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File: 1645686091330-0.webm (2.88 MB, 1132x662, VAUSH CHEERING.webm)

File: 1645686091330-1.webm (5.64 MB, 1174x654, vaush4fun.webm)

 No.516951[View All]

Agent Kochinski edition

>Russia has taken out Ukraine’s air defenses and airforce with a series of precision attacks, the country’s Defense Ministry has said in a statement, after airports and runways across the country were rocked by explosions.

>Officials also claimed on Thursday morning that Ukrainian border guards are not resisting advancing Russian troops, who have moved in after President Vladimir Putin signed an order to begin a "special operation" in the Donbass.
624 posts and 110 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it was on uamap before it went down, which was over an hour ago


Jesus, before trusting in random journous investigate in TGZ:

>Bellingcat’s financial backers include the National Endowment for Democracy, a U.S. government organization founded by Ronald Reagan’s CIA chief, Bill Casey. (“A lot of what we do today was done covertly twenty-five years ago by the CIA,” the NED’s first director, Allen Weinstein, told the Washington Post in 1991). It is unclear how much money Bellingcat has received from the NED, as both organizations refuse to disclose it. Bellingcat takes in an even far greater sum from other Western governments and cut outs, including the Dutch Postcode Lottery. Bellingcat describes itself as a partner in the Open Information Partnership (OIP), a program of the UK government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, FCO. It is unclear what this partnership entails, and whether it involves funding.



>pls go stand in the street and die for me pls
> what? i should go out and do that myself? No, I’m much too busy and important.


>At best we a have a year time
This is a wakeup call to all fizzlers! I was one too until yesterday, but I was always prepared just in case.
Now is your last chance! Get Medical supplies, iodine pills, a gas mask with P3 particle filters, non-perishable foods, lots of water, water filters, shit to burn for cooking, a means to make your own electricity, activated charcoal, lots of cash before the banks close. Those are the basic things for bugging in.


Seriously, what is Russia's gameplan? Where do they see the net gain in this?


>Thread gets significantly more pro-russia during russian daytime/american nighttime


File: 1645695633875.png (117.14 KB, 998x600, ClipboardImage.png)

They want the RUSSIAN civies to protest



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libs are asleep


uigghur brain


Wait so. Russia is going to Annex Ukraine?



>NATOuyghurs have jobs and need to get their sleep to go wageslave
>they will be back to shitting threads up after boss lets them go


Ahh, he's on the "bloggers and influencers" shit still.


we already know that there are no leftists in america


It’s like that pointing spidermen image, but all the spidermen are Hitler


Yes. But some pretend to be, still.


Political reasons it gives putin more legitimacy since look at me I defeated shitty ukraine and much during Eurasia shit

Economic reasons russia can always depend on china, and that once us kicks russia out of the I think it's called swiff system, massive de dolerization will accelerate and thus fuck over the us in the long term

Which gets rid of russias main enemy


>Thinks nuke powers only deploy "modern nukes", when the Burgers used floppy disks in their system till very recently.
Delusionally optimistic


>The glow zone
Not reading that


So does anybody actually know what's happening on the ground? Is Kiev airport in Russian hands? If so, why aren't the Ukrainian military fighting to take it back, or why aren't they trying to rush Zelensky? They can't all just be sitting around.


Dawn photo auto correct what I meant to say is beating ukraine is going to strengthen putins strongman image back home and also legitimize more of dugins
Russian propaganda

Also there's there's fact that it creates a big buffer state in ukraine that russia can use to defend against nato


Organized resistance collapsed immediately
No planes used, just missiles and artillery


<actually, here, you have them
First, you need to prove they 'glow', second, most of the sources there are even bellingcat's own sources of funding or third-party references.
cope moar, mr. fed.


>Political reasons it gives putin more legitimacy since look at me I defeated shitty ukraine and much during Eurasia shit
Also to rid fascists off the former Soviet Union


Remember them almost praying for Hong Kong police to commit a massacre? And they had to settle for a literal rat being incapacitated by gas.


That too


That actually explains a lot. I thought it was schizophrenia what led you to your beliefs, but it turns out you're just a retard.



I wonder where lenin hat is :p


Wonder what the endgame is. Is anyone well-versed on the Russo-Georgian war? At first glance the situations seem quite similar. Invade pro-western regime to forego NATO membership, de facto occupy autonomous regions (Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine, South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia) indefinitely.

Still, to me invading the whole of Ukraine seems quite reckless if all Russia wants to do is send out a warning. As I said, I'm not an expert as I was wrong about Russia recognizing LPR and DPR in the first place (I didn't even think they'd officially do that), but my gut feeling tells me they're really biting off more than they can chew here. Not trying to glow, feel free to weigh in and tell me how wrong I am.


Could be Ukrainian Army, they mostly have the same Soviet vehicles, tanks and IFVs Russia has


You told me not to trust random journos, you think I will read some bloggers? LoL get a grip but ok this org is funded by the Ned which makes them spooky. They do investigative journalist that doesn't systematically go the way of US foreign policy however and dug up some real stuff on Azov and shit


I hope to see another schizo rant. king schizo's already in the leftyboru, but surely his will be weirder.


Most likely ukrainian tanks, yes. Woman in the video says it's Russian tanks, though. By the looks of Ukrainian troops running away and over cars in other video, I think she is wrong here


File: 1645696719960.mp4 (2.05 MB, 640x352, 16456965308970.mp4)

Near Crimea, Ukrainian army lost vehicles



Folx! Check out my Peertube account here: https://peertube.biz/c/tigaratusdua_ditemukan


>They do investigative journalist that doesn't systematically go the way of US foreign policy however
>the bbc also makes investigative journalism
>der spiegel also makes investigative journalism
No, they never attack the core of the issues, they don't point out who is who behind curtains, and most important, their criticism is trivial.
You want real journalism? find the ties, find the knots, find the funding, find the intentions. Bellingcat will never tell you the azov battalion was there to provoke Russia.


>In its court filing, the FBI described the Azov Battalion as a “violent far-right paramilitary group.” Yet it failed to disclose that this fascist militia has been armed and advised by American military officials in order to turn up the heat on Russia.


Be uploading videos related to the Ukrainian wars as well as videos form the WEBMs thread! See you there!


File: 1645697044019.mp4 (5.76 MB, 432x244, 16456963471030.mp4)

Crimean group of Russian troops pushed through AROUND 100 KM INTO UKRAINIAN TERRITORY ALREADY.

Hear what the video maker says
>it's our tanks rolling
>wait it's the wrong direction
>are they retreating?
>what's that Z



So these are Russian, right?


Yes. Z markings on vehicles


Í think this is the next thread i'm not sure





wait so the war is over? ukraine surrendered?


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doesnt look like it


File: 1645715503510.jpg (30.87 KB, 367x367, cri.jpg)

>what's that Z

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