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 [Last 50 Posts]

Old Thread: >>674709

>Protests started for gas prices raise two days ago

>Rapidly became widespread
>Government resigned few hours ago
<Protestors started storming palaces of government and institutions all around the country
>CSTO called in, effect unclear yet
>no response yet from the west
Old thread full, continue discussion here


>Trotsky supported Stalin


Yes but many MLs cope about Trotsky and do the edgy icepick meme because the man they worship is a paranoid Georgian peasant.


>stalin was a ML


After you're done arguing about Trots, answer my question.


Wikipedia editors are the ones trying to claim liberals are behind it all though???


>Lenin was a ML




>not paranoid


That's why they changed it.


you're angling to screech about glowies


Trotsky's ideology and interpretation of Marxism, specifically from a Leninist perspective is undistinguishable from Stalin's


Based trotskist-maoist moment.


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it's a decentralized protest sweeties



Kazakhstan government is evil dictatorship that is in he pockets of authoritarian oligarchies like Putinist Russia and Xiist China. I support the protesters in toppling their regime and liberalizing the country as that is the only way we can eventually bring about a socialist revolution in Kazachstan.


NOOOOOOO all those arguments I had were deep complex theory.


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>Kazakh workers protest over the gas prices


Turanic Juche with its necromancer powers will revive Trotsky. He shall rise from his grave in Mexico to lead the Kazakh proletariat towards socialism.


holy shit xes back


фашистская свинья



no sense of humor, lmao


>defending Stalin


The current president of khazahstan was the director general of UN lol

Yaaaas queen we Stan the UN fuck those filthy protestors burning banks and buildings eww. BEAT THEM DOWN NOW!!! LAW AND ORDER!!!



Well yeah, I need ammo.
Not these protesters. I mean any protesters, in general, as an MO. I remember watching the Turkish coup attempt live on /pol/, and "airport" was a big deal. In fact, airports often come up in military objectives very quickly. But just protesters? Gonna need more info.


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Its extremely important to know that Kazakhstan has a conscription army unlike the west has. Its a popular army formed from common citizens that can switch sides and shoot to kill all security forces.


Is it mandatory conscription?


>Trotsky will be leading the new wave of revolutions the world over.
Yeah, like Euromaidan and FSA, enthusiastically supported by trotoids all over the world


fucking seriously


> fuck those filthy protestors burning banks and buildings eww. BEAT THEM DOWN NOW!!! LAW AND ORDER!!!
this unironically


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Learn how to have a laugh, retard.


Why wouldn't Trots defend the most successful exporter of the Revolution?


>Only trotskist revolution in history is the one some lazy wikipedia editor made up and then quickly corrected


Feel like there's more glowies itt than in Almaty rn


Wasn't there a hardcore "Marxist-leninist" party in Italy that critically supported ISIS?
I mean, I am a Marxist Leninist, but I can recognize there's people who are retarded in both sects of leftism.


Hey broski, there's a difference between Trotsky and Trotskyists. It's a well established fact that trots are almost all retarded.



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cry harder, faggot


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Read the president of kazahstan political positions

This dude glows do hard lmao


Do you guys have a new source? Special forces battling with protestors?



>Wasn't there a hardcore "Marxist-leninist" party in Italy that critically supported ISIS?



>Armenia says peacekeepers from Russian-led alliance to go to Kazakhstan



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As i said, i'm the the one having a laugh here, imbecile.


>Political party: Nur Otan
>Reversed it spells "Nato Run"
Yep I know who to trust


These were Maoists lol, that makes it even more hilarious


Plenty of hard core Marxist-Leninist parties in Europe. This makes americans wonder.




Хули шутишь с помощью Фюрера? Что, тебе бы помешал ледоруб? (Ну, по крайне мере, Троцкому помешал ледоруб).


with 500 members max


I love how neoliberals defending putin are seething.


post the actual media please, not a telegram linl which is a security risk


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>nooooooo you can't loot shit


Yes but these parties keep the ideology alive even with low membership rates.


>Januray 5, 2021


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Did they not get the memo on picrel?


The sequel is gonna be very weird.


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cope harder and go edit some wikipedia


Western media is too dumb to keep up with the events. Citizens using social media is better source of information.


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>CSTO peacekeeping forces will be able to stay in Kazakhstan until the situation stabilizes - head of the Russian State Duma committee Kalashnikov




Russian civil war: Borat edition


This happened a year ago but noone noticed until now.



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Losurdo is such a chad




Yeah sure but please upload the actual media. I am not going to make a new telegram account just for this.


So the protest doesn't glow, the US didn't cry about muh property when shit was burning in HK and Belarus


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Not sure if it was posted in the first thread but apparently some protests got a hold of some guns. Shit may intesify pretty quickly.


RT tied people are so embarrassing to follow ATM. Complete mouth pieces of whatever Russia wants them to say today.

Really showing their asses today. So much for independent thinkers and investigative journalist


>Implying this is bad


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Pssssh, these libs think they can challenge the military genius of Leon Trotsky.


We ain’t out of the woods yet, Kazakhstan still does have reasonably warm relations with the west and tries to pass itself off as a liberal democracy like the west is.


Kazakhstan armed forces will react to foreigners trying to enforce "based" russian imperialism on them.


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ITT: westoid communists who are adamantly defending the Kazakh regime because they think the protestors (working class) are CIA/NED/EU/some western alphabet agency backed.




Only a matter of time before they are.


I think the mood is changing tbh, at least right now


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This is their website apparently
>After the strike began at Tengizchevroil in Atyrau region, workers organized an indefinite rally in the very regional center – Atyrau. Then the rallies covered many regions of the country, and the miners of the Karaganda region and the miners of the Kazakhmys Corporation in Zhezkazgan and Satpayev joined the strike.

>At the same time, the rally in Atyrau began with a scuffle when the police and the SOBR tried not to let the columns of workers pass. Subsequently, the rally continued and was declared indefinite by the participants. Meanwhile, in Aktau, the authorities attempted to appease the strikers and protesters, saying that they had decided to reduce the price of liquefied gas to 50 tenge for residents of the Mangystau region.

>But no sooner had Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Yeraly Tugzhanov and Energy Minister Magzum Mirzagaliyev announced this decision on Yntymak Square in Aktau, than the protesters drove them from the podium and kicked them out of the rally itself, almost beating them on the way. And the akim of the region, Nurlan Nogaev, who was trying to fly from the regional center, was simply not allowed to leave by striking oil workers who blocked all approaches to the airport.

>It seems that this concession was too late, as the workers demanded higher wages, construction of new enterprises, improvement of working conditions, and the most radical part of the young workers demanded the resignation of the president and the government.

>In addition, on the same day, workers and residents of Aktobe, Uralsk, Kyzyl-Orda, Turkestan, Shymkent, Kokshetau, Kostanay, Taldykorgan, Ekibastuz, Almaty region, Taraz and other cities and districts of Kazakhstan began to take to the streets. There was a rally in Astana with road closures. Truckers blocked part of the streets in Shymkent.

>In the evening and at night on January 4, miners of the Karaganda region and miners of the Kazakhmys Corporation in the former Zhezkazgan region went on strike, and striking oil workers blocked the railway and highway at the Tengiz field.

>Then the authorities made attempts to disperse the rallies in Astana, Taraz, Taldykorgan, Ekibastuz, Kokshetau and Uralsk. At the same time, the police used stun grenades, batons and special equipment. In Taraz, mothers with many children who went out for a peaceful rally and all journalists were massively detained.

>But the greatest clashes and mass protests engulfed Almaty, where at first motorists blocked roads, and then began to gather and moved on foot from different directions to the akimat of the city, where they attempted to seize the administrative building. The police also used stun grenades, tear gas, batons and rubber bullets.

>But the youth did not back down and even pushed back the police on a number of central streets. In order to prevent the coordination of the protesters' efforts, the authorities blocked the Internet, cellular communications and actually blocked a number of electronic media. Meanwhile, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev declared a state of emergency in Almaty and Mangystau region for a period from January 5 from 01:30 to 00:00 on January 19, 2022.

>He also said that he would convene the government on January 5 on all urgent social issues. But then a rumor was spread by pro-government bloggers that the entire cabinet of ministers who allegedly failed to fulfill the president's instructions would resign on that day. With this, the presidential administration and Nursultan Nazarbayev, who is the permanent head of the Security Council, want to relieve some of the tension in society.

>But this is unlikely to happen, since the protests have become massive, and indefinite rallies are taking place in Kyzylorda, Atyrau and in a number of cities, as well as strikes continue in Mangistau, Atyrau and Karaganda regions. Despite attempts to disperse the rallies in Aktau and Zhanaozen by force, protests are still continuing there.

>On Wednesday, it will be clear how and where the mass movement will move further and whether the same large rallies will be repeated on January 4. One thing is clear to people that now no one believes the words of the president and the government, and if the wave of popular anger subsides, then we should expect, as after the shooting of oil workers in 2011, arrests, repression and torture.


they're not communists if they defend the party of order


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Where is Trotsky right now?




In hell


Same thing actually.


Tons of online "leftist" are not leftist they just seek out what they view as a anti-america position then defend it

Look at the moment some are convinced now by Russia news to defend kazakstan president who just fired everyone but himself and was the former director general of United Nations from 2011-2013

What does this director general of UN offer to leftism? Nothing lol but they got to be conttarian and defend him



Leading the proletariat to paint, in a single color, a new era, on new foundations, for all of the human race.


I just want to know what North Korea has to say.


Contrarian and defend him*


Guys let's fucking take over the airport of our city because oil is expensive!
<this is what glowies actually want us to believe


>In order to prevent the coordination of the protesters' efforts, the authorities blocked the Internet, cellular communications and actually blocked a number of electronic media.
how would you get around this? handheld radios?


noooo ur just a westoid tankie!


They will defend russia no matter how many communists they gulag and torture in russia.


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Is this communism?


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satellite internet, other countries cell service, ect


gas prices are a very common day-to-day point of contention all over the world. remember that fuel prices are also a large factor in having sparked the yellow-vest protests in France


>Implying there isn't oil on an airport


>Yess…… silly prole………. NEVER protest in a way that can challenge our grip………… STAND PASSIVELY BY AND ACCEPT our inflated prices………… if you just worked harder for me, you could afford it easily………..


The letter says January 5th 2021, is it really about today?


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No, not really. And even if it turns out to be the case, then that just means the new Kazakh government will be less backwards and thus (on behalf of workers) more susceptible to an actual socialist revolution down the road.
Communism, if we are talking about Engels, is about forming stateless, classless and moneyless societies after decades of continued accumulated wealth under a socialist society. Few communists actually understand this and no non-communists do. Nobody wants to live in such a society because the everyman is dependent on the government and a monetary system that isn’t inherently exploiting them. Workers and communist praxis are an oxymoron. Most workers are apolitical and just want to provide for their families, which is something westoid “communists” hate because they’re mostly gay and socially maladaptive nerds.


Instead of defending communism they defend any far-rightist who is against america. This is not revolutionary communism its not even SPD defending liberalism.


And how does that align with taking over an

<implying jet fuel can be used for cars

<"protest" aka launch a military operation grade assault out of fucking nowhere with seemingly no real organization being involved
You are really this gullible?


would these still work if signals were jammed? i don't think they can block short range handheld radio even with signal jamming but im not sure


Please provide one example of westernoid supported regime change paving the way for socialism. Just one.


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>And how does that align with taking over an airport?
it doesn't necessarily, this is just the sort of thing which demonstratively can act as a spark for unrest based in all sorts of discontents


>www.google.com/search?q="the united states is closely following the situation in kazakhstan"


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I reckon it's a real uprising.


Proletarians of all lands unite.


<implying jet fuel can be used for cars
What are you, a pussy?
Also there's more than just planes, they have cars all around and thus need car fuel.


>the new Kazakh government will be less backwards (on behalf of workers) more susceptible to an actual socialist revolution down the road.
Headcanon. Things can always get worse and in the case of countries that get invaded by the West they always do. Also stop avatarfagging with this ugly cunt., this ain't reddit.


Have you fucks ever been in a protest? Do you know how hard it is to even steer a crowd? Now you don't even take an organized crowd but one without any organization whatsoever, manage to get ahold of weapons and then storm strategic spots of the state within hours? This happens every day huh?


jamming usually works by filling all frequencies with a powerful transmission of static or other kinds of audio-destructive noise to prevent communication, but it only tends to work very locally
there are also reserved frequencies for the military, police, ambulances, ect which are almost never jammed so communications can be passed on from sympathetic elements that way


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>Y-Y-you're c-c-coooping!!!!
Cry me a river, faggot.


Why would they go to the airport to siphon car fuel if they can do it on every fucking parking car in the street you moron

I can't believe how fucking gullible you guys are lmao


>crowd takes over an airport
you're a schizo and a retarded one.


did you not read >>491018 ?


>points to support the amorphous protest movement
>isn't aware that this could be another maidan
Better wait and see before already doing morality sketches.
Someone should post again the KKE statement


It's you who doesn't realize how quickly people can come together because you most likely live in a hyper atomized Western country. Don't assume everyone else is as meek and sheepish as a Westoid.


Some of you guys are complaining about "fuel price" reason as if protestors can control what media print.

Im looking at usa media, Russia media and china media and all characterize it as fuel price reasoning.

Whether that is true or false doesn't make the protest more real or fake. The reporters will push whatever reason they say then it will spread across globe. You'd have to speak to a protestor 1 on 1 to know real reason they are mad


Yeah bro I'm sure the random mob in Kazakhstan that formed just today was able to do this all including looting weapons 100% spontaneously within hours without any political organization having pushed for it before

Then name me a single other "spontaneous revolution" in the past 20 years that had zero organized leadership and wasn't a glow-op.


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>p-please do research for me!
Lol. There is no “invasion” from the west in Kazakhstan. I’m originally from there and live elsewhere now, still have family who have suffered from the backwards government. Nazarbayev is Putin’s lapdog and Putin himself is just a liberal who jails communists, yet for some reason leftypol defends him anyway like the reactionaries you all are.(Is coffee good for you?)


Most of the Arab Spring protests, most notably Egypt? Go outside of the West and you'll find many such cases.


if you weren't terminally online, you'd know that if there's already an undercurrent of discontent, a small protest can balloon quickly as more people get the chance to make their anger known. Fuck your paredolia.


>tfw you make it in time for the soviet reunion


Bro how many Slavic chicks does this uygha have saved?


The yellow vests was a spontaneous movement without organized leadership which was quick to take over supply lines, fight cops and try to take over state institutions. Macron claims it was russian glowies tho, to everyone it's schizophrenia I guess


Keep defending liberalism. I pity you.



Lmfao the Arab Spring protests had parties that preceded them and were glowed to hell, are you fucking 12?

>if you weren't terminally online, you'd know that if there's already an undercurrent of discontent
This isn't the gotcha that you think it is given that neither you or I live in Kazakhstan hence media being our news source lmfao

>a small protest can balloon quickly as more people get the chance to make their anger known. Fuck your paredolia.

Yeah bro I will fucking quote all of you whores in 1 week and we will see where your color revolution goes.


He has actually a good position if a federation is formed.


if this means you'll go and cry somewhere else for a while, great.


>Lmfao the Arab Spring protests had parties that preceded them and were glowed to hell, are you fucking 12?
you have a child understanding of those or you're a glowie yourself


He's eyes are lucid for happiness


>please do research for me
The burden of proof is on the one making the claim, glowie.


Как-то не верится


I have an entire harem of “Slavic chicks” who mostly prefer Central Asian men like myself and think communists in the west are gay retards.


>The yellow vests was a spontaneous movement without organized leadership
Name me the time Yellow Vests distributed weaponry and took over airports. A protest isn't a revolution.

>to take over supply lines, fight cops and try to take over state institutions

Maybe this is what happened in bizarro Gonzaloist blogs but not in reality, you are really exaggerating the outcome of these protests




you're ignorant


во что ты не веришь?


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>muh airport
that's your only fucking point isn't it?
>distributed weapons
Kazakh is post soviet with AKs for days on the black market, wouldn't be difficult to make a cache of them
this isn't as important as you seem to think it is


I cant find any vid of them occupying the airport, only looting of shops
There was also talk of preventing the airport from being used to bring in military reinforcements, but no vids
People like you just believe the masses are dumb sheeple that are never capable of anything unless elites control them
There have been strikes, mass protests in previous years


>ITT: Anarkiddies and leftcoms falling for the spontaneous revolution meme so hard they will support whatever operation the West will conduct right now
>Unironically believing socialism can rise out of a protest in a country that has systematically cracked down on communism for the past 30 years and that has zero socialists leadership bar one newspaper party
>Unironically thinking legitimate grievances will not be co-opted by the CIA in record time



>believe the masses are dumb sheeple that are never capable of anything unless elites control them
they can't fathom people are actually smart and can get organized quickly, they think great men did all the revolutions or some shit


The weapons were likely stolen from local arsenals/police stations
Just because westernoids are cucked and dont think of doing this doesnt mean the rest of the world is the same


b-but the based wikipedia trotskysts will create the USSR 2.0 and BTFO the evil westoid communists!


how's the weather at 24 Kuznetsky Most, Moscow, Russia "comrade"?


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I want to believe


Во все, ты якобы коммунист, а так снисходишь до рабочих? Хотят кормить себя и свою семью, ну хорош. А как, нахрен, это мешает придерживаться коммунизма?


This needs to be said


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Where is this?


Thread theme
If it turns out this is some fed shit again I will personally look for every one of you fags and drown you in glow in the dark paint




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It's not just the airport but other strategic spots as well. Also remember that the entire fucking Internet is down. How would regular ass people even know the specific locations of some of these government buildings? Do you know where your government's intelligence office HQ is without looking it up online?

>People like you just believe the masses are dumb sheeple that are never capable of anything unless elites control them
Oh people are capable alright, but with organizations they are more capable. One of the main demands resounding right now is restoring the liberal constitution of 1993 - you are naive if you think the CIA doesn't have cells in every major country for incidents like this.


>if it's fed shit
It's not feds walking off at these factories and shit motherfucker. If feds coopt the movement it's not because it was doomed to be that way from the start.


Marxism requires being in touch with material realities.


>basic theory


>if I hide my feelings behind work like material and theory they'll think I'm smart


>Unironically believing socialism can rise out of a protest in a country that has systematically cracked down on communism for the past 30 years and that has zero socialists leadership bar one newspaper party
>Unironically thinking legitimate grievances will not be co-opted by the CIA in record time
>Unrest is useless and will just be used by the CIA
Yes this is doomerism not materialism


>revolution is literally not possible unless it's the CIA
>even if it is possible it will soon be the CIA




Remember when /leftypol/ said fucking CHAZ was the start of an anarchist revolution in the USA and anyone who saw it was just an unorganized mess was a tankie doomer blablabla? Getting lots of deja vu.


It's only possible if there are organized movements with solid demands backing the masses, otherwise it will fizzle out and get co-opted by better organized people.


>Nazarbayev is Putin’s lapdog and Putin himself is just a liberal who jails communists,
How can i defend putin if this is true? Is FSB liberalism better than CIA liberalism? Its a false dichotomy to me. Both russia and america suck ass.


Unfortunate yet undeniable truth….. this whole marxism stuff is just unworkable…. I think we ought to turn to social democracy, we could at least win some sweet concessions that way….


>i will not question Anything i will immediately defer to what RT is reporting and attack any movement that goes against what they say

t. Average Putin cultist

You know you can use your own mind to figure out what glows and doesn't right?


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>>Unrest is useless and will just be used by the CIA
Yes, if there isn't an actual leftist movement directing the workers, protests will just fade into obscurity or get co-opted by glowies or opportunists. Stop being 12 years old.


Во все, ты якобы коммунист, а так снисходишь до рабочих? Хотят кормить себя и свою семью, ну хорош. А как, нахрен, это мешает придерживаться коммунизма?


Only anarchoids believed that larp


Glowfags giving themselves away? How unprofessional are the motherfuckers?


Pretty sure most people were memeing, CHAZ was radlibs and everyone who wasn’t a theorylet could see it


Рабочий класс в Казахстане аполитичен, это не коммунисты, которые проводят весь день в таких местах, как теория левотипного чтения.


Honestly, I think it’s gonna fizzle out by next week. The protestors have gathered a lot of ground, but how sustainable are there gains?



It can at least be a radicalizing moment and maybe we will see an emergent communist movement


Could this be the 1905 moment


You just KNOW people will take that tweet as fact too lmao. By an RT employee



They'll be gone as soon as they get threatened by Russian bullets


No, it's the 1667 moment


FSB is not better than the CIA. We talk about multi-polarity a lot - but it only makes sense if socialists can grow in the periphery, which isn't happening in Kazakhstan. Any crisis is an opportunity, but you need the have your organization in place *already* when the crisis escalates, not after it. Otherwise you end up like Trots at the back of protests thinking they speak for everyone when they are irrelevant and represent nobody in the community. To think legitimately that this protest will do anything for socialism (or even worse anarchism) in the short-term is delusional. At BEST, if things go well, it could allow the fostering of a new socialist movement under the new climate of Kazakhstan - but if this new government is more CIA-inclined, why should they even give up on the anti-communist repressions of the past? They obviously don't have a problem with such repressions (see: Baltic states) at all.

The best time for organizing was in the past, the second-best-time is now - but it's way too late to steer this ship properly now. I mean even the fact that nearly the entire country is cut off from the Internet and telephone lines are down necessitate that you need local face-to-face communication - how are you able to communicate intricate strategies without any organization in place? Even anarchists have their own form of organizations and decorum and rules.


If this is a glow op, I think that's pretty likely. Considering the Cuban "protests" (can hardly even call them that) lasted barely a week, and we all know those were glowed to all hell with that #CubaSOS retardation, I think the glowies are far less likely to give a shit about fucking Kazakhstan, so yeah if it is an op I don't see it lasting that long.


Most of party buildings and police headquarters are burning. This steam has been building up since the fall of soviet union and the establishment of the current oligarchy. Just because western news isnt covering it for you personally doesnt make it unreal.


Тогда их собирай, учите. Думаешь, что я коммунист благодаря моим идеалам? Нет, меня интересуют одни жратва и жилье. А капиталисты вряд ли мне дают их. Чувствуют, что-то не так, а не знают слов, ведь власти не научили их словам. Тебе их этому научить.


They have guns, they managed to raid a federal police office and many people have walked off the job. It has popular support clearly. So my guess is it could be years of fighting.


Burgers also burned plenty of police buildings and everything fizzled out in like a month. You people are just desperate for habbenings.


Sure thing bro i will support liberalism now.


Keep tilting at that windmill, Don


The george floyd protests were huge and radicalized many people, in addition to straining leo severely and increasing hatred of the cops. It did by no metric "fizzle"


I think this might be a 1905 moment. Definitely pushes the dialectic forward, but it’s not gonna establish a socialist state


What you need to support is communism.




it at least is late 1800s. I think perhaps 1905 will be the next one with a growing socialist movement and then 1917 will be the revolution


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Honestly this looks like either glow or fizzle, not too optimistic. If this ends up being a socialist mass uprising I'm actually gonna drink my piss on camera and post it here


and communists should support the historical party


yes it is pretty funny how correct I am, you are right


It activated and mobilized people, raises consciousness, but it didn’t reach that threshold for making a classpilled mass movement. Not visibly at least.


>/leftypol/ actually believes this


Капитализм не так распространен в западной либеральной онтологии, как вы думаете. Люди в Казахстане разнообразны и не хотят ассоциироваться с отсталыми российскими и китайскими обществами. Они хотят сбалансировать некоторые западные ценности, и это неплохо.


>The george floyd protests were huge and radicalized many people
Did they really? People forgot about most of it already, and most blamed police brutality per se instead of the capitalist system behind it.

>in addition to straining leo severely and increasing hatred of the cops

NYC for example has an explicitly pro-cop mayor now.


Like I said earlier this day this gives great opportunities to KPRF and Kazakhstanis. The status quo of Putinist liberalism must be broken for something new to emerge. Absolutely nothing of value will be lost. Quite the opposite Putin is rabid anti-communist and it makes me sick that people here defend him.


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>Absolutely nothing of value will be lost.
Really depends on what replaces it, doesn't it?

>Quite the opposite Putin is rabid anti-communist

He obviously is


there's comfort in being a dimwit refusing to engage in the complexity of the present, it's safer and less demanding to shelter in the idealization of familiar historical patterns


>Absolutely nothing of value will be lost.



Atlantic council posted a short article 1 hour ago. You should read it to understand the usa view of this going on.


>People forgot about most of it already,
and most blamed police brutality per se instead of the capitalist system behind it.
Many people do, there was socialists and communists at the movement and video of crowds cheering while this guy talked about fighting capitalism with racial solidarity.
Of course we should not expect everyone to have a class consciousness right away. The unrest over police brutality, a necessary vanguard of capital is huge


Do you have any argument at all or am I entirely correct and you are reaffirming what I have to say?


You're the dimwit for thinking it is meant literally and not just a metaphor. The socialist movement began to form in the late 1800s, 1905 is a metaphor for failure-yet-success, and 1917 was the big one. You could totally abstract these away from their historical years and find that it is just an extended metaphor for growth, failure, regrouping, and then success.

With the obvious caveat that the real headache starts after the revolution.


Isn't Kazakhstan like, THE BIGGEST producer of cotton or some shit?


It is a precursor to a class pilled mass movement. I am not saying communists sit on your hands now but this is a good sign and opportunity for us.


Potassium iirc


So if I'm reading that well the US wants to see the protests die down in the short term to avoid major economic perturbations. But since this article Russia decided to send security forces so that may change.


Assuming you're a Yankcuck (no offense), do you know of people who got radicalized? Obviously don't wanna hear names here but did you notice people changed after those riots?



>In relation to the uranium markets, Kazakhstan makes up about 43% of global uranium production, as it is home to the world's largest uranium producer, Kazatomprom, Stockhead reports. Some market observers warn that the political unrest could further fuel higher uranium prices.




Idrees ahmed is an actual glowie tho. Like a literal one, earned his spurs in Syria and is not in fact real person


>Kazakhstan has 12% of the world's uranium resources and in 2020 produced about 19,500 tU3O8. In 2009 it became the world's leading uranium producer, with almost 28% of world production. In 2019, Kazakhstan produced 43% of the world's uranium.



I have seen it a lot online and public disturbance is necessary for intentions setting and letting people realise they can fight against authority and the state. I am a Marxist before you smugly decry >anarkiddie or some shit


And he is still correct that the MI6 claim is bogus misdrection to fedjacket the protestors.


Does the US have a lot of investments on Kazakhstan or something that should be notable? If their worry is economic perturbations I imagine something must be in stake for them specifically to wish the protests to die down.


>soviet reunion but it's bourgeous states sending tanks to each other to calm the workers down
Sad to see


>I have seen it a lot online
That's a bit of a pity, would have liked to hear real-life stuff.

>public disturbance is necessary for intentions setting and letting people realise they can fight against authority and the state

I am pro-chaos as long as it happens in Burgerland. I was very happy over the George Floyd stuff. Seeing as that the USA is the biggest devil nation to have existed, even having such riots was a huge deal. I mean Trump had to hide in a bunker. HOWEVER, the protest movement did fizzle-out and the lack of coordination did contribute to this. Furthermore, it seems very little of the demands have been met, so its importance was mostly symbolic (which is a start at least).


Check the last paragraph of the article:
>The United States should definitely collect and analyze information, talk to everybody, protect considerable American investments there, and support sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the secular nature of Kazakhstan—which has excellent relations with the United States.


>It's only possible if there are organized movements with solid demands backing the masses
and why do you know that that isn't occurring there?
because the thin-gruel first-day sources haven't reflected it deeply yet possibly?


Chevron owns a quarter of the state oil company and Exxon owns another quarter (great "state company").


>Literally owned by western companies.
Yep the protesters are based.


Literally Marxism-Infraredism


>and why do you know that that isn't occurring there?
It most likely is occurring, but from the wrong people.


and where is proofs


If a socialist bloc among the overall protesters manages to form itself I think that will greatly expand the potential for something greater to happen. As of now all these decentralized protests with no leadership, glowed and non-glowed alike, have always died down eventually, achieving little to none of their goals.


Putinism is a stand in for the soviet reunion. Until it's these low tier dictators holding "democracy" togheter is all good as the fall will he inevitable.


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>unmarked vehicles delivering weapons to rioters
Hol up


ASB, 8f I remember well, is REALLY pro-russian.


>foreign-sponsored terrorists
the pres needs his meds


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lol bitcoin going down because of this


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Wonder to what extent are ethnic Russians participating in this


well they won't say "we're going to shoot poor workers who can't live decently without cheap gas"




Wonder what country they can point they fingers to when pressed for specifics without pissing of their "business partners"



I bring you the schizo angle of protest. BEHOLD!!!!!

>During his live broadcast on January 5, 2022, Mr. Miles Guo revealed the breaking news that yesterday’s massive protest in Kazakhstan was incited by the Chinese Communist Party because the President of Kazakhstan refused to repatriate 100 tons of gold to Communist China.

>Kazakhstan, a small country in Central Asia, has a disproportionately large gold reserve of 500 tons. In comparison, the official size of gold reserves in Russia and China are 2500 tons and 2000 tons, respectively. Former Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev frequently visited Hainan Province in China and had good relationships with Chen Feng, Wang Jian (former executives of HNA Group), Wang Qishan (Vice Chairman of Communist China), and Jiang Zemin family—Wang Qishan and Jiang Zemin are political rivals of Xi Jinping. It turns out that Wang Qishan and Jiang Zemin have a hidden stash of 100 tons of gold in Kazakhstan: Wang Qishan’s gold was transported from Vietnam and Cambodia into Kazakhstan. Now Xi Jinping is taking actions against his political rivals and demanded Kazakhstan to return the hidden stash of gold, yet the former Kazakh President refused.

>Communist China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Kazakhstan a few days ago and threatened to overthrow the Kazakh government if the gold is not returned. As predicted, massive protests erupted across Kazakhstan after Wang Yi left. In retaliation, the Kazakh President even threatened to build a diplomatic relationship with Taiwan. Mr. Miles Guo who has a good friendship with Nazarbayev’s family told Nazarbayev six months ago that he would be destroyed if he refused Communist China’s demand. Nazarbayev dismissed the comment, saying Xi Jinping wouldn’t dare to do so. But now both Russia and Communist China are pressuring Kazakhstan to return the gold. According to Mr. Guo, Nazarbayev’s family surrendered a few hours ago and agreed to return the gold in three or four shipments to China.

>The most preposterous aspect is that Communist China plots to blame the incident on the United States. Communist China advises to attribute the protest to CIA operations. The CCP’s propaganda is scary—the United States has never invaded China, yet the CCP propaganda falsely condemns US ambition to destroy China.

>According to Mr. Guo, an insider of UBS told him that a subordinate of Wang Qishan just withdrew 30 billion USD while Nazarbayev’s family withdrew 10 billion USD from the Swiss bank. A lot of money will eventually flow into the Himalaya Exchange to avoid plundering by the CCP. When desperate, even the political rivals of Xi may want to store their money in the Himalaya Exchange.

>in addition to Kazakhstan, the CCP also threatened Lithuania. Xi Jinping secretly collected information about the Lithuanian President’s personal life and blackmailed him. Mr. Guo predicted the Lithuanian President will eventually fight back against the CCP over the issue of Taiwan.

>In the end, the CCP will be overthrown as the Whistleblower Movement continuously exposes the truth and the evil plan the CCP and the dark force in the world have jointly plotted.


Its their own armed forces with high probability. Its foreigners trying to squash this rebellion.


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Why does it keep happening in former soviet republics?


holy shit this is gold


Uncritical support to comrade chairman


Maybe they are tired of putinist neoliberalism.


good point, there actually was a pretty big communist party in parliment


I can't tell anymore.
That could glow like the sun or it could be army defectors. I could see either


Because life there is shit and is only getting worse


>Kazakhstan, a small country in Central Asia
It's literally one of the largest countries on Earth


If we could find out what sort of weapons they're handing out, that could be a big hint. In Venezuela they gave the coup defectors shit manufactured in the U.S. and the E.U.


If all superpowers including USA is has warm relations with the current regime make your math about it.


An armed population is good either way


And instead just push for Western neoliberalism, great.


They have conscription system so the army is popular and not mercenaries. Westoids have hard time grasping this.


aaaaaaaa I'm gonna buy the dip aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


It is probably shit raided from the arsenals the protestors stormed. Another anon in the old thread pointed out in Albania the protestors gave them out to avoid getting arrested


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based and many have defected right? Bless you Kazakhstan!


lmao based


I hope it hurts these wannabe bourgeoisie.


I wouldn’t go that far. They haven’t made any blatant overtures to the US


I mean in Ukraine and Belarus


Only Ukrainian and Belorussian opposition pushed for that specifically.


Glowing brighter than the sun.


Armenia didn't become pro-US after its revolution though, if anything the war wirh the Azeris pushed them into even closer dependency on Russia



Said Ukrainian opposition is in power now
Belarus not yet but they can push for it any time
Not to be a total doomer but realistically as much as we shit on Putin's retardation do these countries have a viable alternative as of now? Socialism or even leftism doesn't pop out of thin air and due to the failure of the USSR any kind of Marxism is very tainted in most of these states (while ironically at the same time there are people who have nostalgia for the USSR)





I think this isn't really all that glow but what do i know?


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>popular revolt
>all mainstream news Russian, Kazakh, American, decries it or calls it foreign agents
>this is literally the CIA. gimme (you)s pls



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2022 communists be like;
>ewwww directionless protests against a centrist government? It's been a whole day an they dont have any demands beyond cheaper gas prices!!!! Um, sweaty, i'd rather support the centrists!
<provide direction to the protestors and tell them what to do? No way! That's the CIA's job!
>what do you mean, their government banned the communist party and their left is largely underground and probably makes up a significant portion of the protestors?
>what's that? The western powers WANT me to denounce the protestors for liberalism, and side with oligarchs, because that way communists have no chance at taking power by force? You must be kidding…


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glowing like a red dawn


The jury is still out.



Holy fucking BASED Jinping!


But it’s not in Kazakhstan.


Kek. But seriously russian imperialism is no better than american imperialism. They are both shit and communists must be supported no matter the situation.


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The best online geopolitical analytical prowess can only be found in this site. The bright, intelligent, and innovative masses of the postertariat guide us towards a new dawn of knowledge and enlightenment.


That's Uzbekistan, and it's second-biggest.


>provide direction to the protestors and tell them what to do? No way! That's the CIA's job!
How can anybody here do that? This is like deriding us for not being able to spirit-bomb the USA like we are in Dragon Ball Z.

>communist party probably makes up a significant portion of the protestors?

This is just copium day-dreaming as of now, as true as I wish it were.



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Why yes I think every insurrectionary uprising is a glow op, how could you tell?


Can't even ask for price controls nowadays without people conspiratarding a whole fucking tom clancy novel about your protest


thinking organic protests and spontaneous movements are impossible and must be the result of glowop is peak capitalist realism


it is also peak glow


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Seeing anglosphere ML spit in the face of Kazakhstan communists has really made me pessimistic. It shows that these anglosphere Marxism Leninist are only that in name only.
Like fuck does everyone not follow the party line. The kke and other MLs have put their weight behind this. The fact that there are till people questioning the legitimacy of the protests makes them glow harder than any armed protester.


They’re possible, but are they viable? This is certainly a good sign, don’t get me wrong, but still.


It's not impossible, however, it is usually glow.

A genuine people's movement will never get any attention in the media


>If we could find out what sort of weapons they're handing out, that could be a big hint. In Venezuela they gave the coup defectors shit manufactured in the U.S. and the E.U.
The USA has thousands of AKs in stockpiles for giving out to moderate rebels.

> In passing references scattered through once-classified documents and cryptic public comments by former intelligence officials, it is referred to as “Midwest Depot,” but the bland code name belies the role it has played in some of the C.I.A.’s most storied operations.

>From the facility, located somewhere in the United States, the C.I.A. has stockpiled and distributed untraceable weapons linked to preparations for the Bay of Pigs invasion and the arming of rebels and resistance fighters from Angola to Nicaragua to Afghanistan

>In December, he quietly posted his research, which he has updated several times with additional clues, on the website of the Federation of American Scientists. In an email exchange, Mr. Thomson argued that the Midwest Depot’s history should be scrutinized.

“I have worried about the extent to which the U.S. has spread small arms around over the decades to various parties it supported,” he said. “Such weapons are pretty durable and, after the cause du jour passed, where did they go? To be a little dramatic about it, how many of those AK-47s and RPG-7s we see Islamists waving around today passed through the Midwest Depot on their way to freedom fighters in past decades?”



>ask for price controls while unmarked vans give out AK47s and storm federal government buildings
Gee I wonder why people are suspicious about it.

Even if they are possible, where do they lead to?


>Seeing anglosphere ML spit in the face of Kazakhstan communists
Then be so kind and show us these fabled Kazakhstani underground communists leading the charge.


>anglosphere Marxism Leninist
the best joke I've ever heard


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Очевидцы сообщают, что в Алматы уже началась зачистка города, слышны звуки выстрелов, а к центру стягиваются военные.

Eyewitnesses report that a clean-up of the city has already begun in Almaty, the sounds of shots are heard, and the military is gathering towards the center.


>no stake in
How many Brits had a stake in some Serb knocking off an Austro-Hungarian heir apparent nobody liked?


Hong Kong protests evidence of glow:
>Massive astroturf in pretty much every single social media platform and site, glorifying the protesters and demonizing China
>Diplomatic support given to the protesters by the vast majority of the West
>All Western MSM glorifies the protests (none of that "rioters" shit seen in protests in US-aligned countries such as Chile or Colombia)
>Think tanks give insane amounts of funding to the protesters
>Protesters carry American flags and UK flags, carry other autistic culture war shit from Western origins

Cuba protests evidence of glow:
>Massive astroturf in Twitter with the #CubaSOS shit
>Massive diplomatic support to the protesters from Western countries
>Massive disinfo campaing online (pictures from other protests such as the Arab Spring used and claimed to be from Cuba, protests in Miami claiming to be from Cuba, and pcitures of pro-government counterprotesters claimed to be from protesters
>Cuban-american guerrilla larpers wanted to invade Cuba and had a little larp with their boats getting close to the island

Kazakhstan protests evidence of glow:
>Uhhh they're very organized in only three days! And they assaulted an airport!
Counter revolutions are a real thing but the people itt saying this is one are being retarded. Wait a few more days and determine if it is when more info comes out, who is reporting on it, what is being said, etc.


they raided them from the armouries they stormed and took the license plates off the vheicles they stole to do so. You obse fuck. that is no kind of evidence of glowies


Yes show us the underground communists, we wants names, addresses, reunion locations, weapons stockpiles, the works




I'd gladly do it officer if they existed outside of the imagination of leftypol users.


Where's Tigray analysis?


I do not need to show the anything. It on you to show why the kke is wrong and why the protest is foreign controlled .


- The authorities promise to cleanse the city from marauders in the morning;

- In Almaty, according to eyewitnesses, a cash-in-transit car was stolen. Later she was burned;

- The websites of Kazakhstani authorities and TV channels are again unavailable;

- Uranium rose in price by 8% against the background of events in Kazakhstan (more than 40% of world supplies of uranium);

- Bitcoin began to fall sharply. According to the University of Cambridge, Kazakhstan ranks second in the world in terms of mining.


This is just your personal headcanon for now, and why aren't these things guarded? If the soldiers co-operated with the "protestors", why wouldn't they hand out the weapons themselves?

>took the license plates off the vheicles they stole to do so

Another headcanon

>that is no kind of evidence of glowies

By itself no, but the fact so many rather elaborate actions happened in such little time from a seemingly unorganized movement does raise suspicions.


This movement is evidence enough. Johnson here says workers don't usually go on strike nationwide at the same time and we need the oil that those commies stopped producing


The KKE is just one party of many in a continent away, while I respect them, their word does not mean much as of now.


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Current Kazakh PM is apparently moving closer to alliance with Russia, which would at provide motive for NATO interference in the region, but idk enough to draw any strong conclusions one way or another.


You’re either with the CPC or you’re with the terrorists


>This movement is evidence enough.
That this is a communist uprising that will amount to anything? Could very well be a nothingburger like France or Colombia.


Bro sorry your protest doesn't have free AKs, we here in the east have a thing called solidarity


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This, there is just so little information. Also, western media is just:
>gas prices
>kazakhs pissed
There doesn't seem to be a massive media blitz that glow ops tend to have, at least not yet.


President, rather.


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It's rumored there are now snipers shooting at all civilian cars driving in the capital due to an eforced curfew


Stop acting like Kazakhstan is some wild west cowboy land, it's a fucking capitalist cucked country like any other.


If they were so solidaric, they would hand out these supposed weapon cachés themselves and openly align themselves with the protestors.


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I'm with the communist and the peoples' party of kazakhstan. They are both opposition parties to the ruling government, so i oppose the ruling government.


Wasn't America denouncing the protestors? I bet they want oil production at their factories to continue as usual anyways, all world powers do. One thing is certain and that is that the reasons the protestors have to be up in arms about are not fabricated by foreign entities.


The KKE is a pretty big party which could have intelligence we don't. Besides I still hate them for having defended the Greece parliament alongside cops a decade ago and that ironically make me think they're in the right here.


Reminder that Assad before the civil war also hae a pretty friendly relationship with NATO and supported the Iraq War


What do the Russian anons itt think? Do you think it's possible the protests have already been glowed or are likely to be soon? I would ask Kazakh posters but I don't think there are any.


Reality is not a video game my Western friend. It's the job of the left to capture the interests of the people, not the other way around. If the left can't profit from a crisis, that's the failure of the left not the moral defect of the people. Same goes for Ukraine and Poland. The question is where's the Kazakh left? Is it a strong actor? Why not? What is it doing wrong?


I took a nap. What's going on now? Do we know who are the good guys yet?


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>If the left can't profit from a crisis


We should all just roll dice and determine this that way.


Why not just wait and see what happens? Not like we can really affect it either way


Don't think it's glow, not sure glowies will get involved. Likely will end up in another massacre.


The protestors are the good guys, will they be coopted by CIAuighurs and other opportunists? I think this too is unlikely to take off much since the Americans have business interests in Kazakhstan that they want to remain operating as well.


vultures only eat dead stuff and are very good for the ecosystem


Pretty much this but at least protestors are well armed




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the colloquial usage of "good guys" is fine. We are all lefties and proles and have largely the same conception of who would be the "good guys" no reason to be mad, you can refrain from using moralistic language yourself


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The putinoid is inflicted with pain and shock seeing the image, sound slowly seaps out of his mouth… " LAW AND ORDER, LAW AND ORDER!"


Oh sorry dude, I just don't like when people here treat politics as a team sport and don't think for themselves.


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Lets roll then:
Dubs: Glow Op
Trips: Its Legit
Quads: USSR 2.0 Confirmed, Trots were behind everything



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Without context I don't know if I should feel excited or appalled by this image >:^(



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Rioters are job creators.




It's okay, no worries and I see where you sre coming from. All good friend



This should cause some fracas, members of his own party/ clique are on Facebook supporting it, also the KKE is supporting it, which is a party in their international.

Also what's he basing this on? Or is he just having opinions like a typical dengoid? Is there something that has caused him to say this?


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>Reality is not a video game my Western friend
Reality is successful movements are formed *before* revolutions happened, not scrambling for it afterwards.

>It's the job of the left to capture the interests of the people, not the other way around.

True, but where is this left in Kazakhstan? Be realistic.

>If the left can't profit from a crisis, that's the failure of the left not the moral defect of the people.


>The question is where's the Kazakh left? Is it a strong actor? Why not? What is it doing wrong?

Agreed - however this is an analysis that neither I nor most posters here are probably able to do without researching first.


It's 4 AM in Nursultan guys, let it breathe


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>If the left can't profit from a crisis, that's the failure of the left not the moral defect of the people.
"Dumb sheeple" is "dumb sheeple", no matter how much you dress it up.


I was hoping somebody would have figured it out by the time I got home from work. A nice piece of key evidence. Something of that nature. Its bullshit. Give me my happening NOW


What if I don't wanna, huh!


Redpill: Politics IS a team sport and it's our side against theirs, proletarians versus the bourgeoisie + any cuck that sides with them.


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Watch for a statement by the Union of Communist Parties - Communist Party of the Soviet Union


Leftypol is cringe, reality is pretty sus. Nothing is based anymore, everything melted into air.


>Reality is successful movements are formed *before* revolutions happened, not scrambling for it afterwards.
Good thing the trots already have an org, were active in many strikes and are involved in the uprising then


>Implying coups don't nearly always happen at night


All that is based melts into air, all that is red pilled is profaned


*sniper shoots your car*


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Destruction is kino, therefore always based.


That's nice and all but do they have lots of support or are they a niche group? From personal experience I know Trots just latch on to other people's organizing without actually doing anything themselves but their usual newspaper autism.


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actually, there are good guys. they're called communists


Man it's like 4am in Kazakhstan rn, come back for happening later


Yeah, but that's not what I meant.



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Unmarked vans dropping piles of loaded guns in the riots



thats retarded way of framing it, the protests can be lib and legit. Although lets hope its legit and not lib.
im concerned for the average leftypol user who seem to believe lib=glow and that cia is all powerful. dont be retards.


My only hope for this protest is that as a result they get rid of that cringe name and rename the city back to Astana


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Has he commented on the situation yet?


What are they supposed to be marked with though?

Also the AK47 density in that area is probably insane, its between Russia, China and Afghanistan.

This could literally just be an average car breaking down.

but without being silly, there probably are heaps of AKs about and somebody/ a group has just decided to keep things up a notch.


Sorry i dont need the opinion of a zionist israeli on anything


give me the Kazakhstani night gang I need


>caring about some zionist anglo who got famous for making a racist movie


>Sorry i dont need the opinion of a zionist israeli on anything
He's an expert in Kazakhstani culture tho.


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guy who posted that. IDK he just keeps retweeting other twitters. He posted a video about NED funding operations but non of the funds amount to enough to arm or train people like in Ukrainian or Cuba. The NED poured tens of millions into those, there's a only few thousands here. If the US was involved in the revolt, they'er doing a good job keeping it funded.




Love how polarized and and stupid this thread is. One side acting like an armed protest is somehow the global communist revolution, other side acting like it's a bunch of CIA agents wearing Adidas tracksuits and firing guns into the air.


I mean it could be both.




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>off by one
Trot bros…


idk man there's plenty of people here willing to wait and see how this develops and who's going to capture the protests


I think a lot of people/most people had more nuanced takes then that actually


yeah this feels like a kazakh gilet jaunes moment


yes. ignore hysterics. we are not magaboomers


>idk man there's plenty of people here willing to wait and see how this develops and who's going to capture the protests
This. Until then this is just another in a long line of happening threads that amounted to nothing significant to leftism.


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got you np


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fpr posterity: I meant to reply to this one, instead I accidentally replied to myself


I fucking love that image

Rolling stone


Shut up shay we just explained that this take is retarded and pure speculation.
The chinese have enacted a concious policy of non interventionism for decades to ensure continued market access and they dont have the network and agents atm to make this kind shit happen abroad, close to one of their most important strategic partners (russia)


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>yeah this feels like a kazakh gilet jaunes moment
What will the Kazakh pic-rel look like, I wonder?


Some good material to watch about the situation:
>Russia Concerned as Protests Grip Key Ally Kazakhstan Ahead of Talks with US
Do not pay attention to Mercouris' friend, Christoforou, a moron.


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News frm kazakhstan


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Where's the /silentassassin/


>>491314 (me)
Russian communist party words about Kazakhstan.


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Nur otan are confirmed turkestan islamists and support azerbaijan


Lol apparently crypto prices are in freefall due to many mining operations being in Kazakhstan and the internet going out/wallets not being safe


Now I know the protestors are based


Which side is Israel on? I am on the other side.


kek forgot the link


based survivors ARG


Islamists existing doesnt magically materialise a vast and well supplied spy and insurgency network for china.


Scrap it, based protestors confirmed. Down with the government of Kazakhstan

>tfw you will never pump AK rounds that you got from an unmarked van into a building full of bitcoin miners with your bros

why bother to even get up in the morning?


>Over 25% of Israel's oil purchases are from Kazakhstan, and Kazakhstan is seeking to increase oil sales to Israel.[5]


Watch the meltdown on /biz/


I liked his "interview" of Dick Cheney where he pretend to be some Israeli soldier, even got him to sign his "waterboarding bucket" lmao. Anyway I made a mp4 file of it just for you, worth a watch.


Also hol up hol up

so you're telling me Kazakhstan is a world leader in both Uranium AND Shitcoins and the current protests are around oil

Fuck this shit country, make one good product please after your revolution Kazahks. I too would burn my country down if I was you


Uh… bros…. now we are getting somewhere.


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>current protests are around oil
No, they're around actual gas.


its important to note cryptoshit might actually be partly responsible for this shit, when china banned it, tons of miners moved there because cheap power, but recently it started causing massive problem to the power grid (which uses a lot of gas, also cars use LPG), so they started cracking down on it and raising energy prices….


Completely unrelated to the topic but I recommend watching episode 1 of the BBC Survivors 2008 drama. It's an interesting (to me) look at the end of the world. The bits with the government/hospitals are best but they're not on YT so whatever.


Link it


So basically 8 people have already died due to crypto? That figures


Always wondered why he chose Kazakhstan to mock, it's the 9th largest country in the world, largest landlocked, largest Muslim by area. Turkmenistan or Tajikistan, no one would bat an eye


Cryptobros on suicide watch


Because westerners don't know shit about it, it could be any country in central europe he picked


>Fuck this shit country, make one good product please
No, fuck you, mister custoomer. I'm sick of westoids shiting on the east like we collectively chose to be shitholes. I repent!!!


The current seethe list, who will be seething because of these protests:

Shitcoin users
Belt and Road train spotters

I mean, I don't like any of these people


One guy is calling it "one of the biggest market manipulation in the history of the human being" lmao


I'm only shitposting lad.

The only piece of information that has swayed me to any side is the piece about israeli oil. Even then, its not a full confirm


Maybe Kazakhstan sounded better than Azerbaidjan, Turkmenistan, afghanistan or any other not so well known country to his audience


this is your brain on neoliberal idealism


/Ourguy/ Yugopnik has had some good takes on the situation.


Literally who


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China SUPPORTS the protests because the kazakhstan regime supports islamists in sinkiang.
The reason they chose "high gas prices" as the rallying cry for the protests was because ONLY THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE can build the pipelines to cheapen gasoline.
China is enacting regime change against the turkic islamist kazakhstani government using the banned communist party of kazakhstan as the operatives within the country.
The unmarked vans are MSS vans.


Because most american don't know where kazkhstan is.
Watch the ali g show not the shitty movie, he never mocked kazakhstan the joke was always on the americans


like 13% of the bitcoin hashrate for mining is located in kazakhstan


We will watch for the first time in history miners becoming a major reactionary force lol


>The only piece of information that has swayed me to any side is the piece about israeli oil. Even then, its not a full confirm

That's 100% real.

>Even though Israel’s relationship with Kazakhstan has become noticeably closer since Netanyahu began his second stint as Israeli prime minister in 2009, Kazakhstan has been the lynchpin of Israel’s Central Asia strategy since the early 1990s. Israel is Kazakhstan’s fifth largest Asian trade partner, and imports over $1.4 billion worth of goods from Kazakhstan each year.

>The oil industry is the principal driver of Israel’s economic links with Kazakhstan. Israel imports 25 percent of its oil from Kazakhstan. Chen Bar-Yosef, the Managing Director of the Israeli National Infrastructure Ministry’s Fuel Authority, has praised the quality of Kazakhstan’s oil, and has encouraged Kazakh manufacturers to sell oil directly to Israeli private companies.

>Kazakh policymakers believe that Israel could indirectly assist Kazakhstan’s attempts to increase its oil exports to East Asia. In November 2006, Kazakhstan’s Deputy Prime Minister Karim Masimov announced that Kazakhstan would expand its investments in Haifa’s oil refineries.

>Masimov has also called for an extension of the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Pipeline to Israel. Should the BTC pipeline expand to Israel, Israel’s oil terminals at Ashkelon and Eilat could be used to increase Kazakh oil shipments to Europe and East Asia.

>In addition to importing Kazakh oil, Israel has played a prominent role in assisting President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s economic diversification efforts. Israeli business leaders have been especially vocal supporters of closer Israel-Kazakhstan investment linkages.

>Nimrod Novik, vice president of Israeli multinational Merhav, lobbied the Israeli government to invest in Kazakhstan during the 1990s, claiming that Kazakhstan is “one of the wealthiest countries in the world underground, and one of the least developed above ground.” Israeli policymakers heeded Novik’s advice. By 2009, 52 major Israeli companies had established business operations in Kazakhstan.

>Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has also used his close relationship with Nazarbayev to advance Israel’s business interests in Kazakhstan. Barak spoke to Nazarbayev in late 2014 about how Israel could help Kazakhstan harness its industrial innovation potential and improve the quality of its health services. Further advances in these fields will ensure that Israel remains a vital economic partner for Kazakhstan, even as Astana strengthens its alliance with Iran.

>Israel and Kazakhstan have been counterterrorism partners for almost two decades. Kazakhstan’s fear of terrorist attacks rose precipitously during the mid-1990s, due to the rising presence of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) and Hizb ut-Tahrir, the destabilization created by the Tajikistan civil war, and blowback from the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. The Kazakh military believed that a closer relationship with Israel would strengthen its counterterrorism efforts, as Israel had decades of experience combating Palestinian terror organizations.

>According to a 2014 Jamestown Foundation report, Israel-Kazakhstan security cooperation increased dramatically after the 9/11 attacks. Israel became a natural ally for Kazakhstan after 9/11 because of its ability to produce sophisticated missiles, air defense systems, and stealth weaponry. Kazakh policymakers also believed that closer ties with Israel would reciprocally strengthen Kazakhstan’s security links with the United States and the European Union. As Kazakhstan was seeking to reduce its security dependency on China and Russia, Kazakh policymakers responded cordially to Israel’s diplomatic overtures.

>Recent Israeli actions in Kazakhstan reveal the strength of the Jerusalem-Astana relationship. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have trained Kazakh military forces to use Iron Dome technology, and repeatedly held joint military exercises in Kazakh facilities.



hold on hold on

autistic people really like trains> Xi jingy ping ping is the biggest ever train builders> dengists are all autistic

At last I truly see. What is happening in Afghanistan is that the carers (rioters) are trying to make the train crazed autist Xi Jing Ping stop his world wide melt down


Kazahkstan firing on unarmed protestors and a dead body:


File: 1641432141330.png (92.98 KB, 300x210, 1641422114608.png)

>Be communist organization in kazakhstan.
>See that Kazakhstan is the biggest producer of bitcoin.
>Cause Bitcoin crash.
>This spreads.
>Global Economic Collapse (GEC)
Thank them. Now.


Trots were based all along!


only if they apologize for Krondstat


Cheka'd and based post


i’m just gonna leave this here:

it’s super easy to say that you know absolutely nothing about kazakhstan and there’s nothing embarrassing about that fact


Kronstadt was based


Reminder that the CTSO getting involved to put this down shows that the CTSO and Russia would also not accept a Proletarian Revolution either in their backyard. At the end of the day the CTSO is also an enemy of the proletariat




Holy shit.

>In November 2006, Kazakhstan’s Deputy Prime Minister Karim Masimov announced that Kazakhstan would expand its investments in Haifa’s oil refineries.

interesting that next door China has the contract for building the port at Haifa, but thats an aside don't really know what to make of it, but:

>Israel and Kazakhstan have been counterterrorism partners for almost two decades. Kazakhstan’s fear of terrorist attacks rose precipitously during the mid-1990s, due to the rising presence of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) and Hizb ut-Tahrir, the destabilization created by the Tajikistan civil war, and blowback from the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. The Kazakh military believed that a closer relationship with Israel would strengthen its counterterrorism efforts, as Israel had decades of experience combating Palestinian terror organizations.

>According to a 2014 Jamestown Foundation report, Israel-Kazakhstan security cooperation increased dramatically after the 9/11 attacks. Israel became a natural ally for Kazakhstan after 9/11 because of its ability to produce sophisticated missiles, air defense systems, and stealth weaponry. Kazakh policymakers also believed that closer ties with Israel would reciprocally strengthen Kazakhstan’s security links with the United States and the European Union. As Kazakhstan was seeking to reduce its security dependency on China and Russia, Kazakh policymakers responded cordially to Israel’s diplomatic overtures.

>Recent Israeli actions in Kazakhstan reveal the strength of the Jerusalem-Astana relationship. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have trained Kazakh military forces to use Iron Dome technology, and repeatedly held joint military exercises in Kazakh facilities.

that is all extremely fucking suspect. Thank you for your digging, I am beginning to form my thoughts in light of this


Where is there evidence they're trotskyite? I don't see any positive mentions of Trotsky on their website and they mention Stalin in a neutral light.


My god look at those trips baby


>bitcoin necessary to make communism
Shitcoin was based all along!


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>only if they apologize for Krondstat
Hue and Cry Over Kronstadt


They're attached to the International Socialist Alternative


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some pretty heavy deployments


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/biz/ on suicide watch for the 9000th time


> kazakhstan regime supports islamists in sinkiang.


Where? I only see that on the wikipedia page.


>affecting the global economy


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trips confirm


why is nobody commenting on this post its more or less the most important thing that has been added to the based and cringe calculations


I mean, shitcoin is pretty prevalent right now and every other shitcoin depends on it.
As well, you ha e a lot of companies making investments, maybe even banks. So imagine.


>One of the most seminal events of the East Turkestan independence movement was the establishment of the East Turkistan Government-in-Exile by a group of Uyghur, Kazakh, and Uzbek East Turkistani independence activists from across the globe in Washington D.C. on 14 September 2004.[28] The East Turkistan Government in Exile was set up as a parliamentary government in exile and was initially led by Ahmet Igemberdi and Anwar Yusuf Turani[29] The East Turkistan Government in Exile is most active and leading official body advocating for East Turkistan's independence.


Trotsama… I kneel


Turkic fags worst ethnicity confirmed



Actual footage of the CEO of based being released from prison to make this post.


It’s already more than nothing if there’s foreign intervention going on



Ok hear me out folks.
I think this is going to become chechen wars 3, kazakh boogaloo.
I mean, there's so much shit going on, and a coalition of countries going full in against protesters…
This is gonna lead up to an armed confrontation which will lead up to a major shitshow.
Although I don't know if the protesters will go all islamist like in chechenia or syria, but shit's going down fast.



Same thing happened in Colombia last year. Still petered out.



This guy is being such a fag. Nooo they are not just walking this is bad!!! Law and order law and order!!!

Take Putin cock out of your ass for 1 second and give some real analysis of what is going on


underrated post


Yeah, so? Breaking news: there are gusanos in every country - except for the superior imperial core ofc where gusanos can't even exist.


I will record my voice and send it to you, kek


And yet when I said that the Grayzone glows for the US, I got yelled at.


>shitcoin shitting the bed
can this development make gpus affordable again?
don't forget about us gamers!


Can't wait for Maupin's big brain take.
Because Grayzone glows for the Russians.


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Awesome, we know now these people are glowing.>>491386
>Take Putin cock out of your ass for 1 second and give some real analysis of what is going on
t. liberal CIA spook.


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this language sounds really cool.


Fighting back against a government isn't intended to be peaceful. That in itself is liberalism to believe you need peaceful handholding marches

You really take it seriously that Ben Norton is mad that protestors destroy shit? Since when does a leftist care about such acts? This is the language of hand wringing right wingers who cry about law and order and needing police to crack down on the dirty hooligans causing trouble.


Grayzone is only good when talking about their own backyard the burgerland. Everywhere else they're just a Western anti-imerialist larp: mostly right, sometimes wrong, 100% unreliable. Their audience is fellow yanks, not us.


Damn you're right, I checked a translated version of the russian wikipedia page and apparently they left this international in 2016 for the IMCWP/solidnet which explain the KKE support since it was created by them.


oh no trotbros, we got too cocky


….. Its just mandarin


>Be pedestrian in Kazakhstan
>See random glowie van drop off tons of arms
>Pick on up and Google NATO cucked party headquarters (in a custom made video-game)
Isn't everything about this so far, from the random bank robberies to this, just so volatile? This could go in all directions, even if there is glowie foreign interference here. As we know the Kazakh communist party was also made illegal by the bourg-cucked current/former president and so is in a "illegal" form as of right now. Aren't the odds high that they also have stashes prepared for a point like this already?


NoooOOOOOoooo not the heckin violent protesteroonis


Based if true.


Pretty much.
Their are good, not 100% right all of the time, specially in things like this.
The khazhaks are demolishing hotels (or at least a bank)


New thread once this one is full


>is mad that protestors destroy shit? Since when does a leftist care about such acts?
Since you have neonazis marching around the borders of Russia thanks to NATO and we don't know yet if they are up to that retardation, and even Yanukovych was shit, we already know what a euromaidan is.


Talked to him recently, he seems to be of the opinion that this revolution is "VERY NICE"


they may cycle it


No fuck that we need to archive this


>we need to archive people spazzing out over zero information


>archiving 10k+ posts of retards flinging memes at each other
fug off
I trust the staff to take the right decision and cycling this shit thread until the meme dies off


Uh yes?



We need to study the lack of study of fellow leftists.


Just regularly archive the thread on archive.is or whatever archive website


Lmao post that on /Pol/


Those are just objective facts.

Cope and seethe you imperialist cuck. It's not your country burning.


This. The westerners are happy seeing a "liberal being toppled", never do shit in their country, yet it can end as ukraine, just to encircle more and more the anti-imperialist Russia.
Hopefully CTSO gets things back on track.


Yeah, I've seen these "objective facts" applied to my country before. Western left is good vs. evil voluntarism. Everything that happens is a conspiracy by our guys or the enemy. And if the left fails, it's because either the nation itself has an evil essence or the burgers are all-powerful. Newsflash: burger empire is a retarded Ubu Roi and the left needs to get its shit together.




You fucking retards go post in the new thread.


I am archiving them at least while stuff is happening like with the Afghanistan threads.
Okay boss. Locked and conversation continues in new thread, can still reply to posts here by linking post number or >>>/leftypol_archive/xxxxx for the archived threads.

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