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 [Last 50 Posts]


TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac
For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (has a telegram, lots of cool stuff there too)

"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin says in speech to the nation“

Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“


Putin says Ukraine is a "U.S. colony" with a "puppet regime"

“Russia claims Ukraine invaded Russia and says 5 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two APCs destroyed near Rostov.

Putin, in televised address on Ukraine crisis, talks about a "nationalistic virus" says 1991 collapse of Soviet Union saw Russia robbed

“Putin: "Why did we have to transfer the rights to the territories that had been part of the Russian Empire?"“


Russia & Syria officially recognize LNR and DPR

Syria recognizing LNR/DPR

Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua likely to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk republics shortly

Putin Calls For Ukraine To Break Apart

"President Biden will soon issue an Executive Order that will prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine," Jen Psaki says following recognition by Putin of regions as "independent."

>EU leadership @vonderleyen & @eucopresident say that bloc will react with sanctions "against those involved in this illegal act" of recognising Donetsk and Luhansk.

>Suggests individual, targeted sanctions: not the big ol' war package that everyone has been talking up for weeks.


Communist Party of Russia has just endorsed Putin's call to recognise the DNR and LNR.

Zyuganov: "Look how zealous the Americans and British are now. They forced Ukraine to send almost all its troops to the Donetsk-Luhansk region. More than 100k in a patch of 40-50km."






This but unironically


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if you still have to go to work tomorrow, this isn't a happening


Forgot our flags


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I can’t believe Vladolf Putler genocided the Azovs.
Very rude


In before the kremlinbots and the natofags


What is r/redscarepod's take on this shit?


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Reposting this post from the other thread.
Also anyone have any resources to get up to speed on the history of the conflict? There was a translation from some communist publication but I lost it….

this is not a bourgeois war. The russian government waited 8 years to recognize the independence of the republics, tried everything to solve the situation via diplomacy and hoping to avoid a war. Russia, not even the oligarchs, will gain nothing economic from defending the republics, hell they may even lose (not as much as europe tho). The capitalists are not in control of Putin, if that was the case this wouldn't have happened in the first place, they would just have continued selling the country for years to come. This is just the result of imperial aggression against Russia. This just shows that it wasn't ideology what put the west against Russia but the possibility of they becoming strong. The empire won't accept anything but total submission. What the US wanted was not to prevent a competing social order to challenge their hegemony over the world, but to keep the leash over europe and asia and by proxy over the world. And now that Russia abandoned socialism they are still antagonizing. Now Putin is without any other option than opposing NATO and imperialism just to survive. And if Russia becomes fully imperialist it is something that only time will decide, but just because their corporations expand a little, or a region holds a referendum to unite the country as happened in Crimea doesn't make it imperialist. These elements are present in every country on earth to varying degrees and it shouldn't cloud our judgment. This is not a both sides bad kind of situation. It is just the global struggle of anti imperialism brought to european soil again. Only this time the red star doesn't shine as bright over there as it used to. Let's not adopt an ultra left position and at least be thankful that the nazis on the Donbas are getting some push back after years of terrorizing Donesk and Luhansk.


based femboy OP


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How many online "leftists" will go fight and die with the CIA-backed Azov insurgency? I'm guessing, half of breadtube.


Le enlightened centrist has arrived!


Counterpoint: denazification of Ukraine will inevitably bring vlasovites in Russia before the fact that to undo nazis in Ukraine they'll have to abandon their own vlasovite heroes. Just look at what Russia already did to Memorial Foundation


Kiev will be Russian before a plane could even take off and land from America


You do realize you're allowed to dislike both parties, right? You don't have to pick a side regardless of what you hope comes out of the conflict


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Where are we now?


>this is not a bourgeois war
Yet the rulling class of all participant is bourgeois. Curious


A desperation move.


None of these online politics guys have the balls to get involved in real events, the True Anon guy was the only one


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Liberation wars are just and good even if bourgeois government is in charge of the country that's going through liberation. Anti-imperialism is logically similar.


What Vlasovite heroes? Vlasov was never rehabilitated, modern day Russian nationalists like the Red Army and the USSR (specifically from 1941 onwards) has de facto state sponsored glorification.


Reminder that even Zbigniew Brzezinski, the butcher of Afghanistan, knew what to do about Ukraine in 2015 and the West still wouldn't do it.

>It needs an arrangement similar to that between Russia and Finland, which has provided stability and peace for decades. Ukraine should have the right to freely choose its political identity and to bind itself more closely to Europe. At the same time, Russia must be assured that Ukraine will not be admitted to NATO. That is the solution formula.



St Petersburg is lib central, there might be comrades in Moscow, but if this protest got Tiananmen'd here would be nothing of value lost


I honestly think there’s literally nothing NATO can do about this unless they want to risk nukes dropping.


>Just look at what Russia already did to Memorial Foundation
What did they do?


Yes, of course it's a bourgeois war. Disunity and split among the bourgeoisie is what will form the crack through which proletariat discontent can pour through.


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If you need some extra bucks just post your paypal on twitter and say you're some scared ukrainian in desperate need for money to get out of the country. Worked for me.


Tukhachevsky, rehabilitated trots who supported rehabilitation of ukrainian and others collaborationists. basically, Russia will have to undo it's 80-90s period of history to do a denazification of Ukraine.


The anunaki treasure the Soviet's failed to controll was hidden under a "nuclear" power plant. THe actual explosion was the gods getting angry and trying to escape their 2000 year old prison left there by those before us, but the soviets wanted to do experiments with them (they were atheists) and now the russians are trying to do the same thing (they will fail, the anunaki are scheduled to come in 2033, that's when they were enclosed, when jesus ascended to heaven)


As if that’s going to do anything.




If NS-2 isn't confirmed dead, they'll find something.


The man that could liberate Taiwan alone


Half-outlawed them (kept the "russian" Memorial while banning "international" Memorial). Also removed Mironenko, the former head of russian state archives, from head of russian state archives position. Also, half the liberal publications in Russia, the fuckers who in the 90s spread the most anticommunist shit, are also getting repressed heavily.


Chen is too dangerously based
I believe it.


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Answer to the saboidealist


>are all liberals.
God, you only have three major factions:
Nationalists (in an alliance/pact)
and smaller the liberals
Do you actually believe the 3 first ones are protesting right now? do you see their communists flags en masses? it is kazhak all over again.
The only ones that protest that shit are liberals in the greeeeeeeater extent, unless uniquivocally proved wrong.
>I'm saying that it is up to the communists of beligerent countries to try to put a stop to this bourgeois war by rallying workers against their own governments.
But this is not happening. Not gonna happen.
The 3 forces I listed you support this whole movement, there is no room for that shit.
>I don't see how, the West is not directly participating in this war.

See the ball as the Tankie said, it is in their courtside. Depending on how much damage they inflict upon themselves, it might be possible.


I do not trust burgerville with their rotted degenerate brains to prevent nuclear war. They believe their own propaganda, because burgerville "doesn't make propaganda".



Literally who?


average anarkid sociopath


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>cramps shirt
The only good taste this person has. I doubt they even listened to a single song.


Chen could defeat NATO alone


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Like half of the ADZ is in real China


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Convince me to give a shit lads. Literally nothing will change in my life from this shit. Just turn off the screen and go outside. Walk in the park. You will see that none of this shit matters. I don't won't a fuck until I start hearing explosions. Who's with me?


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>this is not a bourgeois war
Is Russia not a bourgeois state? Does the Russian government not serve the interests of the bourgeoisie?
>The russian government waited 8 years to recognize the independence of the republics, tried everything to solve the situation via diplomacy and hoping to avoid a war.
I agree that if we examine the conflict over the past decades, the West carries the bulk of the blame for this conflict. But that doesn't change the fact that Russia is a bourgeois regime, and as such is driven inexorably to imperialism, and will seek to take any opportunity to exploit any subordinate nations. This is a case wherein the imperial ambitions of one country and its legitimate concerns for its national security are actually deeply intertwined. One could just as easily said the same thing about France in 1914 for example, however the fact that France was fighting off an invasion by German imperialists did not mean they deserved the support of communists. None of this changes the overall class character of the beligerent governments, and thus the character of the war. When bourgeois states fight, they do so to pursue the interests of the bourgeoisie, to strengthen their rule, enrich themselves, crush the democratic freedoms of the workers, smash organs of worker power, claw back concessions granted to them, and above all to exploit the people of the regions they bring under their control. No worker will benefit from this conflict.
>And if Russia becomes fully imperialist it is something that only time will decide
Russia already IS imperialist, and imperialism is the inevitable outcome of military expansion by bourgeois states.


White Juche is White Man's last hope. If Western Europe and White America dont become socialist and WHITE Juche they will be mongrelized and literally "boned" out of history forever. This doesnt seem so bad to multiculturalists, feminists, anti-white so-called "anti-fascists", wannabe Socialists, Wannabe Marxists, Islamists, Talmudists, globalist criminal trash and average Capitalists who think Capitalism will save their family tree - it WON'T. Capitalism and Globalism were actually DESIGNED to destroy the Nordic White Race whose TRUE Origin is Sumer / Mesopotamia / Iraq and Hyperborea. Every second Germanic or Celtic, ancient-hellenistic White Western Person can be traced back to Tutanchamun who was a son of half-anunnaki E-chnaton, who was related to Enki and osins etc. THESE ARE FACTS PEOPLE. DO A RESEARCH. This iS no made-up panic and BS. This is REAL. Like I said, if we dont learn from the great Korean People, who came from a DIFFERENT alien blood-line but are STILL children of the gods for REAL, motherfvkkers… if we dont learn from them NOW how to become actually SOCIALIST and PRESERVE our holy genes and blood…. then we truely deserve to be mongrelized and genetically manipulated out of history by the Alpha Draconians and their talmudist genetic hybrid equals from a yet unknown Empire, which was erased from history just like White history. Sumerian Civilization was created by the Anunnaki and it wasnt capitalist like Reptds Gang it was actually SOCIALIST as you can read in The 12th Planet. THINK ABOUT IT Dont fall for stupid right-wing NWO made Neo-Nazism and Neo Fascism. It's almost over, guys. It is WHITE JUCHE or literal genetic Death, comrades. Like it or not. It is a fact. We need 88 inner gods to become the NEW MAN and witness our own SELF-SALVATION. PS Kim II Sung is one of the greatest minds in human history.



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Should I ask out the girl I like to go together to the anti-war demonstration near the local Russian embassy?


Creampie her pussy


I'm not coping with anything though, I'm just having a good time.


I literally live 5km from the border to Ukraine you burgershart retard lmao


Do it.


I'm sick of pretending I have be griefstruck and outraged about ukraine! It's on the others side of the world. Leave me alone!.


No, you're supposed to in tears to virtue signal correctly


Ever since Kazakhstan my heart turned black as coal and hard as rocks. All is left is the hatred I feel for Putinoids and the desire to see the entire Kremlin receive Mussolini treatment.


A relationship built on shit politics will only ever end in tears.


Lmao for all the hate it gets Twitter has some pretty nice gems.
Fuck you
Then that anon clearly wasn't talking about you, asoooomer.


Excuse me I live in the ghetto paying more a month than those mcmansions made out of plywood and debt.


Weaponize Chernobyl, Mister Putin


CNN admitting that no sanctions will stop Russia
*to be


I'm more of a "cut off trans-atlantic copper wiring" fan myself.


Anything to do with ADIZ is fake.


Give it up, fag. It was a nothingburger on par with BLM George Floyd autism.


go for it


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Any videos on Ka-50/52s?


Damn. I wish I took every general strike that got dispersed this hard.


go back to pol


crashing this plane…


>Fuck you
Hey anon here's a thought, if making jokes about a bad situation is some monstrous and unforgivable act because it's making use of the suffering of others for personal satisfaction, why does the same not apply to faggots who use the same situation to score brownie points online, like you and that Twitter guy?


if you can fugg


Indians will drop a nuke on Kiev


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Alright which Patreon tier are you?


Modi going to seal the deal.


The Ukraine invasion did not take place




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life imitates art


The DPP is spooked and needs the US to respond to Ukraine by quadrupling down on them. If the US gets "distracted" by Russia then the fragile illusion that things are trending away from China will be broken and they'll lose some popular support, and potentially an election, and then they'll be the ones getting purged.


Presumably to get as many Indian nationals possible out of Ukraine


Someone please explain how this shit works


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"I never heard of this country before last week but now I'm an expert on the political situation there as explained by the angloid glowies through their liberal media"


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go back to twitter


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what's Putin going to wish for lads?


>I never said it was monstrous and unforgivable, are you projecting?


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>Ukraine is mine now good sir
>India is now superpower


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>when India hears about Ukrainian refugee women


Notice how the reporters who tried to do this in NATO enemy countries got their heads chopped off on camera.


Why are people making fun of this guy. This is the vibe rn.


>I want all Ukrainians to spontaneously combust


Then what are you even whining about, faggot? Shut the fuck up.


source lmao


>I wish Lenin never existed!


What's the Taliban's take on this shit?


Which ones?


USSR but with private property and market dominance. And then he'll get the reality he lived through, realizing nothing in the end


>I wish the Tsar was alive!





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What is there to cope about?
NATO got btfo


So just the USSR post reform?


Oops, I didn't mean to greentext
Ok, sounds like we're arguing about nothing, I will happily stfu lol


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JUST IN : ninja landed in kiev to support russia


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Wait for me, Kiev…


Greetings from Modi, ruler and king of the Indians.
Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS.


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That our lord's will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.


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were selling old Ukrainian equipment cause its - nor further needed. Need something?


Ehhh. Thought you meant US directly murdering journalists.



guess it wouldn't be anything new for indians, but our airports are getting bombed to shit, so not advisable
not even considering the omnipresent russian air force here


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We're at rhe point where Americuck women are doing performative anti-Russia propaganda with reverse Oedipus complex characteristics


Poster is schizo. Ignore posts like that, significantly improves thread quality.


Damn what a qt. I'd love to fuck the lib out of her.


Wait, so is Russia definitely going to win or is Ukraine actually providing meaningful opposition?


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Amerilard brainrot is something else


stay safe anon




It was the Paris commune of our time. While insignificant in its imediate scope, the prospect of a revolution carried out purely by people who are mad as and are not going to take it anymore would have had global shockwaves.


I dont think you need to be a genius to know how this one will end.
Ukraine cheers 2 captured Russian soldiers like the holy grail


Sending in the 'moderate rebel' jihadis tends to have such effects
Where was the lie though?


>It was the Paris commune of our time
come the fuck on


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I see she follows Trump style guides on capitalization.


based retard


made me reply


King Lear taught them


It could perfectly be a stranding plane that later did a U-turn, or authorized to pick zeli.


American advertisements in serious news stories never fail to amaze me lmao



Literally Vladolf Putler moment


I mean, I get what he was going for, with the comparison on how US behaves vs Russia in the countries they invade.

And I just remembered footage of an Apache crew gunning down a camera crew and some civvies, mistaking a camera for weapons.



BREAKING: Ukrainian forces have encountered two companies of swagged out white boys attempting to advance into Kherson. Unconfirmed reports that they are goated with the sauce.


>thread #27
what the actual fuck, how are the non-NEETS/labour aristocrats of the board supposed to follow these important threads!?


I’m predicting he’s going to mumble about sanctions for half an hour, make a gaffe, and then go back to sleep in the oval office.


You are a тупой дэбил. St. Petersburg is filled with comrades. It's Moscow that is a lib central.
t. петербуржэц


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When you wants the Putin dick this bad


Putin, and United Russia, are and always will be a product of Boris Yeltsin's CIA backed coup and Slavic anxieties brought on by NATO bombings in Yugoslavia and Kosovo making Russians reach for anyone that can provide security against the west while still being willing to tax the oligarchs.

It's not a matter of "yikes, both sides are bad here" because you cannot have one without the other. Putin is a product of NATO aggression and without NATO being a persistent threat to the security of Russia, United Russia would be gone in a single generation. The communist party of Russia is still the strongest party outside of United Russia, even after decades of United Russia anticommunists astroturfing. Despite making some concessions and scheming required to survive post-coup, to call them controlled opposition is mostly a defeatist take and doesn't reflect the actual political sentiments among the Russian people. I suspect without the alienation and paranoia that comes with constant western containment and aggression leftism and Soviet nostalgia will begin to outpace United Russia's appeal toward stability and security.


Sure, but they could have just posted that.
They didn't, they're trying to rock the boot for giggles. It's a low quality post at best, which is enough to warrant it being ignored.


well yes but this is - the US always has a hand for making former friends to enemies


>reverse Oedipus complex
Only a matter of time before /ss/ gets normalized


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Btw anyone following RT right now? What are they saying?


Apparently decrying this pattern is 'schizo'
You should be upset about NATO intervention


well, there are currently fights in the gostomel military base, the russians have dropped paratroopers there after leveling everything with rockets
the base is 10 km away from kiev
also they've seized the chernobyl exclusion zone and are moving southwards to link up
so i'd say we're not doing too well


Wtf is wrong with white women?



World Anti-Communist League Pt.1 | The Farm | Steven Snider with Moss Robeson
Jul 13th, 2020 by The Farm Podcast

World Anti-Communist League, WACL, Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, ABN, Ukraine, OUN-B, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Yaroslav Stetsko, Stepan Bandera, CIA, MI6, Gehlen Org, BND, Nazis, Spas T. Raikin, Otto Skorzeny, Alfred Rosenberg, HUAC, stay-behind operations, KGB, assassinations


Get the fuck out of here with your material analysis shit.


Yeah, the last four major things they've fought, (Saddam, Taliban, ISIS, and now Putin) were all actually put in power by the US in some way.


>born too late to be legally raped as a child





>Reverse Oedipus
So… uncle magic?


Zelensky: "Our enemies have swagger; our friends have class."


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Russia bros..


>[…]The nationalist Euromaidan Press reported that the “Say No to Putin” protest in Kyiv was co-organized by the Movement to Resist Capitulation and “Free People,” an OUN-B front more or less coordinating the ROK that in turn is a member of the Toronto-based International Council in Support of Ukraine (ICSU). The latter, originally called the World Ukrainian Liberation Front, is an international coordinating body of OUN-B “facade structures,” mostly in the diaspora.

>The former “Home of the Organizations of the Ukrainian Liberation Front” in Manhattan served as the headquarters of the American Friends of the ABN. Likewise, the OUN-B and ABN shared an international headquarters building in Munich during the Cold War, which the Banderites allegedly sold in recent years. According to a Banderite think tank in Ukraine directed by an OUN-B member who sits on the ROK Coordination Council, “Resistance Movement” organizers of the international “Say No to Putin” campaign want to “create a global anti-imperial front” against Russia.[…]



Ukraine has won


>It's not a matter of "yikes, both sides are bad here" because you cannot have one without the other.
this is the take


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>>515812 Jocasta complex


People still go to see this unfunny retard?




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LMAO at Americans trying to tip the Ukraine military


Their country is being fuckin bombarded and they waste time doing social media stunts? Who the fuck they think they are? Wendy's?


Crowdfunded wars in 2022


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Americans should be fucking culled. Everything they ask for is always at the cost of someone else.



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I feel like if I look away from the screen for 2 seconds I'd miss like 3 of these threads


It's called Soft Power and it's the most important thing in the 21st century battlefield!!




They probably legit think Viet Cong won, because they did propaganda better.


Guys have you seen my missing stock market crash I can't find it!



>The communist party of Russia
Is bourgeois socialist at best



This reminds me of when Twitter took away Maduro's verification checkmark and gave it to Guaido


What do those idiots think they'll even do with that money?




Putler got really too far this time


>White women


Have they called for doxxing Russian soldiers yet?


According to Ian Traynor, the Guardian's longtime Moscow and Eastern Europe correspondent, the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine followed a pattern developed in Yugoslavia to overthrow the government of Slobodan Milošević. After that, it was continued in Georgia as the so-called Rose Revolution. What seemed spontaneous was, according to this account, the result of underground networking within opposition groups. Student activists and academics were the leaders, including the Ukrainian Pora! consisted almost entirely of students. The previously best-known subversive movement was Otpor, a movement of young people and students that helped bring pro-EU Vojislav Kostunica to power in Serbia. In Georgia 2003 the analogue movement was named Kmara. A movement in Belarus is called Subr. It appeared in the local elections in 2004. The Ukrainian student movement Pora! was considered a terrorist organization by some Ukrainian media and security forces. Six Pora! activists were arrested in mid-November 2004 on suspicion of terrorism because explosives, detonators and a grenade were allegedly found on them. Western governments and Yushchenko's supporters, on the other hand, held the Pora! not for a terrorist organization.

The activists of these movements were trained by a coalition of professional Western advisers, aides and pollsters. The activities were funded and supported by Western governments, agencies and organizations such as the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and - according to the British daily The Guardian - by the US State Department and USAID together with the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute, the Freedom House organization, which is largely funded by the American government, and billionaire George Soros with his Open Society Institute. The German weekly Die Zeit claimed, among other things, that Yushchenko and his circle received at least 65 million US dollars through various channels from the USA alone. The aim of the USA is to expand NATO and weaken the EU in this way.


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they wanna fight this war with memes twitter ratios and by begging on patreon expect them to start a podcast in the next hours this is 21th century american military doctrine at it's finest





Its pretty surreal that even Foreign policy in the U.S is dictated through the lens of twitter. It's like they believe they can win with epic clap backs through social media.


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>Americans should be fucking culled. Everything they ask for is always at the cost of someone else.
On the complete opposite side of the world no less. If we ever met Aliens, Americans would be telling them to handle their home planet within the week.


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human filth


Sorry bros the Ukrainian gets the girl, and the bombs.





> imperialism is the inevitable outcome of military expansion by bourgeois states.
No it is not. Annexation is not imperialism. Expansionism is not imperialism it is expansionism. Imperialism is an economic material necessity where monopoly finance capital is forced to expand because of the falling rate of profit. This is not the case in Russia. It can still be bad, but it is not imperialism.


>Buy war Bonds to save Europe
>Buy a Patreon subscription to save Europe.


they are literally a nation of wall-e people
le 56%





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>If I was Putins mommy (milkies), this would've never happened
These are the consequences of a liberal understanding of history, she literally understands history and geopolitics through personalities and individual psychology of Putin


What happens next after this?




How is giving money to Ukraine now gonna help them at this point? With war bonds the pace of war was slow enough for them to be meaningful.


First he'll see Khruschev, then Brezhnev, then Gorbachov and Eltzyn. And then himself again. He will get exactly his own timeline, but will think that wishgranter was broken or something because that wasn't his wish, he would think.


>“Right Sector USA,” as in the little known, now defunct US branch of the notorious extremist Ukrainian organization Right Sector, appeared on Facebook in May 2014. By then, it already had an account on the Russian social media network VKontakte (VK), where it claimed to have started cells in Chicago and Tennessee, if only in the form of two individuals. In the coming weeks, Right Sector USA formally launched in the quasi-Ukrainian neighborhood of Manhattan’s East Village.

>RS-USA’s first official meeting took place on the third floor of a building owned by the Organization for the Defense of the Four Freedoms for Ukraine (ODFFU), which has historically operated as a front for the OUN-B — the “revolutionary” faction of the fascistic Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists led by Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera until his assassination in 1959. Today the OUN-B is led by Stefan Romaniw, the longtime chairman of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations.

>Right Sector is essentially the extremist Banderite cousin of the contemporary OUN-B, having been created by an OUN-B splinter group. During the Cold War, the Banderites set up numerous front groups under the umbrella of the “World Ukrainian Liberation Front,” spearheaded in the United States by the ODFFU. The ODFFU building on 2nd Avenue in Manhattan, located on the same block as the Ukrainian National Home and a famous Ukrainian restaurant, used to be called the Home of the Organizations of the Ukrainian Liberation Front. It is the historic US headquarters of the OUN-B, although its current status is more complicated.[…]



It won't, that's why it's so funny.


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anon… i think they actually do


Biden talking right now



fake and gay but still funny


Does this woman have children or a Pomeranian?


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>These are the consequences of a liberal understanding of history, she literally understands history and geopolitics through personalities and individual psychology of Putin
You are afraid of pussy power anon. All actions of men can be explained by the amount and quality of pussy they received in their life. Read theory. Study the vaginal dialectic.

Also, as always:

have sex


a lot of people don't bother drawing that distinction tbh


Touch grass


how did you do this? give me tips and tricks



Hoping Russian march will stop at some point.



Verruca salt


This is some dystopian shit





Shitting bricks yet, Anon?


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>You can't do that! I'll heckin sanction you!


Every single Russian asset in the US will be frozen, Biden has just said



This dude was hot I don’t get why he was an incel other than being an asshole.


boo hoo, the 0,01 %


Actual nothing burger.


Reminder that Azov uyghurs cucked after 2 hours while random Ukrops are still fighting (mostly in vain but that's it).
A testament to the true nature of fascists everywhere.


US is just not going to send troops in any form. And NATO is going to do nothing. So Europe, even if they wanted to do something militarily, will also do nothing. The US does. Not. Care. About. Russia. It cares about China for fucks sake. Do they need to send out another memo? You get sanctions and that's all.


it was his autism and narcissism from growing up rich


That's exactly it, Anon. You must be pretty young.




Give me her name pls I wanna fap some more to her


Not happening.


Will it be enough? I doubt it.


Crazy to think he killed people and himself over his retarded outlook. Obviously it's not easy but had he put in the effort to develop a good personality he would've been a slayer.


>No it is not. Annexation is not imperialism. Expansionism is not imperialism it is expansionism.
I'm not saying that it is, I'm saying that when a bourgeois state expands or annexes its neighbors, this will also lead to imperialism.
>Imperialism is an economic material necessity where monopoly finance capital is forced to expand because of the falling rate of profit.
Please read Lenin more carefully. Imperialism doesn't suddenly appear when a country reaches a certain stage of capitalist development, Lenin explicitly says that it predates the monopoly-finance stage and even capitalism altogether. He calls the Tsarist regime imperialist even though Russia hadn't even really left feudalism behind at that point. The relevance of finance capital to Lenin's theory is that it makes imperialism inevitable for capitalist countries, not that it is a prerequisite for them to pursue imperialist policies. Think about it for a moment. Capital accumulation is the underlying force which drives all bourgeois economic activity. When a country's internal markets have become saturated, and all capital has become concentrated in the hands of financial monopolies, then they have no choice but to expand outwards. However even before this point is reached (and I'm not so convinced that it hasn't been in Russia), it's not as if the bourgeoisie will pass up an opportunity to expand their profits at the expense of foreign countries and peoples. No capitalist has ever backed out of lucrative foreign investment on the grounds that their country had not yet reached the monopoly-finance stage of capitalism. Russia's capitalists will undoubtedly seek to use this conflict as an opportunity to expand their exploitation of both the Russian and Ukrainian proletariat, and the workers of all countries should oppose this bourgeois warmongering from Western and Russian porkies alike.




Satanic Gommunism


I can't imagine that Russian Bourgs don't know how to hide assets or work strawmen. That is basically capitalism 101 today. Seemingly Putin doesn't see it as a very big threat at least.


attacks Poland

refuses to elaborate



>Caleb Maupin soon


Ukraine is getting cucked by NATO into oblivion, this is just sad. Their country was used as a pawn by NATO to provoke Russia so the USA could saction North Stream 2, now that's done, Ukraine is getting steamrolled by Russia and NATO is doing shit



Who fucking cares god you folks are annoying


Serves him right… he trusted an Americlap!



schizo notes of Biden live:
Putin is unhinged, we were right about everything, Putin shelling Donbas, muh cyberattacks, violated international law by recognizing republics (KEK), the CIA cleared up all confusion (lol).
New sanctions: limitations on exports to Russia, 'maximize long term impact on russia', stop ability to grow russian military, limit their access to other currencies, russian stonks are down, we sanctioned their largest banks, their corrupt billionaires will be held responsible, we will hurt Russia's industrial capacity and ability to modernize.


Was this a good thing for NATO after all then? Have we lost?


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Nobody wants old manlet goblin dick



It won't even happen. If Germany really allows that to occur then honestly Europe does deserve to get rolled.




Yeah, but even if we grant that it is Russian imperialism, alone from the fact that it undermines the current imperial hegemon, it's a lot better than US imperialism by that measure alone.


Swift is entirely under control of U.S. leadership


It's fucking over for Russia and Putler


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>I made it up


It was a good thing for America, it made Europe more dependent on the USA.
I bet they want to use this same strategy with China by using Taiwan, so they can force EU to also cut ties with China


Wouldn't Germany have a major energy crisis if NS2 is halted indefinitely? Correct me if I'm wrong ofc.


>Wheat future price in 2017: $360
<Wheat future price today: $930

If this does not lead to multiple revolutions what the fuck could?


>so the USA could saction North Stream 2
NS2 doesn't matter if Russia gets Ukraine on a leash. Which they will, because the West has abandoned the latter.


water futures


its good that it has exposed the utter impotence of the west alone


The guy literally has the Chad jawline.


Yes, Germans will pay for McNatural Gas from America which is way more expensive.

But it seems the Germans seem to like getting spanked by USA


Imagine now them both


Some economic report last year argued that the whole thing about European countries hinging on Russian energy is overblown. It will hurt, but not disastrous by any means.
Might have actually been a domino that led to this.




All the debt Russia has will not be able to be paid and that with touch the titties of the European ruling class. Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Hungary are blocking that decission.


Trump pissing in his pants.


>alone from the fact that it undermines the current imperial hegemon, it's a lot better than US imperialism by that measure alone
In a very limited way sure, and I would agree that if both Russia's and Western governments are to remain intact at the end of this war, a Russian victory is probably preferable. That being said, I certainly don't think Russian communists should be supporting their government here, and they should be working to channel the suffering Russia's people are about to experience into revolutionary socialist sentiment. The same obviously goes for communists in Ukraine and elsewhere. Multipolarity under the current regimes has benefits sure, but not nearly as many as if Russia returned to socialism.


probably was abused by family so never had the confidence, and he went to some uni in California filled with chads and stacys. he would have probably grown out of it when he reached 30


Is Russia imperialist?


>In our work, we used the IMF data on net primary income flows between countries. These are cross-border flows of profit, interest and rent. We found that when these flows are netted out, there are about 10 countries at the most that fit the bill as imperialist. Indeed, nothing much has changed in the 100 years since Lenin wrote his analysis of imperialism: it’s still the same countries. No others have made it from dominated to imperialist status. Net primary income per head is concentrated in the G7 plus a few other small states and the tiny tax haven states). Every other country is an ‘also-ran’.

>The G8-plus countries own the vast bulk of all the foreign-owned assets. Even the so-called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) own little abroad compared to the imperialist countries. The G8 has six times as much FDI stock as the BRICS.


I think this and Afghanistan kinda demonstrateed that the US is no longer capable of projecting power overseas anymore. Like when was the last time they actually successfully flipped a country? Libya? Bolivia failed, Syria failed, Afghanistan failed. These are the last days of western imperialism, a least of the military kind.


State debt is factious, Anon, wake up.
If it wasn't the U.S. would've been long since bankrupt. It isn't.


>Wouldn't Germany have a major energy crisis if NS2 is halted indefinitely
No, at least not any time soon. NS2 was never operational. They've been doing fine without it. It will only be a crisis if demand drastically shoots up.


>NS2 doesn't matter if Russia gets Ukraine on a leash
Can you elaborate on this? I'm not saying you're wrong but I want to know why this would be the case.


Cutting Russia from SWIFT is much, much more serious than NS2 and would make any form of transaction with Russia by any European country very difficult, and force serious wide-ranging changes to global financial markets that are largely unpredictable.


It would restart history in brief


Fuck, comrades. The situation is seriously fucked. I wish the least amount of deaths and a quick resolution to this.

Imagine being a fucking NEET or whatever you are now, forced to stay and a missile strikes you house. Fucking sucks.

Yeah, the US forced russia into this, but the situation is not good, letz not forget.


These trips could also contribute to that


Yeah, that's true I agree with that. I'm just saying like with the realities at hand, it is what it is. Ofc as based communist internationalist solidarity movement would be way way nicer, but *sigh* that's not the world we live in, and we have to play the hand we've been dealt.


Ukraine got couped because US wanted to sell gas to Europe. US getting booted out of the whole gas situation resolves all the problems


remember not to waste the get fags




>Ukraine getting steamrolled in 24 hours
>NATO doesn't do shit
>America doesn't even kick Russia from SWIFT
KEKW, Imagine what Zelenskyy must feel like, a complete fool who sacrificed his country for nothing


Nvm gonna kill myself


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The whole point of nordstream 2 was to build a pipeline that would circumvent ukraine to allow russia to trade directly with europe without ukraine acting as a middleman. If ukraine is under control by a coalition of CSTO aligned countries, it wont be necessary to have ns 2.


Urgent! Joint Statement of Communist and Workers' Parties, No to the imperialist war in Ukraine!

An independent struggle is needed against monopolies and bourgeois classes, for the overthrow of capitalism, for the strengthening of the class struggle against imperialist war, for socialism!

>The Communist and Workers' Parties signing this Joint Statement are opposed to the imperialist conflict in Ukraine, which constitutes one of the consequences of the tragic situation for the peoples shaped after the overthrow of socialism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Both the bourgeois and the opportunist forces, which for years have fought against the USSR and recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of its dissolution, silencing the fact that the restoration of capitalism meant the dismantling of historic workers' and people's achievements and brought the peoples of the USSR back to the era of class exploitation and imperialist wars, are completely exposed.

The developments in Ukraine, which are taking place in the framework of monopoly capitalism, are linked to the US, >NATO, and EU plans and their intervention in the region in the context of their fierce competition with capitalist Russia for the control of the markets, raw materials, and transport networks of the country. These pursuits are concealed by imperialist powers, which are in conflict promoting their own pretexts such as “defending democracy”, “self-defence”, and one's right to “choose their alliances”, the compliance with the UN or OSCE principles, or supposedly “fascism”, while deliberately detaching fascism from the capitalist system that gives rise to and utilizes it.
>We denounce the activity of fascist and nationalist forces in Ukraine, anti-communism and the persecution of communists, the discrimination against the Russian-speaking population, the armed attacks of the Ukrainian government against the people in Donbas. We condemn the utilization of reactionary political forces of Ukraine, including fascist groups, by the Euro-Atlantic powers for the implementation of their plans. In addition, the anti-communist rhetoric against Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet Union to which the Russian leadership resorts to justify its own strategic plans in the region, is unacceptable. However, nothing can tarnish the enormous contribution of socialism in the Soviet Union, which was a multinational union of equal Socialist Republics.
>The decision of the Russian Federation to initially recognize the “independence” of the so-called “Peoples' Republics” in Donbas and then to proceed to a Russian military intervention, which is taking place under the pretext of Russia's “self-defence”, the “demilitarization” and “defascistization” of Ukraine, was not made to protect the people of the region or peace but to promote the interests of Russian monopolies in Ukrainian territory and their fierce competition with Western monopolies. We express our solidarity with the communists and the peoples of Russia and Ukraine and we stand on their side to strengthen the struggle against nationalism, which is fostered by each bourgeoisie. The peoples of both countries, who lived in peace and jointly thrived in the framework of the USSR,
>We highlight that the illusions fostered by bourgeois forces claiming that there could be a “better security architecture” in Europe by EU intervention, NATO “without military plans and aggressive weapon systems in its territory”, a “pro-peace EU”, or a “peaceful multipolar world”, etc are highly dangerous. All these assumptions have nothing to do with reality and are misleading for the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggle, seeking to cultivate the perception that “peaceful imperialism” may exist. However, the truth is that NATO and the EU, like any capitalist transnational union, are predatory alliances with a deeply reactionary nature that cannot become pro-people and will continue to act against workers' and people's rights and the peoples; that capitalism goes hand in hand with imperialist wars.
>We call on the peoples of the countries whose governments are involved in the developments, especially through NATO and the EU but also Russia, to struggle against the propaganda of the bourgeois forces that lure the people to the meat grinder of imperialist war using various spurious pretexts . To demand the closure of military bases, the return home of troops from missions abroad, to strengthen the struggle for the disengagement of the countries from imperialist plans and alliances such as NATO and the EU.
>The interest of the working class and the popular strata requires us to strengthen the class criterion for analyzing the developments, to chart our own independent path against monopolies and bourgeois classes, for the overthrow of capitalism, for the strengthening of the class struggle against imperialist war , for socialism, which remains as timely and necessary as ever.


it is different, you can't ask the U.S. to pay their debt because of their huge army, but there is a huge difference of power between what Italy debts to Spain, but Italy has a similar power as Spain, and if Italy can't pay the debt because Russia didn't pay the debt, image the complete shitshow. That means EU=no more. None of them, despite all that "harmonious" rethoric among them will be the first to concede those debts to cut the SWIFT system out of Russian banks.


Biden just said they are not kicking them from SWIFT this is a massive Russian W


"The sanctions that we have imposed on all the banks have equal consequence to SWIFT sanctions"
translation: they owe us too much money for us to kill their payment method

"No one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening." My sides, these were all about deterrence


Thanks for the explanation


Post predictions

>Putin annexes a good chunk of Ukraine, effectively nullifying the plans for NATO's eastward expansion. Russia becomes secure for the moment but is battered down by the global sanctions and resistance by remaining Ukranian forces.

>EU leaders are forced to depend on the United States more due to sanctions imposed on Russia. The negatives that come with that, including higher natural gas prices, is felt by the population and a decrease in living standards occurs, radicalizing more people and a good chunk of the population.
>China, like always, comes out of this stronger despite not doing anything. Russia will depend more on China, strengthening the value of RMB. The Belt and Road continues to encircle around Asia as China passively acquires the alliances of many countries through pure economic domination.
>The United States attempts a random coup on a country and fails miserably


history is over forever


Lol, I hope this happens. It will be the end for SWIFT.


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Genuinely how could any American ally trust the US after this


Who are these people?


retarded ass ultras with no relevancy in Russia. Why do we always bring back the rkrp-rpk.


Do you use the she/her pronouns?


"Did you underestimate him"
(we were never going to do anything and he's crazy)





Yea she does lol


Biden refused to answer if they would sanction Putin himself.


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Russia and America rn


Darn it. I wanted her to be a femboy


>>515910 (me)
Apparently Germany did indeed veto this decision.


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>ukraine map.png
You're such an autist I love it


What the fuck is up with these schizophrenic decisions?

>Putin invades Ukraine

>now Biden won't even kick him out of SWIFT

Has everyone simply gone insane? The grand diamat sorcerer wouldn't be able to predict this shit


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>Reporter: "Are you saying that you want to include China in the sanctioning against Russia?"
>Bidup: "I'm not prepared to answer this right now."


Well Germany also said they wouldn't let Nordstream be cancelled but here we are


Wait, so is that Shay or not?


Can we have a standing ovation for literally the dumbest fuck in modern Geopolitical history?
>Noooooooooo why aren't NATO defending my country they promised NOOOOOOOOO
Literally what did he think was going to be the response constantly making more and more unhinged threats, jerking off to NATO and completely ignoring Minsk?


No, it was only proposed. Not even the US was on board kicking Russia off swift.


So Biden's not giving an answer on sanctioning Putin immediately… but how would sanctioning Putin directly be any different than the sanctions so far? Is it just because of how America is still dependent on Russia for some materials and hydrocarbons?


Post it


Where lmao


Russia cant pay its debts to Westerners if they do that


US puppet recognize US puppet




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im kinda a femboy but i have dysphoria. so i usually just prefer they/them cuz that's less confusing



These might be bad decisions but they're not schizophrenic. Russia is pushing back against NATO influence and porkies don't want Russia out of SWIFT.


Makes zero sense to sanction China for this, but the US has gotta be pissed off that Russia invaded and ally and harmed its cred so badly. US forpol has been based on the idea that Russia is a weak, irrelevant country and they need to focus on China China China. Then this happened, and they have no choice but to ignore it. This has both good and incredibly bad sides.


What is this image supposed to tell us?


Germany, Italy, C. Republic and Hungary.


So it looks like the US isn't doing anything lmao, I guess that's it for Ukraine, new government when?


You wouldn't get it…


It has to be awkward up there in the ISS right now


I think that's supposed to be a cum pillow…


50 bucks liberals forget all about this in like 6 months or so. They treat politics like a TV show to binge.


<Draghi backstabbing the Anglos that propelled him to honor and glory

No bonds among thieves


The ball is still on E.U. courtyard.


He was asked if he wanted to include China in the list of nations that would likely sanction Russia, not that he'd sanction China. And he backpedaled, as if to hide that he's in talks with Xi about it.


Wow I assumed this flagfag was not Shay, why don't you use that name anymore?




Elect a comedian, get a clown country


Need to see the Germoid cope when heating bills quadruple next winter


>next winter
Putin the genius strategist should had started the invasion 3 months ago.


pretty sure they were saying sanction china, not sanction russia with china


Anyone following RT? What are they saying about all this shit?


What's the stance of those German communist parties? I know there's like two or three but I don't know which one's the good one and which one's the fucked up one.


Springtime in the Ukraine is very muddy, easily defensible positions all around, this is not fucking HoI4


The have place so many sanctions on Russia over the years that there are not too many additional sanctions they can place on Russia that won't harm their European allies. Really. They also cannot use troops, and they cannot divert any resources away from Asia.

The US has made some serious strategic mistakes up to this point, and now they have a war on their hands without good options.


I really do think that russia's best option for occupation is a coalition of bordering states holding onto the territory and the usage of novorossiya, a pre-existing 8 year old breakaway government, to secure the ukraine and stabilize the region. I have high hopes because i believe that donetsk, luhansk, belarus and transnistria could gain territory from this, and they are objectively better than ukraine in every way.
I don't need to namefag anymore since my flag was added. Now i just dissolved my identity to represent the ideology i wrote into existence.


A multi polar world is objectively good for socialists. What is their arguemt against this?


We were talking about heating bills in Germany


bye bye, libs


>This "muh mud" shit all over again when Russia BTFO'd practically all of Ukraine's army using artillery


the illusion of a liberal democratic world order under anglo dominion


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I see. Okay that's plausible. I've been seeing some of the China hawks going a little weird right now and interpreted it incorrectly.


my bideo bames are real


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That's all it was, an illusion.
Upon pillars of salt


If both the west and Russia are anti communist then how is a multi polar world different then now?


He didn't have many other choices. He's a Jew. He turns down the Ukrainian nationalism, he gets shot by a nazi.


One thing I find really weird, maybe even suspicious about this whole thing, is that both America and Russia got what they wanted. Like this whole episode has been great for the US, they managed to get Nordstream2 cancelled, something they've trying to do for over a decade.


why does he look like a girl


Anti war is good.


I think they agree with you since they ask for NATO dissolution basically


Para los hispanoamigos.
Que ladilla tener un compatriota tan mongólico, mierda pana.


The DKP seems to be very pro russia. Yesterday there was an article published on RT https://de.rt.com/inland/132287-dkp-auf-seite-menschen-im-donbass/


Well, it is not necessarily good because the decay of America liberal ideology is not necessarily being replaced with a socialist ideology but nationalist narratives. I don't think it's necessarily good for socialists, but also I believe that the current world word is necessarily bad for them.


I don't think losing a NATO buffer state by force is something they exactly "wanted." In most cases, the US seem to be the loser here.


Zelensky is winning and tankies are seething


Notice how the Russian security forces don't use excessive force or any military grade equipment to break up a crowd. Completely different picture from any protest in the USA or Europe.


i told you about the zoomers dawg


How it any worse?


Holy shit he took Hostomel!?


What kind of flag are you using and what ideology are you talking about?

/flood detected


Nah, Ukrops are lying like always.




China benefits from a multipolar world.
China benefits, Africa benefits. A weakened US means countries can be more resistant to imperial aggressions. Eg Venezuelan sanctions etc.


lol watch like 6 Ukrainian agent provocateurs get stomped and the western media pretend it was massive resistance.





Good thing this invasion is preventing a war


I mean, look at how it happens. If ukrops actually took Hostomel back, they would absolutely FLOOD the media space with photos of dead Russians. That's what they always do


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>Being anti-war is lib
<Idiot doesn't know, libs are actually pro-war and NATO intervention


Do we know wich actual armies and division Russia is using at the moment? Can I find that out somehow?


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My face is seizing up. Stop. Stop. Please for the love of God stop.


An invasion of Ukraine is the exact situation that all of US policy towards Russia has been seeking to avoid, allegedly. Now it's arrived and for some reason the people who are at fault are uh, the twitter reply guys who doubted US intelligence amount an imminent invasion.


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That not the point. The whole song and dance is that it's a net good for communist. If most of the new powers in this post multipolar world are anti communist then it's just the same thing.


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You should read my book. The flag represents the national liberation of the southern states of north america from the yankee/slaveowner coalition government


How do u make these maps btw


Putin's actual mother almost starved to death during WW2 when the Nazis were laying siege on Leningrad. At the end of it she was so week and mall nourished that she was almost mistaken for a corpse and carted off to a mass grave. I guess Putin's mother wasn't as phony as this woman.


logging off to wageslave, wish me luck lads





Russia should release more images of combat and dead ukrops for US malding


It comes on my list


Watch out for Russian missiles pls


It is about conflicting interests. Do you really think inter fighting bourgie will side together just to squash some communists in a disputed state. One side will use any advantage it can to fuck with the other side. You can see this in the media already- RT funding anti imperialist hosts and people like Zizek despite Russia being anti communist as you can get. A multipolar world will also help shed any conception of chauvinism, exceptionalist or imperialist in the citizens of any one nation. Class consciousness will rise higher and easier.


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me 2 tbh


Thanks for clarifying that. Are you going to get the new flag printed and hung on your wall?


Shut up and bounce on my cock


All of the powers in 1917 were anti-communist too and yet the USR still happened because the booj were too busy fighting each other. No matter how you look at it, multi-polarity is always better than unipolarity.


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paint 3d


I think you should add some sources and references in your book. Also
>The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.
This was said by Lenin not by Marx


Having multiple anti-communist factions is better than having a single united one. Wasn't this the case in Europe before the Soviet Union was formed?



I assume this means walking Javelins up to the border and leaving them there.


>NATO agents get murdered in NATO enemy countries
You don't say.


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>Watch out for Russian missiles pls
I got my cannon and I'm keeping an eye out for any rusky activity.


Jesus Christ, this guy


It's not that multipolarity is bad, it's that socialism is better. This war will inevitably lead to increased tensions between both Ukrainian and Russian workers and their respective governments, and communists must seize any opportunity to escalate and direct these tensions towards revolution.


Any news on the Nazi leaders that supposedly got clapped?
There were rumors of Russian special forces kidnapping them, then other rumors of them getting hanged outside Kiev by local antifa.


Without talking about socialism, you can look at Syria, where Russia prevented the headchoppers from ransacking the country and now China is inviting them into BRI.

For socialism, smaller countries like Cuba and Nicaragua can squeak through when there are more trade/diplomatic relationships that are anti-Western hegemony. I don't personally think multipolarity is necessarily an argument for socialism, but it could help.


Multipolarity is teasing, but socialism is sex.


Ukrainian army reportedly retook Hostomel airport


>It's not that multipolarity is bad, it's that socialism is better.
peak pseud, again – as if socialism was even possible without first dismantling the unilateral order


I only saw one tweet about this were there other sources
It probabyl doesnt even matter anymore after azov got rekt today


US just won't report on it, lol. First time?


>hen other rumors of them getting hanged outside Kiev by local antifa


>rumors of them getting hanged outside Kiev by local antifa.
too based to be true


liberals in cope mode.


And one can turn into the other


>Bush condemning unjustified invasions




>>rumors of them getting hanged outside Kiev by local antifa
Impossible, fake and untrue.


I'm gonna need some pics for that.

Only if you have the right conditions.


i know, you need to spam it on the net.


>Morales: Multipolarity is good
>Castro: Multipolarity is good
>Marxist economists: Multipolarity is good

Multipolarity should literally be a default stance of leftists akin to being an anti-imperialist. I'm not gonna side with people who disagree with Morales.

You can literally have both. All I'm saying is: organize for socialism, yet when your party needs to have a line to follow when it comes to geopolitics and international affairs- multipolarity must be taken into account, or else you'd have leftists advocating for NATO intervention, eventually sabotaging themselves.


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Lol nice try. The man is immune to your libfem antics


aaaaa it was in one of the early threads I can't find it
But I remember it said it was just one that was found hung in a forest


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>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
Literally clown world


>Multipolarity should literally be a default stance of leftists akin to being an anti-imperialist
literally can't have one without the other retard


Biden's speech was DISGUSTING. UGH


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>You can literally have both
Yes, this. People do better under MP even if they aren't socialist


>as if socialism was even possible without first dismantling the unilateral order
That's objectively untrue. You understand that socialist countries already exist within this unilateral order, and new ones (or at least new DotPs) have even been established since then right? The aim of multipolarity is socialism, and so if this conflict empowers socialist forces in Russia to overthrow their government, then it makes zero sense to denounce these efforts because it endangers multipolarity. That's just confusing means and ends.


Lol I bet Biden did not expect to be the President that was in charge during the official US defeat in Afghanistan and the fucking invasion of Ukraine by Russia


>This war will inevitably lead to increased tensions between both Ukrainian and Russian workers and their respective governments, and communists must seize any opportunity to escalate and direct these tensions towards revolution.

Yeah, but realistically, what's anyone going to do though?


Many seem to think otherwise.


Ukraine fart gun against Russian aircraft proved ineffective.


Anon i literally said that multipolarity is good.
Saying that A is better than B does not mean that B is inherently bad.
I know imageboard foster black and white thinking but I hope to have conveyed what i was meaning.

Also I agree on the party line to be taken and held.


Republican winning in 2024 pretty much guaranteed now


> rumors of warcrimes

Prefer not. I hope azov gets nuremberg'd on live forced to confess and expose glowies


Fucking hell ROFLMAO


>You understand that socialist countries already exist within this unilateral order,
And they're fucking neutered and gangraped by sanctions imposed by an unilateral world power.


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Found the claim
Extremely based if true


>Being anti-war is liberal
Fuck you, LARPer.


In fairness I did not mean to reply to you at that first line. That was supposed to be directed to general Anons.


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No way he saw this coming. My initial read of it is that it's incredibly bad for his election chances. But the thing is, the super hawkish blob is just out of ideas too.




Damn. Is that thing automated? Why can't it fucking lead a shot for shit? The plane looks like it's only a few hundred meters away.


So we're getting Trump 2.0 this time right?

Bros we're just at the beginning of the decade. This is gonna hit the fucking fan fast.


holy shit, imagine being the pilot


This is from fucking Arma 3


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A united world order is bad for socialism because it means that every country stands united in starving out countries like Cuba and the DPRK. China and Russia are friendly to these countries where the United States is objectively antagonistic to them. Even if they are anti-communist, they continue to materially support Socialists in order to weaken the Capitalist hegemon of the yankee settler state.


Reports that Ukrop Parliament is asking Zelensky to surrender


Sources say that Russians have took Melitopol.
It should be in Southern Ukraine but I'm waiting for some anons with a map.



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> The aim of multipolarity is socialism, and so if this conflict empowers socialist forces in Russia to overthrow their government, then it makes zero sense to denounce these efforts because it endangers multipolarity. That's just confusing means and ends.

It depends. If you look at a figure like Mao, he would have said that anti-imperialist unity against imperial aggressors was more important than immediately establishing socialism, so if a socialist revolutions risk breaking up the anti-imperialist coalition, then it should not be done at least until the imperialists are beaten back to a point where the revolution itself can stave off the imperializers.


China now has two years to prepare for war.


stars wars shit lmao
i love the 20's


Real Eurasianismen now


File: 1645731314830.jpg (64.33 KB, 360x366, LMAAAAOOOOOO.jpg)

>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
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>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'


That's an ultra take, tbh.
Looks fake.
Nvm, confirmed fake.


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It's pretty much confirmed that Xi is one of the most competent statesman in the world right now, isn't here? Not a single bad decision made.. yet.






Sabocat really fell off this year


>So we're getting Trump 2.0 this time right?
Undoubtedly. Conservatives universally hate him and nothing he can do would appease them. And the swing-ish voters who came out in droves for him because of the pandemic or the economy have only seen disappointment after disappointment. The only real question is who the next Trump will be and how much further right he'll take things.


based retard


>You can literally have both. All I'm saying is: organize for socialism, yet when your party needs to have a line to follow when it comes to geopolitics and international affairs- multipolarity must be taken into account
The problem for Russian comrades is that any efforts they take to organize for socialism also means organizing against their own government. People are right when they say that at least in the short term, a communist revolution in Russia would empower Western imperialism. However this will always be the case, a revolution in any country will empower the imperialist rivals of that country. If this was sufficient excuse to renounce revolution then no revolution would ever happen.
>And they're fucking neutered and gangraped by sanctions imposed by an unilateral world power.
Which would happen in either a unipolar or multipolar world lol. It's not as if a bunch of capitalist empires are going to be well disposed to any socialist revolution. Certainly that wasn't the case in the multipolar interwar period.
That argument might make sense if we're talking about a coalition of small, weak, poor countries that have no serious capacity to become imperialist in their own right. So if we were talking about Syria, Iran, etc. I would agree. However this doesn't apply to Russia.


He's the new Carter


Anti-Western doesn't necessarily mean pro-left. China is ok with anti communists if they can benefit from it. Also These nations want money back, their not doing it out of the kindness of their heart. Unlike the soviets, Russia has been making Cuba and Syria pay back it's debt.


I mean there were some unfortunate things, that are not necessarily in his control, like Indian relations. It would better for China to not have any relations with India. And they will face problems with SK when the conservative pro-US hawk wins in a few weeks. But I dunno, definitely didn't make nearly as many mistakes as he could have.


I’m going to get that flag printed ❤️


why not a second trump turn?


I was bamboozled.


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10 hours on ms-paint


it doesn't look like a Russian plane, Its tail looks like an a10,


It's literally because he's canadian and anglo minds are melting fast as their empire crumbles


>so if a socialist revolutions risk breaking up the anti-imperialist coalition, then it should not be done

There won't be a socialist revolution in such conditions, because socialism is the rule of proletariat, and communist party is the vanguard party of proletariat, it's political organ. It's impossible to have a communist revolution without a communist party, and proletariat cannot organize for a communist revolution without a communist party.


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>The only real question is who the next Trump will be


I'm dumb. Whats the big deal?




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>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'
>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'


Read the wiki entry about George W. Bush


How did Russian get there? Through Mariupol or from Crimea?


I mean, that's definitely a high possibility, didn't mean to imply otherwise. But there are definitely people who want to take his place and a lot can happen in two years.


My money's on rick scott or ron desantis. imagine them on a ticket together kek


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What happened to them bros? I mean Bush has seen his soul. They are soul brothers.


it was a genuine question im not american


>Relying on the moral authority and foreign affairs expertise of George Bush
I hope twitter and breadtube radlibs are happy being on the same side as this guy.


By tomorrow evening Mariupol is done.

Meanwhile this guy (pro-Ukranian) says Hostomel airport HAS NOT been secured by Ukrainian forces, just that they are advancing.



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>Bush condemns 'unjustified invasion'


When I was your age, GWB launched an illegal invasion of Iraq based on what are now widely known to be false pretenses a.k.a lies.


Yes, but China also does trade with lefties, the US does not. Yes, it is generally out of need, due to unipolar domination limiting options, also profit obviously, not because they love lefties. But Nicaragua still benefits.


Families leaving country of Ukraine soldiers. I can only repeat: nobody believes in this country.


Bush jr. talking about unjustified invasion. The man who invaded Iraq (and Afghanistan) with an entirely made up reason, leading to the deaths of over 1 million people.


What's the next happening gonna be? Place your bets.


I literally want "my" empire to crumble, because it isn't actually my empire, but the empire of the ruling class of my country. It's existence is directly antithetical to my interests and values. If the war remains a war between bourgeois states, then I would agree that a Russian victory is preferable. That doesn't mean I'm going sit here and delude myself into thinking Putin and the other gravediggers of the October Revolution have any positive intentions towards socialism, or that activities for socialist agitation in Russia should be ignored in favour of shallow opportunism and tailing of United Russia.


Xi will liberate Taiwan


To the coomer here: AnnaLynne McCord is her name


Oh shit I misread that as Biden condemns. I need to sleep man.


Low grade propganda tbh. If this was happening to my country I would send my kid away.


That's an A-10 look at the tail and the two engines



Probably Crimea, all evidence points to ukrops collapsing on that front


one happening a year is enough, you greedy goblin


the fathers should send themselves away


yeah, it's completely normal to send your family away.


Todo sea por las vistas jajajaja


It's February nearing March. We have about 9 whole months for another major happening. I think we're pretty ripe for it. More US protests? Pick your bets pick your bets!



>holy shit, imagine being the pilot
that pilot was laughing, because that's an anti missile phalanx, meant to shoot down large and slow ballistic missiles like scuds, it can't hit anything unless it's flying directly at it.


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Lol what the fuck


and yet somehow an overwhelming majority of the public went along with it in the same way they went along with mask/vaccine mandates and peaceful rioting in poor communities, resulting in govt expansion of power under the pretense of muh safety


World communism isn't possible until NATO is destroyed. Keep crying, lib.


Kek, someone post a link to the tweet lmao


>China and Russia are friendly to these countries where the United States is objectively antagonistic to them.
And if Russia returned to socialism it would remain friendly to them, and would actually do so for reasons of ideological and class solidarity rather than geopolitical opportunism.


Ukrainians should surrender asap.


nothingburger confirmed. you have all been had


Also the pilot is probably the one who placed the phalanx there because it's a video game.


unblock me from twitter


Stop responding to unproductive, unconstructive posts like that. It'll just muddle the discussion here. SaboCat at least explains themselves instead of strawmanning.


>So if we were talking about Syria, Iran, etc. I would agree. However this doesn't apply to Russia.

Russia has about the GDP of California or some shit. If the Communist Party staged a general uprising, they'd get rolled over by the US immediately. In that respect I think it makes sense to put the national-democratic project first.


>twitter transhumanist cheering on NATO because muh Putin bad
you love to see it


world communism isn't possible because reality. NATO proves going around shooting people into agreeing with you is ineffective


they should
but they need more sympathy dollars from twitter activists first


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> Ukrainian Gas Pipeline Key to European Economies Running Smoothly, Says Operator




Is there proof that Ukraine has been genociding Russians in Donbas?? Or is it just fake news to justify invading Ukraine




Probs fake news. Maybe there have been shellings, maybe. But that's all I'll give them for.


putin's uyghurs


I dont know if it was a genocide but it was definitly ehtnic surpressing




this would happen in any country where the people are not too impoverished to move


probably fake news I doesn't really matter though


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Holy shit. What if Putin and Zelensky are working together and this was all a scam to get NATO equipment?


Thank you, gonna coom hard to her


I'll put it this way, if what was happening was happening to a Chinese minority it would be considered double genocide x10


Everything is genocide now lol, but yeah, ukrops were blowing up little girls in Donbass pretty much every day for 8 years. They're definitely not innocent


based tbh


U mean beside banning the Russian language and daily bombings and murders?


File: 1645732156314.jpg (105.52 KB, 873x990, 1645697434516.jpg)

Yes. I stopped a genocide, how could you tell?


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I hear Nestor Makhno singing
Omae wa mou shingeiru




The closest to it, other than the shelling of the hotzones, is the fact that they cut the water canal from which crimea got it's water supply.


>only 700 posts left until the get
Dis gun b gud


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I mean, its been 8 years, and ukrainian have refused to federalize and kept bombing the republics (against minsk agreement), causing 80% of civilian casualties in the area
is that a genocide ? no. It not exactly nothing either


>Russia has about the GDP of California or some shit
It still dwarfs its neighbours, especially when you consider its military power.
>If the Communist Party staged a general uprising, they'd get rolled over by the US immediately
I seriously doubt that the US would actually invade Russia, at most they would sponsor some anti-communist local forces. Besides, a pretty big task for communists is to build up their forces and worker organization to help ensure that they are actually capable of winning a revolution. Russian communists should absolutely be doing this, and part of that is going to involve channeling people's anger and suffering from the war into revolutionary sentiments.


There are decades where decades happen, and weeks where weeks happen.


ask this question again in 5 threads and the answer will be an unequivocal yes


I'm a very moral person. Here's a selfie of me praying & crying for Ukraine. Please pay for me e-whoring.


What do you mean?


So what's the casualty report right now?


>because it's a video game.
oh that would make sense


>It still dwarfs its neighbours, especially when you consider its military power.

Its neighbours has some very powerful NATO friends, tho. Make no mistakes, Russia like Cuba or DPRK is a nation under siege. It is the largest and most powerful nation under siege, but should a civil war break out, the vultures would come amassing immediately. Under such conditions it's better to focus on a united people's front against imperialism.


Too early to tell. If I have to guess: Ukraine losses in the thousands with the majority being soldiers, Russian losses probably around 50-100.


What's JVPITER's next move?


becoming the leader of the EV


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>praying for Ukraine while wearing a dog collar
Thank you doggy, your crocodile tears really helped me in my time of need. Good girl.


>causing 80% of civilian casualties in the area
I'm not doubting this, but do you have a source so I can present it to annoying libs?


Honestly I almost respect how shameless she is



Liberal whores like Voosh and her pretending they're super moral by backing the heckin NATO proxy


Russia has more or less been under siege continuously for 105 years.


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the threads are not yet enough of a pro-putin echochamber for everyone to say yes, but it is an inevitability


Bad map. Russia rolls through cities without stopping in them due to no resistance. They stutter for a while to check documents of people moving around those cities, but otherwise they keep on rolling forward. Those arrows are waaaaaay bigger in reality.


>implying it's not a grift to milk liberal coomers
uncritical support for Comrade Delphine


totally normal thing for a normal country that is totally advancing everywhere


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>tfw no dog-girl gf


Ah you were just making shit up in your head and then getting mad at it, classic move.


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Denazify my ass you fucking restarted tools


What's even the point of capturing Chernobyl


you can't bomb it cause it'd release fallout, so Russia can use it as a massive staging ground


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Airport outside Kiev has been captured.


>tfw chinese catgirl gf who regularly sends me anti-usa meme and has big boobas
Feels good although i secretly feel i dont deserve her


>too pussy to say retarded


literally everyone here is, cope


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>The Organization of American States issued a statement condemning the attack as "unquestionably [an attack] on the peace and security of mankind, as well as on civilised relations between states".


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Stalin wouldn't have missed.


probably so Ukraine doesn't sabotage it


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This is at least a position I can respect.

Humility is a virtue. Those who have not investigated yet will listen and not speak out of turn.


>croatia and ukraine that low
really makes you think


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It's not the 1930s anymore. Jews are unironically the biggest Nazis today.


socdems gonna socdem




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>you can't be a nazi if you are not antisemitic


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bruh im going full schizo but i think a part of ukrainian army has been bribed to not fight or even join russian forces



Thanks mommy.


>you can't bomb it cause it'd release fallout
Is that, like, a dare or something?


>wanting to know what some coke sniffing podcast hoes in brooklyn think about anything

neck yourself


Statements from Russian Defense Ministry

>The Russian Defence Ministry has described the results of the Russian Armed Forces' strikes on the ground facilities of Ukraine's military infrastructure. This was reported by Igor Konashenkov, official spokesman of the Russian Defense Ministry.

>"As a result of the strikes of the Russian Armed Forces, 74 ground facilities of Ukraine's military infrastructure were put out of action. Including 11 airfields of the air force, three command posts, a Ukrainian naval base, as well as 18 radar stations of S-300 and Buk-M1 air defense missile systems," Konashenkov said.
>It is also reported that a Ukrainian combat helicopter and four Bayraktar TB-2 drones were shot down.
>According to Konashenkov, the LNR and DNR groups continue to counterattack AFU units. They are receiving fire support from the Russian Armed Forces. Currently, in the area of hostilities, resistance from Ukraine is mostly provided by armed nationalist units.
>According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukrainian servicemen are trying to avoid military clashes and are negotiating corridors to leave the operation area unarmed.
>Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu issued special orders for all unit commanders to treat Ukrainian servicemen with respect.
>"Given that AFU servicemen, unlike the nationalists, swore an oath to the Ukrainian people and obeyed orders, treat them with respect. To work out the creation of safe corridors for the safe exit of the laid-down Ukrainian servicemen from the areas of the operation to their families," the order reads.
>Igor Konashenkov said that the DNR group advancing on Volnovakha had advanced up to seven kilometers. Fourteen Ukrainian servicemen surrendered. When they sign a renunciation of armed resistance, they will be released to their families.
>The LNR group is also advancing - it has advanced another kilometer near the settlement of Stepovoye, despite fierce resistance from Ukrainian nationalist battalions.
>The Russian Air Force crashed an Su-25 attack aircraft. The cause was an error in piloting technique. The pilot ejected and is in his military unit.



if even UkraineMap is saying they haven't captured it, it's over for the hohols


>nazi is when you have negative stereotypes of Jews and not when you form Nazi Battalions





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azov division is literally funded by israel lmao


My phone autocorrected me cuz he is a pc retard. Not as much of a retard like you fucking aids infested parasite


>Jews are unironically the biggest Nazis today.
maybe I shouldnt have opened /leftypol/ today.


Hello good morning sir please do the needful


That’s an incredibly small number, all things considered


modern day nazis love israel, so you should ask if they like anti-israel jews too.


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VDV gonna capture Zelensky soon, extract an unconditional surrender, and end the civilian casualties, I hope.
Only frothing-at-the-mouth imperialist death fetishists would hope anything to the contrary.


Even worse
>You can't be anti semitic yet technically allow jews to be fellow citizens


>what is Palestine
Post tits and suck my dick


shoe is queen


Says a lot if people here follow fash like that.
Russian nationalists are the biggest scumbags around.


Holy malding ESL


Speak of the devil


>57 Ukrainians killed, another 169 were injured in the Russian invasion of Ukraine - according to the Ministry of Health
And this is from Ukraine imagine the ones that haven't been discovered/dissapeared in action.
Also them manipulating the numbers up.


Considering the 14k who have died since the Donbas war began, this is an excellent result so far


it was from un reports on ceasefire violations since 2014 someone posted in a previous thread


>Its neighbours has some very powerful NATO friends, tho
Sure, they are sattelites and soft-colonies of the Washington-Brussels Axis, and Moscow wants to turn them into its satellites and soft-colonies. Imperialists are always seeking to re-divide the world among themselves.
>Make no mistakes, Russia like Cuba or DPRK is a nation under siege.
But unlike Cuba or the DPRK it isnt a proletarian state. Moreover, being under siege and having legitimate concerns for self-defense doesn't preclude it from having its own imperialist ambitions. Japan also thought of itself as a nation under siege at one point, and was in a comparable situation vis a vis being surrounded by colonies of hostile, aggressive powers. A few days ago I would be inclined to side more firmly with Russia, but now that war has broken out I can't endorse warmongering by any bourgeois government. I certainly can't demand that Russian communists subordinate themselves to the interests of these same bourgeois warmongers.



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That's not a credible number, can be dismissed out of hand.


>Jews = Israel
U wot uyghur?


You Putins cock swallowing mongrels are so fucking fixated on the Russian "Ukrainians are le Nazis" narratives. Get a fucking brain holy shit


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Zionism is anti-Semitic


based theory anon, but the people that are saying that Russia is imperialist don't care about Marxist definitions, they are just treating "imperialism" as an insult to be hurled at the other side in a battle of words.


You know what? I'm done with this site.


pls stay


I didn't even say that, why do people keep mentioning me in these threads


But Israel=Jews.


It seems to me that the only place the ukrops are putting up a fight is Kiev and Kharkov, once Kharkov falls, it's as good as over


see that*


The majority of Jews support israel.
>but not all Jews!
Have some sense of humor retard. Jews are the only fucking minority you can't even joke on this board about anymore. I fucking hate those greedy like kikes.


Agreed. I want her to beat me up and choke me.


See you tomorrow


Imperialism to Leninist and rest of the world are two different things. You are literally fighitng over definitions.


I hope you fuck off forever. Not even joking.


Imperialism is power+privilege. It is impossible to imperialize a NATO-occupied country.


I keep posting it and nobody wants to respond


Do I need to make a Venn diagram, faggot?


because of a handful of retards? there are a gorillion more of these guys everywhere in any online leftist space


>I didn't even say that, why do people keep mentioning me in these threads
You already know the score. You're the official current Alunya. We lost Bee recently so you're now all the XX we got around.


Good ridance


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>You know what? I'm done with this site.


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>The majority of Jews support israel.


>Do I need to make a Venn diagram, faggot?


Imperialism is when country A does mean things to country B


literally true


>unironic radlib definitions


>But unlike Cuba or the DPRK it isnt a proletarian state.
I agree, but ROC too was a national-bourgeois state, yet when faced with siege from Japanese forces, Mao prioritized national unity against imperialism to deny the imperialists the chance to divide and conquer.
So I agree that Russian communists should agitate for peace, but I also think that they should lend Putin critical support against foreign imperialists and any uprising they choose to do mustn't endanger multipolarity.


Delusional kike lover


I'll join you Lenin hat, the levels of mental disability and ideology are making me shit blood. Engaging in conversations with the people here only makes me loose hope on the left.


It's not a based theory since it works in terms of relative rather than absolute surplus extraction. It basically argues that because some countries don't extract nearly as much wealth from the rest of the world as the Western core, they shouldn't be considered imperialist at all. It's like saying that a murderer who only kills one person shouldn't be considered a murderer because there are serial killers who have killed dozens of people.


jumbo btfo


he was already hiding in poland a week ago, no way that clown is still in the country




>A few days ago I would be inclined to side more firmly with Russia, but now that war has broken out I can't endorse warmongering by any bourgeois government. I certainly can't demand that Russian communists subordinate themselves to the interests of these same bourgeois warmongers


But you know what? Let the chauvinist scum who call themselves communists go and fight in Ukraine. When they've been blown up for nationalism, the proletariat will still be there ready to overthrow capitalism.

I know we've had our disagreements but I do consider you a 100% honest communist.

Can you suggest somewhere?




Oh no not my 13th ban for being based! (thanks for counting for me jannies)




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>tfw mind broke leninhat and some other faggot into leaving the site
This game I play to WIN.


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It is indeed a win to give more peace of mind to some fellow comrades


If there is a massive anti-war movement, with many communist will this show a disconnect from party leadership in places like Russia?




based online-NKVD informant


More like PISS of mind


>Tfw delusional enough to think leftist/pol/ wouldn’t have been simping for Japan in 1936


Holy crap you’re beautiful


>I agree, but ROC too was a national-bourgeois state, yet when faced with siege from Japanese forces, Mao prioritized national unity against imperialism
Russia isn't being invaded, and even from the perspective of crushing Ukrainian Nazis and preventing Ukrainian admittance to NATO, this seems counterproductive.


Back to the cockpit for you


>average russian soldier


>Taking pride in making actual communists leave to have a site of the pack of retards that shilled a moron like Haz into significance over a year ago and is now shilling for an explicit anti-communist to own NATO


A board without Leninhat?


Go suck a liberal's dick.


Flagfag I see, flagfag I DESTROY.


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holy shit is Leninhat kil?


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Biden just said he won't kick Russia out of SWIFT like half an hour ago.


>taking sides
you fuckers are hilarious

>Let the chauvinist scum who call themselves communists go and fight in Ukraine

these people only exist in your head

some think russia is justified on the geopolitical stage, but that doesnt mean they would bleed for it
and majority think nato is responsible for the situation, but still criticize russia for going so far. Which doesnt mean "supporting" the corrupt state of ukraine either just cause its a defensive war.
in the end, the loosers are ukrainians proles first, and all proles in europe and russia second due to energy prices.
the best outcome : nato cucks out (and dont sanction gas), russia take ukraine with minimal casualties and donetsk communist take control of the country, nationalizing everything to gain popular support


Beautiful rufflable hair as usual


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For fuck's sake, anon.


>Kyle Kulinski being an idiot
nothing to see here


yeah, gotta agree


There are decades where nothing happens and weeks where decades happen.
This is a decade where centuries happen.


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srry for deleting but i almost posted it twice cuz of slow internet but here is me


This is a training exercise.


Quick and dirty translation, for any gringos interested
>Friends, good morning from Ukraine, and good evening in Mexico. Right now, we're monitoring the situation, deciding if we should stay here in Kramatorsk or go to another city. The information we're getting from various sources is that all the roads outside of Kramatorsk are closed, so we can't leave by car. Leaving by train is also dangerous because of worries about terrorist attacks on the trains. Staying here is an option, but what we've seen so far is that they are attacking primarily military objectives, like anti-air missiles, and it's possible they may start attacking this city next, as they're already attacking several cities here in Ukraine. They primarily attack cities by bombing them from the air. That's one way, they also attack using ground forces including tanks. In the face of that, the fact I'm not Ukrainian helps me, because normally, when I'm out with my sources, they tell me that there's no problem with me being around, but there's always the right things could go well or things could go bad. As for my options for escaping the country, escaping through Kiev is no longer an option, as the airspace is closed. and Kiev is under attack anyway. So, the other option is to move to another city nearby, can't tell you which one-
And then it cuts off


Don{t hang yourself with the rope that sells you the capitalist pig!
Tomorrow? later!
See: >>516324


>always the risk things could
Damn typo


It's a fucking ARMA3 video! This has been posted here before. Why do people keep falling for it?!?


Unbelievably reasonable in an age, where every normie claims to be a geopolitics expert. Critical support for Shoe! Educate her if you can before libs do.


Ultras are wreckers, they leaving is a gain.


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>Not as much of a retard like you fucking aids infested parasite
Yes, because you manage to be worse, you worthless, braindead faggot.


Which is important because libs are trying to appropriate Marxist terminology to make an emotional appeal in support of NATO expansion


its the chadjeet century


can you define imperialism for me?


CNN talking head nearly called the Ukrainian military "Afghan" lol. Same shit over and over


You look great ❤️


show data on absolute foreign surplus extraction or you are talking out of your ass.


Russia has already crossed the Dnieper and destroyed most of the Ukrainian air force. The War is won.


The unequal extraction of wealth from one country by another, typically paired with political domination of the exploited country by the exploiter.
Roberts' own article talks about how Russia and the rest of BRICs engages in FDI, which entails the extraction of surplus by definition. They justify their exclusion of Russia from being imperialist on the grounds that the total value of their FDI is much smaller than that of Western countries. It also makes its comparison in terms of a global scale, ie argues that Russia is not imperialist because it's net flow of wealth is negative. However this simply means that more wealth flows out of Russia than into it, it doesn't mean that the wealth that does flow into it isn't a product of unequal exchange and FDI between Russia and even poorer countries.


The funniest thing about today was that RT English Calrb Maupin on right after the invasion started like he was their top guest


>Educate her if you can before libs do.
She already asssociates with Agent Kochinski, it's too late.


>However this simply means that more wealth flows out of Russia than into it, it doesn't mean that the wealth that does flow into it isn't a product of unequal exchange and FDI between Russia and even poorer countries

This describes everyone….everyone is on the value chain, dude. A pareto principle clearly applies to imperialism and you see it in the g7/10 as that article outlined


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Can I get a rundown on the sanctions passed?


there's no "liberation" if the bourgeoisie are in charge


National liberation?


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so liberation for "the nation" instead of people


the only reason this guy's enthusiastically behind russia is to get back at the liberal stacies that hurt him


this quote is so silly to me. a nation is composed of its people and the land they inhabit. he just needs to look out a window or something and stop being dramatic


nope, it's composed of a bourgeoisie that wants to protect its interests in the world market


Okay western nations, you use your prayers and thirst traps and the rest of the world will win by engaging with reality

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