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An economic crisis started by Car Wash back in 2013 still shows no signs of abating, a don't-call-it-a-genocide, a ruling class determined to steal everything they can while there's still a braindead patsy-in-charge to catch all the blame later, an electoralist left which gave up on everything but waiting for next year's elections and 212 million people sleep furiously throughout all of the previous.

556 posts and 288 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Olavão, intimado pela justiça várias vezes, fugiu do país às pressas. Rápido, todo mundo faz cara de Pikachu surpreso. Mas isso é detalhe. O mais interessante é ela, sempre ela, a coincidência. De dentro do hospital público, ficou sabendo que haveria um "vôo repentino" em 15 minutos. Quem nunca recebeu uma oferta de viagem internaciional na fila do hospital público, afinal de contas?

Pode anotar: o Bananinha ajudou ele a fugir do país, as provas disso aparecerão em poucos dias porque eles são um bando de ineptos, e, mesmo assim, não acontecerá nada. Para os senhores da república no STF, problemas dos quais jornalistas não os perguntam não existem.


Esqueçam essa do desgoverno censurar perguntas do ENEM. Ele já fez isso em 2019. Sim, nossa bravia imprensa não se importou em nos avisar. Coincidências.

>De Laerte a Ferreira Gullar, de Chico Buarque a Madonna – o que diziam as questões que o governo Bolsonaro censurou em 2019 no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio
A desculpa: gera polêmica desnecessária.

Renderia impeachment de esquerdista? Renderia.


Nem o clã Bolsonaro trata o secretário (que outrora seria ministro) da cultura, mesmo ele sendo um lambe-botas exemplar.


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Cope no oportunista reformista.


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>ONG faz churrasco para pessoas em situação de rua em frente a Touro de Ouro da Bolsa de Valores, no Centro de SP glo.bo/30Mld9Y #g1 #SãoPaulo


You know that big COP26 thing about climate and all? Bozo hid data about deforestation from everyone.

Another guaranteed impeachment for a leftist.


Chavões e profundidade de sarjeta à parte
>muh estímulo
Nunca vou entender a lógica de as pessoas buscam exclusivamente o usufruto individual, ninguém dá a minima pros outros. É isso o máximo que se consegue? Auto indulgência?


LGBTs e minorias tem classe cuck.


Pra postar um texto desse tu deve estar com um fuzil na mão e rouba bancos pra financiar sua org revolucionária, né?



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reject modernity, embrace tradition



Kkkkkk sentindo compaixão pelo semelhante.


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>acreditando que o dinheiro na bolsa está sendo distribuído na economia real


>Planalto instala painel de apoiador de Bolsonaro com lema da campanha de 2018

A crise também é estética.


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O que a Veja não coloca na capa: as taxas de rejeição que são, respectivamente, 39%, 67% e 61%.


>Escandaloso: governo Bolsonaro tentou burlar edital e dar a 22 professores aliados acesso à sala secreta para escolher as questões do Enem.
>A lista inclui uma professora de biologia criacionista e docentes do Mackenzie (onde o ministro é conselheiro).

Mais um impeachment na lata se fosse de esquerda. É fácil imaginar parlamentares com título no nome (são quase todos arrombados) falando merda sobre Foro de São Paulo na tribuna.


Mais informações: https://nitter.ir/posmodtropical/status/1461743594725945344

Criacionismo, negacionismo, o caralho à quatro. É assim que está sendo montado o(s) próximo(s) golpe(s), aparelhamento em absolutamente tudo, até em coisas que, antes, ninguém nem considerava aparelhar. Com anuência total do STF e afins, pois golpe branco está liberadaço.


Pra mim, isto não é imprensa livre nem aqui nem na China, isto precisa é acabar.


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To falando que o golpe branco está sendo montado. Olha essa merda aqui, institucionalizada na surdina: juiz faz o que quiser e foda-se. Ignora prova ou descarta sem explicação mesmo, foda-se. Isso aqui não é só desmando qualquer, isto é preparação pra ditadura.


Lmbram-se de que o circo mandou fechar a única fábrica de microchips da América Latina, a CEITEC, bem no meio de uma escassez mundial?

>Elon Musk estuda entrar na produção de chips e Brasil pode receber fábrica veja.abril.com.br/economia/elon-musk-estuda-entrar-na-producao-de-chips-e-brasil-pode-receber-fabrica/


>Amanhã vamos publicar na newsletter do Intercept a confirmação – por um deputado federal bolsonarista – de que o orçamento secreto Bolsolão comprou o voto dos deputados para eleger Arthur Lira. Assine, é grátis. theintercept.com/brasil/newsletter/


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imagem amaldiçoada


>entro nesse chan para ver
>esses camaradas brasileiros
Que orgulho.


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t. archetypical school shooter face ideologist


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ui o fã de milícia e cheirador de coca ta projetando a demência do lado político dele pra esquerda, ui.
duas notas, putinha do Safras, uma, a direita e os delirios dela só fuderão todo lugar que ela coloco as patinha de barata delas, sem exceção, todas sairão economicamente precária pois voçes, seus sub-humanos so querem enfiar a bíblia no cu e validar-se com chavões e linhas de texto que repetem igual NPCs da vida real, pois como um NPC, não são sapientes de verdade, dois, a época do lula e infinitamente superior a qualquer merda que suas hordas fizerão não so no Brasil, mas no mundo inteiro, então recomendo a fazer igual os outros direitoides, morrer de cloroquina ou ozônio no Cu, pois não temos Gulags pra usar teu tipo de "gente" pra alguma finalidade.


Anões brasileiros, o que cês acham do bafafá do ritenháuse lá nos gringo? Acham que vai dar alguma coisa? (No sentido de protestos, vandalização, etc.) Pra ser sincero não fiquei nem um pouco surpreso com o resultado, mas mesmo assim acho que é impactante a completa falência moral dos EUA pros liberais da vida e pá.


Acho que não vai render naada, a revolta após a morte do George Floyd foi uma em um milhão. Tanto durante como depois dela, continuaram a ocorrer coisas do mesmo naipe, e não tiveram efeito nenhum, igual as que ocorreram antes.

Neste caso, só ficou muito na cara a manipulação feita pelo juiz. Antigamente, esse tipo de manobra não era tão claro, pois os prodecimentos não eram guardados em vídeo e disponibilizados ao público. Graças à tecnologia, a falência do sistema fica mais óbvia pra normaida.

O que foi estranho mesmo foi o veredito do Chauvin, aquilo sim fugiu da tendência deles de sempre apoiar o vigilantismo e abuso de autoridade contra minorias. O do Rittenhouse marcou um retorno a essa norma.


Cuba has nearly finished vaccinating 100% of its people with vaccines they themselves developed. Notice it's vaccines, plural, because they developed no less than 3 separate vaccines, one of which has more than one variant. And this despite the "progressive" Democrat hite House increasing sanctions yet again in the middle of this year. Now it's ready to export and donate their production, or at least as much as sanctions allow. Not to mention the other blockade over Cuba, that of the Western media. Barely anyone is aware Cuba even has its own vaccines, and this is very much deliberate.

Besides that victory in itself, there's another very significant fact hidden in plain sight in that newsbit, and that's one which media will absolutely never draw attention to: no antivax subhumans spreading their twin contagions of Coronavirus and reactionarism. This is no small feat, as that communicable imbecility still rampages throughthe most materially wealthy countries in the world. The UK and Germany are in a particularly shameful place, going through the worst part of the pandemic as far as infection rates go right now, when, by any sane reasoning, they should have been among the first to achieve what Cuba just did. And this sane reasoning gave us an incredibly well-timed evidence of this decay of Western society in the form a survey called Global Health Security Index. It was made by world-reference in medical matters Johns Hopkins University in partnership which, rather oddly, the Nuclear Threat Initiative, with support from the The Economist for data collection, and can be found here: https://www.ghsindex.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/2019-Global-Health-Security-Index.pdf

Scientific considerations aside, this report gained cultural significance because one of its key predictions (pic related) would soon be proven to be catastrophically wrong despite saying something which hardly anyone doubted. I didn't know about this at the time, but I wouldn't have much to disagree about this map. On hindsight, it's painfully obvious it missed a factor which could not be put into numbers, and, perhaps because of that, was severely underestimated. Tho in terms of material goods and government capacity for action the prediction was solid, the issue of social cohesion completely eluded it. The antivaccination scam, spurred by a host of ancillary obscurantism, made short work of those expectations. The societies which had the most means to make it rhrough a once-in-a-century pandemic with minimal harm lacked the willingness to do so, and the most developed countries lagged behind a great many third world countries (and some still do). Disregarding the poorest countries on the basis of very likely underreporting, Far Eastern countries stand out, and material wealth still doesn't seem to correlate well even within that subset.

In search of explanations, I can only blame the immaterial problems of late stage capitalism. I had been focused on such things for years beforehand, and the whole sad tragedy which Coronavirus kicked off cemented my outlook: the non-material parts of capitalist decay signal the coming material problems. They simply manifest earlier since obviously they're not tied to physical forms, and IT lets us see the ill omens like never before. We look at past empires and we can see the multiple factors which would play a part in their downfall, althought it's much more difficult, or maybe even impossible, trying to guess how visible those signs were to contemporary actors. By contrast, right now, it's difficult not to see trouble looming in the horizon. You can hardly go online without having morbid symptoms smeared on your face. And a big one was that which made the Coronavirus pandemic far deadlier than it could have been, the lack of coherence between the elemental blocks of society, which the antivax madness epitomized so perfectly. A deadly plague of stupidity in the heart of information society. Looking back on that subset of Asian countries which handled the problem well, I think it's fair to credit their success due late stage capitalism not being as strong and as insinuated into the elemental blocks of society. Japan has been notorious for successfully embracing modernity while still preserving national identity to an incredible degree, China is still a dynamic society on the rise, Vietnam has suffered much less penetration of Western culture than most countries – and I think this latter factor is one which, unlike to two others, can be applied to the entire world. Or even internally, because the Southern half of Vietnam has fared distinctly worse than the Northern one, and, in fact, that's what sunk their much more impressive record from early on. This, apparently, correlates with the general influence of Western/American memes (in the original sense of the word) and the popularity of antivax: https://nitter.ir/LunaOi_VN/status/1439387268658040832

Which brings me back to Cuba. I honestly hope that they forced any antivax cretin to take it, or, better it, take it then go to jail for being a risk to society by sheer dint of being a reactionary. They literally are incompatible with civilization and dream of sending us all back into the caves. A constant low-level repression of these atavists is necessary for the betterment of society, including the atavists themselves.


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I feel like Bozo's circus has picked up the pace of their crimes these past few weeks. It was about a "crime of responsibility" a day and one or more surefire impeachment a month. Now, the second type is hitting constantly.

In the past few days alone:

They're all but announcing they're defrauding the national unievrsity enrollment test (you can do literally anything in omninormalization and get away with it, so long as you don't flat out state it). Not just one but multiple instances of cops or soldiers interfering interfering at various points in the process, incontrovertible evidence that they censored questions in the 2019 edition, and, last but definitely not least, 30+ high officials of the office in question quit collectively in protest at everything. Our oh-so-honest media has barely even mentioned those things, and it goes without saying that the "opposition" media is included in that deal. Here's the latest: cops administering the tests instead of teachers like always: https://nitter.ir/carapanarana/status/1462069924277465088

Olavo, who came back to Brazil just to use our public healthcare system (whose line he skipped because his cultists are everywhere, subversive sociopaths that they are) because healthcare in his adopted home of Murka was driving him to bankruptcy, ran away from several summonings he got served while he was here. He has a long, loooong rap sheet. His excuse as to why he left when he had questions to answer? "I was told of a flight which would depart in 15 minutes, I coudln't pass it up". I mean, who doesn't get tips for cheap or free international flights while in public hospitals, right? Everyone who read about this must have thought the exact same thing: 03 helped him escape, as he did with Allan dos Santos and offered to do to others, including Steve fucking Bannon, and the proof will surface in a few days because they're too stupid to cover things up and/or they're sure they'll get away with it. Behold, like clockwork, proof the charlatan who talked a country into genocide skipped town on an air force plane which was transporting a pseudo-minister to Murka and made this unplanned brief stop to help him escape justice. They didn't record at least part of those activities and might have even left some flight sign thingamabob turned off, which adds even more crimes to the pile: https://nitter.ir/sergioleo/status/1462059584609300486 https://nitter.ir/_danielaabade/status/1461418676624760836 https://nitter.ir/_danielaabade/status/1462096207036231690

A very rare instance of a circus member tattling on their former colleagues. A not-so-brief recap: Sara Winter (actually Sara Fernanda Giromini) is a bonafide case of histrionic personality disorder, having started her "career" with those Femen idiots (from whence Carla Zambelli also spawned), and jumped into the Bozo bandwagon as a culture warrior. Her big claim to fame was to be a stunt remarkably ill-conceived even by the circus' standards, a re-enactment of Murka's infamous tiki torch march with a reference to a fashie-favorite work of fiction, which she creatively named 300 from Brazil. The turnout was pathetic, it might not have had even 30 people (video related), which goes to show how non-organic reactionaries are. That stunt made her one of the only 6 or so people who Alexandre de Moraes actually punished for the antidemocracy bullshit, but like half of those, she's already free. In any case, she claims to have fully abandoned her reactoid ways, which, given her personality disorder, is disingenuous, but in any case, she actually did narc on former accomplices, which is more than can be said for most. Which brings me to the actual new information I meant to impart with this paragraph. Her account hit the press today, and according to her, general Heleno, the head of the fucking presidential intelligence office and a huge crook, was himself coordinating various Bozo stooges like Sara into coordinated attacks in media. Everyone knew this was taking place, really, this is just confirmation from the horse's mouth: https://nitter.ir/RenanPeixoto_/status/1462082265366859777

The latest shindig: another circus member, this one an elected federal Representative, started singing today as well, and provided a hard number for the massive pork barrell payola scheme in Congress. According to him, each vote to elect Bozo's stooge Lira as head representative this year cost 10m bananabux (recap: heads of each house are elected every 2 years, coindicing exactly with a presidential term's two halves; mr. Nice Guy from the first half thought he was gonna get his successor elected this year, got his shit pushed in by this maneuver and was ejected from his party when he demanded answers, thus going from grey eminence to lame duck overnight). Lira was elected fairly easily with 302 votes out of 512 Representatives, so that's 3b bananabux. Remember mensalão, the pork barrel scheme which media spun into "THE BIGGEST CORRUPTION SCANDAL IN THE HISTORY OF EVER", was anything between 50 to 150m. Yes, million. Bozo's government spent 20-60 mensalões on a single voting. For the infamous public pension reform (which took place under mr Nice Guy, who was as much a gulag fodder as the rest despite not being a Bozo stooge), the price was 20m per Representative. That means well past 7.4b. And God knows how much more was spent. Recently, the House voted on yet another pork barrell bill – it was literally nothing but pork barrell so Representatives would aprove bills which Bozo actually wanted – and to get that approved, the circus paid them 1.2b the previous week alone. In total, October had 2.9b. That's 20-60 more mensalões. See the immense rise in those two bars in 2021 and 2021? That's the bit of the budget bill where the circus decided to tuck away this scheme. If the scale of this shitshow seems downright absurd, well that's exactly how deep in shit we are. https://twitter.com/guilhermezmazi1/status/1462010210252431361 https://theintercept.com/2021/11/20/delegado-waldir-orcamento-secreto-eleicao-lira-emenda-relator/

All of that happened or were revealed in the span of a few days. And they're still not the entirety of the circus' bullshit within that time frame. These 3 years have been an endless crescendo of absurdity, tempered by only 2 things: the test-selected chunk of civil service (God bless their souls) and the sheer ineptitude of Bozo and his ilk. I, like everyone else, thought the rest of the State would put up some resistance against his bullshit. But nope, any trace of civility and republicanism on show came from either elected leftists or part of the test-selected servants. That's it. I'm now convinced that everyone in power outside of the left not only expected but wanted a coup, and were frustrated by Bozo's continued failure to deliver. That's when they switched to tard-wrangler mode, keeping Bozo from hurting himself too much and preserving him for the election while allowing him to assemble pieces for some sort of palace or blank coup. And let me be clear this definitely includes STF.

Despite coming out of this looking like Bozo's opponents, an appraisal of STF's track record shows them doing less than the bare minimum necessary to keep him from completely degenerating the State. Their single decisive action against him was blocking that law which would all but legalize militias, and I'm sure that the STF stopped it simply because they knew that they would be fucked in case Bozo ever pulled a violent coup – neither of the houses of Congress saw any problem with that absurd bill. One decision which could be seen as decisively against Bozo was forcing the head of the Senate to create the COVID senate enquiry, but that can be explained by keeping up appearance of opposition and not expecting the enquiry to do much – which, in the end, is what happened. besides those two things, STF has only kept up appearances. Like I mentioned, the antidemocracy shitshow, which involved porkies all over the crowd and a constellation of pundits, influencers and other dregs of information society, only 6 were arrested, and only 3 of those are still under arrest the last time I checked. Every once in a while, they issue some court order forcing Bozo or one of his accomplices to explain this or that decision or, more often, their inaction, and nothing ever comes from those, I'm convinced they do this just for the optics of the news saying that, a tactic they must have learned from the circus itself.


Aaaand something else related to the office which runs the university entrance exams. Bozo censored studies which showed accomplishments of PT education policies.


>Professores se unem e criam escola sem patrão nem diretor em SP
>As mensalidades custam em torno de R$ 2.800


Tá explicado o preço.


Now that Didier Raoult is finally falling from grace, his team is spilling the beans. It would be nice if they did it, y'know, before his bullshit got hundreds of thousands of people killed, but hey, better late than never.


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Lula is first-page news in Spain. Ours can't find any time or space to talk about him what with incessant news about the PSDB primaries.

Civilização sem exploração custa caro.



Matou a democracia e foi ao cinema assistir comédia e rir até o cu fazer bico.


I always said most Bozo supporters were bots and fakes, but damn, Moro's supporters make the former look like an unstoppable mass movement.


PSDB suspende prévias após aplicativo de votação falhar. bit.ly/3kWpXRA


O que acham do Lula? O que de bom viria com a sua presidência?


Senhora foi num "protesto" pró-Bozo vestida de verde, pediu o microfone, e…


Sabe o tourinho da bovespa? >>484416

É feito de…
>Touro de Ouro da B3 é de isopor, anti-ostentação e não copia Wall Street, diz autor www1.folha.uol.com.br/mercado/2021/11/touro-de-ouro-da-b3-e-de-isopor-anti-ostentacao-e-nao-copia-wall-street-diz-autor.shtml

Não dá nem pra tacar fogo que iria criar uma arma química.


Falando só por mim mesmo, antes de ver o vídeo, minha análise é que Lula terá uma oportunidade única de desfazer toda essa merda e recriar as instituições melhores e modernizadas sem conflito civil… mas ele não só desperdiçará essa chance como ainda vai levar mais um golpe. Sua única chance de sobrevevência política e, talvez, literal, é partir pro populismo na veia, pois popularidade é a única coisa que ainda pode coibir a pior elite do mundo. Porém, ao que tudo indica, ele já escolheu o caminho oposto, garantindo voto só pelo carisma, sem engajar o povo, e ao invés disso gasta seu tempo pedindo misericórdia pros filhos da puta que já deram 2 golpes, e afastá-lo do povo é exatamente o que eles querem. Essencialmente, está indo desarmado pra um duelo. E não será por falta de aviso.


>um sistema que está falhando em se auto-perpetuar.
Bicho, você realmente acha que esta República viciada e degenerada vai embora? Uma democracia não representativa é a melhor forma de dar a falsa ilusão à população de que a mudança ainda é possível, ao mesmo tempo de manter o oligopólio político.

Apesar de – compreensivelmente – não ser muito vista em ciclos de esquerda, a fala do peruano Mario Llosa:
>México es una dictadura perfecta. La dictadura perfecta no es el comunismo, no es la URSS, no es Fidel Castro, la dictadura perfecta es México. Porque es la dictadura camuflada. De tal modo que puede parecer no ser una dictadura, pero tiene de hecho, si le escarbas, todas las características de la dictadura; la permanencia, no de un hombre, pero sí de un partido inamovible, que concede cierto espacio para la crítica en la medida que esta crítica le sirve, pero que suprime por todos los medios, incluso los peores, aquella crítica que de alguna manera pone en peligro su permanencia.
Me parece ressoar de forma relativamente similar ao que temos aqui (com algumas modificações bem necessárias à ideia, é claro).

Viver nesse país por tempo o suficiente me ensinou que ninguém chega a algum cargo importante da República sem estar chafurdado de lama até certo nível. Lula não é diferente.

Acreditar em política partidária/eleitoralismo no Brasil é pedir pra se iludir.


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A sua consideração é muito bem vinda, anão.




>Bolsonaro censurou Karl Marx na prova do ENEM e o MEC foi lá e meteu uma questão sobre Engels kkkkkkk

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