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 [Last 50 Posts]

Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread.
Last thread got full.

Original post:
Is there a proxy conflict coming?
US will act ‘decisively’ if Russia deploys military to Cuba or Venezuela – White House
Are NATO and Russia on the brink of war over the Ukraine crisis? (Ex-UK ambassador to Russia)
US claims Russia preparing ‘false flag’ in Ukraine
Russia ‘fabricating a pretext for invasion’ of Ukraine – White House
Is Russia really preparing an offensive against Ukraine?
CIA-trained special ops could fight Russians in case of Ukrainian invasion – report
Ukraine hit by huge cyber attack
Russia-NATO relations at critical level, Moscow warns
US to train ‘Ukrainian insurgents’ in EU – media
US seeking ways to profit should Russia-Ukraine conflict break out – reports
Also: requesting that tweet where Lukashenko says that this year they reunite Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, etc.

To check for news: https://liveuamap.com/es
To check for (military) planes: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/

I'm gonna post my opinion about the russian matter in here as well, it's my post, you can't do nothing about it:
Russia has tried to join NATO, twice.
No real reason for NATO to actually not accept, you would literally have world domination, aside from China.
This is because of a very simple reason, NATO wants to balkanize Russia. The very existence of Russia is a menace to NATO, and I don't mean this because they're "scared" of russian people, but how much territory they occupy.
Russia is the major country that will get a benefit from climate change, it's a country with a lot of natural resources because it literally owns about 1/8 of the planet or so.
It's the literal counterpart of the US, and the US wants it destroyes so it can truly be the world dominator without having no one to actually stand to them. Also Russia has lotsa nukes.
Not saying tho that Russia is an anti-imperialist nation, it is a capitalist nation and capitalism itself enables imperialism, it's a feature, not a dlc. But the thing is that NATO is searching for Russia is to be completely destroyed and balkanized in 5 states or more.
Also the Rimland theory is more important (at least that'd what NATO officials believe) than what you think.
So in thic conflict I support Russia for these reasons.
>Russia is actively defending itself against an outside invader that wants to mutilate it out of paranoia.
>Ukraine isn't worth a damn supporting, they have incorporated in their army neo-nazi paramilitaries.
>Ukraine is also a shithole that would be better under russian control… Probably (not that hard of a test tbh, being better than a comprador regime for NATO isn't that hard).
>More power to Russia means less power to the US, which will make it more aggressive. Supporting Russia is literally accelerationism to ww3, but accelerationism nonetheless, and no, I don't want ww3, I don't like to happen, but one thing is to not like war and the other is to delude oneself into believing that it will not happen, it will happen because it's the natural course of capitalism. This is more asking for a swift death than a prolonged, painful suffering under late stage capitalism.
>Seriously, fuck the Ukrainian goverment.
>In fact, fuck ALL nato states, including mine.

Despite this, I recognize that:
>Russia is a capitalist country. Thus means that it is imperialist because imperialism is the capitalist drive for profit natural course of action, read imperialism, the last stage of capitalism. Every capitalist country will become either imperialist, or imperialized, and Russia clearly isn't being imperialized as, say, Togo is.
>Russia is ruled by a capitalist class, the same class that killed the Soviet Union and thus killed AES.
>The russian state is actively smearing the soviet union, by example making the gulag archipelago a required reading in schools, meanwhile putting into a shrine a fake version of Stalin, deluding themselves into thinking he was a fascistic strong dictator instead of the antithesis of fascism which is why russian rightwingers love to say that they liked Stalin but hate Lenin, despite the former being literally a disciple and rightful succesor to Lenin's theories and politics.

Btw this also applies to China.


>forgot the ukraine thread 9.0
Uh… Let's say this is a reboot, kinda like DOOM 2016 or something like that.


>no number
>1 post early


>NATO: Ukraine requests international assistance for large-scale emergencies of various nature. The EADRCC has received today
The fuck is a EADRCC


>For a second day in a row, top U.S. general Mark Milley spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart and "reaffirmed unwavering support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity," the Pentagon said


What's the point of this thread? Putin pussied out as I predicted, LOL.


>Putin pussied out as I predicted, LOL.
<Still not understanding it's Ukraine the one attacking.


>President Biden is expected to provide a status update on the ongoing situation in Ukraine at 3:30 p.m. today, per a person familiar
Pls someone put this on Cytube


It's supposed to start in 15 minutes


Ok, someone put it on cytube pls.



Rescheduled for 3:30 EST





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#5 on r/all btw lol


>Not the typical route so far today for the unmanned U.S. surveillance aircraft - just circling in the middle of the country


>Washington Post: Russian government hackers have penetrated Ukrainian military, energy and other critical computer systems, U.S. government says



Amazed that nobody was killed in this terrorist attack. It really is habbening.


>US "prepared no matter what happens" in Ukraine, says @POTUS, adding an attack by Russia is still "very much a possibility"


Gotta fight the invisible enemy at the border lel


Glenn Beck is a room clearer, very nice


He's flatulent




For communists self-determination of oppressed nations is only a means to an end.


It still has to be approved by Putin. Don't aspiring NATO members have to settle territorial disputes in their country in order to join? So rejecting the resolution should technically help prevent or slow Ukraine from joining NATO? Or maybe I'm just talking out my ass.


What I mean is, if Russia officially recognized Donetsk and Lugansk as Russian territory and then seized it, that would make Ukraine more NATO-ready. Or if they recognize them but don't invade, does it have the opposite effect?


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It should be noted this is a non-binding resolution, so for it to actually get passed Putin has to sign it, which he indicated he wont. But it doesn't have a time limit, so he can just defer on signing it and let it sit on his desk until all negotiations have failed.

The real reason to sign it, is after officially recognizing it, the Russian Federation can formally note that Ukraine is attempting a policy of genocide/deliberately targeting civilians in DPR/LNR and under international law, the same one the US used in Yugoslavia, can begin combat operations against Ukraine to halt said policy


If Russian does split Ukraine into two separate countries it seems rather likely now that West Ukraine would probably join NATO.


excuse me, waiter? i ordered a nothingburger and this CLEARLY has something in it. i'd like to speak to your manager.


I thought Russia already claimed those areas as part of Russia. And even if they haven’t they’ve been controlling it for 8 years so at this point it is effectively Russian territory whether officially or not.


Nothingburger, Russia already cucked out, Putin wont approve it


Why not take it all?
>Noooo he can't do that west of the Dnieper everyone hates him
And what are they gonna do.
It's literal plains (although the west has some hills and so on, but regardless) and if a city rebels they will just get inside with the army.
Also fuck Ukrainians.





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Hello everyone, I came here in order to make an announcement
*Breaths in*
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Ukraine

Thanks for listening.


>Peskov: Ukrainians should set their alarms for 3am to see if the British are right or not


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Invasion was rescheduled, again…


This is from the Estonian Foreing Intelligence Service, not the US intelligence.
Also we're already on the second half of february.


video looks very fake lol


You say that but they got the bomb defusal rope out and everything


I want to believe.


>Estonian Foreing Intelligence Service
>US intelligence

One of the most cucked countries to US, so what is the difference. I wouldn't be surprised if state department told Estonians to publish this to make their own invasion scaremongering more believable. Wouldn't be the first fucking time when balts do the US bidding.



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It raises more questions than answers… if this were an op, why would they have released such a suspiciously produced video? I dont think a Russian op would result in documentary evidence which lends itself to so many doubts. Not really sure what to make of it


>Czech Republic MoI @Vit_Rakusan: We are ready to welcome thousands of Ukraine refugees if there is a military conflict with Russia. But we still hope there won't be a war. We can see disinformation platforms are more active these days


The terrorist attack wasn't even perfomed.
This isn't leading to anything.
The US intelligence said that they (russians) would "make" a video of how the Ukrainian Army is invading, trying to do a "false flag attack".
The US (and Ukraine for that matter) strategy is to attack, say that the Russians are lying and attacking them, and appear like they're the defenders.
This won't start with Russia attacking, it will start with this, US-led operation.


>>506475 (me)
>Why would they do this.
Because right now, the Nordstream is more important than the Ukraine vassal state they've proped up.
They want to make Europe fall in line.


What? I didn't hear anything about Crimea being abandoned and "de-occupied".


This is your brain on r/worldnews


Didn't you hear? Putin capitulated and Ukraine annexed all of Russia.


And Europe doesn't even want to block Nordstream even if Russia invades Ukraine.

What's really bizarre is that nobody recognizes the annexation of Crimea, which means Russia technically already invaded Ukraine. But I guess they refrain, since that would definitely lead to war with Russia. Which just might be the next step, since Russia isn't fucking interested in striking first, but US still wants Nordstream 2 dead.


>And Europe doesn't even want to block Nordstream even if Russia invades Ukraine.
We shall see who wins out in Europe, or the atlantic cucks or the people who actually can see NATO shouldn't exist anymore.


Fizzlers stay winning.


Have the fizzle gang ever tried not being cringe tho?


We have asended above the need for the cringe/based dichotomy.


They're "avowed communists" right up until contradictions of capitalism actually hit. Then capitalism is invincible and sustainable, and history is actually over.

>inb4 we're just blackpilled!

No. I am the one who is blackpilled. You're just an anti-communist faggot.


I've never said capitalism is invincible, just that Russia/CSTO and NATO aren't going to war.


Generalized air evacuation of the US embassy is starting. A number of US army helicopters with EVAC callsigns are headed into Ukraine right now from Poland


Feb 15th 2022


reddit still thinks an invasion is happening tomorrow. Biden could piss on them and call it rain and they would believe it



>Incredibly detailed report on Ukraine by RUSI's @Jack_Watling and Nick Reynolds based on what looks like extensive interviews with Ukrainian military and intelligence officers over recent weeks

20 page think tank type if u guys Wana read. Link in tweet to pdf


Desires and intentions are irrelevant next to systemic pressure exerted on the people involved. The entire situation can spiral out of anybody's control at a moment's notice, and it's basically just luck that kept the war from starting already.

Post screen-caps, redditfag.


cant post images on tor, not worth it anyways
not sure about source but based Russian double agents
i wonder if this guy still fights, I think he's too old now


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The eternal mongol


>The website of Ukraine's ministry of education and science mon.gov.ua also appears to be down
Reminder that this could perfectly be the ukrainian goverment fucking them up just to give the sensation that the ruskies are the one doing so.


>start shit just to get BTFO
>so your suzerain can bring another disobedient puppet in line for profit
I think there's a reward for being that big of a cuck - losing half your territory.


>I think there's a reward for being that big of a cuck - losing half your territory.
Not that much of a cuck if later your overlord gives you a bahamas mansion.


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>Desires and intentions are irrelevant next to systemic pressure exerted on the people involved.
That's just it. If that were the case, we wouldn't have gotten this far in the first place. We would be in nuclear winter since at least the 60s by now. There must be something systemic preventing crapitalism from destroying itself multiple times over. Marxism can't seem to explain it (or any science for that matter), but something is keeping this damn dystopian hellhole alive. Metaphysical, some quantum BS maybe, I don't know. When I studied our history, the 20th century just seems like an unnatural amount of bad outcomes that shouldn't have happened and blocked further human development. Maybe we are in a bloody simulation afterall or in a limbo – a bad joke. This world seems ever more surreal as time goes on and it becomes increasingly unbearable.
All I know is: This is a nothingburger! I can't explain why, but it just "is." Until we "break the matrix" if you will, nothing will fundamentally change. (See what I did there?)


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Не будет


literally nothing happend as a result of this, its all posture on both sides


>pussied out
you are such a brainless retard


how am i supposed to believe it is russian hackers on the word of the US government, when it could just as easily be anyone else without proof, including the US themselves?






New hypothesis.
What if Russia is purposely feeding lies to US intelligence that they will attack hoping that the US would do some retarded shit like this.

I don't get what the aim of the US is here. But on the other hand, the Nordstream2 project is too important for Russia (and Europe). So that doesn't seem likely.

So the US is doing a major bitchfit because nordstream2 was completed successfully despite insane sanctions on the project?
They are very close to fucking up and instigating a coup by the pro-EU bourgeoisie.


>Thread 9.0
How many more are needed before this board realized nothing will fucking happen? Lol.


put it back


Real talk: can Russia actually win a head-to-head fight against Ukraine or NATO? Perhaps Putin will win in other ways…


Can you sound my tiny cock with your stinky slimy log


Reminder this is a fake out on Putins part for PR. Hes going to make it look like hes pulling out and de-escalating then the false flag occurs necessitating action by Russia.


ukraine would get rolled within a day or two since they have no allies to back them up. as for the other conflict, the US military and MIC think tanks played out a conflict between NATO and russia repeatedly and NATO loses every time. that's why the american strategy is to use nukes freely, it's complete lunacy but the only way they can win (and deter) a war


No, the US has more advanced and numerous weapons, a larger military and more allies


>the despair of vulgar materialist
The fall of capitalism isn't mechanically inevitable, it's statistically inevitable. The inherent contradictions within capitalism induce repeated crises in the base, internal or external, at which point the superstructure takes over, and human actions actually matter. History rolls a dice, but the dice is loaded. Before, the existence of the Soviet Union forced the bourgeoisie to somewhat behave themselves, and even then, we repeatedly came close to WW3, but communists, actually possessing humanity tempered its chances. Now that Russia is capitalist, anything goes.

>Unlike the other submarines in the flotilla, three officers on board B-59 had to agree unanimously to authorize a nuclear launch: Captain Savitsky, the political officer Ivan Semonovich Maslennikov, and the chief of staff of the flotilla (and executive officer of B-59) Arkhipov. Typically, Soviet submarines armed with the "Special Weapon" only required the captain to get authorization from the political officer to launch a nuclear torpedo, but due to Arkhipov's position as chief of staff, B-59's captain also was required to gain his approval. An argument broke out, with only Arkhipov against the launch.
One vote.

That's how close.


Okay, NATOuyghur.


Russian Lawmakers Approve Resolution To Recognize Separatist Regions In Ukraine
>The Russian parliament's lower chamber, the State Duma, has voted in favor of sending a resolution to ask President Vladimir Putin to recognize two territories in eastern Ukraine held by separatists as independent states.
>Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, a member of the pro-Kremlin ruling United Russia party, said after the move was approved by lawmakers on February 15 that he will sign the resolution immediately and send it to Putin for consideration.
>The move, if approved by Putin, could further exacerbate tensions with the West over a Russian military buildup of an estimated 130,000 troops near the border with Ukraine that has fueled fears of an imminent attack. Russia has steadfastly denied any such plans and has accused the West of creating a crisis with its hysteria.
>Recognition of the two entities, which call themselves the Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics and comprise part of the region commonly known as the Donbas, could also spell the end of the Minsk peace process in east Ukraine, where a conflict between government forces and Moscow-backed separatists has killed more than 13,200 people since April 2014.
>"This recognition would be a clear violation of the Minsk agreements," said Josep Borrell, the European Union's top diplomat.
>"EU support and commitment to Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders remains unwavering," he added.
>Earlier in the day, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Moscow that there were no official discussions about recognizing the two regions.
>Russia has been pushing Ukraine to implement the Minsk agreements which, according to Moscow, envision special status for the separatist-controlled territories to give them more autonomy within Ukraine.
>Kyiv has rejected the notion, however, saying it is a thinly veiled attempt by the Kremlin to federalize Ukraine and ultimately take control of it.
>Russia has provided military, economic, and political support to the separatists. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Moscow maintains that it is not involved in Ukraine's domestic affairs.
>Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told reporters that if Putin approves recognition of the territories, "Russia will de facto and de jure withdraw from the Minsk agreements with all the attendant consequences."
>Volodin alleged that Ukraine isn't observing the Minsk agreements.
>"Our citizens and compatriots who live in Donbas need our help and support," he said on Twitter.
>Putin declined to be drawn out on whether he plans to approve the resolution. Speaking at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, he said Russians were sympathetic to the residents of the Donbas region, but he wanted the regions' problems to be resolved through the Minsk accords.
>He also claimed without presenting any evidence that Ukraine was committing “genocide” in its eastern provinces, where many native Russian-speakers live.
>The comment raised concern over the possibility of a provocation in the Ukraine crisis. Putin has said in the past that Moscow is ready to protect ethnic Russians outside its borders.
>Scholz called Putin’s “genocide” statement “wrong.”


>>506510 (not him)
In fact, you gotta consider that NATO is not only the US, but also all of the countries of the EU. The french military might be compenet, the german one might be as well, but what about the polish one? Or the military competency of the baltic states? Or from Spain and Greece?
NATO has, like, 5 actual military powers, and the rest are just spicier Austria-Hungary's. You can't win a war with like 30 countries 25 of which are more interested in having more money in their swiss accounts than to actually fight.


why the fuck is reuters just casually livestreaming the maidan square?



How else will we witness the imminent Russian terrorist attack?


most Russian tanks are sitting unmaintained in non climate controlled where houses for 30+ years


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>instigating a coup by the pro-EU bourgeoisie.
This would be the best realistic option that could come out of this shit. Permanent transatlantic split would be a godsend for socialism worldwide, no matter who holds the reigns of power on each side of the pond.


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Every single American tank doesn't have an auto-loader, and is too heavy for most European bridges.


“High gas prices will almost certainly be blamed on the party in power, so it really seems like the Saudis are using the oil weapon against Democrats here.”



>Every single American tank doesn't have an auto-loader
yeah, because not having one gives you a faster rate of fire, auto-loaders don't make a tank better, just cheaper


i miss when recruitment ads were just extremely racist against the other guy


>5 actual military powers
eh, I'd say it's more like 3
US, France, and Turkey


1) a real hot war between US and Russia would probably go nuclear very quickly, with both sides doing tons of damage. The US is arguably worse prepared for a combined-operations large scale conflict, because they don't practice it and waste money, though they do have many more resources.
2) Russia knows that the US has more to lose and less to gain in such a scenario and would never directly fight Russia over Ukraine.


>have less
>more expensive
>more maintenance heavy
>still breaks down more
>AND you spend more crew
>America! Fuck yeah!
How did that work for the Germans?


>against Ukraine
yeah, it'd be over in three days functionally


doesn't matter since we're atomic dust



Biden confirmed 1 term president


The Abrams have won every single tanks vs tank battle it has been in


List all the times an Abrams faced an actual, not-gutted-for-export model of a modern tank.


>arguing about tanks when in a peer war armored formations are annihilated by whatever side obtains artillery fire superiority
we already went through this in 2014/5 when Ukrainian armored formations got deleted by MRLS systems and again in Armenian-Azeri war when Armenian's got hit by arty(which played a bigger role than the drones did)


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I can argue against NATO capabilities on any level except air. And only because they routinely hide and misreport everything to keep the "muh never shit down" propaganda around F-16 and the like.



Sergei Shoigu also arrived in Syria today to observe the naval exercise in the Mediterranean. The commander of the Russian Navy, Admiral Nikolay Yevmenov, was also on hand. 4/



If something was happening today with Ukraine Russia shoygu would absolutely be in Russia not Syria, he's very important for Russia decision making


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>i miss when recruitment ads were just extremely racist against the other guy

I wish you and every Ukrop in the ad a very pleasant bleedout from shrapnel wounds


>Tankers still using the old helmets
I thought Ratnik was supposed to delete those. WTF, man


>if if
when will the empire crumble



Afghanistan 2.0 habbening?


I think the goal of this crisis is to motivate porkies to take their capital out of Europe and bring it back into the US. That means the US financial situation must be pretty desperate, after all, the burgers recently just robbed Afghanistan of their meager central bank money. The fact that European governments go along with this is disappointing though not surprising at this point.


>the despair of vulgar materialist
Guilty, I guess.

>The fall of capitalism isn't mechanically inevitable, it's statistically inevitable.

Are you sure? Capitalism went through multiple crises of overproduction, which should have killed it, yet it's still chugging along, while the prospect for socialism is as far away as ever, since the proletariat everywhere is terminally brainwashed despite all contradictions. The rate of profit is almost practically zero and signs show that capitalism may revert to techno-feudalism or a similar abomination to compensate. This doesn't seem natural. Something is rigged here!

>One voooot prevented nuclear war

It's hindsight, I know, but if I could turn back time, man…
Nuclear winter would have been preferable compared to the slow collapse through climate catastrophe, which we will be getting instead. Literally anything is better. There is not much as profoundly scary than collapsing into barbarism and then slowly going extinct because of its consequences.
If I could turn back time further, I would prevent the murder of Rosa Luxembourg and Liebknecht and maybe avoid all the awful things that happened in the 20th century.
We might have been a type 1 civilisation by now; already on the road to type 2. I fucking hate this timeline!


The US would probably rather sell its more expensive LNG to Germany instead of Russia selling it, but they already get it from Russia anyways. A bigger cause is that Russia is demanding a security treaty to prevent NATO expansion and the US doesn't want to consider it, so Russia helped force a conversation. Germany kind of pushed back on blocking Nordstream so that's a good thing.


Well it’s 3:32am in Ukraine and there’s no invasion. Looks like Putin tricked everybody.


>it’s 3:32am in Ukraine
how? it's only 8:34 here lmao


Putin is going to get fired. Late for work



You have to be 18 to post on this website


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I-I kneel


Took a nap.
Did something happen after Putin pulled away from the border?


I hope every Saudi royal gets the Romanoved one day.


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You better delete this, moskal, or I will sic the Hoholluminati on you, the mods and every single poster on this website.




I will lmao if they loft sanctions on Iran because of this





Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE belong to the migrant workers they enslave.


Ты че блядь



yeah i guess


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Kek, US is now spying on Ukraine because Ukraine didn't do something




Unhinged Ukrop schizo


LOL What did he post?


Gee, I wonder why Russia would be worried about Ukraine..


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Lmao i enjoy listening to this guy. Delusions of grandeur. It's like Ukrainian dugin




someone give a name to this new alliance


Fashboi autism alliance


Debily, blyad


Assad looks like a fucking pencil.


beyond parody




China is going to help Ukraine turn Odessa into an alternative for Crimea and hook them up to the belt and road.
So Zelensky dosen't feel like LARPing about 'reclaiming' some now 95%+ Russian territories and blowing up the Belt and Road just for americlap good boy points.


Embedding error.
Purely out of curiosity…
Does AZOV make recruitment ads and videos and shit?
And if so…
What do they look like?




Пусть говноеды получат по заслугам.


this is better than hard bass


>Vladimir Chizhov has ruled out an imminent attack on Ukraine. "There will be no escalation in the coming week, or in the week after that, or in the coming month," he told Die Welt.

>Russia's envoy to the European Union, Vladimir Chizhov, has rejected suggestions that his country is about to attack Ukraine.

Happening bros we got too cocky…. This hurts



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And so, coolface trolled the world for the last time, dressing up as a russian soldier and stepping across the border of ukraine… a member of the azov battalion immediately believed this was the start of an invasion, firing artillery rounds on the position of a russian infantry unit, quickly causing the situation to spiral out of control. He won… but at what cost?


Flood detected; Post discarded.



I heard there are some excellent videos of the battle for the airport… Anyone have links?




we need to praise this giga chad


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When have we ever claimed that the happening was Russia actually attacking Ukraine?



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just in case if a war were to happen we should send some international brigades to donbass just like in the dombass war


>let's fight in inter imperialist wars comrades!
SPD moment


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>>506596 we have already done that before but we can do it again



This is great but is there a liveleak version?


Mask-off moment


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finally he's gone i can post my weird ukraynaphobic video


Sun is rising in Kiev. Still no invasion. It’s not happening.


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Someone just showed his love for Jannies


Wow I can't believe it. Theres no invasion. Wow. Wow. But the intelligence agencies… they told me there would be one?


>9 threads in
<The nothingburger only gets emptier



Is the "Donbass genocide" the russian version of the "Xinjiang genocide"?


What is this flag? Looks kinda sussy


>>506606 yes lol
so much propaganda form the west


One of the battalions, nothing much to it. Stop schizoing over symbols you absolute anglo


My man Black Lenin on the right


>NATO's @jensstoltenberg: says Russia retains capability for full-fledged invasion of Ukraine without warning. "What we see is that they (Russia) have increased the number of troops and more troops are on their way. So far, no de-escalation


>Road accident with APC at Tavrida highway in "occupied Crimea"


>Slovakia will send help to Ukraine worth 1.7 mil €. Slovakia will send 2 remote-control machine designed for terrain demining from anti-personnel and anti-tank mines called "Bozena 5" + medical equipment


>China says U.S. is exaggerating Russian threat to Ukraine-Reuters

BEIJING, Feb 16 (Reuters) - China accused the United States of "playing up the threat of warfare and creating tension", as U.S. President Joe Biden warned that more than 150,000 Russian troops were still massed near Ukraine's borders following Moscow's announcement of a partial pullback.

Western nations have suggested arms control and confidence-building steps to defuse the stand-off, which has prompted them to urge their citizens to leave Ukraine because an attack could come at any time. Russia denies it has any plans to invade.

"Such persistent hyping up and disinformation by some Western countries will create turbulence and uncertainty to the world full of challenges, and intensify distress and division," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told reporters at a regular briefing in Beijing on Wednesday.

"We hope relevant parties will stop such disinformation campaigns and do more to benefit peace, mutual trust and cooperation."

China has been criticised for its stance on Ukraine by some Western leaders, including Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

"The leadership of the two heads of state, China and Russia, always work to develop long term good neighbourliness and mutually beneficial cooperative relationship on the basis of non-alliance, non-confrontation and non-targeting of third countries," spokesman Wang added.



>Kremlin spokesperson said that Russia is not involved in any DDoS attacks, including in Ukraine


of course not
their military expenditure is tiny in comparison, their entire economy is the size of the italian one

its over


They have nukes and who’s willing to die for ukraine


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>who’s willing to die for ukraine
Apparently the chinlets. They still believe that they may finally get the longed for Lebensraum. LOL
Fucking suicidal death cultists as always…


Voosh is, lol


I’d like to see the footage of him getting lit up by russian artillery or airstrikes


In Arma 3


>terrain demining
What use would this be to Ukraine if they're being invaded? Surely they'd only need to remove mines if they're moving into territory the enemy has mined, i.e. if they are invading Russia.


Big mood


Bitch I want him to be on a Liveleak video unironically.
In minecraft In real life.


Unfortunately, they have a Youtube channel. Looking forward to the day their unit gets wiped out by some Russian MLRS








He'll talk a lot of shit from hs cuckshed, but ultimately he's a grifter, he won't endanger himself.
Can you imagine that faggot trying to hike across the Ukrainian countryside in full kit and getting shot at?


Pretty funny to imagine actually


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Why are Anglos like this? Putin already cucked out, what more do they want?


Ukraine used literal nazis to keep Odessa and Kharkov. Nazis had a free reign there for some time, even, with nobody getting punished for Odessa burning, including burning of a pregnant woman


Probably not even aware of what's going on they just say whatever at this point


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What wil happen next?


>In case of a public refusal of NATO, Kyiv must proclaim its neutral, non-bloc status, as provided for in the declaration of state sovereignty of Ukraine, - Russian envoy Gavrilov


>Today FM @RauZbigniew held a phone call with FM of Ukraine @DmytroKuleba. The ministers discussed the security situation in and around Ukraine


>"Kremlin approval of this appeal would amount to the Russian government's wholesale rejection of its commitments under the Minsk agreements," says @SecBlinken of Duma resolution on eastern Ukraine


>Russian Foreign Ministry: Russia conducts military exercises, as neighboring Ukraine and the region are pumped up with weapons, the consequences of these steps are unpredictable


Based Russia trolling NATO. Invasion day, every day!


>.@SecBlinken says the US is not seeing evidence that Russia is pulling back troops from the border of Ukraine, despite Moscow's claims, and they "see forces, especially forces that would be in the vanguard of any renewed aggression against Ukraine" continuing to mass


Russia's Investigative Committee claims mass graves of hundreds of civilians killed by Ukrainian shelling found


>The White House: President Joe Biden will speak by phone today with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz about Ukraine crisis




something that you and i are not privy to, so stop spending too much time worrying about it


Are we expecting more threats?


>.@SecBlinken speaking to a virtual #SummitforDemocracy says he will have to cut his remarks short because @POTUS has called him over to the White House for a meeting


Feb 16th. 3:00 AM, still not invasion despite The Mirror said it so. Must be weird to be Ukrainian right now.


We are seeing a lot facewashing of the western media of these nazis. History being repeated all over again when churchill praised hitler
I swear god, the brits fucking deserved it, and if this shit goes again, they will fucking deserve it again.


the grills finally heatin boys


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the intellectual bankruptcy of all western media, and doubly so for its uncritical consumers, makes my blood boil like nothing else. The Guardian is cheerily deflating the sense of seriousness that the very real eastern expansion of NATO has on Russia's security, yet Russian soldiers on Russian land conducting military exercises has the entire EU and North America in lockstep about flooding the airwaves with calls for 'de-escalation' and 'severe, imminent threats'. These people can't just construct a false world for all time, eventually the mask has to slip and reality must come through, entropy only goes in one direction


>Ukraine MoD said at start of DDoS they recorded 600,000 packets of malicious traffic per second and currently one bank is getting hit with 1mil. For perspective, Google was hit with DDoS in 2017 involving 2.54 terabites per sec targeting 180,000 web servers


>These aggressive remarks by a spokesperson from China's MOFA during today's briefing are quite telling–an indication that China is further backing up Russia's rhetoric over Ukraine


>Right when Royal Air Force RC-135W Rivet Joint reg. ZZ664 RRR7217 enters Ukraine, United States Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk AE5420 FORTE11 leaves the country, presumably heading back to NAS Sigonella


Where you getting these screencaps from?


go to >>506430
>To check for news: https://liveuamap.com/es
>To check for (military) planes: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/



Critical support for Russian neonazism.
>inb4 based




>"Russia maintains a massive invasion force ready to attack," @jensstoltenberg says. Russia's military buildup around Ukraine is "the biggest rally of forces in Europe since the Cold War”
>Speaking in Brussels, NATO's @jensstoltenberg calls the Russian threat vs Ukraine the "most serious security crisis in decades." "There are signs from Moscow diplomacy should continue. But so far we see no signs of de-escalation on the ground, not troops or equipment
>.@jensstoltenberg says Russia's military moves show it is willing to contest the fundamental principles of Europe's security, including by using force. "This is the new normal in Europe


>Russia has 'just as many troops' as before on Ukraine border: French foreign minister


>NATO chief Stoltenberg: "What we see today is that Russia maintains a massive invasion force ready to attack”


holy FUCK these people are literally going to strangle Russia to death by any and all reckless and destabilizing means based on the nothingburger to end all nothingburgers. NOTHING is happening and NOTHING will happen and these unhinged maniacs at the wheel will push the entirety of the globe to the brink of nuclear war based on SHIT THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST


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>strangle Russia to death
that's what you get for being capitalist


Cuba and the DPRK get strangled even harder


yes, im sure the world will be much better off with america's unipolar dominance rather than capitalists fighting themselves and tearing each other down


Don't worry Putin still have his mansions and his yachts he will be ok


Based NATO antiimperialist anticapitalists!


What pressure lol? It's NATO and Russia ramping up war scares and jointly suppressing the working class, there's no rivalry, just rhetoric.


>holy FUCK these people are literally going to strangle Russia to death by any and all reckless and destabilizing means based on the nothingburger to end all nothingburgers.
The worst thing they can do is cut Russia completely off from the SWIFT financial system and that will push the Russians, the Chinese, and a few others like Iran to make a competing financial system that is big enough that most countries in the world will have to buy into it, even Europe. It would cause Russia (mostly Russian population) a lot of short term hurt but in the long run it would probably strengthen them. And the US would face a very real risk that their sanctions will become mostly toothless, that's probably not worth the tradeoff.




>President Zelensky put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council on sanctions against Shariy and Guzhva
>Ukraine's Defence Minister says latest intelligence report shows no evidence of Russian withdrawal, still has 140,000 troops near borders


>British troops and tanks have began leaving Sennelager in Germany and bases in the UK and are now on their way to Estonia to reinforce Nato allies


Note that Russia already has contingencies for a SWIFT ban, they also moved away from mastercard/visa technologies for a homebrewed "mir" version, and they are secure food production wise. It's absolutely certain that the big sanctions EU and US contemplate wouldn't have full effect, but we don't know to what extent. So imposing those sanctions would be a huge gamble like you said.



Who said anything about "better"? Capitalism will be objectively more destabilized in a unipolar world.


Anyone got a translation for the moonrunes?


>more destabilized in a unipolar world


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I also found this cleaner translation, highlighted part below: https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/xwfw_665399/s2510_665401/2511_665403/202202/t20220216_10642773.html

>I noted that the Russian side recently said that the West has resorted to “information terrorism” on the Ukraine issue, and that February 15, 2022 will go down in history as the day of the failure of Western propaganda. We must point out that it is exactly the persistent hyping and dissemination of disinformation by some in the West that has added more turbulence and uncertainty to the world already fraught with challenges and intensified distrust and division. We hope relevant parties can stop such disinformation campaign and do more things that benefit peace, mutual trust and cooperation.


capitalists don't fight themselves, the people they dominate do, ideally the ukrainian and the russian proles should unite and topple their governments to stop this barbarism and the correct stance of communists around the world should be to oppose war. But lots of hyper online kids with an authority fetish want an inter imperialist conflict so they can sheer for the "underdog", in fact I bet a lot of people here would support Mussolini and his "proletarian nation" concept against anglo french imperialism if they lived 100 years ago. Fucking retards


Damn, so aggressive, I knew it would be some bullshit.


>capitalists don't fight themselves, the people they dominate do
The US wants to be the seller of natural gas to Germany instead of Russia. I don't know how this vulgar "all capitalists are perfectly aligned with each other" meme started but it's retarded


Are we still at confirmed fizzle?



Random blogger living in Europe who makes Ukrainians seethe. He isn't even good, lol https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVPYbobPRzz0SjinWekjUBw

Have no idea who's Guzhva, though


we are at fizzle, with NATO, EU and US manically trying to get a fire going


If Ukraine doesn't uphold Minsk - Russia recognizes Donetsk and Luhansk. Quite a symmetrical answer, tbh


How expensive is it to maintain a high level of readiness? What if this is the new tactic, if satellites are so fugging powerful that everyone else can see your every move, you might as well keep them guessing on when you'll attack.



they are even propose giving amnesty to war criminals and ukraine is just like no

>Provide pardon and amnesty by way of enacting a law that forbids persecution and punishment of persons in relation to events that took place in particular districts of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine.

>Provide release and exchange of all hostages and illegally held persons, based on the principle of "all for all". This process has to end – at the latest – on the fifth day after the pullout (of weapons).

>Accordingly, the DPR and LPR announced on 6 October that their planned elections had been postponed until 21 February 2016.[77] Local elections in the rest of Ukraine went ahead on 25 October 2015. Following the postponement, German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that if OSCE observers verified that the planned elections to be held in the separatist areas were in accordance with Ukrainian law and Minsk II, the "law on special status" for these areas would come into immediate effect.[78]

>On 18 April 2016 the planned (organised by the DPR and LPR) local elections were postponed from 20 April to 24 July 2016.[79] On 22 July 2016 these DPR and LPR elections were again postponed to 6 November 2016.[80] On 2 October 2016 the DPR and LPR held "primaries" in which voters nominated candidates for the 6 November 2016 elections.[81] Ukraine denounced these "primaries" as illegal.[81] On 4 November 2016 both DPR and LPR postponed their local elections "until further notice"; head of the DPR Zakharchenko added that "In 2017, we will hold elections under the Minsk agreements, or we will hold them independently."

>Elections for the People's Council of the Donetsk People's Republic and the People's Council of the Luhansk People's Republic were organised and held by the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics on 11 November 2018.[82]




Nothingburger, nothingburger, nothingburger!




friendly reminder that this NATO casus belli in Ukraine against Russia is literally the same strategy as Hitler, funny to keep in mind when the US ask Germany to own up to its "historical responsability"


Those tankies should have the standard woljak face.


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The European Parliament has now officially approved (598 for, 55 against, 41 abstentions) the 1.2 billion euro macro-financial assistance package for Ukraine. the hope is that the first disbursement can happen in early March


I'm always right. Ffs I'm in my 30s, I've seen this nothingburger sing and dance every 5 to 10 years. Welcome to real world geopolitik zoomers, I know it's hard to accept but this is the normal cycle.


Wait a minute, yanukovich didn't have the chance to earn one single penny from the EU, and now they have all of a sudden this budged? lmao.


Do you guys think that the US NATO actually believes Ukraine can hold off against Russia?


Even if Russia really wants to invade Ukraine up to where they find popular support, NATO, as happened in Georgia, will not help at all. Not happened with Osetia, not gonna happen this time.


Of course not, they will only sell weapons to ukrainians and impose sanctions and probably kill the gas pipeline. Nato would definitely not send troops in


Not asking if NATO is gonna involve itself with troops.


No, of course, they don't believe it. That's their rhetoric to see if a fire starts. They want a reason to halt NS-II, and it seems they are pushing for a false flag in whatever plausible way, but they won't intervene.


I've seen speculated that it is russia plan to keep ukraine on a readiness state it cant afford to force usa to fully fund it or let it collapse economically


Russia does not have the economic muscle to do so. Their economy also suffers from this spectacle, see Rubble vs. Dollar appreciation/depreciation historical data.


im fucking mad, my country will fund a big chunk of that shit…. all this to keep nato pet nazis and a ww3 risk afloat, not even mentioning gas prices


well it was argued that they can afford to keep this up longer than the west


>The @StateDept announces that @SecBlinken will travel to Germany for the Munich Security Conference @MunSecConf-coordinating with allies on Russia's threat to Ukraine will be high on the agenda
>"More Russian forces, not fewer" at the border with Ukraine and they're "moving into fighting position," according to @StateDeptSpox
>"We are particularly concerned" of mention by President Putin and others about baseless claims of "genocide" in Donbas as a pretext for military action by Russia in Ukraine, adds @StateDeptSpox
>@StateDeptSpox Ned Price says Russia is spreading falsehoods, making up false claims of "genocide" of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine-possibly as a pretext for another invasion
Gee, the US is denying Genocide?


Putin is close to winning in Ukraine

Markets bet a Western sell-out on Mr Putin’s terms is the most likely outcome

Russia has amassed foreign exchange reserves of $635bn, the fifth highest in the world and rising. It has a national debt of 18pc of GDP, the sixth lowest in the world, and falling.

The country has cleaned up the banking system and has a well-run floating currency that lets the economy roll with the punches.

It has a budget surplus and does not rely on foreign investors to cover government spending. It has slashed its dependency on oil state revenues. The fiscal break-even cost of a barrel of oil fell to $52 last year, down from $115 before the invasion of Crimea in 2014.

It is the paradox of Vladimir Putin’s tenure that he runs one of the most orthodox policy regimes on the planet. “The macroeconomic team at the central bank and the treasury are exemplary,” said Christpher Granville from TS Lombard.

Mr Putin’s tight ship is a striking contrast to the prodigal socio-economic systems of the West, where money rains from helicopters and fiscal dominance prevails. “He is extremely conservative and rails against the dangers of debt,” said Chris Weafer from Macro-Advisory in Moscow.

The commodity boom is adding an extra $10bn a month to Kremlin coffers from oil and gas. It is being squirrelled away in the National Wellbeing Fund.

This rainy day reserve can be tapped as needed to cover social spending: pensions, child care, fertility bonuses for families, and mortgage subsidies for first-time buyers – components of Mr Putin’s levelling-up strategy for the 2020s.

The Kremlin could sever all gas flows to Europe – 41pc of the EU’s supply – for two years or more without running into serious financial buffers.

The West talks of “devastating” sanctions if Mr Putin invades Ukraine. Tuesday is the turn of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to repeat the warnings in Moscow, meekly in his case. There is theatre to this ritual, at best wishful thinking, at times masking economic self-interest.

The harsher truth was summed up by Russia’s ambassador to Sweden. “Excuse my language, but we couldn’t give a shit about western sanctions,” he told the Aftonbladet newspaper.

Washington says it will inflict much harsher punishment than in 2014, starting at the top of the escalation ladder. The Kremlin may already have calculated – accurately in my view – that the impact will in fact be less.

Post-Crimean sanctions coincided with a secular commodity bust, the main reason why Russian real disposable incomes were to slide by 12pc. This time they coincide with a secular commodity boom.

Russia today has a semi-autarkic economy, and its chief trade partner is China. The copious document signed by Mr Putin and Xi Jinping at the Beijing Winter Olympics – Entering a New Global Era – establishes a de facto authoritarian alliance.

We should take the rhetoric with a pinch of salt. They remain two scorpions in a bottle, as amorous as Ribbentrop-Molotov lovers. But right now China has Russia’s back against the West, and this renders it impossible to enforce meaningful sanctions.

The Kremlin knows that Europe has vetoed the expulsion of Russia from the SWIFT network of international payments. “The West has to do something to save face but we expect nothing more than sanctions on two or three large Russian banks.

That would be disruptive but Russians are used to this. The only sanctions that would have any real impact is to try to kick Russia out of the global financial system altogether,” said Mr Granville.

“Obviously Russia would grow faster if it were integrated into Western supply chains but in a sense the damage has already happened since Crimea. Further measures would be more of the same,” he said.

It is clear that there will be no blockade of Russia’s energy nexus. Germany’s gas dependence is so total that Mr Scholz still cannot bring himself to state unequivocally that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline should be shelved after a full-blown invasion.

Whatever is done requires the unanimity of all 27 states and will therefore gravitate to the lowest common denominator.

“Europe can’t do without Russian energy, and it has nowhere else to turn. This is not just about gas: there are oil pipelines, as well as 2.5m barrels a day of refined products like aviation fuel and diesel,” said Macro-Advisory’s Mr Weafer.

Deliveries of liquefied natural gas, mostly from the US, have slowed the depletion rate of Europe’s gas reserves over the last month, with the help of mild weather.

But they are uncomfortably low – Austria (19pc), The Netherlands (24pc), France (28pc) – and global LNG capacity is stretched to the limits. A total Kremlin cut-off would bring Europe to its knees within weeks.

The White House thinks Mr Putin cannot achieve his $400bn investment plan to diversify the economy over the next decade without Western technology, but China can plug many gaps, and there is no chance of sustaining a hermetically sealed sanctions regime at global scale.

Mr Putin has an unrepeatable chance to smash the post-Cold War settlement and reassert Russian dominance over its near abroad. Nothing on the current menu of sanctions will alter his calculus.

If he steps back from an invasion over coming days it will be for one of two reasons. The first is that the US, Britain, and Turkey have shipped weapons to Ukraine that are sufficiently sophisticated to move the needle: anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, and drones.

Nato’s Eastern European states have held firm. The US and the UK have mobilised their cyberwarfare capability on behalf of the alliance. Washington has made it clear that it will support a guerrilla insurgency to raise the tariff of military occupation.

Mr Putin has to weigh the risk that Ukraine's battle-hardened reservists might put up stiffer resistance than expected and that a lightning strike on Kyiv might prove harder than it looks.

Almost nothing that core Europe is now doing has any bearing on this. The EU failed to heed the lesson of Russia’s seizure of Georgian territory in 2008. It continued disarming even as Russia armed further. It spent a decade obsessing over institutional architecture, and then trying to save monetary union from its own contradictions.

It lost sight of the greater strategic imperative during the European debt crisis, when states slashed spending on modern weaponry to meet arbitrary and pro-cyclical austerity targets. These were enormous errors of statecraft.

The other reason why Mr Putin may desist is if Germany and France have promised behind closed doors to give him what he wants without a war: Ukraine on a platter, stripped of sovereignty and locked into Moscow’s strategic orbit. To call it Finlandisation is a euphemism. It is closer to Russification.

We will find out soon enough what has been going on in these private sessions but it was revealing to see the ashen face and involuntary wince of Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky as the German Chancellor spoke in Kyiv.

Mr Scholz did indeed seem to be pulling the rug from underneath his feet, deflating Ukraine’s hope of genuine independence with the soft-spoken words and careful precision of an employment lawyer, the Chancellor’s former job.

Markets are implicitly betting that a Western sell-out on Mr Putin’s terms is the likely outcome, and that Ukraine will be pressured into "voluntary" realignment – like the Czechs in 1938 – allowing business to continue as usual.

Utter cynicism is usually the safest bet.



Its good to know my fucking money is used to finance Nazi weaponry. Brilliant.
I hope Putin rolls into Kiev ASAP


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>Wants Putin to invade Ukraine.
<But it's part of the fizzle gang.


>The State Dept has stood up a task force on Ukraine in recent days, says @StateDeptSpox. He says it's a large team operating. Task forces are often stood up at the department to coordinate response to high-level situations, often crises, that cut across bureaus & agencies
Uh… this looks important I think.


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Why are Europiggies so pathetically weak?


Clearly you need America in Europe or else Putin would just do whatever the fuck he wants.


>im fucking mad, my country will fund a big chunk of that shit
If you are mad, maybe you aren't the only one. I suspect many Euros are freezing their butts off right now and might not approve of NATO blocking the gas for no good reason. Organise a demonstration. It may spark something.


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>Believes in space wizard


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Kys soyscum





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Based and Redpilled.



>we must support the workers no matter how reactionary they may be



>we must support the workers no matter how reactionary they may be
Ok and?


if degeneracy is your main concern about capitalism you can just go fash tbh, no hard feelings


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Fascism is just capitalism on life support. It wouldn't make a difference.


Are you saying Hitler and Mussolini was right?


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>western marxists aren't marxist-leninists because they don't support a right wing anti-vaccine movement
If it was the case that true marxism-leninism was anti-vax, then eastern ml parties would support it. China has much stricter vaccine parties than canada does, and Haz supports it doesn't he? This is just conservatism with zero changes, except for the inscrutable belief that conservatism, a movement which is and always has been thoroughly anti-communist, is somehow the real communism, and the last several hundreds years of communist theory and practice are fake communism, because of soybeans or whatever.


>China has much stricter vaccine parties
I mean policies, not parties. And a better phrase for me to use would have been "covid policies"


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Israel forbids US from selling Iron Dome to Ukraine.


Imagine being in the Russian military right now.


This is the least intelligent version of "muh both sides" I have heard.


the vast majority of army boys are a very different demographic from the seattle twitterite types. They by and large hail from rural areas and have conservative beliefs. All the kids I knew growing up who wanted to join the army were the funny accent having, hunting rifle, truck riding conservatives. Radlibs are a different demographic.


I meant the part where you clearly have orders to defend and are running drills, while the West is yelling about how you're about to invade.

That doesn't work, because Russia has conscription.


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Heterobros… it's over. Putin touched a dude's hand


holy shit a pipeline was just built under my house


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Based. Shouldn't have sided with the nazoids.


As you can see, with current political developments the creation of a Jewish state in Southern Ukraine has become a reality. Southern Ukraine was always considered a second homeland for Jews and most cities in Southern Ukraine were founded and settled by Jews and were centers of Judaism for thousands of years, “Russians” only acquired this territory in the 19th Century while the Khazarian empire existed there for centuries and Jews have been living there to this day. This way Russia doesn’t get this territory and it doesn’t fall to the control of the Fascist Ukronationalists.

As you can see from the map control of this territory currently dubbed “Heavenly Jerusalem” will allow Israel to control the entire Mediterranean basin and the straits of the Black Sea. Furthermore, any attack on Israel form the Middle East will be met with retaliatory nuclear strikes from Heavenly Jerusalem but not from Israel. As a result if they choose to retaliate they would have to fire back into Southern Ukraine and will get shot down by Russian AA systems in Crimea (they can’t tell if the nukes are gonna land in Crimea or elsewhere lol)


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>Are you saying Hitler and Mussolini was right?
Hitler could be a socialist realism artist instead of Fuhrer if only German Revolution happened & Lenin helped Rosa & Karl Liebknecht.

While Mussolini was a depressed Marxist. Of course they got what they fuckin' deserve. But we need to know that if we don't exploit the so called "Inter-imperialist war" then there'll be no revolution anymore.


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I love how Israel can do whatever they want. Genocide palestine and the west doesn't care, bombing assad and Putin doesn't care, allying with china/russia and the US doesn't care.
Their only enemy is Iran and only because a crazy clergy is in power there.


What an absolutely schizo meme. Are you saying both "i sleep" groups have a common cause? If you unironically believe this then why do you portray the union of the two as the enemy?


Yes, but only if they're American. If they're Ukrainian they need to be shelled by the Russians.


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These kind of useful idiots works perfectly than our typical leftoids who rant about muh principles & semantics & utterly useless debacle.


Forgot it was a separate country for a moment



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Is this the Israel redemption arc?


Lol, where do you get from that I support shitrael? I am just stating facts.




>Russia continues to build up military capabilities near Ukraine, including armored vehicles, helicopters, and a field hospital: Britain's top defense intel official "Russia has the military mass in place to conduct an invasion of Ukraine" said Lt Gen Sir Jim Hockenhull


>Afghanistan gets invaded during the HOORAH Bush years where retard nationalism was through the roof
>dumbass burgers constantly talking about taking out uncivilized "ragheads" and "sand niqqers"
>cut to nowadays
<uhh ackshually sweaty (see what did i there teehee) your SJW war is over because i identify with these socially conservative Taliban
man 20 years can make one hell of a difference


>a crazy clergy is the only reason anyone would oppose israel


This article has a decent analysis about Russia's abilities to weather sanctions but at the end it also shills for Europe to increase arms spending, so it's part advertisement for the weapons industry. Europe could have a friendly relationship with Russia if it wanted, on the basis of improving diplomacy.


Europe will never be indepenant from America unless it actually increases arms spending.


Europe will never ever be indepent no matter what they do because of their energy demands. If russia cuts off gas, they either let their economies collapse or become dependent of US LNG.


I mean, they could always try to make the Gibraltar Dam in order to get tons of energy.


>a field hospital
Didn't someone point out that if an actual invasion was in the works, this would be the type of shit we'd be seeing eg. supportive capabilties like field hospitals you build when you're expecting real casulties?


>>506759 (me)
At the same time, this would close of the mediterranean, so no easy exports towards america through it, gotta go through Africa or the pacific ocean..


You know what you said
>I love how Israel can do whatever they want.

Also see


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Iran and Israel were allies pre-revolution and even later as Israel supported them against Iraq. They have 0 opposed geopolitical goals, it's ideological.
After the Mullahs lose power because of puc rel, they will return to being allied.


Yes, when Ukraine declared they would "de-occupy" Crimea, Russia took them seriously.


It's called sarcasm, autist.


>never heard of locks


Embedding error.
If only Saddam still alive & won


>none and atheist are different categories


yea, why is that way ?


>I don't understand sarcams, so I'm going to call you a fed.


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>It's called sarcasm, autist.
Sure thing, how's weather in Langley, officer?


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>I don't understand sarcams, so I'm going to call you a fed.


>Zoroastrian 7.7%
holy based




He's right but not for the reason he thinks…


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Ahura Mazda bless you


>Europe will never be indepenant from America unless it actually increases arms spending.
Militarism is stupid, China has gained the ability to defy American influence by maxing it's industrial power, and doing military as an afterthought.

that's true but it's also vulnerable to naval power, something less radical than damming off an entire ocean, would be under water ocean current turbines substituted with nuclear power.


Pessimism of the mind optimism of the will anon


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yeah this actually makes me think there might actually be an invasion. If Russia turns out to have been lying I'm never gonna let y'all live this one down. Unless of course British intelligence is wrong, or straight up lying. Which are both very likely.




>the US/Israel alliance isn't geopolitical
>the revolution had nothing to do with a resistance to the West who installed the Shah
I have no idea what your point is


Iran was allied with Israel even before the coup, besides the US and Israel were never really allies. The americans allways teamed up with the soviets to pressure israel into peace everytime the arab armies were defeated. Their only goal is to maintain the status quo and their support to Israel since the 70s is partly to bribe Israel into not taking over their neighbors and partly to give subsidies/contracts to the US military industrial complex.


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>their support to Israel since the 70s is partly to bribe Israel into not taking over their neighbors





>We have you surrounded. Come and invade Ukraine.


The US and NATO don't have any bases in Kazakhstan or Central Asia the last ones closed in 2014


Israel was not nearly as powerful until after the post-Holocaust migration had ended, which was still happening during the coup. Israel was not yet a force able to destroy the Egyptians and Palestinians so easily. It's a very strange opinion that Iran and Israel would actually be great friends except for the Islamic Republic. You can't separate out the history of Western imperialism from the creation of these governments and sentiments.


Don't have any bases in Pakistan anymore either


Don't have any bases in Georgia, Armenia or Azerbaijan either


The war of 1973 is the best examble. They panicked when egypt seemed to make progress and sended aid to Israel, when the battle turned before the aid even arrived they teamed up with the soviets to pressure Israel into making peace early.
They don't want anyone to dominate the ME.


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Meanwhile, our lad Bolsonaro is in Moscow to buy some fertilizers.

> The visit by Bolsonaro, who will meet with Putin Wednesday, is part of an attempt to improve trade with a strategic partner. The Brazilian government says it is seeking to ease restrictions imposed by the Kremlin on exports of products that the Latin American agricultural powerhouse desperately needs: 85% of all fertilizers used in Brazil are imported, and 22% of them come from Russia.

> Bolsonaro, who seeks re-election in October, has an interest in avoiding higher food costs that have helped to send inflation above 10% a year in Brazil. Rising prices coupled with an economic recession and his handling of the pandemic are all dragging on his popularity, with the latest opinion polls showing him losing the race to former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

> “After throwing Brazil into unprecedented global isolation, Bolsonaro is trying to change such perception before the election because he knows he’ll be criticized for that during the campaign,” said Casaroes, who’s also a professor at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, an independent think-tank. “Bolsonaro is seen as a toxic leader by many countries.



>Israel was not nearly as powerful until after the post-Holocaust migration had ended, which was still happening during the coup. Israel was not yet a force able to destroy the Egyptians and Palestinians so easily.
Okay right, besides palestinians, they didn't have military forced since their militias were beaten in 1947. But that doesn't matter, it's a fact that pre-coup Iran had good relations with Israel and recognized them.
>It's a very strange opinion that Iran and Israel would actually be great friends except for the Islamic Republic.
I don't think so, they just don't have anything to fight over but have natural enemies in common, they are natural allies.
>You can't separate out the history of Western imperialism from the creation of these governments and sentiments.
I don't think you know what you talking about, Israel was not founded by the west they kicked out the anglos, they have more in common with afrikaners, a strange mix of anti-colonialism, racial nationalism and supramisism over the more native population which reenforces itself, something unique completely seperate from imperialism, here it is even more muddied as most israeli jews are or have atleast one parent of jews that left the other MENA regions after 1947.


> BRASILIA, Feb 16 (Reuters) - Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro met Russian fertilizer makers in Moscow on Wednesday and said they will double their supplies to Brazil where farmers are facing shortages.

> “The supply will be doubled,” he told reporters after attending a Russian-Brazilian business conference.


Mission successful. The supply will be doubled.


Or agnostic for that matter. We're not so different are we atheist bros?


>Israel was not founded by the West
Israel would not have succeeded without the Balfour declaration. Gaining autonomy from Britain does not change their long history of dependence on Western countries ( + USSR.) Iran's entire Islamic Republic is a reaction to Westerners installing the Shah and supporting Shia clergy to promote the ousting of the secular Mossadegh. Then that same clergy turned on their CIA handlers. It's you who doesn't know anything


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Reddit moment


>noooo, muh heckin wholesome holodomor victims, you can't criticize them nooooo.


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>Israel would not have succeeded without the Balfour declaration.
And the USA wouldn't exist if Caesar drowned in the nile. Your point?
>Gaining autonomy from Britain
You are completely clueless
>does not change their long history of dependence on Western countries ( + USSR.)
What is even your argument? I genuinely have no idea.
>Iran's entire Islamic Republic is a reaction to Westerners installing the Shah
No it is a reaction to the mismanagement and corruption under his regime.
>and supporting Shia clergy to promote the ousting of the secular Mossadegh.
Ehh what? They wanted shia theocracy because they hate that they used shi'ism…?
>Then that same clergy turned on their CIA handlers. It's you who doesn't know anything
No, the clergy used the general discontent of the population to mobilize a revolution.


judging from the wording, I assumed it was an 'other' category




Pootin on you bitch.


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>And the USA wouldn't exist if Caesar drowned in the nile. Your point?
That the history of these countries is inseparable from Western intervention
>You are completely clueless
Pissrael fought back against the British after having been allies in wars and gained independence from them. They were not gifted it, that is not what I meant. But this does not mean that Israel was some strong independent movement who don't need no imperialist backers (who Iran obviously hate after the Shah regime). Again, the history of Israel is tied tightly to the history of greater powers.
>No it is a reaction to the mismanagement and corruption under his regime.
You sound like a zionist shill at this point. Mossadegh was doing well and was democratically elected so it is the same thing. Iranians are not so stupid as to not know why he lost power.
>Ehh what? They wanted shia theocracy because they hate that they used shi'ism…?
No, they funded all opposition to Mossadegh, some were the clerics, and eventually those people took power. I say that to draw a direct line from Western intervention to current Iranian government.
>No, the clergy used the general discontent of the population to mobilize a revolution.
That doesn't contradict what I said. The CIA just didn't think the Shah would ever lose power. But he was secular too though, they were stupid.


>That the history of these countries is inseparable from Western intervention
That statement applies to the entire world, you are not saying anything.
>Pissrael fought back against the British after having been allies in wars and gained independence from them.
Israel didn't exist then, don't be stupid, the jewish leadership openly stated that they do not accept the 1939 white paper, the more moderate zionist resisted non-violently but zionist orgs like Irgun fought the anglos the entire time.
>They were not gifted it, that is not what I meant. But this does not mean that Israel was some strong independent movement who don't need no imperialist backers
They didn't tho, the jewish militias were superior to the arab ones, and the arab nations (who were gifted independence) were not fighting seriously anyway. And I wouldn't call their actuall early backers, poland and chechoslovakia, imperialist nations.
>Again, the history of Israel is tied tightly to the history of greater powers.
See my first point.
>You sound like a zionist shill at this point. Mossadegh was doing well
I was talking about the shah…
>I say that to draw a direct line from Western intervention to current Iranian government.
Why should this matter to iranian-israeli relations? Israel was neither allied with britain nor the US when the coup happened, they had good relations with iran from the start.


LUGANSK, February 17 - RIA Novosti. On Thursday morning, Ukrainian security forces fired on the territory of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic four times, including from mortars prohibited by the Minsk agreements, and then opened fire on another settlement, the LPR representative office at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire Regime (JCCC) told reporters ).

According to him, from 5:30 a.m. Moscow time, the Ukrainian security forces shelled the settlements of Sokolniki, Zolote-5, Veselenkoe and Nizhnee Lozovoe, controlled by the republic, using 120 and 82 mm mortars, grenade launchers and heavy machine guns.



>That statement applies to the entire world,
So do you admit that competing for influence with the West who couped your leader for oil is not just 'ideological'?
>Israel didn't exist then, don't be stupid,
Israel, Zionist settlers, whatever
>They didn't tho, the jewish militias were superior to the arab ones, and the arab nations (who were gifted independence) were not fighting seriously anyway. And I wouldn't call their actuall early backers, poland and chechoslovakia, imperialist nations.
Ah yes, Israel could have remained as tiny loosely connected settlements that never gained real power, then Iran would never have found a problem with them, is that really your point?
>I was talking about the shah…
I know that. The mismanagement of the Shah's regime was western intervention, they were the same thing. Mossadegh was a good leader and the Iranians learned what happened to him and they responded, and the clergy took advantage of this response
>Why should this matter to iranian-israeli relations? Israel was neither allied with britain nor the US when the coup happened, they had good relations with iran from the start.
Iran's current government is blowback against the West (which now includes Israel), which is not just an ideological opposition, because of the natural resources and geographic location Iran has which America would still like access to


It’s hard to get any real analysis on this crisis. Everything is being portrayed in meme terms. Nations vs nations. “Geopolitics”
Sounds like a bunch of shit. What real contradictions are there between the Western capitalist class and Putin and the Russian Oligarchs? Gas to Europe? Even if all American LNG went to Europe American LNG capacity can’t substitute Russian gas even if it really wanted to and most US LNG exports go to Asia because of muh free market. Maybe US politicians would like the LNG to go to Europe but the actual corporations are shipping to Asia because it pays more. German capitalists have conflicting interests with US politicians and state department. For the latter it’s about prestige and “strategic interests” for the former it’s about profit. It remains a question weather they will even shutdown the pipeline if Russia invades. The German chancellor didn’t even answer that question.

Why would the Kremlin and it’s Oligarchs want to invade Ukraine? Ukraine has 5 oligarchs that pretty much own the entire country. The Kremlin on several occasions has struck deals with each of them. For the Kremlin they are probably easy to negotiate with. All have interests in both Russia and the West. All the fascist meme groups answer to them and each have their own fascist meme force. If they stopped paying them there would be no more fascist meme forces. The Ukrainian Oligarchy does not want to submit fully to the Kremlin. It doesn’t want to submit fully to the West either. If Ukraine gets swallowed by Western Capital if the likes of Soros and others buy everything then the Ukrainian Oligarchy is fucked. They want to remain “independent”. That’s why some of them sometimes come up with shit like this: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/11/13/ukrainian-tycoon-kolomoiskys-change-of-heart-over-russia-in-quotes-a68157
Russia even remains Ukraine’s main trading partner Ukranian exports grew by 15% to Russia in 2021 compared to 2020. However, the Oligarchs always backed the Euromaidan because they didn’t want to be swallowed up by Russia and it’s Oligarchs. And it’s been 7 years and despite everything Ukraine remains completely and utterly corrupt because the Oligarchy doesn’t want any “Western liberal reforms” either. They want to remain in power but are stuck between Russian and Western capital. It’s a question of who cucks who and when. Russia or the West. If Western capital cucks the Ukrainian Oligarchs or if Russian oligarchs cuck them. Ukrainian Oligarchs will be switching allegiance based on who is in danger of cucking them. What will probably happen tho is that Russia and the West will just divide them up. That will look all geopolitical and shit.


LPR And DPR units are retuning fire on Ukrainian positions right now.


I feel bad that you still believe their is something in this Nothingburger, LOL. I know the Dengists/Duginists don’t want to admit it but Putin is a pussy, 🤣.


>Muh Dengists
>muh Duginists



hey sizzlechads, i'm firing up the grill, what kind of burgers you want?


Reddit is filled with glowies. It must be destroyed.


Burger burgers of course.


Ukraine rebels accuse government forces of
mortar attacks


We all need some emotion anon.
Sadly Putin is a massive cuck as you said.





>Does AZOV make recruitment ads and videos and shit?
>And if so…
>What do they look like?
Sicko shit


Fucking TNO-looking ass shit


More like triumph of the will ukrainian cheap knock off vibe


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>Zelensky: Diplomacy has succeeded in strengthening the armament of the Ukrainian army


>"The risk of further Russian military aggression against Ukraine remains, the highest level of vigilance is required; a significant withdrawal of Russian troops has not yet been observed." Chancellor Scholz calls @POTUS


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>New @Maxar satellite images from the past 48 hours continue to show heightened military activity in Belarus, Crimea, and western Russia. Pics below are from Feb. 15 and show a new pontoon bridge over the Prypyat River in Belarus


>Israel told Russia ahead of a possible invasion of Ukraine it will need help in evacuating its citizens & diplomats from the country. Israeli officials said the message was passed today in a phone call between foreign ministry DG @AlonUshpiz & Russian DFM Bogdanov


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>Imagery—again, taken by Capella Space and analyzed by @CSBiggers—shows a thinning Russian military footprint at Bakhchysarai in Crimea and vehicles being loaded onto railway transfer points. Though it's unclear where they're headed & for how long


>On their call today, @POTUS and @OlafScholz "underscored the importance of continued transatlantic coordination on diplomacy and deterrence measures and the reinforcement of NATO's eastern flank if Russia further invades Ukraine," according to the @WhiteHouse


>Clashes audible near Zolote-5


>Clashes audible near Stanitsa Luhanska.




>Artillery is active at Novopavlosky firing range in Luhansk region


>"Occupation authorities" in parts of Donetsk and Luhansk region and Russian media actively reporting that escalation all across the frontline.


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>"Russian forces" targeted kindergarten in Stanitsa Luhanska this morning
This information looking quite sus by the ukrainian part ngl


>Lukashenka said that the decision on the recognition of the republics at occupied parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine will be joint with Russia
Lukashenka based as always.


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Did the Ukrops just decide to start this shit


>"Russian forces" 152mm and 122mm artillery targeting Ukrainian positions near Donetsk. Starting 10am at least 50 hits, shelling is ongoing


>Shelling near Maryinka, west of Donetsk


>Smoke seen at Russian Embassy in Kyiv


>Ukrainian FM: Ukrainian Stanytsia Luhanska village was shelled with heavy weapons from the occupied territory of the Donbas. Civilian infrastructure damaged. We call on all partners to swiftly condemn this severe violation of Minsk agreements by Russia amid an already tense security situation


Are we sizzling?


the fat dump im taking rn as I watch the Russian embassy produce smoke from a fire is definatly a sizzling experience, I guess


>>506841 (me)
Btw these satanic trips are dedicated to based Lukashenko being based.


>>506849 (me)
These dubs are also dedicated to Lukashenko btw.


>evil russians attacking strategically vital kindergartens in the separatist region they're backing


any intensification?



i did beforehand and the updates stopped for like 30 mins


mask off


>Artillery shelling targeted power line near Schastia


>it's a nothingburger
how will "not habbeding" fags recover?


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>At 10:25 shelling targeted school in Vrubivka
<Another school hit.


>Royal Air Force Boeing C-17A Globemaster III reg. ZZ178 as RRR6816 is over Ukraine and will likely land at Kyiv Boryspil Airport


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Is the fire rising?


standard operation tactic of US & allies


Tbh, should all this villages and towns near the battle frontier have been evacuated like, fucking 8 years ago?


And then what? Move them further away from the border? By that you just lose ground to the enemy and let them advance. Clearly it's not about reclaiming the people (90%+ Russians) for Ukraine, just the clay.


by being drafted


don't be daft
there's no draft


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Still highly skeptic, raising the happening level to 4 only due to the heightened tension, still convinced nothing will happen.


>And then what? Move them further away from the border? By that you just lose ground to the enemy and let them advance.
You stupid ass can't into subtext. When I said "evacuated" I meant the civilian population, not the military. What's the good of having the civilians so close to the border of an active conflict?
Of course Ukraine would mantain somewhat of a military force in there, what I'm saying is that them (luhansk) shelling at empty schools (which, I mean, why specifically a school) isn't that important, so why is Ukraine reacting so strongly to it?
Like, it's not like you're shelling children, the children left years ago, fuck, those children are on highschool or might even be working now.
So, that's what I'm saying is that, if Ukraine didn't evacuate the civilians, then Ukraine knows very well what it was doing, putting civilians on shelling distance is irresponsible. If they evacuated the people, then Ukraine crying cause they shell buildings with no people in them is stupid.
>Clearly it's not about reclaiming the people (90%+ Russians) for Ukraine, just the clay.
When did I claim the contrary? Regardless, even if their interest is only the clay, having a civilian population so close to the battle frontier is bad PR in of itself.


t. ameriuygha that's never been in an actual war
no, serving in the military doesn't count, amerisharts don't know what it's like to actually have your cities on the frontline
sarajevochads are laughing at you


>the civilian population, not the military
the "military" there is just the civilian pop, dude


The us and NATO are the ultimate sizzlegang.


They're burning the documents. Habbening soon.


We're talking about the ukrainian side, the side that actually has an organized army of sorts. Recruits are not civilians. Also gotta add the polish mercenaries and ultra right-wing mercenaries as well, those aren't civilians.

The frontlines have been frozen for pretty much 8 years, there has been enough time to evacuate the local population from the ukrainian side. It's not like, the enemy has been advancing rapidly and we cannot evacuate enough people, it's that the frontlines have been at a literal stalemate for years.


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Rather, I should say, HABEMUS HABBENAM :DD


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They are burning the dead Ukranians at the embassy after they worked them to death. It's Holodomor 2.0. The russians are nazis and the ukranians the jews.

If you are a supposed leftist you can not support Russia. Only the civilized world (US&EU) can defeat the barbarians (Russia, Belarus, China, etc.) now.


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Agree with everything you said. Besides investing in public infrastructure and public transportation, the US & EU should make barbarians (Russians, tankies, Chinese, etc) extinct, just in case they decide to ever attack us.



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>29 confirmed ceasefire violations just this morning


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>tanks shelled trotsky
based tanks


We had worse days on that frontline anon, with up to 100 violations in a single day,

The fact they're shelling with 122mm artillery is relevant though.
If they bring out the 152mm that could signal escalation.


>It's an actual video.


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>posting that shit


What? I haven't seen it, but it can't be that bad, right?




<Doubling down on this shit

They're trying their best to force this to become an happening, aren't they?



Can Georgia even apply? There are some geographical restrictions to NATO, even if it does get ridiculous and have Turkey in it.


They can, but strictly speaking they cannot be admitted due to having ongoing territorial disputes, the absence of which is a prerequisite for joining NATO.

Still Georgians publicly stating this signals a jump in tensions.


Rumors from the Donbass side that their lines have been broken through in one sector by Ukrainians, still waiting for confirmation.
Assume this to be false until proved otherwise.


It looks like it's starting to sizzle don't you agree?


Us is out for blood that's for sure.
Remains to see if they'll go full Dr.Strangelove or if sanity and diplomacy will prevail.
I'm still of the latter opinion but there are some (minor, for now) unsettling signs.


Watch it in 2x. Voosh can only wish he could be this detached and this western chauvinist.
The habbening is the tension itself. The US is not about to just let this flop after so much hype. And nordstream 2 is still not approved.



nothing yet?


>Assume this to be false until proved otherwise.
Then why do you report it, you tease?


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>my ideology are freedom and muh big government bad
Is anyone even remotely take this clown seriously should commit suicide.


No not for now.



I'm a liberal and here are the abstract principles the world should conform to:
>the MoP must remain in private hands
>China bad
>something about abortion
With these implemented a thousand years of prosperity and peace will reign on Earth and I will be crowned Emperor Adam I.


During this time Putin be like


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Is he talking about Russia or about the US?


>Kremlin spox Dmitry Peskov: Ukraine's army has taken "provocative actions that have only intensified in the last day"


>Artillery shelling targeted power line near Schastia


here we go


Will Putin push it?


>no you dont understand, neolib policies are for the social net, not the army!
>noooo, buy our gunz, it will protect from evil russians
>bloody germans who are not ready to suicide economically for us
>To call it Finlandisation is a euphemism. It is closer to Russification.
>noooo, ukraine was supposed to become nato noooo


>More reports of damage done by Russian forces attacks on Ukrainian government-controlled territory. A woman in Maryinka, Donetsk region, was injured after a shell landed next to a bus stop, close to a school, head of humanitarian mission Proliska reports.
<Civilians mere meters (500m or so) of a frontline.


Hasan about the people who believe western MSM warmongering fake news.
>you guys are democrat qAnon
>blue anon
>lib anon
Lol. I like the term. LibAnon.


>A locomotive depot in Stanytsia Luhanska district of Nova Kindrashivska was also shelled today from non-government controlled territory of Ukraine, Ukrainian railways report. No injured, but a warehouse partially destroyed, locomotive damaged


>Blinken cancels trip to go to UN meeting and talk about ebil roosians
some anti-trump conservative group was running ads about how Biden was standing up to "soviet aggression"


>Joint Forces Operation: 29 ceasefire violations since midnight to 11am. 122mm, 120mm artillery, 82 mm mortars, greande launchers used. Tanks shelled Troitske
I know this was talked about, but wanted to post the map.


>President Zelensky:The shelling of a kindergarten in Stanytsia Luhanska by pro-Russian forces is a big provocation. It's important that diplomats and the @OSCE remain in Ukraine, their monitoring activities are an additional deterrent. We need an effective mechanism for recording all ceasefire violations


>UK foreign secretary Truss says reports of alleged abnormal military activity by Ukraine in Donbas are a blatant attempt by the Russian government to fabricate pretexts for invasion


Russia must be destroyed’ – Ukraine envoy
The remark was made in a social media post and then deleted by a Ukrainian consul in Montenegro



>Russian MoD spox insists Russian troops will return to home bases at the end of exercises in Belarus on Sunday; also says tank forces are returning to Nizhny Novgorod from the Kursk and Bryansk region (bordering Ukraine)


>"#Russia continues building up their military presence along #Ukraine's borders including in #Crimea, #Belarus, and in the #Black Sea" per @SecDef "In many ways, this brings Russian troops right up to @NATO's doorstep"


>Russia has amassed foreign exchange reserves of $635bn, the fifth highest in the world and rising. It has a national debt of 18pc of GDP, the sixth lowest in the world, and falling.
Holy based. The b*nkoid fears the independent economy.


>"As President Biden said a couple days ago, we will if we must defend every inch of @NATO territory" per @SecDef "There is no reason, of course, that it should ever come to this. Just like there is no reason for #Russia to again invade #Ukraine"
>"I know firsthand that you don't do these sorts of things for no reason & you certainly don't do them if you're getting ready to pack up and go home" per @SecDef on ongoing #Russia military build-up along #Ukraine
>"A peaceful outcome that respects #Ukraine's sovereignty & territorial integrity represents the best outcome for Ukraine, to be sure, but also for #Russia & for the Russian people" per @SecDef
>"There is nothing inevitable about this looming conflict. It can still be averted" per @SecDef on #Russia - #Ukraine


>US Defense Secretary: We expect a cyber attack, fabricated activities, and disinformation campaigns before any actual attack



>In many ways, this brings Russian troops right up to @NATO's doorstep
They are a sovereign nation and can do what they want, why would NATO be nervous? :^)


>US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield - "The evidence on the ground is that Russia is moving toward an imminent invasion. This is a crucial moment."
>Blinken is now flying to New York before Germany to face off with the Russians at the UN. Blinken will likely be the highest-ranking official there. US official says it's "perhaps the most perilous moment for peace and security since the end of the Cold War"


>US Defense Secretary said Russia inching troops closer to Ukraine, stocking up on blood supplies. He adds that "I was a soldier myself not that long ago. I know firsthand that you don't do these sorts of things for no reason"


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Ukraine successfully blocking Nord Stream 2, Kiev claims

According to the Eastern European nation’s PM, the pipeline is a threat to the European continent


Hmm maybe there will actually be war?


Will there be any livestream about this?
It might be time to activate Cytube again.


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No, but I will.


>since the end of the Cold War
I fucking hate this shit. The "cold war" was a series of hot wars, and it never ended.



I think that might be a good idea, I'll join in/help set up a cytube stream when the UNSC meeting starts at 10.00 am EST (in 80 minutes).


>Lukashenko points out that: "The russian troops will remain in Belarus as much as it is necessary."
>Tomorrow, he will have a meeting with Putin to talk about security concerns.
>Lukashenko also said that it would approve Russia putting nucler weapons in Belarus in response to what their rivals will do.


>Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said the attack on a kindergarten in Ukraine was a "false flag operation designed to discredit the Ukrainians", adding: "We fear very much that that is a thing we will see more of over the next few days"
So, the kindegarten attack was a "false flag" in order to "discredit the Ukrainians"? What?


llmao the old soviet state planning coming into effect here to gut the worst impulses of liberalism


>Ukrainian president @ZelenskyyUa says that there is no other path for Ukraine than joining @NATO


Lol? What? Did someone give him the wrong notes. UK is really fucking up on this shit


>The Russians have delivered a written response to the United States on Ukraine crisis: "We can confirm that we have received a response from the Russian Federation. It was delivered to Ambassador Sullivan in Moscow today," says a senior State Department official


>putting nucler weapons in Belarus
real shit


The response was:
>"With no survivors"


>when you can't be bothered to memorize your own script written by the CIA


the school was in the Donetsk side no?


Georgia moment


No it was actually on the Ukrainian side, north of Luhansk.


Okay I looked it up and the kindergarten is in Luhansk apparently, so this comment makes more sense, most outlets are just saying 'in Ukraine' though and letting people make their own conclusions (sneaky sneaky)


Officially still part of Ukraine


>Breaking- Russia expels US Deputy Ambassador in Moscow Bart Gorman. US promises a “response”


True but just saying 'in Ukraine' gives the impression that it was the Russians shelling it


It's in Ukraine on the Ukrainian's side, near Luhansk.


Johnson is just a fucking retard and accidentally said it was a Russian false flag to make Ukrainians look bad. The kindergarten is in the Ukrop territory, near Luhansk, and they are blaming the LPR.
The reason it's notable is because he is a bongbrained retard and it suggests he got his notes mixed up and has said it's a false flag, when it's supposed to be a TRUE and HONEST warcrime by evil Putinbot Russians.


Boris Johnson has a Russian name (Boris) and that makes him more of an expert on Russian matters than everybody ITT combined, so you should better shut your dirty mouth.


Alexander NOCAPshenko strikes again.


Okay, you're right, I just looked it up


>Russia has sent its response to the US on its draft security proposals, per @ElenaChernenko.

>It says the US has ignored its core demands and vows a "military-technical response" – but insists that won't include any invasion of Ukraine.


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MOSCOW, 17 Feb - RIA Novosti. Russia has expelled U.S. Deputy Ambassador to Moscow Bart Gorman, diplomatic mission spokesman Jason Rebholz told RIA Novosti.
"Russia has expelled U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) in Russia Bart Gorman. Gorman was the second most important official in the U.S. embassy in Moscow after the ambassador and a key member of the embassy's top leadership," he said.
Rebholz told the agency that Gorman had a valid visa and had been in Russia for less than three years.
Washington considers the diplomat's expulsion an "escalatory step" and is considering possible retaliatory measures, the RIA Novosti interlocutor added.
Relations between Russia and the West have become even more strained in recent months, with the situation around Ukraine worsening. Washington and Brussels accuse Moscow of preparing for an "invasion," claiming that Russian troops are being brought to the border with the neighboring state. Against this background, the North Atlantic Alliance is increasing its presence in Eastern Europe by sending additional forces and troops.
The Kremlin denies these accusations, claiming that they are a pretext to reinforce the bloc's military presence near Russia's borders. It also explained that the main reason for the escalation was the actions of the United States and NATO, which were "pumping" Ukraine with weapons, thus pushing it toward military adventures.



>Everyone looks at Ukraine
<Russia strikes London and Washington

A man can dream


Why are we receiving now only reports from Donbas to Ukraine when for months Ukraine has shelled Donbas?



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Putang is saying he's "starting meetings to prepare a statement to the Federal Assembly"


>Russian foreign Ministry comments on response: it is inappropriate to demand to withdraw troops from certain regions of Russia. Russia demands Ukraine implements Minsk agreements, the West should stop weapons delivery to Ukraine, withdraw what was delivered already, recall all instructors and advisors from Ukraine, prohibition of NATO joint exercises with Ukraine. Russia demands all U.S. troops and weapons withdrawal from Central and Eastern Europe, Baltic countries. Russia expects proposals on non-expansion of NATO. Russia highlights that questions on arms control cannot be considered separately from other points
So, these are the points for descalation:
1:Ukraine implements Minsk agreement.
2:The weapons deliveries towards Ukraine from NATO need to stop.
3:Withdraw what was already delivered to Ukraine.
4:Withdraw all NATO instructos and advisors from Ukraine.
5:Prohibit the cooperation of Ukraine in NATO joint exercises.
6:The total withdrawal of all US troops and weapons from Central and Eastern Europe (This is, Poland, The Baltic States, Slovakia, Romania, and probably even Germany and the Czech Republic
Do you think the US NATO will accept these 6 points?


wtf is putin doing? does he want war?


He is asking for the US to literally withdraw from Eastern Europe.
What's so wrong with it?


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Yes. Just like the ultimatum sent to Serbia by Austria-Hungary.


Obviously the US isn't going to withdraw from a bunch of NATO countries


The US isn't going to agree to these points as their encirclement plan be in tatters and goes to show how weak the US is. So no its going to end up with US refusing and counter offering with the Russians to back off which we know they arent


So what is this leading up to?


>Do you think the US NATO will accept these 6 points?
they can't accept any of those on their own let alone all six, looks like a partition of Ukraine is back on the menu boys



Fizzlebros, the truth is that the game was rigged from the start.


Big international conference in Zurich and world peace


I saw, have you read when he's planning to give that address to the Duma? I haven't found that anywhere yet. I think that he might recognize the sovereignty of the republics.


>the Russians to back off
lmao, back off where? Into the Bering Sea?


honestly, the only important point was the first one, the creation of a new European security agreement, everything else was negotiable. But the US categorically refused to even consider talking about that. Peak dumbfuckery tbhon considering the US' strategic state of trying to face off against China.


Into the dustbin of history, the us hopes.


Wasn't it KPRF who were putting that forward and United Russia weren't particularly pleased with the move?


Into irrelevance and starvation like in the 90s.
That's the American liberal wet dream. That China submit to being cucked by the west like in the 1860s, and that Russia submit and starve like in the 90s. Then they can fucking live it up and go to brunch.


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ANNA news has teams in Donbass now, as least as far as Syria went, that's the biggest indicator shit is about to kick off


United Russia brought it up themselves two days ago, but they just wanted to vote through a motion to do some government consultation on whether to recognise, while KPRF have been calling for Putin to unilaterally declare recognition of the republics.


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>Do you think the US NATO will accept these 6 points?
What a question, ofc not. They want to keep poking the bear until the NS-II is demolished.


Write 0 if you still believe this is a nothinburger.
Write 1 if you think this will lead to Russia declaring war to Ukraine.
Write 2 if you think NATO will just ignore the requirements to be a NATO country, and admit Ukraine (and probably Georgia as well) into NATO.


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so a kindergarten is shelled (no injuries) according to ukrainian officials..

but then direct reports claim multiple injuries…

and the president himself is calling them provocative shellings from Russia…

although western intelligence places the kindergarten attack as a false flag conducted by Russia.

This whole thing is just such an embarassing, sloppy mess of a psyop. No cohesion, absolute fucking morons at the wheel, half of them asleep. And the part that puts me on the brink of drinking myself to death is that each and every one of these points of information fed to the public is taken without a critical exmaination of what they all mean as a whole. russia bad, russia aggressor, russia info is really disinfo, western info is infallible and correct. i just don't even know what to say anymore. maybe the world deserves to burn, im starting to not even care.



No but it bothers him less than NATO


Lol Boris getting his false flags confused. Also there have already been reports of shelling into Russian side that were ignored


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70% chance of 0, 30% chance of 1


This would be a remarkably stupid way to stumble into WW3 so I could see it happening. Fits with the times.


I'm gonna keep CNN on all day just so I can get the dopamine rush when I see the breaking news when the Ukrops get zerged.


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BTW supposedly the US has only been at Defcon 2 when the gulf war started AND when the missile crisis in Cuba.


this is a private site, US defcon levels are never posted



Lmao, given that Hasan is a twitch streamer who talks to libs all day, this is pretty good.


So when are we going Nuclear Again?


European command has been at DEFCON 2 for at least a week now, calm down happooner.


Luka at this


Another nothing burger

It is more likely for the USA to invade russia, than it is for Russia to invade Ukraine.

Stop believing US media, the "invasion" was about to happen "tommorow" for the last 2 months, it is not going to happen.


>Dude chill DEFCON 2 was declared a week ago
Thats not a chill thing to say tbh


Hey man someone said defcon 2 and I be asking so when are we going nuclear, this tip toeing bullshit isn't helping me with the destruction of the base of Capitalism. Fuck it seems I need to get into contact with the Space Comrades sooner than I thought. Mother fucker.



If something will happen, it will be NATO aggression.


NATO aggression is already going on tho.


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>Thermonuclear war/WWIII
>over Ukraine
And here I thought India and Pakistan would be the flashpoint for nuclear destruction.


Would be lethally funny if the US whipped itself up into such a frenzy that it starts a nuclear war


>frivolous and infantile
>positive stereotype


Top Ukrainian official slams Western media
Ukraine is losing billions from Western “hysteria,” a leading Zelensky ally claims

“I think that in two or three weeks, when this phase vanishes, we should do a retrospective analysis of how giant, extremely well-known media outlets began spreading information worse than [Olga] Skabeyeva and [Vladimir] Solovyov,” Arakhamia said, referring to two Russian TV hosts known for their support of the Kremlin, whose shows are prohibited from being broadcast in Ukraine on the grounds that they spread disinformation.

“Blatant fakes in CNN, Bloomberg, the WSJ… we should study this, because these are elements of a hybrid war,” the politician went on.

The politician claimed that Ukraine has become a platform for a new European security agreement, but said that the publication of allegations about an incoming Russian invasion is costing the country “two to three billion dollars every month.”

“We can’t borrow in foreign markets because we have simply insane rates,” he explained. “Many exporters are turning us down. We consider every day to be a loss for the economy, and then we share this information with our partners through the Foreign Ministry, because they must understand it. When somebody decides to move their embassy to Lviv, they should understand, that this sort of news costs the Ukrainian economy several hundred million dollars.”




I mean in the sense of real combat going on.


Russia is already invading Ukraine since 2014 though


Russian paramilitaries are, not official russian troops



unsc livestream, blinken talking




>say in chat "The USA is lying"
>get instantly banned
thank you NATO for defending global freedumb and my right to free speech


He sounds like an asshole, right? Kind of a weird trait for a diplomat.


file a case, get it taken to the supreme court.




>watching newsmax
fucking why


🤔wonder if the nothinghappiners ITT and last 8 threads also post there to get banned.


We need a jannie to change the stream




War breaks out in
5 M I N U T E S


>20 episodes later



>those timestamps


he's an american diplomat, though. diplomacy is dead in america and has been for decades, it is only dictation of terms by force for them. so his smarmy smug attitude is expected


>A few more episodes in
You have a bit of respite, 5 minutes to be exact!


Is this what Lenin meant when he said that "there are weeks where decades happen"?


<20 threads later

"I swear guys its happening fizzlegang btfo amirite"


there are burgers with nothing on them


Haha Ikr


thread is full

someone make new thread and link it

and for the love of God stop posting the same OP again from a month ago




This is the only explanation for US intelligence's claims on Russian invasion. They're operating on Freezer time

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