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 [Last 50 Posts]

Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread. (lol)
Last thread got full.
TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac


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they reallly reallllllly want this to happen


>7800 posts in
<Most we got is artillery duels


No war but class war.


I feel like if God Emperor Trump were president he'd be cool with Putin and just wag his finger to not invade but they'd be hella chill. I miss Trump :'(


Stop shitposting


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People don't talk enough about the effect this conflict is having on the hentai Fiver community.


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>I draw: Erotic
>I don't draw: Porn

get fucked lmao

nazi anti-furs fuck off


Nothing is going to happen USA and Russia are both larping for different reasons for example its an excuse for the US to sell weapons to Europe.


>I draw: females
>I don't draw: males
>$150 for a fucking bust
Proof that you don't need to be a full-fledged artist to "make it" in the online art community.


damn poor fellow.

>three arrows


>civil discussion


Wow, remember that time we referenced the 'Putler' joke in the last thread? I think it would work here too.


>>I draw: Erotic
>>I don't draw: Porn
This is keyword for "I can't draw anything more complex than a T-pose"


psychopathic bogland boomers really do want their war


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we're reclaiming the three arrows folks

for real, truly an artist optimised for the gacha economy

I respect porn artists 10,000 times more than these 'erotica' shitters


4 hours of continuous artillery duels and strikes along LoC now
Downtown Dontesk continuing to get hit




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>we're reclaiming the three arrows folks
why thou ?


go rupture your intestines with a two foot dildo


>excusing the crimes of a DICTATOR


dragon dildos are based


guys a putler just flew over my house


IDK because it's a good way to ease liberals into leftism via antifascism, you hook them with the 'fuck nazis' and then you hit them with the 'hey you know hitler was elected and appointed by the capitalist government right?…'



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Russia is drawing a big "Z" on a bunch of trucks tanks etc. Many videos of them driving around with this marking past day

Anyone have any clue what meaning is? Can't find answer



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Vladseph Pustalin


but if you cloooose your eyes


Wonder if Russia is waiting for something to change, or will occupy Donbass after a certain amount of time/damage, or of they're 100% bluffing


it stands for genoZide


ayy laughing my azov


Zoomer army?
Zoomer army


Ukraine and Russia have some similar looking equipment, so maybe that's why? Most similarly-equipped armies will do this thing where infantry wear a certain colored armband or vehicles get painted a emblem or stripe before a big offensive.


Mao Zedong
They're having wargames, could be a redflag/bluelfag kind of thing?


Because that's what Caballo (leftypol mod) thinks is politics, unfortunately (for all of us).


Happooners grasping hard.


also lmfao
>white ribbons
That's associated with liberals/opposition in Russia, militants from DNR and LNR wear the stripy St. George ribbons


what's bluel


it's a typo lol, but i laughed


all these flavours and you choose to be salty


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putler will invade on 2/22/22

If you know, you know


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nah. I heard from a trustworthy source (pic related) that Putin will invade on the 21st




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Which have been happening for year now, but for years media didn't care.


>Russian troops do nothing
>NS2 cancelled anyways
>Biden gets reelected
This is the clown timeline




wrong, putler has chosen 22/2/22, so it will go better in the future Russian schoolbooks


American Republicans against war with Russia

Meanwhile Democrats are begging to start the war already




Malcolm is a MSNBC host and glowuyghur other guy is a dnc shill


biden completely owns it if he tries to go to war and fails, meanwhile certain types of right wingers will play the isolationism card.

putler will invade and biden wont do anything though, look like a grade A bitch




thats the card the old neocons will play

1. biden is a weak faggot
2. why we even there, who cares about the ukraine


I got some livestreams going up from the same sources that did the Palestine conflict. I'll be putting them up soon.


Also, guys like Vance and a couple other right wingers are the reason that libs think leftists are me horseshoe theory. They use the words 'working class' and occasionally talk about 'the elites' and shit. It seems to be part of a new coordinated strategy. Hudson institute has people doing it


Fascists always loved aping communist rhetoric.


Seems more popular in Burgerstan after the recent Trump right-populism thing


Nice glow links.




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You know, right now, Ukrainian Army is bombing Donetsk. When would we get the news that they started a "defensive"? (no offensive operations lel) When would we get the news that Russia reacted to Ukrainians with some boots?


Getting streams of the situation


I survived WW3 and all I got was higher gas prices


Good take:
>In #Donbass,Moscow’s objective appears to be coercing #Ukraine into talking directly w/Donetsk &Luhansk &ultimately implementing Minsk agreement.RUS nuclear forces exercises are sending message to US so that it leans harder on Kiev.Doctrine of strategic tension at work.

Troops are just diplomatic pressure. Russia will probably get Ukraine to agree without occupation. Nothingburger confirmed


You mean the several individuals with ties to RT? Yes indeed.


I guess, the point is that the Bush/Obama Republicans weren't using that rhetoric


Uhhh Donbass literally just got shelled tonight. Lol. Anything goes.




So you're saying it all depends on how madlad Ukraine is


Trump was quite clever in that regard. Knows exactly what buttons to press.


The separatist war is definitely happooning but not the occupation which would kill NS2. Unless they might lose the territories
Yeah if they actually start gaining territory then Plan B is Russian troops


>Uhhh Donbass literally just got shelled tonight. Lol. Anything goes.
How is that different from any other night? OSCE reports ceasefire violations (among which, a % are always explosions) in their daily reports always


(However I will cede it has intensified)


Seed and feed?


cede and fede


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>Anything goes.
Not yet. For now, it's just a a country pacifying disobedient minorities that don't appreciate being repressed within their own borders.


Ukrainians suck


This intensity is out of the ordinary, however.


This guy is a Russian think tanker and gave the best interview I've heard about this event and its context


People who make these statements should consider what effect it would have on Ukrainian communists or potential Ukrainian communists.

Don't let fascist Banderaites have a monopoly on Ukraine. Ukrainian communists like Petrovsky, Timoshenko, Voroshilov, Shchors should be remembered.


Wtf is up with all these old boomers fighting/reporting from the front in Donbas/Crimea?


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Have people on these Ukrainian threads completely lost their minds


a happening burger flew over my ukrop putler


This is what Putin cocktease does to a mf with no stake in the fight. Now imagine the NATO ministers and generals tearing their fucking hair out promising ww3 every two days and threatening their people with freezing to death.


Agent Kochinski says russis is falseflagging hard


This guy wrote a book about Russia he released in 2019. Can read free here supposedly pretty good

Even though he is a think tank person he does seem to be a level headed guy on what goes on in Russia. Look what his Wikipedia page even says kek


>Analysing Trenin’s narrative around the 2021–2022 Russo-Ukrainian crisis and Russia–United States relations, Russian political writer Andrey Piontkovsky referred to Trenin as an “elite Kremlin propagandist targeting the Western expert audience”.[8][9]



You have to enjoy the atlanticist meeting in the SMC cheering up the zelnsky puppet like:
kek, their ruling classes in Europe must be ass-mad for this.

Prepare coming days, weeks, months, and years for a shit-show comparable to Trump reaching to power and all the backstabbings.


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>All fizzle and no sizzle makes 'happooner a dull boy


Hes also not some chump in a suit. He had a long history in ussr

> A former colonel of Russian military intelligence,[2] Trenin served for 21 years in the Soviet Army and Russian Ground Forces, before joining Carnegie in 1994 [1]

Trenin served in the Soviet and Russian armed forces from 1972 to 1993. His service included postings both inside and outside of the Soviet Union, to include a stint as the first non-NATO senior research fellow at the NATO Defense College in Rome.[3] He retired from the Russian Army in 1993 at the rank of colonel.

1972-1977: Officer cadet, Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR (Moscow, Russia)
1975-1976: Interpreter, USSR Military Assistance Group (Baghdad, Iraq)
1978-1983: Liaison officer, Soviet External Relations Branch, HQ, Group of Soviet forces (Potsdam, Germany)
1985-1991: Staff member, Soviet delegation to the USSR-US talks on nuclear and space arms (Geneva, Switzerland)
1986-1993: Senior lecturer, War Studies Department, Soviet Military Institute (Moscow, Russia)
1993: Senior research fellow, NATO Defense College (Rome, Italy)
In 1994, Trenin was to begin a second doctoral dissertation with the National Defense University, becoming the first ex-Warsaw Pact officer to earn such a distinction. However, the Russian military informed Trenin, who had already arrived in Washington, D.C., that he was retired as an officer due to age (the military retirement age was lowered in 1993). Unable to continue with his dissertation, Trenin undertook a visiting professorship at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Brussels, Belgium, for the remainder of the year. From 1994-1997, Trenin was also a senior research fellow at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia.


Vowsh says russia will 100% invade.


This has all happened before.


>Here's what this dumb liberal who plays video games all day has to say about armed conflict and internal relations!


Vowsh is smarter than you


lmao what? we do really have a vooshyte among us.


Carnegie Center Moscow is a rare Russia-oriented thinktank that I respect. They publish a lot of rather interesting people who have takes that aren't just "le ebil dictator pootler wants to restore USSR empire 2.0".


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>Vowsh is smarter than you


Agent Kochinski is dumber than biden, biden is a lobotomite.


Such a funny review of Trenin considering, as you said, that he is 100x more levelheaded than any Western analyst.
Here's a summary he wrote of Russia's growing interest in regional influence, helpful though obviously Russia-friendly
I wish Russia had sided with Armenia
This is ideal Western analysis


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He never lost a debate


Are there any particular people who write for Carnegie Moscow center that you recommended besides Dmitri?

I see this list on wiki page. Either way I'm going to browse their site!


Dmitri Trenin, director of the center, chair of the research council and the Foreign and Security Policy Program.[6]
Alexander Gabuev, senior associate, chair of the Russia in the Asia-Pacific Program.[7]
Andrei Kolesnikov, senior associate, chair of the Russian Domestic Politics and Political Institutions Program.[8]
Andrey Movchan [Wikidata], nonresident scholar in the Economic Policy Program.[9]
Alexander Baunov, senior associate, editor-in-chief of Carnegie.ru.[10]
Maxim Samorukov, fellow, deputy editor of Carnegie.ru.[11]




The only good thing Haz ever did was scream at him until Agent Kochinski ended the chat, wide-eyed


Jackson Hinkle begs to differ mister woke neocon


>people say white helmets are doing false flags? lol u believe russian propaganda u conspiracy theorist tankie
>people say donbass separatist are doing false flags? sounds legit, the intelligence agencies can be trusted
mf is also claiming that the DPR and LPR militias "are pressing people into military service" and that constitutes a war crime because "war slaves".


What a fucking queer. He ought to get conscripted and forced to fight, he'd piss his pants instantly.


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reading the comments section there gives me cancer. Agent Kochinski is turning a whole generation of potential radicals into 1990s west wing clinton-like liberals


Vowshposter here, I was just baiting.


>h-he was an assadist
nice title you put on him for telling the truth, also where is the made up helicopter mister neocon ?


You need to pass through him. Read state and revolution to starters. Then pick German ideology. I recommend picking the one with Engels comments if you read the first Ego and its Own from Steiner, opens up 10x times your mind on the evolution of Marx/Engels, and then Critique on the Gotha Programme. Anything else, /edu/ is full of cool recommendations and books to pick.
I started with Das Kapital almost 2 decades ago, but it is too dense for someone that has been eating Voosh, kek.


They are just trolls. It's super effective though "hey Agent Kochinski is right here's the take almost everyone here is against" and people do answer.


Doubt they were ever 'radicals,' but yeah his stinky gamer ass personality is somehow catnip to millions of burgers
Voosh had no idea what he was talking about. Hinkle is mediocre tho


mate, anyone that remained spewing his neoconservative talking points would never be radicalised, they already had too many spooks that they feared to throw alway, it's better to just bully them out of the net.



Thx I'll read it


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>Funny how everyone actually living in the area supports Agent Kochinski's side
Jesus fucking christ these fucking Agent Kochinskioids…


everyone in azov battalion and US warmongering media he means.


Hm, the articles I had bookmarked for re-reading later don't seem to have non-Russian versions (at least I don't see a button near the title). It seems I've definitely read some by Trenin and Gubaev. Andrei Lankov writes pretty frequently for them and he's a pretty good expert on North Korea, imo. Tatiana Stanovaya had written some interesting pieces about Putin as a mitigating figure between different sections of the Russian elit.


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I didn't watch the stream so i have no way of knowing, but did Hakim spaghetti himself in it? Embarrassing if yes.


dude was trolling mate, no one is stupid enough to be a Agent Kochinskioid.


Ian just says he wins every debate he has. He probably believe it too, which is embarrassing.


fuck off to ITG would you? Nobody else cares or wants to hear about your meme internet characters.


Ending digit for this post is in how many days Putin will invade Ukraine



Image of average European after Putin turns the gas off, 2022 (colorized)


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Lol why are you mad. It's not like the war started.







Because I'm tired of you shitting up the board with your faggot youtubers for (you)s as if the board wasn't already suffering a serious lul in quality. You're not funny and nobody cares, Go back to your containment thread.


>>508409 (me)
Oh fuck


How many more threads of this absolute Nothingburger will their be before the Dengist/Duginist Happooners realize that they are permanently BTFO, 🤣?


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Damn bros we missed Puttolini and Naputlean


>Tito and Stalin in the same category as the rest
Where did you find these mineshaft fillers?


Sad! Here check this out: Vladam Putssein


I searched 'putin napoleon' lol. Obviously stalin and hitler are much more fruitful searches


Timoshenko was a better communist than you, dickhead.



This guy's bio:
>British national.
>Ukrainian marine 2018-present
>Previously YPG 2015-2017
TOP JEJ. Is he basically a NATO mercenary?


You know how in HoI4 you can just pick your divisions and send them as "volunteers"? Yeah, it's real.


Reddit took the took the bait and the whole fishing rod on the latest invasion prediction. 50k upvotes for actual Putlerism. Ukraine won't get into NATO but the story will be that Biden prevented WW3, lol.


>WashPost reports that "high-level European officials have expressed frustration that the United States had not shared the intelligence that led it to surmise Russia’s intentions with such certainty."

"Trust me bro."


What is it about redditors that makes them come across as a million clones of the same person? Like every single comment I feel I've read a thousand times before.


Something about anonymous upvotes/downvotes and conformity


Anglo social credit system


True but have a little self-awareness. The same shit happens here. Back to Reddit homogeneity, I think it may be because they generally put a lot of stock into mainstream "elitist" opinion, i.e. they seem so similar because they lift it (more than average anyway) from the source: whatever the fuck "enlightened" media reports, opines, or markets. I think of Reddit as being characterized by a technocratic culture or baseline worldview, and many Redditors themselves are middle income salarymen who strongly believe in the system, believe that it's legitimately meritocratic, and believe because it works for them. They trust their perceived "technocratic" superiors are generally correct and well-meaning (they wouldn't be their superiors if they were not, it's not how the system works), and believe it's their duty to fall in line behind them, to take cues from them, and expect their inferiors to do the same thing. Like some human centipede type shit on a societal level. And as long as everyone does that, it's all Gucci. Because only the finest shit comes down to them from the top.

Now Redditors obviously aren't alone in lifting their ideas from "respected" sources, or plain old sources in general. It's what humans do, and we're better off for it. You can hear the same dumbass opinion #3074364 from a hundred average Joes but it's probably more likely to be a thought originated by themselves in their genuine ignorance than what you hear from your average Redditors.

Sorry if this is horribly written or dumb as fuck. I had to write quick so I can get back to some reading I need to do.


Downvotes are there to punish thinking outside the box. Reddit encourages and is powered by circlejerking. Upvote the orthodoxy and punish the heterodoxy is how reddit works. Great for cute cat pictures. A hell for anything with nuance or multiple interpretations like politics or news.


Not a source but a Die Linke MP says "private sector of French army" is in Ukraine (French foreign legion?) along with CIA and MI6?
Around 4:40






Ok is it finally "happening" or what?


No, just separatist war. The Happening (Russian troops) is only happening if either Ukraine starts to gain territory back or Ukraine (the US) keeps refusing to enact Minsk accords. I think it would be hard to predict what happens next if they keep refusing.


Down to the name even
The use of "Fasci" for social movements was first coined by Anarchists/Socialists in Italy (Sicily specifically)


Antifascist mobilisation


Nothings “Happening”, LOL.


>Joint Forces Operation: 136 ceasefire violations yesterday. 2 Ukrainian servicemen killed, 5 wounded


>artillery exchange between Ukrops and the popular republics


>Civil defense sirens alarming in Luhansk


Mfw king Lear is going to be proven wrong





>"I'm afraid to say, that the plan that we're seeing, is for something that could be really the biggest war in Europe since 1945," UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in an interview on Sunday with the BBC in Munich


This guy seems to make a fairly neutral assessment of the situation.


>8000 posts in
<As of now the only news is 3 Ukrainian soldiers dead in all these days of tension

The somethingburger keeps being pulled into the void of nothingness


>Putin and Lukashenka ordered to continue check of combat readiness of forces of the “Union State” because of the situation in Eastern Ukraine, - the Ministry of Defense of Belarus


He's an ukrop shill tho.


Meanwhile covid keeps actually ravaging the world and the march towards climate catastrophe continues unabated.

>Great for cute cat pictures.
Actually go have a look at r/aww. It's a hellscape of automated repost bots that often replicate "popular" threads within their submission for maximum karma farming and all manners of human centipede reposting worse than 4chan. It often takes minutes for content to be reposted.

Oh and there is the propaganda too for cop/army dogs, politician pets and social media account shilling. The content mill is slowly advancing towards the same conclusion as news media where the posts outright tell you how to feel and what is happening in the content even if it doesn't fit the actual submission.


The only thing worth of note rn is that evacuation of people from the Donbass seems to be proceding.
I can't find any official numbers on that though.


Found a first number:
According to this guy, TASS telegram says 28000 people have already been evacuated to Russia.



>Intelligence is shown by who can own the other side harder in a debate
what is this burger bullshit?


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NSA bots


If people say something not reddit they get downvoted so they learn to say only reddit things. Control the votes, control the narrative
There's a reason why a US military base got some award for being having the most users some years ago, can't figure out why



How dare you betray your own kind

the National Bolsheviks are literary fighting for novorossiya against Ukrainian fascists you have no longer the privileges of being a member of NAZBOL gang


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Pajeet is pulling their citizens out of Ukraine


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J V P I T E R took Putin and Zelensky down a peg



Putin put a huge shit in Macron's pants when they kicked them out of Mali. I bet Macron begged Chadimir Putlercock to stop the decolonisation, with tears running down his face and piss down his leg. Also he sounded like a little girl probably.



The most realistic take:

Troll War

Still, the Biden administration is brilliant at trolling the Kremlin. The Kremlin is like: “Let's attack! How we'll hit it! Yield to us if you don't want war."
Biden administration: "They're going to attack now! But we stand firm! Here are our proposals, if you want - accept, if you want - no!
And what should the Kremlin do now? Of course, accept.
Throughout its life, the USSR was preparing for war, but for the United States, this was not the most important thing. The USSR produced tanks and guns, rockets and bombs, and shouted that the imperialists were about to attack. And the United States, of course, also produced everything, but first of all, they developed the economy. And, in the end, when the size of both economies became incomparable (the Soviet one overstrained itself in armaments), Ronald Reagan took over and announced Star Wars.

And then the USSR went bankrupt. It turned out that the Soviet industry, dried up by the defense industry, could not compete with the United States when they turned on the afterburner.
In the story of the war with Ukraine, we are seeing something similar, but only in terms of PR.

It's been half a century since all the outcast countries have been asserting themselves at the expense of the United States. So accepted.

Iran, Sudan and Venezuela are burning American flags, their propagandists are shouting: "We'll hit you!", while the United States turns its head away with Olympian calm. And all the cries do not reach the top of Capitol Hill. There, serious politicians are busy with the only thing that worries them, namely, elections. Therefore, barking at the Capitol is easy and convenient. Like a paper tiger.

After the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Kremlin seems to have decided not to miss the moment. He began to transfer troops to Ukraine, whipping up military hysteria and trumping his own unpredictability. In-house Kremlin propagandists told how nuclear ashes would remain from Florida, patriotic TV moguls predicted victory in 48 hours.

In fact, it was very hard to imagine the Kremlin openly moving tanks into Ukraine, preceded by what unnamed White House sources now claim, this “terrible bloody campaign” with “two days of aerial bombardment.” In order to doubt this, one did not have to be a military specialist who could count battalion tactical groups.

It's just not the Kremlin's style.

He prefers to fight in such a way that everything can be attributed to volunteers, "miners and tractor drivers." He prefers to strike stealthily, before the West comes to its senses and develops a unanimous opinion: the annexation of Crimea and the Russian-Georgian war happened exactly when they were not expected.
He prefers to fight in such a way that any victory (for example, the capture of Palmyra) could be shown on TV, and any defeat (for example, the death of the same Russian mercenaries from American air strikes near Deir al-Zor or from Turkish Bayraktars in Syria and Libya) could be passed over in complete silence.
And the tank columns thrown to storm Kiev cannot be passed over in silence and cannot be blamed on tractor drivers.
How exactly will an open military invasion of Ukraine end for the Kremlin? Will the Russian army take Kiev in 48 hours, or will it meet with fierce resistance, which will become a military, image and political disaster for Moscow?

Answer: it is unknown, and this is the most important thing.
This is the main feature of a real war: no one knows its outcome. "Tell King Croesus: crossing the Galis, he will destroy the great kingdom." Which kingdom will be destroyed is unclear. That is why the Kremlin does not like a real war and prefers a hybrid war to it, in which the main thing is not to win, but to lie.
As a result, the Kremlin was blown up by its own grenade. He saber-rattled and traded in his own unpredictability, he rolled out an ultimatum, confident that they would agree with the main, important for Russia part of the ultimatum, and this could be passed off as a victory.

But it turned out that this game - the game of a fake threat of war - can be played by two people. That the Kremlin's ultimatum did not frighten anyone. That the West began to supply Ukraine with Javelins and Stingers. These shipments daily increase the price of a probable invasion, and most importantly, they attract the attention of the whole world to it. And most importantly, leaks and even direct quotes that the Kremlin is about to invade Ukraine have poured out of the White House. Biden even named the date : February 16.

Why February 16th?

Very simple. Because this week Russia will receive the final American proposals. If Putin does not want to fight, he will have no choice but to accept them, and Biden will come out of this story as a winner who prevented a terrible war. Very useful after the shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan.
This position is beneficial for the United States, they are openly raising the stakes, including in order to bring the vacillating European allies to a common denominator.
The Kremlin found itself in a trap of its own making.
To fight with Ukraine is, you know, not to smear Navalny's underpants with "Novichok".

It doesn't even translate from Chechen a promise to cut off heads. This is serious business. Russia has a tradition of small victorious wars. Its results are not inspiring. Of course, you can raise the stakes, recognize the "DPR" and "LPR", as the Duma just asked to do, but do you understand what's the matter? After all, if we recognize the independence of the "DNR" and "LNR", then we certainly will not be able to demand the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

If the Kremlin starts a war, it will lose the war. If he doesn't start, he will lose face. The cynical calculation is that the West has nothing to lose. If the Kremlin is really so irrational that it is going to fight, then the West is much better off if this war starts on the territory of a country that is not a member of NATO. From a military point of view, this will allow Russia to be defeated by proxy and get off with the supply of military equipment without losing its own citizens on the battlefield, which always leads to a drop in the rating of an elected politician. Of course, the war in Ukraine, from the point of view of the West, is bad, but it is better than if, for example, the Kremlin chop off Narva and threaten NATO with a nuclear war if they decide to defend the territory of their member.

The United States has begun to play with the Kremlin by its own rules and, it must be said, they are playing brilliantly.
The only thing that confuses me is that the former Olympic ignorance was somehow more to the face of the superpower.
All this pandemonium with leaked invasion plans and three, no, four, no, six sources from the White House smells bad.
It turns out that the Kremlin, instead of fighting poverty or noticing that promises coming from Chechnya to cut heads undermine its own monopoly on violence, imprisons teenagers for blowing up the FSB building in Minecraft. And the United States, instead of fighting real threats like China, Iran or Afghanistan, is fighting what is easy and pleasant to fight: global warming, sexism, racism, and the Kremlin.



C H A D I V P V T I N AGAINST virgin Bidler


it looks a lot more like completely delusional burger talk than "realistic take"


Btw the Chief military expert in Russia (Mihail Hodorenok) the most respected one who gets invited to all state TV channels and talk shows like Soloviev says that a Russian Blitzkreig in Ukraine is impossible and that Russia will likely get BTFO by Ukraine.



Without using nuclear weapons Russia will lose that war. All talk about how Russia will defeat the Ukranian army in 48 hours is bullshit.


I hoped it would be more. Those people might feel brave staying there now, but they really don't want to get caught in a Sarajevo-Stalingrad type shit when it goes down. Everybody without prior military training should vacate the entire zone before the shooting starts.


What can be a real war between Russia and Ukraine: the answer to couch experts

It will not be easy and fast, as some claim.

Against the background of the aggravation of the geopolitical situation, when the opinion is actively spreading in the West that Russia is about to attack Ukraine, in Russia itself the idea that this war will be lightning-fast is increasingly heard.

ForPost has paid attention to this issue more than once. For example, we wrote that Western weapons will not save Ukraine , that warships bought in the West will not help Ukraine gain a foothold in the Black Sea .

But what will be the open armed conflict of our countries, if it really happens?

Some analysts say it will be a ten-minute war. But this is not so , according to the ex-head of the group of the 1st direction of the 1st directorate of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel Mikhail Khodarenok.

The expert argues that it will not be possible to crush the Ukrainian defense with one blow, and one should not underestimate the enemy, who, although not fresh, is not as weak as it seems.

“Of course, MOU (massive fire strike - approx.) will inflict heavy losses on a potential enemy. But to expect to crush the armed forces of an entire state with just one such blow means to show simply unbridled optimism in the course of planning and conducting hostilities. In the course of hypothetical strategic actions, such MOUs will have to be applied not one or two, but much more, ”Khodarenok writes.

According to him, Russia does not have enough modern weapons to wage a long war. We are talking about Zircon hypersonic missiles, which are not even in service yet. The number of "Caliber", "Daggers" and missiles to the "Iskander" is still measured in the hundreds at best.

“This arsenal is absolutely not enough to wipe out a state the size of France and with a population of more than 40 million from the face of the Earth. Namely, Ukraine is characterized by such parameters,” the author sums up.

Finally, in his opinion, one should not underestimate the enemy in the air, because some kind of aviation and air defense are still present in Ukraine. And, for example, the Chechen fighters did not have a single plane at all, and they drank a lot of blood from the federal troops.

In addition, over the past decade, according to the author, the Ukrainian army has moved to a qualitatively new level thanks to the ideology and implemented NATO standards.

“Of course, today the Armed Forces of Ukraine are significantly inferior to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in terms of their combat and operational capabilities. No one doubts this, neither in the East nor in the West. But this army cannot be taken lightly either. In this regard, one must always remember the testament of Alexander Suvorov: “Never despise your enemy, do not consider him stupider and weaker than you,” Khodarenok recalls.



Bruh this is literally the same territory the Germs blitzed in '41 and that the Soviets retook in '43.
This is why they should EVACUATE THE FUCKING POPULATION. They should be dragging babushka onto the goddamn bus at this point.
Also, this is assuming the Ukrop army is completely hardened, ready, trained and equipped and with the political will in Kiev to keep it going.
Remember France in 1940, remember Iraq in 1991, remember Afghanistan in 2020.


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sometimes I think libs are just playing stupid


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>They should be dragging babushka onto the goddamn bus at this point.
Trips of truth, but I think babushka got this.


This is how the foreign minister of the Donezk People's Republic looks like, phew.


Evacuations in Debaltsevo.


A US Air Force base (Eglin) is the common user on reddit lol.


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Why are they so adorable?


Boomer neocon burger thinking Biden is fighting climate change


Because they are on the right side of history.


I don't think Russia is doing anything besides intimidation + protecting the republics


Will the happooners calm down with the spring thaw comes?


implying the weather matters when it comes to modern warfare


<explicitly saying it doesn't


>the Archduke Franz-Ferdinand just got assassinated!
<it's still a nothingburger.
>Austria just declared an ultimatum towards Serbia
<how long will the hapooners keep this bullshit up?
>Germany just declared it would stand with Austria, Russia with Serbia
<yep, still a nothingburger
<haha it's been 3 days and people have already moved on.
>uhm… now there are troop movements, will Austria violate the ultimatum??


Expect this isn't pre world war 1 Europe when conflicts like this were a common occurrence


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it wasn't a common occurrence just like how right now isn't a common occurrence

WWI broke the peace period after Napoleon just like how VLADOLF PUTLER is now trying to break the peace after Hitler


Depends on whether the heads of state stop being happoooners or not


Yeah it actually does. Storms, blizzards, rain, fog, all impede operations.

The US Air Force talks about "controlling the weather by 2025".



Yeah see the things is mate, nobody's been assassinated yet.
It's not 1914. Even if Zelensky or Putin was, there still wouldn't be war.


>Expect this isn't pre world war 1 Europe when conflicts like this were a common occurrence
They weren't. Within Europe, the period between 1815 to 1914 was on of the most peaceful in history. You had two wars, the Crimean War which was fought on the edges of Europe and the goal was to control Afghanistan, and the German unification wars that were fought relatively swift and relatively unbloody.

People back then also fought nothing significant will happen, and if something happens, it will be a swift campaign and we are home by fall. Some people of course suspected something, like the expressionists, who anticipated a cathartic event which can be seen in their painting style.

There is a book by Christopher Clarke called "The Sleepwalkers", he is a liberal who also admires the Prussian military state and views history not very structurally, but he depicts it pretty well how the rulers of Europe "sleepwalked" into this.



So basically, whatever anyone does and whatever happens , the USA won in their 9D chess game that only themselves and enlightened neocons understand. One gets the impression that every inch of the USA could get scorched in nuclear fire, not one building left standing, and the day after they'd declare the USA the winners still, because fuck Putin.


Napolf Bonapartler is a lot like Putler (they're both Hitler and short (like Hitler))


They tried to assassinate the head of the DPR with a car bomb.
>there still wouldn't be war.
Can you please explain me why are you assured of this? Do have a mole at the Munich Security Conference who gives you assurances? I don't know if you noticed but we have a global capitalist crisis due to the pandemic (or rather, the response to it), a massive profitability crisis, the decline of the US as the unipolar power that desperately tries to dislodge Germany from Russia due to Nord Stream 2, and then there is the China issue. Then in particular in the Ukraine you have an irredentionist government that wants to take back regions it perceived as stolen from them by a foreign power, is very militarized, with Nazis in the military.

I am not saying something will happen, but to constantly call the looming spectre of war "nothingburger" and call everyone who worries about it "happooner" is complete wrecker behavior with regards to the anti-war movement.


This is her husband kek

Pavel gubarev



Two Russians predicted an invasion
>Russian Duma deputy Viktor Vodolatsky claims a Ukrainian attack against Donbas might begin in the next 48 hours
>He also mentions February 21 as the date of the beginning of the hostilities.
>Communist party leader also gave the same date


shit bro you're onto something

Vladimir -> 8 characters
Putin -> 5 characters

Adolf -> 5 characters
Hitler -> 6 characters

13 - 11 = 2 fronts of war with Russia and China



Also covered in:


>They weren't. Within Europe, the period between 1815 to 1914 was on of the most peaceful in history
for Yuropoors maybe, for the rest of us it was an unending cycle of colonial wars and subjugation by a bunch of honkeys coinciding with societal collapse and destruction of social mores


That picture is not Ekaterina Gubareva. Current minister for foreign affairs is Nataliya Nikonorova. Gubareva was minister for 3 months in the middle of the crisis lol.


Honestly that response is weird. That you keep tabs on people who were in office for three months in a small breakaway republic 8 years ago, and immediately post it as fake news as a response. Wtf?


As I've said before, Russia isn't a rival to NATO but a comprador anti-communist regime.


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RT TV says Zelensky is so butthurt he's considering a Ukrainian nuclear arsenal.


I looked up the term

>foreign minister of the Donezk People's Republic

As the person had titled their photo on the post then researched the person. They didn't provide a name


>tfw Voroshilovgrad was renamed to Luhansk


That's why I said
>within Europe

Then that's a weird algorithm. But I can corrobarate, I got the same result.


Stalino was renamed Donetsk.


Weren't Assad and Gaddafi anticommunists?


>makes you thonk


>For the rest of us.
The first nigerian /leftypol/er



Not really.



Please lol, they don't even boycott sport events let alone embargo them as they do to Cuba.


look, a class traitor schizo


They hate me because I speak the truth.


Hmm, that seems like nonsense


I attract more ire thsn anyone else on this site simply for stating Marxist-Leninist positions, despite also being polite unlike most.


that's literally what every schizo believes



Good thing I don't have schizophrenia then.


Marxist-Leninists think Assad is one of them? wew


did you get tested?
That's a bit of a bold statement.


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No, but the Syrian Communist Party is part of the national coalition in Syria of which Assad is the leader. So pipe down yokel.


>capitalist dictator has a pet communist party as controlled oppo/straight up in coalition with his
<based leader
>communist leader does communism slightly wrong
<dirty revisionist!
1991 and its consequences have been a disaster for western leftists.


>every communist party in a country that I don't like is controlled opposition
I mean, should they not support Assad in Syria when a third of their country is occupied by the United States, is currently in a civil war, sanctioned, and the alternative are Wahabists funded by Saudi-Arabia?


Communism is when you sit at the big table, revisionism is when you think communism is having a big economy.
We're scientific socialists.


>1991 and its consequences have been a disaster for western leftists.
The Syrian Communist Party, member of solidnet and known for hosting the World Congress of Democratic Youth, typical "Western leftoid".


That's exactly the problem. Yes they should, but it doesn't mean Syria is anything like socialist just because the US attacked it.
>2 or 3 seats out of 250 in the People's Council (2 different parties)
Yeah, this is definitely why NATO attacked Syria.


But the question wasn't whether Syria is socialist, it was whether Assad is an anti-communist, you moved the goalposts here massively.


>people not realizing that Russia is in a lose-lose situation
>not realizing that America always wins
Putler is being tricked into attacking Ukraine, and the armed forces of Ukraine, bolstered by the best in western technology, will crush the Soviet garbage. After which the various oppressed republics inside the RF will be liberated and Russia finally dissolved.


Why do ugly losers in Russia get attractive women? Here in Burgerstan (SoCal) it’s usually the men which are attractive and the women are ugly losers.


I like how in her interview she mentioned “I’m not a Pokémon”


Wrong, the question started because Lenin hat keeps implying that the only true opposition in the world is between communists and capitalists, even when there are no communists anymore and NATO continues to blow countries up.


This post glows.


Oh we've got a would be headchopper from the Sedov Brigade smearing communism again. Like 2011-2013 all over again.
<smash da eeeevil Alawite Assadist ruhjeem




They attacked Syria because it's an obstacle to imperialism in the region and pipeline plans.

Very funny that anonymous pseuds think they know Syria better than Syrian Communists.


>even when there are no communists anymore
Hello fascist


Russian men all alcoholics so the one who isn't and has a job is a prize.


The difference is feminism.


Nah it's because slav women are better looking simple as


What a cope. Syria and Gaddafi are not communists, and we are sitting in armchairs. Stop living in a fantasy world. It's honestly sad.




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Oof would let her deport me to Siberia.


They're not so different to communists. Gaddafi especially.
But even if you don't count them, there's the Philippines, Turkey, India, Burma. And communists in every country.


And Russia is somehow not an obstacle to NATO imperialism, because they do trade. Such naïveté. Those Syrian communists had nothing to do with Syria's Iran-aligned, anti-Israel, anti-NATO position.


By that metric, they are in Russia too


Not that they trade, but their actions over the past thirty years. Putin was put into power by Yeltsin to carry on the work of crushing the remnants of Soviet power.


Russian communists are in opposition to the Vlasovite rulers who are capitalists, not socialists like Gaddafi.




>Sea of Azov is closed to all naval and air traffic starting tonight per RuMoD



And he kicked out the American oligarchs like Bill Browder and others. A better example is Afghanistan, full of rabid anticommunists like the Taliban. Your Cold War era thinking is wanting.
>Gaddafi a socialist
Yeah, nationalized utilities and subsidies for new families, what a socialist



>trust us bro
>we have intelligence
>no you can't see it
Damn, the GDI bombed Daggerfall?


Nah the oligarchs are still there reaping the money.


As for Afghanistan, the Taliban also have said they want US money.

Gaddafi did a lot more than that. Libya was by far the best country in Africa.


Sounds like France is breaking ranks
>going to sponsor a new cease fire in E. Ukraine later today
>Announced plans to hold talks with Russia on a new European security structure without American input


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USA is alienating EU, as predicted.


kek the RAND corporation needs a research paper to tell them to do what Russell Bentley is already doing.
The meme that communists can't get anything done without consulting a bunch of different committees is projection as always.


That's different from American oligarchs owning Gazprom outright. Also these US-Russia ties have not prevented the US from harming its own business (a tiny amount, because these ties are actually not that strong) by putting the Magnitsky sanctions on Russia. China will offer a competent replacement for these relationships eventually.
The US has frozen the assets of the Afghan Central Bank and won't give them to the Taliban. The US hates them and is causing hunger for their peasants by not releasing the money.


Large chunks of the Russian economy are owned by foreign capitalista as was the case before 1917.

>Already today in Russia 65% of industry belongs to foreign capital, 90% of trade is foreign trade networks. 76% of railway engineering is owned by foreigners. 77% of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises also belong to them. In all other sectors - 45-60% of foreign capital. Most of the boards of directors of oil and gas enterprises are foreigners, and the main banks also.

The US isn't harming jack shit among Russian capitalists, sanctions don't harm the bourgeoisie, only the proletariat.



It is not enough for the US that each country is capitalist. They must be capitalist AND economically and politically subordinated to the US. They see the idea of another capitalist power as awful as they see communism.
>Large chunks
It is not enough for the US, in the case of Russia
Did the 20 years of occupation and death not mean anything? They are actually on the same side because now they would take any investment, Western included?
They do hurt business and profit margins, they physically hurt proles. If it were really the case that Russia and the US were so aligned, why would the US cause discontent with sanctions? Why wouldn't Russia give up its nukes and military independence?


Ah yes, nuclear weapons to a country with Azov freaks in the military.
Going the TNO Burgundy path at last.


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>New Sea of Azov NOTAM, going active at midnight: "Tempo Danger Area SFC - Unlimited""
NOTAM meaning "notice to airmen" and "SFC" indicating no altitude restriction. Could be significant.




(Damn that hit hard with the high school nostalgia)


>They see the idea of another capitalist power as awful as they see communism.

Bullshit. The US waged genocidal warfare against Korea and Vietnam, absolutely nothing like how it did against Iraq, a quick shock and awe campaign. Also there's effectively no independent capitalist powers today.

The Taliban were never really enemies of the US bourgeoisie, they got their training as thugs fighting the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the Soviet Army.



This. I fucking knew this would just amount to separatist autism.


Russia declared it a no fly zone hours ago. Probably just the end of the grace period and enforcement is starting.


No, it's a NOTAM, so they declare it before hand and the actual enforcement occurs at the exercise start time
Honestly it's probably just to keep the hohols on edge rather than indicate anything

Anyways, any Russian intervention is going to be done on Yugoslav Wars line. Mostly stand off weapons and air power with the goals of enforcing a Minsk 3 deal while destroying the Ukrainian military. Ground intervention would be fairly limited


I think the sweet spot would be limited intervention solely in the Donbas region. Everyone keeps saying that if Russia intervenes they have to invade the whole place, which would be dumb. Soon as Russia ventures into areas outside Donbas and Crimea they're going to whip up a frenzy and sanctions etc and even if Russia just enforces Minsk at the end no matter the original intention they'll claim it as a victory as the invasion has been defeated and the status quo has been bravely upheld by Ukraine. It only makes sense for them to move into Donbas.


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>I think it would be hard to predict what happens next if they keep refusing.
Putin scatters parsley all over the Donbass countryside.


Ground forces would be limited to liberating the de jure borders of DPR/LNR and maybe Kharkov but no further. Following that would be weeks to months of stand off strikes with Minsk 3, No NATO, and a federalized Ukraine. Most of the Ukrainian leadership is gonna flee in the first few hours if they haven't already



Maybe not as much, but really the same thing as competition within the bourgeois (or even the higher working class). You can only have so many privileged people in a capitalist society.


>Be putin.
>Invade Ukraine.
>Leave, but on a condition.
>They can only plant corn now.


>Korea and Vietnam
While USSR and communist China existed, and they won/stalemated their wars
Because they actually lost the war, relatively quickly lol. US also killed half a million Iraqi children with sanctions in the 90s
>there's effectively no independent capitalist powers today.
Partly because of the nature of capital, and partly because of exactly what NATO is doing to Russia.

No arms seller cares about the ideological makeup of the people its weapons kill. Inter-imperialist wars exist


>The Taliban were never really enemies of the US bourgeoisie, they got their training as thugs fighting the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the Soviet Army.
This is unbelievably stupid. "Blowback can't exist, because allegiances last forever."


Then let them fight among themselves, the working class must fight them.


>Because they actually lost the war, relatively quickly lol
How? They wanted to topple Hussein and plunge Iraq into chaos so they pilfer the land and turn it into an army base and that's what they did.

>No arms seller cares about the ideological makeup of the people its weapons kill. Inter-imperialist wars


The Taliban has never once attacked the USA.


You mean never attacked on US soil, right?



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Like he said, never attacked the US. Fighting a defensive insurgent war is not "attacking," it's defensive.



They barely attacked them in Afghanistan either and now they have a nice modern army fully equipped with US equipment. Funny that.


is this true? Are there no US military bases bordering Russia?


>Nothing happaned
As usual, get over it, sizzle losers. It's ogre.


fuck. Some people saying the invasion just started. Some people saying the invasion was never gonna happen and russian troops have already started going home. I just want it to be a week from now so I can know whether I was right or not.


Stop listening to hysterical NATO mouthpieces.


it's hard when they're in this very thread


Russian troops are inside your walls


Touch grass then!


Fog of war
Maximum information warfare engaged.


>The Taliban has never once attacked the USA.
And the US attacked the Taliban. Because they are aligned, lol. No, because arms sales matter more than who trained who in the 80s.
>They wanted to topple Hussein and plunge Iraq into chaos so they pilfer the land and turn it into an army base and that's what they did.
No, Iraq lost the war, Vietnam and DPRK did not. That's part of the reason the US was genocidal in Vietnam in comparison.


The US invaded to grow opium.

The USA killed over two million Vietnamese via their fascist bombing campaign, much more than Iraq.


stupid circus for western crypto-wignats who wanna convince themselves putin is a based anti-globohomo aryan and not just a thinly veiled puppet of germany


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meanwhile, on reddit


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Germany is itself a US colony.


and as The Mueller proved, the US is a Russian colony. It's like the triforce


Of course he wormed out of the bet.


You do not break a bet. The lowest of the low. All a man has is his word. To break that makes him worthless.


About as german as the zucc, imagine being called mule-er or Suckerberg. If someone called me that I'd sucker puncher them.


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Is the Five minutes over yet bros?


Uhm, sweetie, they already said they will stop NS-II, what are you into? is it coke?


The pandemic did a huge deal, too.


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1 more second until Russia invades Ukraine, according to highly trustworthy us sources


lol yeah right.


We are going nuclear with a country full of freaks. Well, bros, I always believed I would never see the U.S. decline, but the choppers taking off Kabul was beuatiful.
I believe I won't see a nuclear winter, but I am conviced the atlaticists are willing to risk a falseflag.


Also rereading this, yeah actually, unlike Gorbachev the Syrian Communist Party didn't destroy the USSR.


Yeah I agree it is pretty unusual for one country to announce a war on behalf of two other countries.


>The Taliban has never once attacked the USA.
>The Taliban has never once attacked the USA.
>The Taliban has never once attacked the USA
>The Taliban has never once attacked the USA.

Not amused you started to spek things out of your ass:

>Chief Warrant Officer Christopher M. Allgaier33Company B, 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne DivisionMiddleton, WisconsinOne of five U.S. soldiers killed along with a British soldier and Canadian soldier when a CH-47 Chinook transport helicopter was shot down by Taliban fighters in Kajaki, Helmand province, Afghanistan on May 30, 2007


>inb4 dilate

Always a class traitor pseud, always a class traitor pseud.


Nothing like the smell of a good nothingburger.
Fancy another one?


Sounds like fighting along the LoC is escalating, use of armored vehicles and atgms becoming more frequent.

>replying to leninhat instead of banishing him back to the covid thread so he can rant about imaginary lockdowns




This is big (if true), mind sharing something?


And how do we know they were killed by Taliban?


>▪️ Russia has no plans to seize foreign territory and considers Donbas to be part of Ukraine, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoli Antonov said in an interview with CBC on Sunday.

>▪️ "We do not intend to seize any foreign territory," Antonov said, adding that he would like to confirm that "Donetsk and Lugansk are part of Ukraine."

>▪️ The representative of the legation reiterated that Russia is willing to "continue diplomatic efforts to resolve all pending issues" and added that its troops are in the territory of the Slavic country. "We are not threatening anyone," he said.


What a fucking cuck


>no intention to invade
Wow, what a POLDIMIR POTLER moment


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>>The Taliban has never once attacked the USA.


Do people here actually think the USA went into Afghanistan to fight the Taliban lol.


>Donetsk and Lugansk are part of Ukraine
<Russia is cucking out
Oh no no no no look at this dude


killing imperialist forces invading your country is not "attacking" you cuckold glowie


I told you Putin is a Pussy, LMAO.


LNR sources are reporting that they expect Ukrainian offensive to begin tonight, intense shelling all along LoC


What's LoC?


So they are going to attack ukrainian towns and claim the opposite again? Nothing interesting


Is he referring to the DPR and LPR, or the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine? Because they're different


>he dilates.
I said inb4 dilate, you can't dilate, you have to bring proofs of counterevidence disproving the official claims. How many unclassified CIA documents say they had a political goal of hiding the killers of soldiers in this or any other war?
And I agree, they did hide the Lusitana ship, they might even hid soldiers MIA that probably saw some weird U.S. shit, but a let all killed soldiers by Afghanistan taliban h0ax h0ax is the most schizo thing you have said after your anti-vax shit.

Stay in a schizo-containing room, please.
Yep. Diplomatic postures still on the talks.


do you even know what that means ?


>“Never despise your enemy, do not consider him stupider and weaker than you,” Khodarenok recalls
I agree with him on that point, yet I think he still oversell ukraine. He compares it to france. Well if my country was to enter a war with russia, it would be short of all crucial supplies (ammo etc) in like 2 weeks, all our high tech material cost way too much if you have to buy new ones often. A conventional war with a enemy on same tech is just not compatible with present western europe economies.


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Why the fuck are yankees shitting out these invasion dates?


based. Russia has respect for other countries' territories, and will not invade them. I've been saying this since day one. I support Russia because they will not invade. If they did invade it would make sense to oppose Russia but they won't.


LoC your lips around deez nuts


I'm convinced this is just Surkov fucking with them at this point.


of course. It's spanish for "buyer"


line of contact, an updated way to say front line because i dunno why and i don't even know why we need to use this term now. what's the materialist explanation for many human societies coming up with new ways to say the same thing?


Hes retarded retired isnt he?


DPR— “UAF prepared for an offensive along the entire front line in Donbass, the situation has greatly escalated”


source for this?


IMHO tonight there will be some clashes but less than yesterday. Strong nothingburger energy




#Breaking US Embassy in #Moscow issues a security warning regarding possible threats of attacks against a number of public places, including in Moscow and St. Petersburg.






I've been posting bullet point news from different TG groups of official Russian news outlets in different languages (trasnlated to English) for the past 4 days + Russell Bently from time to time or Donbas News.


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>Ukrainian-Russian border is 300 miles from Moscow




Retard skitzos ever thinking that Ukraine was going to be invaded by Putin are retards, like you


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Go ahead, Putin. Invade Ukraine. Make my day.



Uncle Joe leaving the American fucks behind

Come on man figure it out! We ain't helping you sons of bitches!



>imprisons teenagers for blowing up the FSB building in Minecraft.
Just heard about this. Is it true, or just w*stern propaganda?


Big bad Taliban killed them all did they? Not just random farmers?
Lackeys, neocolonial administrators etc


>Big bad Taliban killed them all did they? Not just random farmers?
Stay mad.
Seems the U.S. is not over yet.


I never believed Putin would give up his Billions in stolen wealth (his foreign bank accounts in the West full of money he stold from his people when he helped destroy the USSR) to Invade Ukraine, but I know many of the "Multipolar" Dengist/Duginist Happooner Schizos thought so, LOL.



>Ukrainian defence minister Oleksiy Reznikov says Russia hasn’t formed a single battle-ready group along the Ukrainian border yet.

/fizzlegang/ with another massive W.


Mr. Eastwood, that's not Putin, that's a chair





Apparently, there is already the escalation of muh Russian PMCs in Donbas. This group dismantles the lies:
>Well, the horse about Russian PMCs in Donbas was immediately saddled by Ukrainians.

>There is no shortage of volunteers in the Donbas, and the mobilization of the entire male population of the republics has already been announced. Russian PMCs, who emerged from the crucible of 2014-2015, now have enough tasks in Africa and the Middle East. Somehow, there is no logical sense in attracting them, given the readiness to use regular troops to protect the Russian-speaking population.

>Horror stories about “Wagner PMCs” in Donbas are aimed rather at the European audience, which for a couple of years now has been fed fables about the imaginary atrocities of “mercenaries” in the Central African Republic and Syria.

>Perhaps, Ukraine, under the guise of protection from the mighty Russian knights, as the “Wagner PMC” was once dubbed in Serbia, will be given an additional aid package in the form of a couple of thousand helmets and body armor.

Gotta love those "horro" stories in fact all come from bellingcat.



Apparantly RUSSIAN T-90s Crossed the Belgorod border (to the Donbas)


this is from last night, git gud


Air-force lads btfo, tank bros keep winning…


but this doesn't make sense because they already invaded in 2014


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>Putin not invading is fizzle
For the last time, you morons - Russia invading Ukraine wasn't the issue, it's the worse case scenario. Without clear Russian aggression that the US can point to after all its yelling, it can't sell killing Nordstream 2 to other porkies. Which means we would really see just how much it's worth to the US, because US might escalate the situation.


Do you call limited presence of russian troops an invasion?


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Pictures taken from the scene



Moscowtimes are surprisingly honest for porkymedia



except germany seemed to be drooling at the mouth to cancel nordstream 2.


Its all so tiring


Damn, their European buddies will get yelled at by the atlantic council.
ctrl+f in 12.0/13.0, Belgorod=0 Results… wut?


>The Senate blocked a measure to impose new sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany after the Biden administration warned it could disrupt allied unity in the confrontation over Ukraine.

>Austria is sticking with its opposition to including the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in a package of sanctions against Moscow that the European Union is preparing in the event Russia invades Ukraine, Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said on Friday.


The ruling class is divided. The rhetoric constantly changes, is often two-faced, is always vague and nobody is committing to anything. This is more dangerous than unanimity and naked hostility.


Feel kinda dumb asking, but what is the flag on the left?


i didn't see it on leftypol, i saw it probably on one of these accounts but be forewarned they're mostly libs
https://twitter.com/EndGameWW3 <- cringiest fucker but it's good to get the NATO viewpoint


>Feb 29


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Wtf? US embassy saying russia will be subject to a terror attack? This seems a bit deranged.


I like Rob Lee twitter account. Finds a ton of video of tanks and equipment to repost


I think yes, if only a small scale invasion
also what about Chechen wars? post-soviet Russia is not pacifist


> also what about Chechen wars?
It was a pacification of ethnonationalist/islamist separatists, Ichkeria was never recognized as a sovereign state


Stepan Bandera's Ukrainian Insurgent Army flag.

The red-black is supposed to represent Blut und Boden.


Yeah, helps that he was in the US military or something. The "EndGameWW3" account is some insane Navy vet so whatever, and I've even seen one called "TheIntelCrab" that is literally some burger frat bro student who happens to be following open-source intelligence outlets. There's going to be a bunch of new Bellingcat copies once this is all over.


I see, thanks comrade!


Biden just cancelled his travel plans at the last minute and will be remaining in DC


Elint is an Israeli boomer who lives in bongland


>The Senate blocked a measure to impose new sanctions
Kek, I wished that happen. That was the unhinged rethugs, like Ted mmmmwweah whiny Cruz. That would put the U.S. like the pariahs they deserve to be.
And you dared not to post it? mfw


>And you dared not to post it? mfw
niqqa if we posted every new video 3/4ths of this thread would be unreadable. plus it's just some tanks rolling on a road, there are a gorillion videos like that, you feel me


Absolute self-parody


>US has intelligence indicating orders have been sent to Russian commanders to proceed with an attack on Ukraine, according to two US officials and another source familiar with the US intelligence.


check the calendar for this year fam, honestly sad that a lot of people got got by this


If they actually seized the territory, Ukraine could join NATO. The entire goal here is not for Putler to invade and annex territory, but to create NATO buffer regions around Russian borders.


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>1 million total dead because of Iraq war 2003 alone
>significantly less


Let's see how western media twists the protection sent to Donbas as an act of aggression.
That's what they wanted And liberals say that's an invasion.


Those orders to attack reach the Russian commanders yet?


That reference is 30 years old.


What reference?
Sorry for being a zoomer, but I don't know the fuck are you talking about.


Woofers used to be head mod of r/SCJW, an actually good but now dead subreddit that is likely responsible for wikipedia being banned in Turkey


CIA is /freezagang/



Read to who I am responding to, pay attention closely before melting down.
The argument that multivectorial geopolitical forces can't exist because it is all a giant scheme of things of the same capitalists ruling class, to justify some weird fixation against Russia, is what I am trying to disprove to him.
NTA >>508577 but leninhat indeed in unbieveably stupid.



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>blue eyes
>blonde hair
>gaunt face
Putler is aryan as fuck


r/SyrianCircleJerkWar - a sub for talking about the SCW and someone changed Erdogan's wiki picture to a cockroach which got wikipedia banned in Turkey



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what do you think they said?


>after a 4 hour NSC meeting Biden has cancelled travel plans and cleared his schedule
>Soviet attack on Ukraine expected in the next few hours, days, months, or years






>>Soviet attack on Ukraine expected in the next few hours, days, months, or years
who said this? kek



You can hear machine gun fire and explosions in the background of Russell’s latest video, ca. 6 hours ago.


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Why would Russians violate a ceasefire like this?


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>Biden is winning. Putin is seething, and coping


Biden is sadly not going to be able to do anything as president because he'll be spending all his time dealing with Russia. Don't forget to vote!


Imagine making up this story and having 2 cats be the most immobile thing you can think of.


You want this poor Ukrainian catmom to just uproot her little furbabies? They just got settled and found a tree to scratch.


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Me and Krupskaya wanted to leave Switzerland and join the ongoing revolution in Russia but we couldn't just leave our cats behind.


US tells citizens in Russia to prepare ‘evacuation plans’

hope it goes just as well as it did in Afghanistan


The only thing I cared about is the well-being of the Russian minority about to get nazi'ed, and when I saw the tanks crossing Donbas I felt relief, because the west wants to play a framing to cancel the NSII, no matter how many people die in the middle.
NSII? IDGAF, Russia already said these are inevitable and they are prepared.
Out of swift? IDGAF, Russia is prepared already from years ago.
The only that will be under the boots and screeching hard after this is Europe. Decades the U.S. scaring Europe about the red menace ready to take Europe and the U.S. Europe gripped from the balls.
From colonizers to colonized, kek.


Look at ukraine demographics, country shit the bed, will soon have less people than 100 years ago. Ukrops are the real cucks


wtf is this "ukrop" meme? what it meaning?


They aren't actually seceding. It's a Russian play to give them veto power over Ukraine joining NATO. Minsk is already agreed to, and has to actually be enforced for Donbass to stop being shelled.


ukr = ukraine
op = glowie operation


Is that right on the border?


No, Ukrop just means Dill in Russian, and it's used as a slur.


The brilliant plan of the Russian is to ethnically cleanse the ethnic Russian population himself



dill is my favorite herb

stop shitting on dill

there is no okroshka without dill


My friend ordered a dish in Poland and it was covered in dill


Wow, thanks for clarifying that reporting on intelligence is accurate. Can I see the intelligence itself, please? Or at least some questioning of the intelligence?


I ordered a dill in Poland and it was covered in your friend.


>Russia won't dare to shoot down the American drones in Ukraine, so we'll know exactly when they cross the border
are these people all too young to remember Georgia in 08?


A war between Russia and Ukraine would be bad for all people in Ukraine, including Russian speakers. War is very bad for the people in the countries it involves. There's a good reason that Russian and Ukrainian people don't want war.


Ehhhh…top secret…


Seems like something he would do. What a mad lad.


It’s next to Marinka, which is controlled by the Ukrainians. Maybe ~5-10 km, depending on where in Petrovsky he is.


The invasion is Donbas protection. They will screech over this.


Borrell compares Russia and China to "Franco's Spain" and advocates defending the multilateral order


The High Representative for Foreign Policy of the EU, Josep Borrell, has charged this Sunday against Russia and China for trying to convert the multilateral system that emerged after the Second World War into a multipolar and relativist system dominated by powers such as Beijing and Moscow, to the which has been compared to the Franco dictatorship.

"Let's talk about 'authentic democracy'. By adding qualifying adjectives it reminds us of the Soviet era, when the communist regimes spoke of 'popular democracy' or the 'organic democracy' of Franco's Spain", stated Borrell during his speech before the Munich Security Conference.

"Thirty years after the end of the Cold War, we face an attempt to redefine the fundamental principles of the multilateral order," he pointed out.

Thank you for watching

"The outcome of this war will determine whether the post-war multilateral system, centered on the UN, International Law and universal rights, survives. Or whether it will be replaced by a multipolar order based on power, with zones of influence and a relativistic approach to human rights," he warned.

Faced with these proposals, Borrel has proposed "avoid appearing to be defensive or looking back." "In fact, it is Russia and China that want to go back to the 19th century, to the struggle between empires, and Russia and China are becoming more assertive and want to restore the old empires that have been in the past," he added. .

Borrell has addressed the concept of the "battle of narratives" and has referred to the Russian-Chinese joint statement on February 4, "the culmination of a long campaign." "It is an act of defiance. It is clear: it is a revisionist manifesto. A manifesto to revise the world order," she warned.

For this reason, Borrell asks "to read it carefully". "One of the most shocking phrases says that 'Russia and China will face attempts by external forces to undermine security and stability in their adjacent common regions,'" Borrell stressed, and in this sense Russia and China have expressed their rejection to the "color revolutions".

"I think it is not a semantic debate, but a political one. We see daily how in multilateral organizations there is a battle over the universality of human rights. The authoritarian powers – not only Russia and China – want to relativize the notion of individual rights by subjecting them to local and cultural constraints," he said.

All this "would mean putting an end to all the progress made in the last 75 years." "That is why we must resist this Russo-Chinese revisionist attempt to redefine concepts. In short, yes, we must speak the language of power as I have said on other occasions, but also be aware of the power of language," he stressed.



How do you spin, "Wahh, they're fighting back!" with your dick stuck in Donbass?


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>Borrell compares Russia and China to "Franco's Spain" and advocates defending the multilateral order
<The guy who comes from a party that was made by a francoist minister.






Do you have anything to back this shit up, or are you just trolling?


Укроп -> ukrop, is russian word for dill. also sounds like ukranians, and they like dill so they are ukrops


So who started shelling and violating the ceasefire agreement first? Is the plan for Ukraine elicit a Russian defense that NATO can frame as an invasion?


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They don't need to make it sound logical. Is not like they care now about those things. They are where they want now, and they only need to do what they know their best: Do goebbelian propaganda.
Meanwhile liberals in the U.S. media and some "leftists".


Does anyone else kind of get a kick out of the use of the term "revisionist" in this bizarre way. Which literally just means "re-envisioning" their place in the world order as in, these uppity Chinese not knowing their fucking place.


Does it really matters? But IMO Ukraine is least interested in any escalation, US looks far more bloodthirsty with all this bullshit




New thread theme



OSCE records an increased use of heavy weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements in Eastern Ukraine, "resulting in rapidly increasing reports of damage and casualties" - OSCE Secretary General said.




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USAF UAV in the same area.
>FORTE11 (USAF RQ-4B Global Hawk) is on task this evening above Ukraine.
>Drone is paying heavy attention to the #Belgorod area: a far more localized mission than we normally see.




Been there for days


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>The RQ-4 provides a broad overview and systematic surveillance using high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensors with long loiter times over target areas. It can survey as much as 40,000 square miles (100,000 km2) of terrain per day, an area the size of South Korea or Iceland.
Some very high ranked Pentagon fags are paying close attention to this. Probably President Uncle Junior himself too.


>Does it really matters?
I suppose not. This thread is moving fast and I just wanted to get the correct narrative


>Soviet era, when the communist regimes spoke of 'popular democracy'
What a piece of shit.

The EU absolutely loves lumping fascism and communism together.


Duma speaker for the CIS committee said they're expecting Ukrainian ground attacks tonight


That waa caused afterwards by the collapse of the state in the years after. The actual campaign was very swift.


You ever notice how much liberals love flipping the words around in sentences? As if it makes their speeches noble instead of disgusting hypocrisies?


well what does the speaker for the TRANS committee say


Also lol at people calling me stupid when they're fixated on this spectacle.


Just… another… 5… minutes….


5 minutes
it's happening in 5 minutes





JVPITER is going to save us bros….


Yup, at least this time they won't have cartoon photos of military equipment to show in the U.N.


<Venezuelan Tupamaros want to form a brigade to send to Donbass


Biggest W for socialism since the start of these threads in my book.


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>Blitzkrieg or Minor Incursion? Putin’s Choice Could Determine World Reaction

Another banger from the same author( 18th feb)
<The U.S. says it’s willing to risk being wrong over its warnings of an invasion.
>MUNICH — President Biden and his top aides acknowledge that they are risking American credibility as they constantly renew the alarm that Russia is only “several days” away from triggering a land war in Europe that could plunge the world back into something resembling the Cold War. But Mr. Biden’s aides say they are willing to take that risk.
They would rather be accused of hyperbole and fearmongering than be proven right, they say, if that’s what it takes to deter President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia from pursuing an invasion that they worry will not stop at Ukraine’s borders.

>“If Russia doesn’t invade Ukraine, then we will be relieved that Russia changed course and proved our predictions wrong,” Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said at the United Nations Security Council on Thursday.

Somehow NATO couping Ukraine and wanting to roll in their military/missile whatever to Russia's border has become "Russia wants to Blitzkrieg all over Europe"

They sure love mongering war.




>international brigades are being made




Their accusations are getting larger in scale instead of smaller in scale. They really believe this is gonna happen. Take that as you may









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>Past imperialism cannot justify present day expansionism
It's the truth.




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>Russian imperialism doesn't mean NATO should expand
i agree








How much is the DOW gonna fall tmmrw?


it means Xi is genociding the Ukrainees


There are only two kinds of people:
Ukrainees and Ukrainers


holy shit Xidimir Jinputler has gone too far



why are burger "journalists" so openly deranged bros


The Weekrainians are being put in camps!


Reminder that David Martin's father was a senior CIA official for over 2 decades.


Inb4 nothing happens


Wtf? I thought they evacuated most journalists


look at the comments of this reddit post. It's crazy how they all cry and moan about propaganda but they all believe the exact same shit unquestioningly and reflexively. Do they ever question their own beliefs. I question my own beliefs and their sources all the time. I change my mind, I distrust even sources that have earned my trust. Liberals don't seem to do that. Propaganda is only something that affects other people.



He's prepared to give his life to become the liveleak version of this meme


They send that Richard glowuyghur to the conflicts. He was in Kabul too live



Wanna try this on one of the r/worldnews threads on Donbass


You are right, they are really going into overdrive. The articles and tweets below your post prove it. What is their angle?


maybe Putin really is planning to invade all of Europe for no reason and start a devastating world war of aggression that he's destined to lose with absolutely no justification or manufactured consent. It's not technically impossible.
Or maybe Russia found the mole in their intelligence and they're purposefully giving them more and more incorrect information, to see how long it takes the US to figure it out.


- to fight for capitalist russia


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If I had no family…


NATOism or putlerism. Pick one armchair. No communism


t. not doing a violent socialist revolution to call brigades


no way would I ever join an international brigade to fight on the other side of the world over an imperialist proxy war fought over ethnic conflicts between two groups of people I can't tell apart. I'm not fighting for capitalist dictatorship anti-communist russia or terrorist-training neo-nazi Ukraine. If a war does start (it won't) you'd have to kill me to get involved. That's some ww1 shit. They have no good reason to fight.


based defeatist anon


I agree. For me, it's my armchair


k, no one is inviting you, lol.


>Not dying for Putin is bad

Neither of you are communist.


>implying one is dying for Putin, but not to crush nazism.


That was painful to read through


>>508828 (me)
A win over nazism is not a win for Putin, a win over nazism is a win for communism.


nazism is infinitely replenishable so long as capitalism continues to function.


>Russia found the mole in their intelligence and they're purposefully giving them more and more incorrect information
Would be hilarious. It's already been proven that Russia likes to troll western intelligence agencies


Vladd Putward has just announced Skyrim


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I'm sure you'll do just fine against some Azov thug who has been fighting in an active war zone for the pass 8 years.







Does this sound dumb to anyone else? Maybe if she was speaking off the cuff but this is a prepared statement?





"Ukraino delenda est"
-Puto the Censlor


Redditors are literally brain dead. No thought goes on in their brains


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>he fell for western propaganda and wasted precious hours of his life shitposting about Ukraine



I would have spent it doing something else that is stupid anyway. I've learned about ukraine and Russia by monitoring this and reading


>putler memes
Putler has invaded about fifty times by now


/pol/ is supporting russia because ukraine is "globhomo". /leftypol/ is supporting russia because russia.

do i see some common ground?






what, why they hate their guys, cuz radlibs like voosj are defending them ?


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<me walking into donbass to massacre my 20th russian village
<me entering the sightline of a bmp-3


The Iranian Putlerists just did a communist uyghurcide over my house


Do you like never browse 4chan? They've supported Russia strongly for years. As does patriots.win

On /Pol/ they also love Gaddafi and Assad


There's a lot of Ukrainian diaspora in my city, I wonder what they will do if Vlatler Putdolf does it.





4chins is mostly contrarian faggots, they see the lib media supporting cuckraine and screeching about PUTLER so they take the diametrically opposing view.

Most westerners are also probably unaware of Azov and assorted neo-nazis operating in Ukraine too.


/pol/ are not liberals or mainstream conservatives.


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>love Gaddafi and Assad

Why lie? They hate "sandniqqers"

They are just a reflection of the rethugs who think that instead of wasting time on Putin they should attack China at once.


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confirmed nothingburger KEK


People there do know about Azov battalion. It's obvious to them that is just western funded unserious extremist that are unrelatable to them

It sends you many red flags when you yourself are far right in a western country and media will shit on you non stop and attack then when it comes to Azov the Atlantic council is ok with them + Israel gave them arms

It's an obvious OP. Just like the syrian "rebels". People on /pol/ can see thru that and have no interest in siding with them


Kek, isn't that the ultimate latest deadline for russian invasion according to "intelligence"?


>love Gaddafi and Assad
>Why lie? They hate "sandniqqers"

I'm not lying go make a post about Gaddafi or Assad on /Pol/. They are both widely praised there


They will scream "PUTIN KHUILO" at the top of their lungs for a couple minutes and then go to bed.


pol probably thinks they genocided other arabs
vladolf nothingburgler


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I know that liberals and fascists are two sides of the same coin, but I didn't figure them to be just as rabid.


Funny how our own Rojavafags ignored the same signs.


/pol/'s view on arabs is very divided, you got users who go "muh arabs based" "white shariah now" etc. and then you also got the ones saying "muh arab migrants flooding europe" "jews made islam" etc.


reminder of this guy >>508421




It's too late. It was always too late.



I demand an explanation for this from the rojavafags here right now.


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Yeah, rojavafags. Come out.


Which regarding the immigration they'll quote Gaddafi too. They see him as someone who assisted in keep migration down and that Libya was better while he was the leader + Hillary hated gaddafi

>Gaddafi wants EU cash to stop African migrants


>Gaddafi demands €5bn a year 'to stop the EU turning black'

Libyan leader Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi has ended his visit to Italy by calling on the European Union to pay his country €5 billion (£4.13bn) a year to ensure its co-operation in preventing illegal immigration from Africa, which "threatens to turn Europe black".



JFC, forgot to read the replies after my last post in the Al Hasakah thread.


Watch this vice cucklord try to explain Azov as German history larpers.
(YouTube front-end)


Video of Vladoth marching through Donbass and Kiev to personally destroy Reddit's servers





They are really stepping it up with outlet stories. Jesus Christ



If /pol/ loves the same people that many posters here also support, it's a sign that we're doing something wrong. Real leftists don't support authoritarian/fash lite strongmen.



The reasoning for support is entirely different


>It does not describe the nature of the intelligence that undergirds this assessment.
they haven't provided proof for a single fucking one of their claims yet it's dutifully reported by the media day after day


Opposite brain plz go.


>letting /pol/tards live rent-free and dictate what you support
They also semi-regularly simp for Thomas Sankara.


>making your decisions based on /pol/
the culture wars are tough huh
this is the the best putlerism we've had yet, 9.5/10


that's because those people are non-white poltards


source: just a gut feeling I had


>reports that Ukrainian forces are making a ground assault on the Mariupol Axis and have broken through the frontline


non-white poltards are more anti-islam than white poltards.




source: that's what we'd do in this situation


that's it
I'm UKROP gang now to own /pol/


Make new thread someone


fucking loved that game.




The thread is not an apple that falls when it is ripe


Call it "Esoteric Putlerism 14.0"


inb4 we get another video of some Russian shooting his AK into the woods as evidence of a """breakthrough"""






Putin Biden and Macaroon agreed to meet in Yurope at a summit To discuss things.







Found some somewhat corroborating "sources"
>Feroces combates entre las milicias de la RPD y el ejército Ucraniano cerca de Mariupol. Video de posiciones ucranianas"

This one apparently from DPR channel
>Massive bombardment by Ukraine, internet keeps cutting out, he talked to some of the people he knows who are stationed near Mariupol front, they say that Ukraine has made a breakthrough in the frontline.


New thread just dropped


once i learned you were a brit all your retardation finally made sense

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