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Anyone interested in helping me fuck with these guys? If you don't know, they're an at least partially fed-run satanic nazi group whose deal is infiltrating organizations of all kinds (nazi, leftist, churches) in order to make them more evil. Implicated in child trafficking and cp distribution, rape, terrorism and murder.

Anything anyone knows about them would be really helpful and if anyone wants to help me report their shit that would even better (currently trying to get dreamhost to drop hosting for their main site).
562 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


"internal conflict" it's a public imageboard


Atomwaffen might have developed into the sitting around in a compound all day direction had they actually listened to Siege and not Iron Gates since the former tells you to survive collapse, not throw your life away by carrying out a terror attack (or in AWD's case, larping like you're going to carry out a terror attack and usually never getting beyond that point). But Vanguard America wasn't that type of group at all, nor were most of the Nazi orgs at Charlottesville.

Obligatory James Mason was a pedo cause I don't wanna seem like I'm praising him too hard. Look up the Moynihan interview, he brags about it.


New jargon just dropped on Myatt's archive.
>The three practical ways of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A) are represented by Baeldracians for those following or inspired by the way of the Drecc/Niner; Falciferians for those following or inspired by the Seven Fold Way; and Rynethians for those following or inspired by, or who are, the way of the Rounwytha.
I'm gonna have to find O9A's latest lexicon and make my own version at some point, this shit is probably impossible to follow if you're a normal person.

To get what these terms specifically mean, you have to know that O9A is kinda like D&D, you get to choose your class. At first, there was just the Sevenfold Way, what Myatt's now calling Falciferian, and that's what the 90s material like The Black Book of Satan, Naos and Hostia talk about. The black robes, chanting, star game, and human sacrifice shit, most of what you probably think of when you think of O9A.

The Dreccian Way was added in the early 2000s by Richard Moult and later expanded on by Chloe Ortega (who it's now synonymous with). To be a Drecc (Baeldracian) you have to (pretend to) form an O9A street gang, preferably one that performs rapes and lynchings.

And then the Rounwytha Way is something that Myatt added afaik during his "post-extremism" phase (2011 on) under the pseudonym Rachael Stirling. That's like the healer class, you don't really do much as a Rounytha (Rynethian) but live in the woods with maybe one or two other people and commune with nature.

Noctualians were something completely different and were unique to Tempel ov Blood. They're named after the Dark God Noctulius, who Myatt and the Niners who generally follow his line also believe in, but being a Noctulian in the ToB sense is all about torturing yourself and desensitizing yourself to violence and perversion so that you can be possessed by the Undead Gods and become a sociopathic predator.




>I'm not talking about an Italian word, but I'm talking about her literally using the English term "dark mother" well before she was in their videos or whatever.
>Also, that's not proof she's involved with Nameless Therein, it's intended to be fairly strong evidence she has been into O9A shit for way longer.
Missed this part of your post somehow. Misunderstood you, I definitely agree with that. All the stuff about the Mother and the visual references to O9A's Baphomet are the best proof we have aside from her contact with Conflagration.

Personally, I'd be very very surprised if she wasn't involved with Secuntra Nexion in some capacity, especially since her art looks so similar to their sinister tarot. When it comes to what we feed media outlets I don't think we should necessarily go there cause it can't be proven. It's gonna get turned into 0 autism score satanic panic nonsense that gets basic facts wrong and makes assumptions anyways if it hits the tabloids but we don't have to actively contribute to that.

I'd love to get some wop autist involved and translate all her videos but who knows how long her social media will even still be up or if she's already cleaned it up. Also that would be like a solid week's worth of work, she's been posting daily on multiple platforms going back years and years.


I'm quite into the ONA. Let me put Wampyrism and Satanism in a clear way to you, the ONA wants a new Anglo-Saxon or Greek/Roman pagan society. Whatever shocks you about the ONA was practiced in these societies. You people fear the ending of modernity I think, not particularly what the ONA really wants, because the ONA isn't anything new. One of their main points of the new aeon is of it being a personal wyrd, which has its deriving's in Anglo-Saxon society. This basically means that you live your own life not chained by capitalism or communism or this and that, but in order to achieve whatever you're meant to within your life. Some people already live this now within the ONA, but the aeon is wide spanning. It's not "drop out of society and camp in the woods", it's a communal societal thing. In fact, the majick system from the ONA comes from a book called Scipio's dream.
The TempelovBlood is a wampyric organisation. The TempelovBlood and the Drakon Covenant (British wampyric nexion) wants a society VERY alike to the Spartans, where there's a ruling elite, the noctulians (spartans) are hard bred through terror and murder and genocide of the mundanes (Helots). Both groups main goal is enlightenment, but the ONA is much more spiritual, and much more… nerdy compared to the TOB.

Also, I have no reason to lie to you, but the O9A is much more spiritual than it is about raping, murder and paedophilia. The ONA started out as a satanic group, so hence it has or had no morals, but it's increasingly changing over time. Maybe you armchair satanists are terrified of a group that's genuinely amoral, but David Myatt doesn't promote paedophilia.
Again though, where this changes with the TOB is that they'd actively want you to take up these desires, even promoting insanity and sociopathy to become better individuals. But you people already head in that direction which is the funny thing. You are pushing society to legalise these things like paedophilia. The TOB even promotes you to find your sexuality and had or has trans members.


>This basically means that you live your own life not chained by capitalism or communism or this and that, but in order to achieve whatever you're meant to within your life.


Clean your room, but also do genocide


Is this honestly what you mundanes take from that?


I just think it's funny Myatt could start his own range of New Age self help books


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what i took from it is that you think everyone has their own lane in life that they should stick to
everything else was nonsense


Myatt (not "Anton Long") actually has books like that. You can find them on Amazon.
Point out the nonsense please. But personal wyrd is not my opinion.


Are you really trying to gaslight us right now? Pretending O9A is good ol wholesome bois and we're the REAL pedophiles? That's fucking rich. Also nobody here is "terrified" of you, for the most part we find you an absolute laughingstock, myself included. Your understanding of morality and Satanism is on par with that of a teenage goth. Maybe I'm just not "numinous" or "acausal" enough but writing pedophile rape fantasies in your stupid little zines isn't exactly the peak of enlightenment, nor are fiction books where the main focus is on guys who fuck severed heads. The only reason anybody so much as gives you the time of day is because despite your cringeworthy attempts at edginess, you still manage to hurt people now and then.

Screech about how I'm a "mundane opfer" or whatever all you like, it's not going to change the fact that in the end the vast majority of you are just a bunch of edgy tryhards who indulge in this fantasy world of yours to make up for your lack of actual real world success. In short, how about you leave the "Tempel ov Blood" and join the "Tempel ov Bitches"


back to deviantart pedo larper


Sounds like Randianism/Nietzchienism with extra mystical woo and pen and paper game terminology for the lulz. "Aristocrats of the soul" cope.


>This basically means that you live your own life not chained by capitalism or communism or this and that, but in order to achieve whatever you're meant to within your life.
Yeah I know about Reichsfolk man. Doesn't matter if you call it rural communities living by the code of kindred honor instead, it's still racial communalism and has nothing in common with the anti-capitalist goals of the left. Despite many O9A entreaties to the left having been written, you guys have yet to even produce a coherent definition of what you think capitalism and the state are.

>In fact, the majick system from the ONA comes from a book called Scipio's dream.

No it doesn't lol, this was something Myatt added in the 2010s. The book is called De Re Republica first of all, The Dream of Scipio is just one part of one section/book of De Re Republica. And it has no magical system, certainly not one that has anything to do with shit like crystals, magical vibrations, the star game or human sacrifice. If you want to reduce O9A magic to its absolute barest essentials and say that its essence is the ascent through the spheres then yeah, there are ancient precedents, but that goes for a lot of other forms of modern magic too so by reducing O9A like that in order to historicize it you also get rid of its (autistic) uniqueness.

>The TempelovBlood is a wampyric organisation. The TempelovBlood and the Drakon Covenant (British wampyric nexion) wants a society VERY alike to the Spartans, where there's a ruling elite, the noctulians (spartans) are hard bred through terror and murder and genocide of the mundanes (Helots)

Even the Spartans didn't support the rape and sacrifice of toddlers.

>David Myatt doesn't promote paedophilia

Read The Girl Goddess, it's already been linked itt. He wrote pedophilic erotica, that's as supportive as you can get without actually doing it and there are rumors about that too.

>But you people already head in that direction which is the funny thing. You are pushing society to legalise these things like paedophilia.

How is the left pushing for pedophilia?


>The TOB even promotes you to find your sexuality and had or has trans members.
This means jack shit. Might seem progressive to you since your political and social environment as a Niner is overwhelmingly homophobic and transphobic but it's perfectly possible to find a philosophy that gives you the freedom to embrace your sexuality and gender without also telling you to commit terrorism, join Nazi orgs, rape people and molest kids.

And in case I need to remind you, David Copeland's nailbombing spree targeted gay communities in London. That was a terror spree directly inspired by Myatt's Nazi writing and Myatt possibly even personally mentored Copeland. So DM can say he supports LGBT people all he wants but in terms of his actual actions, he inspired an attack that wounded 100+ people, many of them LGBT.


>Are you really trying to gaslight us right now?
Give me a reason why I'd need to lie to you? All their literature can be found online for free.
>Pretending O9A is good ol wholesome bois and we're the REAL pedophiles?
What I'm saying is that they aren't as far removed from you as you'd like to think.
>Also nobody here is "terrified" of you, for the most part we find you an absolute laughingstock, myself included.
Did I say you are? Maybe this is manifestation of your true feelings or something. I'm barley even a "satanist" or ONA. All I've done is read their books and a few rituals.
>writing pedophile rape fantasies in your stupid little zines isn't exactly the peak of enlightenment, nor are fiction books where the main focus is on guys who fuck severed heads
Oh yeah, fuck me, forgot I wrote that to be fair. Disregard every other point I've said now that some freak wants to fuck severed heads, I do too! I'm an individual mate, someone's fantasies don't speak for me.
>The only reason anybody so much as gives you the time of day is because despite your cringeworthy attempts at edginess, you still manage to hurt people now and then.
I don't hurt anyone mate. This is the problem you're facing, you're not speaking to a group, you're not speaking to a larper or a murderer or some bloke in a cloak chanting, you're speaking to an individual. I don't have power fantasies because I'm not weak. I don't want to rape anyone because I'm handsome. I don't like children because… well I'm just not attracted to them.
>it's not going to change the fact that in the end the vast majority of you are just a bunch of edgy tryhards who indulge in this fantasy world of yours to make up for your lack of actual real world success.
How do you account for all the members who've been through the police, military, special forces, politicians, celebrities etc…? Kids might larp in a Telegram group telling underage children to cut their legs or something, but they aren't really "satanic" are they? They don't meditate on tarots, the don't follow the 7 fold way, they don't want enlightenment, they don't do insight roles, they don't try to better themselves. They're fucking larpers. And by the way, the ONA existed with probably less than 20 members for decades only going out on specific events every few years to give out invitations. I don't think it needs "members", because it's a way of life.
>In short, how about you leave the "Tempel ov Blood" and join the "Tempel ov Bitches"
I'm not in the TempelovBlood you spastic.

Dunno why you're saying "cope" like I don't agree with you.


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I think they are just retarded and schizo ASPD pedos that think le racist child molestation murderrape esoteric fascism-killpeopleism sounds edgy to normkes and so jerk themselves raw to it. Obviously they aren't magical, obviously they aren't powerful, if they ever actually do the shit they fantasize about they are probably setting themselves up for prison. They are like that psycho poop smeared aspd whore that was grooming chris chan. Sure they might fuck up some kids lives if some kid is unfortunate enough to be allowed to be molested by them but overall they won't do jack shit. These kinds of people are always total cowards that are all talk and no action even if the action they want to commit is degenerate, not ambitious at all, and only oriented around abusing vulnerable people in a system that expressly allows and encourages that. You should abuse these people mercilessly when you encounter them in real life but really they are nobody and that's why they do all this dumb larp for attention.


you are so fucking cringe lol


Get your tendril out of your ass and respond to my points


>Despite many O9A entreaties to the left having been written, you guys have yet to even produce a coherent definition of what you think capitalism and the state are.
The ONA doesn't need nor want unwilling "members". You like the ONA, you plug into its views. I know leftists who found the ONA for some reason. Although, the ONA generally turns them into National Bolsheviks due to the social Darwinist nature of the ONA. Maybe you need to realise that the ONA isn't National Socialist or Communist or this and that, it's its own thing. Ideological people on the fringes like me and you become attracted due (mostly) to being on the autistic spectrum.
>If you want to reduce O9A magic to its absolute barest essentials and say that its essence is the ascent through the spheres
That is the basis though? And the ONA isn't far removed from other groups, it just has more of an empathies on actually doing majick. External and internal. Anton Long states this.
>Even the Spartans didn't support the rape and sacrifice of toddlers.
Well they did sacrifice would-be weak babies and beat their children routinely. They also had death squads of children to kill Helots. They say the same bollocks in Iron Gates. Something about 5 year olds joining the death squads or something. Can't really remember the book, it's disgusting.
>Girl Goddess
David Myatt very well might be a paedo. My point is that the ONA and David Myatt isn't some kind of paedophile ring, nor a first, second or even third degree thought of the group. People reduce the ONA to being a rapist clan or something, but it's really skewering the real goals. They're just amoral. It naturally attracts freaks.
>How is the left pushing for pedophilia?
I'd rather speak about the ONA. We could discuss this in any other thread.


this is fucking hilarious
fuck anglos, fuck saxons and fuck you rofl


>The ONA doesn't need nor want unwilling "members". You like the ONA, you plug into its views.
Then why bother to claim that O9A is compatible with anarchism or anticapitalism in the first place? You don't have the same definition of the state or capitalism so it's meaningless and there's no agreement, that's my point. Might as well be a third positionist who thinks you're against capitalism because you want a welfare state.

>And the ONA isn't far removed from other groups, it just has more of an empathies on actually doing majick. External and internal. Anton Long states this

Not in his 90s writing he doesn't lmao, he shits all over just about every other occult current and religious tradition he mentions.

>Well they did sacrifice would-be weak babies and beat their children routinely. They also had death squads of children to kill Helots. They say the same bollocks in Iron Gates. Something about 5 year olds joining the death squads or something. Can't really remember the book, it's disgusting.

Not really the same as raping a 9 year old on top of a mound of baby skulls for Gaubni is it? Or fucking severed heads or raping dead bodies or cannibalizing people or raping and killing your comrades in arms. ToB are just sick freaks who should be put down, the Spartans don't deserve to be compared ot them and that's saying something because the Spartans were disgusting too.

>David Myatt very well might be a paedo. My point is that the ONA and David Myatt isn't some kind of paedophile ring, nor a first, second or even third degree thought of the group. People reduce the ONA to being a rapist clan or something, but it's really skewering the real goals. They're just amoral. It naturally attracts freaks.

Freaks like the founder (The Girl Goddess, association with Stephen Cox, associate with Joshua Sutter), the woman who revived it in the internet era (defending pedos and publishing pedo fapfic in Nexion), the most notable American cell leader (Iron Gates, allegedly actually molesting kids), the most notable cell leader besides Myatt in the UK (three convictions for sexual offenses against minors). At some point it stops being a coincidence man.

>I'd rather speak about the ONA. We could discuss this in any other thread.

Well you were the one who brought it up.


>your political and social environment as a Niner is overwhelmingly homophobic and transphobic
I'm bisexual fella.
>but it's perfectly possible to find a philosophy that gives you the freedom to embrace your sexuality and gender without also telling you to commit terrorism, join Nazi orgs, rape people and molest kids.
What's your point mate? You've just stated a fact there. I'm well aware that you can do that.
>And in case I need to remind you, David Copeland's nailbombing spree targeted gay communities in London.
I think it goes without saying that David Copeland was influenced by Myatt. But I think it's pretty obvious that he was an accelerationist, not a satanist. He was also most likely a repressed homosexual due to the way he acted in his interview.
>That was a terror spree directly inspired by Myatt's Nazi writing and Myatt possibly even personally mentored Copeland. So DM can say he supports LGBT people all he wants but in terms of his actual actions, he inspired an attack that wounded 100+ people, many of them LGBT.
Pretty certain Copeland stated that he targeted the gay bars because he personally didn't like them.


>Dunno why you're saying "cope" like I don't agree with you.
I wasn't telling you to cope lol, but even in the more appreciative words that you described these groups (especially ToB), I still get the vibe that they cope as being "not like the other girls" with the Nietzschiean aristocratic rebel shit. I know that describes a lot of freaks, outcasts and niche communities in general, but most of them are not connected to fashoid violence. Like, for instance, egoists or wiccans (depending on if you're inclined towards materialism or spiritualism) are at most annoying but they're not overtly linked to rape and murder.


valid point!
Give me a minute mate fuck me. I'm replying to every person ITT.


>I'm bisexual fella.
Good for you, not my point. My point was that Myatt saying he supports LGBT people doesn't sound as impressive to people outside of the spheres O9A generally recruits from as it does inside those spheres. If you're a LGBT Nazi then yeah, I can see the attraction. If you're a normal fucking person, there are about a billion ideologies, philosophies and religions you can pick from that don't deny you your sexuality and yet also don't condone heinous shit like rape, terrorism and pedophilia.

>I think it goes without saying that David Copeland was influenced by Myatt. But I think it's pretty obvious that he was an accelerationist, not a satanist. He was also most likely a repressed homosexual due to the way he acted in his interview.

>Pretty certain Copeland stated that he targeted the gay bars because he personally didn't like them.
That's still David Myatt bombing LGBT neighborhoods by proxy. If you realize that he did that then why do you think it means anything when these people say they support LGBT liberation? They usually just like it because it pisses off Christians, mundane LGBT people are still gonna die on dies irae just like the rest of us magian nazarene opfers.

And it's obvious to me that O9A itself was an accelerationist front, at least to begin with. Myatt's dumb as rocks but he's not dumb enough to believe in Dark Gods and alternate universes that he himself invented. Those early writings are very very insistent that you join a Nazi group specifically so I think it was a way he was trying to funnel edgelords into Nazi accelerationist terror.


>Then why bother to claim that O9A is compatible with anarchism or anticapitalism in the first place?
Because it is??? Maybe it's not seizing le means of production or any of that bollocks, but it's not "pro" capitalist. You're like the mongs in my circles who believe that up until you're a 100% National Socialist, you were a communist.
>Not in his 90s writing he doesn't lmao, he shits all over just about every other occult current and religious tradition he mentions.
It's in Hostia. He shits over those who love mental masturbation or being perceived as evil because they wear a pentagram and a cloak but don't actually believe in majick or aren't actually amoral.
>Freaks like the founder (The Girl Goddess, association with Stephen Cox, associate with Joshua Sutter), the woman who revived it in the internet era (defending pedos and publishing pedo fapfic in Nexion), the most notable American cell leader (Iron Gates, allegedly actually molesting kids), the most notable cell leader besides Myatt in the UK (three convictions for sexual offenses against minors). At some point it stops being a coincidence man.
Satanism is amoral mate. I don't fuck kids because of the law preventing me, or because it's socially acceptable at 18, but because I'm not attracted to children. If someone is attracted to them, Satanists aren't gonna hide away from that. How many paedophiles roam the streets next to you every single day but don't act on it or promote it because they're terrified of the repercussions? There's fucking loads of them mate, because it's not human nature to have a number placed upon when you can have sex with a woman or a man. It's not human nature to wait 18 years because the "law" said so. I'd probably say that it's weirded to be someone like me who's actually attracted to people my age. The ONA being genuinely amoral just simply allows these people to speak their true feelings.
>Well you were the one who brought it up.
Yeah but I don't wanna de-rail the thread.


>"not like the other girls"
That comes from the way that the Nexions are set up. The Nexion is supposed to represent who you, the individual are. But I think if you're larping as a wampyre who's astral projecting to go and attack weak children to steal their "blood essence" and promoting literal MK Ultra techniques, you're probably gonna be someone who's a bit weirder than most on the 7 fold path anyways.


>Maybe it's not seizing le means of production or any of that bollocks
Then define capitalism and socialism. Capitalism isn't "when people care too much about money" or "when banks have a lot of power". You people don't have a coherent idea of economics, just blind populism that's always abandoned in the end anyways, so there's no agreement with the left.

>It's in Hostia. He shits over those who love mental masturbation or being perceived as evil because they wear a pentagram and a cloak but don't actually believe in majick or aren't actually amoral.

He also shits on Buddhism, the Temple of Set, old aeon forms (which for him includes pretty much every spiritual current besides O9A) and Crowleyans at various points.

>The ONA being genuinely amoral just simply allows these people to speak their true feelings.

Thanks for admitting that but that amorality does a lot more than allow them to speak doesn't it? It allows violent pedophiles like Ryan Fleming to act on their sick impulses and then it allows inner circle members like "darklogos" (David Myatt) to say that when Fleming beat and sodomized a mentally retarded child that he was making his own personal decision and that we can't say he shouldn't have done it. This is exactly the problem, even if you're not a pedophile yourself, even if you find pedophilia repugnant, the O9A philosophy of breaking every taboo and being your own law naturally leads to acts like rape and pedophilia. There was always a contradiction between Myatt saying not to abuse or kill under 16s on the one hand and saying that Niners should violate taboos and never follow laws, rules, authorities or leaders on the other.


Myatt worked closely with Sutter and said nothing against him or Tempel ov Blood specifically until after it came out at Kaleb Cole's trial that Sutter was an informant. No articles by Myatt before that point specifically mention ToB or Sutter. So we have an almost 20 year period where Myatt either didn't care or was too much of a bitch to attack the guys allegedly coopting his ideology to promote pedophilia. Go read the issues of Fenrir edited by Jall of ToB for yourself, there are Myatt articles in those alongside ToB articles and literal cp. Maybe that was just a "causal form" and a jape (great excuse for publishing cp and promoting child abuse) but what about what ToB did when they got ahold of Atomwaffen? At that point it was no longer just drawings of kids being whipped or stories about raping toddlers for Gaubni, it was the actual real world sexual abuse of women, minors and small children and the possession of real (not drawn) cp.

Stephen Cox, the leader of the Order of the Jarls of Balder, was a pedophile and an ally of Myatt and O9A in the 90s. Myatt has never renounced his association with Stephen Cox and I've seen no evidence that he attacked him for his pedophilia at the time, though a lot of the magazines you'd need to prove that one way or the other are impossible to get obviously.

There's the matter of The Girl Goddess, which is completely impossible for you people to explain away. That is very clearly by Myatt and it describes the molestation of a 14 year old girl. Also there's a scene in one of his autobiographies where he loses his virginity to a child prostitute.

Chloe (the current Outer Representative according to Myatt and she was OR before Jall too) has promoted pedophilia such as when she published The Girl Goddess in Nexion 7.1 followed by a different piece of pedophilic "sinister fiction" probably by Godric Liddell. She repeatedly brags about associating with several different pedophiles in previous issues of Nexion and in Nexion 8.1, which was released after the Cole filing, she defends ToB explicitly. Myatt has never attacked her for any of this.

Ryan Fleming was closely associated with ToB and led his own nexion called Drakon Covenant and has been convicted and jailed 3 times for sexual offenses against minors. No denunciation from Myatt. Myatt actually did comment on it though, on his Darklogos Stormfront account. His comment? That it was Ryan's decision and that O9A advocates for complete personal autonomy as long as Niners accept the consequences of their own actions. He also never denounced the O9A-influenced National Action when it called Ryan's rape of a retarded child heroic or denounced the O9A-influenced Sonnenkrieg Division when it was promoting pedophilia, cannibalism, rape of women etc.

What about the Legion Ave Satan, an O9A nexion in Russia which has been linked to child trafficking? No comment at all by Myatt.

When you guys do address the issue of pedophilia you're inconsistent about it too. So was ToB an FBI smear campaign against O9A that Myatt was suspicious of and that's why he didn't write anything against them (as he's said)? Or was it that he was a genius aeonics wizard who was supporting pedophilia as a causal form? Was it all just a thought experiment designed to enact alchemical change? Or was ToB just one way of understanding O9A among many, just as valid as the sort of O9A that says you can't rape under 16s because the highest authority is the principle of individual judgment (which is the point of Progressive, Traditional, Or Synthesis?: The Evolution of the O9A)?

You can call the constant contradictions on this and every other issue the labyrinthos mythologicus but to everyone else it looks like lying and speaking out of all sides of your mouth under the assumption that nobody cares enough about your autistic little cult to notice all the lies. If someone repeatedly and knowingly associates with pedophiles for decades, refuses to call out specific instances of pedophilia in his own organization, publishes his work in magazines that have cp in them and writes pedophilic stories himself then what do you call that person?

Tldr David Myatt is a pedophile.


>If you're a LGBT Nazi then yeah, I can see the attraction. If you're a normal fucking person, there are about a billion ideologies, philosophies and religions you can pick from that don't deny you your sexuality and yet also don't condone heinous shit like rape, terrorism and pedophilia.
Dunno what to say to you mate. I found the ONA because I was disgusted with them. Once I'd read their books I couldn't hold my same opinions I once had. I've found myself where I am because it's all the total truth. No matter how disgusting you think it is. I found myself a National Socialist due to me being ethnically genocided. I found myself to be an accelerationist due to realising that we could not win democratically. I found myself to be a "satanist" because the occult is the hidden truths of the universe. I don't care what you think.
>If you realize that he did that then why do you think it means anything when these people say they support LGBT liberation? They usually just like it because it pisses off Christians, mundane
Judeo-Christianity has turned even human nature on its head. It's a "sin" to be naturally gay. You can think what you want mate, but the truth is that National Socialism and Satanism simply don't have a problem with homosexuality. Christians and Christian Nationalists/racists might, but we aren't those. We aren't larping as a front for them. I'm bisexual, David Myatt probably is.
>he's not dumb enough to believe in Dark Gods and alternate universes that he himself invented.
David Myatt is a genius. He's just expanded upon the work of others though. It's fairly evident if you'd take what you read seriously that these "dark gods" represent energies of the acasual or the "chaos realm". Not far removed from what Allister Crowley and ( I'd image) the Golden Dawn was all about. Reddit atheists would be all over the acasual as a FACT if the "experts" said it. Myatt just mixes up these energies with daemons.


>Judeo-Christianity has turned even human nature on its head. It's a "sin" to be naturally gay. You can think what you want mate, but the truth is that National Socialism and Satanism simply don't have a problem with homosexuality. Christians and Christian Nationalists/racists might, but we aren't those. We aren't larping as a front for them. I'm bisexual, David Myatt probably is.
I agree, I want Abrahamism gone probably more than you do, for that reason and many others. I've seen people broken and ruined by Christianity because they couldn't accept themselves. But you can get that acceptance without the terrorism, pedophilia, rape and satanism, that's my only point.

>David Myatt is a genius. He's just expanded upon the work of others though. It's fairly evident if you'd take what you read seriously that these "dark gods" represent energies of the acasual or the "chaos realm". Not far removed from what Allister Crowley and ( I'd image) the Golden Dawn was all about. Reddit atheists would be all over the acasual as a FACT if the "experts" said it. Myatt just mixes up these energies with daemons.

The comparison with the GD is close to the mark because like Crowley, Myatt gives different answers to the question of how literally you're supposed to take the Dark Gods depending on when and where he's talking (and who he's talking as). Even if you want to say he's actually talking about energies though, that doesn't make him any more intellectual than your typical new age crystal chick who goes on about chakras and horoscopes and it doesn't preclude O9A from being a front group.

Every half decent idea Myatt has is from other more intelligent and interesting thinkers. Insight roles are from RAW, the reality tunnels from Prometheus Rising are functionally the same thing. Acausality is from Jung. Aeonics is from Spengler, although Myatt probably got it from Yockey who was also a retard. The satanist trappings are cribbed from bad satanic panic paperbacks and from old horror fiction. The basic ethic is a high schooler's reading of Nietzsche. What exactly makes him such a genius?


>Then define capitalism and socialism.
I don't give a fuck about economics mate. Want the QRD?
Socialism = putting my people before money
Capitalism = putting money before my people
>It allows violent pedophiles like Ryan Fleming to act on their sick impulses and then it allows inner circle members like "darklogos" (David Myatt) to say that when Fleming beat and sodomized a mentally retarded child that he was making his own personal decision and that we can't say he shouldn't have done it.
Well yeah, It's his choice mate. I still retain a lot of morality, but it's his choice whatever he does. It's also the father's or mother's choice to put a bullet in Ryan Flemming's head for doing that to their daughter, and it's also not our place to say they shouldn't have done it.
Got a link to where David said this anyways?


>Got a link to where David said this anyways?
Not on hand but just find the Stormfront thread on National Action, it was in there. Darklogos is clearly Myatt based on the writing style and also clearly coordinated with a user named Dark Imperium, who was probably Nikola Poleksic, the ABG Lodge leader, since that was the name of his musical act.


His writing style and the fact that he obsessively talks about and defends David Myatt I should say lol. Like 90% of the content about Myatt on the internet, it's fawning self-glorification by the man himself. Funny quality for a man who's supposedly crossed the abyss, killed his mundane ego and become a modern magus. I guess acausal empathy makes an exception for narcissism if you're doing it in the service of your aeonic goals (which he says he no longer has).


was this recent argument meant to push this thread towards the bump limit?


Probably but I'll make a new one. What's the bump limit exactly?


we just reached it


mods can also send this one to >>>/leftypol_archive/


>But you can get that acceptance without the terrorism, pedophilia, rape and satanism, that's my only point.
I'm well aware mate. You don't understand that I have much higher goals than gay sex.
>that doesn't make him any more intellectual than your typical new age crystal chick who goes on about chakras and horoscopes
It's a bastardised version of what David Myatt says. Romans, Greeks, Celts especially built their societies on these things, it's not like David Myatt was influenced by a kween teen on tiktok reading out David Myatt's horoscope while he kicks his feet back and forth on the bed mate.
>it doesn't preclude O9A from being a front group.
Too deep to be a front mate. What kind of front group makes the leader join Al-Qaeda, (allegedly) have a hand in creating ISIS and become a Buddhist? National Socialism is the future, as it has been the past for thousands of years. The ONA simply acknowledges the National Socialist strength. David Myatt very well might be as much a National Socialist as I am, probably moreso, but I don't think it's a front.
>What exactly makes him such a genius?
He combined it all together into a cohesive ideology/lifestyle


>What kind of front group makes the leader join Al-Qaeda, (allegedly)
Allegedly being the operative word lol. We have absolutely zero proof besides his infamously unreliable word that he joined AQ, travelled to the mideast or was published by Hamas. All we know for sure that he did is, as usual, post. On the Islamic Awakening forums in this case. Which already supported jihad when he joined it btw so even in terms of posting he wasn't doing aeonics very well.

And fronts are batshit crazy all the time. Look at the glowie connections to the Manson Family or Process Church of the Final Judgment.


Are you one of those people from the tenepod?

Yeah mate, david myatt said it was my personal wyrd to aeonically destroy this thread


>Are you one of those people from the tenepod?
Nah, I have nothing to do with journos or podcasters and I doubt too many of them are on imageboards lol. I just follow what there is to follow on O9A and TENE is one of those things so I'm familiar with their coverage and with the medium article on Poleksic.


What's ultimately so sad is that these pathetic 'sinister' fucks for all their self-imagined genius cannot even get away with their crimes, literally getting caught for pedoing, a crime with a hilarously low conviction rate.

Imagine being this pathetic you're lower than the average criminal whilst waltzing aroundin your big boy wizard boots like you're better than everyone..


You're just very clued up on it. Thought you'd be one of them since I imagine this is where they'd hang out.

ONA is founded by a narcissist mate. Are you surprised that many of those following it would be too?


why are so many anglos paedos?



>You're just very clued up on it.
Thanks. I'm just one of the few that actually took all Myatt's shit about not being able to judge O9A until you thoroughly study it seriously. Whether that makes me intellectually honest or retarded idk but I know O9A well enough to know that it's repulsive bullshit and why. You really don't have to read thousands of pages of nonsense to make that judgement though lol.

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