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File: 1642639594821.mp4 (1.84 MB, 640x480, Second Crimean War.mp4)

 No.494396[View All]

Ukraine thread 2.0
The last one got to 600 posts.

Original post:
Is there a proxy conflict coming?
US will act ‘decisively’ if Russia deploys military to Cuba or Venezuela – White House
Are NATO and Russia on the brink of war over the Ukraine crisis? (Ex-UK ambassador to Russia)
US claims Russia preparing ‘false flag’ in Ukraine
Russia ‘fabricating a pretext for invasion’ of Ukraine – White House
Is Russia really preparing an offensive against Ukraine?
CIA-trained special ops could fight Russians in case of Ukrainian invasion – report
Ukraine hit by huge cyber attack
Russia-NATO relations at critical level, Moscow warns
US to train ‘Ukrainian insurgents’ in EU – media
US seeking ways to profit should Russia-Ukraine conflict break out – reports
Also: requesting that tweet where Lukashenko says that this year they reunite Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, etc.
571 posts and 122 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Half of his channel basically revolves around him roaming the former soviet union going "Wow! hey guys this is where the KGB directed the oppression and surveillance of all soviet people and killed them. I am so happy they were able to be freed from that oppressive regime." and then he had a whole controversy about buying a bunch of prostitutes or something lol


Let's continue this discussion in ITG: >>703409


If you mean negative levels of sex with women in particular, then yes.


Nothing is going to happen. Vlasovites and Banderaites aren't going to war.


That's an anti-communist falsification.


>proles would see how bad it is and frag their officer corps and start a soldiers revolution
That did happen in Russia, Hungary, Germany, and nearly happened in France (mutinies in 1917).


>That did happen in Russia, Hungary, Germany
And reminder that this gave us 2 revolutions, one of them successful.


Hungary was also successful for a time.


Yall need to touch grass; war isn't going to happen and you all just read too much propaganda, both western and russian. literally nothing will happen


This, MSNBC watchers and Grayzone twitter followers btfo.


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Germany will be punished for its crimes in due time.


yeah, dude
Russo-Georgian War will never happen.


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>touch grass


If digits this is a nothingburger.
If dubs limited conflict.
If trips we could start to talk about something.


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Rollin for an actual all out thread.


Ok, so knowing that azov nazis are inside of 4Chan (let's be real they're probably lurkong /pol/ as we speak), let's say that someone in here were to make a liveumap fake news (go there, inspect element, put fake new like "Russian tanks are trespassong the border"), post it there, and let the usual schizo nature of nazis do it's job and start ww3


Step 1: Provoke Nazis into mobilizing
Step 2: Construct casus belli
Step 3: Destroy Nazis


I think the general consensus here is that nothing will happen, I do agree on that.
Europe loses too much. Ukraine loses too much. Russia does not lose too much, but their ruling class may want to push a regime change (which is highly likely what the west is trying to pursue. i.ex. see Russia stock market index, despite they haven't stop to export oil and gas and the prices are higher than ever their stock market has declined significantly).


nothing ever happens
fukuyama was right


I think you are right. But you also have to acknowledge that sometime these situations spiral out of the control of the parties involved.


Dude, this might actually work. Let's do it!


Is Russia shitting on some US-armed Ukrainian militias "war?" This might not happen either but there is 0% chance of ww3


>The UK foreign office said in a Saturday statement it has information that the Russian government is planning to "install a pro-Russian leader in Kyiv as it considers whether to invade and occupy Ukraine."


eat them


Well, apparently Scholz decided not to meet with Blinken.
This is a cold water bucket to the face of the U.S. warmongers and other anti-Russian states (Lethonia, Lithuania, etc)


ck2 uygha


So Russia just moved 100k troops to the Western border and that's indication that it's preparing to attack. What if it just keeps the 100k troops stationed there near the border indefinitely?



Oh Fuck Yes.



The US increases the official Pentagon budget to $1.3 trillion despite 0 intention of defending Ukraine with US troops


>start WW3
Could you fucking not?




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Doesn't look like the US is about to go to war with Russia


There won't be a war. You all just paranoid. Things won't escalate. Don't be blind by both porkies either burgers or Russians.


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Absolutely devilish


The U.S. does have more than those numbers. Also, don't forget the NATO.


Biden said if Russia invades he will turn off SWIFT and do sanctions. But he didn't say he will defend Ukraine militarily and go to war with Russia in response.


You don't invade without the element of surprise


This is why if anything does happen it won't be right now when the entire world is soyfacing over this shit. It could happen during the Ukrainian independence day or maybe during some Orthodox holidays, who knows


My comment isn't denying nor affirming the U.S. would go to war, and whatever the U.S. say is weird, because they never commit to their word. I pointed out those ships there have less meaningful support to say there won't be a war.
Also, Russia is not like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, that cannot sink in a blink a floating island. Those kind of ships are use to bully small countries, not to start a war agaisnt a superpower.


From an imperialist perspective there is nothing of Value in Ukraine that is useful for taking. No resources or wealth just an impoverished population that will hate you. The buffer argument doesn't hold water with modern weapons systems either that take minutes to reach targets acorss an entire continent.


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>perspective there is nothing of Value in Ukraine that is useful for taking


I am not a military general but if Ukraine was part of NATO, right on Russia's borders, I think that would change things for Russia


>The buffer argument doesn't hold water with modern weapons systems either that take minutes to reach targets acorss an entire continent.
Techbro moment.
You still need ground troops to win wars.


Russia would have to invest military infrastructure to weigh the balance of power in some other countries, like Cuba, closing the time of response around the same with Moscow-Ukraine with Havana-Florida.


My thoughts are that it happens during the Olympics next month, like the Russo-Georgian war did. While many people's eyes are glued to and distracted by the Olympics that would be the perfect time to strike. After all, too much publicity can be bad sometimes.


If Russia is planning an invasion, what are they waiting for? Seems like their military has just been sitting there for awhile waiting for the go-ahead. The longer they wait the more weapons are shipped into Ukraine from western countries. Are they waiting a few weeks for temperatures to warm up or something?


I remember last month reading that Russia was going to invade around Christmas time since a lot of people wouldn’t be paying attention to the news around the holidays. Nothing happened.


russia will crush ukraine, allowing commies to take power there


you have to go back


this is what putinist actually believe

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