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 [Last 50 Posts]



TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac
For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (has a telegram, lots of cool stuff there too)

"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin says in speech to the nation“

Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“


Putin says Ukraine is a "U.S. colony" with a "puppet regime"

“Russia claims Ukraine invaded Russia and says 5 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two APCs destroyed near Rostov.

Putin, in televised address on Ukraine crisis, talks about a "nationalistic virus" says 1991 collapse of Soviet Union saw Russia robbed

“Putin: "Why did we have to transfer the rights to the territories that had been part of the Russian Empire?"“


Russia & Syria officially recognize LNR and DPR

Syria recognizing LNR/DPR

Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua likely to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk republics shortly

Putin Calls For Ukraine To Break Apart

"President Biden will soon issue an Executive Order that will prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine," Jen Psaki says following recognition by Putin of regions as "independent."

>EU leadership @vonderleyen & @eucopresident say that bloc will react with sanctions "against those involved in this illegal act" of recognising Donetsk and Luhansk.

>Suggests individual, targeted sanctions: not the big ol' war package that everyone has been talking up for weeks.


Communist Party of Russia has just endorsed Putin's call to recognise the DNR and LNR.

Zyuganov: "Look how zealous the Americans and British are now. They forced Ukraine to send almost all its troops to the Donetsk-Luhansk region. More than 100k in a patch of 40-50km."

>The senior administration official offered a caveat that "Russian troops moving into Donbas would not itself be a new step," since it has had a military presence in the region for eight years. Though Moscow has denied this is the case, "Russia now looks like it's going to be operating openly in that region," the official said.

>The official, who requested anonymity in order to discuss sensitive issues, wouldn’t call the move an invasion, however, saying “Russian troops moving into Donbas would not itself be a new step. Russia has had forces in the Donbas for the past eight years.”

>Russian troops moving into the Donbas would not itself be a new step. Russia has had forces in the Donbas region for the last eight years," a senior administration official told reporters on a briefing call Monday evening.

EXCLUSIVE (Reuters) Biden administration has prepared export controls to hit Russian companies with alleged military ties and deny Russians access to global technology, including electronics and computers




I want to cuddle with Ukrainian communists


I'm still waiting for that anon to tell me whats wrong with being sent to Canada. It's an upgrade.


Comrade Putler is a Posadist


gorky was right about fascism


It's a Nazi Ukraine country.



If you were a gay chechnyan and Kadyrov instructs for you to be sent to Canada, wouldn't you be happy?


communists should support cutting off the heads of both Russian and Ukrainian chauvinists not just one or the other. Both need to bathe in fire. I really hope Kiev and Moscow get bombed by different chinlet terrorists. It will show the people in both that they should rise up or die.


>Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“
the fuck does this mean?


things that are definitely going to happen for 1000


No I would be surrounded by Canadians and Ukrainians


The faggot son of the revisionist KGB is a fascist


Supposedly Lenin created Ukraine in order to take territory from Imperial Russia cause he was a German plant and hated Russia or some shit.


Ukraine, according to him, is a creation of evil Communists made from rightful Russian clay. So he is going to strip them of the territories communists gave them.


Lenin invented the Ukraine, if the ukrops want to reject Lenin, they have no basis for existence as an independent state


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It's over bros… we are the chinlets now.


It means to tear them apart.


> he was a German plant and hated Russia or some shit
That's a popular theory among Russian rightoids, but Putin is more realist and doesn't explicitly blame evil foreigners for the revolution.


TBH he could have said that the current ruling class in Ukraine is NATO and that NATO wants to shit up Russia without getting into WW1 tzarist cope.
Probably costed him some friendship with azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Mongolia and the central asian countries.
TL:DR Putin is a retard.


you always were faggot. Dengoids are anti communists. you suck Putin and Xis dick because you are the same chinlets as the maga retards you just like the funny uniforms.


> Probably costed him some friendship with azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Mongolia and the central asian countries.
He is preaching the same thing since at least 2014, he even named breakaway nations "quasi-states".




Such a weird complex, China is not involved in this.

Ukraine is not a real country btw


"anti imperialists" won't even critically support Bin Laden for striking the US financial system at its very heart and taking it's pride away, along with hitting their military where it hurt most with the precious pentagon. But they support some two bit dip shit slavs that they're they're Russians.


Consistent with our views regarding imperialism and the national question, unlike many Communists and communist parties (like for example KKE), I don't consider the conflict in eastern Ukraine an intra-imperialist conflict between two large imperialist camps of the "west" and the "east". In my opinion, this is nothing more than imperialist aggression against the current national bourgeois government of Russia which tries to push back against the imperialist forces, and it is not in isolation from the general world-imperialist offensive against the proletariat of the world. Thus, by default, we in general, support the Russians (both the ones living in Russia, and the ones living in Ukraine) for both anti-imperialist reasons and due to reasons of our view regarding the national question.
What do we mean by the national question? In my opinion nations are not subjective things, but objective things. They are not determined by statehood, or the official citizenship of a person. In this regard, there are no "Russophone Ukrainians'' as the government in Kiev claims. If Ukrainians are indeed a separate nation from Russia, then they should not keep by force what is essentially a Russian population being native in its eastern region in a non-Russian state. This amounts to nothing more than chauvinism, and since both our principles against chauvinism, and our principles against imperialism align, our position is completely clear regarding the issue in the eastern regions. The Kiev government is nothing more than an imperialist comprador, willing to plunge completely Ukraine into the abyss for regions which have almost no Ukrainians (if the Russian speaking population there is Ukrainian, then there is no difference between of Ukraine and Russia), and thus, we cannot even think of supporting it in this war.
Regarding the imperialist aims at war, I think that a world war over Ukraine is unlikely. Even if the Russians "invade" Ukraine, as the imperialists claim, I do not think that NATO forces will do anything close to engaging directly in this war, and this is why neither Ukraine or Georgia still are not in NATO. If Ukraine enters NATO, NATO has two options: disband, or follow its own charter which says that if one NATO member is attacked, all should attack the attacker. Since Crimea technically part of Ukraine, this would mean that Europe and America would be forced to directly fight Russia, something which the imperialist powers aren't willing to do. Otherwise, Ukraine and Georgia would be in NATO already. Nonetheless, in both cases (i.e.. Russo-Ukrainian war escalating, or NATO getting involved and starting a full scale world war) we will support Russia, and keep opposing imperialist and compradors governments who are willing to enter our nations to a war against Russia, a nuclear power, due to the whims of the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie and their drive for super-profit to satisfy their profit requirements and also satisfy the huge labor aristocracy that is shrinking in the home population of the imperialist nations.
We call for there to be no imperialist war against Russia and for a civil war against our comprador bourgeoisie. Our nations are at stake, and it is not a question of theory and neither is a question of just putting the working class in power, it is a question of the survival of our nations, which can only survive when its builders, the proletariat, smash the bourgeoisie state and put their own dictatorship in its place, and purge the destroyer of nations, capitalism, to the dustbin of history.


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>It's over bros… we are the chinlets now.
Its a fucking curse I swear…


Cut a Dengist and a fascist bleeds


Great take comrade.


it means that the modern Ukraine state was a creation of the USSR and Lenin, so if the current rulers of Ukraine really want to de-communize, we can just go all the way to undoing all the communists did and the Ukraine state disappears gets absorbed back into Russia.


The only war that Ukraine needs is people's war


Ukraine has a fake history where it was briefly independent (under German and Polish protection) until communists lied their way into occupying Ukraine. And then in WW2 real patriotic ukrainians were fighting "both sides", lol


What would happen if capital succeeded in smashing the Republic of Soviets? There would set in an era of the blackest reaction in all the capitalist and colonial countries, the working class and the oppressed peoples would be seized by the throat, the positions of international communism would be lost.


You're very unstable and foaming at the mouth, my little ultra leftist friend. You have never seen war or suffering beyond old war movies, media and entertainment.
Since you mentioned them, I wanted to say how much I support and respect China. The blossoming Russian-Chinese relationship is truly historical and will change the entire global paradigm.
Even geopolitics aside, I really respect China. The rapid advancement and powerful economic structure you guys have is very inspiring. In many ways, you succeeded where we fell. The USSR needed structural reform, yet unfortunately it buckled under western pressure and collapsed. China, on the other hand, managed to refine its system to harness the raw, brute power of capitalism while still maintain strong State control. It’s a marvel of systems what China has accomplished in this regard.
Im very optimistic about the future of Russian-Chinese relations because I see how much young Russians support China. While there have some pro-West nuts, most of those in my friend group really support China strongly. In the 1990’s, Russia was socioeconomically destroyed and many Russians began worshipping the West while Americans would use their (and our Ukrainian) women and children as prostitutes and laugh at the starving Russians on the street.
Today, after 20 years of Putin’s repairing-the-country reforms (thank God) Russia is back on its feet. The majority of Russians view the United States very poorly. Patriotism in their country has grown, and with it their love for China.




This, and it was a very simple point too. reading it wrong means you are either paid or a giga brainlet.


>The majority of Russians view the United States very poorly.
Not the zoomers, which are essentially the future of Russia.


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Reminder if you support Russian imperialism in 2022 you'd literally be a tsarist in 1917



god you deserve to get bombed by Russia. The only thing that will change geopolitics you fucking capitalist is proletarian war. This isn't in Moscow or China. It's in the Philippines, India and Peru. Instead of being a Menshevik you should actually support communism


This makes fake communists seethe


When he's right he's right.


Smh I thought Bernie and AOC had dragged the Leninist into 21st century relevance and away from Russia?


Some people here think Russia did a color revolution in the Donbas, and though that seems to be true, these people discredit the independence of these regions for that reason. What do you think of this?


>Responding seriously to the Gonzaloist edgelord LARPer


One of the things that we don't care about is what anglophone ultraleftists say. Do you happen to be a student of chairman gonzalo, or inspired by the texas redguards somehow? Your sloganeering is reminiscent of that autism.


horseshoe theory wins again


He literally has Gonzalo flag


supports faggots that think they're Russian but won't support communists. when are you signing up for United Russia


In the last thread we have found out that both KPRF and small Russian communist organizations are glowing, don't forget it! Everyone who stands against Putin or Xi is glowing.







>toast with butter and sugar

Do burgers really? Use honey instead, at least


anti communists always show their true colors.its showing that they love Putin, they drop the pretense of communism and show that they're nothing more than national conservatives. They want the same shit the maga tards do


You are a Gonzaloite revisionist renegade and probably a militarist too


GDI planting IEDs to draw out NOD supporters


It's cheap


and you support Russian conservativism you fucking retard.


you seem to be blinded by rage


So is cooking a vegetable chili, stew, stirfry or curry. Fat burger fucks. absolutely vile.


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If Gonzalo thought and protracted people's war is universally applicable, why isn't it happening everywhere?


too many proles, not enough peasants


>MAGAtoid has a chin
this is propaganda


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the ultras are the worst part of these threads. got me wishing for the cleansing fires of nuclear holocaust


fuck off anti communist


it could be worse, i've been lurking 4/pol/ since last weekend and it's fucking awful. at least leftoid autism is esoteric enough to be funny.


Universally applicable*
*not universally applicable in societies that have advanced beyond the need for peasants


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Proof that anyone can live the American dream


good. US and Russian soldiers need to lose their legs. the mujahideen needs to kill more of the Russians in chechnya


East Germany was stable, had not enough peasants, comparatively speaking. All the Eastern Europe got it's elections after 1945, where communists won everywhere. Again, not everywhere peasantry was dominant.

Revolution happens in the WEAKEST LINK countries


Consistent with our views regarding jannies and the moderation question, unlike many Communists and communist parties (like for example KKE), I don't consider the conflict in Ukraine thread an intra-imperialist conflict between two large imperialist camps of the "west" and the "east". In my opinion, this is nothing more than Leninhat aggression against the current national bourgeois government of leftypol which tries to push back against the imperialist forces, and it is not in isolation from the general world-imperialist offensive against the proletariat of the world. Thus, by default, we in general, support the Russians (both the ones living in Russia, and the ones living in Ukraine) for both anti-imperialist reasons and due to reasons of our view regarding the national question.
What do we mean by the national question? In my opinion nations are not subjective things, but objective things. They are not determined by statehood, or the official citizenship of a person. In this regard, there are no "Russophone Ukrainians'' as the government in Kiev claims. If Ukrainians are indeed a separate nation from Russia, then they should not keep by force what is essentially a Russian population being native in its eastern region in a non-Russian state. This amounts to nothing more than chauvinism, and since both our principles against chauvinism, and our principles against imperialism align, our position is completely clear regarding the issue in the eastern regions. The Kiev government is nothing more than an imperialist comprador, willing to plunge completely Ukraine into the abyss for regions which have almost no Ukrainians (if the Russian speaking population there is Ukrainian, then there is no difference between of Ukraine and Russia), and thus, we cannot even think of supporting it in this war.
Regarding the imperialist aims at war, I think that a world war over Ukraine is unlikely. Even if the Russians "invade" Ukraine, as the imperialists claim, I do not think that NATO forces will do anything close to engaging directly in this war, and this is why neither Ukraine or Georgia still are not in NATO. If Ukraine enters NATO, NATO has two options: disband, or follow its own charter which says that if one NATO member is attacked, all should attack the attacker. Since Crimea technically part of Ukraine, this would mean that Europe and America would be forced to directly fight Russia, something which the imperialist powers aren't willing to do. Otherwise, Ukraine and Georgia would be in NATO already. Nonetheless, in both cases (i.e.. Russo-Ukrainian war escalating, or NATO getting involved and starting a full scale world war) we will support Russia, and keep opposing imperialist and compradors governments who are willing to enter our nations to a war against Russia, a nuclear power, due to the whims of the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie and their drive for super-profit to satisfy their profit requirements and also satisfy the huge labor aristocracy that is shrinking in the home population of the imperialist nations.
We call for there to be no imperialist war against Russia and for a civil war against our comprador bourgeoisie. Our nations are at stake, and it is not a question of theory and neither is a question of just putting the working class in power, it is a question of the survival of our nations, which can only survive when its builders, the proletariat, smash the bourgeoisie state and put their own dictatorship in its place, and purge the destroyer of nations, capitalism, to the dustbin of history.


mao and gonzalo are for peasants in the countryside


This is not applicable anymore.
The movements that try to apply this in Peru and Turkey are practically dead, and in India they are surviving just because there are still extremely backward parts of the country.
Same goes for the NPA in the Philippines.


rip the based war


Practically dead? Like socialism in Nicuragua. get ortegas dick out of your mouth. Wow, he privatized all the socialised farms that existed before and dropped Marxism Leninism. Piece of shit.


>The only thing that will change geopolitics you fucking capitalist is proletarian war
And in the past century, your PPW has come up short to that objective now hasn't it. Russia is drawing up borders right now while gonzaloids are on the internet.
The "le both sides bad" talking point is a marker of someone who is wholly disconnected to the history and material conditions of the Slavic peoples. Russia is not imperialist, but rather anti-imperialist together with China. Nationalism is one of the reasons why they're anti-imperialist. The ruling national industrial bourgeois of russia serve as a useful force to gather behind and resist western influence for the benefit of future proletarian action. Russia has their own proletariat and doesn't have a parasitic relation to the global South, their economy can rather easily be transformed into a socialist one when the proletariat takes charge. By their actions Russia is anti-imperialist by forming a multipolar world together with China, this gives imperialised nations an alternative to being exploited by western imperialists, which allows them national liberation. So not only does Russia not live on the exploitation of the global South, their actions support the national liberation of these nations.
It doesn't matter what your ideals are. In the real world, not supporting the anti-imperialist side - meaning the Russia-China block, means siding with the imperialists.
Your gonzaloist idea of a "international peoples war" is just rootless cosmopolitanism that leads to the working class of a nation having nothing to rally under. There is a difference between this and internationalism. You do the enemies job for him by describing cosmopolitanism and calling it internationalism.


What does Khabib think of this Russia-Ukraine situation?


"An alternative"
Literally just supporting upside down NATO. Just drop the Leninism, it's such a bullshit disguise that anyone can see through it. You creating an "alternative" for capitalist regimes isn't socialism and will never be. Fuck Putin and fuck Xi.


"Nationalism is one of the reasons why they're anti-imperialist. " The retarded national conservative says more words. Literally just the left wing of United Russia.


>The ruling national industrial bourgeois of russia serve as a useful force to gather behind and resist western influence for the benefit of future proletarian action.
It's true, unfortunately
Such a strong posture, we are all impressed


<Implying that my flag is there for ideological reasons and not because is aestetically pleasing

Newfag detected, I suggest to yuo to go back to Twitter ASAP.


>Some people here think Russia did a color revolution in the Donbas, and though that seems to be true, these people discredit the independence of these regions for that reason. What do you think of this?
Russia played it's part in lighting the spark of independence, yet the actual fire is fanned by the people of the region. The people of the DNR and LNR don't care if Kiev or the west discredits their independence. They are on the front line dying for it right now. Russia is in the tough position of having no choice but to take them under their wing now.
Either way they have the goodwill of communists here and we wish them all the best in their defence against the fascist central government.


<Avoiding to address the point
Not my fault if NPA has 10000 rifles after 53 years and PLGA struggles to get to 50000 people


But who is we? This is just another opportunistic call for slaughter under a social chauvinist framework. Maybe it's time to stop reading Russia Today and start reading the manifesto


which is worse, schizoid ramblings or constant shitposting?


Putin faggots are all over. They don't even pretend like with Xi that it's socialism. They're just national conservatives


>By their actions Russia is anti-imperialist by forming a multipolar world together with China, this gives imperialised nations an alternative to being exploited by western imperialists, which allows them national liberation. So not only does Russia not live on the exploitation of the global South, their actions support the national liberation of these nations.
This. When any hint of socialism emerges anywhere in the world and the West pounces to overthrow or strangle it to death, as it always does, everywhere, it is Russia and/or China that comes to their aid. That is the world we live in and no amount of ultra-whingeing will change it.


China supported Nepals monarchy to kill communists. great aid. When has china since the capitalist restoration supported one Marxist revolution? You know at least the Soviets pretended.


> Either way they have the goodwill of communists here
I've read a Russian article about a tragedy of post-soviet communists being tricked into supporting this ethnic nationalist imperialist project. It's such a sad story.


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He's probably a borotba faggot.


Until the hint of socialism emerges in the sphere of or even in those countries and then you people call it a CIA operation or a color revolution


> China that comes to their aid.
These afghani freedom fighters were socialist in their hearts after all


>Its Russia or China coming to their aid

<Yemen war

<Myanmar communists uprising

Great aid, nice job indeed.


Borotba were trapped, they were a pretty nice organizations addressing objectively existing grievances.


well they're conservatives. What do you expect them to do? Actually support revolutions? support the working class? no they have militaries and power structures to fetishize.




On heightened US provocations against Russia in Ukraine and effects on oil prices

>The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns the US imperialists for heightening provocations and warmongering against Russia in Ukraine. The CPP condemns the Biden regime for issuing sanctions and mobilizing troops in Eastern Europe as part of war preparations against Russia.

>Heightened US provocations follows the recognition of Russia of the People’s Republic of Donetsk and the People’s Republic of Lugansk in the predominantly Russian region of Donbass, in the eastern part of Ukraine. This was Russia’s response to the artillery strikes in Donbass by the US-supported fascist forces of Kyiv over the past few days.

.Russia’s recognition of the independent people’s republics are well within its rights. Such recognition has long been sought after by the autonomous governments in the Donbass region. The people’s republics have been fighting for their right to self-determination since 2014 when the US-installed Kyiv government mounted relentless attacks and acts of aggression against people in the region.

>It is also within the rights of Russia and the independent republics to have Russia deploy peacekeeping troops as an act of defense to help the Russian people in the region against military attacks by the US and Kyiv governments, as it did in 2014 when the Russian-majority people of Crimea voted to separate itself from Ukraine to rejoin the Russian federation.

>The Biden government is distorting historical facts and current realities by insisting that the presence of Russia in the Donbass region constitutes an “invasion” in the desperate attempt to justify the increased military intervention in Ukraine including the possibility of US forces deployment. Biden has ordered his state secretary to cancel negotiations with Russia despite rhetoric of remaining open to talks.

>The US continues to provoke Russia by pushing for the inclusion of Ukraine in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which would allow the US and allied imperialist powers to position its missiles and other war matériel in the border right next to Russia. The objective of the US is expand the market for its military weapons and boost military production. The plan to have Ukraine join the NATO tramples on the red line set by the Minsk Agreement which constrains NATO’s eastward expansion into the former Warsaw Pact countries.



>social chauvinist
Huh? Putin's Russia is very progressives. One of the most important contradictions of imperialism is between, a handful of opressor nations, and the rest of the worlds nations which they are oppressing. So in this case, any movement or country who weakens imperialism is objectively progressive. It doesnt mean we love putin, or agree with anything he does domestically, but he's objectively progressive in the context of imperialism.
>stop reading Russia Today and start reading the manifesto
The Manifesto, while a fundamental text that there is much to learn from, was still only pamphlet relevant for it's time. If you restrict yourself to orthrodox marxism in the 21st century then you will go the way of the dustbin of history like Gonzalo


"Putin is progressive" anti communist retard.


Who has China helped lmao


>the cpp is taking fascist russia's side
uhhh ultrabros?


someone who reads


Name one


>You creating an "alternative" for capitalist regimes isn't socialism and will never be.
You can't replicate a socialist golden era of the USSR overnight. You work with what you have. If you weren't an idealist you would understand this.




I forgot when Lenin created the USSR by supporting the German Empire as progressive.


Hmmm, supporting genocidal military dictatorship in Myanmar must be progressive as fuck.


Great take to be honest.
By far the best MLM formation around IMHO, even if suffering from many flaws.


I'll refrain from repeating my joke about the paralympics.


This isn't really wrong, the inter imperialist conflict line obscures the national question at work in East Ukraine and how imperialism is unipolar


>Senderoposter ignoring the CPP response


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> the national question at work in East Ukraine
Let's talk about it.


Probably shouldn't have discriminated against a third of their population in these areas then


All those fucking shills attacked the Kazakh workers when they were revolting recently


Russia of today is not German Empire of a century earlier. Back then Britain still had imperial ambitions, France was still a force to be reconed with, Germany was trying to conquer colonies. All of them were FIRST WORLD, by Mao definition. After WW2 only two FIRST WORLD countries remained - USA and USSR, and France, UK, Germany, Japan were downgraded to SECOND WORLD. Russia today is a similar downgrade.

So, it's not a valid comparison on your part. You can shut it now.


Russian language was official in these regions until 2019, while Ukrainian was banned by the "republics".


Wow, it turns out that majority ukrainian regions are opposing fascist Kyiv regime.


Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, whoever the US is trying to starve to death with sanctions usually. Open a book some time. It won't bite.


> majority ukrainian regions
They aren't majority Ukrainian anymore. Georgians were a majority in Abkhazia too.


<Nothing going on except artillery shelling in the last 48 hours

Wtf has happened?


Russia was in the Group of Eight until recently retard


well the US and Ukraine definitely aren't so what's your point


Russia ethnically displaced ukranians and are claiming their occupied regions are theirs. Why does anyone here support them?


china and russia basically have the same economics


Because they fight imperialism you dumb idiot


because Russians in Ukraine want to be a part of Russia


Economist Michael Roberts doesn't think Russia is imperialist


Why don't you support DPR LPR?


Prove it. Show population size from 2001 census and compare it to current population. Are you implying they got majority russified since 2014?


>germans in poland want to be apart of germany


They are the imperials it's you fucking retard.
It's literally the same as the uk in northern Ireland


got an actual reply?


so if china invades Taiwan?


Because the soviets displaced ukranians, Russia drummed up nationalism, armed them, and created a conflict in a less developed country solet to further their interests. If you people can't see that, you are lost


And? Stalin even said that Hitler could have been considered a "collector of German lands", a national hero/whatever, if he didn't try to colonize lands of other nations.


Leader of DPR in 2021 literally declared it a Russian (as in ethnic Russian) National State lol


If china drummed up Chinese nationalism and started a civil war there yeah I would be against that


nobody mentioned china


>Because the soviets displaced ukranians

What. Where do you fuck even get this from?

Kazakhstan's official language is kazakh, and international is russian, and the usage of russian in Kazakhstan INCREASED percentage wise since the dissolution. Similar stuff happened in Belarus and Ukraine both (until Ukraine started oppressing russian).


>ruddia created a created a conflict
Are you suggesting that the Euromaidan western-backed coup had nothing to do with the aspirations of the separatists?


Russia was plundered by the West, China was not


So, does that mean Ukrainian census lied >>511116 ?


Average gonzaloid memory span. Just like communists in Eastern Europe today rely upon the Russian national bourgeois for their own ends, Lenin relied upon the German Empire for his own ends. The Germans arranged passage for Lenin and other revolutionary leaders back to Russia. They travelled on a train through the country then took a ship to Sweden where they then crossed the border into Finland and on to Petrograd. It's also true that the Bolshevik party recieved funding from the Germans. To the Germans, the Bolsheviks and other radicals were destabilising elements. Just like today, Russia and China are the destabilising element for global NATO imperialist hegemony.


i mentioned China, retard :^)



….and they don't have the same economic situation…


Maybe it has something with 2 millions of displaced persons or the fact that Ukrainian language is banned there, I don't know.


>The Germans arranged passage for Lenin and other revolutionary leaders back to Russia

Lolno, it's an intentional retard reading of the facts you are spouting here. Lenin hid in a train in a sealed car precisely because he was hiding from authorities. He got through Germany because communists smuggled him through Germany in a sealed car. Retarded historians, obviously, read it as "Germans knew it was Lenin, so they sealed him like some demon!" That's what you are repeating after anti-communists


Idk they only started a famine and sent kulaks to Siberia. Totally normal. Why don't you read into the ethnic tension in Chechnya? Russia has gone on record doing this kind of thinflg
Holy shit this has never been more accurate. You people are a fucking meme >>511039


yes, you mentioned china umprompted
care to explain why?


>Russia ethnically displaced ukranians and are claiming their occupied regions are theirs
>Because the soviets displaced ukranians
Nice we have unironic holodomor propaganda talking points on this boards now, what next?


I bet it'd been a lot harder to drum up nationalism if NATO handn't couped Ukraine twice, and marginalized them.


> holodomor propaganda
Masks-off, finally




Oh, do tell me about the ban on Ukrainian language. Show some proofs.

>Idk they only started a famine and sent kulaks to Siberia. Totally normal.

Oh, started a famine? Seriously? That's fucked up! Any evidence to back it up, though?

Crying over kulaks is dumb, though. Never amounted to a big portion of population, and they were sent to Siberia for real fucking crimes of hoarding the grain during famine.


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Nice when supposed leftists are shilling for the Iraq war of Europe.


Will there be "I support workers and not burgers" option?


Stop with the false-dichotomy please


yes my shitposts on a obscure japanimation vhs chatroom is SUPPORT


because the post I was replying to mentioned china? please try to keep up


yeah the russian one


Based vegetable chad


I forget you dipshits are as quick to deny any genocide committed by leftists as Nazis are to deny the Holocaust
Let me guess you're going to make an unfalsifiable claim or set the burden of proof to literally "were you there yourself comrade?"


Westerners on this board seem to think that eastern Ukraine didn't speak Russian until 2014
this x999


>Idk they only started a famine and sent kulaks to Siberia.
Back to the vosh dicksores with you glowie


fucking where? is china in the room with us right now?


>you are like a Nazi because you don't believe propaganda spread by Nazis


Keep sucking that Kremlin cock tsarist


We are talking about ethnic Russians, not russophones


why are you so obsessed with people discussing Russia and China?


>Jarvis, pull up the percentage of ethnic germanic people in Bohemia.

See why this is a bad example?


>The entire academic and global community recognizes the famine and what lead up to it.
>Das a conspiracy comrade
Get bent Putin dickrider


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>le goalpost move
faggot, why did you bring china out of nowhere?


>guaranteed replies
>let's put on these nightmare vision goggles
>it's an improvement


Name me the state languages of DPR/LPR


>you are a tsarist for not acknowledging goebbels' contribution to the historical record
Have fun dating a camwhore and living in an oligarchs house, burger


ill make one


>goalpost move
what goal posts? do you know what the even means?
wow massive cope
>faggot, why did you bring china out of nowhere?
its relevant to geo politics


Yeah yeah more conspiracy drivel all academics disagree but when did facts stop Russia from invading places


include an option for 'neither' or 'fuck this poll'


Holodomor truther cope




Here, have this. Did Czarist government genocide Russians in 1892? Serious question here.

>Let me guess you're going to make an unfalsifiable claim or set the burden of proof to literally "were you there yourself comrade?"

Yes, yes I will. Do fucking prove that Soviets a) intentionally tried to starve Ukrainians b) that it was Ukrainians who died from that disproportionately c) that the amount of people died from that famine was extraordinary compared to Russian Empire times. On all fucking three of those things you can't bring anything that's not based on anticommunist propaganda done either by Whites, nazis or supporters of nazis.




The entire world disagrees with you idiot you're the 'trither'


It is very telling that almost everyone ITT who cries about Putin also cries about invisible Dengists and Xi. It's almost as if they were anglos high on CIA propaganda or sg.


extremely good


No it doesn't actually, your insistence otherwise is how I know you're a fat American NATO anarchist whose girlfriend has four boyfriends


It is because Russian and Chinese imperialists closely cooperate, look at Myanmar


>The entire academic and global community recognizes the famine and what lead up to it.

Yes, academics are routinely propagandized to push bourgeois propaganda. Show me one fucking reason why such an important social field would be excempt from the bourgeois propaganda, lol. It's like you believe in holy book that can say no lies because it's authority is so high, lol


Sauce on pic?


>include an option for 'neither' or 'fuck this poll'
so u want the poll to be obsolete? and enabled for trolls?


Is there an anti-war choice? They should keep the czarist family as hostages on the border so nobody gets hurt.


Gonzaloids and Agent Kochinskiites 2 sides of the same coin



No one denies the Ukrainian famine, retard.


The old schizo nazi-killing boomer just put up a new vid.


Mutts law strikes again
Yeah I'm not the one shilling for war in Europe you braindead fuckwit. You're literally a nationalist


You gotta earn those dollars, rubles and xi bucks.


>whose girlfriend has four boyfriends
are they black?


It's burckina faso from livejournal. That guy is anticommunist, even, lol. He likes to jerk off to Tsar and to say how communists ruined everything. https://burckina-new.livejournal.com/ I don't know the exact post, but the guy claimed that it's stats taken from "primary sources", i.e. orthodox churches for Czar figures and Soviet ЗАГС 'es, those were tasked with counting corpses.


>Mutts law strikes again
>newfag dropping phrases he doesn't even know the meaning of
>Yeah I'm not the one shilling for war in Europe you braindead fuckwit. You're literally a nationalist
You're spreading Nazi propaganda about a famine you slimy little fascist cunt


Uygger, just make the poll.
Here, voot away:


It's America so you can safely say nobody involved is white


ive seen more livejournal links in the past 48 hours than i have in the last 15 years


lmao how butthurt are you, come have a race war in burgerland then, i'll be waiting faggot


>false dichotomy


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>lmao how butthurt are you, come have a race war in burgerland then, i'll be waiting faggot


use strawpoll.me you uyghur


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<"Yeah guys I'm a Ukrainian communist but I think Lenin was a German agent".

Off yourself Azov fash cunt.


Because russians and ukrainians use livejournal?


>Nooo not my hekkin conspiracy theory
You're shilling for tanks and artillery ripping Europe apart. You're shilling for an aggressive autocrat rolling across the borders of another country and seizing land. One whose citing "racial homogeneity" as one of the reasons for doing so. The most irritating part is, when war explodes and people start dying you're going to lie and tell your little hammer sickle wearing dipshits that you were against it the entire time


>Russian language was official in these regions until 2019, while Ukrainian was banned by the "republics".
it was not banned in crimea, its not an official language anymore, and they now use russian textbooks in school instead of ukrainians. In the republics, only the russian textbooks thing afaik. Also the source for these is ultra glowie.


Everyone recognizes the famine. However the idea that it was an intentionally started genocide against a specific ethnic group is false and not believed by everyone (even among anti-communist western historians).
If so, then was it also a genocide against Russians of southern Russia?


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>no third option


Based antivax holodomor-denying tatar-hating pro-azov comrade


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Bloodgasm has best pics


He said that Lenin was used by Germany, not that Lenin was intending to serve Germany


Texas Boomer Communist in Donetsk calls Ukrainians fascist for shelling DPR instead of going to Church



I stand with Xi


> Also the source for these is ultra glowie.
I don't know if official newspaper of Russian government glows very much. But last thread revealed that KPRF is glowing so whatever


>New @PushbackShow: Rejecting NATO expansion, Putin recognizes forgotten Donbas civilians w/ guest Richard Sakwa


>I stand with
leftist equivalent of "thoughts and prayers"


link ? I was referring to wikipedia sources


Crimea has ukrainian as an official language constitutionally, just like national republics inside Russia do. Say, Jewish region in the Far East has Jewish as official language even if Jews constitute like 1% of the population. Why the fuck would Crimea undo Ukrainian, lol


Yes, but it's also an anticommunist reading of facts >>511152


We were talking about republics, not Crimea


>The roots of the famine-genocide propaganda campaign lay in a series of articles written by "noted journalist, traveller and student of Russian affairs" Thomas Walker for the Hearst press in 1935. The articles described the horrific famine of 1932-33 in Ukraine, while photographs, accompanying the stories, portrayed desperate victims of the famine.
The material and the photographs were truly impressive, but, as it turned out later "noted" journalist Thomas Walker had never visited Ukraine in 1932-1933, furthermore, he never existed.

>As for the photographs, US investigative journalists revealed in 1935 that some of them were taken in war-torn areas of Europe just after the First World War, others depicted the Volga famine victims of 1921-1922 in Russia.

>Tottle pointed out that American newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst had no scruples about publishing fabricated reports.

>"Not only were the photographs a fraud, the trip to Ukraine a fraud, and Hearst's famine-genocide series a fraud, Thomas Walker himself was a fraud," the Canadian researcher narrated.

>In fact it was not Hearst who launched the famine-genocide campaign: the press mogul had powerful allies — German and Italian fascists.

In 1933, the hoax was devised by Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, who is regarded as the genuine creator of the myth. It was he who started the propaganda campaign against the Soviet rule in Ukraine, by inventing stories of the Soviet atrocities in the region. Ukraine was viewed by Nazis as Germany's potential "Lebensraum."

>In 1934, Hearst visited Nazi Germany and met with the infamous German Fuhrer.

>"It was following Hearst's trip to Nazi Germany that the Hearst press began to promote the theme of 'famine-genocide in Ukraine'," Tottle stressed.

>Taking a soft line on the Nazis' activities in Germany, Hearst unleashed an all-out propaganda war against the USSR. He denigrated Soviet industrialization and collectivization achievements, at the same time eulogizing about Nazi Germany's economic developments.

Cope, Nazi propagandist.


>You're literally a nationalist
Nations are not subjective things, but objective things. They are not determined by statehood, or the official citizenship of a person. This was explained by Stalin in Marxism and the national question.
Nationalism, whether bourgeois or proletarian, has seen great success against western imperialist expansion.


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Maybe people cry about Putin because he is an insane neoliberal fascist?

>St. Petersburg (ND). Vladimir Putin, 2nd Mayor of St. Petersburg and Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of the city of six million, has made it clear to German business representatives that a military dictatorship along the lines of the Chilean model would be the desirable solution to Russia's current political problems. This was reported by WDR in the TV feature "Aufbruch nach Osten" (Monday, January 3, 1994, WEST 3 from 9:15 to 9:45 p.m.).

>Putin answered questions from representatives of BASF, Dresdner Bank, Alcatel and others who met in the former GDR Consulate General in St. Petersburg. Putin distinguished between "necessary" and "criminal" violence. He said that political violence is criminal if it is aimed at eliminating market-economy conditions, and "necessary" if it promotes or protects private capital investments. He, Putin, expressly approved of possible preparations by Yeltsin and the military to bring about a Pinochet-style dictatorship in view of the difficult private economic path. Putin's remarks were received with friendly applause both by the German company representatives and by the deputy German consul general who was present.


Both are fascist lies.


yeah no shit, I couldnt find a source about banning of ukrainian in the republics, the wikipedia article claim it with a (shitty ultra glowie) source talking about crimea.


A Ukraine thread is simply not complete without posting Xitler.


And of course he pivots like crazy away from the point that he's supporting a racially charged invasion from a modern day fascist. Terminal tsarist brain damage


He isn't wrong. Germans used turmoil in Russia to push for Brest.


>neoliberal fascist
next you will come up with 'communist fascist'
this thread is what happens when we realize that
>everything i don't like is fascism
does tumblr still exist? maybe you should go there


The lumpenproletariat are pretty close to peasants in class character. Just as the petite bourgeoisie are being proletarianized, the proletariat are becoming lumpenized. In the future, PPW will be carried out by the lumpenproletariat in the cities. Cybernetic Maosim: Coming to a megacity near you.


Real eyes realize Lenin used Germany


Actually Mr Goebbels if you follow the thread you'll see all I've responded to you about is your insane NATO conspiracy theory about the so-called holodomor, it is you who is pivoting every post.


The dunces on here still think a war will happen when nothing has happened.

Donetsk/Luhansk were already under Russian control and had Russian troops there already.

Btw it's Stalino and Voroshilovgrad.



They're useful for finding out who supports fascist invasions


It was banned from education (just like Russian in Ukraine now, to be honest) and removed as a state language. Media is required to be in Russian.
Crimea has a better situation because Russia is an actual country trying to look non-fascist, they even have separate schools for Ukrainians.


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Anti-communism = fascism.


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>mfw making these threads is a form of antifascist action


That was brought about by ethnically displacing Ukrainians, even if the famine wasn't man made. Inept Soviet policy still lead to millions of deaths which killed off ukranians in that region. You're crying about if it was on purpose.
And you still won't acknowledge you are supporting a man who is invading another country for ethnic reasons. That speaks volumes you tsarist fascist


Jobless workers are workers because they constitute a reserve army of labour. They are proletariat. Lumpens are specifically desociliazed and criminal elements that just "exist". Imagine how Roma people are viewed by every racist, and remember the squalor lumpens live in, their city blocks. It's places where people see working as a punishment, as something below their dignity as a criminalized scum.


There is nothing antifascist in linking colonelcassad


I have taken the time to look into it and there indeed are no sources proving this except trustmebro and bourgeois propaganda. Thanks for correcting this.


Relax man. You fags simply can't figure out how most posts about it are just shitposting.


>everyone who is not a communist is a fascist
WW2 larp. Vladolf Putler moment


Better poll, with better options.



>That was brought about by ethnically displacing Ukrainians, even if the famine wasn't man made.

Do prove that Soviets moved around gazillion ukrainians and moved in gazillion russians, lol. What the fuck, where do you even get this shit from? You know that no historical evidence supports your crazy claims?


More based than half this thread unfortunately


Why should we listen to proimperialist uyghurs?


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More like the Kuwait War of Europe.
Saddam did nothing wrong there tbh.


I would hope so but with NATO you never know


>That was brought about by ethnically displacing Ukrainians
This isn't even believed by your deranged teachers on wikipedia lmfao
>even if the famine wasn't man made
So you accept you don't know what you're talking about and I'm right, maybe you should stop lecturing people on it then.


I am aware, but people turn to crime when they are absolutely destitute situations. If one cannot get a job, and the government will not provide for them, then they need to earn money to survive somehow.


Talking of which the Azov Battalion took Mariupol a few years ago

Wonder if the antifascist brigades of the independant people's republics will expel them now


No I'm not going to continue with your pathetic derailing attempts
Do you think Putin citing ethnic homogeneity as a reason to invade is justified
Engage with the question Putin slavaboo shill


What all five of them?


I agree. Kuwait was a "fuck you" from Britain to Iraq ala what they did to Malaysia with Singapore and Brunei and shit like that everywhere Brits went.



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Huh wonder why he thinks that


>Pick a side! have no criticisms of that side!


Yeah support for comrade Putin against imperialist Kenya


My vote wasn't counted when I clicked


what a dumbly worded poll


I support the people of Trinidad and Tobago in this struggle.


Same lol


No one has voted anything yet


That's pretty much every african country lmao


He is pushing american propaganda about so-called russian invasion while we saw Ukrainian troops attacking Rostov Oblast recently


what a loony caricature


>derails thread
>gets bodied
>cries about derailing the thread
Absolutely seething
>Do you think Putin citing ethnic homogeneity as a reason to invade is justified
This is what the Ukrainians did in 2014, although it's unsurprising you like the Nazi coup given your previous output


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Fucking wrong.


Excellent text by Stalin but obviously outdated. But I have to remind everyone what all these nationalist useful idiots did to our beloved Union and Yugoslavia. They care more about their nations than communism.


I believe NATO is fueling the fire to instigate Russia + I am in support of russian liberation of the DNR LNR


I still can't believe the retards did this. It's so beyond good and evil it's just laughable they tried to attempt this. Thing is, though, ukrainian institutions are crazy enough to attempt something like this, they did similar shit in 2014 as well.


>No u
Nice rebuttal
I'm not they guy who wrote 2000 words of green text seething lol
>Yes I support fascist Putin
At least you're in good company https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/362644039#p362650404


A based speech but at the wrong moment. Africans have been dominated by imperial powers. Anything other than imperial powers is a saving grace. He's implicilty applauding the US being there, fucking shit up, so it's a hypocritical speech in context.


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After weeks of US claims that a Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent, Vladimir Putin instead recognized the breakaway republics of Luhansk and Donetsk. The decision has triggered a new round of US-led sanctions while bringing attention to rebel-held areas, where, according to UN figures on the Donbas war, 80% of civilian casualties have occurred since 2018.

Professor Richard Sakwa analyzes the factors behind Putin's move, and its likely consequences. Putin's decision, he says, comes after Kiev refused to implement the 2015 Minsk accords, which could have ended the conflict, and a longstanding US-driven project to expand NATO to Russia's borders.

Guest: Richard Sakwa. Professor of Russian and European politics at the University of Kent. His books include “Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands” and his latest, “Deception: Russiagate and the New Cold War.”

||| The Grayzone |||



ok this one works


>I'm not they guy who wrote 2000 words of green text seething lol
Do they not have a whiteboard at Langley explaining how this works? The green text is not written by me.
>akshually putin is the fascist, not the guys who massacre trade unionists, want an ethnostate, put nazi symbology everywhere, and worship a fascist collaborator
Anarchist moment. This is why you only exist on the internet.


What a stupid moron, supporting Ukrainian invasion of DPR/LPR and Russia and blaming everything on Putin lol.


>Wtf war is literally a constant bloodbath with non-stop fighting that begins a single day after movements at the front, especially in the 21st Century!


Checkmarks would be better, but whatever. I'd do this >>511290


>I'm not a Nazi I swear
Browse pol for half an hour. They're all on your side. Although let's be real you're probably already there calling ukranians 'jewish holhols'


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>i base my opinions on what pol 'thinks'


I hope you're merely pretending


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Look at @POTUS. He's on your side. Although let's be real you're probably an NSA shill.


>the West did not instigate anything


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Apparently you do or you wouldn't be siding with literal Nazis. I guess it's happened before when Nazi German y and the USSR carved up Poland together. Or was that a conspiracy too


>Russia never supplied weapons to rebels and destabilized the region
Typical Russian imperialist


>everything is based on the internet culture war


that wasn't excluded by what he said




Green = Diplomacy
Red = Support Russia
Purple = NATO are instigating
Yellow = Support Ukraine


If you havent voted yet


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>you wouldn't be siding with literal Nazis


>Pivoting from the fact he supports a dictator invading a country for ethnic reasons yet again.
It's so tiring arguing with nazis


Didn't Ukraine invade DPR/LPR and Russia?


>Although let's be real you're probably already there calling ukranians 'jewish holhols'

It's actually closest spelled in english as "cockholes". Khokhol. Khokhol - it's a single strand of hair at top of the head. Russians are katsaps, supposedly translates to "kak tsap" - "like tsap", whatever it means, but supposedly "like goats", because Russians had back then goatees. I dunno


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>Wow it's like the far right is in every country
But who is invading who again?
And who citied ethnic reasons for their invasion?


>you must pick sides for or against muh /pol/
baby brain, please go away


Ukraine did attack Russia and Russian citizens, you have proofs


It's not Russia that's allowing nazi collaborators to march openly in it's streets, it's Ukraine, Baltic States and other butthurt belt of Europe countries.


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Holy shit I just got SNOPESED


No Russia gave the lpr and dpr weapons then tried to destabilize the region so they can occupy it for "peace keeping purposes"


Ukraine tried to invade Russia two days ago, do you have a memory?


Can someone explain to me the logic of a slav supporting Hitler?


Still can't cope with the fact daddy Putin is invading for ethnic purposes
You even acknowledge it Russian imperialist


1) His anti-slavic sentiment is a Jewish lie


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mfw evil russia stops the genocide of the evil russians


In your opinion, was the Euromaidan revolution a grassroots movement?


>As described by Christopher Bassford, then-professor of strategy at the National War College of the United States:

<One of the main sources of confusion about Clausewitz's approach lies in his dialectical method of presentation. For example, Clausewitz's famous line that "War is a mere continuation of politics by other means," ("Der Krieg ist eine bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln") while accurate as far as it goes, was not intended as a statement of fact. It is the antithesis in a dialectical argument whose thesis is the point—made earlier in the analysis—that "war is nothing but a duel [or wrestling match] on a larger scale." His synthesis, which resolves the deficiencies of these two bold statements, says that war is neither "nothing but" an act of brute force nor "merely" a rational act of politics or policy. This synthesis lies in his "fascinating trinity" [wunderliche Dreifaltigkeit]: a dynamic, inherently unstable interaction of the forces of violent emotion, chance, and rational calculation.


If you think a country that is corners and about to fight for it's life against a nuclear power decided to "invade" it's aggressor then you are probably disabled


>No Russia gave the lpr and dpr weapons then tried to destabilize the region so they can occupy it for "peace keeping purposes"
That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re going to keep peace all right.


FSB posted videos of Ukrainian army invading Russia


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Yes, tsarists, fascists, communists, liberals, conservatives, everyone went to Donbass to fight for independence from Ukraine. For different reasons. Do prove that they went there to eradicate ukrainians, though, and that fascists amounted to much.

Meanwhile, we have ukrainian fascists burning people alive in Odessa, we had ukrainian fascists outlawing Russian language and beating up and murdering people for speaking it, we have Ukrainian laws aimed at that, with shop personnel getting harassed, cancelled and such over it, we have journalists getting murdered by Ukrainian fascists, etc etc

It's not hard to see that Ukrainian fascists are the dominant force, while Russian fascists are basically tourists who barely affect anything.


Yeah more Kremlin talking points about shit that never happened.
Tell me more about how you want to suck Putin's cock again


no one mentioned good are bad, only justification which russia currently has


He thinks that communists are the real baddies, and Hitler was liberating people from communist rule - as per Nazi propaganda.


Genocide denial is not a good look chief. Big yikes.


>Muh language
They don't even teach ukranians in Crimean schools anymore



I keep hearing this but am still failing to see a proof from you


>>Muh language
>only responds to the part about muh language


Oof kind of like you were earlier? Ok chief let's hold you to your own standards. How bout actual proof of ukranians rounding up Russians and marching them to death camps. Something that's not "le Kremlin sez so lmao"


>Nations are not subjective things, but objective things.
>But Stalin said-!
Cool, don't care to read reactionary nonsense.


Russia doing a color revolution doesn't preclude many people there wanting independence
>When people were asked about the ways and means of achieving sustainable peace, new regional divisions emerged.
>Residents of Donetsk GCA tended to choose the ways that were more favorable for Ukraine, such as economic and defence build-up (31%) and increase of sanctions on Russia (23%). On the other hand, majority of Luhansk residents were in favor recognizing legitimacy of DNR/LNR (38%) and yielding to Russian demands which means recognition of DNR/LNR autonomy and annexation of Crimea (15%).
Of course, opinion is healthily divided.
Inb4 Putlerist mind control

inventing things just to posture. go back to twitter


I'm arguing with 6 different retards who never learned the utility of concise language. Sorry but unironic tldr


back to reddit with you slide fag


Dams do not dry up rivers. What the fuck is wrong with all this dam-hating recently, lol


In his speech from two days ago he literally said that ethnic Russians belong in russia


What options do Ukrainians have but to fight? Give up Crimea? And then Luhansk and Donetsk? And then entire southern part? Why not entire country? Do they have the right to self defense?



>someone wants peace
>go back to reddit


they do but will lose


>putin said something
he sucks, I do not care


Why don't you stop posting such a flood of stupid shit then?


They create water shortages in the areas downstream from the dam.


Vladolf Putler just got CALLED OUT!


Agree to the Minsk accords? Why didn't they do that for like seven years?


>slides and shits posts
>gets told off
>shocked in response


Why don't you stop dick riding the kremlinology n and leave Ukraine the fuck alone you retarded Nazi faggot cunt


you didn't respond to his argument, you used the typical "get-out" clause of saying "go back to reddit".


there was no argument


Why don't you literally shake some more you radlib faggot


start a communist revolution so an obscure internet borgida book club would support them in spirit


No. Ukraine was given every opportunity to stop being antagonistic towards Russia. Russia was selling them gas cheap, even, weren't persecuting them for stealing fucking gas and even reselling it. Everything Russia wanted was Ukraine not joining NATO. Don't remember about EU, IIRC EU was associated with NATO, so that's why Ukraine wanting in EU was seen as a bad thing. Also, Ukraine was seen as a member of Russia's Customs Union.


>Putin says he's invading for ethnic reasons
>Citations pls
>He said it 2 days ago
>IDC lmao
Yeah this board is braindead


Because of retarded nationalist terrorists and incompetent security forces. Parliament suffered a nationalist attack when it was trying to recognize Minsk


He was drawing parallels between the US invasion of Iraq and whats happening now.


>In his speech from two days ago he literally said that ethnic Russians belong in russia
Lies. Go watch it yourself. Don't listen to media lies.


>implying fighting is an option


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the audacity, the hypocrisy


>What options do Ukrainians have but to fight? Give up Crimea?
yes. Realistically, it was more "russian" than "ukrainian", and they didnt like the nazi coup.

>And then Luhansk and Donetsk?

the peace agreement wanted more autonomy in the form of a federal government. Too bad ukraine thought it was unacceptable and started shelling the civilian there instead.

>for ethnic purposes
this shit and the national story are always pretexts to the purpose you braindead moron. The reason are geopolitical in nature you brainlet.


thats fine but there still is no argument


It's one faggot who replies to as many people as possible shitting aggressively, then because of his autism the stimulation from receiving so many replies sends him into a spastic fit


you mean the glowies are bad at their job


liberal autism: using violence to regime change is a-OK, but the borders must always remain where they are


How so? Water pools up in reservoir, some evaporates, sure, but dams for ELECTRICITY mostly use water's fall energy to rotate turbines. How's that going to cause water shortage? Come on now, that's dumb.

There's concerns ala what Ukraine did to Crimea, refusing to sell water to Crimea, but that's clearly not the intent of dams, it's an effect dam control brings. It's not a normal way of dam operation, you know?


What you invented is that I have favorable opinions about Vladolf Putler, the Holodomor 2.0 Enjoyer
>Parliament suffered a nationalist attack when it was trying to recognize Minsk
Wow really? source


Wow tl;dr I only have time to post inane shit not read the replies


This shit is getting ridiculous the right is all in on Putin now and growing more in support by the day in this.

Sight to behold


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Ukraine's FM seems like he fully understands how demanding and pushy he can be given the blessing of USA and NATO




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How will Putin ever recover?


>Ukraine has strict rules governing eligibility for surrogacy. The intended parents must be heterosexual
Azov Battalion supporting radlibs on suicide watch


not many people support NATO


Does Washington seem all in on Putin?
Big if true


USA supports leftists (not communists), including greens, and Russia uses the rightists, because Anglo regimes don't feed rightists enough.


I'm talking about right wingers online and commentators. They are fully on board with Putin on this and getting more overt about it by the day




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>Do they have the right to self defense?
we're talking geopolitics, not spook. Do you think canada and mexico has the right to self defense if they wanted to join russia military alliance ? Do you think it would change shit when US army invade ?
Also equating ukrainians civilians with their corrupt government put there by US is questionable.


don't remember Crimea? everyone was laughing at obaboo on that one


>leftists (not communists),
I think you mean liberals


>Let's talk about it
>here's my ethnic chart

Someone doesn't understand the Ukrainian culture war. Ukraine is divided by language more than ethnicity, with Donbas representing the Russian pole. Ukrainians there have ties to Russia, usually through family and work, and strongly opposed things like the EU/NATO and supported the customs union with Russia. The cities there are dominated by Russians, and have a separatist history going back to the 90s.

The reason for this is with 1917 west Ukraine formed a bourgeois republic while east Ukraine formed Soviet republics. Decommunizing the union they created is a contradiction that yields a national question. It's pretty straightforward


True, you're better off watching \/aush


Board full of fascists how surprising


Die NATO shill


We need a tantrumjak, a wojak made specifically for the one angry (1 >votes)


>not supporting these guys is fascist


Also there was a dispute about the date of elections, Minsk agreements didn't specify it so both "republics" and national government made their own and didn't recognize another. Elections were the most important part of Minsk because foreign troops and mercenaries leave after it and Ukrainian army should take full control over Russian-Ukrainian border in this region.


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>Everyone here is a hapooner
I am not surprised since this IS FUCKING THREAD 20


This dude is a schizo who wrote a panegyric about Putin and said the deep state was behind the George Floyd protests. But the Odessa massacre was real yeah, here's a proper article: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/30/there-was-heroism-and-cruelty-on-both-sides-the-truth-behind-one-of-ukraines-deadliest-days




>Ukrops attacked parliament to prevent peace agreement
Lmao, sucks for other Ukrainians but the nationalists got the fighting and the massive L that they wanted.
Wonder if that was on purpose


All the options are habooning based


Don't lump me in with that useful idiot for fascists .
The only way to defeat modern fascism is through the balkanization of both Russia and China


For what lmao. To show to Agent Kochinski? Will the other anticommunist agents come and take him away?


My first choice for the article was stuck on DDoS protection for a minute so I just looked for another not like he will read it since all he is here for is to smear shit on the walls


Watch Hasanabi instead :D


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>True, you're better off watching the bloodcast where we make fun of \/aush


Ah yes, the USA were the real antifascists all along! Great take 'comrade' wink


Nazis and other radical nationalists are a really big problem in Ukraine, they openly deny government's authority over their "integrated" battalions and refuse to give up the weapons. "Tornado" assholes were destroyed for war crimes, but the government can't do much about Azov, even when it directly undermines their relations with the US.


glad you've conceded


>kochinski would dislike being recommended to people
you wanna try to diss me again?


That sucks my friend. This is why everyone thinks Ukraine is full of Nazis. I realize it's a small minority but they have an outsized amount of influence and power.
>the government can't do much about Azov, even when it directly undermines their relations with the US.
I know that it looks bad, but has anyone come out and publicly acknowledged it?


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We are happy to announce a once in a lifetime bait bonanza!
Simply reply to anybody currently active in this thread to receive your coveted bait as per Ukraine Thread policy!


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Who the fuck is "Adam Something" and why is YouTube recommending him to me? I click dislike every time it pops up, but it keeps coming back.


click the 3 dots and click "don't recommend posts from this channel"


>Wow… if you think about it… Putin is just like Hitler…
I fucking hate liberals.


>german population of czechia, 1938
so are we the chinlets now?


i think he's one of these pseudo leftist imperialists like vaosh
Do you watch him?


Too bad it doesn't fucking work


You should all really read this poll done about Ukraine and Russia population thoughts on situation released today

Don't immediately go fake news CNN! It's actually pretty interesting to read and you'll be surprised even by the results to it, that don't side with a western narrative so much at all




TIL Czechs were oppressing the Germans and had Nazi paramilitaries doing so


> I know that it looks bad, but has anyone come out and publicly acknowledged it?
President mostly tries to look cool and assure everyone that everything is under control. Don't forget that besides radicals there are a lot of "patriotic" Ukrainians who have strange ideas about what capitulation looks like, so politicians act like… politicians. real concessions like federalization are viewed with hostility, just like majority of Russians hate the idea of Crimea not being Russian.


only on the bloodcast


>do this with that faggot BritMonkey
>he keeps resurfacing every X months
fuck fascisttube


Ok. ukranon was making fun of you
Shitty situation. Thanks for explaining
Lol, half of all Americans said they would send troops there, without realizing it would start WW3, but CNN has to make Russians looks so insane


>half of all Americans said they would send troops there, without realizing it would start WW3, but CNN has to make Russians looks so insane

>public opinion mattering


I'm responding to the fearmongering CNN article that was linked


> but CNN has to make Russians looks so insane
Russian poll center recently dropped the figures for approval of recognition of the republics. 45% support it and 40% oppose. The government agency says 73% and 14%.


> Shitty situation.
Situation in Post-Soviet countries is shitty overall, even in those few baltic states better integrated into western capitalist economy.


Kenya with a surprisingly based take on this whole thing. Historically imperialized nations in Africa know exactly what imperialism by a European country against a smaller power looks like.


dude with pretty limited understanding of history and economics
has funny vids about elon musk tho, which is about his only quality

he lived and went to university in germany for some time (a few years at best?)
did a stream with Agent Kochinski where Agent Kochinski showd to be an ignorant burger which made adam look like an intellectual. then adam proceeded to talk random shit about german inner-party politics with concluding that the best option for a lefty is to vote for the green party.


> the best option for a lefty is to vote for the green party.
It isn't? At least they have sane foreign policy stance


effectively the same


That CNN poll isn't insane. That's the typical russian opinion on other polling


>the best option for a lefty is to vote for the green party
He glows more the more he speaks


voting third party is the stupidest position


langley ain't even trying anymore


Appearantly there is a powerfull lobby in the US advocating for a no fly zone above the Ukraine controlled areas in Donbass,
fucking insane


>At least they have sane foreign policy stance
<adhering to US of A is sane foreign policy
sure thing
funnily he also hase quite some vids on how socialist city planning is superior to suburbian hellscapes. strange dude regardless


well stalin was wrong lol


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Republicans again more against involvement in war against Russia than Democrats

Democrats begging for war with them

New poll by APNEWS



<Stalin vs some liberal on the internet
ok you just lost lmao


>I'm a liberal because I don't support wars justified in ethnic grounds


horseshoe theory strikes again


stonks are on sale, I like Home Depot currently


at least you admit being a liberal


That's because a democrat is power who wants war, remember that politics in America is about team sports not about an understanding of geopolitics


Nah, lots of Republicans like Putin and have this idea that they can pull Russia to USA to fight together against china

Meanwhile Democrats want to utterly demolish Russia

Democrats you'll regularly see talk about Russians like they are subhuman


>I don't support self-preservation of Russians against Ukrainian Nazis that want to purify Aryan soil from the West Asian Mongrels (Slavs, Russians)


it's all so tiresome, when Taiwan is on the news it will be the opposite


>talk about Russians like they are subhuman
i agreed with you up until this point, this is just false.


Bruh Republicans liking Putin is a literal meme made-up by democrats for some online spectacle, remember the entire Russia gate thing?
It is the same as Republicans thinking that the democrats are sellouts to China


>>I don't support self-preservation of Russians against Ukrainian Nazis that want to purify Aryan soil from the West Asian Mongrels (Slavs, Russians)
It's one thing if it was a class war, but I don't support race wars on principle. Right to self determination is arguably being violated by both countries.


No it isn't.


Why do you disagree on that


Yes it is


.t has never watched rachel maddow


Yes it is, what is Qanon about? What is the WHO, cause of the pandemic etc. according to republicans etc? The Chinese and demorats collaborating


>limtus test
Russia is imperialist, USA is imperialist, China is NOT imperialist.


because this simply doesn't happen, no matter how much one can hate liberals, they don't talk like this.


He's liberal that made algorithmbait meme videos about Musk,trains,rightoids and lolberts that has felt the call of propaganda and joined the Agent Kochinskiite sphere of "left neocons".

Just like with his meme videos, he's saying the things, using the keywords and all the rest of it that would get him inserted on the topic for recommendations. He's probably jumped the shark and lost all relevancy once this thing blows over.


It's not. Democrats despise xi and china.

Many Republicans see Putin as a strong man protecting Christian values and fighting le globohomo west and new world order


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So, how did they fuck this up?


>Who the fuck is "Adam Something"
Some liberal faggot his urbanism vids aren't that bad
>why is YouTube recommending him to me?
He uses his community section as a soapbox to dunk on ""tankies"", which is picked by the algorithm.


>It's not. Democrats despise xi and china.
we're talking about Russia try to keep up
>Many Republicans see Putin as a strong man protecting Christian values


>Many Republicans see Putin as a strong man protecting Christian values and fighting le globohomo west and new world order
According to the Washington post, CNN, and the democrats on Twitter


its actually worse than republicans, its /pol/ saying those things.


You guys clearly don't speak to right wing people.

If you just browse patriots.win for example for 2 mins you'll see exactly this.


Sino-Soviet split
Soviets fucked themselves by being revisionist retards, and Chinese fucked it up by going completely autistic because the Soviets were being revisionists


Ask some leader of any communist country in 1978 if this map is true


Protip: do not, under any circumstances, look for or listen to the opinion of any burger political talking head who didn't know where Donbass was until two weeks ago. This includes Voosh, Candace Owens, Kyle Kulinski, Krystal Ball, Tim Pool, Tucker Carlson, and any other partisan Democrat/Republican channel that is twisting the coverage of a possible regional war into yet another culture war topic. Do yourself a favor today.



I wonder what /pol/ is up to
An internal civil war over who is more based, shirtless horseback putin or azov battalion seems likely.



>didn't mention hasan


The right prefers Ukraine and Taiwan


At a glance it seems pol hates zelensky enough to mostly have abandoned pro Ukrainian sentiment


Russian parliament approved the bill that requires all conscripts to voluntarily visit military commissariat if they didn't receive subpoena.


/pol/ really does have a diversity of (retarded) ideas. Some there have even come around to seeing China as savior of the world from globohomo


the more illiterate in geography someone is the more they want war.


/Pol/ dosent support Azov battalion at all. It is an obvious OP to them. In their western counrtry their far right views are demonized, insulted and attacked non stop

Then Azov gets support from Atlantic council and media covers up for them.

It's to them like the syrian "rebels"

Just a glowie group controlled to fight

They also support Assad


Democrat glow detected


China doesn't go along with western liberalism what are you talking about


> Some there have even come around to seeing China as savior of the world from globohomo
No wonder, they are genociding m*slims and this is a good thing for them


>The right prefers Ukraine

Lol no they don't. Right wingers are shitting all over Ukraine non stop


Horsecock theory


check the /pol/ catalog this second, its full of pro-russia and/or anti-ukraine threads


what about that supports democrats?
sounds like you're just throwing glow at anything you don't like


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>Horsecock theory


stop being obsessed with pol


>/Pol/ dosent support Azov battalion at all.
Bruh, why is this even of importance


is that an irony account? funny enough the opposite of all of those has happened


>Stalin: I agree with Hitler on this
>I disagree with Hitler and Stalin


some people on leftypol are so obsessed with pol that their entire opinion is just being the opposite of whatever pol is in favor of and if they like something they'll do any sort of mental gymnastics to prove pol doesn't like it

This is a perfect example of some schizo trying to rationalize pol preferring communists in the DPR to Azov nazis


well you've clearly been beaten by more intelligent people


They shit on neoliberalism, not Ukrainian nationalism
>horseshoe theory
In reality it's because liberalism with unipolarity became the 'progressive' logic of bourgeois dictatorship which, under globalization, alienates both nationalists and socialists


breh, the chain started with "rightoids like putin", not "wtf I don't know what to think I just support Ukraine now"


You are only butthurt about this being discussed because your world view is apparently demonized if you realize that Republican party today isn't the one of George bush and it's Democrats pushing for defending Ukraine at the moment

Literally check any major right wing voice they are crapping all over Ukraine or any right wing forum


>>horseshoe theory
More like horsecock theory amirite fellas


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tl;dr overthrow your shitheel westcuck government and hope the russkies do the same
This is basically bourgeois fascist Croatia vs. bourgeois fascist Serbia but bigger. (and the westoid commies will support the russians like they supported the serbs)
Both need to be toppled by proletarian revolution.


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>Less Inflation
>ending the Afghan war


ok kid


ok schizo


seethe harder


post something substantive enough for me to seethe at


> communists in the DPR
Hmm, proclaiming your republic an ethnostate looks very communist


The US started a proxy war with Russia in 2014 with the color revolution in the euromaidan that overthrew the legitimate government of Ukraine, at that time Ukraine as a independent country seized to exist. Parts of the Ukraine became a semi US colony. Other parts of the Ukraine declared independence. So far one of these independent regions (Crimea) has joined the Russian federation, which was democratically legitimated by a referendum. Two more regions Donetsk and Luhansk are on the same trajectory. And Russia can't really be blamed for that because the semi US Colony of smaller Ukraine has been refusing to negotiate a compromise with the people from the breakaway regions and Russian security concerns for 8 years. Instead they allied them self with ethno nationalists who are shelling civilian areas with artillery and are likely suspects of a recent series of bomb terror, basically terrorizing a Russian speaking minority. Putin seems to be willing to protect these minorities from deprivations and terror, at least that is how the Russian recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk republics is interpreted. All the right-wing liberals are up in arms about this because the material basis for anchoring right-wing liberal politics (which inlcudes both conservative and radlib race-baiters) in the superstructure is ethnic conflict. They want Ukraine to have a population that is divided by ethnic tensions. If the Russian speaking minority that lives in the eastern parts of former Ukraine joins the Russian federation, the race baiting gig is finished.

Putins primary concern is creating more distance to Nato, and saving Russian speaking minorities from Ukrainian neo-nazis is undoutably good PR. The moronic Azov battalion goons are wearing swastikas and do heil Hitler gestures, giving Putin the opportunity to win a simulacra of WW2 again. And all the shills for US empire have demonstrated that they follow the liberal tradition of siding with Fascist over short term gains regardless how stupid this is, these people even have a race-manifesto. The communists in these regions all sided with Russia btw.

US primary concerns are separating Ukrain from Russia, and separating Russia from Germany. Which has worked in the short term but will fail in the medium to long term. It's quite possible that the US is also sabotaging the economy of European countries as a secondary objective.

It's kinda strange that Putin is now depicted as aggressor because his moves have been cautious and very restrained. During the Soviet Era we would have seen Russian armor entering Kiev if somebody in Washington used the word Nato and Ukraine in the same sentence.

The Europeans missed the opportunity to distance them self from the US and take on the role of equidistant third party peace facilitator. At least that would have ensured low gas prices. You can gain as much geopolitical influence as a peacemaker than as conflict-provocateur.


>India is socialist
>Portugal is socialist

Just the two most obvious retarded things about this map


>Hmm, proclaiming your republic an ethnostate
>source: my ass


Americans in general think that any foreigner who has the upper hand on them is a shifty, lying sneak.


>No wonder, they are genociding m*slims and this is a good thing for them
First, the China thread is two blocks down
Second, you joking right ?



we have some demshitters in here apparently.


already did apparently


you're lying at this point



The fucker is getting promoted by CIA or some shit, all the usual talking points.

Also, regarding that picture. Why the fuck is he not talking about Britain and France appeasing Hitler in spite of "tankie" Stalin's wishes? Fucking intellectual honesty, where is it?


lmao quads spend on you seething over me


They are progressive, yes. Maybe not in the domain of sodomy but they are progressive regardless in regards with countering imperialism and western hegemony


Love how capitalism has adopted newspeak.


stocks are on sale boys



I actually do wonder why image board people hate homos so much.


check 'em


>they said donbas is Russian
That's your evidence of an ethnostate?


don't speak russian sorry


They literally said that these are Russian (as in ethnic Russian) national states.


>oh no oh no OH NO NO NO
Whenever I read or hear this, that tiktok song pops into my mind and won't go away, am I brain damaged?


Lenin was a mistic who magically appeared in the Finland station


You can translate this document, very interesting reading. "Русский" means "ethnic Russian".


true, he was also a shroom.


>12600 (Twelvethousandsixhundred) posts in
<Still no serious combat

Bored as fuck by this shit.


tons of entertaining malding between tankies and liberals though


That is why every African country (no matter the ideological standpoint) will oppose seccesion movements in any nation.
Somaliland is there, functioning as an independent republic but no one will recognize it for it allows the precedent of dismemberment.
Its only states triying to protect its own skin


Russia itself is not a Russian national state


>Russian means ethnic Russian


>They literally said that these are Russian national states
Yes, they are Russian separatists
>as in ethnic Russian
There's no evidence the separatist republics are dedicated to the purity of ethnic Russians or their rule over ethnic Ukrainians.


statism and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race.


lol anarchkiddie


Yet you live in a state. Curious.


Yes, Russian Constitution says it is multiethnic state.
Yeah, there is difference between "Российский" and "Русский" with the former being about Russian country and the latter about ethnic Russians.


we should decrease hierarchy somewhat


I'm sure it's true, but the headline is suppose to aggravate you. Meanwhile even more Americans support NATO troops in Ukraine


I wish Givi was alive to see this :(


speaking about the state…
here's a stream of the state department daily brief



>Meanwhile even more Americans support NATO troops in Ukraine
I believe thats due to lack of foresight, not malicious intentions.


>True korea is an ethnostate
liberals learning the difference between homogenous and Ethnostate challange (Impossible)


great, let us organize a body that forces others to follow such a rule


This video is hilarious lmao




why make a body to do it when we can just do it ourselves


Ned price live. US State dept guy



>"Русский" is about ethnic Russians


The term Russian itself isn't purely about ethnic Russians lol


okay, then we will do the forcing and claim not to be a body


>violence is statism and the more violent it is the statesier it is
did you confuse ancoms with ancaps



The youtube algo serving the empire by shilling it as loud as it can
It also appears to me
Fucking hell
Overthrow their own goverment and get rid of collaborationists cult and neonazis would be a great start.


>There are two Russian words which are commonly translated into English as "Russians". One is "русские" (russkiye), which in modern Russia most often means "ethnic Russians". Another is "россияне" (rossiyane), which denotes "Russian citizens", regardless of ethnicity or religious affiliation.[47]


>everyone will do everything in our community


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essentially what the normies are thinking right now


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The YouTube commenter is not a normie, but rather an entirely other species of weirdo. Also don't trust upvote/like based political content


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>into the Russian Federation
top kek my man jumped the gun
Reminds me of the Saddam purge video where the guy gets too excited and says they should use Stalin's methods, and Saddam's like "nah, Saddam tactics are good enough."


Yes one is of Russian nation, one of state of Russia
That is why putin said in 2014
>Kiev is the mother of “Russkie” cities
Russian identity defining itself as successor to the Rus. What the separatist republics declared is that they are part of the nation of Russia, not that Ukrainians there aren't. It's impossible to do this given the amount of Ukrainians, especially the countryside.

You can see this in the Bolsheviks themselves. Their 'all-Russian' position was multiethnic and, again, defined by the Rus and its successor nations. It then came up with an all-Ukrainian position, which it sought to include east Ukraine into. This has failed thanks to Ukrainian nationalism generating a Russian national question.


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Pelosi is just gone mentally

She referred to Ukraine as Hungary while describing it

Then later when mentioned Ukraine called it "the Ukraine" which will piss off ukranians lol



Critical support for the acceleration


see >>511480


cute cope


you do realize neolibs make this argument about the bourgeoisie, that investing is a part of the production process and being an investor is just a result of labor specialization


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American leadership rn is literally the Soviet leadership in 1982. Took them a while to catch up.


Stupid fucking ancient BurgerBoomers™ trying to ruin the world in exciting new ways every day.
Please just fuck kill me.


>y-you coping because i'm retard and don't know the difference
what is next, most coutries in japan, nordics and african coutries are ethnostates in your logic ?


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fucking senile psychos


*Like japan
holy fuck


if they took measures to control their racial demographics like the dprk


He travelled with neutral Switzerland along with many others, follow your leader vlasovite.


>investing is a part of the production process
MoPs do require upkeep, but that's not necessarily investment in the capitalist sense
>being an investor is just a result of labor specialization
well, that's just false


Not if they all get drafted and redacted in a war with nato


What is the difference between Japan and Israel in regards to ethnic policy?


Japan has institutional racism and xenophobia on a scale so large it makes David Duke look like a SJW


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>'Nyet Means Nyet: Russia's #NATO Enlargement Redlines' - #Ukraine Cable from 2008 written by CIA director William J. Burns, then US ambassador to Moscow


Here's a good companion piece which also cites this:


How did he do it?


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the absolute STATE of w*stoid 'solidarity'


> Their 'all-Russian'
It was written as "Всероссийская"


which the DPRK does not do, don't know got that from.
that is homogeny, anon, they don't apply "japanese only" laws like Israel, and while their migration laws are US tier retarded, if you can pass through them you just live there, so you can say that they help to mantain their Homogeny for many reasons, most of then rascist and xenophobic because look who controls the country, but an ethnostate they are not.


this thread is so active you'd almost believe something significant has happened in the past 24 hours


Something did. Burgers googled "what is ukraine".


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I mean, every piece of burger media seems to be pointing towards a Russian invasion of Ukraine (whether or not that is even a thing).





Oh go fuck yourself


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The mere borderlands of Russia


seriously though, why are ukrops so autistic? i've never heard a russian cry about calling it Moscow


Lol this Solovyov rage is hilarious


Great context. It's so funny how burger media keeps Russiagate alive when the US gov could have just ended this


the borderlands


half this thread is anons mis-labelling other anons as liberals


first day on /leftypol/?


the other is the same but about fascists


there is at least one very persistent liberal unironically posting pro-nato pro-dnc bs


Sounds like liberal cope to me


> coherent anti-imperialism means pro-nato


>world peace


point proven


Unironically yes. All AES are supporting Russia, including China. Suckit up and walkit off.


>which the DPRK does not do, don't know got that from.



his stance is anti-war, i dont think that makes him a liberal.


>We are showing our solidarity by celebrating it here, by ourselves. Cheers! To The UsA!
>Have some guns, go die for our master's bourgeoisie!
>Well, no you can't win, but you'll make such beautiful propaganda!!


being 100% anti war is definitely a liberal position


Yes, all the Russian nations of Russia. Great Russians, White Russians, and Little Russians.

I'm still missing the part where the separatists are an ethnic Russian threat to ethnic Ukrainians, rather than stating Donbas and its people are part of the Russian nation


>AES (…) including China
premium bait


I want Americans to stop using the word liberal


then stop being a liberal and you won't get called one


Sean Hannity is currently blaming the "socialist Democratic party's green new deal" for empowering Putin to the point that this war seems inevitable.


Thats not what I'm talking about and the fact that you are using imperialism kind of exposes you as an idealist. Russia is capitalist and expansionist and you could argue that it is conquering territory through violence but that is not the same thing as imperialism.

A principled anarcho-communist position recognizes Marx and Lenin's contributions to theory and understands that imperialism has a material basis. The disagreement with ML's is one of accountability, representation and democracy with regards to parties and the question of a vanguard. Calling countries imperialist whenever they do bad things is not correct or coherent because imperialism is driven necessarily by the economic material contradictions of monopoly finance capital to counteract the falling rate of profit.


Is he 100% anti-war? I don't think so.


Make a new thread dengoids

This one's full


china is socialist


>retarded bimbo does an activism
i can't wait for the strong, educated, and self-determined women to come back under global socialism.


You clearly don't even know what that means retard, this word is so diluted by opiated burger brains that it just end up being thrown by stupid debatebros. "Oh you eat ananas pizza? You fucking liberal"


China is not socialist.
Also it's not happening.


he didn't not say he was


ok liberal



sorry but just saying you're socialist doesn't make a nation socialist


ITT: liberals discover the word liberal (derogatory)


>a dictatorship of the proletariat doesn't mean a country is socialist
Nice one.



it's not declaring anything. the state is founded on the democratic alliance of the proletariat and the peasantry, along with two other classes (bloc of four classes), which carries out the tasks of the democratic revolution (the revolution of the national bourgeoisie). the subsequent nation this creates can only be held together by the alternative national class to the bourgeoisie, the proletariat and its communist party. thus, the democratic revolution is inherently connected and progressing to the socialist one.


>I can't argue against anything you said so I'm going to make something up and argue against THAT in greentext


god damn, these libs are just making me like Trump more and more


i still think it was a good thing that he was elected. imperialism was in crisis and he fucked pretty much everything up. i think it really is over for these uyghas


China is not a dotp, China doesn't consider itself a dotp. The p is just one of the little stars on the flag


>it's not declaring anything
its clearly declaring that
<the state is founded on the democratic alliance of the proletariat and the peasantry
also vague terminology like "an alliance of the proletariat and the peasantry" doesn't suddenly constitute socialism


horseshoe theory strikes again


false and it's not supporting russian intervention either


wow, maotism is wild.

it's like reading about scientology.


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that's not a maoist, that's a 50 cent army bot.


This meme dude tortured people for the CI and studied in imperialist college, I did not. Therefore I am less liberal than him.


least incel eurasianist


When you have your socialist revolution, talk to me about soicalism.


>also vague terminology like "an alliance of the proletariat and the peasantry" doesn't suddenly constitute socialism

That alliance is socialist, yes. It combines two revolutions to unite a nation in a backwards country, where the bourgeoisie is too weak thanks to being squeezed between feudalism at home and imperialism abroad, and promises to hold it together and develop it through the alternative national class and its socialism.

this democratic revolution of a new type, for the periphery and subaltern countries, cannot stay together without the connection to socialism and therefore neither can its nation stay united without it.

>wow, maotism is wild.

im not a maoist, im a trot. trotsky's idea of permanent revolution was also based on this combination of two revolutions, just he had more strict ideas of the proletariat leading the peasantry, the necessity of connection to the advanced countries to actually proceed on to the socialist revolution, and so on.


what country do you live in again?


In Venezuela :^)
Again, when you have your socialist revolution, talk me again about China.


hes describing democracy under socialism

you can disagree that it lines up with the reality in china but i don't see the problem with his description maybe if you think there is one you can elaborate on that


>not going for something cooler like cuba
shit taste


when will the real invasion start lads/ladettes


Where's the baker


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Venezuela is socdem, it never had a revolution. Chavez was voted in and the most based part of the Venezuelan reforms, the Bolivarian missions, have never infringed on the private property of the elite, much less private property relations in general.
Get back to me when your bus driver expropriates the bourgeoisie.


>the Bolivarian missions, have never infringed on the private property of the elite, much less private property relations in general.
So why the fuck are they sperging out so hard?


>hes describing democracy under socialism

well, it's describing why, thanks to imperialism, the democratic revolution that is otherwise carried out by the bourgeoisie is inherently connected to socialism in the periphery and subaltern nations of the world


venezuela is a democratic revolution on the wrong side of capitalism's uneven development and subsequently exploited by imperialism. bolivarianism is inherently socialist


They sperg out at even the smallest reforms. Bernie doesn't threaten capital in any way, but he's still the devil to them.


They already consider Maduro to be Satan and will happily sponsor CIA-backed coup attempts like in 2020. Why not go all the way and expropriate the bourg and the landlords?
Venezuela's "revolution" has no balls and is destined for failure. All it's accomplishing right now is free propaganda for the imperialist west, they can just sanction you and go "lol gommunism no food vuvuzela" to their heart's content.


>>511665 (me)

>Venezuela is socdem
Chavez understood the need of demolishing state capitalism in his speech regarding why socialism essay from Albert Einstein.
This is not the thread for this talk, but you don't know what you are talking about :^)


>half of all Americans said they would send troops there
source on this poll?


truly the age of darkest reaction


>half of all Americans said they would send troops there
what does this matter? half of american's don't even have an effect on what the military does


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Will he do it? If Putin agrees the USA will spin this as a declaration of war


This. Some people here are making the mistake of thinking that republicans are somehow anti-war because of polls like this >>511449, but when it comes to China, they are absolutely bloodthirsty.



>Chavez understood the need of demolishing state capitalism in his speech regarding why socialism essay from Albert Einstein.
He knew that the deeds of state capitalism are mere a stationary phase towards socialism, and beneath the state capitalism still exists the injustices of capitalism.
You don't what you are talking about.


Cuz they went the electoral reform path and have to battle over a middle in a battle with the domestic right


The conflicts between the USA and Russia+China is just a way to keep their hegemony over their partners in Europe and Asia.


republicans post trump have been more anti war then democrats


just media criticism anon


>"Today, I have directed my administration to impose sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG and its corporate offices," Biden said in a statement.


Because war is an accurate way to raise your polling numbers



So why doesn't he do something about it?
Do I need to fucking mail Maduro a box full of Marx and Lenin books?


Too weak, stuck doing electoralism. Too isolated, stuck focusing on venezuela alone


new bread



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