laws, and end discrimination on a social, economic, and environmental level.


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You must live on a planet where the laws of physics are much more accommodating to economic development.
>there isn’t anything stopping them from doing so
Oh boy. Should we tell him?


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and by lib, he means that your solution and opinion to the housing crises is just completely basic, devoid of any substance. No one, and i mean, no one, will say that "we should build less houses" to resolve the housing crises. Politics is a pie, and if a 2% minority eats 98% of the pie, something is not only wrong, it is revolting. Kill all bourgeoisie, make it so that all housing is public. Look at the ex communist countries and their rate of home ownpership in comparison with capitalist ones.


we should simply kill landlords


yes, this guy knows what he is talking about


>just remove the zoning laws
no, you cannot be this retarded, i dont want to believe it


on that grindset


Nah. Houses have existed before those laws have existed and will continue to. There’s absolutely nothing stopping homes (or any building) from being built past supply chain-based restraints and dickheads that don’t want things to be better for others.


I agree with OP. Say what you want, but he's right. I wish I could build my own house somewhere, but no, I can't. And to those who say "but there's already plenty of houses!" I reply that most of them are shitty to put it gently and in fact they should be completely demolished to start with. And somewhere there aren't even enough houses, it really depends on the place, one can't generalise like that.

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