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 No.498722[Last 50 Posts]

This is the thread dedicated to researching, discussing, exploring, and laughing at, that element of the far right which we have come to term "esoteric hitlerist" but more broadly a thread for documenting the extreme right.

To sum up, as it says in the title, this entire strand of thought is more or less an intelligence operation carried out mostly by pedophiles, with a strong satanic/ esoteric influence. On top of this, there are several interesting connections to these operations and operatives and Zionism.

The purpose of these operations, as are the purpose of all CIA operations, is to suppress and destroy the real movement that abolishes the present state of things, the mass movement organised workers, the socialist and communist movement.

What follows is a series of links, references and thoughts which document this feature of capitalist hegemony.

Link to last thread archive:


The thread from which it was born:


If anybody has the thread inbetween those archived that would be wonderful, all the info is copied into that first link but some of the discussion was good and bants.

Fresh Material courtesy of a Based Anon:





More New Material: <br/><br/><br/>In this podcast, Azov Battalion are discussed, and their possible funding by a Jewish Zionist. It is already known that they carry Israeli Rifles, very difficult to get anywhere outside of Israel, and that they are openly paid by US congress, who work closely with Israel. <br/><br/><a href="https://soundcloud.com/popularfrontcast/104-the-rise-of-ukraines-azov-battalion" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://soundcloud.com/popularfrontcast/104-the-rise-of-ukraines-azov-battalion</a>


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Here. Enjoy.


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Leaked Docs on the AWD (now deleted) discord server and Vex( a castizo hispanic).


<a onclick="highlightReply('56316', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56316">&gt;&gt;56316</a><br/>God those guys are cringy. Mass beatings can’t come<br/>soon enough.


<a onclick="highlightReply('56314', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56314">&gt;&gt;56314</a><br/>Yeh this stuff is nuts, if you want to read about it in detail the Nicholas Goodricke Clarke books are really good, particularly “the occult roots of Nazism” which is mentioned in those archive threads. Like, you should see the “intellectual work” that has gone into creating that ideology. The “sexo-racist gnosis” and other tales


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<a onclick="highlightReply('56314', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56314">&gt;&gt;56314</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;We can't do that science that's jew science.</span><br/><br/>Some one should concern troll /pol/ about this shit and see if they latch onto it.


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<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;56316(me) </span><br/><span class="heading">AWD THE TWITTER THREAD</span> <br/><a href="https://twitter.com/Jake_Hanrahan/status/955208107982049280" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/Jake_Hanrahan/status/955208107982049280</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('56326', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56326">&gt;&gt;56326</a><br/>LMFAO


<a onclick="highlightReply('56301', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56301">&gt;&gt;56301</a><br/>Why can't nazis stop kissing jew ass so much, holy shit




<a onclick="highlightReply('56326', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56326">&gt;&gt;56326</a><br/>le 56%


<span class="quote">&gt;firsth thread</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;there were stalinist 09a and awd members</span><br/><br/>Satanic pedophile nazis confirmed&hellip;.. nazbol gang?


<a onclick="highlightReply('56709', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56709">&gt;&gt;56709</a><br/>If you read through all the threads you might find the guys who were set up by intelligence agencies deliberately to get in contact with North Korea, thats some mad shit. Same thing happened in Belgium with some Maoist group i think



<a onclick="highlightReply('59911', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#59911">&gt;&gt;59911</a><br/>Bump


<a onclick="highlightReply('59911', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#59911">&gt;&gt;59911</a><br/>Lmao. Have any proud goys been outed as pedos yet? Counting down the time until


GYPSY CRUSADERS DAD<br/>WORKED FOR THE FBI<br/><br/>Im not sure if im allowed to post the link since it just doxxes him and his whole family


<a onclick="highlightReply('64722', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#64722">&gt;&gt;64722</a><br/>Who is gypsy crusader and who gives a fuck about doxxing feds?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('64724', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#64724">&gt;&gt;64724</a><br/>He's a semi-popular nazoid who goes on omegle and says racist shit to random people (He's literally a gypsy, hence the name, which is hilarious since the nazis wanted to exterminate all Gypsy/Romani people). The whole joker persona he does in pic related is because antifa bullied him in the past (like how Arthur Fleck was bullied in the Joker movie) which is why he acts like such a retard now.<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('64722', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#64722">&gt;&gt;64722</a><br/>I agree with sage. He's a nazoid and his dad is (possibly) a fed, if you have info you should share it here


<a onclick="highlightReply('64722', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#64722">&gt;&gt;64722</a><br/>I read about this earlier. Has he officially retired yet?


The US military picked up most of it's horrific interrogation from this Pinochet era nazi compound and government blacksite<br/><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonia_Dignidad" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonia_Dignidad</a><br/>Abu Gharib followed what these guys did down to the creepy looking hoods


<a onclick="highlightReply('66091', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#66091">&gt;&gt;66091</a><br/>There is actually a few of these instances littered throughout Latin America. You should look into the “rat lines” of Nazis coming to Latin America after WW2 you will find it very interesting. Nazis in Bolivia, in Uruguay etc. All Over the place <br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('65491', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#65491">&gt;&gt;65491</a><br/>Kek how did antifa bully him? What a pussy


<a onclick="highlightReply('66123', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#66123">&gt;&gt;66123</a><br/>He was a proud boy lol


<a onclick="highlightReply('66125', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#66125">&gt;&gt;66125</a><br/>Proud boy fed count just goes up and up


Honestly, is there a good book that will basically redpill me on Nazism? I hate Nazis because they ruined 4chan but I had honestly forgetten how absolutely <span class="heading">wacky</span> the ideology is in reality.


<a onclick="highlightReply('67154', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#67154">&gt;&gt;67154</a><br/>If you want to know more about the "wackiness" aspect of Nazism then you should read The Occult Roots of Nazism by Nicholas Goodricke Clarke and Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity which is also by Clarke


<a onclick="highlightReply('67154', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#67154">&gt;&gt;67154</a><br/>The occult roots of Nazism by Nicholas goodricke clark. It’s good for learning about their ideology, not about like, how they grew historically but if you want to know what their crazy ideas were, that is the book


So this thread has got me thinking&hellip;. Will the feds lose their influence/control over far right groups as the latter becomes more angry with the current government because Biden is in power now and they think he's a Chinese/Deep state/Jewish puppet (as seen with the Capitol storming). Or am I looking at this the wrong way


<a onclick="highlightReply('67164', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#67164">&gt;&gt;67164</a><br/>Nah they won’t, it’s a cult it doesn’t have to make sense. If anything they will double down


<a onclick="highlightReply('67164', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#67164">&gt;&gt;67164</a><br/>Think about the fact that these ops having been going on for nearly 100 years maybe more, under all different types of government (well, the two types which are barely any different )


<a onclick="highlightReply('56299', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56299">&gt;&gt;56299</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;If anybody has the thread inbetween those archived that would be wonderful, all the info is copied into that first link but some of the discussion was good and bants.</span><br/>Found it <a href="https://bunkerchan.net/leftypol/res/702127.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://bunkerchan.net/leftypol/res/702127.html</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('65498', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#65498">&gt;&gt;65498</a><br/>Im not sure, but there is a channel that makes fun of him called "griftpatrol" you can find it on youtube and bitchute


<a onclick="highlightReply('66091', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#66091">&gt;&gt;66091</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;colonia dignidad</span><br/>ahh the cult ran by that retarded one eyed child molestor nazi that all the pre-epsteinites hung out at


Marjory Taylor Green cheated on her husband with a tantric sex guru lmao


<a href="https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-56044179" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-56044179</a> Ryan Fleming: Neo Nazi Pedophile Jailed for Messaging children <br/><br/><span class="heading"> imagine </span> <br/><span class="heading"> my </span> <br/><span class="heading"> shock </span>



<a onclick="highlightReply('56316', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56316">&gt;&gt;56316</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;We're using the aesthetics of the process church of final judgement</span><br/><br/>Fascinating. The rumor in the Satanist community is that Process church was an op itself, much like ONA


<a onclick="highlightReply('86675', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#86675">&gt;&gt;86675</a><br/>Bet if you do a small amount of digging you can get proof


<a onclick="highlightReply('86677', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#86677">&gt;&gt;86677</a><br/>Yeah I got a book on them, been reading through but it's as dry as anglo cooking, apparently there was a lot of buzz about a possible Manson connection back in the day as well. <br/><br/>I also was able to sneak a peak at the intro to "Iron gates" when I was snooping, I'd call it the most retarded ONA shit I've ever read, and I've read a lot of retarded Satanist stuff because I am a Satanist. It opens with SEXY SINISTER WHITE WOMAN WITH ENORMOUS MILKIES cracking open a baby for adrenochrome. It was hilarious. If they weren't actually doing things some of the time I would put it up there with "Empress Theresa".


<a onclick="highlightReply('56301', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56301">&gt;&gt;56301</a><br/>No surprise there, I feel a lot of the people in these groups are unironically trying to "immanatize the eschaton" or whatever. IMO evangelists are trying and failing to prop up these groups.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('56299', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56299">&gt;&gt;56299</a><br/>I'm reading The Psychopathic God by Robert G. L. Waite, arguably the greatest biography of Hitler ever written. It is a psychobiography, applying psychological analysis to get at what made him tick. No wonder creeps find him inspiring. What a weirdo!<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Claims to have eaten 2lbs of chocolate regularly</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt; Believed an actual fountain of youth existed, contemplated sending an expedition to Tibet to discover it</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;One of his all time favorite movies was Disney's Snow White, which he watched many times</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Was obsessed with death, coveting the painting The Plague in Florence by Hans Makart</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt; Rarely if ever laughed, issued strange guttural barking sounds instead, possibly because of his damaged vocal chords from a gas attack in WW1 which gave him his characteristic scratchy voice</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Reputed monorchid, had only one testicle</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt; Obsessed with hands, pampered his own hands and judged others based on their hands, even promoting people on this basis</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt; Enjoyed to tricking his subordinates with little practical jokes</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt; Vegetarian, creepily referred to carnivores as "corpse eaters"</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt; Hypnotizing light blue eyes, nearly everyone he met was struck by them</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt; Chronophobe, feared and hated time, would try to blur whether it was day or night by keeping the curtains up during the day</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt; Terrified of being alone at night. Forced one of his subordinates to stay with him until dawn while he slept.</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt; Obsessed with American westerns and cowboys</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Was calm and composed when dealing with serious matters like the course of the war, lost his temper and went crazy when someone forgot to bring him mineral water</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Flew into rages if anyone laughed at something he said</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('86977', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#86977">&gt;&gt;86977</a><br/>It's like he was stuck in childhood lol


<a onclick="highlightReply('86977', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#86977">&gt;&gt;86977</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Vegetarian, creepily referred to carnivores as "corpse eaters"</span><br/><br/>When he's right he's right


<a onclick="highlightReply('86977', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#86977">&gt;&gt;86977</a><br/>there needs to be an infographic promoting hand exercises and vegan diet just like their glorious fuhrer


<a href="https://www.newsweek.com/mercedes-carrera-gamergate-melinda-smith-actress-rancho-cucamonga-1322242" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.newsweek.com/mercedes-carrera-gamergate-melinda-smith-actress-rancho-cucamonga-1322242</a><br/><br/>Gamergater, Pizzagater, Qanoner, Infowars Guest, Friend of Mike Cernovich and Gavin Mcginnes, arrested on charges of raping her own daughter and making child pornography of the rape.


<a href="https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/kimberly-guilfoyle-sexual-harassment-allegations-get-even-darker" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/kimberly-guilfoyle-sexual-harassment-allegations-get-even-darker</a><br/><br/>Don Junior's girlfriend Kimberlely Guilfoyle accussed in sexual harrassment lawsuit, apparently she forced female assistants to look at her naked, as well as forcing everyone in her office to look at dick pics of men she fucked. <br/><br/>Don Junior, CUCKED. <br/><br/>Also on the cuck list: Roger Stone, key Trump and Reagan aid and political fixer, who came up with the "make america great again" slogan, put classified ads out in the 90's for somebody, specifically a black man, to fuck his wife. <br/><br/>So too Paul Manafort, pro Trump republican lobbyist, was found to be forcing his wife to fuck black men in front of him, this came out through leaked text from his kids.


Marylin Manson, who has on numerous occasions made racist and anti Semitic rants, and has various nazi tattoos, has recently been accused of large amounts of heinous sex abuse.


<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyd_Rice" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyd_Rice</a><br/><br/>Boyd Rice, high priest of the church of Satan, believed industrial music was "the first white music for thousands of years", also a Nazi


last three posts btw coming from info on the media roots radio latest episode on the Marylyn Manson sex abuse case


<a onclick="highlightReply('87087', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#87087">&gt;&gt;87087</a><br/>I fucking knew Marilyn Manson was a creep, that "groupie" movie he filmed probably had all the proof so that's why he scrapped it.


<a onclick="highlightReply('87104', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#87104">&gt;&gt;87104</a><br/>Okay Manson also now confirmed pedo btw. I mean, we all knew it in our hearts, but now we know it in our heads


<a onclick="highlightReply('87086', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#87086">&gt;&gt;87086</a><br/>And pioneered by a trans person!


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<a onclick="highlightReply('90962', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#90962">&gt;&gt;90962</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('87042', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#87042">&gt;&gt;87042</a><br/>suburbia is breeding grounds for this sort of disgusting shit


<a onclick="highlightReply('90962', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#90962">&gt;&gt;90962</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('90963', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#90963">&gt;&gt;90963</a><br/>RIP Genesis. Chaos with you.


This thread seems to be the catchall for this, but I've noticed a general trend from when I used to browse gore sites and since I'm also into a lot of fetish stuff those kinds of sites too that a lot of people who tend to be deep into reactionary ideas are usual somewhat&hellip;.craven. Like, why is it that you rarely hear of (actual) leftists doing weird shit? <br/><br/>In addition, I work with an actual /pol/tard and watching him is honestly fascinating. The other night he was loudly vocalizing his desire to beat up customers he dislikes, and he will frequently fly into temper tantrums and fits of rage at perceived slights and when dealing with lesser injuries, passive aggresive invective. In between his beast like fury he maintains a very suburban, polite veneer of civility that only thinly manages to conceal his contempt for his fellow man.<br/><br/>Greatest hits of weird shit I have gotten out of him<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Alluding to white genocide in front of normies twice</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;helicopter jokes</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;many, many antisemetic jokes, including directly at the new Jewish girl in our department</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;calling Mexicans (in front of me, a Mexican American) a less civilized race despite being half Mexican</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;long homophobic rants about how marriage is between man and a woman</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;referring to literally every customer who isn't white as animals when they do stupid shit, but excusing white customers who do (often even more) retarded shit</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;comparing Mean Girls to white genocide (???)</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Obersturmfuhrer (insert pol idiots name) would be a good title for me</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Saying every single human on the planet is disposable trash</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;calling people "girly" despite pushing nearly 380lbs and not in a good way</span><br/><br/>All that is funny I guess, but what is most curious to me is how openly and nakedly authoritarian he is. There's all of those above statements that betray a deep resentment and almost unrestrained rage at life itself, and despite being an obese alchoholic with anger issues I find it super fucking weird how all these types are always about law and order despite themselves not actually embodying or even liking to conform to the rigid expectations they set out for others.<br/><br/>I think the funniest thing about this guy is to go up to him and ask him about his thoughts on death. I told him I don't believe in an afterlife and I explained the concept of eternal oblivion and he sounded pretty frightened by it (which is normal, I guess) but you then contrast this fear of death itself with an almost gleeful affinity for violence and you really have to wonder if the core of the reactionary soul is just a series of tensions inside someone who is essentially a caveman trying to adapt to modernity&hellip;<br/><br/>Also, this guy: <a href="https://www.scribd.com/document/451029711/THE-BEST-OF-BALD-AND-BANKRUPT" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.scribd.com/document/451029711/THE-BEST-OF-BALD-AND-BANKRUPT</a><br/><br/>Travel Youtuber who is apparently hiding his career as a serial rapist/sex tourist, and BIG surprise he is also into far right ideas. Why?


<a onclick="highlightReply('90963', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#90963">&gt;&gt;90963</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;&gt;93899</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Gen wasn't trans he was "pandrogynous" and he did obsess over nazi aesthetics and associate with neofascists like Boyd also. Yet in the same time these guys were hanging out with anarcho-punks at places like Centro Iberico.</span><br/>It's worth noting that Genesis was not a fascist, to be clear. They were very much in the anarchist camp to the best of my knowledge.


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;93899</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;whomakesthenazis</span><br/>i think there was a tweet from these guys or a tweet sourcing them where there was this metal guy who (is basically a fascist) just wildly praised the <span class="heading">BR00TAL DICTATORSHIPS</span> of Stalin and Pol Pot and everytime I think of it it cracks me up, the way the guy describes it in the interview is fucking hilarious


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<span class="heading"> stealing a post from some based anon in the Dugin thread </span><br/><br/><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avigdor_Eskin" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avigdor_Eskin</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Eskin has close ties to Russian political analyst Aleksandr Dugin, having previously served on the central committee of Dugin's Eurasia Party.[11]</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Avigdor Eskin (born 26 April 1960) is Russian-Israeli conservative journalist and political activist. Born in Moscow in the Soviet Union, Eskin emigrated to Israel where he became involved in right-wing politics. He currently resides in Jerusalem. </span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;He became an Orthodox Jew and committed Zionist.</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Despite harassment by the KGB, Eskin participated in Zionist activities.</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;In Israel, Eskin did military service in the Israel Defense Forces as part of the Hesder program, which combines regular military service with religious studies.[3]</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Eskin was a founder of Israeli New Right movement together with the former MK Michael Kleiner and was behind the alliance between the Israeli right and American conservatives, led by senator Jesse Helms. Additionally, he organised the arms supply to the anti-communist guerrillas in Nicaragua. The most controversial of his activities was his support of the White regime in South Africa due to its staunch anti-communist politics, until its collapse in the early 1990s. </span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;In 1999, Eskin defiled the grave of Izz al-Din al-Qassam: He placed a pig's head on the grave.</span><br/><br/><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izz_ad-Din_al-Qassam" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izz_ad-Din_al-Qassam</a><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;Izz ad-Din Abd al-Qadar ibn Mustafa ibn Yusuf ibn Muhammad al-Qassam (1881[1] or 19 December 1882 [2][3] – 20 November 1935) (Arabic: ‎ / ALA-LC: ʿIzz ad-Dīn ibn Abd al-Qāder ibn Mustafa ibn Yūsuf ibn Muhammad al-Qassām) was a Syrian Muslim preacher, and a leader in the local struggles against British and French Mandatory rule in the Levant, and a militant opponent of Zionism in the 1920s and 1930s. </span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Eskin frequently lectures in Russia on political science and theological matters. He is liked within the Russian conservative circles, due to his staunch support of Vladimir Putin, and his anti-Ukrainian, anti-Georgian, and anti-Estonian stance.[1][9][10]</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Eskin is active in South African politics, frequently visiting the country, and working as an activist for Afrikaners' rights. In this role, he has caused diplomatic incidents, notably when describing Desmond Tutu as a fascist who is oppressing the Afrikaner people.[13] </span><br/><br/><span class="heading"> additional note </span><br/><br/>as previously documented, Dugin himself is a fed, a Nazi, and there is a video of him performing a black mass, this Eskin character seems to tie together all the different threads. I'll go ahead and surmise he is also probably a pedophile


<a onclick="highlightReply('93913', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#93913">&gt;&gt;93913</a><br/>Damn always knew this guy was a shitebag. can't wait to tell my mate he tries to defend his obvious anti communist propoganda about this. Its gonna be like when I broke his Jordan Peterson spooks showing him the Zizek debate.


<a onclick="highlightReply('93913', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#93913">&gt;&gt;93913</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;&gt;calling people "girly" despite pushing nearly 380lbs and not in a good way</span><br/>Kek icing on the cake


<a onclick="highlightReply('93936', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#93936">&gt;&gt;93936</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;On 1 February 2000, Kleiner pulled out of the National Union, establishing Herut as an independent party in the Knesset. In the 2003 elections the party ran alone. It chose the ballot letters נץ, meaning "hawk", and used the slogan "the 'hawkiest' on the right". Kleiner led the list, with Baruch Marzel, a former member of the outlawed Kach party taking second place. The party won 36,202 votes, though it was only 1.1% of the total, and not enough to pass the 1.5% electoral threshold. Soon after Marzel left to found his own party, the Jewish National Front.</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('93913', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#93913">&gt;&gt;93913</a><br/>How the fuck does that /pol/tard still have a job?


<a onclick="highlightReply('93913', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#93913">&gt;&gt;93913</a><br/>This B&amp;B shit is insane, he's a psycho who wants poor countries to stay poor so he can be a degenerate sex tourist. Watch the first video he posted on youtube, it all makes sense now, fuck&hellip;


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<a onclick="highlightReply('94209', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#94209">&gt;&gt;94209</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('93913', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#93913">&gt;&gt;93913</a><br/>Somehow it just keeps getting worse. Here he is salivating at the prospect of the DPRK collapsing so he can do sex tourism. This guy is a total psychopath


<a onclick="highlightReply('94219', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#94219">&gt;&gt;94219</a><br/>This is absolutely vile. Grade A fucking <span class="heading"> NONCE </span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('94219', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#94219">&gt;&gt;94219</a><br/>Is it well known that that is his handle on that site or something?


<span class="quote">&gt;The so-called Lebensborn, or Fountain of Life, children were part of a lesser-known Nazi racial experiment. Some were the result of SS members encouraged to have sex with "pure-bred" women who would give the babies up for adoption.</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;"I was ripped away from my mother," said Folker Heinicker, 66, during an emotional tour of the Harz Lebensborn home the Nazis operated in the eastern town of Wernigerode, where members of Lebensspuren, or Traces of Life, were meeting; it was open to the public for the first time. The group was founded last year and two-thirds of the 60 members are Lebensborn. Others were fathered by German troops in occupied countries.</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('94219', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#94219">&gt;&gt;94219</a><br/>some Korean-speaking anons should spread this


<a onclick="highlightReply('93967', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#93967">&gt;&gt;93967</a><br/>He's very polite and "nice" when he's not being insane, and is at the very least smart enough to know when to act like a lunatic. He gets really weird whenever we have to do workplace harassment trainings. One of my coworkers was doing one of those on the computer once and he comes up behind them and he's like, "Hey are you learning it's not OK to be racist? That you can't call Italians spaghetti mick wops?" and my coworker is like WTF and kinda laughs it off. <br/><br/>I'm actually surprised of how tolerant people are of his BS, but he's our supervisor so no one wants to really rock the boat. He's very predictable and it's fairly obvious when he's about to say something fucked so I'm probably going to start recording him in secret and get him fired. I remember he "joked" that he tried to get his girlfriends dad deported. Besides the racist thing he's just a nasty fucking person and I've pointed out to my coworkers how fucked up the shit he says is but they seem much more forgiving. Honestly, most burgers don't really realize how truly vile fascists are so it's to be expected. Kind of the liberal "you're entitled to your opinion" thing going on. <br/><br/>I think he might eventually get fired though, he's had violent outbursts every now and then. One of our coworkers (who he dislikes) needed some help once and he just fucking lost it and started punching the walls and doors and shit. <br/><br/>The dude gave me serious creep vibes even before I know he was a /pol/tard tbh, he has mass shooter energy<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('94209', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#94209">&gt;&gt;94209</a><br/>Believe it or not, his friends are even worse. They all also VLOG, and they are all pedophiles. At least Bald sticks to 16+ girls, the rest go for literal children


It's baffling to me how many mexicans are nazies.


<a onclick="highlightReply('94219', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#94219">&gt;&gt;94219</a><br/>If I'm ever in the Philippines and some dude skewers me with a knife and then goes "ohh damn, sorry, I confused you for that YouTube sex tourist guy," while the blood is pouring out of my mouth I'll respond "nah, don't worry about it, I don't blame you, because that guy is a real asshoaalaaalllllal&hellip;.." *dies*


<a onclick="highlightReply('94938', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#94938">&gt;&gt;94938</a><br/>I think it's the whole postcolonial thing, AND since this is a tinfoil hat thread I know that the nazis tried to cozy up to Mexico during WWII in an attempt to get some leverage in the Americas, but eventually they chose to go for south America.


<a onclick="highlightReply('93913', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#93913">&gt;&gt;93913</a><br/>see if you can find a way to score with the jewish girl.


<a onclick="highlightReply('94938', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#94938">&gt;&gt;94938</a><br/>A lot of it has to do with being mixed race IMO, Burgerstan especially produces lot of weird Latino wignats. I remember growing up as a kid I wanted to be white and even for a long time after I was ashamed of my heritage and without any real education of your own culture's history combined with that feeling of uncertainty leaves you ripe for grooming by people with less than pleasant motivations. I grew out of it of course as I realized these people would never like or accept me because I'm brown, but people like my older and younger brother who look like they could be from Spain both fell into reaction in an attempt to reconcile their internal struggles with their "race". Neither of them like to speak Spanish, and constantly refer to all of Latin American cultures as lesser. <br/><br/>My older brother is a Wehraboo who has a bunch of Nazi model kits and memorabilia. He's got at least four different SS flecktarn jackets that he wears regularly and a few tank commander hats and an actual replica SS officer hat sitting in his room. He actively avoids the sun and wears sunscreen to avoid tanning and constantly calls me ugly cuz I'm noticeable Mestizo and will also quote 13/50 frequently along with unironically stanning Thomas Sowell while simultaneously engaging in the weird fascist leaning critiques of capitalism on his twitter.<br/><br/>My younger brother came out actually white and is an unemployed NEET who constantly parrots Ben Shapiro and Crowder talking points and is disgusted by the fact that "you can use slurs (no you can't dumbass) in Mexico but not in the USA" and constantly apologizes for white supremacists and ICE mistreatment of his own fucking people despite on some level probably realizing that they would liquidate his dad and mom who buy his lazy ass cheeseburgers if given the chance on the basis of ethnicity alone. <br/><br/>The Chicano movement needs to make a comeback IMO, dealing with these types is annoying because they think being "brown" protects them and they falsely labor under the notion that Latinos will be subsumed into whiteness (hint: they won't, they've been in the US for hundreds of years now and Anglo aggression has never let up) so it's basically impossible to snap them out of their retarded ideas


I'd like to add, a lot of Latinos like my brothers tend to fall into weird racial essentialism where they misattribute the problems that come with being from an impoverished background (as a result of being born to poor, often illiterate immigrants) to being Mexican or what have you. <br/><br/>I think they fail to realize that if they had been born in the coal belt or something they would have much of the same issues re:ignorant parents, backwards coworkers and a general self sabotaging attitude


Really makes you think.


<a onclick="highlightReply('93943', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#93943">&gt;&gt;93943</a><br/>Being as fat as he is makes him more likely to have less test and more estrogen than the girliest femboys.


<a onclick="highlightReply('93913', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#93913">&gt;&gt;93913</a><br/>It's interesting to note the difference between more radical ideologies on the right and left under conditions which are favourable to them versus conditions which are unfavourable. I mean obviously this guy is a total tool, but clearly not everybody who actively supported the Nazis was some antisocial autist. The vast majority of them were ordinary petty booj people who were scared of le ebil gommies. But under conditions which are not conducive to either fascism or communism gaining mass appeal, the only people they tend to draw in are either intellectuals or else barely-functional weirdos like the guy you described. The obvious parallel on the left would be mentally ill trannies (not to say that being transgender is a mental illness, but a lot of trans people suffer from other mental problems) and the more insane SJWs who lose their shit over every little thing. I mean if a society is relatively stable and people are by and large well integrated into and satisfied with it, then the only people who will be drawn to radical alternatives are those which find it impossible to integrate properly due to their own dysfunction.


<a onclick="highlightReply('93918', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#93918">&gt;&gt;93918</a><br/>that was euronymous lol


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<a onclick="highlightReply('112226', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112226">&gt;&gt;112226</a><br/>who this eyes wide shut looking nigga


<a onclick="highlightReply('112228', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112228">&gt;&gt;112228</a><br/>I don't know but goddamn I have these pics now, I tried looking at the exif data and it all got wiped.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('112226', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112226">&gt;&gt;112226</a><br/>Just to be clear I know it's vril or some facist vril related group because of the weird metal hook looking things are the vril symbol, also the sonnerad of course.


I reversed image searched everything now, the one pic of the circle of mayos leads to this deleted twitter account:<br/><a href="https://leftypol.org/leftypol/src/1615366015494-2.jpg" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://leftypol.org/leftypol/src/1615366015494-2.jpg</a><br/><br/>named SecretSHHiety<br/>SS<br/>HH<br/><br/>It's full of scripture and Q shit and also "corona is fake" shit, is it a Nazi attempt at sowing discord?


<a onclick="highlightReply('112226', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112226">&gt;&gt;112226</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Larpers larping as the losers of the crusades</span><br/>Cringe


<a onclick="highlightReply('112262', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112262">&gt;&gt;112262</a><br/>based lmao


<a onclick="highlightReply('112226', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112226">&gt;&gt;112226</a><br/>Seems like they have fun


<a onclick="highlightReply('112273', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112273">&gt;&gt;112273</a><br/>needs more suicide to be a true dionysian sex cult IMO


<a onclick="highlightReply('112274', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112274">&gt;&gt;112274</a><br/>All these 'sex cults' are just swingers clubs with extra steps because they got duped into marriage and are now unhappy.


<a onclick="highlightReply('112278', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112278">&gt;&gt;112278</a><br/>It's a good grill pilled hobby


<a onclick="highlightReply('112226', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112226">&gt;&gt;112226</a><br/>Damn, nobody larps harder than the esoteric right. Do we have any other info on the Vril society? According to Goodricke Clarke Vril is what the Nazis believed to be a secret energy source used by Nazis to power UFO's and shit. They were also supposed to be a secret inner circle of the Thule society. Maybe this one is just a larp but still. Spooky. <br/><br/>Things what I have noticed: <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Templar crosses, maybe they are in some way connected to the knights templar international? </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Does anybody know what that symbol is in the first picture on the corner of the altar that kinda looks like a T with two additional downward diagonal lines halfway along the horizontal line of the T on either side? </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;white beard in the third photo, older guys looks like. </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;in the last picture I swear i've seen that spearhead type symbol before somewhere but dunno where </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;that golden two faced statue is extremely phallic </span><br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('112228', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112228">&gt;&gt;112228</a><br/>kek


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<a onclick="highlightReply('112367', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112367">&gt;&gt;112367</a><br/>Golden face statue is Janus, who is a big deal in mystery religions, I have no clue why though.


<a onclick="highlightReply('112367', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112367">&gt;&gt;112367</a><br/>There are a ton of books on vril society, some written by the members themselves, I know a lot about vril because I've been into the occult for years now. <br/><br/>Basically Vril society believes in magic white people who live underground and have this magic power called vril force, which is just chi for racists. Anyway these magic white people will one day "help" create a new vril white master race on the surface. There's a lot more weird shit than that and I could go on forever about this but that's the basic idea.<br/><br/>Anyway I don't believe the people in the images are in any group that would ever call itself Satanist, because I am a satanist myself and they are not wearing enough black and their ritual site does not look like a black velvet brothel. I'm serious that is the Satanist aesthetic and no-one veers from it, left or right.<br/><br/>However I'm sure they are related to Vril society because of the sonnerad and all the vril shit.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('112551', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112551">&gt;&gt;112551</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt; I am a satanist myself </span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('112557', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112557">&gt;&gt;112557</a><br/>Laugh all you want anon, I've been one for years and am totally okay with getting laughed out for my beliefs. Truth is I really feel like it's better to do what I feel is right and just be myself no matter what other people think.


<a onclick="highlightReply('112570', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112570">&gt;&gt;112570</a><br/>esoteric communism when


<a onclick="highlightReply('112573', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112573">&gt;&gt;112573</a><br/>When Satan-Chan's nudes get reposted.


<a onclick="highlightReply('112573', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112573">&gt;&gt;112573</a><br/>Never honestly church and state should be separate. Marx would roll in his grave even more than he already does over religious people like me joining the left.


<a onclick="highlightReply('112551', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112551">&gt;&gt;112551</a><br/>Are you a theistic satanist or an edgy atheist satanist? I'd like to learn more about genuine devil worship, not some glorified atheism stuff. Is there any theistic satanist org?


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;112997</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;how is that any less edgy</span><br/>Because theistic satanism is meant to be a genuinely serious spiritual ideology, while atheist satanism was created purely to be "edgy".


<a onclick="highlightReply('112367', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112367">&gt;&gt;112367</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;&gt;Templar crosses, maybe they are in some way connected to the knights templar international? </span><br/>Probably not.<br/>The knights templar have been popular characters in the European occult tradition (Nazi or not) for like hundreds of years at this point.<br/>Basically the occultist / esoteric belief is that the knights were a secret gnostic sect that adapted Sufi'ism that got purged by the catholic church.<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;&gt;that golden two faced statue is extremely phallic </span><br/>That's Janus.<br/>The "Phallic" thing may make sense i guess considering he is considered somewhat of an incarnation of the male principle in european occultism.


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;113039</span><br/>Yes iirc in one of crowley's books (I think "Vision and voice") he talks about how PAN (Who is the "highest" god in his system in the sense he ranks absolute highest on the tree of life diagrams crowley drew) fucks the whore of Babylon with his giant goat dick to like make magic real or whateves.<br/><br/>Im not sure about it being the same as the sun though. Because i think that he said Horus was the sun and the sun was more a representative of like a totally attained individual ego who had like totally aligned their chakras and became woke like jesus or buddha or whatever the fuck. Which is why its always the middle sphere on the tree of life because it represents perfect balance or whatever


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;113039</span><br/>Crowley btfoing the Golden dawns by making their beleifs public knowledge was based


<a onclick="highlightReply('113048', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113048">&gt;&gt;113048</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Be super-sekrit british skull-a-bones society that does magic in the basement of a university</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Invite some random socialite into your club because he has tonnes of money to buy you gold chalices and greek statues and sheit</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Said rich druggo publishes all their magic spells and meditations and sheit to the public.</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Regardie releases their entire system of worship to the public as well.</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU NEED TO JOIN OUR SUPER SECRET CLUB TO BECOME WOKE!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!"</span>


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<a onclick="highlightReply('112583', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112583">&gt;&gt;112583</a><br/>ENTER


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;113024</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;hispanic satanic nazis</span><br/>That sounds like an oxymoron, are you sure it's really a neonazi org? Also, do you know any occult orgs that aren't neonazi?


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;113095</span><br/>Book 4 (Thats the one where he gives a TL;DR of all the basics of meditation and the point of samsara and sahmadi etc then explains the actual symbolism of the outfit a "wizard" wears during a ritual iirc) That books where he explains Qabbalah using tarrot cards ("Book of thoth" i think) and "In theory and practice" are probably like the only books you really should read if your interested in spiritualism and want to get some sort of value out of Crowley's take on it.<br/><br/>Book of the law, Vision and Voice and all the other books on "Thelema" is just him advertising his own Neo-Reactionary hippy sex cult basically


<a onclick="highlightReply('112993', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112993">&gt;&gt;112993</a><br/>Theistic, there are several orgs like temple of set, dragon rouge, temple.of blacklight, ascending flame project, etc etc.<br/><br/>I'm too poor to join an org but have pirated my way through nine years of theistic Satanism, mostly dragon rouge books and I plan on joining them when I have the dish despite the red flags.<br/><br/>Here are my thoughts on each org:<br/>Temple of set: some great people but lower quality publications, the fact Aquino was openly a flower makes me turn up my nose.<br/><br/>Dragon Rouge: This is it. The primo LHP experience if you want to hurt no one and listen to metal all day and feel like THE CHRISTIANS are always trying to get you. <br/><br/>Temple of blacklight: Truth is I have no idea what happened to these guys, they came out swinging with some good stuff but they also had a bunch of eye rolling shit later on about CULLING THE WEACK despite hating the entire structure of the universe and blaming it on the demiurge.<br/><br/>Ascending flame project: They are iffy and lower quality, but its fucking free! Free stuff is the ultimate selling point.<br/><br/>And here at the bottom I will put in the Gossip tier:<br/>ONA, very clearly an op. Not much to say that hasn't already been said. If you think Satanism is like in movies made by Catholics than ONA is for you anyway.


<a onclick="highlightReply('113260', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113260">&gt;&gt;113260</a><br/>Aquino was openly a glowie*<br/>ONA is gladio tier*


<a onclick="highlightReply('113260', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113260">&gt;&gt;113260</a><br/>Do you know which one of those orgs aren't neonazi?


<a onclick="highlightReply('113276', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113276">&gt;&gt;113276</a><br/>Comrade I have bad news for you they are all probably right kids in the end. Dragon Rouge documents have the least problematic stuff but considering how European they are I would not at all be surprised if the higher levels get more messed up.<br/><br/>Right now a bunch of us left Satanists are in the planning stages of our own org, but because we all have real life obligations its in the planning stages.


<a onclick="highlightReply('113300', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113300">&gt;&gt;113300</a><br/>This sounds really based. Is there any more information you can give me surrounding the org? I might join if possible once it starts. What's your opinion on OTO? I know it's not necessarily a satanist org but it's occultist.


<a onclick="highlightReply('113304', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113304">&gt;&gt;113304</a><br/>Reddit unironically, the lefthandpath sub has a lot of us. Esotericsatanism as well anyone is allowed to post on both bet the obvious Nazis get driven out.<br/><br/>I have mixed feelings about the OTO, I like lots of their members but I honestly cannot understand a word of what Crowley had to say about anything. I'm subscribed to a YouTube channel called thoth 93 robot ghod which is all the Crowley I could ever ask for.


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Esoteric nazis even had minority representation <br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;Savitri was an associate in the post-war years of Françoise Dior, Otto Skorzeny, Johann von Leers, and Hans-Ulrich Rudel.She was also one of the founding members of the World Union of National Socialists.</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('113319', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113319">&gt;&gt;113319</a><br/>Savitri was white but she did marry a nazi guy from India


<a onclick="highlightReply('113322', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113322">&gt;&gt;113322</a><br/>Indians LOVE Hitler


<a onclick="highlightReply('113309', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113309">&gt;&gt;113309</a><br/>Yeah, reddit is really good for niche subjects while filtering out nazis. I haven't found any posts about a particular leftist satanist org on those subreddits. You mind telling me the name of the organization in planning?


<a onclick="highlightReply('113325', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113325">&gt;&gt;113325</a><br/>We haven't even come up with a name yet, but people are publicly spitballing ideas on satanicliterature. We have theists and atheists involved right now. Progress is very slow because we all have lives.


<a onclick="highlightReply('113337', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113337">&gt;&gt;113337</a><br/>Sounds good


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;113355</span><br/>Here are some of my favorites on the whys and how's of theistic Satanism:<br/>Lords of the Left Hand path by Dr. Steven Flowers<br/>Satanic feminism : Lucifer as the liberator of women in 19th century culture Per Faxneld<br/>Seven faces of darkness by Don Webb<br/>My personal favorite "embracing the dark" by Kennet Granholm<br/><br/>As for how theistic Satanism is practiced I unironically recommend hitting up a pirated PDF library and trying out what seems cool to you. The overwhelming majority of theistic Satanist orgs have one thing in common: the idea of self mastery and self reliance, everyone's application of "worship" is completely customized to fit the practitioners needs.


Can anyone elavorate on evidence O9A is an op?


<a onclick="highlightReply('113413', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113413">&gt;&gt;113413</a><br/>If you go back into the archived threads it’s all there, particularly in the article on medium that is linked “the truth about the alt right a destruction by facts and logic”. <br/><br/>But basically <br/>1) David Myatt, the founder of the group, was deeply involved in the British far right. This by itself is evidence. <br/>2) On top of this, he and many of his mentors were involved in fed groups such as “the league of empire loyalists”. Google them, as well as many others. <br/>3) on top of that, he himself was involved in loyalist paramilitaries, which were literally all MI6 ops, who sent troops to Israel etc. <br/>3) on top of loyalist paramilitaries, he was also a member of column 88, which was a Nazi paramilitary/ street gang organisation which was set up under operation Gladio, if you don’t know what Gladio is, just ask. <br/>4) the 09A were deeply involved in AWD, which was a bunch of feds. <br/>5) he regularly associated with old actual Nazis who escaped to various places such as Egypt and continued to do intelligence work <br/>6) a wealth of circumstantial evidence, including the actual make up and beliefs of O9A which more or less align entirely with the CIA strategy of tension, creation of MKULTRA’d assets and extreme physical training, as well as the fact that the actions they take are directed against the left. <br/>7) the entire far right from hitler onwards is an OP<br/><br/>I’m sure there is a bunch I’ve missed out but it’s been a year since I wrote the article




<a onclick="highlightReply('113447', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113447">&gt;&gt;113447</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;3) on top of that, he himself was involved in loyalist paramilitaries, which were literally all MI6 ops, who sent troops to Israel etc. </span><br/>C18 and that clique was infiltrated at such a level that nothing could happen without there knowledge. I wouldn't be suprised if Myatt at this point was never on the pay himself.<br/>..Kinda glad that the euro nazis never learned the lession of decentralization, there modes of organizing are crazy easy to subvert..


<a onclick="highlightReply('129818', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#129818">&gt;&gt;129818</a><br/>I would be suprised if he wasn't on the take*



<a onclick="highlightReply('113447', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113447">&gt;&gt;113447</a><br/>Wait you wrote that Medium article?


<a onclick="highlightReply('142939', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#142939">&gt;&gt;142939</a><br/>Yes


<a onclick="highlightReply('142964', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#142964">&gt;&gt;142964</a><br/>Would it be useful to add this information? &gt;&gt;143002


<a onclick="highlightReply('143008', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#143008">&gt;&gt;143008</a><br/>I have been thinking of doing a follow up with new info collected. That does seem fucking weird, what is the context of this post? What subreddit is it on/ where did you find it/ is there any follow ups to it?


<a onclick="highlightReply('143038', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#143038">&gt;&gt;143038</a><br/>as a different poster, there was a lot of different subreddits but it was really noticeable on every political/news one


<a onclick="highlightReply('143038', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#143038">&gt;&gt;143038</a><br/>You should definitely make another one


Does anybody have the homofascism webm.? I can't upload mine for some reason.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('143590', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#143590">&gt;&gt;143590</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('143729', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#143729">&gt;&gt;143729</a><br/>what's the song used in that webm


<a onclick="highlightReply('143794', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#143794">&gt;&gt;143794</a><br/>No clue, probably some fashwave band.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('143729', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#143729">&gt;&gt;143729</a><br/>whoops, let me try again



<a onclick="highlightReply('143794', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#143794">&gt;&gt;143794</a><br/><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rq8PjgNI3c" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rq8PjgNI3c</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('143825', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#143825">&gt;&gt;143825</a><br/>pleb


<a onclick="highlightReply('150056', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#150056">&gt;&gt;150056</a><br/>On a long enough time line, the not a pedophile rate for all fascists drops to zero


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<a onclick="highlightReply('150174', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#150174">&gt;&gt;150174</a><br/>The real question for me is the chicken-egg question, which comes first : the fascist or pedo, or are they so interlinked that they are terminally insuperable?<br/>Do pedos become fascist because their brains are that warped? Do pedos become fascist because they can abuse the authoritarian structure and rape more kids that way? Do fascists become pedos because they start thinking nothing is wrong with it?


<a onclick="highlightReply('150644', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#150644">&gt;&gt;150644</a><br/>from what it seems like with the atomwaffen types who are probably the most open about their admiration for rape, sadism, mass murder, etc. its probably the fascistic beliefs regarding violence that come first. a lot of the ones who actually abused people strike me more as predators who don't discriminate when it comes to who they sexually assault, rather than people who do it out of some attraction.





<a onclick="highlightReply('150644', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#150644">&gt;&gt;150644</a><br/>Maybe both cases exist. Pedo flock to fascism because it gives them the chance to diddle, then other fascists start to diddle to fit in.


<a onclick="highlightReply('143038', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#143038">&gt;&gt;143038</a><br/>Please do anon


<a onclick="highlightReply('112226', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112226">&gt;&gt;112226</a><br/>What a bunch of dorks


<a onclick="highlightReply('113260', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113260">&gt;&gt;113260</a><br/>What are your thoughts/opinions re the Freemasons?


Ok Hold on a sec i just stumbled upon something that is genuinely fucking spooky.<br/><br/>So in 1975 this guy named Mike Aquino who was at the time both a high-up member of Anton Levay's satanic temple (Aquino apparently basically wrote the newsletters and little news-alerts Levay would mail to all the church's subscribers or whatever the fuck) and ALSO a member of the Military Intelligence who specialised in the FIELD OF PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE Split and formed his own religious oganisation called the "Temple of set" (<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_of_Set" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_of_Set</a>) Now a few years after this in the 80s this guy came forward and said he had been abducted by Anton-Levay and Mike Aquino (Who the guy claims that Levay would always speak to like he was his superior "Yes Sir" "Yes Colonel." etc.) and they did psychological warfare shit on him in the form of satanic ritual basically.<br/><br/>Now whats fucking crazy is the US government actually gave the guy a million dollars to fuck off with a kurt statment that basically said "We admit the party has been wronged by the US government in some way but we reserve the fact he would not likely be able to prove any criminal activity occurred against him on the orders of Mike Aquino or any other members of US military intelligence"


<a onclick="highlightReply('177212', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#177212">&gt;&gt;177212</a><br/>Hey does this count.<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Chris Simcox founded the Civil Homeland Defense organization, being the first antecedent of the group to patrol the borders, but were disbanded after his first arrest. April 1, 2005, the group renaming the group Minuteman Civil Defense Corps was a militia organization concerned with border security that invokes the image of Revolutionary War militiamen and traces his motivation to "protect the american borders",ready at a moment's notice to fight for America's freedom. Although the majority of the group's members are Caucasians, some Mexican Americans work to patrol the borders as well, deeply the organization's call to protect legal immigration as a measure to protect American society and resources, approximately 900 volunteers patrol a twenty-three-mile section of the Arizona-Mexico border.[5][6] The MCDC is often confused with or thought to be affiliated with The Minuteman Project Inc., but the two groups are wholly distinct. The militants have been accused of racial profiling, however, approaching persons of color, asking whether they speak English, asking where they live, and questioning them while not quizzing Caucasians in the same areas.[7] The group was originally co-founded by American neo-Nazi, J. T. Ready.[8][9]</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;On June 8, 2016, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps co-founder Chris Simcox was found guilty of child molestation,[14] and on July 11, 2016, was sentenced to serve 19.5 years in an Arizona prison.[15]</span><br/><br/><a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20160608221415/http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/8/chris-simcox-minuteman-civil-defense-corps-co-foun/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://web.archive.org/web/20160608221415/http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/8/chris-simcox-minuteman-civil-defense-corps-co-foun/</a><br/><br/>It's not exactly a Nazi group.


<a onclick="highlightReply('112226', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112226">&gt;&gt;112226</a><br/>HAHAHHAHA! Every time I visit this thread, I always trip out on the unadulterated cringe these faggots produce.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('177212', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#177212">&gt;&gt;177212</a><br/>Link?<br/>I've heard some nasty things about Aqunio but I can't imagine Lavey secretly being his superior, Lavey was a literal carnie who loved attetion even more than Aquino did.


<a onclick="highlightReply('93918', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#93918">&gt;&gt;93918</a><br/>what the fuck? I thought Euronymous was a communist, did I mistake him for some other black metaller?


<a onclick="highlightReply('192114', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#192114">&gt;&gt;192114</a><br/>If by "communist" you mean just liked Stalin because he killed one gorillion people, sure.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('104891', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#104891">&gt;&gt;104891</a><br/>I miss Euronymous


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<a onclick="highlightReply('112573', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112573">&gt;&gt;112573</a><br/>it's already here anon


Bump for visiting retard


"Quiverfull" movement champion and reality TV star Josh Duggar caught with possesion of child pornography:<br/><a href="https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/josh-duggar-arrested-arkansas-tlc-231021094.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/josh-duggar-arrested-arkansas-tlc-231021094.html</a>


Siege is a good insight on how the federal government infiltrates and subverts dissident movements. Masons insight on how revolution would happen in modern america is closer than alot of other modern “revolutionary” text. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;don't form groups</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;act alone</span><br/>Its odd that AWD did alot of things the book said not to do.


<a onclick="highlightReply('194304', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#194304">&gt;&gt;194304</a><br/>Metalhead here. Miss him too. He was a real uygha.


<a onclick="highlightReply('205501', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#205501">&gt;&gt;205501</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;&gt;don't form groups</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;&gt;act alone</span><br/>Isn't that what they're already doing with all the lone wolf attacks? Doesn't seem to be working very well


Bumping again for today’s visiting retards


<a onclick="highlightReply('205678', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#205678">&gt;&gt;205678</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;politically based</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;makes good music</span><br/>what's not to love?


<a onclick="highlightReply('209208', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#209208">&gt;&gt;209208</a><br/>Was he really politcally based? Thought he saw the soviet union as the caricature of 1984 gulag ten gorillion dead, but that it was edgy and cool to think that was what humanity deserved.


<a onclick="highlightReply('205678', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#205678">&gt;&gt;205678</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('194304', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#194304">&gt;&gt;194304</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('192114', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#192114">&gt;&gt;192114</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('209221', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#209221">&gt;&gt;209221</a><br/><br/>he was not based at all, he was a retarded satanist who sincerely believed western propaganda about the USSR being hell on earth and he just thought that was epic. he was a fucking loser and in my book varg deserves some credit for killing him


<a onclick="highlightReply('209267', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#209267">&gt;&gt;209267</a><br/>Seems about right, metal musicians are almost all to a man complete retards even though I do like metal.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('205501', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#205501">&gt;&gt;205501</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Siege is a good insight on how the federal government infiltrates and subverts dissident movements. Masons insight on how revolution would happen in modern america is closer than alot of other modern “revolutionary” text. </span><br/>Agree and disagree. It is somewhat good but you see pretty quickly if you read anarchist literature of the era (especially the environmental radicalism stuff, ALF ELF) that he is just ripping off anarchist activsts tactics and to a degree aesthetics. There really isn't much worth a damn there you cannot get better from others&hellip; and the constant hero-worship is a slog.


<a onclick="highlightReply('209280', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#209280">&gt;&gt;209280</a><br/>its interesting that even when the organized left was kind of dead in the us and 'far-left' usually made one think of these radical environmentalst/animal rights groups the fascists kind of coopted their whole "terrorwave" aesthetic from them too


<a onclick="highlightReply('209284', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#209284">&gt;&gt;209284</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;the fascists kind of coopted their whole "terrorwave" aesthetic from them too</span><br/>Kek. I only learned about 'terrorwave' last week and to me it just seeems like a direct clone of european squatter/anarchist/rave fashion.<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('209280', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#209280">&gt;&gt;209280</a><br/>Accidental shitpost flag


<a onclick="highlightReply('86977', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#86977">&gt;&gt;86977</a><br/>these "psychological" evaluations of historical figures are 90% bullcrap tho






<a onclick="highlightReply('263046', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#263046">&gt;&gt;263046</a><br/>I see your bump, and raise you a sage!


I sort of want to look into Esoteric Marxism.


Found out via an old 4chan archive that James Mason was apparently in correspondence with another sex offender Peter Sotos years back.<br/><br/>Except bellow.<br/><br/>fun fact: the University of Kansas library special collections has the collected papers of James Mason (American neo-nazi and writer of that SIEGE book that gets shitposted around here and there) and one of the folders is his correspondence with Sotos circa 2000. Been tempted to put a request in for scans because I can only fucking imagine what those two would go on about.<br/><br/>Sotos had a sort of true crime type magazine which published in lurid details violent sex crimes often perpetrated against kids. Issue 2 of his magazine Pure was found in the home of a suspect over in Scotland alleged to have grave robbed and raped and murder small innocent children. It apparently featured photo scanned images of bound and abused kids. And for this he was put in jail back in I believe 1985 on 100,000 bound. The first person to get such treatment in Illinois. Really makes you wonder what him and old James Mason all wrote to each other about. Seems that birds of a feather sure do flock together.


This is probably only tangentially interesting to some people here, but there is a small, but perhaps growing subculture of people in the "manosphere", particularly in the strength training community who seem to be radicalizing into outright fascism.<br/><br/><a href="https://www.scotthambrick.com/article/lets-think-about-the-right-not-conservatism/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.scotthambrick.com/article/lets-think-about-the-right-not-conservatism/</a><br/><br/>I spend a lot of time on weightlifting groups on FB and other sites and it's just fucking rife with insane people. If you go on the Starring Strength youtube channel and click around for a little while on some of the comments you can find a handful of neo-Nazis or other rightist kooks.<br/><br/><br/>There was also a whole, MASSIVE network of extremely weird and fucked up "<span class="heading">RETVRN TO TRVDITION</span>" pages on Facebook that I discovered about a year or two ago (probably gone in the great purge) that I wish I could find again because it was that aesthetic but wrapped up with weightlifting and fitness and they had huge followings. Posts by the page I saw was shit like, "DRINK YOUR MILK AND EAT RED MEAT THREE TIMES A DAY, AVOID GMOS AND LIFT. READ EVOLA" and they all had like 300 comments or more sometimes<br/><br/>It was fucking terrifying lmao


<a onclick="highlightReply('289399', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#289399">&gt;&gt;289399</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;<strong>We’ve been to Wal-Mart.</strong> We know that the voting franchise should be limited. In light of recent fraud, perhaps voting should be eliminated. Voting doesn’t seem to perform the function we were told it performs, but it does make normies believe the rulers have a mandate. They do not, and the perception that they do hold a mandate is very harmful.</span><br/>If this manifesto was found in a piece of fiction I would've thought the writer was too on the nose about Ideology-shopping symbolism.


<a onclick="highlightReply('205501', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#205501">&gt;&gt;205501</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Masons insight on how revolution would happen in modern america is closer than alot of other modern “revolutionary” text. </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;don't form groups</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;act alone</span><br/>Revolution is defined in the aftermath of power transition by those taking power, not a discrete event or series of discrete events by individuals acting alone, which he fantasies about building up into a maelstrom of destruction. Like others pointed at, ontologically his ideology has more similarities with anarchism.


Ok, I found one. There used to be more of these. They're all fucking nuts though, lol. Right wingers are all seriously out in the weeds, I have no fucking clue what they're even talking about half the time. Maybe it's because I am a bugman who reasons on an emotional level (which is why I am a Cultural Marxist Leninist Neo Bolshevist) but like, it's all really weird&hellip;..spiritual crap that barely makes any sense. It's like they base their conception of the world around the end results of systemic phenomena like "bugmen" (which in itself is not even really a thing) and view those end results as actually causative of perceived decay. <br/><br/>Sheesh, I'm going to have to eventually into street fights with these freaks. The admin is like 6'4 and stacked. I lift weights too but I'm short and probably won't bench 315 for another year or so. We're <span class="heading">f u c k e d</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('289409', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#289409">&gt;&gt;289409</a><br/>No such thing as a fair fight<br/>Fight dirty retard


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<a onclick="highlightReply('289409', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#289409">&gt;&gt;289409</a><br/>I checked the page out and from what I can tell there's really not much there. The admin whines about the characters in his gym, post some things about table top games such as warhammer and says some stuff about his "primordial instincts." And like most online fitness spaces i'm going to guess only 20-30% actually lift.


<a onclick="highlightReply('289409', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#289409">&gt;&gt;289409</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;The admin is like 6'4 and stacked. I lift weights too but I'm short and probably won't bench 315 for another year or so. We're f u c k e d</span><br/>bullets kill him no matter how much he lifts


<a onclick="highlightReply('289436', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#289436">&gt;&gt;289436</a><br/>they have guns too though<br/><br/>Have you seen Proud Boys out and about? All stacked, and have massive arsenals. We're doomed. What do we have?<br/><br/>A S H I E L D W A L L?<br/><br/><a href="https://mobile.twitter.com/iwriteok/status/1348028943656394753?lang=en" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://mobile.twitter.com/iwriteok/status/1348028943656394753?lang=en</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('289440', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#289440">&gt;&gt;289440</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Have you seen Proud Boys out and about? All stacked, and have massive arsenals. We're doomed. What do we have?</span><br/><br/>Yes, I saw them personally, and they're serious fucking cowards. They freaked the fuck out as soon as they realized how outnumbered they were when they went out to harass protesters despite nobody even getting close to them and fled. <br/>Later they drove around on a pickup truck and shot at literally random people on the sidewalk with paintball guns. <br/><br/>That was only one of several cases of right-wing types being toughguy fuckbois last year.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('265174', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#265174">&gt;&gt;265174</a><br/>Marxism is for the MASSES, for the WORKERS. The whole idea of esotericism is anti-marxist since it means that there are some "deep truths" that should not be exposed to the masses. Some people spend too much time online and have a hard-on for mystical bullshit. Esoteric pseudo-science is only good for the capitalists and their cucks who fantasize about being part of some "ruling inner circle of elite".<br/><br/>It's shit, sorry.


<a onclick="highlightReply('289409', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#289409">&gt;&gt;289409</a><br/>Don't be intimidated by these people. They might have physical strength but they lack backbone. They lack courage. Don't let them forget it. So, they don't handle setbacks well. The Nazi-fascists were strong until they weren't.<br/><br/>It's like fighting a Tiger tank. How do you fight a Tiger tank? You don't face it head on, you outmaneuver it and attack it from the flanks, or just bypass it and wait for it to run out of fuel because they forgot to bring enough. Or you just&hellip; run away. And then let wander around aimlessly hunting for an enemy that's not even there. And then it runs out of fuel. And then you strike.


<a onclick="highlightReply('289440', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#289440">&gt;&gt;289440</a><br/>They’re pussies. Even if they come kitted out, they’ll only do something serious if they think they have numerical superiority. In Portland last year when they came to the protests, not only did a shit ton of them mace themselves, they scattered when fireworks were thrown at them. <br/><br/>They’re no freikorps and never will be.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('112226', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112226">&gt;&gt;112226</a><br/>There was a channel back in 2019 that larped as a vrill person , he got banned after reading the christchurch manifesto, here is his stuff reuploaded on bitchute: <a href="https://www.bitchute.com/video/k6R6bhCOdmrR/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.bitchute.com/video/k6R6bhCOdmrR/</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('290073', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#290073">&gt;&gt;290073</a><br/>Yeah one thing about the contemporary American brownshirts is that, with some rare exceptions, they're terrified of death or other major inconveniences especially for ideological reasons. Which is very much unlike their counterparts in interwar Germany.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('290644', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#290644">&gt;&gt;290644</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;American brownshirts</span><br/>They're called brownsharts, anon.


<a onclick="highlightReply('112551', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112551">&gt;&gt;112551</a><br/>Can you recommend any good books on understanding them? Are there any academic ones?


<a onclick="highlightReply('209280', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#209280">&gt;&gt;209280</a><br/>Can you give any recommendations for any books like this anon?


<a onclick="highlightReply('289409', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#289409">&gt;&gt;289409</a><br/>Nice larp polyp fuck off


<a onclick="highlightReply('289409', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#289409">&gt;&gt;289409</a><br/>I say that as 6,4 jacked dude ,street fights are chaotic as fuck <br/>Roids help mostly in like getting beat up but not getting knocked out


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<a onclick="highlightReply('290644', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#290644">&gt;&gt;290644</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('290678', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#290678">&gt;&gt;290678</a><br/>US special forces soldiers are already being pumped full of drugs and lone wolf ideology. We have brownshirted friekorp kids, but they are off in other countries or dormant.<br/>The trailer park nazis by contrast, are more akin to Charles Manson. They are garbage people having their brains ruined by mkultra and before being sent off.


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Ukraine's Azov Battalion has an independent military engineering arm. It is called Arey and has been manufacturing tanks for export.


notice the UFO on the black sun?


<a onclick="highlightReply('300106', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#300106">&gt;&gt;300106</a><br/>Notice? How can you not notice? They might as well fly the swastika at this point it'll just make things easier for everyone.


<a onclick="highlightReply('300101', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#300101">&gt;&gt;300101</a><br/>That's terrifying


<a onclick="highlightReply('300101', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#300101">&gt;&gt;300101</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;That Symbol.</span><br/>MEANWHILE INSIDE THE AZOV BATTALION :<br/><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq2w_Zm2K3c" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq2w_Zm2K3c</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('300101', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#300101">&gt;&gt;300101</a><br/>I know multiple libs who are pro-Azov battalion. Do they just live in a different reality from us where the esoteric nazism is never revealed?


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nazis are known for being smart


Did a bit more research into the far right and the connection to pedophilia. And sure enough found yet another infamous nazi fuck who is into kids. Today's exhibit Ryan Brewer. Perhaps better known as the racist fuck that shouts racial slurs and obscenities on airplanes (one of which went viral with him wearing the burger King hat) so he apparently will not get his old crusty ass deported from Jamacia back to the US. Seeing as he has a warrant out for his arrest there apparently. Anyway if you go to his YouTube channel you can find clear evidence of him being subscribed to many kids YouTube channels and having one such video saved to a playlist that is public. Totally not creepy at all for some like 60 year old fuck to be watching little kids play around while soaking wet. And before accusing me of just being on a witch hunt don't forget that YouTube disabled comments on many such videos due to the open pedophilia in there discussion sections.


<a onclick="highlightReply('289481', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#289481">&gt;&gt;289481</a><br/>But anon tons of people have a natural drive or interest towards mystical thinking. Shouldn't we find a way to meet these tendencies with a pov compatible with marxism?


<a onclick="highlightReply('305310', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#305310">&gt;&gt;305310</a><br/>Of course that psycho degenerate is a nonce<br/><br/>pol=pedos


<a onclick="highlightReply('305382', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#305382">&gt;&gt;305382</a><br/>youre a fucking dumbass


<a onclick="highlightReply('305409', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#305409">&gt;&gt;305409</a><br/>and?


<a onclick="highlightReply('56325', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56325">&gt;&gt;56325</a><br/>You people do understand that most of pol isn't nazi but just people who want to live in peace with their own kind?<br/><br/>I mean, it's more important to me to be able to let my kid play on the playground without supervision or go to the nearby grocery store without being raped by Ahmed, than letting Ahmed into the country to collect benefits and make 10 babies which will (according to research) be even worse than him.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('306049', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306049">&gt;&gt;306049</a><br/>picrel


<a onclick="highlightReply('306059', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306059">&gt;&gt;306059</a><br/>Ah man, and here I thought you people engaged in "intellectual discussions" and "listened to other people's arguments". At least when you invade pol you get an argument instead of shitty memes.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('306084', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306084">&gt;&gt;306084</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('306097', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306097">&gt;&gt;306097</a><br/>Lemme guess, champagne socialist, pro id-pol, lives in the suburbs, parents paid for meme diploma, never had to worry about Ahmed or Tyrone drop kicking your 2 year old for being the wrong color?


<a onclick="highlightReply('306049', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306049">&gt;&gt;306049</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;You people do understand that most of pol isn't nazi but just people who want to live in peace with their own kind?</span><br/>No, they aren't, and their definition of "live with their own kind" is violently removing anyone who isn't.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;I mean, it's more important to me to be able to let my kid play on the playground without supervision or go to the nearby grocery store without being raped by Ahmed, than letting Ahmed into the country to collect benefits and make 10 babies which will (according to research) be even worse than him</span><br/>Bullshit. <br/><a onclick="highlightReply('306084', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306084">&gt;&gt;306084</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;At least when you invade pol you get an argument instead of shitty memes.</span><br/>We don't invade /pol/, and /pol/ doesn't give arguments. They give unsourced infogrpahs between soyjack spam and single sentence responses before the thread rapidly decends down the pages with no ability to bump before getting suddenly archived and the poster banned.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306113', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306113">&gt;&gt;306113</a><br/>lurk moar lel


<a onclick="highlightReply('306113', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306113">&gt;&gt;306113</a><br/>You're literally pro-idpol you faggot. Being a regular fucking anti-idpol socialist means being against what you are for you idiot.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306113', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306113">&gt;&gt;306113</a><br/>sorry im not american i never stepped into a suburb or visited one of your meme colleges


<a onclick="highlightReply('306114', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306114">&gt;&gt;306114</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;No, they aren't, and their definition of "live with their own kind" is violently removing anyone who isn't.</span><br/>Yes they are. First of all, I'm from the EU, 2nd largest group of users after USA. No one asked me if I want millions of Ahmeds to come and literally behead school teachers, and rape and murder women. I do not. I wish them no harm I just want them to go back to their country. Only those really fleeing from war are welcome, until said war ends. And as far as I know, only war zones atm are Yemen and Palestine, Syria - last event was summer 2020, refugees returning, Afganistan - US troops pulled out.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Bullshit</span><br/>On what grounds? On your prejudiced view of anyone who says they don't want their kids raped and murdered when stats show that's literally what's happening?


<a onclick="highlightReply('306145', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306145">&gt;&gt;306145</a><br/>Aus welchem Land kommt das Ami schwein denn angeblich?


<a onclick="highlightReply('306130', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306130">&gt;&gt;306130</a><br/>Ah yes, you're so anti id-pol you believe there are no differences between cultures and races and we can all live happily on the same land with 10 000 religions and cultural customs. Or do you believe that if we strip all the people of anything they can identify with outside of working and "hey I'm a fleshbag too" that will make for a happy society?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('306084', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306084">&gt;&gt;306084</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;At least when you invade pol you get an argument instead of shitty memes.</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;pol</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;arguments instead of shitty memes</span><br/>K E K<br/>I'm glad this site is still living rent-free in the mind of rightoids


<a onclick="highlightReply('306145', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306145">&gt;&gt;306145</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Yes they are. First of all, I'm from the EU, 2nd largest group of users after USA. No one asked me if I want millions of Ahmeds to come and literally behead school teachers, and rape and murder women. I do not. I wish them no harm I just want them to go back to their country. Only those really fleeing from war are welcome, until said war ends. And as far as I know, only war zones atm are Yemen and Palestine, Syria - last event was summer 2020, refugees returning, Afganistan - US troops pulled out.</span><br/>Literally most migrants are a result of imperialism both the US and most of Europe engaged in. Saying "war over, go back" is no different then stating "we just finished making your country a destabilized shithole and ruining your infrastructure, now go back". You say you don't wish them any harm, but what if they refuse to go back? Will you inflict harm on them then? And it's not millions raping and killing, it's statistically a minor few as with most people. Just arrest and remove those ones, and leave the rest. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;On what grounds? On your prejudiced view of anyone who says they don't want their kids raped and murdered when stats show that's literally what's happening?</span><br/>It's bullshit because thats not even the core reason /pol/ cares, and I spent more then enough time on the right to understand that. It was never about rapes or bombings or whatever, the vast majority would still be calling for expulsion regardless if those occured or not.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306159', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306159">&gt;&gt;306159</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Ah yes, you're so anti id-pol you believe there are no differences between cultures and races and we can all live happily on the same land with 10 000 religions and cultural customs. Or do you believe that if we strip all the people of anything they can identify with outside of working and "hey I'm a fleshbag too" that will make for a happy society?</span><br/>What a strawman. No, I don't think there is no difference in cultures. But I understand all of the things you mentioned are not what inherently at the core of the vast majorty of conflict, and that socialist states like the USSR prove that.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306145', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306145">&gt;&gt;306145</a><br/>If you're anti-immigrant I sure hope you're anti-capitalist too, because there's a good chance whatever country you're from depends on immigrants for cheap labour to maintain the economy, in addition to imperialism, which causes said immigration.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306185', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306185">&gt;&gt;306185</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Literally most migrants are a result of imperialism both the US and most of Europe engaged in. Saying "war over, go back" is no different then stating "we just finished making your country a destabilized shithole and ruining your infrastructure, now go back". </span><br/>This is a fair point with which I agree to a point. No one asked anyone in my country if we want to be a part of the NATO pact. No one asked me if I want to bomb those poor souls. But just because they suffered doesn't mean I need to as well, and from the same imperialist hand.<br/><br/>Your logic is "the empire killed the people of Nigeria and now it should kill the people of the U.K.". They're not raping soldiers or presidents, but regular plebs who already hate their government and don't approve of what it's doing.<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;You say you don't wish them any harm, but what if they refuse to go back? Will you inflict harm on them then? And it's not millions raping and killing, it's statistically a minor few as with most people. Just arrest and remove those ones, and leave the rest. </span><br/>I will not inflict harm, I will board them on a plane and ship them off to their homeland.<br/>Show me those nonexistent stats please. And after you don't find them explain this to me:<br/><br/>If a people are known as violent, hateful and rapey towards the domicile population and there have already been thousands of incidents, WHY ON EARTH SHOULD WE RISK IT?!<br/>Why would I let in even one Ahmed (that is not fleeing from war) if he is a potential threat to the domicile population?<br/>Why would I risk my sister being raped, my teacher being beheaded for some rando from far far away who hates my culture and my people and just wants more monetary wealth?<br/>Why can't I help him in his country? Why does he have to come here?<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt; It was never about rapes or bombings or whatever, the vast majority would still be calling for expulsion regardless if those occured or not.</span><br/><br/>I disagree and I've been a poltard for 4 years.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306197', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306197">&gt;&gt;306197</a><br/>You probably forgot about the, what was it, 10ish million Christians starved and murdered with a couple more thousand hiding in the woods of Siberia. Oh and the fact that Stalin literally deported minorities and most states didn't mix cultures but were ruled by a puppet government. Also funny how an anti imperialist would be so pro imperialism when it's done by a communist state. I'm from an ex-commie country, wanna know how awesome it was?


<a onclick="highlightReply('306210', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306210">&gt;&gt;306210</a><br/>Capitalism can work when heavily regulated and not deployed on a global scale.<br/>I'm anti imperialist but am definitely anti one centralized entity controlling literally every aspect of the economy. Am also anti anyone being extremely rich while people don't have enough to eat.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306224', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306224">&gt;&gt;306224</a><br/>Scratch that, I do agree to a point. To keep a countries traditions and culture, the domicile populace must be at least 90% of the people in the nation. <br/><br/>If you come to Nigeria (100% Nigerians) and you bring enough Japanese to make up 50% of the populace, what happens next?<br/>In a few years, Japanese is the 2nd language, Japanese culture is just as important of a subject as Nigerian language and culture. Nigerians are pushed out of some workplaces because the Japs just do it better and the Japs only hire other Japs thus pushing the Nigerians out of certain sectors. Japs are now trying to take over the government because they are just as important as the Nigerians (e.g. produce as much goods).<br/><br/>Competition for resources and power is one of the fundamental truths we can both agree on and in group preference always was and always will be a thing.<br/><br/>I don't mind the mr. Kimchi next door or the Turkish kebab down the street as long as my people are 90% of the populace.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('306251', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306251">&gt;&gt;306251</a><br/>Well then I hate to break it to you, but under a system that demands endless growth, globalization and imperialism was the natural end point. The magical "stable" capitalism that you can keep on a leash doesn't exist, and the only countries that were able to tame porky and regulate capitalism a bit only did so because they had the Soviet Union knocking on their door. The closest thing to what you describe is China, which I don't think you intended. If you do legitimately hold those beliefs, then you are against capitalism. If you support capitalism, then you do support everything that comes with it: imperialism, wealth disparity, poverty, hunger, etc.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306224', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306224">&gt;&gt;306224</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;This is a fair point with which I agree to a point. No one asked anyone in my country if we want to be a part of the NATO pact. No one asked me if I want to bomb those poor souls. But just because they suffered doesn't mean I need to as well, and from the same imperialist hand.</span><br/>Then campaign against capitalism, not the migrants you idiot. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Your logic is "the empire killed the people of Nigeria and now it should kill the people of the U.K.". They're not raping soldiers or presidents, but regular plebs who already hate their government and don't approve of what it's doing.</span><br/>No, I'm staying that you have plenty of people leaving the abhorrent conditions created by the west, most of which aren't committing and don't commit what you are stating. Now as Zizek says, "poverty does not create noble people", but that still doesn't mean I support them being removed.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;I will not inflict harm, I will board them on a plane and ship them off to their homeland.</span><br/>And how will you do that if they don't want to go? C'mon, you know the answer. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Show me those nonexistent stats please. And after you don't find them explain this to me:</span><br/>Show me the stats where its the avst majority, or even millions, first. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;If a people are known as violent, hateful and rapey towards the domicile population and there have already been thousands of incidents, WHY ON EARTH SHOULD WE RISK IT?! Why would I let in even one Ahmed (that is not fleeing from war) if he is a potential threat to the domicile population? Why would I risk my sister being raped, my teacher being beheaded for some rando from far far away who hates my culture and my people and just wants more monetary wealth? Why can't I help him in his country? Why does he have to come here?</span><br/>They are there though, and their country is already ruined. You can't fix something post-hoc, the country is already in a terrible condition. If you want to head over there to help, be my guest. But nothing will consequently change until imperialism by extension capitalism is done away with. I don't treat every migrant as a potential threat, I treat them as they are themselves. And the risk argument is meaningless, because as long as we are in this system, mass migration will be a thing that exists. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;I disagree and I've been a poltard for 4 years</span><br/>I disagree and I literally frequented around 8/pol/ and /fascist/, which an election baby like you probably didn't even know about until it was shut down. I was even on 4/pol/ before it became more of the shithole it is now post-2016.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306243', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306243">&gt;&gt;306243</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;10ish million Christians starved and murdered with a couple more thousand hiding in the woods of Siberia.</span><br/>Didn't happen.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Oh and the fact that Stalin literally deported minorities and most states didn't mix cultures but were ruled by a puppet government. </span><br/>Also didn't happen like you're trying to describe it.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Also funny how an anti imperialist would be so pro imperialism when it's done by a communist state. </span><br/>No communist state was imperialist. Read Lenin and understand how imperialism is concretely defined.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;I'm from an ex-commie country, wanna know how awesome it was?</span><br/>Why don't I ask all of those people from ex-commie countries who preferred socialism?


<a onclick="highlightReply('306243', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306243">&gt;&gt;306243</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;I'm from an ex-commie country</span><br/>Which one? Because there's a good chance you are the rapist immigrants to some people the West lel


<a onclick="highlightReply('306281', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306281">&gt;&gt;306281</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Migration and shifts in culture just happen for no reason, people just decide to go to a country just because </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Let me give a hypothetical scenario which has never happened because it tickles my fancy about people performing an ethnic takeover of my country outlet by competing for jobs</span><br/>Really fag?


I love how every couple of months or so this thread is slid by some seething and coping polyp infuriated by the landslide of evidence that him and his friends are glowing pedophiles


<a onclick="highlightReply('306323', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306323">&gt;&gt;306323</a><br/>That's not capitalism's fault. It's unchecked totalitarianism masquerading as democracy. I seriously don't understand you people.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Elite bombs random countries for more money and influence for the elite. = CAPITALISM BAD</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Anything bad happens anywhere = CAPITALISM BAD</span><br/>While I do agree unchecked capitalism is utter shit and people like Bezos shouldn't exist, I definitely don't think electing one single Bezos to regulate all the wealth of a nation and its trade is a sane idea.<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;No, I'm staying that you have plenty of people leaving the abhorrent conditions created by the west, most of which aren't committing and don't commit what you are stating. Now as Zizek says, "poverty does not create noble people", but that still doesn't mean I support them being removed.</span><br/>Show proof or fuck off with that argument. I have around 100 articles totaling 2000 deaths and 10 000ish rapes. I also have a study published by Swedish scientists looking at their stats and 60% of rapes are commited by people with a migrant background. You literally don't want to know the truth. <br/><br/><a href="https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20961790.2020.1868681" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20961790.2020.1868681</a><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;And how will you do that if they don't want to go? C'mon, you know the answer. </span><br/>Ah yes, you are super smart. If a man breaks into my house and steals my food I'm not allowed to throw him the fuck out.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306398', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306398">&gt;&gt;306398</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;it’s not real capitalism </span><br/>Thank you for adding nothing cope and seethe


<a onclick="highlightReply('306341', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306341">&gt;&gt;306341</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Didn't happen.</span><br/>What is the Holodomor and who is Solzhenitsyn?<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Also didn't happen like you're trying to describe it.</span><br/>Enlighten me then.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;No communist state was imperialist. Read Lenin and understand how imperialism is concretely defined.</span><br/>Let me tell you without reading propaganda. Imperialism is conquering other countries for your own benefit and wealth. Yugoslavia did it, the USSR did it, the UK did it, the USA is doing it.<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Why don't I ask all of those people from ex-commie countries who preferred socialism?</span><br/>Yes they preferred socialism for many reasons which you will never acknowledge<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Agrarian communities were the norm in USSR and Yugoslavia. Which means small ethnically and culturally identical units working in tandem for the betterment of the group.</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;People were poor as fuck mostly (unless card carrying politbureau member), and weren't propagandized 24/7 with the new iphone plus 19854959 or the need to live in a palace and drive a ferrari. E.g. they were content with what they had and didn't ask for much more aside from a pack of smokes.</span><br/>And I will concede one point, housing was cheaper and easier to obtain, BUT most people built those houses themselves because they weren't useless retards like most of people today.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306403', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306403">&gt;&gt;306403</a><br/>No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying this has NOTHING to do with the economic system. It has to do with <br/><span class="quote">&gt;It's unchecked totalitarianism masquerading as democracy or capitalism, or whatever the fuck you want to call it. This is a small group of elites working for their own betterment to the detriment of the people.</span><br/>Any system that isn't totalitarian (commie or fash) can work with good people leading it, including socialism or capitalism. I'm saying the PROBLEM IS THE ELITE, NOT THE SYSTEM


<a onclick="highlightReply('306398', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306398">&gt;&gt;306398</a><br/>Holy fuck if you don't even understand how invading the Middle East and keeping most of the global South in poverty is related to capitalism then I think /pol/ might have rotted your brain


<a onclick="highlightReply('306423', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306423">&gt;&gt;306423</a><br/>Enlighten me then. How is it the system's fault and not the elite.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('306417', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306417">&gt;&gt;306417</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying this has NOTHING to do with the economic system. </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;This is a small group of elites working for their own betterment to the detriment of the people.</span><br/>You are legitimately, unironically, braindead, holy shit


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<a onclick="highlightReply('306398', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306398">&gt;&gt;306398</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;That's not capitalism's fault. It's unchecked totalitarianism masquerading as democracy. I seriously don't understand you people.</span><br/>It literally is capitalism. Do you understand what capitalism is? <br/><span class="quote">&gt;While I do agree unchecked capitalism is utter shit and people like Bezos shouldn't exist, I definitely don't think electing one single Bezos to regulate all the wealth of a nation and its trade is a sane idea.</span><br/>How is socialist state utilizing planning in any way comparable to Bezos? Again, do you even understand what capitalism is? Capitalism, even regulated capitalism, inevitably leads back to the same situation we find ourselves in now, and regulation doesn't do shit because it fundamentally misunderstands what the state is and how the system shapes it. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Show proof or fuck off with that argument. I have around 100 articles totaling 2000 deaths and 10 000ish rapes. I also have a study published by Swedish scientists looking at their stats and 60% of rapes are commited by people with a migrant background. You literally don't want to know the truth.</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;<a href="https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20961790.2020.1868681" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20961790.2020.1868681</a></span><br/>You said millions you faggot. I didn't deny that some immigrants may be criminals, I denied that most were criminals. And your study is far more nuanced in how it clarifies migrant background, because not all migrants are from the middle east like you make it out to be. Again though, I don't deny there are migrant criminals, but that wasn't the point of the argument. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Ah yes, you are super smart. If a man breaks into my house and steals my food I'm not allowed to throw him the fuck out.</span><br/>But they aren't. They migrated, and if they don't want to leave, you will have to harm them to try and move them.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306243', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306243">&gt;&gt;306243</a><br/>Don't you mean the 99 Million White Christian Russians Killed by the Judeo Masonic Bolsheviks?


<a onclick="highlightReply('306424', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306424">&gt;&gt;306424</a><br/>I don't even know how to explain it so you can understand, it's like I'm speaking to a toddler.<br/>Regions like Africa and the Middle East are rich in resources. Keeping the countries poor and undeveloped allows the capitalists of the West to extract said resources for cheap and exploit the local population. Keeping up so far? Well, turns out living in shit motivates the locals to migrate to richer countries, like the West, who then use them as cheap labour, further growing their own profits. If you don't see how this is related to the economic system, and don't understand how "the elite" you mention was created and actively benefits from this economic system, then you are economically, politically, and probably literally illiterate. Stop browsing pol and please pick up literally any book, your brain is dying


<a onclick="highlightReply('306412', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306412">&gt;&gt;306412</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;What is the Holodomor and who is Solzhenitsyn?</span><br/>Again, didn't happen. "Holodomor" is term which describes a genocide, which the famine was not. Solzhenitsyn is fiction author who's wife admitted to him embellishing and who even himself denied the holodomor. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Enlighten me then.</span><br/>Deportations happened, but they happend in the context of war and in trying to provide a short term solution to reactionary counter-revolutionary sentiment. It was not something done to remove certain ethnic populations for the reason of them being a certain ethnicity. Republics were also not ethnostates, and people could move freely between them as long as they possessed identification. Living in republics just required you to first make a request in terms of employment and for housing availability to taken into account first. If extra housing was available and your credentials met the need for labour, you could move. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Let me tell you without reading propaganda. Imperialism is conquering other countries for your own benefit and wealth. Yugoslavia did it, the USSR did it, the UK did it, the USA is doing it.</span><br/>That's not what imperialism is. Try again. Also, the USSR and Yugoslavia didn't invade for wealth. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Yes they preferred socialism for many reasons which you will never acknowledge</span><br/>What, like actual economic stability, guaranteed employment, and housing built with community and services in mind?<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Agrarian communities were the norm in USSR and Yugoslavia. Which means small ethnically and culturally identical units working in tandem for the betterment of the group.</span><br/>Do you literally think the USSR and Yugoslavia didn't have cities? Did you learn anything about these places after industrialization? <br/><span class="quote">&gt;People were poor as fuck mostly (unless card carrying politbureau member), and weren't propagandized 24/7 with the new iphone plus 19854959 or the need to live in a palace and drive a ferrari. E.g. they were content with what they had and didn't ask for much more aside from a pack of smokes.</span><br/>People were not "poor as fuck". In fact, wages were pretty comparable to many other western countries.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;And I will concede one point, housing was cheaper and easier to obtain, BUT most people built those houses themselves because they weren't useless retards like most of people today.</span><br/>You idiot, do you even know what Khrushchyovka and all the evolutions of apartments after it were?


<span class="quote">&gt;pedo</span><br/>Um, based?


<a onclick="highlightReply('306473', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306473">&gt;&gt;306473</a><br/>Some more stuff.


<a onclick="highlightReply('306464', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306464">&gt;&gt;306464</a><br/>No need to humiliate people you don't agree with. I'll see if I can talk down to you in a manner you understand as well:<br/><span class="quote">&gt;How come those same countries were also invaded during monarchies and empires?</span><br/>Yes the elite benefits, they would benefit as well under literally any other system, because ANY system in the universe can (and if the elite is evil) WILL invade other countries for profit to the detriment of its own people sometimes.<br/>Was Rome capitalist? English monarchs are also capitalists? USSR was capitalist? China of today is also capitalist?<br/>I think you're the one with brain rot not me.


NTA<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('307237', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307237">&gt;&gt;307237</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Yes the elite benefits, they would benefit as well under literally any other system, because ANY system in the universe can (and if the elite is evil) WILL invade other countries for profit to the detriment of its own people sometimes.</span><br/>This isn't an economic analysis anon, this is idealistic moralizing about history. The question is why systems become the way they are, and what shapes it as a whole. Your argument is nothing more then "bad people appeared one day, bad thing happens". Its not an actual analysis of anything. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Was Rome capitalist? English monarchs are also capitalists? USSR was capitalist? China of today is also capitalist?</span><br/>No, but all of that misses the point, which is that imperialism is economically inevitable and integral to capitalism. Simply pointing out other states, empires, or places doesn't change this. The USSR was also not imperialist.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;I think you're the one with brain rot not me.</span><br/>I don't think you understand anything that is actually being discussed, and have jumped into board in an attempt to make discussion about concepts you have not read about, but would like to present yourself as knowledgeable of like any other pseud.


<a onclick="highlightReply('307267', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307267">&gt;&gt;307267</a><br/>Can you not even entertain the thought that I'm right? All you claim is "you're wrong! because reasons I can't explain".<br/>I already said, I'm not a capitalist, I'm anti authoritarian. <br/>You seem to be bringing everything to the lowest common denominator - system bad. Which just isn't true. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;imperialism is economically inevitable and integral to capitalism</span><br/>No it isn't. It's integral to greedy assholes wanting more than their fair share. Why did the USSR and Cuba support counter revolutionaries in Africa? Goodwill, love of the people? Ofcourse not, they wanted influence and power. Which would make them imperialist. Or, since those nations were being taken over by imperialists, counter imperialists who are also imperialists.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('307289', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307289">&gt;&gt;307289</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Can you not even entertain the thought that I'm right? All you claim is "you're wrong! because reasons I can't explain".</span><br/>I did entertain it, it's not a new thought. You're still wrong, for reasons that have literally been explained. Capitalism as a system necessitates imperialism due to the core mechanisms of the system itself. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;I already said, I'm not a capitalist, I'm anti authoritarian. </span><br/>You defended the system of capitalism. That makes you a capitalist in terms of ideological support for the system.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;You seem to be bringing everything to the lowest common denominator - system bad. Which just isn't true.</span><br/>It's not "system bad", it's "system inevitably results in certain actions being undertaken by capitalists due to the concentration of production, the monopolistic tendency, and the dominance of finance capitalism, all which is predicated on the the circuit of capital, with imperialism itself acting as a buoy to the falling rate of profit."


Could you retards explain why your bickering is relevant to esoteric hitlerism, the CIA or right wing pedophilia?


<a onclick="highlightReply('307289', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307289">&gt;&gt;307289</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('307298', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307298">&gt;&gt;307298</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;No it isn't. It's integral to greedy assholes wanting more than their fair share. Why did the USSR and Cuba support counter revolutionaries in Africa? Goodwill, love of the people? Ofcourse not, they wanted influence and power. Which would make them imperialist. Or, since those nations were being taken over by imperialists, counter imperialists who are also imperialists.</span><br/>Influence and power are not inherently imperialist. Any revolutionary state seeks these things. Supporting counter revolutionaries, while a mistake politically, isn't imperialist though. And if "greedy assholes" can act to undue a condemn a country to revisionism, if that is the case, then it also still a systemic problem, because the system allowed them to get there in the first place. I don't pretend the USSR was perfect, but it was a lot better and got further then what came after. The USSR still had potantial to correct course and address the issues that had been growing in the system, but now it's dead and Eastern Europe is worse off for it.


<a onclick="highlightReply('307313', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307313">&gt;&gt;307313</a><br/>*and condemn a


<a onclick="highlightReply('307237', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307237">&gt;&gt;307237</a><br/>I mean I'm sorry if that offended you anon, but I am legitimately baffled I have to explain something as basic as why Africa is poor, or why forever wars exist. It's not a matter of replacing the bad guys with good guys and suddenly the system works perfectly well for everybody. There are "evil" dudes on top because the system itself creates and advantages them. The "evil" they do is just what is in their economic best interests. Morality is irrelevant. By refusing to acknowledge the real parasite and shifting the blame on "bad people" corrupting a perfectly good system, you are actively working in favor of these elites.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Yes the elite benefits, they would benefit as well under literally any other system, because ANY system in the universe can (and if the elite is evil) WILL invade other countries for profit to the detriment of its own people sometimes.</span><br/>I just want to point out you are literally almost perfectly describing a core tenet of Marxism here, historical materialism lol. I really think you might get something out of reading some theory, check out the beginners list at <a onclick="highlightReply('285223', event);" href="/leftypol/res/285223.html#285223">&gt;&gt;285223</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('307304', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307304">&gt;&gt;307304</a><br/>Every once in a while a rightoid pops into this thread to cope and seethe, and the dudes here always take the bait and engage with them.


<a onclick="highlightReply('307332', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307332">&gt;&gt;307332</a><br/>Yeah. I know why Africa is poor and it has nothing to do with imperialism lmao. Again, you take down everything to the lowest common denominator.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Africa poor cause imperialism.</span><br/>Wrong. Africa poor because 80% of their population would be considered legally retarded in the EU. They could've:<br/><span class="quote">&gt;before imperialism</span><br/>Not live in a tribal society, trade with other countries, build boats, build cities etc. if your measure of success for a people is monetary wealth. For me it's not. I think they should've been left the fuck alone to enjoy they tribalism because they don't function well in forced westernization which is what you're recommending.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;after imperialism</span><br/>Use the existing infrastructure to become the richest countries in the world because they have an abundance of resources. But they didn't and the west still feeds and clothes them because most of them are not fit for a western lifestyle which was imposed on them.<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;But that's RACIS!</span><br/>No it's not. That's just who they are as a people. I personally know people who lived and worked in Africa, all come home with the same stories about how Africans don't want to work and have no concept of delayed gratification. It's not their fault. They should be left the fuck alone to live their best life.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('307420', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307420">&gt;&gt;307420</a><br/>Yeah, I thought this would be your conclusion kek "durr they're poor cause they're nig nogs". But that wasn't the point I was making, because I was referring to the fact that the West purposefully keeps Africa poor to keep getting their resources for cheap, and actively stopped them from forging their own destinies and "getting rich", as we've seen in Libya, Burqina Faso, etc. It's not even something unique to Africa, we see this anywhere from Eastern Europe to Latin America, although to a lesser degree. But given that you are literally denying the effect imperialism and colonialism has had on Africa, I'm starting to feel you might be just genuinely retarded and I wasted my time talking to you lmao. If you don't even get the correlation between poverty and education, intelligence etc. then God help you. Don't complain when you get taken over by the Chinese Ubermensch


<a onclick="highlightReply('307420', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307420">&gt;&gt;307420</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Wrong. Africa poor because 80% of their population would be considered legally retarded in the EU. They could've:</span><br/><br/><span class="heading">Bushmen have an average IQ of 60IQ people with this intelligence cannot put food in their mouths. You're seriously telling me that a tribe that has survived in the harshest environment on earth for 200,000 years are mentally retarded</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('307420', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307420">&gt;&gt;307420</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('307538', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307538">&gt;&gt;307538</a><br/>Also, look at how well Zapatistas and Evo have done, both of them have far surpassed any previous achievements. You are a dedicated racist and not logical at all but look at Sankara also and Lumumba this is what Africa would look like without imperialism.


Friendly reminder not to derail the thread with off-topic posts or your posts may be removed


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<a onclick="highlightReply('305382', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#305382">&gt;&gt;305382</a><br/>I know, I had that interest in me when I was younger. And I still find all this esoteric mystical bullshit interesting in some way. But these esoteric ideas and mysticism are not compitable with marxism. So I did the natural thing: turned my interest for good use, reading about the esoteric mystical nonsense to study and expose it as a anti-scientific bullshit just like other religious and idealist philosophies.


Who was the anon talking about the process church? Prettt good Netflix doco “the son of Sam” talks a lot about the process church anybody else seen it?


<a onclick="highlightReply('307420', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#307420">&gt;&gt;307420</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Africans don't want to work and have no concept of delayed gratification. It's not their fault. They should be left the fuck alone to live their best life.</span><br/><br/>why the fuck would you even want to when you're going to be mired in poverty anyway<br/>this view always assumes that there is no outside factors influencing a persons behavior, like your entire country being run by comprador elites who keep everyone broke


<a href="https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57406673" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57406673</a><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;said the age of consent should be 12 </span><br/><br/>Oh…. That’s another one


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whats wrong with likeing cunny?


<a onclick="highlightReply('313066', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#313066">&gt;&gt;313066</a><br/>BASED<br/>A<br/>S<br/>E<br/>D


Mason's relations with the leadership of the Satanic temple warrants mild concern.


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Image of Mason with some 1970's porn while standing next to Satanic priests


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Federal agent and leader of Mason/Manson inspired nazi satanist group was a former member of the DSA.<br/><br/>Charles Manson was also a federal asset, but that's a story for another day.


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accidental spoiler


<a onclick="highlightReply('313755', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#313755">&gt;&gt;313755</a><br/>Dayum, prime Eva Hoehler (2nd from right in middle pic) was a cutie. Shame about the Satanic Nazism.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('310879', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#310879">&gt;&gt;310879</a><br/>I have not. However, I recommend the book called The Ultimate Evil by Maury Terry if you haven't already read it. It goes into Son of Sam, the Process, Charles Manson and the nationwide connections between them (in USA from the 60's to the 80's). Great stuff


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<a onclick="highlightReply('313917', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#313917">&gt;&gt;313917</a><br/>What the <span class="heading">FUCK</span> is happening in that thread


<a onclick="highlightReply('313917', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#313917">&gt;&gt;313917</a><br/><br/>clown board


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<a onclick="highlightReply('313917', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#313917">&gt;&gt;313917</a><br/><span class="heading">LMAO WTF</span>


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welp, time to start packing up.


I'm a Paleocon and I hate neo nazis, love my fashbros though.


<a onclick="highlightReply('313755', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#313755">&gt;&gt;313755</a><br/>Thats the Church of Satan, not the Satanic Temple.


I've mentioned this before in other threads, but one thing about Nazi propaganda that I've always noticed is how they liked to cloak the eyes of their helmetheads. Very different from communist propaganda. It seems occultic to me, as the occult or esoteric is what is "concealed from view" and so on. How spooky. But I never really found the pagan LARP, Waffen SS magic castles and badly misinterpreted Hinduism that interesting because it always seemed like dumb Renaissance Faire crap.


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<span class="quote">&gt;lol you simps froth at the mouth whenever china is questioned</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;why so sensitive?</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('314270', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#314270">&gt;&gt;314270</a><br/>GTFO Fascist pig!


<a onclick="highlightReply('290860', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#290860">&gt;&gt;290860</a><br/>Bumping for an answer


So I've been reading Lenni Brenner's "Zionism in the Age of Dictators" <br/><br/>Brenner was Jewish, A Trot, and good Friends with Stokely Carmichael, together they founded 'The Comittee Against Zionism and Racism' <br/><br/>In the book, Brenner spells out, in detail, the relationships between the Nazi and Fascist movements and Zionism. He discusses the similarity in ideology, and the Zionist mindset, which he contends is anti semitic, as it inherently sees Jews as a people who will always be othered, and must therefore have a state of their own, rather than assimilating. (This is a tldr of the whole much more fleshed out idea). <br/><br/> As well as this, as I said, he documents their material relationships. As it turns out, the Nazis in a huge way helped build Israel, through the Haavara agreement, a trade deal which saw huge amounts of German capital flow into Israel. <br/><br/>to quote Brenner: <br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;The top limit through the Ha’avara scheme was 50,000 marks ($20,000 or £4,000) per emigrant, which made the Ha’avara unattractive to the richest Jews. Therefore only $40,419,000 went to Palestine via Ha’avara, whereas $650 million went to the United States, $60 million to the United Kingdom and other substantial sums elsewhere. Yet if, in terms of German Jewry’s wealth, Ha’avara was by no means decisive, it was crucial to Zionism. Some 60 per cent of all capital invested in Palestine between August 1933 and September 1939 was channelled through the agreement with the Nazis.[20] In addition, the British set the annual Jewish immigrant quota, using the weak economic absorptive capacity of the country to limit their number; however, “capitalists” – those bringing in over £1,000 ($5,000) – were allowed in over quota. The 16,529 capitalists were thus an additional source of immigrants as well as an economic harvest for Zionism. Their capital generated a boom, giving Palestine a wholly artificial prosperity in the midst of the world-wide Depression.</span><br/><br/><a href="https://www.thestruggle.org/Zi_Age_Dictators.pdf" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.thestruggle.org/Zi_Age_Dictators.pdf</a><br/><br/>You can find the book here.


<a onclick="highlightReply('314855', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#314855">&gt;&gt;314855</a><br/>Bro, that is an amazing observation, that now seems so obvious I don't understand how I haven't noticed it ever before. Contrast this to Soviet posters. I went googling explicitly for Soviet war propaganda, and couldn't find one poster where the eyes are darkened. <br/><br/>Not only are the eyes covered, but the face is completely expressionless. The depiction is deliberately lifeless, completely and totally idealized, erasing the individual even in close up. Soviet propaganda poster, however, zooms in on the individual human in the uniform, drawing special attention to the emotional expression. <br/><br/>For the Communist - a worker, a peasant or a poor student - individuality does not exist in the normal (in the case of the Soviets, former) capitalist order. You're treated like a piece of machinery or an animal or a resource by the exploiters. Individuality and humanity is only achieved through the collective which gives you the power to defend your freedom and insert your human dignity. For the Nazi - who's a petty bourgeois, a white collar clerk, a member of the intelligentsia - individuality and "freedom" are always there, and much boasted about, but in reality it's a source of anxiety and bitterness. The individuality capitalist relations have afforded them is atomized and alienating, while at the same leaving them individually responsible for their well being and well being of others - or so they feel. Thus, for all their talk of the "mindless communist horde" there's no greater fantasy for the Nazi but to let go of their human individuality and lose themselves in the mindless collective. <br/><br/>Nazism truly is a perverted parody of Communism. This is the real humans vs orcs shit right here.


<a onclick="highlightReply('350114', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#350114">&gt;&gt;350114</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('314855', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#314855">&gt;&gt;314855</a><br/>Very fascinating observation. Interestingly, you can even see this in fashwave art, where the eyes are usually covered up by black bars. I'm not sure if it's an intentional reference or if Nazoids genuinely do subconsciously crave the loss of their own individuality.


<a onclick="highlightReply('355324', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#355324">&gt;&gt;355324</a><br/>Not that anon but I think it might also have something to do with the style of futurism you see in Italian fascism's propaganda.


<a onclick="highlightReply('350114', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#350114">&gt;&gt;350114</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('355324', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#355324">&gt;&gt;355324</a><br/>Yeah, once you recognize it, you'll see it everywhere. The Nazis are like "eyes wide shut." I'm not read up enough on aesthetic theory, but it might be somewhat subconscious or spontaneous, as if the aesthetic themes spontaneously regenerate themselves and take on a life of their own or just resonate in their brains. So that fashwave art contains themes that are common in Nazi art in the 1930s, but the form it takes is retro-80s noir imagery so it synchronizes / updates with the times.<br/><br/>If you look at communist posters from the Soviet Union, the emphasis is often on the eyes which are wide open. The "five heads" with Marx, Engels, etc. will have each face lined up at eye level. I think the emphasis on the eyes is also intended to impart wisdom, truth, intelligence, vigilance, etc. And light. Communist art tends to be very bright, and the sun (sometimes blindingly so) is another recurring motif that you'll start seeing everywhere once you start noticing. I'd almost liken communism to a modern-day solar religion or something. Chinese communist posters during Mao would often have a big sun in the center of the image with Mao's face within it.<br/><br/>The Nazis, on the other hand, have the "black sun." The sun is blacked out.<br/><br/>Here's some contemporary Indian communist music. The video is interesting because they show you these very expressive faces with the people staring directly at you.<br/><br/>I'll try to find some more examples of these things.


Some more examples of the sun motif.


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Anyways, back to the motif of eyes and faces in Nazi aesthetics, here's a (pretty shitty) propaganda "poster" promoting the Charlottesville rally. Notice the face is completely blanked out.


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Another recurring thing in Nazi propaganda is the use of shock-horror font, like the word "Bolshevism" here that gives off a shriek. "Eeek! Eeek!"


BTW, this Nazi theme when creating negative propaganda has a lot in common with this Trump re-election ad from last year. They made sure to put a Jew in it too at 0:20. "Chaos! Eeek! Eeek! Jew!"


<a onclick="highlightReply('357041', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357041">&gt;&gt;357041</a><br/>reactionaries have had the same mindset for thousands of years, it's not surprising they'd hit the same beats over and over I guess


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<a onclick="highlightReply('357035', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357035">&gt;&gt;357035</a><br/>It's less symbolism and more about appeal.


<a onclick="highlightReply('357094', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357094">&gt;&gt;357094</a><br/>Oh my god I'm dying


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<a onclick="highlightReply('314855', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#314855">&gt;&gt;314855</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('350114', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#350114">&gt;&gt;350114</a><br/>Isn't it obvious why they anonymize their glorious soldier idols?


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;357519</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;fascists hate trump too </span><br/>Lmao fascist cope he had you all hook line and sinker


<a onclick="highlightReply('357531', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357531">&gt;&gt;357531</a><br/>They hate Trump. I don't know what to tell you other than that.


<a onclick="highlightReply('357538', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357538">&gt;&gt;357538</a><br/>That why literally every single one of them spent 5 years shilling for him? Bitch please we were all there, we all saw. Everyone from the daily stormer down. All of them pedos, half of them feds, all of them trump cucks.


<a onclick="highlightReply('357547', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357547">&gt;&gt;357547</a><br/>Nobody liked him after 2018


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;357557</span><br/>Renegotiating your argument won’t help you, all of your little YouTube cucks (which is your entire movement) all your gay little national socialist parties, all of it, was pro trump until very recently with few exceptions. This is your great meme legacy you CIA goon. Deal with it, you were a patsy, and your denial here means you continue to be a patsy. I’m sure you have some children to interfere with, run along


<a onclick="highlightReply('357567', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357567">&gt;&gt;357567</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;&gt;357557</span><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('357564', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357564">&gt;&gt;357564</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('357567', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357567">&gt;&gt;357567</a><br/>You're making stuff up. I never voted for Trump, not even registered


<a onclick="highlightReply('357574', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357574">&gt;&gt;357574</a><br/>what would you do that trump wouldn't have done already?<br/>Fascists are so annoying, a bunch of worthless hipsters.


<a onclick="highlightReply('357595', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357595">&gt;&gt;357595</a><br/>If i was president? lmao<br/><br/>Deport millions of people<br/><br/>Take way women's rights<br/><br/>Take away LGBT rights<br/><br/>Close the borders forever<br/><br/>Stop giving money to Israel


<a onclick="highlightReply('357615', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357615">&gt;&gt;357615</a><br/>good luck on that then. Honestly I would actually fix the damn states and remove porkies from power as much as I possibly can. I guess going on snipe hunts is better tho you idpolista.


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<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;357519</span><br/>6MWE = 6 Million Wasn't Enough<br/><br/>And led around by this guy, who according to Reuters, worked as an "informer for federal and local law enforcement, repeatedly working undercover for investigators after he was arrested in 2012, according to a former prosecutor and a transcript of a 2014 federal court proceeding."<br/><br/>Sounds like a pretty stupid movement.


<a onclick="highlightReply('357618', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357618">&gt;&gt;357618</a><br/>Oh idc about being president. I hate greedy people too. <br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('357628', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357628">&gt;&gt;357628</a><br/>Are you implying the Proud boys are Fascist? Dude in pic is a fed or some dumb larper


<a onclick="highlightReply('357641', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357641">&gt;&gt;357641</a><br/>I don't even get you. ARe you just into fascism because you think it makes you look like some tough guy or something? I get that being "Anti faggot" is based and all that but if you want to actually be strong you'll actually have to uh&hellip;fucking work out instead of just spout edgy (not even really that edgy honestly) opinions on things.<br/>The "Conservative counter culture" is about as shallow and fake as the Ramones.


<a onclick="highlightReply('357647', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357647">&gt;&gt;357647</a><br/>I think Democracy is flawed.<br/><br/>I take care of myself, anon.


<a onclick="highlightReply('357574', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357574">&gt;&gt;357574</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;making stuff up </span><br/>The absolute fucking cope. The only reason you didn’t vote trump is probably because you are underage or some shit. It is properly hilarious you say this shit. You probably come from 4pol, where there are still Donald Trump general threads to this day. <br/><br/>Also<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;I would stop giving money to Israel </span><br/>It’s a shame that Nazis literally built Israel and the Nazi party was literally built by a Zionist.


<a onclick="highlightReply('357615', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357615">&gt;&gt;357615</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;I wouldn’t change the economy I would just go after groups of people that aren’t me</span><br/>Retard shit again.


<a onclick="highlightReply('357716', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357716">&gt;&gt;357716</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;you didn’t vote trump is probably because you are underage or some shit. </span><br/><br/>No i just don't care for voting. Plus he supports Israel, so yeah.<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;It’s a shame that Nazis literally built Israel</span><br/>Lol yeah<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Retard shit again. </span><br/>k


<a onclick="highlightReply('357737', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357737">&gt;&gt;357737</a><br/>you come off to me as a literal teenager.<br/>read more shit boy.


<a onclick="highlightReply('357737', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357737">&gt;&gt;357737</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Nazi building Israel </span><br/><br/>Read the thread : <a onclick="highlightReply('349864', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#349864">&gt;&gt;349864</a><br/><br/>Give me an example of a major fascist movement leader around about the trump era who wasn’t pro trump


<a onclick="highlightReply('357776', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357776">&gt;&gt;357776</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;&gt;Nazi building Israel</span><br/>I already know<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Give me an example of a major fascist movement leader around the trump era</span><br/>Define Trump Era. You mean throughout Presidency? He had lots of support in 2016-2017, but if you ask someone like James Mason if he still supports him, he would probably say no.


<a onclick="highlightReply('357821', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357821">&gt;&gt;357821</a><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;I know already </span><br/>No you didn’t lol. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;if he STILL supports him </span><br/>So he did support him then? Also James Mason is a pedophile lmao this is who you follow for ideology?


<a onclick="highlightReply('357830', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357830">&gt;&gt;357830</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;No you didn’t lol. </span><br/>I did. <br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;this is who you follow for ideology?</span><br/>No. You asked for a major fascist leader, and he was a random example.


<a onclick="highlightReply('357840', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357840">&gt;&gt;357840</a><br/>So the only one you can come with did originally support trump and is also a pedophile degenerate. Wow some movement mr fascist supreme being


<a onclick="highlightReply('357851', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357851">&gt;&gt;357851</a><br/>It's also worth noting that Atomwaffen was never entirely accepted within the alt right of 2016-2018, satanism drama notwithstanding. from what I remember they werent even considered part of the whole movement because they just wanted to blow shit up instead of trying to go mainstream like the other people. so overall a shitty example


Some ONA branch has it's own website lel:<br/><a href="https://www.theblackorder.org/the-black-order/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.theblackorder.org/the-black-order/</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('306288', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#306288">&gt;&gt;306288</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;well made point against rightoid that demolishes him on the basis of economics</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;no replies</span><br/>like pottery


<a onclick="highlightReply('357038', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357038">&gt;&gt;357038</a><br/>i think these ones in particular are meant to evoke deep feelings of disgust and fear, hence the recurring skull motif. it gets interesting when you remember the nazi death cult (<a href="https://www.libraryofsocialscience.com/newsletter/posts/2014/2014-12-8-odonnell.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.libraryofsocialscience.com/newsletter/posts/2014/2014-12-8-odonnell.html</a>), which glorified death on the field of battle and martyrdom. one can then interpret these posters as being a call to confront death, but death is simultaneously disgusting and evil as well as something to be desired and celebrated. i actually think this fits in well with other inconsistencies in nazi ideology (the jew is simultaneously a weak subhuman and a very strong threat to "your race").<br/><br/>what would psychoanalysts have to say about simultaneous hate and desire for an object, idea or person?


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;368977</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;brownshart.jpg</span>


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<a onclick="highlightReply('56299', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#56299">&gt;&gt;56299</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;ALL FASCISTS ARE PEDOS</span><br/>Not so fast, OP! Did I tell you that once I spoke with my daughter on the phone? And she said that she was alone wit Berija. "Get away from there!" I replied.


<a onclick="highlightReply('305382', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#305382">&gt;&gt;305382</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('289481', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#289481">&gt;&gt;289481</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('265174', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#265174">&gt;&gt;265174</a><br/>True, its a subject that those with lust for a cheap and fake power can't get enough of. But can't esoteric ideas technically become that way through being lost or covered up over history's annuls? Maybe it's not necessary to make it a word coded as bourgeois type of knowledge strictly? <br/><br/>Its also true too that so many people are attracted to mysticism, it's history and spiritual stuff. There is arguably esoteric knowledge from indigenous Aryan language sources, quite ironically, that can hold the virtual antithesis to what Hitler was masquerading as an Aryan political or economic system. That is, if you accept esoteric to also mean "almost lost or covered up in history."


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;372960</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;a fascist reads the esoteric hitlerism thread and reverts to programming </span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('372963', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#372963">&gt;&gt;372963</a><br/>Such is the life of a literal NPC.


<a onclick="highlightReply('369474', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#369474">&gt;&gt;369474</a><br/>Nice lie, fag.


<a onclick="highlightReply('372963', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#372963">&gt;&gt;372963</a><br/>lol


<a onclick="highlightReply('358028', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#358028">&gt;&gt;358028</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;fascists do the not my comrade thing too</span><br/>Don’t care didn’t ask, you are fighting for the same cause doesn’t matter what you dress it up as and I don’t care about your motivations. You fight for capital, with the pigs, as a pig, practically, in every instance.


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An anon posting an archive of Nazi-era propaganda and I've been looking through it and noticing a lot more of the creepy esoteric themes, such as the cloaked and shadowed eyes.<br/><br/>Here's the archive:<br/><br/><a href="https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/</a><br/><br/>Gonna dump a bunch of examples of weird stuff. Just focusing on some propaganda images for now, but one of the most disturbing things in there are charts laying out their theory that "genetically ill" people are a cost to the state &ndash; i.e. physically and mentally handicapped people, who were exterminated.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('385304', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#385304">&gt;&gt;385304</a>


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<a onclick="highlightReply('94949', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#94949">&gt;&gt;94949</a><br/><br/>Honestly? Fair enough yeah m8 I agree


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<a onclick="highlightReply('357538', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#357538">&gt;&gt;357538</a><br/>Oh sure they did, most of them "hated Trump" until it was time to shill for him on election season. Like bro, most of us were there, we saw how /pol/ had the dancing Trump video stickied to play on the board when he won, there's no use denying it. I get that they "hate Trump" on a theoretical level, but whenever it counts, they shill for him en masse. It's like how fascist theory is very critical of capitalism, but the second a fascist government takes power, they actively collude with the industrialists and mass-privatize industry. Being theoretically against something doesn't mean shit when your actions always support it. Hell, for example, most of us here are deeply critical of China, yet we always defend it the second imperialist warmongering turns its gaze towards it. That, for better or worse, makes this board largely pro-China, or at least anti-anti-China. That's what we call critical support, and it's clear that you guys have "critically" supported Trump since the beginning.


<a onclick="highlightReply('112226', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112226">&gt;&gt;112226</a><br/>lmao


<a onclick="highlightReply('112551', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#112551">&gt;&gt;112551</a><br/>thats retarded anon. You're not 13 anymore, grow out of that corny ass bullshit


<a onclick="highlightReply('290634', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#290634">&gt;&gt;290634</a><br/>So an obese man in an edgy cosplay with a bunch of ugly women. Not surprising


Found this in a comment section. Is this true?<br/><span class="quote">&gt;You should know as well that [Dugin] was caught numerous times praising Himmler and engaging in massive freak shows with the Harlot of Babylon and tributes to Aleister Crowley. Sergey Kurginyan did an entire 10 part video series investigating the strange world of russian leftists and their connections to the CIA, traitors within the KGB, neo-nazis, satanists, french trots connected with intelligence and the transnational financial oligarchy.</span>


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;391637</span><br/>I'm sure it was just from fags who got caught up the Trump populism meme. I'm sure 85% of /pol/ still voted for his ass (well the ones who just aren't just larping or pretending to be right because it's "in" with the edgy crowd)


This is one of the things that confuses me about Nazis, why do they all tend to be complete nutters when they're fully committed to the ideology?<br/><br/>I mean, I don't understand how "uhh yeah we're RapeWaffen we want to make a better world through extremely violent sexual assault to help bring about an Aryan ethnoglobe" is supposed to be appealing to anyone or garner mass support


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<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;391648</span><br/>I think there's a lot truth in that. There's an extreme / edgy "teen" thing to it and kinda-gothic Death in June element where the Nazis were like the tragic underdogs which appeals to depressive nerds who share emo pictures of Hitler. They're trying to push boundaries and this is an extreme way to do it. And some anons on here who used to be self-described Nazis or fascists have admitted that this was one of the reasons they were attracted to it in the first place.<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;&gt;391637</span><br/>Some anons here don't agree with me about this, but I think what a modern-day American fascism looks like is just a radicalization of the existing right along with all the problems that they care about, not necessarily what the edgy teens care about or the dying breed that is 80s/90s ZOG-fighting skinheads, who &ndash; as you said &ndash; might've only made up 5% at most of Trump's coalition.<br/><br/>"Fascism" as an ideology though was always hard to define and it varied so much in different countries. And Mussolini's variety was probably less anti-Semitic than some other mainstream parties in Europe at that time, at least in the beginning. That's why I think a real American fascism with teeth will probably just be lined up with the Israeli Likud party. The Nazi ideology in Germany was a specific kind of thing that grew out of a radicalization of the German right at that time, with their own particular historical beef and scores they wanted to settle. It's not like Hitler came up with blaming Jews for losing World War I and wanting revenge, look at the Erich Ludendorff. Hitler though was a charismatic orator who drew a crowd and rose up the ranks of the party and then, over time, subordinated it &ndash; and the country &ndash; to himself. <br/><br/>So&hellip; in America, this is what you get. QAnon. It's deeply tied into wanting to accelerate Armageddon by supporting Israel to Trump's Laying of Hands and Christian megachurches being significant voices of Q theory into peoples lives. There are things that are good and there are things that are evil. There are no shades of grey or areas where a good thing can be bad or a bad thing can be good. Capitalism = USA = Patriotic = Good = God. An attack on any of those things is an attack on all of those things. Socialism = Regulation = Government = Communism = Evil. The government is bad in one breath and the police are amazing in the next breath. They are virtuous, right, moral and Christian. Everyone else are the evil ones.<br/><br/>The world is unjust and unpleasant and they know it, but finding out why it is that way is difficult, the answers would be upsetting, and the solutions would be even more difficult and upsetting than either of those prior steps combined. So far easier to just lash out blindly and decry all the evils of the world while calling for a return to a mythical past that never really existed.


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;391648</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;you too have a problem with fringe humans using your political movement as a shield of cover. </span><br/>Difference is that it doesn't matter in the end, because Marx is correct regardless. Your incorrect either way.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;It goes with the territory, that until a National Socialist state can be founded, we're going to be a magnet for weirdos. Weirdos who would be exterminated under a National Socialist state.</span><br/>Never historically happened. If anything, the "weirdos" become integral to the "National Socialist" state. There is not a single state which NatSoc's had to my knowledge in which the leaders weren't complete and utter weirdos, and part of NatSoc ideology relies on making an appeal to engage in obscenities previously denied to people in prior "polite" society. Goebbels writings, particularly his piece on moralism, is a pretty good expression of this.


<a onclick="highlightReply('391706', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#391706">&gt;&gt;391706</a><br/>You know whats funny is that QAnon is actually very well organized and is apparently staging takeovers of smaller city governments and instituting their agenda against the grillpilled citizens. The idea of this occuring on a larger, national scale is both hilarious and terrifying.<br/><br/>Imagine the fall of the US empire being defined by fascism with QAnon as its specific flavor&hellip;it would almost impossible to describe to future generations. Nazism on its own is already a bit bizzare with the hyperborean and hollow earth type of musings, but I assume the history of fascist movements in the US would be reduced to a assertion of the supremacy of capitalism in the same way the Nazi movement was ultimately reduced to a furious ethnic animosity


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;391648</span><br/><br/>You guys let a DnD larper be in charge of your security services. The inmates run the asylum in Naziism


<a onclick="highlightReply('385321', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#385321">&gt;&gt;385321</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('385307', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#385307">&gt;&gt;385307</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('385304', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#385304">&gt;&gt;385304</a><br/>You have to admit that they make great movie posters


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<a onclick="highlightReply('391767', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#391767">&gt;&gt;391767</a><br/>I think the "strong will survive and the weak must perish" philosophy is also a part of it. That's what eugenics-kun talks about, but the Nazis did that for real by murdering people they didn't saw "genetically fit." A kind of Darwinian Capitalism that is fine with wiping out a substantial number of people.<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;The title: “Costs for the genetically ill — social consequences.”</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;The left frame notes that an institution that houses 130 feeble-minded costs about 104,000 Reichsmarks a year. The right frame notes that that is enough to build 17 houses for healthy working class families.</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;The text in red at the bottom: “The genetically ill are a burden for the people.”</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('392584', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#392584">&gt;&gt;392584</a><br/>I hate how similiar my own country is to Nazi Germany. I would say Lmao but it's honestly not that funny.<br/><br/>I kind of want to emigrate.


<a onclick="highlightReply('113319', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#113319">&gt;&gt;113319</a><br/>How schizo was this bitch?


<a onclick="highlightReply('391643', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#391643">&gt;&gt;391643</a><br/>Scratch a fascist and a pedophile bleeds


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<a onclick="highlightReply('391643', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#391643">&gt;&gt;391643</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('393771', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#393771">&gt;&gt;393771</a><br/>The far right is the ideology of pedophilia, of degeneracy and of evil. Of course these "people" will never be honest about who they are or their wretched fantasies. This is why I will never entertain any attempts at normalizing or protecting them. They are a stain that must be annhilated from the face of the earth. They will be worked down to stubs to clean their filth and then every trace of their existance will be erased.


<a onclick="highlightReply('392595', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#392595">&gt;&gt;392595</a><br/>that pic is pretty funny though, cry harder piglet


That's gonna be a bump from me dawg


<a onclick="highlightReply('368865', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#368865">&gt;&gt;368865</a><br/>missed this, i cant think of a quicker way to get implicated in terrorism than to join that group through that site, besides doing a suicide bomb or something


Technically Most of the allied countries are still at war with Nazi Germany, because no formal peace treaty was ever signed at the end of WW2 owing to the dissolution of Nazi Germany, the heads of the armed forces surrendered their men , but there was no formally recognized Nazi government after Hitler killed himself.<br/><br/>So technically you could shoot a an armed uniformed Nazi as an unsurrendered enemy combatant.


<a href="https://16chan.xyz/fascist/res/78.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://16chan.xyz/fascist/res/78.html</a><br/>Here is a sneak peak at neo-nazis defending marrying 12 year olds to own the jews


<a onclick="highlightReply('406189', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#406189">&gt;&gt;406189</a><br/>Based


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Does anyone have a good list of all the sex crimes and convictions committed by the National Action/Atomwaffen/Sonnenkrieg etc.?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('411663', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#411663">&gt;&gt;411663</a><br/>Here's a list of some British neo-nazi nonces, but I'd like to see updated version with all the US/UK/Europe creeps, since there's so many of them in Atomwaffen, National Action, Nordic Resistance Movement, Sonnenkrieg and other Iron March weirdos.<br/><br/>Martyn Gilleard, local leader of the National Socialist British People’s Party, prepared for bombing. 39,000 child pornography images were in his possession: <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk/7469180.stm" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk/7469180.stm</a><br/><br/>Two members of the far-right British National Party drank 14-year-old girls to death and sexually abused: <a href="https://theukdatabase.com/2012/05/08/ian-hindleandrew-wells-blackburn/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://theukdatabase.com/2012/05/08/ian-hindleandrew-wells-blackburn/</a><br/><br/>A 40-year-old fascist addict brutally beat his 16-year-old girlfriend: <a href="https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/14249499._ControllingBlackburn_drug_addict_repeatedly_punched_and_kicked_teen_girlfriend_as_she_lay_on_on" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/14249499._ControllingBlackburn_drug_addict_repeatedly_punched_and_kicked_teen_girlfriend_as_she_lay_on_on</a><br/><br/>A 13-year-old girl was sexually abused by a racist fanatic and held illegal images of her: <a href="https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/race-hate-thug-who-chanted-7916756" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/race-hate-thug-who-chanted-7916756</a><br/><br/>The National Socialist 43-year-old BNP member found 17,058 child porn images and 215 videos. He himself had also filmed child pornography and told his pedophile friends online that he wanted to murder the little boy and videotape it: <a href="https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/walker-nazi-worshipper-exposed-paedophile-1406079" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/walker-nazi-worshipper-exposed-paedophile-1406079</a><br/><br/>47-year-old member of the Nazi organization Blood &amp; Honor convicted of shocking violent rape: <a href="https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2016/02/17/darlington-s-nazi-rapist-jailed-for-nine-years-for/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2016/02/17/darlington-s-nazi-rapist-jailed-for-nine-years-for/</a><br/><br/>Ryan Fleming, a member of the National Socialist National Action, tortured and sexually abused a teenage boy: <a href="https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/national-action-launch-paedophile-hunting-investigative-journalism-series-even-though-one-of" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/national-action-launch-paedophile-hunting-investigative-journalism-series-even-though-one-of</a> -its-members-is-a-sex-offender_uk_5756cfc7e4b0411d4de1fe4c<br/><br/>The same white nationalist Rayan Fleming was also convicted of sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl: <a href="https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/15441403._Boastful_and_arrogantman_jailed_for_sex_with_girl14he_met_on_Facebook/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/15441403._Boastful_and_arrogantman_jailed_for_sex_with_girl14he_met_on_Facebook/</a><br/><br/>A 43-year-old far-right White Man March supporter raped two children at least 13 times: <a href="https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/horrific-abuser-who-raped-vulnerable-children-after-buying-them-sweets-jailed" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/horrific-abuser-who-raped-vulnerable-children-after-buying-them-sweets-jailed</a> -for-20-years-1-7582633<br/><br/>A 60-year-old BNP and EDL activist murdered a 15-year-old girl who was sexually obsessed in his apartment: online: <a href="https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/crime/paige-murderer-jailed-for-" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/crime/paige-murderer-jailed-for-</a> more-than-three-decades-1-7381160<br/><br/>A far-right EDL activist couple exploited a 7-year-old child, photographed child pornography and distributed it online: <a href="https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/crime/heysham-woman-accused-of-using-seven-year-old" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/crime/heysham-woman-accused-of-using-seven-year-old</a> -girl-for-worldwide-pornography-1-7364866<br/><br/>The same couple has also fledged a 13-year-old girl to her apartment where the man had sexually abused this: <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/lancashire/8572755.stm" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/lancashire/8572755.stm</a><br/><br/>A far-rightist who was previously convicted of a mosque attack and appeared as a "pedophile hunter" was revealed to be a pedophile himself who tried to lure a child into sex: <a href="https://www.romfordrecorder.co.uk/news/crime-court/romford-paedophile-squad-jailed-for-grindr-" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.romfordrecorder.co.uk/news/crime-court/romford-paedophile-squad-jailed-for-grindr-</a> blackmail-1-4156153<br/><br/>The far-right nationalist repeatedly raped a 12-year-old girl: <a href="https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/jailed-army-cadet-sergeant-groomed-9400037" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/jailed-army-cadet-sergeant-groomed-9400037</a><br/><br/>An EDL active sexually assaulted a 13-year-old boy, and lured teenage boys into sexual activity via the Internet: <a href="https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/kane-hutchison-gateshead-sex-offender-" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/kane-hutchison-gateshead-sex-offender-</a> 8937114<br/><br/>A member of EDL and Britain First, convicted of attempting a bomb attack on a mosque, was in possession of child pornography: <a href="https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2015/01/07/britain-first-officer-on-sex-" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2015/01/07/britain-first-officer-on-sex-</a> offenders-register /<br/><br/>A member of the far-right North West Alliance was convicted of several rapes and child sex offenses: <a href="http://www.deeside.com/shotton-man-mervyn-jones-sentanced-17-years-jail-sex-offences-four-children/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.deeside.com/shotton-man-mervyn-jones-sentanced-17-years-jail-sex-offences-four-children/</a><br/><br/>EDL member raped 14-year-old: <a href="https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/11278914.Man_charged_with_rape_of_Blackburn_schoolgirl" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/11278914.Man_charged_with_rape_of_Blackburn_schoolgirl</a><br/><br/>An EDL member convicted of armed robbery kidnapped a 10-year-old child and tried to rape this: <a href="https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/10740053.Armed_robber_and_child_kidnapper_could_be_on_the_run_in_Sussex/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/10740053.Armed_robber_and_child_kidnapper_could_be_on_the_run_in_Sussex/</a><br/><br/>A member of the nationalist North West Infidels, he admits to being a child abuser. Received convictions for several sex offenses: <a href="https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/8030864.Child_molester_jailed_after_girl_relives_horror/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/8030864.Child_molester_jailed_after_girl_relives_horror/</a><br/><br/>Matthew Woodward, an EDL member, found child porn images and videos of 10-year-olds: <a href="https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2012/05/20/why-did-the-edl-not-protest-this-" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2012/05/20/why-did-the-edl-not-protest-this-</a> paedophile-case<br/><br/>An EDL activist working with children sent sexual text messages to a 14-year-old: <a href="https://www.leaderlive.co.uk/news/15935498.Connah_s_Quay_project_worker_sent_sexual_texts_to_teenager" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.leaderlive.co.uk/news/15935498.Connah_s_Quay_project_worker_sent_sexual_texts_to_teenager</a><br/><br/>The EDL man prepared for the 13-year-old to be abused online and eventually raped him: <a href="https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/crime/facebook-pervert-stephen-payne-walks-1736961" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/crime/facebook-pervert-stephen-payne-walks-1736961</a><br/><br/>Richard Price, a founding member and former director of EDL, was in possession of child pornography. Tommy Robinson, considered a far-right martyr of freedom, defended pedophile Richard: <a href="https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/176587/Paedo-rap-for-EDL-leader" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/176587/Paedo-rap-for-EDL-leader</a><br/><br/>BNP racist activist convicted of child pornography images and videos: <a href="http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/8771457.display/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/8771457.display/</a><br/><br/>BNP member found child pornography in a home search: <a href="https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/local-news/meliden-killers-dad-child-porn-2053471" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/local-news/meliden-killers-dad-child-porn-2053471</a><br/><br/>The same BNP fascist, Ian Siree, previously raped a 14-year-old and harassed a 12-year-old: <a href="https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/8043021.Karate_instructor_on_sex_charge/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/8043021.Karate_instructor_on_sex_charge/</a><br/><br/>The racist, who was also a candidate for election to the BNP, was part of a child pornography network where he distributed material about boys under the age of 13: <a href="https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2012/07/18/bnp-hypocrisy-over-paedophile/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2012/07/18/bnp-hypocrisy-over-paedophile/</a><br/><br/>Another racist who was a candidate for the BNP election, Roderick Rowley, was also convicted of possession and distribution of child pornography: <a href="https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/10-things-you-should-know-about-the-" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/10-things-you-should-know-about-the-</a> bnp-when-you-watch-question-time-Tonight-1806874.html


<a onclick="highlightReply('411700', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#411700">&gt;&gt;411700</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;when asked about his ideal sexual partner he just points at one of the digits.</span><br/>What did he mean by this?


<a onclick="highlightReply('411497', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#411497">&gt;&gt;411497</a><br/>I was looking at their /smg/ social mastery general and why are these dudes obsessed with not touching their dick


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<a onclick="highlightReply('411719', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#411719">&gt;&gt;411719</a><br/>Michael Cowen of National Front, had a tattoo with the numbers 88 (Heil Hitler). When he was asked the age of his ideal sexual partner, he pointed the number 8 on his tattoo. It doesn't come as a surprise. This fascist freak had 17,058 pics and 215 videos of child p*rn.


<a onclick="highlightReply('411839', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#411839">&gt;&gt;411839</a><br/>For all their talk of exterminating degeneracy, why is there such a strong correlation between being a committed fascist and beating your meat to children?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('411860', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#411860">&gt;&gt;411860</a><br/>It's called psychological projection


<a onclick="highlightReply('411839', event);" href="/leftypol/res/56299.html#411839">&gt;&gt;411839</a><br/>Maybe he meant he liked GILFs?


Keeping it bumped, keeping the pedo Nazis seething


Any deepcuts on Hal Turner?





>A GOP strategist was arrested on 10 felony counts of underage sex trafficking, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice



Shut the fuck up bitch, you've been OWNED HARD, you've been fucked into the ass and your skull is full of semen, just leave.


Just been reading back over this thread, did not before see the reference to one "Pierre Woodman" apparently a Hero to this Bald and Morally Bankrupt Character.

Woodman it turns out, is a pornographic film director, (this was after being a cop and in the army) who did a lot of work in eastern europe after the collapse of the soviet union i.e. he exploited women during one of the worst humanitarian disasters in all of history.


He is also accused by several people of sexual assault and rape.

He also worked for Larry Flynt, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Flynt the man behind Hustler and other pornpographic endeavours, a man whose own daughter accused of rape, among other things.


>Flynt's daughter, Tonya Flynt-Vega, accused him of sexually abusing her as a child.[54][8](p16) In the 1998 book, Hustled: My Journey from Fear to Faith, Flynt-Vega writes about her father showing her images from Hustler and while he did so, he began touching her, had her remove her bathing suit, assaulted her orally, then showed her his erection and tried to penetrate her. She writes, "The pain was intense. I know I was hurt. Dad had not penetrated [me]."[8](pp116–117) She described an exchange with her father after he knew she planned to publish a book describing his abuses of her: "He called me at work one day and said ‘If you don't back-off that book, I'll send somebody to wring your [expletive] neck.’ … He's 'Mr. Free Speech', but he's threatening to kill somebody for writing a book."[55][8](p67)

>Hustler cartoonist and humor editor, Dwaine B. Tinsley, created the comic feature called "Chester the Molester". It was a monthly part of the magazine for 13 years. In the comic, the main character endeavors through various means to molest and otherwise sexually assault girls and women.[59] In 1989, Tinsley was arrested, charged with molesting his daughter from age 13–18.[60][61][62] Tinsley was convicted of that charge on January 5, 1990.[63] His conviction was overturned in 1992 when an appeals court ruled that the jury should not have seen cartoons drawn by Tinsley.[64] The prosecutor in the case ultimately decided not to retry Tinsley, who served 23 months of a six year sentence.[65]

>Flynt claims he didn't ask Tinsley about the conviction and "Chester the Molester" cartoons drawn while in prison continued to appear in Hustler.[66] He also defended Tinsley, calling him "a genius" and "at one time in America in the Seventies and Eighties the most brilliant and recognized cartoonist in America."[67]


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A recent U.S. government court filing in the case involving an Atomwaffen member cites an unnamed informant who helped the police with the case who "currently owns and operates a publishing company that distributes white supremacist writings." The informant has been paid more than $140,000 for his work over the past 16 years when he was recruited in 2003, according to the court filing.

Obviously, the informant is unnamed, but what do you think the odds are that it's the same publishing company – Martinet Press – that distributes those occultic Nazi books which the Atomwaffen guys were obsessed with? ToB and so forth? If true, it would seem to confirm the OP's original theory that this whole esoteric, ultra-extreme neo-Nazi cult stuff has been bankrolled as a government operation.

It's worth noting that the informant, according to the court filing, was busted in 2003 on a federal charge "for possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number and an unregistered silencer," which is the same charge that the Martinet Press guy, Joshua Sutter, was hit with in 2003.

>In the US, perhaps the most extreme of ONA’s nexions is the Tempel ov Blood (ToB). ToB’s literature encourages sadism and sexual violence, glorifies mass-murderers and terrorists, and calls for adherents to engage in racially motivated violence depicted as a holy war.

>The ToB is reportedly run by Joshua Caleb Sutter, an alleged neo-Nazi occultist activist who converted to militant Hinduism; and who is said to have founded an astonishing pro-North Korea group in South Carolina named the Rural People’s Party.

>The AWD’s required reading material included ‘Liber 333’ and ‘Iron Gates’, both of which were authored by Sutter and released by Martinet Press, which is run by his wife and fellow ToB militant, Jillian Scott Hoy.

>‘Libre 333’ is a satanic manual, which guides neo-Nazis who fantasise about evolving into a new form of vampiric Aryan predator, and openly calls for infiltrating entities with “sinister potential”, such as the military, the police, religious or right-wing groups; while ‘Iron Gates’ is sci-fi gore that tells the story of a blood-thirsty death cult, and contains graphic descriptions of rape, torture, and murder.



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>Joshua Caleb Sutter, an alleged neo-Nazi occultist activist who converted to militant Hinduism; and who is said to have founded an astonishing pro-North Korea group in South Carolina named the Rural People’s Party.


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Thaaaaaat's right, Jay. I don't know how those guys knew him, but what appears to be the story here is that Sutter is a Nazi who got busted on the gun charges, flipped, and then created a "pro-DPRK" group that infiltrated and destroyed a different group of pro-DPRK people. It seems like this tidy little operation then used similar techniques on the Atomwaffen amateurs who have been crushed and are going to prison.



The other thing that's worth thinking about here, is that everyone who bought a book from that publisher gave their personal information to an informant. Name, address, etc.


Unless they paid him in Bitcoin and used an anonymous name and P.O. Box to receive their race-war porno novel in the mail. Most probably didn't, though.


But they'll probably be fine, because the feds are more than happy for Nazis to run rampant as a counterweight to actual progressive movements.


Good find anon, very interesting


kek you literally got so BTFO you told him to shut up and then fantasised about cum HA GAY!


>Marxism is for the MASSES, for the WORKERS. The whole idea of esotericism is anti-marxist since it means that there are some "deep truths" that should not be exposed to the masses.
This so fucking much. All the spirituality "esoteric" occult bullshit is elitist poisoned lies to oppress people literally probably since the dawn of time. I don't know how you can be a Marxist and even entertain any of this nonsense. Because aside from the fact that is isn't real, it is literally used to oppress the lower "unenlightened" classes. So ya no shit nazis are obsessed with it.


>muh ancient aryans
>muh secret history
>mystical bullshit is real
found the nazoid


are you fucking retarded? Marxism is totally opposed to any of that, for good reason, even assuming it is true, which it isn't. I don't even think you know what Marxism is if you want to rectify it with pseudo-science mystical occult bullshit.


literally cannot believe there are people claiming to be Marxist when they believe in woowoo newage / esoteric bullshit. hilarious. this has to be some underaged highschoolers


The idea behind this elitism is that the believers in occultist / esoteric / Nazi shit are smart and clever and superior to the "common" sheeple or NPCs or whatever. They convince themselves they're better than their lessers, which contrasts with the fact that many of them are nerds who are low on the social totem pole or feel like failures. The contradiction there drives a lot of resentment which can boil over into fascistic violence.


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Please don't laugh, I'm serious. So I was covertly in a /pol/ fbi.gov which was essentially for occult "esoteric hitlerism" type shit, mostly out of sheer curiosity to see what the schizos were on about. Lots of praising evola and others like him who are even more obscure, and all the usual pseudo-history/pseudoscientific shit that goes along with this. I got tired of it and started laughing at them telling them I was going to expose their autism with screencaps (which I lied about taking) and they threatened to curse/hex me. Soon after I was contacted by one of the main dudes and he told me I would regret everything because him and his "circle" were sending "entities" after me.

Over the next 3 days I started noticing that I was having really bad luck / bad things keep happening to me. In order: one of my best friends basically said I've become a boring asshole and he doesn't like being around others when I'm there (hence the reason he doesn't take me to parties anymore) and doesn't care if we're friends, my brother (who has a pre-existing condition) was diagnosed with covid and the whole family is extremely worried about him (he is already extremely frail / has a lung disease), I think my bed or something is suddenly infested with fleas (I have probably over 100 bites from my feet up to my groin itching like crazy and being scratched raw since 2 nights ago), I burned my arm badly on a hot saucepan, and my phone screen randomly burnt out and is all black since a few hours ago. I've also been having really bad anxiety (more than usual), extreme feelings of self-doubt and depression and haven't slept well.

Do you think it is just a coincidence? if you believe/know about this stuff, is this actually thing they can do and how do you stop it? I am open-minded but naturally skeptical, but this has me freaked-out quite honestly, and it has me dreading the future.

Also why do the rightoids seem to have a monopoly on mystical shit? like evola and all the esoteric nazi interests, if this stuff exists wouldn't they be extremely powerful behind the scenes? do the far left have anything like this to fight them? evola is like some sort of god figure to these asshats btw, if you haven't noticed. Like some sort of dark sorcerer/palpatine figure which is pretty cringey but a cool aesthetic ngl. Thinking of reading him to "know thy enemy" and because my recent experiences may have opened me up to this. Thoughts?


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>Do you think it is just a coincidence?
Perhaps, but if it isn't, I'm energetically aligning this post with yours, and you with me (and me with you) to collectively dispel this Nazi curse, casting it away, and converting their spooky racist hate magic into healing love.

I'm not sure this will actually work, but I'm told it does.


idk if you're trolling or not, but after typing this I realized I can't access a huge amount of important stuff that I had Google Authenticator for logging into (through my phone), idk if I'll ever be able to get back in to these accounts (2 of which had actual money in them). I also sharted a few minutes ago (laugh away) because when I get anxiety attacks I also get very loose bowels. I also forgot to mention that I woke up drenched in sweat last night, which only happened when I got nightmares when I was a kid. Fuck me.



We are energetically alligned dude


That woman got ZAPPED out of this dimension.
There are amazing edits of this video.


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>ctrl+f "Dr. Fritz von Balluseck"
>zero results found
Bad work.


All true religion is esoteric Marxism


Enlighten us


Danish "Hardline" fascist leader caught showing porn and snuff videos to 13-year-olds on his fbi.gov.



kys faggot


Sutter was literally the publisher for Martinet Press, the same ONA publishing outlet which created such le gems as "Iron Gates" and other pedo shit.
The really interesting thing is that would make the FBI's hands extremely dirty in spreading such filth, I'm pretty sure they are doing it on purpose as some GLADIO type thing and pretending to be a Honeypot.


There are only three things that are certain in this world, death, taxes, and far right pedophilia


want to fight a nazi? the nazi is too tall? don't worry i got the solution for you. poison
>go to his gym
>sign the membership
infiltrate the gym
>check for the cameras
>buy or make some poison (you can make either some deadly poison or just something that fucks him up but doesn't kill him)
still want to fight the nazi?
>poison him if you want, that will make him weaker
>take some meth or coke if you don't want to poison him, that will make you not feel the pain
>just hit him with a baseball bath in his head if you don't want poison
life is so easy



For the record, I've never interacted with him nor knew anything about him until articles began being written about the RPP's bizarre fascist backstory.

Back in 2008 or 2009, there was a thread on RevLeft that brought up the existence of a "Rural People's Party" which basically consisted of two persons living in a trailer and claiming to uphold Jim Jones and Juche.

At that time the American Party of Labor had recently been proclaimed (it consisted of less than a dozen "Hoxhaists" on the Internet, myself included at the time) and someone for some reason had the idea of writing a polemic against the RPP, as if this were a worthwhile endeavor. From what I recall the APL's argument was just "you people aren't very good Marxists" and the RPP replying with "argh you are a bunch of dogmatists." I wasn't involved in that.

That is the extent of the APL's interaction with the RPP. All I remember doing at the time is messaging other APL members making fun of the RPP's strangeness.

Coincidentally, I'm writing an article on Jim Jones' life, arguing (as I did in a previous article on Jonestown: https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=102313) that his conception of socialism was quite firmly in the vein of utopians like Robert Owen, not Marx or Engels.


Would love to have been a fly on the wall of the AWD Telegrams when this shit was going down lmao



> Believed an actual fountain of youth existed, contemplated sending an expedition to Tibet to discover it

It was the 1930s-1940s, people believed in dumber shit back then

>One of his all time favorite movies was Disney's Snow White, which he watched many times

So? It was a good film and still is.

>Was obsessed with death, coveting the painting The Plague in Florence by Hans Makart

Lots of people are

> Rarely if ever laughed, issued strange guttural barking sounds instead, possibly because of his damaged vocal chords from a gas attack in WW1 which gave him his characteristic scratchy voice

Maybe its because he smoked meth all the time

>Reputed monorchid, had only one testicle


> Obsessed with hands, pampered his own hands and judged others based on their hands, even promoting people on this basis

Retarded belief

> Enjoyed to tricking his subordinates with little practical jokes

Boss trying to make the workplace fun

> Vegetarian, creepily referred to carnivores as "corpse eaters"


> Hypnotizing light blue eyes, nearly everyone he met was struck by them


> Chronophobe, feared and hated time, would try to blur whether it was day or night by keeping the curtains up during the day

Mfw Chronophobe

> Terrified of being alone at night. Forced one of his subordinates to stay with him until dawn while he slept.

Might have been because he was the most hated man in Europe. Assassination would be easier while he was sleeping

> Obsessed with American westerns and cowboys

I am obsessed with certain movies and shows. doesnt mean anything

>Was calm and composed when dealing with serious matters like the course of the war, lost his temper and went crazy when someone forgot to bring him mineral water

Entitled hitler

>Flew into rages if anyone laughed at something he said

Laughter is banned in fascist dystopias


> Chronophobe, feared and hated time, would try to blur whether it was day or night by keeping the curtains up during the day
Wtf. Based. What's a good read on this?



Well, not exactly. I am indian. Southern Indians don't have a affinity for Hitler. It's really only a subset of northern indian hindus who like Hitler. North Indian Hindus like hitler because they see muslims as India's jews and slavs. They need to be exterminated, in their view, or at the very least used as slaves. India was the greatest when Hindus ruled India and they need to return to that time when Hindus were in power and owned everything. They see dravidians (southern indians) as lesser beings on par with what Nazis saw the Greeks or Turks as. The whole subcontinent, in their view, needs purification of lesser races and therefore they want to eliminate muslims, dravidians, assamese and pretty much anyone who isn't North Indian, Hindu and Hindi Speaking.

Indian people are a diverse people anon and we shouldn't all be labeled based on some idiots.


And they never fucked once



I should clarify they like the idea of a ethno-nationalist state that purges minorities and see Hitler's Germany as the greatest example of such a concept. Hitler sometimes gets praise because he used the Swastika, which is a hindu holy symbol. Some BJP morons who live in the north think that means Hitler saw all Indians are honorary aryans.

If hitler existed today, he probably would have gassed 95% of indian people.

This is just what i can say about hitler and what indians think of him.


>It's really only a subset of northern indian hindus who like Hitler. North Indian Hindus like hitler because they see muslims as India's jews and slavs. They need to be exterminated, in their view, or at the very least used as slaves … They see dravidians (southern indians) as lesser beings on par with what Nazis saw the Greeks or Turks as.
Yeesh. I saw this "Hindu anthem" music video which is pretty "Nazi" to me. It's chauvinism + gangsterism.


Isn't the BJP a successor organisation to a Hitlerite org?



Nigeria isn't even a monolithic culture lmao. For decades Nigerians have absorbed large ethnic populations from Mali, Niger, Chad and Cameroon. Its not "100% Nigerian" at all. The Hausa's original area of habitation has been spread across numerous countries but they were all separated into like 5 different countries after western colonialism came in and created arbitrary boundaries.



It was born from the RSS which is a big umbrella organization of right wing hindus. Hedgewar, creator of the RSS, was pretty adamant about not giving into muslims. He did things to piss off muslims like playing music in front of mosques. The RSS eventually just turned into a Hindu Chauvinist gang that has elements of Hindu Supremacy. The BJP was created by the RSS and some other fringe right wing organizations that were banned during INC (the largest left wing party) rule.


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A bunch of posts about Heimbach ripped from another thread slightly edited (thanks based anon for your posts)

>I dunno, but he was "deradicalized" (i.e. became a nazbol) by an org run by a former Al Qaeda recruiter and propagandist – which naturally and obviously doesn't raise any suspicions whatsoever – and the org also works with the Clarion Project which is run out of the same New York office as the ultra-right-wing Zionist organization Aish Hatorah. And this org calls their "deradicalization" success stories: "shape shifters." Normal stuff. Good for them.


>apparently this shit was "only" domestic violence against his wife and also apparently left the co-founder of TWP unconsciouss lmao https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/mar/14/matthew-heimbach-neo-nazi-white-nationalism-arrest-domestic-violence


there are like a billion of non nazi esotericist ,in fact since occult is imported in most countries i doubt you will find many esoteric nazis outside of pol
Evola and guenon as far as i know wasnt into rituals and curses ,i think you messed with tik tok witches


stfu wrecker cuck


>his only contribution to a thread where everyone is contributing nicely to the subject at hand




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All this talk about Esoteric Hitlerism and she's left out?

Little Miss "Kabbalah Special"?

Kid was posting pages from a demonology book on her Insta before she purged it. Lots of off the wall occult stuff if you scratch the surface.

Look at that shirt… Bitch is a Rosicrucian or something.


maybe we shouldnt dunk on literal children



(and satanist )




>Rio police say €3m Nazi trove found at home of child sexual abuse suspect

>Police in Rio de Janeiro have found a haul of Nazi memorabilia and weapons worth an estimated €3m at the home of a Brazilian man suspected of raping a minor.

>Rio’s civil police said they found more than 1,000 items at the home of the 58-year-old unnamed suspect, including Nazi uniforms, periodicals, paintings, Nazi insignia, images of Adolf Hitler, flags and medals of the Third Reich. They also found guns and ammunition from the era.

>The haul was discovered after police went to the man’s home to serve an arrest warrant on suspicions he had raped a minor and abused other children in his condominium in the west of the city. The suspect was also charged with illegal possession of a weapon and racial discrimination.



Jesus Christ. Thats a big fishy been caught. Every god damn time.

Funny you can be charged with racial discrimination as a crime in a country where Bolsa is president though



That's the most expensive neckbeard-cave i've seen if i've ever seen one…
the fucking round table picture lmao, look at those fatty hands and double chins lmao


imagine going to your first secret society meeting expecting hookers and coke and general depravity but instead being surrounded by cosplaying dorks playing with toy swords


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The Master Race at it again


100% pedo, 0% chin.

I for one am shocked


lmao this guy definitely posted on /pol/



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Purging these people brings joy.
I love the jolly co-operation of all antifa super soldiers, to tear these people down is the greatest feeling.
I guess there are some evils so detestable that they incidentally really bring people together, such is life in Moscow.


Bumping for our latest visitor



Far-right German porn star sacked as face of neo-Nazi party because she made film with a black man now banned by porn industry… because she is a neo-Nazi

Far right having a normal one as usual


>Ina Groll, or 'Kitty Blair', was face of National Democratic Party of Germany

>She encouraged men to join far-right party by dressing in revealing outfits

>But she has been fired after senior NDP officials watched her new porn film

>In the movie, titled 'Kitty Discovers Sperm,' she has sex with a black man



This has brightened my day


And these are the people lecturing us about degeneracy and claiming superiority over everyone else.


It's funny how pedo posts appear when nazis come here and get their asses handed to them, quite the coincidence


Try to collate evidence if possible. Obviously not with pictures of the pedo posts


File: 1634644791108.png (Spoiler Image, 169.37 KB, 936x992, pol pedos.png)

Here's a /pol/ thread from an hour ago during an influx of crossposters. They attached loli which has been blocked out, but spoilering just to be safe.


there was a poster during the bunker split that kept posting that shit and insisting it wasn't their problem if it was illegal in other jurisdictions because its just drawings


>other than
blatant and admitted cope


>just a 0.5% bro.


There was also a big thread of them lusting after irl preteens and bemoaning the inability to have intercourse with prepubertal infants and there was like only one or two against it that were being called moralfags. Critical support for rape pedos with horses SA pol anon. I have an archive link I post if I find it again.


Okay but most pedos are heterosexual men. The lgbt=pedo thing is actually the other way around if anything and most rightoids aren't lgbt, just sexually degenerate and pedophilic



Used to be called lt corbis. She's friends with a lot of pedos. Shadman drew porn of her while she was a mod in his chat. Her friend Vic/Kurt was caught trying to groom girls and she covered it up with him, it's pretty fucked up. She's allegedly into Satanism and is only larping as a catholic, like the admitted pedophile priest apologist, Milo.

The entire story is really messed up.



There's no shortage of rumors about that tumor.

She was in a gay relationship and had a nervous breakdown after the breakup. Then her brother got her to give him nudes that he sold while she was doped up on her prescription meds and they're all over Tor.

And that her brother, Kurt, was the one that helped drive them apart so he could better control Soph.

It's like nobody knows what the hell to believe, just surrounded by creeps and shit.


Statistically, Scientifically, Nazis are PEDOS

quite the collection of evidence we are building here


They called him a madman, they mocked his theories… but who is laughing now?


they said
>take your meds
they said
>touch grass
they said

every one of my personalities I got from tiktok, my "alters" as it is called, are laughing in unified maniacal vindication at this moment


Sage, I love you (no homo) and I support you, but this is cringe, dude.


Rightoids accusing commies of being pedos is pure projection according to evidence and data in this thread?

Imagine my shock.


it is jks my friend


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there is also this one, look at who likes cucking.





Isn't she huge into rap? This makes no sense.

And was fine with Drake pimping and having sex with the Stranger Things girl, but freaked out about the white guy? Then there's the Sam Hyde thing and his multiple underage girls he groomed and beat. Allegedly he killed one girl with drugs.

Nothing about her makes any sense.


>Allegedly he killed one girl with drugs.
Never heard this one before, what's the story?



Nobody knows. Hyde has lots of friends on Reddit and 4chan, so they can slide or bury stuff that hurts his rep and his friends like Charles aren't talking.

He got away with murder, I guess.


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You should feel for that poor kid.

Some guy was molesting her and taking pics. It's so fucked up.


he looks like that guy from cannon fodder


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Is this the girl?

Think she's still alive.


>And was fine with Drake pimping and having sex with the Stranger Things girl
yo what, haven't heard of this


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That's been an open secret for years, dawg.


> Drake pimping and having sex with the Stranger Things girl

Wait WHAT???



It's like a running joke. Her parents like brought her to hotels to fuck him and his friends.


Jesus Christ, we truly live in a hell-scape world where powerful pedophiles just get to do whatever


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Is this the guy? From her highschool?

The handjob story?



That's a really strong resemblance.

She was being molested by an older student? And her parents knew? This kid must be really messed up.


They are wishing to repeat the same mistake made a million times before by arbitrarily setting definitions of degeneracy and purging those who partake in it, with little regard for how it may morph in the future to affect the very people it was meant to preserve



Got up banned from /pol for trying to post about this?



Man Sam Hyde is such a gross degenerate. Watching his latest vids where he goes and harasses people at the car rental place, rents a car and then just trashes it/tries to fuck it up makes me feel a very particular feeling of despair and ennui.

His ex girl Channing Kreager used to post on 8chans mde board and talked about how he is a massive homo who had a closet filled with dildos, fucks dudes, and is just generally a really weird, gross and abusive failson. She would post photos from the inside of his studio and shit and someone posted leaked audio of him abusing the incel dude that hangs around him after Charles and everyone else fucked off lol

he's kind of a fascinating guy in just how much of weird, sociopathic loser he is

iirc he is a bitcoin millionaire so he just spends his day doing steroids and eating fast food while fucking random girls



Kurt is Victor, right?

The guy that hides while Soph takes all the heat? He was so afraid of being doxed that he scrubbed his online presence and just let ltcorbis get the shit kicked out of her by the public.

What a little bitch.


Bump d bump


the sun rises on the East




>All the guys with long hair.
They could have been beautiful women.


junk posted this on /siberia/
Basically a thread calling the abolition of Child Protective Services 'based'.


lol don't blame fucking /pol/ on the zoomers


isn't that the group that takes children from poor single mothers and sells them to rich people that trade them back and forth for tax breaks?


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What is with all these Brazilians connected to that Soph girl and her filthy rich family? And keep finding all this occult shit everywhere looking into her background.

This shit is weird?



That's "Cringe Panda".

She literally claims her great grandfather worked for Hitler, possibly in the MK Ultra stuff.



Cringe Panda?

She was allegedly identified in some hardcore stuff some guy found on Pornhub before the big purge. Said that some guy in a white mask was railing her and he said it was Titanic Sinclair. It seemed really random at the time, but makes sense now.


>it's their fault for not developing fast enough!
How could the whole world have developed at the same speed? You might as well say that climate change is carbon dioxide's fault for trapping heat




Seems to be connected to some shady people and money laundering, like the thing that Masterson was doing.

But wasn't she bragging about being a "strawman" to fool the rightoids?



And her co-host grooming her preteen fans?


what the FUCK is that supposed to be??


It's creepy shit, dude. You gotta be careful about staring into the void.


what the hell, lmao


>right wing
Fascism is a radical third way! It’s not right nor left


Don’t care pedo how’s things at Langley


Well judging by their achievements alone fascists triggered the most successful mass murder of white people ever and gave half of Europe to communists but on the other hand they justified the creation of Israel and killed union leaders, homosexuals etc so they're a bit all over the place politically



Yeah, /pol/tards love talking about AoC and how it's "cucked", also their home base, which was primarily 8chan, in their top 5 most popular user-created board, it was pedo shit


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>Fascism is a radical third way! It’s not right nor left
Not falling for this "third way" trick again.



From my understanding, no, they're just incompetent bureaucrats whose rank-and-file suffer from burnout because they don't save kids from abusive situations in time.

Anyway, most /pol/ fags hate anything regulating interaction with children because they like them, in a really horrific way.


Stolen from another thread :

75 FOIA pages of CIA agents being caught hoarding child porn of molesting kids



Buzzfeednews article on this. Took them 10 years to gather all these reports. The full FOIA is over 3000 pages.

To give a quote from article as a taste

>At a symposium in 2016, Daniel Payne, a top Pentagon security official, said that when workers’ computers were examined, “the amount of child porn I see is just unbelievable.”


Twitter of person who acquired these documents


fascism is a third vvay that completely removes the justification for its existance
in the long term

first fascism is a solution to fix the economic crisis that appear in capitalism, but vvhat happens vvhen that crises gets smoothed dovvn and the next generation forgets the near capitalism collapse

additionally fascism itself funds its greatest enemies in that vvhen you fund these huge ass national champions vvhats stopping these private champions from turning against you and eventually eating up the state

and vvhile i hestitate to call park chung hee sk fascist, park chung hee sk is the closest vve have of a long term fascist state

and once park died you knovv vvhat happened? the liberals that never expirenced capitalism near collapse took over, liberalized the state, vvhile the coporate rich at the same time took over and ate the state alive.

fascism is not a long term solution, only socialism is


>Far-right German porn star sacked as face of neo-Nazi party because she made film with a black man now banned by porn industry… because she is a neo-Nazi




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Classical fascism was very much oriented towards the idea of an all encompassing expanding mechanical nation. These ideas were bullshit and obviously ran against the reality of the Germany's army being literally powered by horses, but it's interesting to see how these exact same themes are used today.



The entire thing is shady. Someone paid Pyro (a pedo) to give her that shout-out that started her career allegedly. Then Keemstar got a little cash to drive up the hysteria and her subs.


Here's some Azov Battalion propaganda (on YouTube in fact) so be warned about clicking but the aesthetics are very mechanical and presented as like running on clockwork. Now, the reality might be very different as Azov exists insofar that they're propped up by NATO as mercenary psychos, but you could say a similar thing about ISIS and there's a similar aesthetic as well.


The Pyro pedo thing was retarded, it was someone trying to cancel him for clout because he was on a brappilled furry server with them, his video is response to it is pretty funny, they had that British clown guy read out the chat logs of his supposed grooming. Also at the time he had Corbis on he regularly had obscure youtube channels on like that (Arabic? Iranian?) girl with the guitar who had like 5k subs.


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Nailed 'em


Is it wrong that I find Ukrainians repulsive? Just look at this shit.


All slavics are like that, comrade moskal. Including you.


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>All slavics are like that, comrade moskal. Including you.


This is pretty irrelevant and will probably bite me in the ass, but I keep thinking about how my ultra reactionary bro who has literally told me all trans people should be gassed and all this shit about eugenics has been pretending to be a woman on /vg/ for a decade and has a cult of nerds hornyposting about him (since they think he is an actual woman)

like obviously reading this thread will pill you on the idea that all reactoids are degenerates but man they really are all pathological freaks


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He's not a Nazi (afaik), but he was a Republican anti-gay and anti-immigration senator under drumpf.
He was arrest and is currently in prison for child sex trafficking >_>


Accidental sage
>le gays and trans are bad because white people need to breed because… LE JOOOOOOS


>Shortey advocated 'family values' during his campaigns.
>On November 19, 2017, Shortey reached an agreement to plead guilty on November 30 to one count of child sex trafficking; the prosecutor agreed to have the child pornography counts removed.


For these suckers is why the west is risking a global nuke war?


Чего? I didn’t quite understand you, comrade


@ >>646519

1) Give us a quick rundown on the adventures of b00t. I've seen some of their images out of context but no stories. The more sources and screencaps, the better.

2) Without giving away details that could be used to figure out your location, tell us details about your involvement with fascist orgs. Questions I have:
>how does one find them or get invited?
>what kind of people were there? Although I think you said it all with:
<the rest were all random skinny-fat incel kids who got picked from alt right spaces and the most sissy feds they could issue for these operations.
>what operational security did they have? none?
>what did they do? was it a larp? a social group? a 'we'll do something when the time comes' militia?
>post a funny story
>are you still on good terms with them?
>have you compiled a list of their photos, names, addresses and headquarter location to hand over to antifascist organizations? and why haven't you? just go there and turn the taps on lmao


What type of places did they meet in? A normal house? innawoods LARP?


Atomwaffen meets at Mason's house, who lives in section 8 housing


Third positionism is one of many completely empty attempts by Fascists to rebrand themselves after WW2. How specifically is corporatism neither capitalist or socialist? Because it doesn't expropriate the bourgeoisie, it doesn't challenge capital or private property, it doesn't represent any kind of step towards workers control of the economy, it doesn't even advocate state ownership of the economy. It's class collaborations plus a powerful state, i.e. liberalism on steroids.

Literally just think about corporatism for 5 seconds and it falls apart. So capitalists and workers negotiate in industrial syndicates that are overseen by the state. The whole theory depends on the idea that these two groups will have equal say but what guarantees that? What's stopping the capitalists, who are starting from a place of greater wealth and influence, from just buying off the state? Especially since Fascism always disciplines labor (Hitler banned independent unions for example).

Also corporatism is never even followed in practice. Edmondo Rossoni was the main guy in the PNF who was pushing corporatism and he was a retard like you who saw it as an alternative to capitalism. He ended up sidelined. Gottfried Feder who wanted to abolish interest was passed over in favor of the banker Hjalmar Shacht when Hitler was choosing who to have run his economy. The Spainish Falangists were sidelined by Franco. Rohm, a vague pseudo-socialist, and the Strassers, the only ones to want state control of the economy, were purged.

Fascism has literally never challenged capitalism and never will.


Where are these archived threads?


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Looking at Nazis argue with each other about Patriot Front on Twitter. If I'm reading what this guy is alleging correctly, Thomas, the leader, pressured another member into driving to a rally when he was sleep deprived and they got into a car accident and one of the guys in the car was killed.

Some other details of their D.C. march. Didn't go exactly according to plan, it sounds like.


The ones mentioned at the top of the post


Post more nazi/misc.rightoid drama.



>how does one find them or get invited?

literally just look for wignat pages on facebook it's basically 24/7 fedbait
>what kind of people were there? Although I think you said it all with:
<the rest were all random skinny-fat incel kids who got picked from alt right spaces and the most sissy feds they could issue for these operations.
at least 2 actual trans girls, a single tradthot, femboys who "overcame their dysphoria" (by crossdressing)
lots of schizoids (very deleuzian) and the rest is literally just kids no older than 15 or 19 the oldest
>what operational security did they have? none?
besides living in Mexico where the cartel issues the security over most suburbs?
pretty much yeah, apparently they might have a few guns, but then again who doesn't?
>what did they do? was it a larp? a social group? a 'we'll do something when the time comes' militia?
i mean lots of larp, social groups sure, a couple toughies but mostly nerds who like reading nazi "literature"
i had a google drive full of their books but i lost it since i just took out some Ernst Junger shit and eco-fascist shit, they actually got one of the trans girls into becoming Stonetoss protegee, which leads me to believe stonetoss is actually both a chaser and not really a nazi, just an edgy faggot who panders to it's audience; edgy 15 year olds, we almost had a ecofascist gardening squad after i tried to get involved with the local Green Line Front but before i even decided to put together a bunch of white middle class kids larping as gardeners i had to start transitioning and being involved with something i did solely to try and "fix myself" not only was getting in the way, it was also making my relationship with my parents difficult, plus i never believed their retarded shit to begin with, i managed to get a bunch of nazis open to start dialogue with more leftist ideas, so sure, reformation is a thing, it's cute and all but there's also a bunch of basket cases and i don't mind, you gotta crack some eggs to make an omelette, and my house used to be a glorified crach shack so me and my brother learned how to feed on budget omelettes for weeks.
and quesadillas, cheap food is so fucking good.
>post a funny story
i don't like being in charge or doing "leader" things, but somehow i always manage to get people to follow me, i need to try and make peace with those 2 things, i once had a bunch of kids who helped me start fires in the streets, it was the most fun you could have with a box of matches and literal trash
>are you still on good terms with them?
to a certain degree, they know i'm now on the antifascists side but they like my intensity i guess, every so often a kid pops up in my DMs asking if i was the one with them and i have to give them "the talk"
which makes me feel kinda stupid but that's still the best thing i can do for them
>have you compiled a list of their photos, names, addresses and headquarter location to hand over to antifascist organizations? and why haven't you? just go there and turn the taps on lmao
i can't quite confirm which ones are still involved, but they're def sus af, we all used sockpuppet accounts
but since i'm a people's person apparently i never really felt the need to,
call me dumb but it's easier than living like that, being a privacy freak it's tiresome and there's a dozen couple things to focus schizoid episodes on, also there's nearly no antifascist organizations here, so my best bet is like, do something about that, i mean i'm already a populist apparently, also if they're really something to worry about they might be involved with my actual family, a lot of my relatives were actually involved with old school fascist organizations as in, actual henchmen and like church leaders
liek i said i probably should bother more about the whole thing, but i'd rather enjoy the little things about not worrying about stuff.


Thanks for the longpost, I appreciate it.


>at least 2 actual trans girls, […], femboys who "overcame their dysphoria" (by crossdressing)
This is unexpected. I would expect a fascist org to be more trad-bait and just not accept trans people. Is there much to talk about here?


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Flyer spotted on /pol/ for the new Burger Nazoid party. I have no words.


fascists will usually accept some LGBT ppl to show that they're supposed fringe edgelords who don't exist within moral conventions of society at large


Probably right, I assumed it was desperation for numbers lowering standards.


It literally looks like a grapic a set designer would make for a shitty dystopian netflix show in which the big bad is the supreme ebil leader.


Are you dumb? they do it for the exact opposite reason. That is to show they are just normal people who want their country back or whatever, and not those horrible queer-bashers like you thought.


it's both


populism is contrarianism


Country back from whom, rapemeat?


Sabesqueyak, ay gueritos Nazis en Mexico?



it's almost the same reason so many gays have turned into the military life for generations
first things first there's the stigma of being gay that a lot of people thought doing manly things would "fix" people being gay
that's why that guy was so invested he said he "overcame" his dysphoria while still crossdressing.
it's the atomwaffen all over again, target alienated kids with one, two or more marginal backgrounds, even incels often fall into this category
not because they don't have sex, but rather because incels very often come from dysfunctional families…
and are also gay… which also explains the incel thing, stop lying, you don't want a tradwife, you want a boyfriend that rearranges your guts.

>inb4 you are arachnophobic you want to fuck spiders

no, Timothy
i'm not implying you want to fuck spiders
i'm implying you want to get fist fucked like they're starting a lawn mower.


y todos son gays


Wtf. I met a Mexican nazi once. He was a nerd, arrived wearing a fedora. I think he wanted to debate us or something, but didn't actually do it. This was in Saltillo. Have you said where you're from Sabinyak? I know you're from the north… I thought you were regia but your story is insane and I don't think that shit exists there.


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lol el dum



>prominent conservative Internet personalities including Candace Owens got their start on an Israeli pornographers talent site

>there is also strange connections between the owner of the site and the FBI


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Two incidents worth noting in the right-wing "manosphere" community. The first, Jack Murphy, a social Darwinist and "jacked brunch" guru, got caught doing cam porn with a dildo up his ass.

Then another guy in this scene, failed edglord novelist Lyndon McLeod, went on a spree shooting in Denver and killed six people, most of whom appeared to be acquaintances, before being killed by the cops.


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Also McLeod, the spree shooter, was apparently part of Murphy's special club called the "Liminal Order."


Man, that dildo ain't shit, you'd expect bad dragon or horse cock from a manly man like this.


Dude, I'm eating.


Fast news week in the world of far right pedophiles.

Today: the gateway pedophile


To be frank this is just getting ridiculous. It’s beyond a parody. It seems so basic “if you hate gays you must actually be gay” pop phycologyshit, but they literally just project completely.


Also boys, this thread has been going for well over a year now like 18 months or so, has existed on multiple boards, and keeps giving with fresh content. Many of you have contributed with research, articles you have found, thoughts, and other things.

Thanks, happy new year, all fascists remain pedos


happy new year, afrp


That dude look creepy as fuck, and these are the guys who are "crusading against degeneracy"….





>The founder of Twinks for Trump has lost his role as a White House press correspondent after appearing on a white nationalist podcast.

>Lucian Wintrich—who was behind a Twinks for Trump photo exhibit two years ago—had been handed an official White House press pass on behalf of pro-Trump blog Gateway Pundit.

>However, Gateway Pundit dropped Wintrich after he appeared on a podcast hosted by a self-described white nationalist.



>The organisation is “really dangerous”, they said, backing up experts on fascism who have also expressed fears over PA and pro-rape comments by men following far-right groups on platforms such as Telegram.

>While following the EDL she suffered online abuse from men and a male supporter of PA started stalking her. She said: “This person was sending messages to my house, he was sending letters, he was calling … calling me all the time. He was sending me obscene threats and pictures, all this kind of stuff.”

>She also claimed there were disturbing online discussions among male PA supporters about other females, with “running themes of degradation and subjugation with women”.

>Woman A continued: “I think these groups are actually really dangerous, especially after the (Davison) shooting. These people are full of rage. Rage they can’t find a partner, rage because they feel the world is against them. Before you know it you’ve gone from worrying about demographics to laughing at the idea of a woman you’ve never met being raped. If they’re willing to treat women in their own circles like this, imagine how they could go on to treat those outside of the group.”

>“They are so creepy. Basically, they’re just stalkers. If you’re a woman, and you get involved with this kind of movement, you will meet a lot of men who are very kind of desperate. They’ll try and get your attention anyway they can. They’ll be constantly in your DMs (direct messages), commenting on everything you do, trying to get your attention and when you don’t give them that they’ll become nasty.”

>SEXUAL assault is a prominent theme, the report added, with pro-rape comments not uncommon. The authors argued that anti-feminism, misogyny and antisemitism intersect, with the “former prejudices potentially acting as pathways towards the latter”.

incel nonces strike again


Anyone else remember when Sam Hyde tried to get his fans to accuse Tim Heidecker of being a pedophile purely out of spite?


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I have a strong desire to snatch all these people out of their homes at night and extract every piece of information they have on pedo networks to case build and capture more and then once I have everything they know, torture them everyday, maximizing the amount of pain and suffering they feel, inbetween slave labour until they expire. Idk what we could build, maybe a subterranean mausoleum in honor of the lost children. Or a monument dedicated to the joy of human life that they have forsaken and will never experience. They will have the privilege of fantasizing about it when their degenerate mind is broken and remolded through honest labour. Ideas?


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>lt corbis
Wasn't she a meme child with a youtube channel?
Like 5 years ago or so he even appeared on leafy video or something


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and all nazis are pedos, so the cicle repeat itself.


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Jesus, can you stop sucking up to /pol/tards for like 2 minutes, please?


anon is probably a pedo former polyp himself and feels the need to project his inner desires onto a safe scapegoat


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>Le cheeto man knew about 9/11 before it happened
well I'm not suprised this happened with how many countless wars America was involved in that eventually someone would take revenge

Rome was sacked by barbarians and this was basically the rome was sacked moment for America since they couldn't touch it in any other way
I never saw these buildings as anything special but when you look at the new world trade center that was build it has the sign ONE WORLD


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>Woman A continued: “I think these groups are actually really dangerous, especially after the (Davison) shooting. These people are full of rage. Rage they can’t find a partner, rage because they feel the world is against them. Before you know it you’ve gone from worrying about demographics to laughing at the idea of a woman you’ve never met being raped. If they’re willing to treat women in their own circles like this, imagine how they could go on to treat those outside of the group.”
lol I recall "ethnostate rape gangs" from a chinlet fbi.gov server leak a few years ago. Unsurprisingly they were spitballing a lower age of consent than 18-21 (16 in that case).


This is deeply ironic considering the whole "grooming gangs" thing they were chimping out about ages ago


all of rightwing politics is projection, you should know this by now


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This is like Reno 911 but for Nazism


What's also hilarious about this leak is that the group is either so paranoid of infiltrators or just Fed-controlled they take the license plates of all their members' cars and then stored that information in a publicly-accessible mega.nz cloud storage folder. They're also so obsessed with fitness that there are records for every member's height and weight along with their "activism" schedules.

The leader also seems to pay his rent by making the stickers they put up, sells them to members of the group, and then orders them to place them around every week so they have to buy more stickers from him, and berates them if they don't do it.


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imagine expecting some poljaks to clean up their act. you'd think they'd be a little more lenient considering their demographic


I'm reading Black Sun right now

You forgot to add that he was gay, Jewish, a pedophile, partook in incest, and had a piss fetish


Good that you are so informed about those weird nazis, but please, don’t fall for superstitions, marxists must be materialist in order not to fall in contradiction


>you should just be allowed to rape women
>you know, I schink
>there is a promeesh of obsheeen enjoyment at the haart of fascheesum

I don't like slavic cocaine man that much but he is right about some things


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skrewdriver with a k
that's crazy, they were the most famous neo-nazi skinhead band, wearing one of their merch was a big signal that you were in that end of the skin subculture back in the 80s and stuff


based mkultra southern strategy culling the most retarded and backwards of society


This torrent archive contains nearly 500 gigabytes of leaked records from Patriot Front, a U.S.-based neo-nazi organization with chapters around the country. This leak includes videos, photos, documents, and chat messages.

Unicorn Riot is releasing this information as part of our work covering far-right, white supremacist and neo-nazi
organizations. If you find this release useful, please consider making a donation (tax-deductible in U.S.) to our
nonprofit media organization:

For more, see our Far-Right Investigations Desk: https://unicornriot.ninja/far-right-investigations-desk/

2017 reporting on Patriot Front: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/southern-front-logs-expose-neo-nazi-extremist-cell/
2018: https://unicornriot.ninja/2018/americans-fascists-inside-patriot-front/
Additional files from these reports on Patriot Front are included in the 2017 and 2018 directories.

Previously leaked Patriot Front and Vanguard
America fbi.gov chats can also be viewed on DiscordLeaks:
(Vanguard America was the predecessor organization to
Patriot Front, with overlapping membership.)

Other stories related to Patriot Front are linked here: https://unicornriot.ninja/tag/patriot-front/

The files in this torrent archive are also available at: https://vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontleaks/

RocketChat is open-source chat server software similar to
Slack, a messaging platform with multiple channels.
The data here includes chat rooms, direct messages,
and file attachments. The RocketChat file attachments and
screenshots are zipped. Machine-readable versions of Patriot
Front RocketChat messages are included as JSON files.

JSON copies of previously leaked Patriot Front and Vanguard
America fbi.gov chats are also included. 7zip
( https://www.7-zip.org/ ) can expand these .xz archives.

You can also view this RocketChat archive on DiscordLeaks:

The Mega.co.nz archives form more than 400 gigabytes of
this release. Patriot Front uses Mega to send packages
of raw video, photos and other media gathered in the
field during fascist propaganda operations. While many of
the media files were not labeled by date, a large number
have EXIF data which can be scanned via exiftool
( https://exiftool.org/ ) to determine when the pictures
and videos were taken.

Torrent hosting courtesy of DDOSECRETS


disc0rd is wordfiltered. just replace fbi.gov with it in the URLs


Reuniting the band down there I see


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>King was not the only paedophile with whom Kinsey worked closely. During this period, Kinsey also corresponded with and collected data from one of the most notorious paedophiles of the time – Dr. Fritz von Balluseck of Germany

>This former Nazi party official had commanded a ghetto during the war, and had sexually abused hundreds of pre-adolescent boys and girls – forcing them to choose between sex or the gas chamber – in addition to his own children, for over three decades. Von Balluseck, like Rex King, kept explicitly detailed diaries of his sexual abuse, which he sent to Kinsey. Balluseck was implicated in the sex murder of a young girl in 1957. When Interpol found Balluseck’s correspondence with Kinsey, they sought Kinsey’s help, but Kinsey refused to release any of Balluseck’s journals or information

>Paul Gebhard wrote, of this fact: “An example of criminality is our refusal to cooperate with authorities in apprehending a paedophile we had interviewed who was being sought for a [child] sex murder”. At von Balluseck’s trial, the judge criticized Kinsey for failing to report him. Furthermore, testimony from von Balluseck during the trial indicated that Kinsey requested the sex abuse data from the paedophile. The judge asked von Balluseck, “I had the impression that you got to the children in order to impress Kinsey, and to deliver him material. And von Balluseck replied, “Kinsey himself asked me for that”. It is highly likely that some of Kinsey’s “data” on childhood sexuality may have come from the abuse of children in the Nazi death camps



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Since the thread theme involves Occultism… Here is a photo of Alfred Kinsey in Aleister Crowley's Silician Thelema Temple. Remembering that Crowley worked for British intelligence, which works with American intelligence. These occult neo-nazi orders are all their honeypots.



>Dr. Fritz von Balluseck


The hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper



Does anyone have an archive of the very first esoteric hitlerism general thread


He was also deeply superstitious and scratched his balls whenever he thought someone gave him the Evil Eye. I'm not making this up.


It’s in here somewhere mate


Sources bruv


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Nazi group having a demonstration in Florida. They assaulted a driver. This one in particular seems to draw recruits from white lumpen, like petty criminals and ex-convicts.


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Bruh this country is going to be like Russia in the 90's/2000's but even fucking worse lol

just growing amounts of Nazi idiots running rampant beating the shit out of everyone and everything as everything decays into Somalia tier conditions


wahhh muh boxes


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>Aleister Crowley
The CIA studied/used his works as part of the Project MKOFTEN.

>According to some sources, MKOften went beyond mere research into mind control and incapacitation of enemies, and plunged into the world of black magic, sorcery and the occult. The suspicion was raised by British investigative journalist Gordon Thomas, who wrote a book in 2007 with the title "Secrets and Lies". Thomas relied on allegations of Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, former head of the CIA's Technical Services Division, also known behind the scenes at the agency under the nickname "Dark Sorcerer"

>According to Thomas, part of the MKOften Project was dedicated to studying a vast occult literature that would have been collected from archives and libraries by the Nazis in the 1940s. Many of these books were looted by the Germans during the war and covered topics involving the use of magic and spells as a tool of war. Some of those involved in the project didn't go so far as to actually believe in black magic, but they accepted that it could offer a way to control and intimidate people through superstitions. Using supposed witchcraft and appealing to supernatural powers could have a detrimental effect on the morale of people exposed to these elements. The author argued that black masses and staged sacrifices, as well as the use of legends and folklore creatures could have devastating effects even on military veterans. Supposedly, MKOften agents have used this tactic in Vietnam, inserting rumors into guerrilla-dominated areas and spreading rumors about the presence of alleged monsters and demons from Southeast Asian folklore

>To learn as much as possible about the topic, MKOften agents met, consulted, studied, and employed the help of numerous mystics and occultists, including clairvoyants, astrologers, mediuns, psychics, vodunists, modern wizards, demonologists, satanists, and even a monsignor of the Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New York, specializing in exorcism. According to rumors within MKOften itself, the agents had a considerable amount of information about the occult, full access to libraries and works on the subject, as well as the freedom to act clandestinely, performing black masses and rituals as needed. Also according to Thomas, members of MKOften had practical classes on the occult, knew a lot about Crowley and tarot theories and some were still versed in Latin and Greek

>Program members allegedly sought ways to adapt magical rituals for military use. According to Thomas, the CIA even hired the services of three astrologers, a tarot reader and two specialists in palmistry. It also employed at least two pendulum specialists and at least one Kirlian photography researcher. A voodoo sorcerer who believed he could turn people into zombies and cast curses was hired in Haiti and went on to conduct lectures on the alleged powers of the Loa. A Houston sorceress named Sybil Leak was one of the latest acquisitions. Leak was a member of the Church of Satan, led by the notorious Anton LaVey, and believed from time to time to embody the demonic entity Lilith

>In addition to Gordon Thomas, another journalist and researcher, Alex Constantine, wrote about these arcane searches conducted by the program, claiming that the CIA showed an interest in obscure cults and religions. This interest was based on the thesis that creating sects of this nature in enemy nations could result in a chaotic element in the case of a revolution. Constantine believed that sects such as the Temple of Set, the Process Church of the Final Judgment and the Finders could be examples of cults built by MKOften. It also raises the possibility that Jonestown Peoples Temple of infamous Jim Jones could have learned his persuasion and control techniques from the CIA. For Constantine, some of the methods employed by Jim Jones to shape the behavior of his faithful demonstrate that he employed techniques developed by MKOften

>Constantine says the CIA maintained an entire division of social scientists that examined the advances of sects and cults established in the 1970s. It would have even sponsored the creation of similar sects in countries in Africa and South America, as a kind of field laboratory . For Constantine, the explosion of cults and sects until the early 1980s is closely linked to MKOften's projects and their support


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There's a lot of Occultist and Nazi shit in that.

>In the early 1960s, two ranking members of the Church of Scientology — Robert Moore and Mary Anne MacLean, better known as the DeGrimstons — split off from London’s Hubbard Institute to form the Process Church of the Final Judgment — a group whose official logo is a modified swastika and whose literature included glowing tributes to Nazism, Satan, snuff/gore and necrophilia. The group’s bookstore reportedly stocked titles on topics such as Hitler, organized crime, hypnosis, brainwashing, and the occult. Moore, a former cavalry officer and the grandson of a British vicar, and MacLean, a one-time prostitute who was connected to the Profumo scandal and who reportedly believes that she is the reincarnation of Nazi propagandist Josef Goebbels, first left London with their followers just after the summer solstice of 1966, arriving first in Nassau and then in Xtul, Mexico. They were soon back in London

>By 1967, they had arrived in the States, first setting up shop in New Orleans, French Quarter, where the organization was formally incorporated with the assistance of a former lawyer for the Catholic Church. In March 1968, the group moved their base of operations to San Francisco, taking up residence not far from LaVey’s Church of Satan and various other occult groups, including a branch of the OTO. Recruiters for the group had been in the Bay area since the 1967 ‘Summer of Love,’ signing on such members as ‘Brother Ely,’ a member of the Gypsy Jokers biker gang whose home/Process Church temple was located just two blocks away from the home of the Manson Family. From its inception, the Process made no effort to hide its infatuation with death, destruction and cultural terrorism. In the essay Jehovah on War, Moore commanded his followers: “THOU SHALT KILL.”

>Another essay that appeared in the official Process publication urged readers to experience the pleasures of grave robbing and necrophilia. A rant in the “Death” issue was penned by a recent transplant to the Bay area by the name of Charles Manson. (An excerpt from Dave McGowan's wonderful book, "Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder" : Chapter 12)


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The ex-husband of Zeena LaVey (daughter of the founder of Church of Satan, Anton LaVey), Nikolas Schreck, met Charles Manson.

>Nikolas Schreck is an American singer-songwriter, musician, author, film-maker and Tantric Buddhist religious teacher based in Berlin, Germany

>Schreck's 1989 documentary, Charles Manson Superstar, told the story of Charles Manson's life as well as interviewing him in San Quentin Prison. The documentary featured parts of an originally hour and a half long interview of Manson, as well as many photographs and video footage, of the Manson Family, Spahn Ranch, and other related topics. Also discussed were Manson's alleged ties to Nazi movements (which he denied) and to various Satanic movements. Other Video Werewolf releases include The Zurich Experiment, which documented Radio Werewolf's last public concert

>Zeena Galatea Schreck (née LaVey), known professionally by her mononymous artist name ZEENA, is a Berlin-based American visual and musical artist, author and the spiritual leader of the Sethian Liberation Movement (SLM), which she founded in 2002

>Raised within her father's organization, the Church of Satan, she came to international prominence early in life as the Church's first spokesperson, defending the organization during the 1980s. In 1990 she resigned her position, severed ties with her father Anton LaVey and his Church, and renounced the church's tenets. Since that time, her religion changed to Buddhism and she is now a teacher of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism

His father, Anton LaVey, was associate of a very peculiar man.

>Michael Aquino, the founder of Temple of Set (a schismatic group of the Church of Satan), was fascinated with Nazism, encouraged his pupils to study Nazi literature, and performed rituals relating to Nazi occult systems, e.g. the working at Germany's Wewelsburg Castle during a NATO-related mission. He was associated with CIA, NSA, and the U.S. Army's psychological warfare service, as well as a member of the American Security Council's advisory board along with a host of top FBI, CIA, and Pentagon hawks

>After receiving his PhD in political science from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1980, Aquino worked as an adjunct professor at Golden Gate University until 1986 while continuing to serve in the United States Army as an Active Guard Reserve officer at the Presidio of San Francisco. He was fascinated with the connections between occultism and Nazism, resulting in some accusations that he was sympathetic to Nazi ideology. In 1983, he performed a solitary rite at Walhalla, the subterranean section of the Wewelsburg castle in Germany that was utilized as a ceremonial space by the Schutzstaffel's Ahnenerbe group during the Nazi period. This resulted in his formation of the Order of the Trapezoid, a Setian group whose members understood themselves as a chivalric order of knights. From 1987 through to 1995, the Grand Master of the Order of the Trapezoid was Edred Thorsson, who had joined the Temple of Set in 1984 and risen to the Fifth Degree in 1990


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>The "Happy Merchant" meme was created by an affiliate of the Church of Satan who dated Anton Lavey's daughter, A. Wyatt Mann/Nick Bougas

>Nick Bougas was one of Nikolas Schreck's best friends in the 80s- apparently the two of them copied a bunch of Mann's cartoons about AIDS and gays and were posting them all around LA when they were attacked and sliced Nikolas' ear clean off

>They're also familiar with Christopher Lee, with Nikolas even releasing one of his earlier musical albums

>Nikolas is also intrinsically connected with Charles Manson- he created a documentary on this topic in 88 and recently released a 1000+ page book called "Manson File; Myth and Reality of an Outlaw Shaman"


>Edred Thorsson
Isn't this the same guy as Stephen Flowers, the occult author? Remember the consensus on Iron March being that his early work was based.


>They invaded countries to replace their local flag with a red flag, therefore not imperialist? Russia wasn't the main benefactor of Soviet resources/products?
Russia didn't grow at the expense of stagnating the others in the Warsaw Pact.

>then we support simply using state force to stop immigration.

Which is impossible to do since capital will always dodge and undermine state forces.


Read Al Szymanski


Who has an archive of this thread? We about the hit bump limit and I'm gonna make another post, this next one should have every archive in the OP in order


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>They invaded countries to replace their local flag with a red flag, therefore not imperialist?
Yes, it was not imperialist. Imperialism isn't just when you invade a country.
>Russia wasn't the main benefactor of Soviet resources/products?
No, it wasn't. If anything, resources were diverted from Russia to develop less developed states within the USSR.
>You're trying to ascribe communist politicians' theory and rhetoric to a flawed reality.
>Fascists/nationalists argue that since imperialism is inevitable, we should just be the ones benefiting from it, or at least preventing it from occurring to our nations specifically.
Retarded, as it engages in what is inevitably inconsequential when the system in it's totality is taken into account.
>Communists demand that you simp for the "global south" or the "3rd world" or whatever and just gamble on them being nice and reciprocating and them adopting "true communism" eventually.
No, we simply understand that capitalism is a global system, and thus can only be superceded by means of a system that expands itself globally in greater measure. That's the reality of it.
>What actually happens is you get retards like Mugabe and Pol Pot.
Not always.
>The leftist proposition is a long shot gamble.
A necessary one, and not a long shot in any way.
>Furthermore, fascists don't accept libertine capitalism as the ideal or something we have to always bargain with.
Except you historically have, and the system will always select for such.
>If capitalism leads to mass immigration of low-skilled criminalistic foreigners, then we support simply using state force to stop immigration.
Doesn't work, as the system overtime will simply select for such in order to ensure it's economic continuation. Immigration will occur regardless of if you "support" it or "oppose" it, and countries like Hungary are a great example of this.
>The people who always whine and bitch about immigration restrictions and try to overturn them are liberals and leftists.
I reject them because they are a mythology, and something which fundamentally misunderstands the nature of the bourgeoisie state. I will work with the cards I have rather then trying to desperately and impotently appeal to the bourgeoisie for cards I will never obtain, and so I will work with the immigrants here against the bourgeoisie then have us pitted against each other by those who stand to benefit by creating the flase dichotomy of "closed" and "open" borders.
>Claiming the hundreds of miles of railroads built by European colonial powers in the 1800s didn't benefit the colonial nations is being disingenuous.
They did, but only after, not during. Largely the benefit was for the colonial powers, not the nation itself.
>They had a constant rate of technological and economic advancement in fact.
No, not by a long shot. Technology only developed up to the point that they could complete their ascribed economic role, and no further.
>Arguably they only really started going backwards after the high autism score white leadership was ousted by a combination of virtue-signaling Western liberals and the Commintern.
Burkina Faso literally developed faster then it ever had when free from colonial domination.
>Watch Empire of Dust, even Chinese CCP fans had to admit that the blacks squandered European gifts.
That speaks to a completely different phenomena, and you would know this if you actually watched the whole movie.
>Warsaw Pact was part of Europe so it was already relatively well developed; and arguably they would have developed at the same rate anyway regardless of what economic system they had.
What the fuck are you talking about? Have you even ever in your entire life read about the condition most eastern european states in were before?
>I support a system where capital is totally subservient to state authority, and I would even support things like individual wealth limits,
restrictions on lobbyism, etc.
Not how it works, as the state is still fundamentally dependent on capitalism as a system, and thus overtime is shaped and molded by the necessary demands of such a system. Ask yourself, at end of the day, who are the members of state themselves dependent on for the system to keep running? The answer is capitalism.
>I admit that it would take a revolution and/or Balkanization including violence for this change to take place; but so do most commies when talking about implementing communism in Western nations.
Yes, and that's and for communism that's an actual consiquntial change. A change from capitalism to capitalism once again is not.
>It doesn't help that leftists always simp for the open borders factions.
"Open borders" don't exist. There are degrees of controlled borders, but no western country has ever had "open borders". The whole thing is a red herring that doesn't understand the mechanisms of the system.


bumping this again for an archive brehs who got one so I can make a new thread?


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who is this guy suppose to represent?


muh fertile pre pubescent aryan goddess…..evropa….



the dream language one is a good one

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