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 [Last 50 Posts]

Fall of Kabul-edition
Last thread was full.

Current situation:
- Taliban has entered Kabul officially, from all sides, meeting little or no resistance
- President and senior government and military leaders have fled the country
- Americans and their lackeys are held up at the Kabul airport in the process of evacuation
- “It’s over” say U.S. officials
- Don’t worry, Afghanistan’s only McDonalds (also at the airport) is still operating so get your last McDouble before it’s too late


I think events have been anticlimactic for the most part although we did get a Hegelian "first as tragedy, then as farce" pic of the helicopter at the embassy. Fun fact: Hamid Karzai (who the U.S. flew in on a plane and installed as president 20 years ago) is working with the Taliban on the transition council.

This is my big take: The U.S. funded the Taliban for decades (i.e. contractors paying protection money to the Taliban and throwing around stacks of money to whoever claimed they represented some region) and gave them a central enemy to rally the people against, allowing the Taliban to form a true coalition government armed with modern weapons and training. Kabul is surrendering without a fight because the city recognizes the Taliban has more legitimacy than the puppet government whose been running the show for the last two decades.

Now we're in for a devastating period of relative peace, stability and trade deals.


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Truly being a "vassal state" for China is a worse fate than being an economic colony for a puppet regime.


Can someone do the Jeb! meme over that


>if the us doesn't imperialism there will just be bloodbaths everywhere omg

someone layer the vaush audio over the rumsfeld video just above it. will be hard to know it's not him.


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Experts from reddit comment on the ongoing situation.


>implying the local population wasn't in with the islamists
it was a failed project regardless


So Vaush confirmed glow at this point?


Years ago already.


>redmongrels neckbeard profile pic
Beyond parody


Reddit moment


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Is there any country more in need of a W than the U.S? Imagine what the Q schitzos must be thinking


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yes, send in some copies handmaid's and also send in jimmy dore, krystal ball and cenk to help. the afghan women should be fine then.


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They're not wrong, but I bet these are the same people who would support Islamic rebels in Xinjiang because of "muh weegurs."
>That last comment
My Gott. That's got to be at least 100 TeraZizeks.




all religion must be forcefully purged


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The white shahada of the Taliban at the seat of government.


Lmao, someone pls do this


And a few M4 rifles on the table. No fucking manors.


It's already been done, I saw it on twitter last night


I wonder what kind of paradise of gender equality these geniuses imagine Afghanistan is right now. Yea women will be oppressed under the taliban regime. But they already controlled a bunch of territory before and I haven't seen much convincing evidence that the (also Islamist) US backed regime was making much progress on gender equality (as if the occupation/nation building project had anything to do with gender equality in the first place). But these are the same retards who get so horny they demand the US bomb Iran once a month every time a CIA agent posts a 1970's picture of Iranian girls in bikinis or whatever.


Has there been any kino from the takeover?


>Yea women will be oppressed under the taliban regime. But they already controlled a bunch of territory before and I haven't seen much convincing evidence that the (also Islamist) US backed regime was making much progress on gender equality (as if the occupation/nation building project had anything to do with gender equality in the first place).
thats because afghanistan is still a mostly rural nation. The urban areas in Kabul have women living a mostly western lifestyle, not wearing burqas and going to college, some even in exchange in the USA, etc. But thats like 1% of the population as opposed to the 99% of traditional rural afghans


no, because the government gave up without much fighting


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Found it


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If the women of Afghanistan go back into sexual slavery without putting up a fight I will consider it deserved. I mean come on. Isn't there even a single radical feminist or some shit that will go full Chris Dorner on the Taliban until they kill her? Come on. Is total humiation and subjugation not something worth going out with a bang against? Absolutely cucked.


The women against the Taliban already fled to DC with onlyfans money



Why are ruralfags always so bitter at urban people living their life the way they want?


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Holy shit it wasn't just a meme.


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Other than this… no
This wasnt like 1996 where people where dragged behind cars and hung from lampposts



A Taliban spokesman has told the BBC that the group “will respect rights of women” when it takes control of Afghanistan, as they enter Kabul with the previous regime reportedly getting prepared to concede power.

A spokesperson for the Taliban, Suhail Shaheen, told BBC News: “We will respect rights of women…our policy is that women will have access to education and work, to wear the hijab.”

This is despite reports on Saturday (14 August) that women were sent home from their jobs in fallen provinces, and told to leave universities in some instances.

Posting the vid here so you don't have to go to the site.


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because social conservatism serves the needs of the rural political economy better as it is based on farming, for which a patriarchal family is best suited and integral to the reproduction of that type of life.

Urbanization exerts a strong secularizing effect on the population regardless of culture.

In fact how bohemian/liberal or conservative a country is, is almost entirely a function of it's average population density and level of development. Highly developed, highly urban societies are the most libertine and permissive.


This gives me hope. Not because I like Taliban, but because this proves that even today a guerrilla movement in a small poor country can defeat the biggest imperialist powers. It took 20 years for Taliban, but they fucking did it. It also took decades for Mao's guerrillas to win, but they did it. And what's important: Taliban didn't give up, they didn't surrender, they didn't try to become a legal political party in the occupyers puppet government. They waged war against a superior enemy and kicked them out.


>When you provide your population with education, housing, basic human rights and culture and they hate you for that because they want to live the way they lived 1500 years ago
Miss me yet?
Enjoy your islamic fundamentalist goat fuckers.


In 20 years were going to see Kabul gay prides and the first trans lesbian emira
Climate change and overpopulation (80 mil by 2050, more people moving to cities) will shift this dynamic
Maybe things will really turn out better this time I doubt it


kek the reason they managed to hold out is the because the locals supported them and the 'government' was basically willing to hand over power, stop deluding yourself


See the other post. 70s and 80s Afghanistan was simply too rural.
People act like Afghanistan was this libertine feminist paradise (same shit with Iran) but that was mostly just Kabul, everyone else were illiterate rural subsistence farmers and goat herders




White genocide is coming, bucko.


Soviet afghanistann lasted 3 years after soviets withdrew. US-led lasted exactly 3.5 months after the start of the withdrawl, and will collapse the day the last US soldier is gone.

If the US hadn't funded islamic fundamentalism, Afghanistan would've been a much better place.


>that was mostly just Kabul
Do you swallow the propaganda that Israel is a haven for queer people too?


Do you even know what I'm talking about? Would you rather have a fundamentalist islamic regime instead of an actual socialist state?
Since the site came back it has been nothing but radlib posting.


Fuck off imperialist


So you are saying they won because…. they had a good strategy, local support, they outlasted and the enemy ran off? Umm, duh, yes, that's called winning.


lmao where is this from?


but but my wholesome chungus salafists, islam is so progressive, stop being bigoted

Atheism and critique of religion is a core tenet of all leftist projects.

Taliban only exists due to the imperialism of the US. False flagging uighur, gtfo.


if you call afghans "goat fuckers" you can't act surprised if some people mistake you for a /pol/tard or le based nazbol. im not even saying "don't use slurs", just don't cry about it when it predictably makes people think you're a racist empire baby.


Truly you are an asset to the site and not at all the type of person who ruined /leftypol/.


Yankee status: gone 'home'


Some of the Mujahideen / Taliban are actual goat fuckers though.





>Taliban only exists due to the imperialism of the US
The Taliban exists because of Soviet imperialism you fucking braindead


Different poster, buddy. If you weren't retarded you would have know this.
Stay of the site for a couple of years, until you've worked an honest days labour and cured your dead brain.


>Soviet imperialism
This had better be bait.


< Soviet
< imperialism

Which built schools, hospitals, improved standards of living, improved the country's productive base, upheld a socialist revolution in the country, etc.


and some refugees rape women, but if you throw around the term "rapefugees" like a /pol/tard you don't get to act surprised when people mistake you for one


>The US isn't imperialist, they built schools, hospitals, improved standards of living, improved the country's productive base, upheld a capitalist revolution in the country, etc.


sure buddy, sure.


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The Taliban are also pro-mask and pro-vaxx.


>>23592 except they did nothing of that in afghanistan you didpshit


I could argue that Bolsheviks revolution in Russia was thanks to a imperialistic Kraut intel op to destabilize the Russian empire by smuggling Lenin and his comrades back to Russia from exile.


The US imperialism is weak! The one we should be agaisnt is the soviet socioimperialism!

Support the struggle of UNITA!
Support the struggle of the Khmer Rouge!
Support the struggle of the Muhayiddin!


I bet their plans are more competent than the clownshow we got running in the North West.


>they built schools, hospitals, improved standards of living, improved the country's productive base
Lmao, none of that happened under the US.


>Would you rather have a fundamentalist islamic regime instead of an actual socialist state?
An actual socialist state of course, and I'm in Kabul right now and I've got a 10-point plan that I'm going to present to the Taliban in about 15 minutes now hey what the~ *group of angry dudes grab me and throw me in a van*


broke: usa isn't imperialist
joke: ussr was imperialist
woke: british empire wasn't imperialist


CIA: there existed only one, industrial empire and it was Soviet Russia.


One of these is monopolist finance capital developing only what is necessary to facilitate profit while ensuring the standard of living remains low enough to keep wages cheap, while the other is the developing of a revolutionary state for the purpose of the further export of the revolution. These are not comparable, and one is flat out not imperialism. Revolution, particularly communist revolution, should involve you invading countries. Wherever there exists a working class, that place is for communists to integrate and lay claim to, and no contrived "border" should ever impede that.


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>Soviet imperialism.
Lmao seethe n cope harder.


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Newsflash there's no upside to being a foreign occupier.

Building a cheesy library doesn't make up for a laundry list of crimes.


Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify warmongering and imperialism


he's here


Haha thank you anon


>Newsflash there's no upside to being a foreign occupier.
But there is. This isn't debatable, you live in a world where all of your predecessors seized everything they saw as the rightfully their "nations" and formed the nation-states you know of today. And that involved occupation. I am against capitalist occupation because it is against my interests. I am for socialist occupation because it expands the breadth of the revolution and increases the total power of the working class.
>Building a cheesy library doesn't make up for a laundry list of crimes.
What crimes? None on my list.


the recent events have made me fully appreciate china for putting muslims and all other religious fags in their fucking place, full, unconditional support to comrade xi to eliminate this filth


read lenin


>Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify warmongering and imperialism
Again, what imperialism? And communists should be "warmongers" against capitalism, as capitalists were warmongers against those before them in the pursuit of their own interests.




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His ilk doesn't read. He learns simply by hearsay.


Afghanistan urban population for 2020 was 10,131,490, a 3.41% increase from 2019.


What, no Osprey update?


The power transition in Kabul was more peacefull then the american presidential transition


thats still only 1/3rd. it would have to be above half, even the US is 75%-80% urban/non rural and it's still incredibly conservative


It isn't even relevant to the initial point. It's pure bad statistics and assuming hyperbole.


I just hope they focus on development


The chinese met with the taliban and are signaling that they wanna have a diplomatic and economic relations you retard


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I'm not sure a warmongering socialist empire is better than capitalist warmongerers. And real talk, the Taliban probably aren't materially worse than current government. The fundamentalism is not good obviously but it's not realistic any government can exist outside of that framework that isn't a puppet government.

Instead you have people swallowing American propaganda getting blasted across cable news in terms of how evil the Taliban are and boo hoooooo when they're just for most part normal people with normal motivations trying to liberate their country from invaders who have maimed and killed their families for two decades. Like legit, no matter how backward Taliban fundamentalism is, Soviet or American invaders are still the bad guys.


Uh, what's Afghan equivalent of "Rice Status"?


meant for >>23610

also china isn't putting "all religious fags in their place". if you believe that you're unironically regurgitating state dept propaganda.


>I'm not sure a warmongering socialist empire is better than capitalist warmongerers
>Like legit, no matter how backward Taliban fundamentalism is, Soviet or American invaders are still the bad guys.


The Talibs are not going as loconuts fundamentalist as before (women can walk on streets without men and go to school)

My main criticism of the Taliban is that they conduct a neo-feudal agricultural policy, and are extremely oppressive and rent-seeking. They do not seek to advance the country.

The Taliban was not the only movement that arose in the post-soviet vacuum, yet they're the ones that got the US support, got the arms passed down from the Mujahadeen.

China supported its own rebels, much of the islamic world supported other factions.

We've yet to see what the Taliban plans to do. But if they start kicking out non-Pashtuns and ramp up the fundamentalism, the exploitation, I hope you eat your hat.


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If the Taliban bring peace to Afghanistan who gives a fuck if they make women wear blankets?


even without any special affinity for the USSR the equivalence between the US and Soviet interventions is a false one. A brief look at a map is all it takes to understand why. Even if you say "Oh, the USSR was meddling, the government that asked them for assistance was illegitimate" and so on (and the events surrounding the start of the war are a clusterfuck), realistically the USSR looked to Afghanistan defensively. If Afghanistan is a NATO-Islamist alliance sort of place then that puts the bordering SSRs at risk. This is much less true of America, which is 12,000 kilometers and an ocean away. (Indeed, you can work back from here into Afghanistan's history, where Britain took an interest in the region because it could give the Russian Empire a path down to India! Geography!)

Furthermore it's worth remembering the extent of foreign aid given to anti-Soviet forces. The situation was not purely one of an illegitimate Soviet occupation fought off by the brave Mujahideen (to whom this post is dedicated), but also one of a US Proxy-Soviet conflict and indeed a China Proxy-Soviet conflict. (This is also true of some extent at the present, where anti-US forces obviously get some foreign aid, but there's no power doing that on anywhere near the scale of support that anti-Soviet forces got.)


i guess peace is better than war. Afghanistan is still too underdeveloped and rural to organically and not by force support womens rights to that level anyway. It could only be sustained by force of US occupation


>I'm not sure a warmongering socialist empire is better than capitalist warmongerers.
It's not an "empire", and it entirely is. There is no other consequential alternative other then communism, and the only other choice for all of us is mutual ruin. Therefore, there is no means to great in the pursuit of the revolution.
>And real talk, the Taliban probably aren't materially worse than current government. The fundamentalism is not good obviously but it's not realistic any government can exist outside of that framework that isn't a puppet government.
Define "puppet government". Was the socialist government of the past merely a "puppet government" for you? And I never made an argument on the Taliban being materially worse or not, it will likely be worse for some demographics and "better" for others. Certainly doesn't make them all around better.
>Instead you have people swallowing American propaganda getting blasted across cable news in terms of how evil the Taliban are and boo hoooooo
Liberals are complaining because they are liberals, and their position is that of the US maintaining it's "place" in the world. It has nothing to actually do with the people, or with our issues as communists with groups like the Taliban.
>when they're just for most part normal people with normal motivations trying to liberate their country from invaders who have maimed and killed their families for two decades.
Lol no.
>Like legit, no matter how backward Taliban fundamentalism is, Soviet or American invaders are still the bad guys.
American invaders? Yes. Soviet invaders? No. The difference is the end goal, and that's all that matters.


There was never any imperialism, even in the vulgar sense of "military invasion" which you are erroneously using. The USSR, as the vanguard of the world socialist revolution, was performing its internationalist duty to support the struggle of the Afghan people and their socialist representative the PDPA against domestic reaction and foreign intervention by Pakistan and USA. The PDPA government increased average wages by 50% in their first 3 years, abolished payment for water, abolished the feudal land system, built roads and railroads, and enacted dozens of progressive social reforms. The reactionary terrorists with the support of US weapons destroyed thousands of schools, hundreds of mosques, dozens of hospitals, murdered hundreds of peace activists, and murdered thousands of socialists.


You guess? Fucking retard, who cares women's rights when your country is being raped?


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>Don’t worry, Afghanistan’s only McDonalds (also at the airport) is still operating so get your last McDouble before it’s too late
Thank god



It's manned by marines, though. They'd probably get your order wrong.


"Afghanistan" is not a country, and using that word is imperialist. Nothing called "Afghanistan" existed until some retard 1000 miles away drew it on a map.


That is an idiotic statement.


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wonder who could've done that haha *runs away*



>Afghan Empire includes most of Pakistan
At last… Ένωσις…


I wish. I want burgeruyghurs to be mowed down and their dead bodies seld off by taliban


You're kind of making his point here. This is like arguing Rome was the nation-state of Italy, besides "Italy" as a nation (in the traditional sense) not even existing at the time. Empires are not the same as nation-states, they are very distinct.


>Failed regime change in HK
>Failed regime change in Cuba
>Failed coup in Venezuela
>Failed coup in Bolivia
>Military defeat/withdrawal in Afghanistan

How they became this incompetent in so little time?


Almost happened but then Saur Revolution occurred and Pakistan became hostile to the idea (they were US aligned)


>The taliban conquer Pakistan.
>The taliban has the pakistani nukes.


Meant Kashmir*
Dunno why I said it in spanish lmao.


The funny thing is China isn't even "supporting" most of these the way the USSR supported them.


The USSR kind of forced the western world to try and get its shit together to oppose it and counter any perceived revolution fomenting abroad. As such, the US and its allies got really proficient in their couping and regime change, because at the end of the day capitalism survival as a whole depended on it. Now we're in the "bonus round" of imperialism, where its more of a further addition rather then an immediate fight to survive, and that leads to lethargy and incompetence.




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Reminder that DR of Afghanistan had a space program and would be an advanced country rn if not for the USA


Yes but people wanted to live the way the prophet Muhammad lived 1500 years ago and that didn't include space flights, education or human rights.
This is what islamic fundamentalism and "muh social-imperialism bad" gets you.



the war ends when the mcdonalds falls


is this the fault of biden or trump



You're seeing the fall of the empire in real time, kiddo.


the US war was always a lost war - ever since the US supercharged the rural afghanis with weapons and equipment to stop any progress the USSR was trying to make in modernizing the country, the political mode of afghanistan has been rule by armed rural peasants. that the US thought they could stop the beast they created is funny.


The Embassy has been abandoned | McDonalds is lost



George Washingthon




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It's over bruhs we lost just like in 1992


And you writing this like 10k miles away will change this?




The USSR was invited by the legit Afghan government by the time, so eat dicks, you piece of garbage.
>social imperialism
Oh, so you love Maoist China :v


20 years of NATO + Chinese multilateral relationships, I will give them a small chance to see what's going on, you intense radlib who won't whistle a little if the U.S. funds another group of terrorist militia through your own taxes.


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>why yes I do blame khalquis for that too how could you tell



If it was so legitimate then why did it get overthrown?


bc legitamicy is a abstract juridiscal concept with no power in the material world?


It’s funny how it was the U.S. invasion/occupation which finally gave the Taliban their total victory. Prior to the U.S. entry the Taliban did not control the northern areas but now they control everything.


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Edited the heli photo to look more like famous fall of saigon photo


>implying the U.S., Pakistan, and other ME kingdoms didn't fear communism taking the precious oil, so they didn't fund the reactionaries mujahedeen, and also the close-friend-brothers talibans.


The communist Afghan governments major fuck ups in land reform and secularisation also a US backed Islamist group.



Ok so why do you give a shit what muh legitimate government was. They lost and thus were defeated and made irrelevant



If you have the best intentions and still get murdered you are still dead. Nobody will mourn a loser except other losers.

The Afghan socialist project/government lost all viability and legitimacy when it's dignitaries were murdered like feminine cowards and filled dishonored graves. Stop valorizing losers


just bc they were defeated doesnt majke them irrelevant the events of the best lay like an alp onto the minds of the living


there's a need to specify the reasons behind USSR's intentions. Social imperialism is just a pure shit-talking points.


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>The Afghan socialist project/government lost all viability and legitimacy when it's dignitaries were murdered like feminine cowards and filled dishonored graves
The USSR was there to avoid that, you dumbfuck.
>Stop valorizing losers
No one said VIVA LA USSR in their Afghanistan war.


Ospreys never change.
I mean, withdrawals, withdrawals never changes.


>I could argue that Bolsheviks revolution in Russia was thanks to a imperialistic Kraut intel op to destabilize the Russian empire by smuggling Lenin and his comrades back to Russia from exile.
NTA, but these are not comparable. Lenin never actually worked with the German government or received material backing to do so. What would become the Taliban did from the US though. The Russian revolution was against the Tsar and inevitably concluded in communists eventually taking power. The insurgency against the Afghan government was a war against communism, and concluded in the communist government being lost and Islamic fundamentalists taking power.


Oh, fuck. I was thinking in Half-Life. This ain't osprey, but chinooks.


lol they used one of the same chinooks to evac in kabul as they did in saigon




This has to be bait.


kek, this is going very beyond what Washington could ever imagine.



Hey guy, if I try to give you 1,000 Euro to improve your life and on the way over I get hit by a car and some dude steals the cash off my body then I lost, am dead, and my intentions didn't matter

Results are ALL THAT MATTERS. THE USSR LOST. It no longer exists! So spending all our time jerking off to a literal corpse instead of thinking about where they fucked up and moving on aint gonna fix shit


read a book intentions arent material reality the USSR was thats why they matter and they will matter


Time for Chinese Imperialism to take over Afghanistan, great development!



Bilal Abdul Kareem livestream talking about the taliban victory get in here fellas


So many lies and misconceptions in one short minute


Yes. Unironically.


For his argument to work, you must believe that the natural state of Afghans (and the citizens of any other target country) is savagery, and that only an external (White, American) civilizing force can bring order and peace.


I hope you are not so dumbfuck to see another communist government, like Vietnam, suddenly calling China a social-imperialist country and become whatever -ist the Marxist theorist created this new term, as Mao did with the USSR hence MaoIST, because the trick is wasted and old


Even if you hate China (I don't think they're a socialist country), having them build infrastructure in return for some cheap natural resources (and a promise from the taliban to not support ETIM/TIP separatists) seems preferable to having the Americans drop bombs there all day every day until the end of time. China actually has an interest in stability in the region, the US doesn't.


Watch them declare the refoundation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in a huge public event on September 11th in a huge twist of irony lol.


Them talibans or USnites?


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>Chinese Imperialism



>from 10 years of the “War on Terror” since the 9/11 attacks is at least 1.3 million

>the much-disputed Lancet study that estimated 655,000 Iraq deaths up to 2006 (and over a million until today by extrapolation) was likely to be far more accurate than IBC’s figures.

>PSR concludes that the most likely number for the civilian death toll in Iraq since 2003 to date is about 1 million.

>To this, the PSR study adds at least 220,000 in Afghanistan and 80,000 in Pakistan, killed as the direct or indirect consequence of US-led war: a “conservative” total of 1.3 million. The real figure could easily be “in excess of 2 million”.

>This means that in Iraq alone, the US-led war from 1991 to 2003 killed 1.9 million Iraqis; then from 2003 onwards around 1 million: totalling just under 3 million Iraqis dead over two decades.

>University in Melbourne, Polya concludes that total avoidable Afghan deaths since 2001 under ongoing war and occupation-imposed deprivation amount to around 3 million people, about 900,000 of whom are infants under five.

>According to the figures explored here, total deaths from Western interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan since the 1990s - from direct killings and the longer-term impact of war-imposed deprivation - likely constitute around 4 million (2 million in Iraq from 1991-2003, plus 2 million from the “war on terror”), and could be as high as 6-8 million people when accounting for higher avoidable death estimates in Afghanistan.


the bipartisan US foreign policy


they are gonna build their infraestructure retard there is no reason for them to fight each other


You not voting for the only woman who could have stopped this.


The Krauts gave passage to all revolutionaries tho, Lenin wasn’t their puppet he just took advantage, and honestly lol on the Krautoids considering the state Lenin created went on to yeet Germany so hard it went back to being divided


The anti-vax shit isn't even true.
See: >>23594


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Mein Präsident…


>>23710 (checked)
So, does that mean they will be making a government-in-exile just like with Belarus?


based sarwar


Juan Guido should check this out


Imagine being less reactionary to western medicine, than westerners.


>instead of thinking about where they fucked up and moving on aint gonna fix shit
This argument has been about where they actually fucked up though. Nobody is saying that the USSR didn't mess up at times, what they are saying is that your particular "issues" with it are invalid and that in those areas you specifically take issue with, the USSR did what was proper.




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Why are we supporting this? the Taliban are as reactionary as they come. Not defending the puppet government, but I don't see why this is a cause for celebration.


maybe there will be peace this time


Because the US is getting fucked yet again, that is.


>afghan reactionary
I couldn't care less. Peace is good and even better when most afghans support it. The Taliban is obviously the better choice in this mess.


Because the US lost and that's a good thing, Talichads are reactionary anti-communist bastards, but at least they keep their shit in Afghanistan instead of trying to export "freedumb" worldwide.

We all want our nogga Najibullah back.


>the right TV shows will save them
liberalism, not even once


>why this is a cause for celebration.
Because it is something close to Saigon 2.0
>b-b-but Vietcongs and Taliban are not even remotely close
But the U.S. army empire in Vietnam is closely related to the U.S. army empire in Afghanistan.




Pandemonium and gunshots at the Kabul airport.


we're not really celebrating, nothing "good" is possible there in 2021. it's not like a secular socialist revolution was about to happen. I'm tired of these "but remember to condemn the Taliban!" posts. They are naive


no one gives a fuck about uyghurs




Feds are getting overworked today, huh?


Lowkey support the Taliban over JewmeriKKKa


Well, of course these are false-flags to annoy those racist, who hate how they call them "sandn!hhers"


Talk for yourelf. I am really happy. Maybe 20 years of NATO would make talibans anti-imperialist at least I would hope, so, if not, screw them, anyway, which is already much better than anything what ultra-leftist are doing in the west to overthrow nato imperialism and warmongering.


This FAGGOT is mad lmao


>pol can't even meme, they have to steal memes.


All commercial flights in and out of Kabul have been cancelled. U.S. paratroopers have also arrived.


Am I too far gone if I unironically support the Taliban purely out of Kissengerianist anti-US realpolitik?


Do you send them money or what?


i actually basically agree, but you're applying historical contexts that the "good or bad??!?! support or opppose?!" troglodytes aren't.

the statement "this is a good development" makes sense because foreign intervention is part of what made AF so backwards, not because the Taliban " are universally good "


touch grass


I send prayers and post 'based' online when they do something i like


No of course not, I'm just an online rerard. I would probably send aid if I was in charge of Soviet foreign policy or sth though.


Not having issue with the US being forced into retreat is one thing. "Support" is entirely another. There is zero reason to "support" the Taliban, it's not like you in any way inpact the result regardless.



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Crazy scenes at the airport.



There was a guy on /trv/ on half chan discussing what Kabul is like at the moment. He was a white man stuck in what will soon be taliban territory and now they aren't letting civilians leave. That dude is super wrecked and probably not going to have a decent life ahead of him.


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He should convert to Islam and marry a qt Afghan girl.



If it’s that British guy, the last update is that he found British troops at the airport with whom he is now staying.


I always found it pretty shameful how the western countries will pull out all their own people and leave everyone else to die.


Not that this is as bad as Rwanda but it's pretty fuckin bad.


Why was the US in Afghanistan anyway?
I honestly know nothing about it.
How was porky profiting from it



That's good to hear. Lord Miles should be protected.


>if only he knew


AF has used untapped mineral deposits, it's also important geopolitically in regards to China's BRI and general regional hegemony. The US will take any excuse to go occupy a poor country


These are probably the few people keeping alive the past government. Afraid they get either prosecuted or directly executed.


calm down, /pol/


Yeah this shit is blackpilling, people will literally support imperialism to get more material to destroy themselves with through masturbation. From /pol/tards to progressive liberals.


Agency TASS, from Al Jazeera, reports that ex-president Ghani is already in Uzbekistan, jumped from Tajikistan.


Opium is also a reason.


Listen Jack, I don't like no Agathastan. When I was a lad my auntie Gurtie would sit me down for those Agathastani stories like the Parrot fella and the… uh… mr, no sorry to any transit folk in the audiance for miss numering, miss… uh, Ravel. And I never liked those who dunnits because the answer is clear who done it - it was presid… ex president Donald Draper and his Romanian handlers. And thats the thing fat you can't sepperate the poors from the whites or else you get gravy as my good friend Srom Thurmer used to say when we impossed the linits on bussing, and thus we can't let the poor Agathanese suffer from the Earthquake over there





Al-Qaeda training camps were there so america went in and obliterated the camps and the government (taliban). During that time, the politicians gained huge sums of money from defense contractors and weapon manufacturers. The companies who supported the war enriched themselves with huge contracts and the US was really close to Iran and had hundreds of thousands of troops right there.

Americans didn't really profit off the opium sales, at least not the american government. I'm sure drug dealers in the US did though.


>trust me bro, I live in Afghanistan, bro, my life is in danger, bro, please send marines (tm) bro.


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c'mon man



He posted actually photographic evidence that he is in Kabul. He posted like 2 timestamps as well.


watching the afghan military completely fall apart in real time was surreal


So what can we learn from this?


I wonder where all those mujahideen guys in the reagan photo are now.


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What do we make of this, leftybros?


I mean most of them were just in it for a paycheck, and had little or no loyalty to the American occupation government, so why would they fight? They might as well just join up with the Taliban.


That soviet backed presidents and regimes are much better and more stable than US backed ones.



The real imperialism was the friends we made along the way…




the blacked out screen is the aliens


rip based retard


yeah ofc. Funny how the Iranians got a bunch of equipment from this too cause a bunch of soldiers drove their humvees over to surrender to them lol


as long as your will to fight is not defeated you can win


Countries without the productive forces to maintain higher modes of production will stay at their current one no matter how much money, time, and effort you pump into them.


So burgers are sending another 1000 to the Airport, So 6000 troops between the Embassy and Airport. I guess they can start a Vatican city in Kabul.


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<Watching the US empire fail, good and funny.
<Seeing the country fall into the hands of the strangest religious fundamentalists known to man, bad and sad.
Its not a good situation really, it's sad seeing so many people fear for they're lives because of the Taliban. Only idiots seem to believe its cause for celebration. I'm happy the US has fucked off and is getting it's ass handed to it on a 24k gold platter, but the situation for the proles isn't looking great. The only solace is accelerationism.


They're going to build a wall around it. In fifty years an Afghani president will tell the US president to tear it down and then the US empire will collapse.


I'd definitely prefer to throw my lot in with Iran than the Taliban, but that's just me I guess.

Yeah it's good the US is leaving but I've seen a lot of people on the left be a little too gleeful about this, it's not like the Taliban are good guys either.


Poppy crops. The best place to cultivate them in the world.
Fair to call it the opium war of the 21st century.



They don't really care and knew this would happen. They may have not predicted how fast it would happen but they knew the Taliban would take over. Their only concern is for the Americans still stuck in Kabul. Once they are gone and the other westerners are gone, there will be no more media coverage by the big news organizations.


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>taliban exists because of soviet imperialism
maybe read a bit more



The Taliban existed before the soviets came in. Also, the communist government of Afghanistan existed before the soviets arrived.


will pakistan return to its pre invasion stance on the taliban?


The right one fights against an army which turned her city into an open air prison


I imagine not, they value US support more than trying to do a jihad which only backfired on them last time.


This is the typical, retarded pessimism of an infantile ultra.
The situation for the proletariat in Afghanistan has improved tenfold with the fall of the US puppet. If you don't understand how, you don't understand anything.


Explain it then, genius.


Mr. Kardashian-West, tear down this Wall.


peace for afghanistan is good no matter who brings it


No one is disputing that, though. The thing is that Taliban is not really much of an improvement over the previous government and this peace won't last for very long.


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Feel bad for this dude rn


so kabul has fallen? they said the americans wont be fully evacuated until tuesday or wednesday


the only part of the city that isnt under complete taliban control is the airport


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Taliban will let the Americans have their cuck zone and evacuate everyone, pointless to fight them



He will survive and write a best selling novel.


So um uh, what exactly do the taliban plan on accomplishing if they get into power again?


forcing women to stop having jobs and wearing miniskirts


Installing a totalitarian sharia theocracy.


Run Afghanistan as a theocracy under their control, with some kind of feudal vassalage probably that devolves power to tribal chiefs


Trans rights


muh sharia and probably not much else.
Maybe some faction with more than two braincells in its head will be in power this time and actually develop the country but I'm not banking on it so much.


>Taliban is not really much of an improvement over the previous government
>this peace won't last for very long
then civil war after long occupation is necessary for eventual stability. more occupation certainly wouldn't do it


The Taliban doesn't have the most powerful bourgeois empire in the world defending it, and it's only possible allies are red China or its friends.
Do you need more spoonfeeding?


Govern for like 18 months tops before civil war breaks out.


>Seeing the country fall into the hands of the strangest religious fundamentalists known to man, bad and sad.
<implying isn't the U.S. the one that funds them lmao



>having a mental breakdown?
>time to throw a pity party on facebook!
He'll be okay. If he can worry about his mental health he isn't in real danger.


>this peace won't last for very long


Incredible stuff


Based china will make Afghanistan a regional power in no time


marrying the prettiest goats in afghanistan


Yeah I don't really see the evidence that there's a civil war incoming, the Taliban by and large has the support of the Afghan people and I'm sure they've been planning what to do after they take over for the last 18 months.


exactly and there is literally no nation that will even consider invading them the only possible threat could come from isis but no one likes those retards


Honestly can't wait. The US spends decades shooting shit in the ME, China comes in and aligns everyone to their side voluntary within ten years. It will be glorious.


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Taliban are pledging that women will be allowed to work, attend school etc under the condition they wear headscarves at a minimum.

tl;dr - looks like absolutely nothing will be changing for the women of Afghanistan.

Taliban natlib is 110% good timeline wholsome poggers confirmed?


There's reports that women have been forced to leave work and school in Taliban areas though.

But it's possible that's just COINTELPRO, who really knows.


I hope they adhere to this, it would humiliate the US even more if that is possible.


The taliban are fucking big chungus redditors confirmed, can't wait until real fundamentalists take over


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>thank god we got rid of those western neolibs now we can enforce neoliberalism on ourselves by destroying everything we had and threatening our own countries sense of security
Cant make this shit up


Taliban went for the semi-blessed arm of their focus tree


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Hate to say, the Trots are at it again.


The last time the taliban was in power they banned music and destroyed a fuckton of cultural heritage sites and shit.
What makes you think that it won't be the same this time?
And no this is not simping for US mutts, I hope the taliban shoots down at least a couple of helis.


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>neoliberalism is when women are allowed to go the school


Human rights are reactionary


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the good guys lost like 40 years ago, I personally am just glad to see another part of the US' foreign policy implode and backfire on them. Hopefully China and Russia can use soft economic power to develop Afghanistan out of a feudal shithole without needing another war, ever since the US started handing out weapons like candy its been a country ruled by rural insurrectionists more than anything else. Actually, come to think of it, Maoism would probably do wonders in Afghanistan lel


does this embolden russia and china to be more aggressive with ukraine and taiwan


They'll either become neoliberal when they realize that throwing a civil war was retarded or they'll just turn their country into a theocratic shithole where fucking tribal chiefs have clan wars with each other over whose the most reactionary. Shits gonna be fucking funny I hope they dont turn liberal


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I don't know a lot of HUEHUE but.
>The victory of a reactionary anti communist islamic fundamentalist guerrilla against an anti communist neoliberal colonial regime is a victory of the entire people.




If probably will be the same but if that's what the Afghan people want then how can anyone else impose anything else on them?

Let the Taliban be eroded by exposure to the global markets like everyone else, they will eventually liberalise (in both senses of the word)


Where do they get American weapons? I bet each one has an interesting story


Was gay marriage or abortion ever allowed in Afghanistan?


Taliban can really be seen more as a Pashtun Supremacist group with Fundamentalist Islam characteristics than a proper Ultra-Islamist organization like Al Qaeda and ISIS. For example, although they claim to follow a very strict interpretation of the Sharia they still preserve many of the pre-Islamic tribal traditions even when they go against Islamic teachings.

The reason they got such massive support currently is for their opposition to the US. Once the US is gone tribal conflicts will take over again and things may very well go out of hand, especially if the living situation still remains dire.


they captured literally tons of american ecquipment
amerimutt cope


Not that interesting.

>issued to Afghan army soldier

>immediately abandoned by that soldier when they are asked to fight the Taliban
>repeat x80000

Yes, that is something a lot of people don't seem to grasp, the Taliban is much more moderate than ISIS, Boko Haram, et cetera.


I feel bad for all the kenyans and turks that are gonna have refugees flooding their countries as they take in the most muslim refugees out of any other country


>Once the US is gone tribal conflicts will take over again
They kept a good tap on them between 1996 and 2001. And this time they even have the northeastern part under control. Cope.


t. poltard butthurted because some brown people show him how his inferior pool genes are.
I don't think a group of militias capable to kick the shit out of the U.S. will bring the country to stone age, because if they wanted to live in the stone age, they would bring stone and sticks to fight drones and cobras. Anyway, Taliban means literally scholar, so they had a root upon studies.


>The last time the taliban was in power they banned music and destroyed a fuckton of cultural heritage sites and shit.
What makes you think that it won't be the same this time?

Hi, agent Jones, are you hiring for the CIA junior position? I want to work there totally not to sabotage the U.S. from within.



Dude in case you haven't realized the average american marine killed hundreds of taliban fighters with only a couple thousands of marines dead over the course of 20 years. The taliban is disorganized and unprofessional, knowing this makes me fear the kind of hell they'd bring on their muslim brothers if they ever got into power


Well, I hope things really get better this time but as I said before, there actually needs to be an initiative for development before things actually get better. They can't just coast on the hope that Sharia will magically turn their country into an Islamic utopia and expect things to get better.

I'm brown you fucking retard.


Islamist reactionary retards gonna retard, now we wait until they start committing atrocity after atrocity and make threads about it here and watch the Turd-worldists, Mautists and Islamic """""communists"""" seethe

>People are already being killed for not following religious beliefs


Don't care, get rkt/butthurted because some brown people threw out their asses.
>I'm brown you fucking retard.
post timestamp with skin, or gtfo you chinlet.
If truly brown, ugh, cipayo.


>>People are already being killed for not following religious beliefs



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reminder that Najibulah held out for 4 years without Soviet support. After trillions of dollars in investment into the Afghan state it falls in like a week


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<Dude in case you haven't realized the average american marine killed hundreds of taliban fighters with only a couple thousands of marines dead over the course of 20 years.


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Wars aren't won through K/D ratio faggot, the Americans got tired and went home like bitches, the Taliban withstood terrible casualties because they knew what they were fighting for.


That shows you the real astroturf the ghani government had.
kek, never fails, the creatura orco de las americas


Yet that's literally not wrong. These people dont have a plan for what they even want with their own country


>Everyone who is not an uncritical turbo simp for the anti-communist Taliban must be a CIA agent


>implying I was supporting the taliban
Projecting much? like whenever talk badly about U.S. behavior, do you feel like someone insulting you, or something else perhaps?
still interested in that junior position, Mr. jones


>War is when you kill people
>The more people you kill the more you win, if you kill a lot of people then you get en epic win


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Ugh, cipayo.


I would have a massive laugh if it wasn't for all the innocent deaths associated with the NATO/US-led Afghan invasion.


<Taliban spokesman says Afghan war is over, militants convinced ‘foreign forces won’t repeat failed experience in Afghanistan’
>The group then vowed to "deal with the concerns of the international community through dialogue."
This is interesting:
<Despite calls from the US and multiple international organizations to seek a political solution with Ghani’s government, the Taliban entered Kabul on Sunday demanding nothing less than the complete transfer of power. Ghani’s abrupt departure took the Taliban by surprise, the spokesman told Al-Jazeera, and following his flight, the president’s former aides were more than willing to set up an easy transition to Taliban rule.
One can speculate why he left without giving a fight. Maybe the U.S. wasn't planning to support the puppet regime anymore?
The alleged butchers and savages:
>“It is my pleasure that I am carrying out the process of handing over the presidential palace to the Taliban militants, and it is my pleasure that this process is carried out without bloodshed,”


Reminder that this is far worse than Saigon. There are still ten thousand or so US civilians in Kabul and the airport is all that remains. They can just start shelling the runway or cut off electricity to the airport if they are brutal terrorists. Or they can allow them to evacuate for the moral high ground.


US will bomb the shit out of them if they attack the airport. It's not only for 'moral superiority'.


They have been bombing the shit out of them and it hasn't worked so far


Those guys aren't afraid of bombings, u kno'?


Well, if international recognition is on the table, I don't think that is happening.


l i k e p o t t e r y


Was thinking this exactly is what will happen.


oh fuck godspeed anon



It worked enough to scare them into the mountains. Not enough to obliterate them. You have to remember the invasion in 2001 toppled the taliban government. They still existed just in rural areas, while the urban cities were dominated by the Northern Alliance and the US. The Taliban won't shell the airport and start killing US soliders/civilians because it will result in the immediate reversal of their situation. They will be forced to retreat to the mountains again.


CNN: US Only Flew Out 400 out 4500 embassy staff on Sunday. Got a long a week ahead stranded in an airport.


This reminds me of the scene in Joker when the midget wants to get out but can't leave the apartment because can't reach the door lock and sobs asking to get the door open.


They lied about the amount of deads actually, both the afghan goverment and the us goverment.


just like 4000 americans crying and shitting themselves in a closed mcdonalds in the middle of kabul


If only this were true.


You do understand that's HOW a guerrilla war works right? Holding out and being a nuisance, gaining support of the population, and outlasting the enemy until they lose the will to continue the occupation? Make it expensive enough that the accountants decode it's not worth continuing.



History rarely repeats itself, but it often rhymes


It will always be true in our hearts.


wonder how long it will be before we see chinese kids dying in stanland


Also kinda funny that it's nearly 50 years later and they're still using the Chinook.




Say what you will about Islamic fundamentalism, dude, but at least it's an ethos. The bacha bazi warlords have no ideology, only money and power. That's why they fell so easily.



tfw you think china wants to invade afghanistan.


Taliban spokesperson on BBC World stated that they will be open for business with the US and western companies.



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Soulless vs. soul


Chinooks, chinooks never change.


UNSC will assemble tomorrow, with Russia likely to support intervention.


The original meme is from Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, which is a game where (among other things) the Russian Federation launches a full scale invasion of the United States after some Russian ultra-nationalists take power. The "Ramirez, secure Burger Town" bit is from the mission "Wolverines."

Every day the real world becomes closer to a parody of itself.


The sissified takeover that didn't change shit nor lasted vs the chad takeover that will prevail and changed everything.




have the Taliban already seen the light of dengism.


lmao I forgot how low down the planes all fly in MW2


<b-but China



America, America never learns.


Everyone is open for business with the US, lol. Including China and almost all of its allies. Afghanistan would be stupid to voluntarily embargo itself.


You got a spare cryopod lying around?


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bros…is the taliban becoming dengoid?


dengoid adjacent


Productive forces with Afghan Characteristics. You love to see it!


Afghanistan will be a major economic power in five decades time.


A surprisingly dialectical statement from George Lucas.






I unironically wish. I haven’t swallowed the deng pill, but if it’s capitalism, it’s a form of capitalism that is a step closer to socialism than neoliberalism.



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>The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was


A big problem with Dengist China is that they never try to convert their allies like the US. They’re perfectly happy that their allies are commie killing fascist/feudal despots. If they agree to BRI they’re fine.


The taliban flag is much better tbh


their justification for destroying the Buddhas was actually pretty funny

they were like "We were going to leave it alone, but then you fuckers started spending millions of dollars to protect your precious fucking statues while people were starving in the poorest country in the world, so fuck you and fuck your idols, KABOOM motherfucker."


I disagree the Chinese are converting people to their ways, but not with the edge of the sword like the US but by showing example and being a target of admiration.

I also believe that Taliban is one of the "better" radical muslin groups and if BRI and other Chinese investment is allowed to raise the standard of living in Afghanistan it will also change the political views of the afghans themselves and by extension of the Taliban in a way that no amount of foreign occupation could have done.




>The British ambassador and Germany embassy staff are reportedly staying behind at Kabul airport to help process visas for Afghan staff who worked for their countries.

>NEW: The US military has flown at least 500 Embassy personnel out of Afghanistan on military aircraft, defense officials tell @ckubeNBC.

They're working to take 5,000/day, but won’t have that capability for a couple days.

are they unironically going to wind up getting flying out under Taliban flags?


I like how you retards are complaining about this shit in regards to Afghanistan. It really highlights the complete disregard you "people" have for adapting to historical reality.



Yes. It's going to be pretty funny. You have this mass panic before the Taliban takeover, but then they takeover and let them leave anyway.
Like an animal getting released from a trap.


>are they unironically going to wind up getting flying out under Taliban flags?
>Yes. It's going to be pretty funny. You have this mass panic before the Taliban takeover, but then they takeover and let them leave anyway.

Imagine if they didn't tho lmao. Imagine if the taliban just kills everyone. What's the US gonna do, start the war back up again?


They could start it back up again, or just opt to conduct a permanent TNO-style bombing campaign on Afghanistan, forever







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Afghanistan, you shocked the nation.


Juan Guiado has declared himself Interim President of Afghanistan


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Kabul was probably his home, with many fond memories there


As another anon in the previous thread said, I fucking love it when people who storm government buildings and sit in the leader's chair lmao



If americans die in large numbers, Biden will have to go back otherwise he will lose election in 2024.


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Works on my machine polcel lmao


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LIVE from the re education facility outside of Kabul with arrested US marines and diplomats


Or fry crayons rather than chips lmao


> the Taliban are as reactionary as they come
what about al-queda or isis?


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the qanon shaman found a new home


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> 2.5 trillion USD over 20 years down the shitter
As far I am concerned the afghan papers revealed a greater number. Like 5.5, o 6.5 t$? Can't recall it was horrendous.
Bonus meme


The Americans have fired warning shots at a crowd of civilians who were trying to enter one of the U.S. evacuation aircraft.


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operation frequent "fuck you i've got mine"


"No one lefts behind" my arse.


Vaush right now:

>dude you have to support U.S. imperialism and drone strikes over the Taliban!



What was going on when they managed to stay 3 years and why they eventually fell?


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Behold, I have created the meme that will destroy leftypol, just like rojava did with 8chan/leftypol


As if /leftypol/ ever had this radlib reaction to January 6. We were amused by it, not outraged.


Kys, I hope both the Taliban and the Muhreens get fucked, Najibullah gang bby!


lmao we thought the jan 6 magaturds were accidentally based retards making the US government look pathetically weak

and the taliban suck but this also shows how pathetically weak the US is so it's darkly funny and somewhat cathartic, but also worrying for what the future holds in the region. even in defeat US empire still fucks things up by putting these clowns in power


Our favorite Cuban Miami-based SocDem has weighted in: https://twitter.com/ShinjiTheCuban/status/1426940314703613960


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Both were based.


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I will move to China just so I can't see twitter no more


I enjoyed Jan 6th, but I send to the qtards-rightoid magatards that believed they changed or achieved something that day, besides proving:
1)They are cucks, not revolutionaries
2)Trump gave 0 shits about them and their


Fucking gusanos should be hanged and then shot.


>The soviets arguably did more damage.
>The Afghan communists were fucking dumb.
Does he think that the Afghan communists were Soviets???


meant for >>23955


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send* them to eat shit


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"There is going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy of the United States from Afghanistan."


Politifact: True. The Embassy is presently a Taliban stronghold. If you would like to be airlifted, please make your way to the roof of McDonalds. For $0.25 extra you can add a small medium fries to your order of being bundled into an overloaded Chinook that still smells of Phở.


>The USSR was invited by the legit Afghan government by the time
The Afghan government at the time wasn't legit.


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Is there going to be another civil war after this? Most Afghans aren't Pashtun and the Taliban is still largely Pashtun-supremacist. The CIA would probably be more than happy to throw money at any willing armed groups after this embarassing withdrawal.


Why is the 21st century so fucking pathetic? This is all so fucking stupid there's literally a McDonald's staffed by US marines in Kabul and they are still there cuz they gotta pay up to leave. How many levels of retarded bullshit does a singular event need to just end?


>an overloaded Chinook that still smells of Phở.


>The Afghan government at the time wasn't legit.
>trust me bro, CIA told me, and I am ok with it.
You need to go back.


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Somber lessons to be learned for the imperialists!


The reason I'm not on Twitter 24/7 (I have an account but it's for tweeting personal opinions)
January 6 is STAGED; Taliban takeover is not


>Is an Islamic regime in a poor landlocked nation going to fall into civil war?

Lol dude…


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supposedly they've got 800 people bundled up into a C-17 transport jet:

for reference, this is what 600-odd packed into the same jet (from the Philippines a few years ago) looks like


what if you have to poop on the way?


>800 in the same jet
Cue the dead


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Here is video of people filling it from a few hours ago. It's also the aircraft in question that a crowd attempted to storm which the U.S. forces repelled with gunfire.


Good riddance. Those 800 people were giving artificial support to ghani.


This is dumb. The only way to 'convert' someone is to do "humanitarian intervention" which also doesn't work besides being peak imperialism


Not to forget Lord Burger
Then they will scream "human rights in afghanistan" in sponsored demonstrations


Ok let's say that the Talichads capture some retarded british or burger, what would they do with them? I don't think they will kill or harm them, they would most likely use them for propaganda purposes and exchange them for shit later.

Have they captured a burger or british yet? not a single one?


>what is imperialism, wealth and development


That's great, that will win more support. China can actually convert their allies, but subtly and slowly and secretly/


>"humanitarian intervention" which also doesn't work besides being peak imperialism
Not imperialism if its in the pursuit of cultivating a revolutionary government.


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They would definitely deprogram them by redpilling them, then associating them within themselves. They are not ISIL or Qaeda.


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Republicans will sweep both houses next year and Joe will be a another one-term Carter President. To call him fucked though is an overstatement, considering neolibs and neocons are the same blood-sucking, intermingling cancerous parasites.

Inb4 cope.


I would think that China would have to be actually socialist and not interested in profit for this argument to work


>Republicans will sweep both houses next year
Good, I hope Trump returns, he was a great fucking boost to socialism in the US because he radicalized succdem libs.


Like all imperialist faggots he knew the truth like everyone did past 2006, he just conveniently ignored it in lieu of taxpayer gibs. Now he doesn't even have the moral victory, only a gnawing sense of shame and guilt


cope. no one cares about afghanistan


>I fought like a retard for israeli and american neolib interests and they didn't even repay me the favor
>and this makes me seethe and cope


>AA fire on background


his name is cummings


Capitalism is rotting, its incompetency opens the door to many kinds of humiliation.


>But the Afghani soon fell in value. They imposed a 50% tax on any company operating in the country, and those who failed to pay were attacked. They also imposed a 6% import tax on anything brought into the country, and by 1998 had control of the major airports and border crossings which allowed them to establish a monopoly on all trade

So they were hated just because controlled all trade.


Refugee Crisis 1.5/2.0


The good timeline ended when the USSR collapsed.


Since biden is moving out of Afghanistan, he's officially a marxist, and thus, BASED.


>With the Taliban installed in the presidential palace and the elected president having fled the country, access to Hamid Karzai airport, five kilometres from the centre of the capital, is now possible only through Taliban checkpoints. The US, UK, Germany, Canada and a host of other coalition nations are all seeking to evacuate their nationals from the country. The airport reportedly came under fire on Sunday.
oh no no no



Lord Miles shall be fine since he's in the hands of the RAF now but there are so many others who are completely fucked. There was a reporter who had a 11 month old daughter and who was trapped in Kabul. He is going to be executed and his daughter is going to become a bride.


>Trump is good
Yup! He is the best president for America and the best America has voted! Libs are right, he is Russia's friend!


I'm starting to think they are going to get the big failures out of the way under Biden before they inevitably heart attack him and put Kamala in office as the first WOC POTUS (unelected) and try to push her for re-election.


>Plot to kill Biden and to install Kamala
That would be AWESOME and probable. Democrats have wanted a female POTUS since 2016


what are you talking about, Jan 6 magas were amazing and harmless


>isn't kamala supe unpopular tho
Yes, so much so she dropped out of the 2020 primary in 2019 before voting began, but they still picked her for VP.


>isn't kamala supe unpopular tho
when in the last few years has popularity been a determining factor of anything


You realize if the US was serious enough, Biden could be forced over a barrel by Congress to nuke Afghanistan?
I would be popular, since China would have to deal with the effects of their neighbour getting nuked.


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Honestly the rural Afghans deserve being ruled over by militant Islamic. They're even banning Covid Vaccines the dumb fucks.


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>You realize if the US was serious enough, Biden could be forced over a barrel by Congress to nuke Afghanistan?
<I would be popular, since China would have to deal with the effects of their neighbour getting nuked.


I don't understand how some leftists cheer on the Taliban when it's an extremely reactionary, essentially medieval aged militant religious fanatics. They're banning Covid Vaccines, music, nice clothing, trying to control the 60% illiterate population even more. I can see the Taliban backstabbing China, since the Taliban is literally made up of religious fanatical lunatics who literally want to recreate the Caliphate and overthrow any muslim nation that doesn't submit to them.
I hope the USA nukes them.


C'mon man. That's harsh.

Here's hoping that the Taliban gets woke, embraces tolerance for different lifestyles, and starts seeing science as a way to get to know G-d. :)


Trump isn't in office, anymore. So no more madlad behavior from the White House.


>Boomers who believe in Qanon as a cope because their kids dont talk to them anymore are the same as the fucking taliban.


It's like the DNC wants Trump back.


>Here's hoping that the Taliban gets woke, embraces tolerance for different lifestyles, and starts seeing science as a way to get to know G-d. :)
Ngl, that's a pretty liberal conception of how things work.


>They're banning Covid Vaccines
No they aren't
See: >>23594
Tbh, I would have to save the picture in case you return with more CIA crap.


Because whatever the fuck the US was doing wasn't working and it's asinine to suggest anyone is truly cheering the Taliban on. I respect them for carrying out an obviously sophisticated and well-planned and executed final offensive. But the affairs of Afghanistan are up to Afghans. They have a meme country with meme colonial borders that don't make any sense. You won't get a real country by having democracy imposed on you but the citizens can see that the leaders are kleptocrats who are only powerful because the world's richest country across the ocean which you never seen is pulling their strings.


They will if Americans end up as hostages.
It was already humiliating for American nationalism to have helicopters fly people out of their Embassy.


What absolute atrocities are occurring to burger collaborators across Afghanistan today rn?


>I hope the USA nukes them.
Also, woah, woah, raging about human rights but talking this shit. Go fuck yourself, radlib.


if anything the CIA is probably running a slaughterhouse for assets that are more useful dead than alive now
imagine how many opium farmers must've been capped recently to keep the trail cold on CIA funding


File: 1629079934976.mp4 (2.64 MB, 1280x720, H2n-jgjEi2Q5claQ.mp4)

Another morning, another run for Kabul airport amid gunfire.


>implying it wasn't trump who proclaimed the end of the afghan wars as his victory


If anything, this massive fuckup of Biden has also opened everyone's eyes to how incompetent the Pentagon and Intelligence Agencies are.
This undermines American military and intelligence strength, and any country after this might start dismissing US demands, pointing to the Taliban as examples.


unnecessary cope, the Taliban will for sure take out some of their most hated targets.


i hacked ur computer and found a picture of u


>They're banning Covid Vaccines
>nice clothing
>I can see the Taliban backstabbing China
Won't happen.
>I hope the USA nukes them.
The Taliban would survive, and the remaining population would support them even more fervently. It would result in a mass wave of terrorist attacks against Americans.


Nuking the Taliban and whipping out that cancer is a moral good for humanity. Let the Afghan Elders who sided with the Taliban deal with the fallout.


If Biden actually wanted to have a sigma grindset moment he'd legit do what that one senator that opposed the Vietnam war did when some conservatard reporter told him that saigon fell and be like.

>"Sir, That matters as much to me as who won the baseball game last night. I dont watch baseball sir."


That's all true, but if the citizens of that country prefer feudal era tribes, then they have to realize the current state of the world will make that fantasy unpleasant. This is the world of national states, global corporate influence, NGO's, China is right next door and wants their minerals.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Taliban make things difficult for Chinese corporations to mine their minerals, that the Chinese Government wouldn't have any problems using bioweapons and anything to kill off the Taliban and their supporters.


Look, I hate the Taliban too based on principle, and have literally argued that a refusal to voice "support" for them doesn't equal support for US occupation, but this has to be bait, because you aren't describing the Taliban. What you are describing is ISIS, not the Taliban. To my knowledge, the Taliban aren't very much interested in creating a multi-national Caliphate, and are mostly Islamist Pashtun Nationalists, with their ideology being a mix between Islamic Fundamentalism and Pashtun tribal chauvinism.


>implying nukes won't take innocents.
Ah, I see you have figured out already with your western/NATO country how to cope with innocents immigrants that won't survive the nuke, right?
Or is it perhaps that the country you live in there is a rightoid group screeching about muh brown people and you prefer to nuke them rather to do the political process to change those rightoids to see if your country can accept afghans?




Do you just hate having anything pleasant in your life? Do you prefer to live like some sexless theocrat?




Whotf was that?


I'm not American.


>is a moral good
>to nuke people with mores and uphold morals
Fuck off, radlib burger


I would have a beer with you, sir, kek


Should we make this cyclic or keep doing sequel generals? If it's more happening-posting rather than anything worth preserving, cyclic is simpler.


Just make it cyclic


Cycle it


cyclic is fine, not enough specific news to preserve, mostly memeing


without new real developments just make it cyclical tbh
not like we can reach any greater highs than saigon 2.0


cyclic /tig/ style but probably for less time


i don't really like cyclic tbh, having new editions is better and easier to archive.

after the evacuation is done, in discussing the boring aftermath, maybe then do cyclical but until then it would be better to have an archive of leftypol responding to the collapse in real time.


>Sexless theocrat
Cope and seethe, next time read different news sources, never subscribe to fucking AP


this might be a good compromise


I was shitposting a bit. Practicing for reddit etc when libs start to complain

Thorough sovietification would have educated the rural religious nuts from their benighted positions


Good point


Asked this elsewhere, but what can be learned for if a socialist government or insurgency was to wage war against the Taliban in the future, at least in regards to tactics and forward planning? Just don't be fucking retarded?


Keep it symplier: Cyclic.
But edit the main OP. Something like: Afghan habbenings the return of the Taliban sequel.


>Biden sending a thousand PARATROOPERS to Kabul airport.
>US needs 6000 men to protect a LITTLE. CUCK. SHED.


>what can be learned for if a socialist government or insurgency was to wage war against the Taliban in the future
If Taliban sided with America, problem is that they will never, and so socialist regimes can make them an exception. Returning to medieval lifestyle is also great.


Material conditions will always lead to class struggle, it is not something a bunch of fundamentalists can change.


this but unironically


1. train actually competent fighters
2. build trust with the local communities
3. what >>24068 said, they are there because the country's situation has been set back too far to be able to support a more sophisitcated "modern" political system


That's what these guys >>23569 were trying to do, and guess what? the vast majority of the people rejected it.


>If Taliban sided with America, problem is that they will never, and so socialist regimes can make them an exception.
They initially did, so that's not really an argument. There is also zero reason for any socialist "regime" to make any exception. Communism isn't when you go "Communism, but".
>Returning to medieval lifestyle is also great.
No. If we ever do live long enough to see another communist revolution, its going to have to be more voracious and expansive then ever before. Literally nothing can be left of any opposition to it.
>Material conditions will always lead to class struggle, it is not something a bunch of fundamentalists can change.
Yes, but class struggle is not something that happens in isolation within a single country. A revolutionary government taking and seizing the land of a separate bourgeoisie (or even more antiquated classes) state and integrating its working class for itself is just as much class struggle as any other.


Capitalist China will do it better tbh


>That's what these guys >>23569 were trying to do, and guess what? the vast majority of the people rejected it.
And? To repurpose a quote used in a different context, "For the people, despite the people". The revolution and the development of it is more important then any one people and nation, and if those workers who side with reaction need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the future, then so be it. They won't be the only generation.


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Imagine voting for this absolute shit administration, every last Biden voter should be arrested for negligent homicide.


Because is moronic. They don't reject modernity like if they would love to live in the 1500s. To begin with they didn't use rocks and sticks to attack the US/NATO.
That's a CIA talking point:
>le we are bringing modernity to those savages


they are literally just giving them ammunition


>"nice" clothing
real priorities here


Orange Man really dodged this bullet.


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>A Talib got hold of Marshal Dostum's uniform when his palace in Sheberghan, Jawzjan was captured by Taliban. So that Talib dude has been roaming around wearing that suit and posing for group photos with other Taliban.
yodeling at this


Magas would have called it based if trump did this


Lol watching ABC (Australia) and some guy just said.

>"Ok. i feel like we've just gotta come out and say it. This is one of the most embarrassing moments for America and by proxy australia in a long time."

>"It clearly shows that BOTH of each of our countries two major parties were obviously lying to us about how well the war was going."
>"It was an open secret this was going to happen. The only thing that has really gone wrong is just HOW FAST the ANA COMPLETELY collapsed and the Taliban surged in. The plan in terms of damage control for the American and by proxy our government was obviously to keep the afghan government standing on its own for a few months and then once everyone had forgotten what afghanistan even was the Taliban wold surge in."
>"INSTEAD the Taliban pretty much blitzed the entire country in 10 days and now us, the americans and the brits are acting real tight lipped because we dont even know if we got everyone out as the Taliban raises their flag over Kabul, our diplomats, citizens and soldiers hide in an airport and the world laughs at us."
Lol spitting straight facts and logic


One can't expect too much from an already reactionary group as peasants.

And worse, one dominated by reactionary figures (the islamic mullahs, later paid by the CIA and Pakistan)


Is calling afganistan tribal racist? Whats the difference between their "tribes" and the cabal that runs the USA?


>And? To repurpose a quote used in a different context, "For the people, despite the people". The revolution and the development of it is more important then any one people and nation, and if those workers who side with reaction need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the future, then so be it. They won't be the only generation.

Again the USSR already tried to do that, the mujahidden had a ton of popular support outside of Kabul and major cities, we need to accept that afghans want to live under an authoritarian theocracy, that's how it is unless you magically make them all class conscious using mememagic.

A lot of them do reject modernity, not in "muh sticks and stones instead of weapons" but in customs, human rights etc. The most radical interpretations of the sharia say that muslims should live the way Muhammmed lived 1500 years ago.


Lol based


>Because is moronic. They don't reject modernity like if they would love to live in the 1500s. To begin with they didn't use rocks and sticks to attack the US/NATO.
Where did my argument rely on them rejecting modern technology? Technology is itself not inherently the same as a development production within a country and a change in its social relations.
>That's a CIA talking point:
>le we are bringing modernity to those savages
Its not inherently a CIA talking point. If the USSR invaded a western capitalist state, it would also be bringing a necessary future to them as well. They would be closer to socialism development wise, but they would still be made to abandon their previous social relations, with those that rejected pulled forward regardless.


>One can't expect too much from an already reactionary group as peasants.
t. trotskyte being wrong as usual
Remember the CPC took over the nationalist peasantry and they got very ideologized towards the communist revolution.


5000+ American hostages when


hahahah, i guess he didn’t have time to grab it before running over the bridge to uzbekistan


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Imagine the Taliban going against the ANA– oh wait we don't need to.
Now imagine a few good conservative men going against whatever elements of the US government oppose them, soon a proper revolution will happen and 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN!
And just as the Taliban put the ISIS retards down like rabid dogs, we'll take care of the Atomwaffen and O9A psychopaths. We'll pardon our freedom fighters while leaving retards like Crusius and Cruz to rot. We will use the US as a base to being proper democracy to countries that deserve it, not third world shitholes that have zero want nor need for a representative democracy. uygharagua will have free and fair elections or they will have a Pinochet, and not Ortega running things, Cuba and Venezuela as will be conquered through force or diplomacy within the first year of our victory, and Europe will finally have the heroes they need, the UK, Germany, Italy, will have proper right wing governments and Sweden, France, Spain, etc will learn what real capitalism is. We will rebuild the Twin Towers bigger and better than ever in Kabul, they will shine 3,000 feet tall and the Taliban will pay for it with opium profits that we dump into Wuhan in revenge, we'll turn Havana into Las Vegas II, and Tokyo-3 will be real but it will be located in the former Portland, Oregon.
It's a new paradigm, the War on Terror is over. Something new is coming alive.


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They sorta already are de-facto hostages.
No planes can take off from the airport because Tali's keep circling the place firing guns in the air to spook people.
And there's tonnes of people scattered around the city who never got the clue where their meant to evac (like that britbong livestreamer)


The War on Terror is coming back home.


>Again the USSR already tried to do that
and they might have had a lot more success if the world superpower wasn't funneling billions of dollars and weapons to their nutjob opponents in a concerted effort to make them fail.
>we need to accept that afghans want to live under an authoritarian theocracy


Don’t worry, Biden will address the nation in the “next days”. Honestly I’d be checking the Camp David coat closet for hiding neocon gunmen if I were a certain serial child sniffer


>The Khalqi policy of encouraging the education of girls, for example, aroused deep resentment in the villages.

OMG what a disgusting dictatorship! Just like Cuba! Those poor mullahs just wanted their harems.


>Again the USSR already tried to do that, the mujahidden had a ton of popular support outside of Kabul and major cities, we need to accept that afghans want to live under an authoritarian theocracy, that's how it is unless you magically make them all class conscious using mememagic.
I don't care if they do. You either operate globally with your system, or you die. The revolution needs to expand, not because of some retarded utopian kumbaya garbage, but because it is necessary to its survival in the context of combating a global capitlaist system. Perhaps you try to export to countires around it first where development is more sufficient towards instigating proletariat revolt, but after that, the country is the claim of the workers and global communisms future aspirations, not whatever they personally want.


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Don't really like them but they look so happy here…wish me and the boys could ever live out a similar experience


The maga-to-taliban pipeline is complete


I personally think it has to do with the ideology that entalis the muslim leadership (reminder that their mullahs considered the communist as devils) in contrast to the ideology/religion the chinese peasants had.
But if you can prove me wrong in my little ramble I frankly would be glad .


it took the taliban less time to take over an entire country than it took the US to draft and approve of a shitty forced meme



Magapedes high on the copium.


Infidel pls


If flights resume, the Taliban could infiltrate rather easily, so I don't think they'll be evacuating anyone except VIPs and soldiers.


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And we're gonna fucking win! No one does suicide bombings for liberal democracy, and I'm not a bloodthirsty guy, someone like Trump could just intimidate the rest of the feds into surrendering in exchange for living their comfy lives. ANTIFA and BLM would be allowed to do the black hammer commune thing, your school teachers and boomer liberals would just complain while doing nothing, and leftypol would just shitpost about a revolution that's never going to come.
? Biden is basically a neocon who finally is trying to pull out but like your parents probably it's too fucking late and an embarrassment more than anything.
Taliban yes. Al-Qaeda, ISIS, these guys are insane and I'd be the first to subjugate them. I thought Crusius was a fucking embarrassment before the FAGGOTcel meme came along, at least Tarrant was cool other than the civilian murder.
Enjoy being flown into China on a refugee caravan on an [Airline I own] Boeing 787


Wonder how Chinese netizens are reacting to this news


So the magas saw the pictures of the Taliban in the palace and now feel some sort of kinship with the supposed 9/11ers because of 1/6. This fucking rocks lol


As I said before, massive cope larp.


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Probably the best thread where I can post this shit without coming up with a smart post to justify posting it


the meme autism yes
I'm of the opinion that we always had kinship and didn't know it, Bush did 9/11 and a wedge was driven, now it's healed.
Apparently that Rambo III thank you credit is fake but there were movies made about Soviet soldiers getting Pashtunwali
So was Mohamad Omar in 2002 probably


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Messages from China


fucking screaming


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I want to see his beheading livestreamed


People like to think the Taliban is as extreme as ISIS but that isn't true at all. I expect enforced headscarfs and banning of homosexuality etc. More like Iran, less like ISIS.


Ay lmao

By the way, Prashad posted a twit with one of the taliban mullah meeting with ghani


COD WoW tier graphics lmao


File: 1629089037628.jpg (47.33 KB, 720x489, FB_IMG_1629087598914.jpg)

Crap didn't post the image


Looks like it hit bumped limit and good morning afghanistan!


Holy shit 10/10


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Dengoids own the taliban…


New thread pls, doesn't bump anymore


>dengists will defend this using mental gymnastics as always


Mujahedeen and Taliban are two different groups, dumbass.


new thread

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