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/leftypol_archive/ - leftypol archive

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File: 1625664684093-0.webm (9.93 MB, 720x544, stalinexpress.webm)

File: 1625664684093-1.webm (296.08 KB, 1280x720, OOOOOOOOOO.webm)

File: 1625664684093-2.webm (6.2 MB, 616x472, naziatlantis.webm)

File: 1625664684093-3.webm (6.77 MB, 622x474, worldicetheory.webm)

File: 1625664684093-4.webm (2.98 MB, 320x180, trollgebabylon.webm)

 [View All]

This thread is for posting any form of /lefty/ videos files ranging from .webm or .mp4, or other
The last thread hit the bump limit, so post new or old videos here.
Link to the last thread here: >>201250
552 posts and 460 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


That looks better. The makeup just looks so dumb and obnoxious in color. I understand they were trying to go for entertainer-from-a-century-ago look with that clip, but that style of makeup and expressions had been made with an intent to look good when seen from a distance.


song name pls?


File: 1632617505199-0.webm (831.02 KB, 1920x1080, 1632550687851.webm)

File: 1632617505199-1.webm (780.56 KB, 320x240, runas agachandose.webm)

File: 1632617505199-2.webm (3.95 MB, 320x240, Arbenz vs cia.webm)

Anthem of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party
Taken from the PRC thread, thx to that anon
And some stuff from about latin america


anyone speak russian who might now the song lyrics?



>Russian dude with a pride and soviet flag


What's the song used in the first webm?


>you'll never have a Balkan QT to have nostalgia over Yugoslavia with.
Anyways Commies oughta do this for the DPRK…


MGMT's Little dark age


Cheers m8


File: 1633021534607-1.webm (906.36 KB, 1920x1080, 1620690171434.webm)

File: 1633021534607-2.mp4 (935.89 KB, 900x720, 1626516596383-3.mp4)

File: 1633021534607-3.mp4 (4.45 MB, 1280x720, 1630850358474-1.mp4)

File: 1633021534607-4.webm (2.05 MB, 640x480, 1623872937567.webm)

dumping a bunch of garbage from my download folder so I can save it to my phone


File: 1633021858111-0.mp4 (2.04 MB, 788x480, video0-72.mp4)

File: 1633021858111-1.mp4 (264.86 KB, 480x480, webm1.mp4)

File: 1633021858111-2.mp4 (292.45 KB, 480x270, video0_131.mp4)

File: 1633021858111-3.mp4 (360.26 KB, 928x596, video0 (16).mp4)

File: 1633021858111-4.mp4 (3.93 MB, 576x1082, video0 (12).mp4)


File: 1633022091437-1.mp4 (3.17 MB, 540x960, video0_11.mp4)

File: 1633022091437-2.mp4 (2.64 MB, 640x800, video0 (6).mp4)

File: 1633022091437-3.mp4 (295.59 KB, 1280x592, 1631173409399.mp4)

File: 1633022091437-4.mp4 (4.45 MB, 1280x720, 1630850358474-1.mp4)


File: 1633022483151-0.webm (3.13 MB, 640x360, 1626727282511-1.webm)

File: 1633022483151-1.webm (2.55 MB, 478x854, 1632022212460.webm)

File: 1633022483151-2.mp4 (2.63 MB, 1280x720, 1628684784763.mp4)

File: 1633022483151-3.mp4 (295.59 KB, 1280x592, 1631173409399.mp4)


File: 1633023263874-0.mp4 (88.22 KB, 426x332, nooooo.mp4)

File: 1633023263874-1.mp4 (1.27 MB, 640x640, 5l9z9l.mp4)

File: 1633023263874-2.mp4 (1.6 MB, 640x638, mcdonalds.mp4)

File: 1633023263874-3.mp4 (225.18 KB, 480x480, video0 (2).mp4)

if you are scrolling trough and thinking about opening files from the last 5 posts , none of these contain anything substantive
they are just kind of funny maybe


Can I post these webms to Twitter?


As an actual Latin American living in Latin America I hate how the US uses latino propaganda full of shitty cliches and forced kindness to appeal to the latinos in the US, it's all so forced and tacky, down here people would be repulsed by such propaganda but for some reason it seems to work in the US.

Chicano culture in general is disgusting anyway.




Thanks! See you in TW!


File: 1633103362344.mp4 (997.37 KB, 324x240, post-ussr children.mp4)


File: 1633103428132.mp4 (3.05 MB, 720x720, qW9IOrP6yPuGL5RP.mp4)

+ this


File: 1633104976779.jpg (138.67 KB, 1077x836, pi3mi67mtp441.jpg)

>This is the future rightoids wants
No excuses for the terror




This is at least a year old, and she apologized for the poor translation.



File: 1633176392860-0.mp4 (239.6 KB, 360x360, mobile game.mp4)

File: 1633176392860-1.mp4 (795.16 KB, 640x360, capybara chillling.mp4)


Oh my god dude that capybara. What a fucking homie





File: 1633212435287-0.mp4 (417 KB, 640x360, mario5.mp4)

File: 1633212435287-1.mp4 (2.31 MB, 856x478, Mario3.mp4)


File: 1633212471671-1.mp4 (4.54 MB, 720x720, fidel cam.mp4)







i'm looking for one of these leftypol webms that was posted once some time ago and i can't find it
it's about the soviet union and 90s russia, starts off with the lowering of the ussr flag and continues into videos of the degradation of the country
it ends with an image of a satanic goat or something like that


File: 1633265708607.mp4 (625.75 KB, 508x96, mao34.mp4)


Post more!


If I'm posting some of these Youtube and Bitchute, which clips aren't "violent" and which clips are?


File: 1633274990529-0.mp4 (1.84 MB, 720x720, kim in the flesh.mp4)

File: 1633274990529-1.mp4 (9.35 MB, 960x720, fidel saga.mp4)


File: 1633275136206-0.mp4 (3.78 MB, 960x720, truedau.mp4)

File: 1633275136206-1.mp4 (3.77 MB, 960x720, truedau2.mp4)



is the crown based?


File: 1633343725505.webm (3.8 MB, 1280x720, 1630706740935.webm)

does anyone here know the context of this?



Thich Quang Duc's self immolation to protest Ngo Dinh Diem.


Is there any guarantee that this thread will be archived here in the site?


probably, just like other webm threads


can mods pls archive this thread?


Unique IPs: 28

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