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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I'm sorry but how is saying "an intelligence agency is responsible for it" to any world event not merely great man theory by another name. That for example any problems run into by the USSR or China were cuz muh CIA. IF great man theory is wrong, why does it suddenly become right if that "great" man is an intelligence agent?

Isn't this unmarxist? Obsession with intrigues can only lead down a path from the lofty heights of institutional and historical analysis to conspiracism, paranoia, and ultimately right wing schizo-ism and antisemitism.


They legit got caught in Congo and in Bolivia for attempted coups not even a month ago. The overwhelming majority of all world problems related to political leadership being shit are directly their fault.


How is it great man theory to acknowledge that bourgeois interests will engage in skullduggery to undermine their enemies? The whole point of great man theory is that history hinges on the actions and choices of individuals or small groups. The CIA fucking with people isn't that. It's a pattern of behavior that reflects a wider political system and would exist regardless of whether the CIA specifically had ever existed. If not for the CIA, the US would have invented some other organization to do the same (which is why the CIA itself exists in the first place). Other countries have their own intelligence agencies, and the bourgeois ones generally do meddle in anybody deemed a threat or potential threat to bourgeois interests.


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glow thread


What a glowfaggot


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KEK! Aside from the fact that this thread is just another example of loooooooow effort bait, this McMullin guy is so fun! I mean, even his name, it sounds like some kind of cookie or snack kids love for breakfast, like: mom, can I have another McMullin?


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what if they admit it?


To some degree it is, MLs kinda stop discounting social developments and collections of class forces in favor of conspiracism frequently, probably because their project is often connected to nationalism and the spooks it engenders in various peculiar ways
For instance, I almost never see MLs really bring themselves to comprehending that the CIA almost exclusively acts through local reactionaries, their entire project centered and centers around helping organize reactionaries and coordinate their actions to confront socialists and US competitors around the world, MLs treat them like unstoppable supervillains rather than a resource for reactionaries around the world


Capitalist nations fall because of internal contradictions but socialist nations fell because the CIA-NATO glowies didn't play fair.


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>the CIA almost exclusively acts through local reactionaries
yes, they act through a reactionary minority who they materially equip with resources that they otherwise would not have access to so they can go from being a disenfranchised nuisance to a serious threat. That's how coups work. just because the reactoids are home grown doesn't mean it's somehow organic for the coup to happen or that the MLs or delusional.


Yes. We get it. You know everything is a race to be the bigger sociopath. You are realistic and therefore you would win if you were in charge.


Funny how the fervent belief that there are no great men produces a stronger belief that history is moved by thought and insinuation alone.


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The CIA is just a large, government funded thinktank with license to assassinate people confidentially. This gives them a significant advantage over other thinktanks, but you're right to say that a lot of stuff we assume was done by the CIA could've very easily been carried out by other thinktanks. Like if the CIA didn't exist private enterprise would only be slightly inconvenienced to pick up the slack.


The hilarious thing is that when Marx invokes this idea of "Great Men" he's specifically talking about the aristocratic panegyrics and guru-worship that was endemic to the faggiest sectors of a nation, rather than this idea that there are no men with agency and everything is created by "material conditions" which are eternally vague and unknowable. That was basically him taking his piss on a tired trope in his day. He's not the first to find that trope annoying, but his theory and philosophy really do devolve into the very thing he's complaining about in that regard.


Anti-Great-Man-Theory is sometimes over applied in instances where an individual (or an organization like in this case) actually DID have huge amounts of power and influence.


both assumptions are essentialist. Anti-essentialism is a prerequisite to materialist thought.


>any problems run into by the USSR or China were cuz muh CIA
But no one believes that. You're taking a real problem and exaggerating it into some absurd assumption by communists


There is a whole generation of living South American leftist politicians of boomer age who still have nightmares of the CIA handlers that instructed their torture guards. While they were naked, blindfolded and strapped on bare bed frams in the basment of some random police stations the short whispers with a twangy American accent was burned into their brains.

And you are claiming that all of this didn't happen because, uhm, it makes you somewhat uncomfortable thinking about bad things happening or something? Lmao.


it's not even anti-great man theory since the CIA isn't a "great man" but an institution with thousands of covert members, funders, and beneficiaries, operating world wide. The CIA is nothing less than the survival of the anti-communist international after WW2. Capitalism's Insurance Agency.


>an entire state organization is one “man”
This isn’t even what great man theory is.
> any problems run into by the USSR or China were cuz muh CIA
No one says this.


Perestroika and Glasnost was the attempt to dismantle the soviet union. Lots of fascist/nationalist groups and islamic terrorists also funded by the CIA. That is what the documents reveal.


>For instance, I almost never see MLs really bring themselves to comprehending that the CIA almost exclusively acts through local reactionaries, their entire project centered and centers around helping organize reactionaries and coordinate their actions to confront socialists and US competitors around the world, MLs treat them like unstoppable supervillains rather than a resource for reactionaries around the world

I have never seen this and have exclusively seen the opposite. This is how literally every intelligence agency on the planet operates, by using asset, wtf. Extremely disingenious.


Perestroika and Glasnost were just the logical endpoint of the increasing bureaucratization, revisionism and capitulation to capitalism by Soviet leadership, the CIA didn't have anything to do with it.


Dog that shit in the congo was one guy and a bunch of Brigham Young college students? You don't think the CIA would be more professional about it? Besides the regime in the DRC is perfectly fine with the US, being friendly with both Rwanda and the DRC as they fight over Kivu is in the interests of every imperialist power


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In accordance with a previous authorization, NSC 5502/1, as revalidated on 10 November 1960, the CIA sponsored a covert action program which aimed at stimulating and sustaining pressures for liberalization and evolutionary change from within the Soviet Union. And that's just what's been declassified so far.



we need people like you to keep spiting facts. Gonna add that to my notebook.


>Lots of fascist/nationalist groups and islamic terrorists also funded by the CIA. That is what the documents reveal.
Yeah that's true but I don't believe every problem USSR and China had was due to CIA


What do you mean by 'professional'? Do you think CIA assets are like James Bond or something? Fuck no, they are thugs, ex-military mercenaries, convicts, narcos, trafickers, strike breakers, mobsters. Organized crime is where the capitalist, financial elite and the deep state intersect with what is the underworld of it. That's why the romantization organizing crime some leftists like to engage is ultimately retarded.


What do you mean by 'professional'? Do you think CIA assets are like James Bond or something? Fuck no, they are thugs, ex-military mercenaries, convicts, narcos, trafickers, strike breakers, mobsters. Organized crime is where the capitalist, financial elite and the deep state intersect with what is the underworld of it. That's why the romantization organizing crime some leftists like to engage is ultimately retarded.


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>I don't believe every problem USSR and China had was due to CIA
find 1 person saying that they were


read this. it's a confluence of local actors and foreign backing.


glowuyghur thread


You do realize what that means though? Men are men and have agency and knowledge of what they are doing, and there is little in the world working against their intelligence within the confines of their ability. You haven't proven anything about "great men" or agency, without invoking magic tricks a child can see through. Yet, you do this by recapitulating these lines ad nauseum.


>any world event
not any world event. just the ones where the CIA was involved. and for those we have pretty extensive evidence. hard evidence. admissions straight from the horses mouth in addition to the material evidence.


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MLs lose me when they just automatically say "CIA" without investigating like the DRC coup attempt. You see it ITT. I'd be eager to learn more about it and will change my opinion if there are facts presented, but the DRC has a pro-U.S. government, so that doesn't make any sense. There's no real explanation as to why they'd do that. It's a kind of folk left-wing conspiracism and you can't reason with them because they'll say "well the CIA did a coup here and a coup there" which is all true, but it doesn't necessarily follow, it's a post-hoc fallacy. (There have literally been military coups in recent years that were pro-Russian!)


We need a thread for making non-soyjak versions of memes from leftybooru. These are so useful (I was even looking for that second one last week) but god I wanna replace them with cats or something.


>Do you think CIA assets are like James Bond or something? Fuck no, they are thugs, ex-military mercenaries, convicts, narcos, trafickers, strike breakers, mobsters.
BYU undergrads fit which of these?


Five me five reasons the US would want to overthrow the DRC's current government


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>the DRC has a pro-U.S. government
i wonder how that happened


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>non-soyjak version
have the boomer version


>ML doesn’t realize anon was talking about the coup attempt last month


You know, one really has to appreciate how uniquely awful the US is at giving any of its allies reasons to stay loyal to it. Like, given the rate at which most African countries are developing today, one really has to wonder how much less shit the planet would be if the US would ever fuck off from the outside planet permanently.


America is an empire, the promise of American alliance is that they won’t slaughter you and could hypothetically defeat anyone that wants to if it serves them to do so


>how much less shit the planet would be if the US would ever fuck off from the outside planet permanently.

The americans are our comrades, the bourgeoisie is the enemy.


Yup, it’s definitely a country that the planet would be genuinely better off without.

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